diff options
author | Context Git Mirror Bot <phg42.2a@gmail.com> | 2016-02-15 11:15:07 +0100 |
committer | Context Git Mirror Bot <phg42.2a@gmail.com> | 2016-02-15 11:15:07 +0100 |
commit | a036ac2dd19b592316e1b479360e9e6c6700e935 (patch) | |
tree | 321156a4e2af995a7f401e1b773fd8813e3928da | |
parent | d73f5987ca04dbdf0a134236c3314dadd7a73565 (diff) | |
download | context-a036ac2dd19b592316e1b479360e9e6c6700e935.tar.gz |
2016-02-15 10:29:00
61 files changed, 1315 insertions, 429 deletions
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nohyphens dohyphens \ Ucheckedstartdisplaymath Ucheckedstopdisplaymath break nobreak allowbreak \ goodbreak nospace nospacing dospacing naturalhbox \ -naturalvbox naturalhpack naturalvpack +naturalvbox naturalhpack naturalvpack frule diff --git a/context/data/scite/context/scite-context-data-tex.properties b/context/data/scite/context/scite-context-data-tex.properties index ab2e85d8f..f7893084e 100644 --- a/context/data/scite/context/scite-context-data-tex.properties +++ b/context/data/scite/context/scite-context-data-tex.properties @@ -52,26 +52,26 @@ Uunderdelimiter Uvextensible adjustspacing alignmark aligntab \ attribute attributedef bodydir boxdir catcodetable \ clearmarks copyfont crampeddisplaystyle crampedscriptscriptstyle crampedscriptstyle \ crampedtextstyle draftmode dviextension dvifeedback dvivariable \ -efcode hjcode fontid formatname gleaders \ -hyphenationmin ifabsdim ifabsnum ifprimitive ignoreligaturesinfont \ -initcatcodetable insertht lastsavedboxresourceindex lastsavedimageresourceindex lastsavedimageresourcepages \ -lastxpos lastypos latelua leftghost leftmarginkern \ -letcharcode letterspacefont localbrokenpenalty localinterlinepenalty localleftbox \ -localrightbox lpcode luaescapestring luatexbanner luatexrevision \ -luatexversion luafunction mathdir mathdisplayskipmode matheqnogapstep \ -mathoption mathscriptsmode mathstyle mathsurroundskip nokerns \ -nohrule noligs nospaces novrule normaldeviate \ -outputbox outputmode pagedir pageheight pagebottomoffset \ -pageleftoffset pagerightoffset pagetopoffset pagewidth pardir \ -pdfextension pdffeedback pdfvariable postexhyphenchar posthyphenchar \ -preexhyphenchar prehyphenchar primitive protrudechars pxdimen \ -randomseed rightghost rightmarginkern rpcode saveboxresource \ -savecatcodetable saveimageresource savepos scantextokens setfontid \ -setrandomseed suppressfontnotfounderror suppressifcsnameerror suppresslongerror suppressoutererror \ -suppressmathparerror synctex tagcode textdir tracingfonts \ -uniformdeviate useboxresource useimageresource vpack hpack \ -tpack csstring begincsname lastnamedcs toksapp \ -tokspre etoksapp etokspre +efcode hjcode firstvalidlanguage fontid formatname \ +gleaders hyphenationmin ifabsdim ifabsnum ifprimitive \ +ignoreligaturesinfont initcatcodetable insertht lastsavedboxresourceindex lastsavedimageresourceindex \ +lastsavedimageresourcepages lastxpos lastypos latelua leftghost \ +leftmarginkern letcharcode letterspacefont localbrokenpenalty localinterlinepenalty \ +localleftbox localrightbox lpcode luaescapestring luatexbanner \ +luatexrevision luatexversion luafunction mathdir mathdisplayskipmode \ +matheqnogapstep mathoption mathscriptsmode mathstyle mathsurroundskip \ +nokerns nohrule noligs nospaces novrule \ +normaldeviate outputbox outputmode pagedir pageheight \ +pagebottomoffset pageleftoffset pagerightoffset pagetopoffset pagewidth \ +pardir pdfextension pdffeedback pdfvariable postexhyphenchar \ +posthyphenchar preexhyphenchar prehyphenchar primitive protrudechars \ +pxdimen randomseed rightghost rightmarginkern rpcode \ +saveboxresource savecatcodetable saveimageresource savepos scantextokens \ +setfontid setrandomseed suppressfontnotfounderror suppressifcsnameerror suppresslongerror \ +suppressoutererror suppressmathparerror synctex tagcode textdir \ +tracingfonts uniformdeviate useboxresource useimageresource vpack \ +hpack tpack csstring begincsname lastnamedcs \ +toksapp tokspre etoksapp etokspre keywordclass.tex.omega=\ OmegaVersion bodydir chardp charht \ @@ -164,103 +164,103 @@ everymath everypar everyvbox exhyphenchar exhyphenpenalty \ expandafter expanded expandglyphsinfont fam fi \ finalhyphendemerits firstmark firstmarks floatingpenalty font \ fontchardp fontcharht fontcharic fontcharwd fontdimen \ -fontid fontname formatname futurelet gdef \ -gleaders global globaldefs glueexpr glueshrink \ -glueshrinkorder gluestretch gluestretchorder gluetomu halign \ -hangafter hangindent hbadness hbox hfil \ -hfill hfilneg hfuzz hoffset holdinginserts \ -hrule hsize hskip hss ht \ -hyphenation hyphenchar hyphenpenalty if ifabsdim \ -ifabsnum ifcase ifcat ifcsname ifdefined \ -ifdim ifeof iffalse iffontchar ifhbox \ -ifhmode ifincsname ifinner ifmmode ifnum \ -ifodd ifpdfabsdim ifpdfabsnum ifpdfprimitive ifprimitive \ -iftrue ifvbox ifvmode ifvoid ifx \ -ignoreligaturesinfont ignorespaces immediate indent initcatcodetable \ -input inputlineno insert insertpenalties interactionmode \ -interlinepenalties interlinepenalty jobname kern language \ -lastbox lastkern lastlinefit lastnodetype lastpenalty \ -lastsavedboxresourceindex lastsavedimageresourceindex lastsavedimageresourcepages lastskip lastxpos \ -lastypos latelua lccode leaders left \ -leftghost lefthyphenmin leftmarginkern leftskip leqno \ -let letcharcode letterspacefont limits linepenalty \ -lineskip lineskiplimit localbrokenpenalty localinterlinepenalty localleftbox \ -localrightbox long looseness lower lowercase \ -lpcode luaescapestring luatexbanner luatexrevision luatexversion \ -mag mark marks mathaccent mathbin \ -mathchar mathchardef mathchoice mathclose mathcode \ -mathdir mathdisplayskipmode matheqnogapstep mathinner mathop \ -mathopen mathoption mathord mathpunct mathrel \ -mathscriptsmode mathstyle mathsurroundskip mathsurround maxdeadcycles \ -maxdepth meaning medmuskip message middle \ -mkern month moveleft moveright mskip \ -muexpr multiply muskip muskipdef mutoglue \ -newlinechar noalign noboundary noexpand noindent \ -nokerns nohrule noligs nospaces novrule \ -nolimits nolocaldirs nolocalwhatsits nonscript nonstopmode \ -normaldeviate nulldelimiterspace nullfont number numexpr \ -odelcode odelimiter omathaccent omathchar omathchardef \ -omathcode omit openin openout or \ -oradical outer output outputbox outputpenalty \ -over overfullrule overline overwithdelims pagebottomoffset \ -pagedepth pagedir pagediscards pagefilllstretch pagefillstretch \ -pagefilstretch pagegoal 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pdfliteral pdfmapfile pdfmapline \ -pdfminorversion pdfnames pdfnoligatures pdfnormaldeviate pdfobj \ -pdfobjcompresslevel pdfoutline pdfoutput pdfpageattr pdfpagebox \ -pdfpageheight pdfpageref pdfpageresources pdfpagesattr pdfpagewidth \ -pdfpkmode pdfpkresolution pdfpkfixeddpi pdfprimitive pdfprotrudechars \ -pdfpxdimen pdfrandomseed pdfrefobj pdfrefxform pdfrefximage \ -pdfreplacefont pdfrestore pdfretval pdfsave pdfsavepos \ -pdfsetmatrix pdfsetrandomseed pdfstartlink pdfstartthread pdftexbanner \ -pdftexrevision pdftexversion pdfthread pdfthreadmargin pdftracingfonts \ -pdftrailer pdfuniformdeviate pdfuniqueresname pdfvorigin pdfxform \ -pdfxformattr pdfxformname pdfxformresources pdfximage penalty \ -postdisplaypenalty postexhyphenchar posthyphenchar predisplaydirection predisplaypenalty \ -predisplaysize preexhyphenchar prehyphenchar pretolerance prevdepth \ -prevgraf primitive protected pxdimen quitvmode \ -radical raise randomseed read readline \ -relax relpenalty right rightghost righthyphenmin \ -rightmarginkern rightskip romannumeral rpcode saveboxresource \ -saveimageresource savepos savecatcodetable savinghyphcodes savingvdiscards \ -scantextokens scantokens scriptfont scriptscriptfont scriptscriptstyle \ -scriptspace scriptstyle scrollmode setbox setfontid \ -setlanguage setrandomseed sfcode shipout show \ -showbox showboxbreadth showboxdepth showgroups showifs \ -showlists showthe showtokens skewchar skip \ -skipdef spacefactor spaceskip span special \ -splitbotmark splitbotmarks splitdiscards splitfirstmark splitfirstmarks \ -splitmaxdepth splittopskip string suppressfontnotfounderror suppressifcsnameerror \ -suppresslongerror suppressoutererror synctex tabskip tagcode \ -textdir textfont textstyle the thickmuskip \ -thinmuskip time toks toksdef tolerance \ -topmark topmarks topskip tracingassigns tracingcommands \ -tracingfonts tracinggroups tracingifs tracinglostchars tracingmacros \ -tracingnesting tracingonline tracingoutput tracingpages 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ifpdfabsdim ifpdfabsnum ifpdfprimitive \ +ifprimitive iftrue ifvbox ifvmode ifvoid \ +ifx ignoreligaturesinfont ignorespaces immediate indent \ +initcatcodetable input inputlineno insert insertpenalties \ +interactionmode interlinepenalties interlinepenalty jobname kern \ +language lastbox lastkern lastlinefit lastnodetype \ +lastpenalty lastsavedboxresourceindex lastsavedimageresourceindex lastsavedimageresourcepages lastskip \ +lastxpos lastypos latelua lccode leaders \ +left leftghost lefthyphenmin leftmarginkern leftskip \ +leqno let letcharcode letterspacefont limits \ +linepenalty lineskip lineskiplimit localbrokenpenalty localinterlinepenalty \ +localleftbox localrightbox long looseness lower \ +lowercase lpcode luaescapestring luatexbanner luatexrevision \ +luatexversion mag mark marks mathaccent \ +mathbin mathchar mathchardef mathchoice mathclose \ +mathcode mathdir mathdisplayskipmode matheqnogapstep mathinner \ +mathop mathopen mathoption mathord mathpunct \ +mathrel mathscriptsmode mathstyle mathsurroundskip mathsurround \ +maxdeadcycles maxdepth meaning medmuskip message \ +middle mkern month moveleft moveright \ +mskip muexpr multiply muskip muskipdef \ +mutoglue newlinechar noalign noboundary noexpand \ +noindent nokerns nohrule noligs nospaces \ +novrule nolimits nolocaldirs nolocalwhatsits nonscript \ +nonstopmode normaldeviate nulldelimiterspace nullfont number \ +numexpr odelcode odelimiter omathaccent omathchar \ +omathchardef omathcode omit openin openout \ +or oradical outer output outputbox \ +outputpenalty over overfullrule overline overwithdelims \ +pagebottomoffset pagedepth pagedir pagediscards pagefilllstretch \ +pagefillstretch pagefilstretch pagegoal pageheight pageleftoffset \ +pagerightoffset pageshrink pagestretch pagetopoffset pagetotal \ +pagewidth par pardir parfillskip parindent \ +parshape parshapedimen parshapeindent parshapelength parskip \ +patterns pausing pdfadjustspacing pdfannot pdfcatalog \ +pdfcolorstack pdfcolorstackinit pdfcompresslevel pdfcopyfont pdfcreationdate \ +pdfdecimaldigits pdfdest pdfdestmargin pdfdraftmode pdfeachlineheight \ +pdfeachlinedepth pdfendlink pdfendthread pdfextension pdfvariable \ +pdffirstlineheight pdffontattr pdffontexpand pdffontname pdffontobjnum \ +pdffontsize pdfxformmargin pdfgamma pdfgentounicode pdfglyphtounicode \ +pdfhorigin pdfignoreddimen pdfimageaddfilename pdfimageapplygamma pdfimagegamma \ +pdfimagehicolor pdfimageresolution pdfincludechars pdfinclusioncopyfonts pdfinclusionerrorlevel \ +pdfignoreunknownimages pdfinfo pdfinsertht pdflastannot pdflastlinedepth \ +pdflastlink pdflastobj pdflastxform pdflastximage pdflastximagepages \ +pdflastxpos pdflastypos pdflinkmargin pdfliteral pdfmapfile \ +pdfmapline pdfminorversion pdfnames pdfnoligatures pdfnormaldeviate \ +pdfobj pdfobjcompresslevel pdfoutline pdfoutput pdfpageattr \ +pdfpagebox pdfpageheight pdfpageref pdfpageresources pdfpagesattr \ +pdfpagewidth pdfpkmode pdfpkresolution pdfpkfixeddpi pdfprimitive \ +pdfprotrudechars pdfpxdimen pdfrandomseed pdfrefobj pdfrefxform \ +pdfrefximage pdfreplacefont pdfrestore pdfretval pdfsave \ +pdfsavepos pdfsetmatrix pdfsetrandomseed pdfstartlink pdfstartthread \ +pdftexbanner pdftexrevision pdftexversion pdfthread pdfthreadmargin \ +pdftracingfonts pdftrailer pdfuniformdeviate pdfuniqueresname pdfvorigin \ +pdfxform pdfxformattr pdfxformname pdfxformresources pdfximage \ +penalty postdisplaypenalty postexhyphenchar posthyphenchar predisplaydirection \ +predisplaypenalty predisplaysize preexhyphenchar prehyphenchar pretolerance \ +prevdepth prevgraf primitive protected pxdimen \ +quitvmode radical raise randomseed read \ +readline relax relpenalty right rightghost \ +righthyphenmin rightmarginkern rightskip romannumeral rpcode \ +saveboxresource saveimageresource savepos savecatcodetable savinghyphcodes \ +savingvdiscards scantextokens scantokens scriptfont scriptscriptfont \ +scriptscriptstyle scriptspace scriptstyle scrollmode setbox \ +setfontid setlanguage setrandomseed sfcode shipout \ +show showbox showboxbreadth showboxdepth showgroups \ +showifs showlists showthe showtokens skewchar \ +skip skipdef spacefactor spaceskip span \ +special splitbotmark splitbotmarks splitdiscards splitfirstmark \ +splitfirstmarks splitmaxdepth splittopskip string suppressfontnotfounderror \ +suppressifcsnameerror suppresslongerror suppressoutererror synctex tabskip \ +tagcode textdir textfont textstyle the \ +thickmuskip thinmuskip time toks toksdef \ +tolerance topmark topmarks topskip tracingassigns \ +tracingcommands tracingfonts tracinggroups tracingifs tracinglostchars \ +tracingmacros tracingnesting tracingonline tracingoutput tracingpages \ +tracingparagraphs tracingrestores tracingscantokens tracingstats uccode \ +uchyph underline unexpanded unhbox unhcopy \ +uniformdeviate unkern unless unpenalty unskip \ +unvbox unvcopy uppercase useboxresource useimageresource \ +vadjust valign vbadness vbox vcenter \ +vfil vfill vfilneg vfuzz voffset \ +vrule vsize vskip vsplit vss \ +vtop wd widowpenalties widowpenalty write \ +xdef xleaders xspaceskip year vpack \ +hpack tpack csstring begincsname lastnamedcs \ +toksapp tokspre etoksapp etokspre keywordclass.tex.xetex=\ XeTeXversion diff --git a/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/xml-mkiv.pdf b/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/xml-mkiv.pdf Binary files differindex 20d17ad9d..7305fb7a8 100644 --- a/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/xml-mkiv.pdf +++ b/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/xml-mkiv.pdf diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-languages.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-languages.tex index 773cbdf81..bfcfbd878 100644 --- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-languages.tex +++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-languages.tex @@ -111,7 +111,9 @@ fields, and the new special fields like \quote {attr} \stopitemize Incidentally, \LUATEX\ allows 16383 separate languages, and words can be 256 -characters long. +characters long. The language is stored with each character. You can set +\type {\firstvalidlanguage} to for instance~1 and make thereby language~0 +an ignored hyphenation language. The new primitive \type {\hyphenationmin} can be used to signal the minimal length of a word. This value stored with the (current) language. diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-libraries.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-libraries.tex index be4052637..79fd0c44a 100644 --- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-libraries.tex +++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luatex/luatex-libraries.tex @@ -5459,6 +5459,15 @@ unknown): local w, h, d = tex.getboxresourcedimensions(n) \stoptyping +You can split a box: + +\starttyping +local vlist = tex.splitbox(n,height) +\stoptyping + +The remainder is kept in the original box and a packaged vlist is returned. This +operation is comparable to the \type {\vsplit} operation. + \subsection{Math parameters} It is possible to set and query the internal math parameters using: @@ -6479,6 +6488,22 @@ The results are like: \def\csname{} \stoptyping +There is a (for now) experimental putter: + +\starttyping +local t1 = token.get_next() +local t2 = token.get_next() +local t3 = token.get_next() +local t4 = token.get_next() +-- watch out, we flush in sequence +token.put_next { t1, t2 } +-- but this one gets pushed in front +token.put_next ( t3, t4 ) +\stoptyping + +When we scan \type {wxyz!} we get \type {yzwx!} back. The argument is either a table +with tokens or a list of tokens. + \stopchapter \stopcomponent diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/xml/xml-mkiv.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/xml/xml-mkiv.tex index a2b981f64..42ec7df9a 100644 --- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/xml/xml-mkiv.tex +++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/xml/xml-mkiv.tex @@ -1048,6 +1048,20 @@ You can restrict flushing by using commands that accept a specification. {cd:node} \stopxmlcmd +\startxmlcmd {\cmdbasicsetup{xmlpure}} + returns the text of the matching \cmdinternal {cd:lpath} under \cmdinternal + {cd:node} without \type {\Ux} escaped special \TEX\ characters +\stopxmlcmd + +\startxmlcmd {\cmdbasicsetup{xmlflushtext}} + returns the text of the \cmdinternal {cd:node} +\stopxmlcmd + +\startxmlcmd {\cmdbasicsetup{xmlflushpure}} + returns the text of the \cmdinternal {cd:node} without \type {\Ux} escaped + special \TEX\ characters +\stopxmlcmd + \startxmlcmd {\cmdbasicsetup{xmlnonspace}} returns the text of the matching \cmdinternal {cd:lpath} under \cmdinternal {cd:node} without embedded spaces diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua index 9ecd30560..f40b79e74 100644 --- a/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua +++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua @@ -9985,7 +9985,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit package.loaded["lxml-tab"] = package.loaded["lxml-tab"] or true --- original size: 55622, stripped down to: 34927 +-- original size: 56627, stripped down to: 35669 if not modules then modules={} end modules ['lxml-tab']={ version=1.001, @@ -10587,7 +10587,40 @@ do local reparsedentity=P("U+")*(p_rest/fromuni)+P("#")*( P("x")*(p_rest/fromhex)+p_rest/fromdec ) - xml.reparsedentitylpeg=reparsedentity + local hash=table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k) + local v=utfchar(k) + t[k]=v + return v + end) + local function fromuni(s) + local n=tonumber(s,16) + if n then + return hash[n] + else + return formatters["u:%s"](s),true + end + end + local function fromhex(s) + local n=tonumber(s,16) + if n then + return hash[n] + else + return formatters["h:%s"](s),true + end + end + local function fromdec(s) + local n=tonumber(s) + if n then + return hash[n] + else + return formatters["d:%s"](s),true + end + end + local unescapedentity=P("U+")*(p_rest/fromuni)+P("#")*( + P("x")*(p_rest/fromhex)+p_rest/fromdec + ) + xml.reparsedentitylpeg=reparsedentity + xml.unescapedentitylpeg=unescapedentity end local escaped=xml.escaped local unescaped=xml.unescaped @@ -18681,8 +18714,8 @@ end -- of closure -- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-package.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-gzip.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-str.lua util-tab.lua util-fil.lua util-sac.lua util-sto.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-inf.lua trac-pro.lua util-lua.lua util-deb.lua util-mrg.lua util-tpl.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua trac-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua util-lib.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua -- skipped libraries : - --- original bytes : 794469 --- stripped bytes : 288135 +-- original bytes : 795474 +-- stripped bytes : 288398 -- end library merge diff --git a/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua b/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua index 9ecd30560..f40b79e74 100644 --- a/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua +++ b/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua @@ -9985,7 +9985,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit package.loaded["lxml-tab"] = package.loaded["lxml-tab"] or true --- original size: 55622, stripped down to: 34927 +-- original size: 56627, stripped down to: 35669 if not modules then modules={} end modules ['lxml-tab']={ version=1.001, @@ -10587,7 +10587,40 @@ do local reparsedentity=P("U+")*(p_rest/fromuni)+P("#")*( P("x")*(p_rest/fromhex)+p_rest/fromdec ) - xml.reparsedentitylpeg=reparsedentity + local hash=table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k) + local v=utfchar(k) + t[k]=v + return v + end) + local function fromuni(s) + local n=tonumber(s,16) + if n then + return hash[n] + else + return formatters["u:%s"](s),true + end + end + local function fromhex(s) + local n=tonumber(s,16) + if n then + return hash[n] + else + return formatters["h:%s"](s),true + end + end + local function fromdec(s) + local n=tonumber(s) + if n then + return hash[n] + else + return formatters["d:%s"](s),true + end + end + local unescapedentity=P("U+")*(p_rest/fromuni)+P("#")*( + P("x")*(p_rest/fromhex)+p_rest/fromdec + ) + xml.reparsedentitylpeg=reparsedentity + xml.unescapedentitylpeg=unescapedentity end local escaped=xml.escaped local unescaped=xml.unescaped @@ -18681,8 +18714,8 @@ end -- of closure -- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-package.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-gzip.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-str.lua util-tab.lua util-fil.lua util-sac.lua util-sto.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-inf.lua trac-pro.lua util-lua.lua util-deb.lua util-mrg.lua util-tpl.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua trac-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua util-lib.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua -- skipped libraries : - --- original bytes : 794469 --- stripped bytes : 288135 +-- original bytes : 795474 +-- stripped bytes : 288398 -- end library merge diff --git a/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun b/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun index 9ecd30560..f40b79e74 100644 --- a/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun +++ b/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun @@ -9985,7 +9985,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit package.loaded["lxml-tab"] = package.loaded["lxml-tab"] or true --- original size: 55622, stripped down to: 34927 +-- original size: 56627, stripped down to: 35669 if not modules then modules={} end modules ['lxml-tab']={ version=1.001, @@ -10587,7 +10587,40 @@ do local reparsedentity=P("U+")*(p_rest/fromuni)+P("#")*( P("x")*(p_rest/fromhex)+p_rest/fromdec ) - xml.reparsedentitylpeg=reparsedentity + local hash=table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k) + local v=utfchar(k) + t[k]=v + return v + end) + local function fromuni(s) + local n=tonumber(s,16) + if n then + return hash[n] + else + return formatters["u:%s"](s),true + end + end + local function fromhex(s) + local n=tonumber(s,16) + if n then + return hash[n] + else + return formatters["h:%s"](s),true + end + end + local function fromdec(s) + local n=tonumber(s) + if n then + return hash[n] + else + return formatters["d:%s"](s),true + end + end + local unescapedentity=P("U+")*(p_rest/fromuni)+P("#")*( + P("x")*(p_rest/fromhex)+p_rest/fromdec + ) + xml.reparsedentitylpeg=reparsedentity + xml.unescapedentitylpeg=unescapedentity end local escaped=xml.escaped local unescaped=xml.unescaped @@ -18681,8 +18714,8 @@ end -- of closure -- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-package.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-gzip.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-str.lua util-tab.lua util-fil.lua util-sac.lua util-sto.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-inf.lua trac-pro.lua util-lua.lua util-deb.lua util-mrg.lua util-tpl.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua trac-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua util-lib.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua -- skipped libraries : - --- original bytes : 794469 --- stripped bytes : 288135 +-- original bytes : 795474 +-- stripped bytes : 288398 -- end library merge diff --git a/scripts/context/stubs/win64/mtxrun.lua b/scripts/context/stubs/win64/mtxrun.lua index 9ecd30560..f40b79e74 100644 --- a/scripts/context/stubs/win64/mtxrun.lua +++ b/scripts/context/stubs/win64/mtxrun.lua @@ -9985,7 +9985,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit package.loaded["lxml-tab"] = package.loaded["lxml-tab"] or true --- original size: 55622, stripped down to: 34927 +-- original size: 56627, stripped down to: 35669 if not modules then modules={} end modules ['lxml-tab']={ version=1.001, @@ -10587,7 +10587,40 @@ do local reparsedentity=P("U+")*(p_rest/fromuni)+P("#")*( P("x")*(p_rest/fromhex)+p_rest/fromdec ) - xml.reparsedentitylpeg=reparsedentity + local hash=table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k) + local v=utfchar(k) + t[k]=v + return v + end) + local function fromuni(s) + local n=tonumber(s,16) + if n then + return hash[n] + else + return formatters["u:%s"](s),true + end + end + local function fromhex(s) + local n=tonumber(s,16) + if n then + return hash[n] + else + return formatters["h:%s"](s),true + end + end + local function fromdec(s) + local n=tonumber(s) + if n then + return hash[n] + else + return formatters["d:%s"](s),true + end + end + local unescapedentity=P("U+")*(p_rest/fromuni)+P("#")*( + P("x")*(p_rest/fromhex)+p_rest/fromdec + ) + xml.reparsedentitylpeg=reparsedentity + xml.unescapedentitylpeg=unescapedentity end local escaped=xml.escaped local unescaped=xml.unescaped @@ -18681,8 +18714,8 @@ end -- of closure -- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-package.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-gzip.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-str.lua util-tab.lua util-fil.lua util-sac.lua util-sto.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-inf.lua trac-pro.lua util-lua.lua util-deb.lua util-mrg.lua util-tpl.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua trac-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua util-lib.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua -- skipped libraries : - --- original bytes : 794469 --- stripped bytes : 288135 +-- original bytes : 795474 +-- stripped bytes : 288398 -- end library merge diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf Binary files differindex 45f21e293..073cf0ee3 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf +++ b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/char-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/char-ini.mkiv index 28bfbc1cf..fd531f132 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/char-ini.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/char-ini.mkiv @@ -45,7 +45,10 @@ \def\utfchar #1{\clf_utfchar \numexpr#1\relax} \def\safechar#1{\clf_safechar\numexpr#1\relax} -\unexpanded\def\Ux#1{\Uchar"#1\relax} % used in xml +\unexpanded\def\Ux #1{\Uchar\numexpr"#1\relax} % used in xml + \def\eUx#1{\Uchar\numexpr"#1\relax} % used in xml + +\unexpanded\def\expandUx{\let\Ux\eUx} \def\checkedchar {\relax\ifmmode\expandafter\checkedmathchar\else\expandafter\checkedtextchar\fi} % #1#2 \def\checkedmathchar#1#2{#2} diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cldf-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cldf-ini.lua index c6cc39abc..c6e734e73 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cldf-ini.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cldf-ini.lua @@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['cldf-ini'] = { license = "see context related readme files" } --- see cldf-tod.* ! +-- also see cldf-tod.* ! +-- old code moved to cldf-old.lua -- maybe: -- @@ -704,18 +705,21 @@ end local containseol = patterns.containseol -local writer +local writer = nil +local prtwriter = nil -- if luafunctions then - writer = function (parent,command,first,...) -- already optimized before call - local t = { first, ... } + writer = function (parent,command,...) -- already optimized before call flush(currentcatcodes,command) -- todo: ctx|prt|texcatcodes local direct = false - for i=1,#t do - local ti = t[i] - local typ = type(ti) + -- local t = { ... } + -- for i=1,#t do + -- local ti = t[i] + for i=1,select("#",...) do + local ti = (select(i,...)) if direct then + local typ = type(ti) if typ == "string" or typ == "number" then flush(currentcatcodes,ti) else -- node.write @@ -726,93 +730,124 @@ local writer -- nothing elseif ti == "" then flush(currentcatcodes,"{}") - elseif typ == "string" then - -- is processelines seen ? - if processlines and lpegmatch(containseol,ti) then - flush(currentcatcodes,"{") - local flushlines = parent.__flushlines or flushlines - flushlines(ti) - flush(currentcatcodes,"}") - elseif currentcatcodes == contentcatcodes then + else + local typ = type(ti) + if typ == "string" then + -- is processlines seen ? + if processlines and lpegmatch(containseol,ti) then + flush(currentcatcodes,"{") + local flushlines = parent.__flushlines or flushlines + flushlines(ti) + flush(currentcatcodes,"}") + elseif currentcatcodes == contentcatcodes then + flush(currentcatcodes,"{",ti,"}") + else + flush(currentcatcodes,"{") + flush(contentcatcodes,ti) + flush(currentcatcodes,"}") + end + elseif typ == "number" then + -- numbers never have funny catcodes flush(currentcatcodes,"{",ti,"}") - else - flush(currentcatcodes,"{") - flush(contentcatcodes,ti) - flush(currentcatcodes,"}") - end - elseif typ == "number" then - -- numbers never have funny catcodes - flush(currentcatcodes,"{",ti,"}") - elseif typ == "table" then - local tn = #ti - if tn == 0 then - local done = false - for k, v in next, ti do - if done then - if v == "" then - flush(currentcatcodes,",",k,'=') + elseif typ == "table" then + local tn = #ti + if tn == 0 then + local done = false + for k, v in next, ti do + if done then + if v == "" then + flush(currentcatcodes,",",k,'=') + else + flush(currentcatcodes,",",k,"={",v,"}") + end else - flush(currentcatcodes,",",k,"={",v,"}") + if v == "" then + flush(currentcatcodes,"[",k,"=") + else + flush(currentcatcodes,"[",k,"={",v,"}") + end + done = true end + end + if done then + flush(currentcatcodes,"]") else - if v == "" then - flush(currentcatcodes,"[",k,"=") - else - flush(currentcatcodes,"[",k,"={",v,"}") - end - done = true + flush(currentcatcodes,"[]") end - end - if done then - flush(currentcatcodes,"]") - else - flush(currentcatcodes,"[]") - end - elseif tn == 1 then -- some 20% faster than the next loop - local tj = ti[1] - if type(tj) == "function" then - flush(currentcatcodes,"[\\cldl",storefunction(tj),"]") - -- flush(currentcatcodes,"[",storefunction(tj),"]") - else - flush(currentcatcodes,"[",tj,"]") - end - else -- is concat really faster than flushes here? probably needed anyway (print artifacts) - flush(currentcatcodes,"[") - for j=1,tn do - local tj = ti[j] + elseif tn == 1 then -- some 20% faster than the next loop + local tj = ti[1] if type(tj) == "function" then - if j == tn then - flush(currentcatcodes,"\\cldl",storefunction(tj),"]") - -- flush(currentcatcodes,"",storefunction(tj),"]") - else - flush(currentcatcodes,"\\cldl",storefunction(tj),",") - -- flush(currentcatcodes,"",storefunction(tj),",") - end + flush(currentcatcodes,"[\\cldl",storefunction(tj),"]") + -- flush(currentcatcodes,"[",storefunction(tj),"]") else - if j == tn then - flush(currentcatcodes,tj,"]") + flush(currentcatcodes,"[",tj,"]") + end + else -- is concat really faster than flushes here? probably needed anyway (print artifacts) + flush(currentcatcodes,"[") + for j=1,tn do + local tj = ti[j] + if type(tj) == "function" then + if j == tn then + flush(currentcatcodes,"\\cldl",storefunction(tj),"]") + -- flush(currentcatcodes,"",storefunction(tj),"]") + else + flush(currentcatcodes,"\\cldl",storefunction(tj),",") + -- flush(currentcatcodes,"",storefunction(tj),",") + end else - flush(currentcatcodes,tj,",") + if j == tn then + flush(currentcatcodes,tj,"]") + else + flush(currentcatcodes,tj,",") + end end end end - end - elseif typ == "function" then - flush(currentcatcodes,"{\\cldl ",storefunction(ti),"}") -- todo: ctx|prt|texcatcodes - -- flush(currentcatcodes,"{",storefunction(ti),"}") -- todo: ctx|prt|texcatcodes - elseif typ == "boolean" then - if ti then - flushdirect(currentcatcodes,"\r") + elseif typ == "function" then + flush(currentcatcodes,"{\\cldl ",storefunction(ti),"}") -- todo: ctx|prt|texcatcodes + -- flush(currentcatcodes,"{",storefunction(ti),"}") -- todo: ctx|prt|texcatcodes + elseif typ == "boolean" then + if ti then + flushdirect(currentcatcodes,"\r") + else + direct = true + end + elseif typ == "thread" then + report_context("coroutines not supported as we cannot yield across boundaries") + elseif isnode(ti) then -- slow + flush(currentcatcodes,"{\\cldl",storenode(ti),"}") + -- flush(currentcatcodes,"{",storenode(ti),"}") else - direct = true + report_context("error: %a gets a weird argument %a",command,ti) end - elseif typ == "thread" then - report_context("coroutines not supported as we cannot yield across boundaries") - elseif isnode(ti) then -- slow - flush(currentcatcodes,"{\\cldl",storenode(ti),"}") - -- flush(currentcatcodes,"{",storenode(ti),"}") + end + end + end + + -- if performance really matters we can consider a compiler but it will never + -- pay off + + prtwriter = function (command,...) -- already optimized before call + flush(prtcatcodes,command) + for i=1,select("#",...) do + local ti = (select(i,...)) + if ti == nil then + -- nothing + elseif ti == "" then + flush(prtcatcodes,"{}") else - report_context("error: %a gets a weird argument %a",command,ti) + local tp = type(ti) + if tp == "string" or tp == "number"then + flush(prtcatcodes,"{",ti,"}") + elseif tp == "function" then + flush(prtcatcodes,"{\\cldl ",storefunction(ti),"}") + -- flush(currentcatcodes,"{",storefunction(ti),"}") -- todo: ctx|prt|texcatcodes + elseif isnode(ti) then + flush(prtcatcodes,"{\\cldl",storenode(ti),"}") + -- flush(currentcatcodes,"{",storenode(ti),"}") + else + report_context("fatal error: prt %a gets a weird argument %a",command,ti) + end end end end @@ -915,8 +950,9 @@ local writer -- -- end -local generics = { } context.generics = generics -local indexer = nil +local generics = { } context.generics = generics +local indexer = nil +local prtindexer = nil -- if environment.initex then @@ -1001,26 +1037,47 @@ local indexer = nil -- only for internal usage: -function context.constructcsonly(k) -- not much faster than the next but more mem efficient - local c = "\\" .. tostring(generics[k] or k) - local v = function() - flush(prtcatcodes,c) - end - rawset(context,k,v) - return v -end +do -function context.constructcs(k) - local c = "\\" .. tostring(generics[k] or k) - local v = function(first,...) - if first == nil then + function context.constructcsonly(k) -- not much faster than the next but more mem efficient + local c = "\\" .. tostring(generics[k] or k) + local v = function() flush(prtcatcodes,c) - else - return writer(context,c,first,...) end + rawset(context,k,v) -- context namespace + return v + end + + function context.constructcs(k) + local c = "\\" .. tostring(generics[k] or k) + local v = function(first,...) + if first == nil then + flush(prtcatcodes,c) + else + return prtwriter(c,first,...) + end + end + rawset(context,k,v) -- context namespace + return v end - rawset(context,k,v) - return v + + local function prtindexer(t,k) + local c = "\\" .. tostring(generics[k] or k) + local v = function(first,...) + if first == nil then + flush(prtcatcodes,c) + else + return prtwriter(c,first,...) + end + end + rawset(t,k,v) -- protected namespace + return v + end + + context.protected = { } -- we could check for _ in the context namespace + + setmetatable(context.protected, { __index = prtindexer, __call = prtwriter } ) + end -- local splitformatters = utilities.strings.formatters.new(true) -- not faster (yet) diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cldf-scn.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cldf-scn.lua index 5f7e0c74b..755d7fed7 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cldf-scn.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cldf-scn.lua @@ -149,6 +149,8 @@ end -- it's convenient to have copies here: +interfaces.defined = tokens.defined + interfaces.setmacro = tokens.setters.macro interfaces.setcount = tokens.setters.count interfaces.setdimen = tokens.setters.dimen diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/colo-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/colo-ini.mkiv index 0e8973c72..ebe390070 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/colo-ini.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/colo-ini.mkiv @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ \writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Color Macros / Initialization} +%D Todo: move color space in color attribute (last two bits) + %D This module implements color. Since \MKII\ and \MKIV\ use a completely %D different approach, this module only implements a few generic mechanisms. diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv index fde4d04e7..5ecf859bd 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. -\newcontextversion{2016.02.08 15:35} +\newcontextversion{2016.02.15 10:26} %D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an excellent place for %D hacks, patches, extensions and new features. diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv index f9a085ebf..4b266fcde 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ %D up and the dependencies are more consistent. \edef\contextformat {\jobname} -\edef\contextversion{2016.02.08 15:35} +\edef\contextversion{2016.02.15 10:26} \edef\contextkind {beta} %D For those who want to use this: @@ -508,6 +508,7 @@ \loadmarkfile{grph-inc} \loadmarkfile{grph-fig} \loadmarkfile{grph-raw} +\loadmarkfile{grph-rul} \loadmarkfile{pack-box} \loadmarkfile{pack-bar} diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/core-con.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/core-con.lua index 58d7c9e02..ca44c53ca 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/core-con.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/core-con.lua @@ -264,11 +264,6 @@ function converters.Character (n) return chr (n,upper_offset) end function converters.characters(n) return chrs(n,lower_offset) end function converters.Characters(n) return chrs(n,upper_offset) end -converters['a'] = converters.characters -converters['A'] = converters.Characters -converters['AK'] = converters.Characters -converters['KA'] = converters.Characters - implement { name = "alphabetic", actions = { alphabetic, context }, arguments = { "integer", "string" } } implement { name = "Alphabetic", actions = { Alphabetic, context }, arguments = { "integer", "string" } } @@ -577,6 +572,11 @@ implement { -- this is a temporary solution: we need a better solution when we have -- more languages +converters['a'] = converters.characters +converters['A'] = converters.Characters +converters['AK'] = converters.Characters -- obsolete +converters['KA'] = converters.Characters -- obsolete + function converters.spanishnumerals(n) return alphabetic(n,"es") end function converters.Spanishnumerals(n) return Alphabetic(n,"es") end function converters.sloviannumerals(n) return alphabetic(n,"sl") end @@ -588,6 +588,15 @@ converters['characters:sl'] = converters.sloveniannumerals converters['Characters:es'] = converters.Spanishnumerals converters['Characters:sl'] = converters.Sloveniannumerals +-- bonus + +converters['a:es'] = converters.spanishnumerals +converters['a:sl'] = converters.sloveniannumerals +converters['A:es'] = converters.Spanishnumerals +converters['A:sl'] = converters.Sloveniannumerals + +-- end of bonus + converters.sequences = converters.sequences or { } local sequences = converters.sequences diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/core-env.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/core-env.lua index 866176171..06c9708d6 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/core-env.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/core-env.lua @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['core-env'] = { local P, C, S, Cc, lpegmatch, patterns = lpeg.P, lpeg.C, lpeg.S, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns -local newtoken = newtoken or token local context = context local texgetcount = tex.getcount @@ -23,6 +22,8 @@ local allocate = utilities.storage.allocate local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex local setmetatablecall = table.setmetatablecall +local createtoken = token.create + tex.modes = allocate { } tex.systemmodes = allocate { } tex.constants = allocate { } @@ -38,10 +39,9 @@ local systemmodes = { } -- undefined: mode == 0 or cmdname = "undefined_cs" -local create = newtoken.create local cache = table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k) - local v = create(k) + local v = createtoken(k) t[k] = v return v end) diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ctx.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ctx.lua index a99d2ed91..8b8934c92 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ctx.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ctx.lua @@ -2044,7 +2044,7 @@ do implement { name = "doifelsecurrentfonthasfeature", - actions = { currentfonthasfeature, commands.doifelse }, + actions = { constructors.currentfonthasfeature, commands.doifelse }, arguments = "string" } diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-otn.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-otn.lua index 8df01bdbf..8815f2a14 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-otn.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-otn.lua @@ -1929,6 +1929,8 @@ local function chaindisk(head,start,last,kind,chainname,ck,lookuphash,chainlooku else break end + else + break -- added end end diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ots.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ots.lua index 207d14650..5cbdbab23 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ots.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-ots.lua @@ -1542,6 +1542,8 @@ function chainprocs.gpos_pair(head,start,stop,dataset,sequence,currentlookup,rlm end done = true break + else + break end end return head, start, done @@ -1893,6 +1895,8 @@ local function chaindisk(head,start,last,dataset,sequence,chainlookup,rlmode,k,c else break end + else + break -- added end end diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-syn.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-syn.lua index 5e2d3a1ef..3bfc62d41 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-syn.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-syn.lua @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ fonts.treatments = treatments names.data = names.data or allocate { } -names.version = 1.125 +names.version = 1.130 names.basename = "names" names.saved = false names.loaded = false diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-rul.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-rul.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c0ba5f9d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-rul.lua @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['grph-rul'] = { + version = 1.001, + comment = "companion to grph-rul.mkiv", + author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", + copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", + license = "see context related readme files" +} + +local attributes = attributes +local nodes = nodes +local context = context + +local ruleactions = nodes.rules.ruleactions +local userrule = nodes.rules.userrule +local bpfactor = number.dimenfactors.bp +local pdfprint = pdf.print + +local getattribute = tex.getattribute + +local a_color = attributes.private('color') +local a_transparency = attributes.private('transparency') +local a_colorspace = attributes.private('colormodel') + +do + + local simplemetapost = metapost.simple + local cachesize = 0 + local maxcachesize = 256*1024 + local cachethreshold = 1024 + + -- local maxcachesize = 8*1024 + -- local cachethreshold = 1024/2 + + local cache = table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k) + local v = simplemetapost("rulefun",k) -- w, h, d + cachesize = cachesize + #v + if cachesize > maxcachesize then + -- print("old",cachesize) + for k, v in next, t do + local n = #v + if n > cachethreshold then + t[k] = nil + cachesize = cachesize - n + end + end + -- print("new",cachesize) + end + -- print(cachesize,maxcachesize,cachethreshold,#v) + t[k] = v + return v + end) + + local makecode = utilities.templates.replacer [[ + beginfig(1); + RuleWidth := %width% ; + RuleHeight := %height% ; + RuleDepth := %depth% ; + RuleThickness := %line% ; + RuleFactor := %factor% ; + RuleOffset := %offset% ; + def RuleColor = %color% enddef ; + %data%; + endfig ; + ]] + + ruleactions.mp = function(p,h,v,i,n) + local code = makecode { + data = p.data, + width = p.width * bpfactor, + height = p.height * bpfactor, + depth = p.depth * bpfactor, + factor = (p.factor or 0) * bpfactor, -- needs checking + offset = p.offset or 0, + line = (p.line or 65536) * bpfactor, + color = attributes.colors.mpcolor(p.ma,p.ca,p.ta), + } + local m = cache[code] + if m and m ~= "" then + pdfprint("direct",m) + end + end + +end + +do + + local f_rectangle = string.formatters["%F w %F %F %F %F re %s"] + local f_radtangle = string.formatters[ [[ + %F w %F %F m + %F %F l %F %F %F %F y + %F %F l %F %F %F %F y + %F %F l %F %F %F %F y + %F %F l %F %F %F %F y + h %s + ]] ] + + ruleactions.fill = function(p,h,v,i,n) + local l = (p.line or 65536)*bpfactor + local r = p and (p.radius or 0)*bpfactor or 0 + local w = h * bpfactor + local h = v * bpfactor + local m = nil + local t = i == "fill" and "f" or "s" + local o = l / 2 + if r > 0 then + w = w - o + h = h - o + m = f_radtangle(l, r,o, w-r,o, w,o,w,r, w,h-r, w,h,w-r,h, r,h, o,h,o,h-r, o,r, o,o,r,o, t) + else + w = w - l + h = h - l + m = f_rectangle(l,o,o,w,h,t) + end + pdfprint("direct",m) + end + + ruleactions.draw = ruleactions.fill + ruleactions.stroke = ruleactions.fill + +end + +interfaces.implement { + name = "frule", + arguments = { { + { "width", "dimension" }, + { "height", "dimension" }, + { "depth", "dimension" }, + { "radius", "dimension" }, + { "line", "dimension" }, + { "type", "string" }, + { "data", "string" }, + } } , + actions = function(t) + if t.type == "mp" then + t.ma = getattribute(a_colorspace) or 1 + t.ca = getattribute(a_color) + t.ta = getattribute(a_transparency) + end + local r = userrule(t) + context(r) + end +} + diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-rul.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-rul.mkiv new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8e293e151 --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-rul.mkiv @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +%D \module +%D [ file=grph-rul, +%D version=2016.02.05, % from experiments +%D title=\CONTEXT\ Graphic Macros, +%D subtitle=Rule Trickery, +%D author=Hans Hagen, +%D date=\currentdate, +%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] +%C +%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is +%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for +%C details. + +\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Graphic Macros / Rule Trickery} + +\registerctxluafile{grph-rul}{1.001} + +\unprotect + +\unexpanded\def\frule{\relax\clf_frule} % kind of low level + +% just for fun: + +% \defineoverlay[normalframe] +% [\frule +% width \overlaywidth +% height\overlayheight +% line \overlaylinewidth +% \relax] + +% \defineoverlay[ovalframe] +% [\frule +% width \overlaywidth +% height \overlayheight +% line \overlaylinewidth +% radius \framedparameter\c!frameradius % \p_framed_backgroundradius % \framedradius +% \relax] + +\protect \endinput diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-url.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-url.mkiv index e7d62ba01..db5b97516 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-url.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lang-url.mkiv @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ \let\|\letterbar \let~=\lettertilde \let|=\letterbar + \let\Ux\eUx \to \everyhyphenatedurl \let\hyphenatedurlseparator \empty % \periodcentered diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-ano.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-ano.lua index 94cc41412..21bc1e076 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-ano.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lpdf-ano.lua @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ local report_bookmark = logs.reporter("backend","bookmarks") local variables = interfaces.variables local v_auto = variables.auto local v_page = variables.page +local v_name = variables.name local factor = number.dimenfactors.bp @@ -368,6 +369,7 @@ local destinationactions = { -- [v_minheight] = function(r,w,h,d) return f_fitbv(r,(getvpos()+h)*factor) end, -- left coordinate, fit height of content in window [v_minheight] = function(r,w,h,d) return f_fitbv(r,gethpos()*factor) end, -- left coordinate, fit height of content in window [v_fit] = f_fit, -- fit page in window [v_tight] = f_fitb, -- fit content in window + [v_fit] = f_fit, } local mapping = { @@ -386,11 +388,9 @@ local defaultaction = destinationactions[defaultview] -- A complication is that we need to use named destinations when we have views so we -- end up with a mix. A previous versions just output multiple destinations but not --- that we noved all to here we can be more sparse. +-- that we moved all to here we can be more sparse. -local pagedestinations = { } - -table.setmetatableindex(pagedestinations,function(t,k) +local pagedestinations = table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k) local v = pdfdelayedobject(f_fit(k)) t[k] = v return v @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ end) local function flushdestination(width,height,depth,names,view) local r = pdfpagereference(texgetcount("realpageno")) - if view == defaultview or not view or view == "" then + if (references.innermethod ~= v_name) and (view == defaultview or not view or view == "") then r = pagedestinations[r] else local action = view and destinationactions[view] or defaultaction @@ -424,33 +424,92 @@ function nodeinjections.destination(width,height,depth,names,view) -- we could save some aut's by using a name when given but it doesn't pay off apart -- from making the code messy and tracing hard .. we only save some destinations -- which we already share anyway - for n=1,#names do - local name = names[n] - if usedviews[name] then - -- already done, maybe a warning - elseif type(name) == "number" then - if noview then + -- for n=1,#names do + -- local name = names[n] + -- if usedviews[name] then + -- -- already done, maybe a warning + -- elseif type(name) == "number" then + -- if noview then + -- usedviews[name] = view + -- names[n] = false + -- elseif method == v_page then + -- usedviews[name] = view + -- names[n] = false + -- else + -- local used = usedinternals[name] + -- if used and used ~= defaultview then + -- usedviews[name] = view + -- names[n] = autoprefix .. name + -- doview = true + -- else + -- -- names[n] = autoprefix .. name + -- names[n] = false + -- end + -- end + -- elseif method == v_page then + -- usedviews[name] = view + -- else + -- usedviews[name] = view + -- doview = true + -- end + -- end + + if method == v_page then + for n=1,#names do + local name = names[n] + if usedviews[name] then + -- already done, maybe a warning + elseif type(name) == "number" then + if noview then + usedviews[name] = view + names[n] = false + else + usedviews[name] = view + names[n] = false + end + else usedviews[name] = view - names[n] = false - elseif method == v_page then + end + end + elseif method == v_name then + for n=1,#names do + local name = names[n] + if usedviews[name] then + -- already done, maybe a warning + elseif type(name) == "number" then + local used = usedinternals[name] usedviews[name] = view - names[n] = false + names[n] = autoprefix .. name + doview = true else - local used = usedinternals[name] - if used and used ~= defaultview then + usedviews[name] = view + doview = true + end + end + else + for n=1,#names do + local name = names[n] + if usedviews[name] then + -- already done, maybe a warning + elseif type(name) == "number" then + if noview then usedviews[name] = view - names[n] = autoprefix .. name - doview = true - else - -- names[n] = autoprefix .. name names[n] = false + else + local used = usedinternals[name] + if used and used ~= defaultview then + usedviews[name] = view + names[n] = autoprefix .. name + doview = true + else + -- names[n] = autoprefix .. name + names[n] = false + end end + else + usedviews[name] = view + doview = true end - elseif method == v_page then - usedviews[name] = view - else - usedviews[name] = view - doview = true end end if doview then @@ -461,7 +520,8 @@ end -- we could share dictionaries ... todo local function somedestination(destination,internal,page) -- no view anyway - if references.innermethod ~= v_page then + local method = references.innermethod + if method == v_auto then if type(destination) == "number" then if not internal then internal = destination @@ -481,9 +541,21 @@ local function somedestination(destination,internal,page) -- no view anyway S = pdf_goto, D = destination, } + elseif destination then + -- hopefully this one is flushed + return pdfdictionary { + S = pdf_goto, + D = destination, + } + end + elseif method == v_name then + if not destination and internal then + flaginternals[internal] = true -- for bookmarks and so + if type(destination) ~= "string" then + destination = autoprefix .. internal + end end if destination then - -- hopefully this one is flushed return pdfdictionary { S = pdf_goto, D = destination, @@ -712,7 +784,8 @@ end) runners["inner"] = function(var,actions) local internal = false local inner = nil - if references.innermethod == v_auto then + local method = references.innermethod + if method == v_auto or method == v_name then local vi = var.i if vi then local vir = vi.references diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/luat-cnf.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/luat-cnf.lua index 0f6b8598f..3d9889c0b 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/luat-cnf.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/luat-cnf.lua @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ function texconfig.init() "string", "table", "coroutine", "debug", "file", "io", "lpeg", "math", "os", "package", "bit32", }, basictex = { -- noad - "callback", "font", "img", "lang", "lua", "node", "pdf", "status", "tex", "texconfig", "texio", "token", "newtoken" + "callback", "font", "img", "lang", "lua", "node", "pdf", "status", "tex", "texconfig", "texio", "token", }, extralua = { "gzip", "zip", "zlib", "lfs", "ltn12", "mime", "socket", "md5", "profiler", "unicode", "utf", diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-ini.lua index 982fb4622..6026b1090 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-ini.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-ini.lua @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['lxml-ini'] = { + if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['lxml-ini'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "this module is the basis for the lxml-* ones", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", @@ -104,6 +104,9 @@ implement { name = "xmlstripped", actions = lxml.stripped, arg implement { name = "xmlstrippednolines", actions = lxml.stripped, arguments = { "string", "string", true } } implement { name = "xmltag", actions = lxml.tag, arguments = "string" } implement { name = "xmltext", actions = lxml.text, arguments = { "string", "string" } } +implement { name = "xmlpure", actions = lxml.pure, arguments = { "string", "string" } } +implement { name = "xmlflushtext", actions = lxml.text, arguments = "string" } +implement { name = "xmlflushpure", actions = lxml.pure, arguments = "string" } implement { name = "xmltobuffer", actions = lxml.tobuffer, arguments = { "string", "string", "string" } } implement { name = "xmltobufferverbose", actions = lxml.tobuffer, arguments = { "string", "string", "string", true } } implement { name = "xmltofile", actions = lxml.tofile, arguments = { "string", "string", "string" } } diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-ini.mkiv index e913be620..1770d087c 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-ini.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-ini.mkiv @@ -104,12 +104,16 @@ \let\xmlstrippednolines \clf_xmlstrippednolines \let\xmltag \clf_xmltag \let\xmltext \clf_xmltext +\let\xmlpure \clf_xmlpure \let\xmltobuffer \clf_xmltobuffer % id pattern name \let\xmltobufferverbose \clf_xmltobufferverbose % id pattern name \let\xmltofile \clf_xmltofile % id pattern filename \let\xmltoparameters \clf_xmltoparameters \let\xmlverbatim \clf_xmlverbatim +\let\xmlflushtext \clf_xmlflushtext +\let\xmlflushpure \clf_xmlflushpure + \unexpanded\def\xmlinfo #1{\hbox{\ttxx[\clf_xmlname{#1}]}} \unexpanded\def\xmlshow #1{\startpacked\ttx\xmlverbatim{#1}\stoppacked} diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-tab.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-tab.lua index 23f424995..b03c7eb43 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-tab.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-tab.lua @@ -793,7 +793,48 @@ do + p_rest/fromdec ) - xml.reparsedentitylpeg = reparsedentity + local hash = table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k) + local v = utfchar(k) + t[k] = v + return v + end) + + local function fromuni(s) + local n = tonumber(s,16) + if n then + return hash[n] + else + return formatters["u:%s"](s), true + end + end + + local function fromhex(s) + local n = tonumber(s,16) + if n then + return hash[n] + else + return formatters["h:%s"](s), true + end + end + + local function fromdec(s) + local n = tonumber(s) + if n then + return hash[n] + else + return formatters["d:%s"](s), true + end + end + + local unescapedentity = + P("U+") * (p_rest/fromuni) + + P("#") * ( + P("x") * (p_rest/fromhex) + + p_rest/fromdec + ) + + xml.reparsedentitylpeg = reparsedentity -- with \Ux{...} for special tex entities + xml.unescapedentitylpeg = unescapedentity -- normal characters end diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-tex.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-tex.lua index abb807181..7a0ef3e64 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-tex.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/lxml-tex.lua @@ -91,11 +91,20 @@ lxml.entities = lxml.entities or { } storage.register("lxml/entities",lxml.entities,"lxml.entities") -local xmlentities = xml.entities -- these are more or less standard entities -local texentities = lxml.entities -- these are specific for a tex run -local parsedentity = xml.reparsedentitylpeg +local xmlentities = xml.entities -- these are more or less standard entities +local texentities = lxml.entities -- these are specific for a tex run +local reparsedentity = xml.reparsedentitylpeg -- \Ux{...} +local unescapedentity = xml.unescapedentitylpeg +local parsedentity = reparsedentity +local useelement = false -- probably no longer needed / used -local useelement = false -- probably no longer needed / used +function lxml.startunescaped() + parsedentity = unescapedentity +end + +function lxml.stopunescaped() + parsedentity = reparsedentity +end directives.register("lxml.entities.useelement",function(v) useelement = v @@ -150,10 +159,17 @@ function lxml.resolvedentity(str) -- normally this is already solved while loading the file local chr, err = lpegmatch(parsedentity,str) if chr then - if trace_entities then - report_xml("passing entity %a as %a using %a",str,chr,"ctxcatcodes") + if parsedentity == reparsedentity then + if trace_entities then + report_xml("passing entity %a as %a using %a",str,chr,"ctxcatcodes") + end + context(chr) + else + contextsprint(notcatcodes,chr) + if trace_entities then + report_xml("passing entity %a as %a using %a",str,chr,"notcatcodes") + end end - context(chr) elseif err then if trace_entities then report_xml("passing faulty entity %a as %a",str,err) @@ -293,6 +309,14 @@ function lxml.stopraw() forceraw = false end +function lxml.startraw() + forceraw = true +end + +function lxml.stopraw() + forceraw = false +end + function lxml.rawroot() return rawroot end @@ -1704,9 +1728,34 @@ function lxml.context(id,pattern) -- the content, untouched by commands end function lxml.text(id,pattern) - local collected = (pattern and xmlapplylpath(getid(id),pattern)) or getid(id) - if collected and #collected > 0 then - text(collected) + if pattern then + local collected = xmlapplylpath(getid(id),pattern) + if collected and #collected > 0 then + text(collected) + end + else + local e = getid(id) + if e then + text(e.dt) + end + end +end + +function lxml.pure(id,pattern) + if pattern then + local collected = xmlapplylpath(getid(id),pattern) + if collected and #collected > 0 then + parsedentity = unescapedentity + text(collected) + parsedentity = reparsedentity + end + else + parsedentity = unescapedentity + local e = getid(id) + if e then + text(e.dt) + end + parsedentity = reparsedentity end end diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pdf.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pdf.lua index fb76a52e3..10327c01d 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pdf.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pdf.lua @@ -428,13 +428,19 @@ function metapost.flush(result,flusher,askedfig) result[#result+1] = "q" if objects then resetplugins(result) -- we should move the colorinitializer here -local savedpath = nil -local savedhtap = nil + local savedpath = nil + local savedhtap = nil for o=1,#objects do local object = objects[o] local objecttype = object.type - if objecttype == "start_bounds" or objecttype == "stop_bounds" then - -- skip + if objecttype == "text" then + result[#result+1] = "q" + local ot = object.transform -- 3,4,5,6,1,2 + result[#result+1] = f_cm(ot[3],ot[4],ot[5],ot[6],ot[1],ot[2]) -- TH: formatters["%F %F m %F %F %F %F 0 0 cm"](unpack(ot)) + flushfigure(result) -- flush accumulated literals + result = { } + textfigure(object.font,object.dsize,object.text,object.width,object.height,object.depth) + result[#result+1] = "Q" elseif objecttype == "special" then if processspecial then processspecial(object.prescript) @@ -447,14 +453,8 @@ local savedhtap = nil elseif objecttype == "stop_clip" then result[#result+1] = "Q" miterlimit, linecap, linejoin, dashed = -1, -1, -1, "" -- was false - elseif objecttype == "text" then - result[#result+1] = "q" - local ot = object.transform -- 3,4,5,6,1,2 - result[#result+1] = f_cm(ot[3],ot[4],ot[5],ot[6],ot[1],ot[2]) -- TH: formatters["%F %F m %F %F %F %F 0 0 cm"](unpack(ot)) - flushfigure(result) -- flush accumulated literals - result = { } - textfigure(object.font,object.dsize,object.text,object.width,object.height,object.depth) - result[#result+1] = "Q" + elseif objecttype == "start_bounds" or objecttype == "stop_bounds" then + -- skip else -- we use an indirect table as we want to overload -- entries but this is not possible in userdata diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pps.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pps.lua index a14d6c409..c016e0f36 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pps.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-pps.lua @@ -741,9 +741,9 @@ function metapost.graphic_base_pass(specification) -- name will change (see mlib context(stopjob) end -function metapost.process(...) - startjob(false) - processmetapost(...) +function metapost.process(mpx, data, trialrun, flusher, multipass, isextrapass, askedfig, plugmode) -- overloads + startjob(plugmode) + processmetapost(mpx, data, trialrun, flusher, multipass, isextrapass, askedfig) stopjob() end diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-run.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-run.lua index 5ec1f9c6b..f20461bbb 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-run.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mlib-run.lua @@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ end -- goodie -function metapost.quickanddirty(mpxformat,data) +function metapost.quickanddirty(mpxformat,data,plugmode) if not data then mpxformat = "metafun" data = mpxformat @@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ function metapost.quickanddirty(mpxformat,data) end } local data = formatters["; beginfig(1) ;\n %s\n ; endfig ;"](data) - metapost.process(mpxformat, { data }, false, flusher, false, false, "all") + metapost.process(mpxformat, { data }, false, flusher, false, false, "all", plugmode) if code then return { bbox = bbox or { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, @@ -573,3 +573,38 @@ function metapost.getstatistics(memonly) return t end end + +do + + local result = { } + local width = 0 + local height = 0 + local depth = 0 + local mpx = false + + local flusher = { + startfigure = function(n,llx,lly,urx,ury) + result = { } + width = urx - llx + height = ury + depth = -lly + end, + flushfigure = function(t) + for i=1,#t do + result[#result+1] = t[i] + end + end, + stopfigure = function() + end + } + + function metapost.simple(format,code) -- even less than metapost.quickcanddirty + local mpx = metapost.format(format or "metafun","metafun") + -- metapost.setoutercolor(2) + metapost.process(mpx,code,false,flusher,false,false,1,true) -- last true is plugmode ! + local stream = concat(result," ") + result = nil -- cleanup + return stream, width, height, depth + end + +end diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-low.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-low.lua index 3ad62e2f0..124a11c4d 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-low.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-low.lua @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ return { "zerowidthspace", "zerowidthnonjoiner", "zerowidthjoiner", "zwnj", "zwj", "optionalspace", "asciispacechar", -- - "Ux", + "Ux", "eUx", }, ["helpers"] = { -- @@ -416,5 +416,7 @@ return { "nospace", "nospacing", "dospacing", -- "naturalhbox", "naturalvbox", "naturalhpack", "naturalvpack", + -- + "frule", } } diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-prm.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-prm.lua index 4c222548a..931ffb007 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-prm.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-prm.lua @@ -246,6 +246,7 @@ return { "dvivariable", "efcode", "hjcode", + "firstvalidlanguage", "fontid", "formatname", "gleaders", @@ -778,6 +779,7 @@ return { "fontcharic", "fontcharwd", "fontdimen", + "firstvalidlanguage", "fontid", "fontname", "formatname", diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-aux.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-aux.lua index 38df55eef..ebe113fc6 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-aux.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-aux.lua @@ -111,6 +111,24 @@ function nodes.takebox(id) end end +local splitbox = tex.splitbox +nodes.splitbox = splitbox + +function nuts.splitbox(id,height) + return tonut(splitbox(id,height)) +end + +-- function nodes.takelist(n) +-- -- when we need it +-- end + +function nuts.takelist(n) + local l = getlist(n) + setlist(n) + free_node(n) + return l +end + nuts.takebox = takebox tex.takebox = nodes.takebox -- sometimes more clear diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-res.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-res.lua index 91de6171d..5bc414b68 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-res.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-res.lua @@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ local noad = register_nut(new_nut("noad")) local rule = register_nut(new_nut("rule")) setfield(rule, "dir","TLT") local emptyrule = register_nut(new_nut("rule",rulecodes.empty)) setfield(rule, "dir","TLT") +local userrule = register_nut(new_nut("rule",rulecodes.user)) setfield(rule, "dir","TLT") local hlist = register_nut(new_nut("hlist")) setfield(hlist,"dir","TLT") local vlist = register_nut(new_nut("vlist")) setfield(vlist,"dir","TLT") @@ -374,6 +375,23 @@ function nutpool.emptyrule(width,height,depth,dir) -- w/h/d == nil will let them return n end +function nutpool.userrule(width,height,depth,dir) -- w/h/d == nil will let them adapt + local n = copy_nut(userrule) + if width then -- also 0 else adapt + setfield(n,"width",width) + end + if height then -- also 0 else adapt + setfield(n,"height",height) + end + if depth then -- also 0 else adapt + setfield(n,"depth",depth) + end + if dir then + setfield(n,"dir",dir) + end + return n +end + function nutpool.latelua(code) local n = copy_nut(latelua) setfield(n,"string",code) diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-rul.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-rul.lua index d341bbd53..6d6c5fd02 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-rul.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-rul.lua @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['node-rul'] = { -- -- todo: make robust for layers ... order matters + local attributes, nodes, node = attributes, nodes, node local nuts = nodes.nuts @@ -36,6 +37,9 @@ local setlist = nuts.setlist local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes local tasks = nodes.tasks +local properties = nodes.properties +local attribs = node.current_attr + local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph local disc_code = nodecodes.disc local rule_code = nodecodes.rule @@ -106,6 +110,7 @@ local dimenfactor = fonts.helpers.dimenfactor local splitdimen = number.splitdimen local v_yes = variables.yes +local v_all = variables.all local v_foreground = variables.foreground local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes @@ -125,12 +130,14 @@ local dir_code = nodecodes.dir local userskip_code = skipcodes.userskip local spaceskip_code = skipcodes.spaceskip local xspaceskip_code = skipcodes.xspaceskip +local leader_code = skipcodes.leaders local kerning_code = kerncodes.kern local nodepool = nuts.pool local new_rule = nodepool.rule +local new_userrule = nodepool.userrule local new_kern = nodepool.kern local new_glue = nodepool.glue @@ -152,11 +159,13 @@ local checkdir = true -- todo: switching inside math +-- handlers + local function processwords(attribute,data,flush,head,parent) -- we have hlistdir and local dir local n = head if n then local f, l, a, d, i, class - local continue, done, strip, level = false, false, true, -1 + local continue, leaders, done, strip, level = false, false, false, true, -1 while n do local id = getid(n) if id == glyph_code or id == rule_code then @@ -181,7 +190,9 @@ local function processwords(attribute,data,flush,head,parent) -- we have hlistdi f, l, a = n, n, aa level, class = newlevel, newclass d = data[class] - continue = d.continue == v_yes + local c = d.continue + leaders = c == v_all + continue = leaders or c == v_yes end else if f then @@ -219,7 +230,7 @@ local function processwords(attribute,data,flush,head,parent) -- we have hlistdi elseif id == glue_code then -- catch \underbar{a} \underbar{a} (subtype test is needed) local subtype = getsubtype(n) - if getattr(n,attribute) and (subtype == userskip_code or subtype == spaceskip_code or subtype == xspaceskip_code) then + if getattr(n,attribute) and (subtype == userskip_code or subtype == spaceskip_code or subtype == xspaceskip_code or (leaders and subtype >= leader_code)) then l = n else head, done = flush(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip), true @@ -255,14 +266,40 @@ end -- -nodes.rules = nodes.rules or { } -nodes.rules.data = nodes.rules.data or { } +local rules = nodes.rules or { } +nodes.rules = rules +rules.data = rules.data or { } -storage.register("nodes/rules/data", nodes.rules.data, "nodes.rules.data") +storage.register("nodes/rules/data", rules.data, "nodes.rules.data") -local data = nodes.rules.data +local data = rules.data + +-- we implement user rules here as it takes less code this way + +local function userrule(t) + local r = new_userrule(t.width or 0,t.height or 0,t.depth or 0) + setfield(r,"attr",attribs()) + properties[r] = t + return tonode(r) +end -function nodes.rules.define(settings) +rules.userrule = userrule +local ruleactions = { } +rules.ruleactions = ruleactions + +callback.register("process_rule",function(n,h,v) + local n = tonut(n) + local p = properties[n] + local i = p.type or "draw" + local a = ruleactions[i] + if a then + a(p,h,v,i,n) + end +end) + +-- + +function rules.define(settings) data[#data+1] = settings context(#data) end @@ -288,18 +325,26 @@ local function flush_ruled(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip) -- not that fast but a if not f then return head end - local w = list_dimensions(getfield(parent,"glue_set"),getfield(parent,"glue_sign"),getfield(parent,"glue_order"),f,getnext(l)) - local method, offset, continue, dy, order, max = d.method, d.offset, d.continue, d.dy, d.order, d.max - local rulethickness, unit = d.rulethickness, d.unit - local ma, ca, ta = d.ma, d.ca, d.ta - local colorspace = ma > 0 and ma or getattr(f,a_colorspace) or 1 - local color = ca > 0 and ca or getattr(f,a_color) - local transparency = ta > 0 and ta or getattr(f,a_transparency) - local foreground = order == v_foreground - - local e = dimenfactor(unit,getfont(f)) -- what if no glyph node - - local rt = tonumber(rulethickness) + local w, ht, dp = list_dimensions(getfield(parent,"glue_set"),getfield(parent,"glue_sign"),getfield(parent,"glue_order"),f,getnext(l)) + local method = d.method + local offset = d.offset + local continue = d.continue + local dy = d.dy + local order = d.order + local max = d.max + local mp = d.mp + local rulethickness = d.rulethickness + local unit = d.unit + local ma = d.ma + local ca = d.ca + local ta = d.ta + local colorspace = ma > 0 and ma or getattr(f,a_colorspace) or 1 + local color = ca > 0 and ca or getattr(f,a_color) + local transparency = ta > 0 and ta or getattr(f,a_transparency) + local foreground = order == v_foreground + local layer = getattr(f,a_viewerlayer) + local e = dimenfactor(unit,getfont(f)) -- what if no glyph node + local rt = tonumber(rulethickness) if rt then rulethickness = e * rulethickness / 2 else @@ -310,7 +355,7 @@ local function flush_ruled(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip) -- not that fast but a rulethickness = 1/5 end end - + -- if level > max then level = max end @@ -320,22 +365,10 @@ local function flush_ruled(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip) -- not that fast but a else m = 0 end - for i=1,level do - local ht = (offset+(i-1)*dy)*e + rulethickness - m - local dp = -(offset+(i-1)*dy)*e + rulethickness + m - local r = new_rule(w,ht,dp) - local v = getattr(f,a_viewerlayer) - -- quick hack - if v then - setattr(r,a_viewerlayer,v) - end - -- - if color then - setattr(r,a_colorspace,colorspace) - setattr(r,a_color,color) - end - if transparency then - setattr(r,a_transparency,transparency) + + local function inject(r,w,ht,dp) + if layer then + setattr(r,a_viewerlayer,layer) end local k = new_kern(-w) if foreground then @@ -351,14 +384,45 @@ local function flush_ruled(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip) -- not that fast but a level,w,ht,dp,n_tostring(f,l),n_tosequence(f,l,true)) end end + + if mp and mp ~= "" then + local r = userrule { + width = w, + height = ht, + depth = dp, + type = "mp", + factor = e, + offset = offset, + line = rulethickness, + data = mp, + ma = colorspace, + ca = color, + ta = transparency, + } + inject(tonut(r),w,ht,dp) + else + for i=1,level do + local ht = (offset+(i-1)*dy)*e + rulethickness - m + local dp = -(offset+(i-1)*dy)*e + rulethickness + m + local r = new_rule(w,ht,dp) + if color then + setattr(r,a_colorspace,colorspace) + setattr(r,a_color,color) + end + if transparency then + setattr(r,a_transparency,transparency) + end + inject(r,w,ht,dp) + end + end return head end local process = nodes.processwords -nodes.rules.handler = function(head) return process(a_ruled,data,flush_ruled,head) end +rules.handler = function(head) return process(a_ruled,data,flush_ruled,head) end -function nodes.rules.enable() +function rules.enable() tasks.enableaction("shipouts","nodes.rules.handler") end @@ -428,7 +492,7 @@ local implement = interfaces.implement implement { name = "definerule", - actions = { nodes.rules.define, context }, + actions = { rules.define, context }, arguments = { { { "continue" }, @@ -442,6 +506,7 @@ implement { { "ma", "integer" }, { "ca", "integer" }, { "ta", "integer" }, + { "mp", "string" }, } } } @@ -449,7 +514,7 @@ implement { implement { name = "enablerules", onlyonce = true, - actions = nodes.rules.enable + actions = rules.enable } implement { diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-rul.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-rul.mkiv index 87277337e..a3df8481f 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-rul.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/node-rul.mkiv @@ -119,12 +119,13 @@ order {\barparameter\c!order}% rulethickness {\barparameter\c!rulethickness}% method \barparameter\c!method + max \barparameter\c!max\space % number + mp {\includeMPgraphic{\barparameter\c!mp}} ma \thecolormodelattribute ca \thecolorattribute\p_node_rules_color ta \thetransparencyattribute\p_node_rules_color offset \barparameter\c!offset\space % number dy \barparameter\c!dy\space % number - max \barparameter\c!max \relax}} \unexpanded\def\node_rules_redefine#1% @@ -216,6 +217,8 @@ \definebar[\v!overstrikes] [\v!overstrike] [\c!continue=\v!no] \definebar[\v!understrikes][\v!understrike][\c!continue=\v!no] +% \setupbar[\v!overstrike][continue=all] + % we want these always so ... \ifdefined\normalmathunderbar @@ -253,6 +256,52 @@ \unexpanded\def\setupunderbar[#1]% too incompatible for the moment {} +%D Experimental new feature: + +\startuseMPgraphic{rules:under:random} + draw + ((0,RuleDepth) ... (RuleWidth,RuleDepth)) randomized (4*RuleThickness) + shifted (0,RuleFactor*RuleOffset) + withpen pencircle scaled RuleThickness + withcolor RuleColor ; + setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare xysized(RuleWidth,RuleHeight) ; +\stopuseMPgraphic + +\startuseMPgraphic{rules:under:dash} + draw + ((0,RuleDepth) ... (RuleWidth,RuleDepth)) + shifted (0,RuleFactor*RuleOffset) + dashed dashpattern(off 5/RuleFactor on 0 off 5/RuleFactor) + withpen pencircle scaled RuleThickness + withcolor RuleColor ; + setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare xysized(RuleWidth,RuleHeight) ; +\stopuseMPgraphic + +\startuseMPgraphic{rules:under:dots} + draw + ((0,RuleDepth) ... (RuleWidth,RuleDepth)) + shifted (0,RuleFactor*RuleOffset) + dashed dashpattern(on RuleFactor/2 off RuleFactor/2) + withpen pencircle scaled RuleThickness + withcolor RuleColor ; + setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare xysized(RuleWidth,RuleHeight) ; +\stopuseMPgraphic + +\definebar + [undergraphic] + [\c!mp=rules:under:dash, + \c!offset=-.2, + \c!order=\v!background] + +\definebar[underrandom] [undergraphic][\c!mp=rules:under:random] +\definebar[underrandoms][underrandom] [\c!continue=\v!yes] + +\definebar[underdash] [undergraphic][\c!mp=rules:under:dash] +\definebar[underdashes] [underdash] [\c!continue=\v!yes] + +\definebar[underdot] [undergraphic][\c!mp=rules:under:dots] +\definebar[underdots] [underdot] [\c!continue=\v!yes] + %D This will move: (a bit duplicated) \installcorenamespace{shift} diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-brk.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-brk.mkiv index 914553253..eabcb74f8 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-brk.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/page-brk.mkiv @@ -113,6 +113,20 @@ \endgroup \fi} +\unexpanded\def\usepageparameter#1% + {\edef\m_page_breaks_asked{#1\c!page}% + \ifx\m_page_breaks_asked\empty\else + \firstargumenttrue + \page_breaks_process[\m_page_breaks_asked]% + \fi} + +\unexpanded\def\dousepageparameter#1% + {\edef\m_page_breaks_asked{#1}% + \ifx\m_spac_align_asked\empty\else + \firstargumenttrue + \page_breaks_process[\m_page_breaks_asked]% + \fi} + \unexpanded\def\resetpagebreak % used elsewhere too {\global\settrue\c_page_breaks_enabled} @@ -270,6 +284,7 @@ \newtoks\everybeforecolumnbreak \newtoks\everyaftercolumnbreak +\newtoks\everysynchronizecolumn \let\page_breaks_columns_current_option \empty \let\page_breaks_columns_current_options\empty @@ -320,7 +335,13 @@ \fi \relax \the\everyaftercolumnbreak - \endgroup} + \endgroup + % outside group e.g. setting hsize + \the\everysynchronizecolumn} + +\appendtoks + \page_otr_command_set_hsize +\to \everysynchronizecolumn %D Test page breaks. diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/publ-imp-apa.mkvi b/tex/context/base/mkiv/publ-imp-apa.mkvi index b9d265105..fae2dcc6d 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/publ-imp-apa.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/publ-imp-apa.mkvi @@ -73,6 +73,10 @@ [apa:\s!list] \definebtx + [apa:\s!list:withauthor] + [apa:\s!list:author] + +\definebtx [apa:\s!list:editor] [apa:\s!list:author] diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf Binary files differindex 4fae21343..6c8d173f1 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf Binary files differindex 42f9a5e70..3d6989eb9 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-flt.mkvi b/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-flt.mkvi index 48f264319..3f1261cb4 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-flt.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-flt.mkvi @@ -950,13 +950,13 @@ \ifsinglesided \doubleexpandafter\firstoftwoarguments \else - \doubleexpandafter\doifelseoddfloatpage + \doubleexpandafter\doifelseoddpagefloat \fi \else \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments \fi} -\def\doifelseoddfloatpage +\def\doifelseoddpagefloat {\ifodd\purenumber\strc_float_realpage\space \expandafter\firstoftwoarguments \else diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-ref.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-ref.lua index d9b7798e4..0cb9962d3 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-ref.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-ref.lua @@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ local v_file = variables.file local v_unknown = variables.unknown local v_page = variables.page local v_auto = variables.auto +local v_yes = variables.yes +local v_name = variables.name local context = context local commands = commands @@ -1877,8 +1879,10 @@ local defaultinnermethod = defaultinnermethod references.innermethod = innermethod -- don't mess with this one directly function references.setinnermethod(m) - if toboolean(m) or m == v_page then + if toboolean(m) or m == v_page or m == v_yes then innermethod = v_page + elseif m == v_name then + innermethod = v_name else innermethod = v_auto end @@ -1910,7 +1914,7 @@ local destinationattributes = { } local function setinternalreference(specification) local internal = specification.internal local destination = unsetvalue - if innermethod == v_auto then + if innermethod == v_auto or innermethod == v_name then local t, tn = { }, 0 -- maybe add to current (now only used for tracing) local reference = specification.reference if reference then @@ -1932,9 +1936,13 @@ local function setinternalreference(specification) end -- ugly .. later we decide to ignore it when we have a real one -- but for testing we might want to see them all - if internal then - tn = tn + 1 - t[tn] = internal -- when number it's internal + + if innermethod == v_page then + -- we dont' want too many #1 #2 #3 etc + if internal then + tn = tn + 1 + t[tn] = internal -- when number it's internal + end end destination = references.mark(t,nil,nil,specification.view) -- returns an attribute end @@ -2002,7 +2010,7 @@ function references.setandgetattribute(data) -- maybe do internal automatically if done then attr = setinternalreference { prefix = prefix, - reference = tag, + reference = rdat.reference, internal = rdat.internal, view = rdat.view } or unsetvalue diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-ref.mkvi b/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-ref.mkvi index 404bef62f..c9f627712 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-ref.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/strc-ref.mkvi @@ -259,7 +259,13 @@ \strc_references_flush_destination_nodes \egroup \strc_references_inject_after % new - \fi} + \else\ifvoid\b_strc_destination_nodes\else + \strc_references_inject_before % new + \dontleavehmode\hbox \bgroup + \strc_references_flush_destination_nodes + \egroup + \strc_references_inject_after % new + \fi\fi} \def\strc_references_set_page_only_destination_attribute#labels% could in fact be fully expandable {\ifreferencing @@ -333,7 +339,13 @@ \strc_references_flush_destination_nodes \egroup \strc_references_inject_after % new - \fi} + \else\ifvoid\b_strc_destination_nodes\else + \strc_references_inject_before % new + \dontleavehmode\hbox \bgroup + \strc_references_flush_destination_nodes + \egroup + \strc_references_inject_after % new + \fi\fi} \unexpanded\def\strc_references_direct_full {\strc_references_direct_full_user\empty} @@ -1438,16 +1450,16 @@ \unexpanded\def\directgoto {\ifconditional\uselocationstrut - \expandafter\dodirectgoto + \expandafter\strc_references_direct_goto \else - \expandafter\dodirectgotohtdp + \expandafter\strc_references_direct_goto_htdp \fi} \unexpanded\def\goto {\ifconditional\uselocationstrut - \expandafter\dogoto + \expandafter\strc_references_goto \else - \expandafter\dogotohtdp + \expandafter\strc_references_goto_htdp \fi} % The unbox trick is needed in order to permit \par inside a reference. Otherwise @@ -1460,7 +1472,7 @@ \def\revivesavedreferenceattribute % sometimes handy as no test etc needed {\attribute\referenceattribute\lastsavedreferenceattribute} -\def\dodirectgoto#content[#label]% no test for valid references +\def\strc_references_direct_goto#content[#label]% no test for valid references {\dontleavehmode \begingroup \attribute\referenceattribute\attributeunsetvalue @@ -1487,7 +1499,7 @@ \fi \endgroup} -\def\dodirectgotohtdp#content[#label]% no test for valid references +\def\strc_references_direct_goto_htdp#content[#label]% no test for valid references {\dontleavehmode \begingroup \global\lastsavedreferenceattribute\attributeunsetvalue @@ -1513,7 +1525,7 @@ \fi \endgroup} -\def\dogoto#content#dummy[#label]% #dummy gobbles spaces +\def\strc_references_goto#content#dummy[#label]% #dummy gobbles spaces {\dontleavehmode \begingroup %\setbox\referencebox\hbox\bgroup % experiment, might change again to non \par support @@ -1545,19 +1557,19 @@ \begingroup \iflocation \clf_doifelsereference{\referenceprefix}{#label}{\extrareferencearguments}% - {\expandafter\startgoto_yes}% - {\expandafter\startgoto_nop}% + {\expandafter\strc_references_start_goto_yes}% + {\expandafter\strc_references_start_goto_nop}% \else - \expandafter\startgoto_nop + \expandafter\strc_references_start_goto_nop \fi} -\unexpanded\def\startgoto_nop - {\let\stopgoto\stopgoto_nop} +\unexpanded\def\strc_references_start_goto_nop + {\let\stopgoto\strc_references_stop_goto_nop} -\unexpanded\def\stopgoto_nop +\unexpanded\def\strc_references_stop_goto_nop {\endgroup} -\unexpanded\def\startgoto_yes +\unexpanded\def\strc_references_start_goto_yes {\expandtexincurrentreference \clf_injectcurrentreferencehtdp \ht\strutbox @@ -1568,13 +1580,13 @@ \global\lastsavedreferenceattribute\lastreferenceattribute \attribute\referenceattribute\lastreferenceattribute \dostarttagged\t!link\empty - \let\stopgoto\stopgoto_yes} + \let\stopgoto\strc_references_stop_goto_yes} -\unexpanded\def\stopgoto_yes +\unexpanded\def\strc_references_stop_goto_yes {\dostoptagged \endgroup} -\def\dogotohtdp#content#dummy[#label]% dummy gobbles spaces +\def\strc_references_goto_htdp#content#dummy[#label]% dummy gobbles spaces {\dontleavehmode \begingroup \global\lastsavedreferenceattribute\attributeunsetvalue diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-aux.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-aux.mkiv index 726b3d644..94e5f468e 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-aux.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-aux.mkiv @@ -6851,7 +6851,7 @@ \unexpanded\def\addvalue#1#2% cs item {\ifcsname#1\endcsname\else\expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname\empty\fi \normalexpanded{\noexpand\addtocommalist{#2}\expandafter\noexpand\csname#1\endcsname}} - + \def\unspaced#1% {\syst_helpers_unspaced#1\end} @@ -6954,7 +6954,7 @@ \unexpanded\def\getrawxparameters {\dogetparameters\dosetrawxvalue} \unexpanded\def\globalgetrawparameters{\dogetparameters\dosetrawgvalue} % obsolete - + %D Sort of obsolete: \newcount\c_syst_helpers_mod @@ -6968,14 +6968,14 @@ \unexpanded\def\DoMod#1by#2to#3{\dosetmodulo {#1}{#2}{#3}} \unexpanded\def\DoDiv#1by#2to#3{\dosetdivision{#1}{#2}{#3}} - + \def\syst_helpers_unprotected#1\par {#1\protect} \unexpanded\def\unprotected {\unprotect \syst_helpers_unprotected} - + % awaiting the definitive implementation % \ifdefined\resettimer \else @@ -6989,11 +6989,17 @@ \let\elapsedseconds \elapsedtime \newcount\c_syst_helpers_test_feature_n +\chardef \c_syst_helpers_test_feature_m\zerocount + +\def\currentfeaturetest{\number\c_syst_helpers_test_feature_n} \unexpanded\def\testfeature#1#2% - {\def\syst_helpers_test_feature_step + {\chardef\c_syst_helpers_test_feature_m#1\relax + \def\syst_helpers_test_feature_step {\advance\c_syst_helpers_test_feature_n\plusone - \ifnum\c_syst_helpers_test_feature_n>#1\else#2\expandafter\syst_helpers_test_feature_step\fi}% + \ifnum\c_syst_helpers_test_feature_n>\c_syst_helpers_test_feature_m\else + #2\expandafter\syst_helpers_test_feature_step + \fi}% \retestfeature} \unexpanded\def\retestfeature % timer support is new per 10/5/2005 @@ -7003,7 +7009,7 @@ \resettimer \c_syst_helpers_test_feature_n\zerocount \syst_helpers_test_feature_step - \writestatus\m!system{feature test done (\elapsedseconds s)}% + \writestatus\m!system{\number\c_syst_helpers_test_feature_m\space feature tests done (\elapsedseconds s)}% \wait \egroup} @@ -7015,7 +7021,7 @@ \let\wait\relax \testfeature{#1}{#2}% \endgroup} - + %D \macros %D {freezedimenmacro} %D @@ -7027,7 +7033,7 @@ \unexpanded\def\freezedimenmacro#1% {\edef#1{\the\dimexpr#1}} - + %D The next macro negates a macro (dimension or number, or actually, whatever. %D It's a typical example of \type {\if} usage: %D @@ -7037,12 +7043,12 @@ %D \stoptyping \def\negated#1{\if-#1\else-#1\fi} % does only work in macros or text - + \def\gobbleassigndimen#1\\{} \def\assigndimen#1#2% {\afterassignment\gobbleassigndimen#1=#2\zeropoint\\} - + \unexpanded\def\appended#1#2#3{\expandafter#1\expandafter#2\expandafter{#2#3}} \unexpanded\def\appendvalue #1{\expandafter\appended\expandafter \def\csname#1\endcsname} \unexpanded\def\appendgvalue#1{\expandafter\appended\expandafter\gdef\csname#1\endcsname} @@ -7054,7 +7060,7 @@ \unexpanded\def\prependvalue #1{\expandafter\prepended\expandafter \def\csname#1\endcsname} \unexpanded\def\prependgvalue#1{\expandafter\prepended\expandafter\gdef\csname#1\endcsname} - + %D \macros %D {dowithrange} %D @@ -7113,7 +7119,7 @@ {\syst_helpers_process_word#1 \_e_o_w_}% no \unskip \let\processword\relax - + %D \macros %D {startnointerference} %D diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-ini.mkiv index 12ceba15e..f461c0e47 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-ini.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/syst-ini.mkiv @@ -234,6 +234,9 @@ \let\newfam\newfamily + +\ifdefined\firstvalidlanguage \firstvalidlanguage\plusone \fi + % Watch out, for the moment we disable the check for already being defined % later we will revert this but first all chardefs must be replaced. diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/toks-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/toks-ini.lua index b66c24c16..132605d38 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/toks-ini.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/toks-ini.lua @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['toks-ini'] = { tokens = tokens or { } local tokens = tokens -local newtoken = newtoken or token +local token = token -- the built in one local tonumber = tonumber local tostring = tostring local utfchar = utf.char @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ local concat = table.concat if setinspector then - local istoken = newtoken.is_token + local istoken = token.is_token local simple = { letter = "letter", other_char = "other" } local function astable(t) @@ -54,21 +54,27 @@ if setinspector then end -local scan_toks = newtoken.scan_toks -local scan_string = newtoken.scan_string -local scan_int = newtoken.scan_int -local scan_code = newtoken.scan_code -local scan_dimen = newtoken.scan_dimen -local scan_glue = newtoken.scan_glue -local scan_keyword = newtoken.scan_keyword -local scan_token = newtoken.scan_token -local scan_word = newtoken.scan_word -local scan_number = newtoken.scan_number -local scan_csname = newtoken.scan_csname - -local get_next = newtoken.get_next - -local set_macro = newtoken.set_macro +local scan_toks = token.scan_toks +local scan_string = token.scan_string +local scan_int = token.scan_int +local scan_code = token.scan_code +local scan_dimen = token.scan_dimen +local scan_glue = token.scan_glue +local scan_keyword = token.scan_keyword +local scan_token = token.scan_token +local scan_word = token.scan_word +local scan_number = token.scan_number +local scan_csname = token.scan_csname + +local get_next = token.get_next + +local set_macro = token.set_macro +local get_cmdname = token.get_cmdname +local create_token = token.create + +function tokens.defined(name) + return get_cmdname(create_token(name)) ~= "undefined_cs" +end -- set_macro = function(k,v,g) -- if g == "global" then diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/toks-tra.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/toks-tra.lua index 4b0b82f0a..a1408b0b8 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/toks-tra.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/toks-tra.lua @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ local format, gsub = string.format, string.gsub local tostring = tostring local tokens = tokens -local newtoken = newtoken or token +local token = token -- the built in one local tex = tex local context = context local commands = commands @@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ local report = logs.reporter("tokens","collectors") -- flush : print back to tex -- test : fancy stuff -local get_next = newtoken.get_next -local create = newtoken.create +local get_next = token.get_next +local create_token = token.create function collectors.install(tag,end_cs) local data, d = { }, 0 @@ -261,20 +261,20 @@ collectors.dowithwords = collectors.test -- This is only used in old articles ... will move to a module: -tokens.vbox = create("vbox") -tokens.hbox = create("hbox") -tokens.vtop = create("vtop") -tokens.bgroup = create(utfbyte("{"),1) -tokens.egroup = create(utfbyte("}"),2) +tokens.vbox = create_token("vbox") +tokens.hbox = create_token("hbox") +tokens.vtop = create_token("vtop") +tokens.bgroup = create_token(utfbyte("{"),1) +tokens.egroup = create_token(utfbyte("}"),2) -tokens.letter = function(chr) return create(utfbyte(chr),11) end -tokens.other = function(chr) return create(utfbyte(chr),12) end +tokens.letter = function(chr) return create_token(utfbyte(chr),11) end +tokens.other = function(chr) return create_token(utfbyte(chr),12) end tokens.letters = function(str) local t, n = { }, 0 for chr in utfvalues(str) do n = n + 1 - t[n] = create(chr, 11) + t[n] = create_token(chr, 11) end return t end @@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ function collectors.defaultwords(t,str) if t then local n = #t n = n + 1 ; t[n] = tokens.bgroup - n = n + 1 ; t[n] = create("red") + n = n + 1 ; t[n] = create_token("red") for i=1,#str do n = n + 1 ; t[n] = tokens.other('*') end diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-tex.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-tex.lua index 24dc3f1bd..86f3b539f 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-tex.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/trac-tex.lua @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ local next = next local texhashtokens = tex.hashtokens local trackers = trackers -local newtoken = newtoken or token +local token = token local saved = { } function trackers.savehash() @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ end function trackers.dumphashtofile(filename,delta) local list = { } local hash = tex.hashtokens() - local create = newtoken.create + local create = token.create for name, token in next, hash do if not delta or not saved[name] then if token[2] ~= 0 then -- still old interface diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-brk.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-brk.lua index 2e6ac7ab1..2f97f1869 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-brk.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/typo-brk.lua @@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ local kerncodes = nodes.kerncodes local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph local kern_code = nodecodes.kern +local math_code = nodecodes.math local fontkern_code = kerncodes.fontkern local userkern_code = kerncodes.userkern diff --git a/tex/context/interface/common/i-en-xml.xml b/tex/context/interface/common/i-en-xml.xml index ce90f7bb1..363364e08 100644 --- a/tex/context/interface/common/i-en-xml.xml +++ b/tex/context/interface/common/i-en-xml.xml @@ -44,6 +44,18 @@ <cd:arguments><cd:resolve name="xml-node-path"/></cd:arguments> </cd:command> + <cd:command name="xmlpure"> + <cd:arguments><cd:resolve name="xml-node-path"/></cd:arguments> + </cd:command> + + <cd:command name="xmlflushtext"> + <cd:arguments><cd:resolve name="xml-node"/></cd:arguments> + </cd:command> + + <cd:command name="xmlflushpure"> + <cd:arguments><cd:resolve name="xml-node"/></cd:arguments> + </cd:command> + <cd:command name="xmlnonspace"> <cd:arguments><cd:resolve name="xml-node-path"/></cd:arguments> </cd:command> diff --git a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/x-mathml.mkiv b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/x-mathml.mkiv index 7b474275b..a5be5ddb0 100644 --- a/tex/context/modules/mkiv/x-mathml.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/modules/mkiv/x-mathml.mkiv @@ -1729,7 +1729,7 @@ } { \xmldoifelse {#1} {.[oneof(@encoding,'asciimath','am')]} { \ifdefined\asciimath - \expanded{\asciimath{\xmlflush{#1}}} + \expanded{\asciimath{\xmlflushpure{#1}}} \else \hbox{\tt no am loaded} \fi diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-def.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-def.lua index f0941ecdc..494ac00a9 100644 --- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-def.lua +++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-def.lua @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ local filename_1 = P("file:")/isfile * (namespec/thename) local filename_2 = P("[") * P(true)/isname * (((1-P("]"))^0)/thename) * P("]") local fontname_1 = P("name:")/isname * (namespec/thename) local fontname_2 = P(true)/issome * (namespec/thename) -local sometext = (R("az","AZ","09") + S("+-."))^1 +local sometext = (R("az","AZ","09") + S("+-.{}"))^1 local truevalue = P("+") * spaces * (sometext/istrue) local falsevalue = P("-") * spaces * (sometext/isfalse) local keyvalue = (C(sometext) * spaces * P("=") * spaces * C(sometext))/iskey diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua index 52a68c867..85d215e19 100644 --- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua +++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -- merged file : c:/data/develop/context/sources/luatex-fonts-merged.lua -- parent file : c:/data/develop/context/sources/luatex-fonts.lua --- merge date : 02/08/16 15:35:20 +-- merge date : 02/15/16 10:26:35 do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference @@ -13146,6 +13146,8 @@ local function chaindisk(head,start,last,kind,chainname,ck,lookuphash,chainlooku else break end + else + break end end if sweepoverflow then @@ -16183,7 +16185,7 @@ local filename_1=P("file:")/isfile*(namespec/thename) local filename_2=P("[")*P(true)/isname*(((1-P("]"))^0)/thename)*P("]") local fontname_1=P("name:")/isname*(namespec/thename) local fontname_2=P(true)/issome*(namespec/thename) -local sometext=(R("az","AZ","09")+S("+-."))^1 +local sometext=(R("az","AZ","09")+S("+-.{}"))^1 local truevalue=P("+")*spaces*(sometext/istrue) local falsevalue=P("-")*spaces*(sometext/isfalse) local keyvalue=(C(sometext)*spaces*P("=")*spaces*C(sometext))/iskey diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-test.tex b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-test.tex index f851aab6f..9844428ac 100644 --- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-test.tex +++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-test.tex @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -% texformat=luatex-plain +texformat=luatex-plain %D \module %D [ file=luatex-test, @@ -131,4 +131,20 @@ $\root3\of x$ $\sin{x}$ +\bgroup + + % drawback: no features (so use basemode) + + \font\crapa=lmroman12-regular:mode=base;liga=yes;kern=yes; at 12pt + \font\crapb=lmsans12-regular:mode=base;liga=yes;kern=yes; at 30pt + %\font\mine=file:luatex-fonts-demo-vf-4.lua:1=lmroman12-regular;2=lmsans12-regular{0x41-0x5A+0x30-0x39+0x21}; at 12pt + \font\mine=file:luatex-fonts-demo-vf-4.lua:1=\fontid\crapa;2=\fontid\crapb{0x41-0x5A+0x30-0x39+0x21}; at 12pt + + \crapa Test\par + \crapb Test\par + + \mine Zomaar een eindje fiets! En dan weer terug. + +\egroup + \end |