diff options
authorHans Hagen <>2022-12-29 15:11:22 +0100
committerContext Git Mirror Bot <>2022-12-29 15:11:22 +0100
commit62d980c99a617ff260f29ac2d3bdb084049f25b0 (patch)
parentdb25374e65d39dc254ddce11b40ad4a95e6a385b (diff)
2022-12-29 14:31:00
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-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdfbin264782 -> 264786 bytes
73 files changed, 3270 insertions, 1488 deletions
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index 3ff2844fa..8e390a3f3 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/context/lexers/data/scite-context-data-context.lua
+++ b/context/data/scite/context/lexers/data/scite-context-data-context.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
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+++ b/context/data/scite/context/
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+ruleddpack ruledvsplit ruledtsplit ruleddsplit ruledhskip \
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+ruledvglue normalhglue normalvglue ruledpenalty filledhboxb \
+filledhboxr filledhboxg filledhboxc filledhboxm filledhboxy \
+filledhboxk scratchstring scratchstringone scratchstringtwo tempstring \
+scratchcounter globalscratchcounter privatescratchcounter scratchdimen globalscratchdimen \
+privatescratchdimen scratchskip globalscratchskip privatescratchskip scratchmuskip \
+globalscratchmuskip privatescratchmuskip scratchtoks globalscratchtoks privatescratchtoks \
+scratchbox globalscratchbox privatescratchbox scratchmacro scratchmacroone \
+scratchmacrotwo scratchconditiontrue scratchconditionfalse ifscratchcondition scratchconditiononetrue \
+scratchconditiononefalse ifscratchconditionone scratchconditiontwotrue scratchconditiontwofalse ifscratchconditiontwo \
+globalscratchcounterone globalscratchcountertwo globalscratchcounterthree groupedcommand groupedcommandcs \
+triggergroupedcommand triggergroupedcommandcs simplegroupedcommand simplegroupedcommandcs pickupgroupedcommand \
+pickupgroupedcommandcs mathgroupedcommandcs usedbaselineskip usedlineskip usedlineskiplimit \
+availablehsize localhsize setlocalhsize distributedhsize hsizefraction \
+next nexttoken nextbox dowithnextbox dowithnextboxcs \
+dowithnextboxcontent dowithnextboxcontentcs flushnextbox boxisempty boxtostring \
+contentostring prerolltostring givenwidth givenheight givendepth \
+scangivendimensions scratchwidth scratchheight scratchdepth scratchoffset \
+scratchdistance scratchtotal scratchitalic scratchhsize scratchvsize \
+scratchxoffset scratchyoffset scratchhoffset scratchvoffset scratchxposition \
+scratchyposition scratchtopoffset scratchbottomoffset scratchleftoffset scratchrightoffset \
+scratchcounterone scratchcountertwo scratchcounterthree scratchcounterfour scratchcounterfive \
+scratchcountersix scratchdimenone scratchdimentwo scratchdimenthree scratchdimenfour \
+scratchdimenfive scratchdimensix scratchskipone scratchskiptwo scratchskipthree \
+scratchskipfour scratchskipfive scratchskipsix scratchmuskipone scratchmuskiptwo \
+scratchmuskipthree scratchmuskipfour scratchmuskipfive scratchmuskipsix scratchtoksone \
+scratchtokstwo scratchtoksthree scratchtoksfour scratchtoksfive scratchtokssix \
+scratchboxone scratchboxtwo scratchboxthree scratchboxfour scratchboxfive \
+scratchboxsix scratchnx scratchny scratchmx scratchmy \
+scratchunicode scratchmin scratchmax scratchleftskip scratchrightskip \
+scratchtopskip scratchbottomskip doif doifnot doifelse \
+firstinset doifinset doifnotinset doifelseinset doifinsetelse \
+doifelsenextchar doifnextcharelse doifelsenextcharcs doifnextcharcselse doifelsenextoptional \
+doifnextoptionalelse doifelsenextoptionalcs doifnextoptionalcselse doifelsefastoptionalcheck doiffastoptionalcheckelse \
+doifelsefastoptionalcheckcs doiffastoptionalcheckcselse doifelsenextbgroup doifnextbgroupelse doifelsenextbgroupcs \
+doifnextbgroupcselse doifelsenextparenthesis doifnextparenthesiselse doifelseundefined doifundefinedelse \
+doifelsedefined doifdefinedelse doifundefined doifdefined doifelsevalue \
+doifvalue doifnotvalue doifnothing doifsomething doifelsenothing \
+doifnothingelse doifelsesomething doifsomethingelse doifvaluenothing doifvaluesomething \
+doifelsevaluenothing doifvaluenothingelse doifelsedimension doifdimensionelse doifelsenumber \
+doifnumberelse doifnumber doifnotnumber doifelsecommon doifcommonelse \
+doifcommon doifnotcommon doifinstring doifnotinstring doifelseinstring \
+doifinstringelse doifelseassignment doifassignmentelse docheckassignment doifelseassignmentcs \
+doifassignmentelsecs validassignment novalidassignment doiftext doifelsetext \
+doiftextelse doifnottext quitcondition truecondition falsecondition \
+tracingall tracingnone loggingall tracingcatcodes showluatokens \
+aliasmacro removetoks appendtoks prependtoks appendtotoks \
+prependtotoks to endgraf endpar reseteverypar \
+finishpar empty null space quad \
+enspace emspace charspace nbsp crlf \
+obeyspaces obeylines obeytabs obeypages obeyedspace \
+obeyedline obeyedtab obeyedpage normalspace naturalspace \
+controlspace normalspaces ignoretabs ignorelines ignorepages \
+ignoreeofs setcontrolspaces executeifdefined singleexpandafter doubleexpandafter \
+tripleexpandafter dontleavehmode removelastspace removeunwantedspaces keepunwantedspaces \
+removepunctuation ignoreparskip forcestrutdepth onlynonbreakablespace wait \
+writestatus define defineexpandable redefine setmeasure \
+setemeasure setgmeasure setxmeasure definemeasure freezemeasure \
+measure measured directmeasure setquantity setequantity \
+setgquantity setxquantity definequantity freezequantity quantity \
+quantitied directquantity installcorenamespace getvalue getuvalue \
+setvalue setevalue setgvalue setxvalue letvalue \
+letgvalue resetvalue undefinevalue ignorevalue setuvalue \
+setuevalue setugvalue setuxvalue globallet udef \
+ugdef uedef uxdef checked unique \
+getparameters geteparameters getgparameters getxparameters forgetparameters \
+copyparameters getdummyparameters dummyparameter directdummyparameter setdummyparameter \
+letdummyparameter setexpandeddummyparameter resetdummyparameter usedummystyleandcolor usedummystyleparameter \
+usedummycolorparameter processcommalist processcommacommand quitcommalist quitprevcommalist \
+processaction processallactions processfirstactioninset processallactionsinset unexpanded \
+expanded startexpanded stopexpanded protect unprotect \
+firstofoneargument firstoftwoarguments secondoftwoarguments firstofthreearguments secondofthreearguments \
+thirdofthreearguments firstoffourarguments secondoffourarguments thirdoffourarguments fourthoffourarguments \
+firstoffivearguments secondoffivearguments thirdoffivearguments fourthoffivearguments fifthoffivearguments \
+firstofsixarguments secondofsixarguments thirdofsixarguments fourthofsixarguments fifthofsixarguments \
+sixthofsixarguments firstofoneunexpanded firstoftwounexpanded secondoftwounexpanded firstofthreeunexpanded \
+secondofthreeunexpanded thirdofthreeunexpanded gobbleoneargument gobbletwoarguments gobblethreearguments \
+gobblefourarguments gobblefivearguments gobblesixarguments gobblesevenarguments gobbleeightarguments \
+gobbleninearguments gobbletenarguments gobbleoneoptional gobbletwooptionals gobblethreeoptionals \
+gobblefouroptionals gobblefiveoptionals dorecurse doloop exitloop \
+dostepwiserecurse recurselevel recursedepth dofastloopcs fastloopindex \
+fastloopfinal dowith doloopovermatch doloopovermatched doloopoverlist \
+newconstant setnewconstant setconstant setconstantvalue newconditional \
+settrue setfalse settruevalue setfalsevalue setconditional \
+newmacro setnewmacro newfraction newsignal newboundary \
+dosingleempty dodoubleempty dotripleempty doquadrupleempty doquintupleempty \
+dosixtupleempty doseventupleempty dosingleargument dodoubleargument dotripleargument \
+doquadrupleargument doquintupleargument dosixtupleargument doseventupleargument dosinglegroupempty \
+dodoublegroupempty dotriplegroupempty doquadruplegroupempty doquintuplegroupempty permitspacesbetweengroups \
+dontpermitspacesbetweengroups nopdfcompression maximumpdfcompression normalpdfcompression onlypdfobjectcompression \
+nopdfobjectcompression modulonumber dividenumber getfirstcharacter doifelsefirstchar \
+doiffirstcharelse mathclassvalue startnointerference stopnointerference twodigits \
+threedigits leftorright offinterlineskip oninterlineskip nointerlineskip \
+strut halfstrut quarterstrut depthstrut halflinestrut \
+noheightstrut setstrut strutbox strutht strutdp \
+strutwd struthtdp strutgap begstrut endstrut \
+lineheight leftboundary rightboundary signalcharacter aligncontentleft \
+aligncontentmiddle aligncontentright shiftbox vpackbox hpackbox \
+vpackedbox hpackedbox ordordspacing ordopspacing ordbinspacing \
+ordrelspacing ordopenspacing ordclosespacing ordpunctspacing ordinnerspacing \
+ordfracspacing ordradspacing ordmiddlespacing ordaccentspacing opordspacing \
+opopspacing opbinspacing oprelspacing opopenspacing opclosespacing \
+oppunctspacing opinnerspacing opfracspacing opradspacing opmiddlespacing \
+opaccentspacing binordspacing binopspacing binbinspacing binrelspacing \
+binopenspacing binclosespacing binpunctspacing bininnerspacing binfracspacing \
+binradspacing binmiddlespacing binaccentspacing relordspacing relopspacing \
+relbinspacing relrelspacing relopenspacing relclosespacing relpunctspacing \
+relinnerspacing relfracspacing relradspacing relmiddlespacing relaccentspacing \
+openordspacing openopspacing openbinspacing openrelspacing openopenspacing \
+openclosespacing openpunctspacing openinnerspacing openfracspacing openradspacing \
+openmiddlespacing openaccentspacing closeordspacing closeopspacing closebinspacing \
+closerelspacing closeopenspacing closeclosespacing closepunctspacing closeinnerspacing \
+closefracspacing closeradspacing closemiddlespacing closeaccentspacing punctordspacing \
+punctopspacing punctbinspacing punctrelspacing punctopenspacing punctclosespacing \
+punctpunctspacing punctinnerspacing punctfracspacing punctradspacing punctmiddlespacing \
+punctaccentspacing innerordspacing inneropspacing innerbinspacing innerrelspacing \
+inneropenspacing innerclosespacing innerpunctspacing innerinnerspacing innerfracspacing \
+innerradspacing innermiddlespacing inneraccentspacing fracordspacing fracopspacing \
+fracbinspacing fracrelspacing fracopenspacing fracclosespacing fracpunctspacing \
+fracinnerspacing fracfracspacing fracradspacing fracmiddlespacing fracaccentspacing \
+radordspacing radopspacing radbinspacing radrelspacing radopenspacing \
+radclosespacing radpunctspacing radinnerspacing radfracspacing radradspacing \
+radmiddlespacing radaccentspacing middleordspacing middleopspacing middlebinspacing \
+middlerelspacing middleopenspacing middleclosespacing middlepunctspacing middleinnerspacing \
+middlefracspacing middleradspacing middlemiddlespacing middleaccentspacing accentordspacing \
+accentopspacing accentbinspacing accentrelspacing accentopenspacing accentclosespacing \
+accentpunctspacing accentinnerspacing accentfracspacing accentradspacing accentmiddlespacing \
+accentaccentspacing normalreqno startimath stopimath normalstartimath \
+normalstopimath startdmath stopdmath normalstartdmath normalstopdmath \
+normalsuperscript normalsubscript normalnosuperscript normalnosubscript normalprimescript \
+superscript subscript nosuperscript nosubscript primescript \
+superprescript subprescript nosuperprescript nosubsprecript uncramped \
+cramped mathstyletrigger triggermathstyle triggeredmathstyle mathstylefont \
+mathsmallstylefont mathstyleface mathsmallstyleface mathstylecommand mathpalette \
+mathstylehbox mathstylevbox mathstylevcenter mathstylevcenteredhbox mathstylevcenteredvbox \
+mathtext setmathsmalltextbox setmathtextbox pushmathstyle popmathstyle \
+triggerdisplaystyle triggertextstyle triggerscriptstyle triggerscriptscriptstyle triggeruncrampedstyle \
+triggercrampedstyle triggersmallstyle triggeruncrampedsmallstyle triggercrampedsmallstyle triggerbigstyle \
+triggeruncrampedbigstyle triggercrampedbigstyle luaexpr expelsedoif expdoif \
+expdoifnot expdoifelsecommon expdoifcommonelse expdoifelseinset expdoifinsetelse \
+ctxdirectlua ctxlatelua ctxsprint ctxwrite ctxcommand \
+ctxdirectcommand ctxlatecommand ctxreport ctxlua luacode \
+lateluacode directluacode registerctxluafile ctxloadluafile luaversion \
+luamajorversion luaminorversion ctxluacode luaconditional luaexpanded \
+ctxluamatch startluaparameterset stopluaparameterset luaparameterset definenamedlua \
+obeylualines obeyluatokens startluacode stopluacode startlua \
+stoplua startctxfunction stopctxfunction ctxfunction startctxfunctiondefinition \
+stopctxfunctiondefinition installctxfunction installprotectedctxfunction installprotectedctxscanner installctxscanner \
+resetctxscanner cldprocessfile cldloadfile cldloadviafile cldcontext \
+cldcommand carryoverpar freezeparagraphproperties defrostparagraphproperties setparagraphfreezing \
+forgetparagraphfreezing updateparagraphproperties updateparagraphpenalties updateparagraphdemerits updateparagraphshapes \
+updateparagraphlines lastlinewidth assumelongusagecs Umathbottomaccent Umathtopaccent \
+Umathbotaccent righttolefthbox lefttorighthbox righttoleftvbox lefttorightvbox \
+righttoleftvtop lefttorightvtop rtlhbox ltrhbox rtlvbox \
+ltrvbox rtlvtop ltrvtop autodirhbox autodirvbox \
+autodirvtop leftorrighthbox leftorrightvbox leftorrightvtop lefttoright \
+righttoleft checkedlefttoright checkedrighttoleft synchronizelayoutdirection synchronizedisplaydirection \
+synchronizeinlinedirection dirlre dirrle dirlro dirrlo \
+rtltext ltrtext lesshyphens morehyphens nohyphens \
+dohyphens dohyphencollapsing nohyphencollapsing compounddiscretionary Ucheckedstartdisplaymath \
+Ucheckedstopdisplaymath break nobreak allowbreak goodbreak \
+nospace nospacing dospacing naturalhbox naturalvbox \
+naturalvtop naturalhpack naturalvpack naturaltpack reversehbox \
+reversevbox reversevtop reversehpack reversevpack reversetpack \
+hcontainer vcontainer tcontainer frule compoundhyphenpenalty \
+start stop unsupportedcs openout closeout \
+write openin closein read readline \
+readfromterminal boxlines boxline setboxline copyboxline \
+boxlinewd boxlineht boxlinedp boxlinenw boxlinenh \
+boxlinend boxlinels boxliners boxlinelh boxlinerh \
+boxlinelp boxlinerp boxlinein boxrangewd boxrangeht \
+boxrangedp bitwiseset bitwiseand bitwiseor bitwisexor \
+bitwisenot bitwisenil ifbitwiseand bitwise bitwiseshift \
+bitwiseflip textdir linedir pardir boxdir \
+prelistbox postlistbox prelistcopy postlistcopy setprelistbox \
+setpostlistbox noligaturing nokerning noexpansion noprotrusion \
+noleftkerning noleftligaturing norightkerning norightligaturing noitaliccorrection \
+futureletnexttoken defbackslashbreak letbackslashbreak pushoverloadmode popoverloadmode \
+pushrunstate poprunstate suggestedalias showboxhere discoptioncodestring \
+flagcodestring frozenparcodestring glyphoptioncodestring groupcodestring hyphenationcodestring \
+mathcontrolcodestring mathflattencodestring normalizecodestring parcontextcodestring newlocalcount \
+newlocaldimen newlocalskip newlocalmuskip newlocaltoks newlocalbox \
+newlocalwrite newlocalread setnewlocalcount setnewlocaldimen setnewlocalskip \
+setnewlocalmuskip setnewlocaltoks setnewlocalbox ifexpression
diff --git a/context/data/scite/context/ b/context/data/scite/context/
index 540328e0f..2a2ccfc53 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/context/
+++ b/context/data/scite/context/
@@ -178,60 +178,60 @@ cr crcr csname day deadcycles \
def defaulthyphenchar defaultskewchar delcode delimiter \
delimiterfactor delimitershortfall dimen dimendef discretionary \
displayindent displaylimits displaystyle displaywidowpenalty displaywidth \
-divide divideby doublehyphendemerits dp dump \
-edef else emergencystretch end endcsname \
-endgroup endinput endlinechar eqno errhelp \
-errmessage errorcontextlines errorstopmode escapechar everycr \
-everydisplay everyhbox everyjob everymath everypar \
-everyvbox exhyphenchar exhyphenpenalty expandafter fam \
-fi finalhyphendemerits firstmark floatingpenalty font \
-fontdimen fontname futurelet gdef global \
-globaldefs halign hangafter hangindent hbadness \
-hbox hfil hfill hfilneg hfuzz \
-holdinginserts hrule hsize hskip hss \
-ht hyphenation hyphenchar hyphenpenalty if \
-ifcase ifcat ifdim iffalse ifhbox \
-ifhmode ifinner ifmmode ifnum ifodd \
-iftrue ifvbox ifvmode ifvoid ifx \
-ignorespaces indent input inputlineno insert \
-insertpenalties interlinepenalty jobname kern language \
-lastbox lastkern lastpenalty lastskip lccode \
-leaders left lefthyphenmin leftskip leqno \
-let limits linepenalty lineskip lineskiplimit \
-long looseness lower lowercase mark \
-mathbin mathchar mathchardef mathchoice mathclose \
-mathcode mathinner mathop mathopen mathord \
-mathpunct mathrel mathsurround maxdeadcycles maxdepth \
-meaning medmuskip message middle mkern \
-month moveleft moveright mskip multiply \
-multiplyby muskip muskipdef newlinechar noalign \
-noexpand noindent nolimits nonscript nonstopmode \
-nulldelimiterspace nullfont number omit or \
-outer output outputpenalty over overfullrule \
-overline overwithdelims pagedepth pagefilllstretch pagefillstretch \
-pagefilstretch pagegoal pageshrink pagestretch pagetotal \
-par parfillleftskip parfillskip parindent parinitleftskip \
-parinitrightskip parshape parskip patterns pausing \
-penalty postdisplaypenalty predisplaypenalty predisplaysize pretolerance \
-prevdepth prevgraf radical raise relax \
-relpenalty right righthyphenmin rightskip romannumeral \
-scriptfont scriptscriptfont scriptscriptstyle scriptspace scriptstyle \
-scrollmode setbox setlanguage sfcode shipout \
-show showbox showboxbreadth showboxdepth showlists \
-shownodedetails showthe skewchar skip skipdef \
-spacefactor spaceskip span splitbotmark splitfirstmark \
-splitmaxdepth splittopskip string tabskip textfont \
-textstyle the thickmuskip thinmuskip time \
-toks toksdef tolerance topmark topskip \
-tracingcommands tracinglostchars tracingmacros tracingonline tracingoutput \
-tracingpages tracingparagraphs tracingrestores tracingstats uccode \
-uchyph unboundary underline unhbox unhcopy \
-unkern unpenalty unskip unvbox unvcopy \
-uppercase vadjust valign vbadness vbox \
-vcenter vfil vfill vfilneg vfuzz \
-vrule vsize vskip vsplit vss \
-vtop wd widowpenalty xdef xleaders \
-xspaceskip year
+divide divideby doublehyphendemerits dp dsplit \
+dump edef else emergencystretch end \
+endcsname endgroup endinput endlinechar eqno \
+errhelp errmessage errorcontextlines errorstopmode escapechar \
+everycr everydisplay everyhbox everyjob everymath \
+everypar everyvbox exhyphenchar exhyphenpenalty expandafter \
+fam fi finalhyphendemerits firstmark floatingpenalty \
+font fontdimen fontname futurelet gdef \
+global globaldefs halign hangafter hangindent \
+hbadness hbox hfil hfill hfilneg \
+hfuzz holdinginserts hrule hsize hskip \
+hss ht hyphenation hyphenchar hyphenpenalty \
+if ifcase ifcat ifdim iffalse \
+ifhbox ifhmode ifinner ifmmode ifnum \
+ifodd iftrue ifvbox ifvmode ifvoid \
+ifx ignorespaces indent input inputlineno \
+insert insertpenalties interlinepenalty jobname kern \
+language lastbox lastkern lastpenalty lastskip \
+lccode leaders left lefthyphenmin leftskip \
+leqno let limits linepenalty lineskip \
+lineskiplimit long looseness lower lowercase \
+mark mathbin mathchar mathchardef mathchoice \
+mathclose mathcode mathinner mathop mathopen \
+mathord mathpunct mathrel mathsurround maxdeadcycles \
+maxdepth meaning medmuskip message middle \
+mkern month moveleft moveright mskip \
+multiply multiplyby muskip muskipdef newlinechar \
+noalign noexpand noindent nolimits nonscript \
+nonstopmode nulldelimiterspace nullfont number omit \
+or outer output outputpenalty over \
+overfullrule overline overwithdelims pagedepth pagefilllstretch \
+pagefillstretch pagefilstretch pagegoal pageshrink pagestretch \
+pagetotal par parfillleftskip parfillskip parindent \
+parinitleftskip parinitrightskip parshape parskip patterns \
+pausing penalty postdisplaypenalty predisplaypenalty predisplaysize \
+pretolerance prevdepth prevgraf radical raise \
+relax relpenalty right righthyphenmin rightskip \
+romannumeral scriptfont scriptscriptfont scriptscriptstyle scriptspace \
+scriptstyle scrollmode setbox setlanguage sfcode \
+shipout show showbox showboxbreadth showboxdepth \
+showlists shownodedetails showthe skewchar skip \
+skipdef spacefactor spaceskip span splitbotmark \
+splitfirstmark splitmaxdepth splittopskip string tabskip \
+textfont textstyle the thickmuskip thinmuskip \
+time toks toksdef tolerance topmark \
+topskip tracingcommands tracinglostchars tracingmacros tracingonline \
+tracingoutput tracingpages tracingparagraphs tracingrestores tracingstats \
+tsplit uccode uchyph unboundary underline \
+unhbox unhcopy unkern unpenalty unskip \
+unvbox unvcopy uppercase vadjust valign \
+vbadness vbox vcenter vfil vfill \
+vfilneg vfuzz vrule vsize vskip \
+vsplit vss vtop wd widowpenalty \
+xdef xleaders xspaceskip year
diff --git a/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/lowlevel-boxes.pdf b/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/lowlevel-boxes.pdf
index f0da0d506..028519623 100644
--- a/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/lowlevel-boxes.pdf
+++ b/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/lowlevel-boxes.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/lowlevel-paragraphs.pdf b/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/lowlevel-paragraphs.pdf
index ad6be78bb..9115642ad 100644
--- a/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/lowlevel-paragraphs.pdf
+++ b/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/lowlevel-paragraphs.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/primitives.pdf b/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/primitives.pdf
index 00ac18528..c465be6cb 100644
--- a/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/primitives.pdf
+++ b/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/primitives.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/rules-mkiv.pdf b/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/rules-mkiv.pdf
index 95b1d5d24..d5b33fd28 100644
--- a/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/rules-mkiv.pdf
+++ b/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/rules-mkiv.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-boxes.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-boxes.tex
index 0efe63721..550e06819 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-boxes.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-boxes.tex
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
% language=us runpath=texruns:manuals/lowlevel
% \hfil \hss
@@ -745,6 +744,144 @@ regular height and depth are those of a \type {\vbox}.
+When you feed \TEX\ a paragraph of text it will accumulate the content in a
+list of nodes. When the paragraphs is finished by \type {\par} or an empty line
+it will be fed into the par builder that will try to break the lines as good
+as possible. Normally that paragraph will be added to the page and at some point
+there can be breaks between lines in order not to overflow the page. When you
+collect the paragraph in a box you can use \type {\vsplit} to emulate this.
+\ruledhbox{\vsplit\scratchbox to 2\lineheight}
+\typebuffer[sample][option=TEX] \getbuffer[sample]
+The split off box is given the specified height, but in \LUAMETATEX\ you can also
+get the natural dimensions:
+\ruledhbox{\vsplit\scratchbox upto 2\lineheight}
+\typebuffer[sample][option=TEX] \getbuffer[sample]
+We can force a resulting box type by using \type {\vsplit}, \type {\tsplit} and
+\type {\dsplit} (here we use the visualized variants):
+\ruledtsplit \scratchbox upto 2\lineheight
+\typebuffer[sample][option=TEX] \getbuffer[sample]
+\ruledvsplit \scratchbox upto 2\lineheight
+\typebuffer[sample][option=TEX] \getbuffer[sample]
+\ruleddsplit \scratchbox upto 2\lineheight
+\typebuffer[sample][option=TEX] \getbuffer[sample]
+The engine provides vertical splitters but \CONTEXT\ itself also has
+a horizontal one. \footnote {At some point I might turn that one into
+a native engine primitive.}
+\starttexdefinition Test #1#2#3
+ \par
+ \dontleavehmode
+ \strut
+ \llap{{\infofont #2}\quad}
+ \blackrule[width=#2,color=darkblue]
+ \par
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\samplefile{#1}}
+ \hsplit\scratchbox
+ to #2
+ depth \strutdp
+ height \strutht
+ shrinkcriterium #3 % badness
+ \par
+\dostepwiserecurse {100} {120} {2} {
+ \Test{tufte}{#1mm}{1000}
+ \Test{tufte}{#1mm}{-100}
+\typebuffer[option=TEX] \startpacked \getbuffer \stoppacked
+A split off box gets packed at its natural size and a badness as well as
+overshoot amount is calculated. When the overshoot is positive and the the
+badness is larger than the stretch criterium, the box gets repacked to the
+natural size. The same happens when the overshoot is negative and the badness
+exceeds the shrink criterium. When the overshoot is zero (basically we have a
+fit) but the badness still exceeds the stretch or shrink we also repack. Indeed
+this is a bit fuzzy, but so is badness.
+\starttexdefinition Test #1#2#3
+ \par
+ \dontleavehmode
+ \strut
+ \llap{{\infofont #2}\quad}
+ \blackrule[width=#2,color=darkblue]
+ \par
+ \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\samplefile{#1}}
+ \doloop {
+ \ifvoid\scratchbox
+ \exitloop
+ \else
+ \hsplit\scratchbox
+ to #2
+ depth \strutdp
+ height \strutht
+ #3
+ \par
+ \allowbreak
+ \fi
+ }
+\Test{tufte}{100mm}{shrinkcriterium 1000}
+\Test{tufte}{100mm}{shrinkcriterium 0}
+\typebuffer[option=TEX] \getbuffer
+Watch how the last line get stretched when we set the criterium to zero. I'm sure
+that users will find reasons to abuse this effect.
% todo:
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-loops.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-loops.tex
index e4dfd7667..30a3ef64c 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-loops.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-loops.tex
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ serialize it with \type {\number} or \type {\the} if you want it to be typeset:
\startpacked \getbuffer \stoppacked
-Here is another exmaple. This time we also show the current nesting:
+Here is another example. This time we also show the current nesting:
\localcontrolledloop 1 100 1 {%
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ there is a danger of them being seen as one:
This gives an error because a too large number is seen. Therefore, these loops
-permit leading equal signs, as in assigments (we could support keywords but
+permit leading equal signs, as in assignments (we could support keywords but
it doesn't make much sense):
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-paragraphs.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-paragraphs.tex
index 65b36da94..6543c0795 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-paragraphs.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/lowlevel/lowlevel-paragraphs.tex
@@ -985,7 +985,6 @@ examples are visualized in \in {figure} [fig:flow].
-% \startsectionlevel[title=Linebreaks]
% \ruledvbox{1\ifhmode\writestatus{!}{HMODE 1}\fi} % hsize
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex-building.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex-building.tex
index 62b1be668..9e09bce7c 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex-building.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex-building.tex
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ if needed.
-\startsubsection[title={\prm {vsplit}}]
+\startsubsection[title={\prm {vsplit}, \prm {tsplit} and \prm {dsplit}}]
\topicindex {splitting}
@@ -490,6 +490,9 @@ a split of the given size but result has the natural dimensions then.
\vsplit 123 upto 10cm % final box has its natural height
+The two alternative primitives return a \prm {vtop} or \prm {dbox} instead of a
+\prm {vbox}. All three accept the \type {attr} keyword as boxes do.
\startsubsection[title={\prm {boxxoffset}, \prm {boxyoffset}, \prm {boxxmove}, \prm {boxymove},
@@ -702,16 +705,30 @@ packages.
-\startsubsection[title={\prm {hpack}, \prm {vpack} and \prm {tpack}}]
+\startsubsection[title={\prm {dbox}}]
+This primitive is a variant on \prm {vbox} in the sense that when it gets
+appended to a vertical list the height of the topmost line or rule as well as the
+depth of the box are taken into account when interline space is calculated.
+\startsubsection[title={\prm {hpack}, \prm {vpack}, \prm {tpack} and \prm {dpack}}]
\topicindex {packing}
-These three primitives are the equivalents of \prm {hbox}, \prm {vbox} and
-\prm {vtop} but they don't trigger the packaging related callbacks. Of course
-one never know if content needs a treatment so using them should be done with
-care. Apart from accepting more keywords (and therefore options) the normal
-box behave the same as before. The \prm {vcenter} builder also works in text
+These three primitives are the equivalents of \prm {hbox}, \prm {vbox}, \prm
+{vtop} and \prm P{dbox} but they don't trigger the packaging related callbacks.
+Of course one never know if content needs a treatment so using them should be
+done with care. Apart from accepting more keywords (and therefore options) the
+normal box behave the same as before.
+\startsubsection[title={\prm {vcenter}}]
+The \prm {vcenter} builder also works in text mode.
@@ -862,6 +879,11 @@ doesn't work out as you expect. Don Knuth did a good job on the heuristics and
after many decades there is no real need to change something. Consider it a
+The parameter \prm {ignoredepthcriterium} is set to -1000pt at startup and is a
+special signal for \prm {prevdepth}. You can change the value locally for
+educational purposes but best not mess with this standard value in production
+code unless you want special effects.
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex-enhancements.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex-enhancements.tex
index d2af933b8..15682e036 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex-enhancements.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex-enhancements.tex
@@ -1231,6 +1231,39 @@ This gives
+When comparing (for instance) to numbers the a \type {=}, \type {<} or \type {>}
+is used. In \LUAMETATEX\ you can negate such a comparison by \type {!}, as in
+\type {!=}, \type {!<} or \type {!>}. Multiple \type {!} flip that state.
+In addition to these \ASCII\ combinations, we also support some \UNICODE\
+variants. The extra comparison options are:
+\DB character \BC \BC \BC operation \NC \NR
+\NC \type {0x2208} \NC $\Uchar"2208$ \NC \NC element of \NC \NR
+\NC \type {0x2209} \NC $\Uchar"2209$ \NC \NC not element of \NC \NR
+\NC \type {0x2260} \NC $\Uchar"2260$ \NC \type {!=} \NC not equal \NC \NR
+\NC \type {0x2264} \NC $\Uchar"2264$ \NC \type {!>} \NC less equal \NC \NR
+\NC \type {0x2265} \NC $\Uchar"2265$ \NC \type {!<} \NC greater equal \NC \NR
+\NC \type {0x2270} \NC $\Uchar"2270$ \NC \NC not less equal \NC \NR
+\NC \type {0x2271} \NC $\Uchar"2271$ \NC \NC not greater equal \NC \NR
+\startsubsection[title={\prm{ifzeronum}, \prm {ifzerodim}}]
+\topicindex {conditions+numbers}
+\topicindex {conditions+dimensions}
+Their name tells what they test for: zero (point) values.
\startsubsection[title={\prm{ifcmpnum}, \prm {ifcmpdim}, \prm {ifnumval}, \prm
{ifdimval}, \prm {ifchknum} and \prm {ifchkdim}}]
@@ -1643,6 +1676,9 @@ So a value of~7 shows them all. In \CONTEXT\ we set this variable to~3 which
gives a rather verbose log when tracing is on but in the end its'not that bad
because using some of the newer programming related primitive can save tracing.
+The \prm {tracinglists} variable will show some of the (intermediate) lists that
+get processed. It is there mainly for development but might evolve.
Because in \LUATEX\ the saving and restoring of locally redefined macros and set
variables is optimized a bit in order to prevent redundant stack usage, there
will be less tracing visible.
@@ -2263,7 +2299,11 @@ But in \LUAMETATEX\ we also can do this:
These two are stored as efficient as a register but don't occupy a register slot.
They can be set as above, need \prm {the} for serializations and are seen as
-valid number or dimension when needed.
+valid number or dimension when needed. They do behave like registers so one can
+use for instance \prm {advance} and assign values but keep in mind that an alias
+(made by for instance \prm {let} clones the value and that clone will not follow
+a change in the original. For that, registers can be used because there we use an
+indirect reference.
Experiments with constant strings made the engine source more complex than I
wanted so that features was rejected. Of course we can use the prefixes mentioned
@@ -2463,6 +2503,21 @@ being \type {false}.
+\startsubsection[title={Calculations with \prm {advanceby}, \prm {multiplyby} and
+\prm {divideby}.}]
+The \prm {advance}, \prm {multiply} and \prm {divide} primitives accept an
+optional keyword \type {by}. In \CONTEXT\ we never use that feature and as a
+consequence the scanner has to push back a scanned token after checking for the
+\type {b} or \type {B}. These three new primitives avoid that and therefore
+perform better, but that is (as usual with such enhancements) only noticeable in
+demanding scenarios.
+The original three plus these new ones also operate on the \quote {constant}
+integers, dimensions etc.
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex-math.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex-math.tex
index 0c9cb5c1c..0261539da 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex-math.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex-math.tex
@@ -1096,19 +1096,21 @@ they obey grouping, and you can use \type {\the\Umathquad\displaystyle} if
There are quite some parameters that can be set and there are eight styles, which means a lot
-of keying in. For that reason is is possible to set parameters groupwise
+of keying in. For that reason is is possible to set parameters groupwise:
-\DB primitive name \BC description \NC \NR
+\DB primitive name \BC D \BC D' \BC T \BC T' \BC S \BC S' \BC SS \BC SS' \NC \NR
-\NC \prm {alldisplaystyles} \NC set both display styles \NC \NR
-\NC \prm {alltextstyles} \NC set both text styles \NC \NR
-\NC \prm {allscriptstyles} \NC set both script styles \NC \NR
-\NC \prm {allscriptscriptstyles} \NC set both scriptscript styles \NC \NR
-\NC \prm {allmathstyles} \NC set all eight styles \NC \NR
-\NC \prm {allsplitstyles} \NC set all display and text styles, and reset all script(script) styles \NC \NR
-\NC \prm {alluncrampedstyles} \NC set all four uncramped styles \NC \NR
-\NC \prm {allcrampedstyles} \NC set all four cramped styles \NC \NR
+\NC \prm {alldisplaystyles} \NC$+$\NC$+ $\NC \NC \NC \NC \NC \NC \NC \NR
+\NC \prm {alltextstyles} \NC \NC \NC$+$\NC$+ $\NC \NC \NC \NC \NC \NR
+\NC \prm {allscriptstyles} \NC \NC \NC \NC \NC$+$\NC$+ $\NC \NC \NC \NR
+\NC \prm {allscriptscriptstyles} \NC \NC \NC \NC \NC \NC \NC$+ $\NC$+ $\NC \NR
+\NC \prm {allmathstyles} \NC$+$\NC$+ $\NC$+$\NC$+ $\NC$+$\NC$+ $\NC$+ $\NC$+ $\NC \NR
+\NC \prm {allmainstyles} \NC \NC \NC \NC \NC \NC \NC \NC \NC \NR
+\NC \prm {allsplitstyles} \NC$+$\NC$+ $\NC$+$\NC$+ $\NC$-$\NC$- $\NC$- $\NC$- $\NC \NR
+\NC \prm {allunsplitstyles} \NC \NC \NC \NC \NC$+$\NC$+ $\NC$+ $\NC$+ $\NC \NR
+\NC \prm {alluncrampedstyles} \NC$+$\NC \NC$+$\NC \NC$+$\NC \NC$+ $\NC \NC \NR
+\NC \prm {allcrampedstyles} \NC \NC$+ $\NC \NC$+ $\NC \NC$+ $\NC \NC$+ $\NC \NR
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex.tex
index ba19d58e1..5b9844fdb 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/luametatex/luametatex.tex
@@ -92,13 +92,15 @@
% 290 pages, 10.8 sec, 292M lua, 99M tex, 158 instances
% 290 pages, 9.5 sec, 149M lua, 35M tex, 30 instances
-% with mimalloc and msvc we get a better native performance than crosscompiled
% On the 2018 Dell 7520 Precission Xeon laptop runtime for 322 pages is now exactly
% 8 seconds (just below 40 pages per second), we talking July 16, 2022.
-% At the first of August 2022 the (slightly reorganized and updated) manual counted 350 pages
-% and took 8.6 seconds to process (some 41 pages per second), so we're rather stable.
+% At the first of August 2022 the (slightly reorganized and updated) manual counted
+% 350 pages and took 8.6 seconds to process (some 41 pages per second), so we're
+% rather stable. End of 2022 processing that amount of pages dropped somewhat
+% (occasionally under 8.3 seconds for 356 pages with little other system load). In
+% means that 43 pages per seconds is now the new normal but that might of course
+% become less again as we evolve.
% \enableexperiments [tabulateusesize]
% \enableexperiments [tabulatesparseskips]
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/ontarget/ontarget-registers.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/ontarget/ontarget-registers.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5e03fbda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/ontarget/ontarget-registers.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+% language=us runpath=texruns:manuals/ontarget
+\startcomponent ontarget-registers
+\environment ontarget-style
+\startchapter[title={Gaining performance}]
+In the meantime (2022) the \LUAMETATEX\ engine has touched many aspects of the
+original \TEX\ implementation. This has resulted in less memory consumption than
+for instance \LUATEX\ when we talk tokens, more efficient macro handing,
+additional storage options and numerous new features and optimizations. Of course
+one can disagree about all of this, but what matters to us is that it facilitates
+\CONTEXT\ well. That macro package went from \MKII\ to \MKIV\ to \MKXL\ (aka
+Although over the years the macros evolved the basic ideas haven't changed: it is
+a keyword driven macro package that is set up in a way that makes it possible to
+move forward. In spite of what one might think, the fundamentals didn't change
+much. It looks like we made the right decisions at the start, which means that we
+can change low level implementations to match the engine without users noticing
+much. Of course in the area of fonts, input encoding and languages things have
+changed simply because the environment in which we operate changes.
+A fundamental difference between \PDFTEX\ and \LUAMETATEX\ is that the later is
+in many aspects 32 and even 64 bit all over the place. That comes with a huge
+performance hit but also with possibilities (that I won't discuss here now)! On a
+simple document nothing can beat \PDFTEX, even with the optimizations that we can
+apply when using the modern engines. However, on more complex documents reality
+is that \LUAMETATEX\ can outperform \PDFTEX, and documents (read: user demands)
+have become more complex indeed.
+So, how does that work in practice? One can add some features to an engine but
+then the macro package has to be adapted. Due to the way \CONTEXT\ is organized
+it was not that hard to keep it in sync with new features, although not all are
+applied yet to full extend. Some new features improved performance, others made
+the machinery (or its usage) a bit slower. The first versions of \LUAMETATEX\
+were some 25\percent\ slower than \LUATEX, simply because the backend is written
+in \LUA. But, end 2022 we can safely say that \LUAMETATEX\ can be 50\percent\
+faster than its ancestor. This is due to a mix of the already mentioned
+optimizations and new features, for instance a more powerful macro parser. The
+backend has become more complex too, but also benefits from a few more helpers.
+Because we spend a lot of time in \LUA\ the interfaces to \TEX\ have been
+extended and improved too. Of course we depend on the \LUA\ interpreter being
+kept in optimum state by its authors. It must be said that quite some of the
+interfaces might look obscure but these are not really meant for the average user
+anyway. Also, as soon as one messes with tokens and nodes at that level one
+definitely need to know what one's doing!
+The more stable the engine becomes, the less there is to improve. Occasionally it
+was possible to squeeze our a few more milliseconds on run but it depends a lot
+of what one does. And \TEX\ is already quite fast anyway. Of course 0.005 seconds
+on a 5 second run is not much but hundred times such an improvement is
+noticeable, especially when there are multiple runs or when one processes a batch
+of 10.000 documents (each needing two runs).
+One interesting aspect of \TEX\ that it can surprise you every now and then. End
+2022 I decided to play a bit more with a feature that has been around for a
+\integerdef \fooA 123
+\dimensiondef\fooB 123pt
+These primitives create a counter and a dimen where the value is stored in the hash
+table. The original reason was that I didn't want to spoil registers. But although
+these are basically constants there is more to it now.
+\countdef\fooC 27
+\dimendef\fooD 56
+These primitives create a command that stores the register number (here 27 and
+56) with the name. In this case a \quote {variable} is accessed in two steps: the
+\type {\fooC} macro expands to an register accessor with value 27. Next that
+accessor will kick in and fetch (or set) the value in slot 27 of the memory range
+bound to (in total 65K) counters. All these registers sit a the lower end of
+\TEX's memory which is definitely not next to the meaning of \type {\fooC}. So we
+have two memory accesses to get to the number. Contrary to that once we are at
+\type {\fooA} we are also at the value. Although memory access can be fast when
+the relevant slots are cached in practice it can give delays, especially in a
+program like \TEX\ where most data is spread all over the place. And imagine other
+processes competing for access too.
+It is for that reason that I decided to replace the more or less \quote
+{constant} property of \type {\fooA} by one that also supports assignments As
+well as the arithmic commands like \type {\advance}. This was not that hard due
+to the way the \LUAMETATEX\ source is organized. After that using these pseudo
+constants proved to be more efficient than registers, but of course I then had to
+adapt the source. Interestingly that should have been easy because one only needs
+to change the definitions of for instance \type {\newcount} but in practice that
+doesn't work because it will|/|can break for instance generic packages like Tikz.
+So, in the end a new allocator was added and just over 1000 lines in some 120
+files (with some overlap) had to be adapted to this. In addition some precautions
+had to be made for access from \LUA\ because the quantities were no longer
+registers. But it was rewarding in the sense that the test suite now ran some
+5\percent\ faster and processing the \LUAMETATEX\ manual went from 8.7 seconds on
+my laptop down to around 8.5, which is not bad.
+Now why do we bother so much about performance? If I really want a faster run
+using a decent desktop is of more help. But even then there can be reasons. When
+Mikael and I were discussing math engine developments at some point we noticed
+that a run took twice as much time as a result of (supposedly idle) background
+tasks. Now keep in mind that \TEX\ uses a single core so with plenty cores it
+should not be that bad. However, when the video chat program takes half of the
+CPU power, or when a mathematical manipulation program idles in the background
+taking 80 percent of a modern machine, or when a popular editor keeps all kind of
+plug ins busy for no reason, or when a supposedly closed a browser consumes
+gigabytes of memory and keeps dozens of supposedly idle threads busy, it becomes
+clear that we should not let \TEX\ put a large burden on memory access (and
+It can get even worse when one runs on virtual machines where the host suggests
+that you get 16 cores so that you can run a dozen \TEX\ jobs in parallel but
+simple measurements show that these shared cores report a much higher ideal
+performance than the one you measure. So, the less demanding a \CONTEXT\ run
+becomes, the better: we're not so much after the .2 seconds on a 8 second run,
+but more after 3 seconds for that same run when using shared resources where it
+became 15 seconds. And this is what observations with respect to the performance
+of the test suite seem to indicate.
+In the end it's mostly about comfort: when you process a document of 300 pages,
+10 seconds is quite okay for a few changes, because one can relate time to
+output, but 20 seconds \unknown\ And when processing a a few page document the
+waiting time of a second is often less than what one needs to move the mouse
+around to the viewer. Also, when a user starts \TEX\ on the console and
+afterwards opens a browser from there that second is even less noticeable.
+Now let's go back to improvements. A related addition was \type {\advanceby} that
+doesn't check for the \type {by} keyword. When there is no such keyword we can
+avoid pushing back the non|-|matching next token which is also noticeable. Here
+about 680 changes were needed. Changes like these only make a difference in
+performance for some very demanding mechanisms in \CONTEXT. Again one cannot
+overload an existing primitive because generic packages can fail (as the test
+suite proved). There were also a few places where a dirty trick had to be changed
+because we cannot alias these constants.
+We can give similar stories about other improvements but this one sort of stands
+out because it is so noticeable. Also, other changes involve more drastic low
+level adaptations of \CONTEXT\ so these happen over a longer period of time. Of
+course all has to happen in ways that don't impact users. An example of a
+performance primitive is \typ {\advancebyplusone} which is actually implemented
+but still disabled because the gain is in hundreds of seconds range and I need to
+(again) adapt the source in order to benefit.
+The mentioned register variants are implemented for count (integer), dimen
+(dimension), skip (gluespec) and muskip (mugluespec). Token registers are more
+complex as they have reference counters as well as more manipulator primitives.
+The same is true for boxes (although it is tempting to come up with some faster
+access mechanism) and attributes, that also have more diverse accessors. Also,
+token lists and boxes involve way more than a simple assignment or access so any
+gain will drown in other actions. That said, it really makes sense now to drop
+the maximum of 64K registers to some more reasonable 8K (or even less for mu
+skips). That will save a couple of megabytes which sounds like little but still
+puts less burden on the system.
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/primitives/primitives.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/primitives/primitives.tex
index 084aa9855..f759b79b8 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/primitives/primitives.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/primitives/primitives.tex
@@ -49,8 +49,17 @@
+% We use the next one because we want to check what has been done. In a document
+% like this using \type {\foo} makes more sense.
+% This is why we need to tag bodymatter.
@@ -110,63 +119,63 @@ subsystems (like math), allocate additional datatypes and resources, deal with
fonts and languages, manipulate boxes and glyphs, etc.\ are not discussed here.
In this document we concentrate on the programming aspects.
-To be described here: \typ {enforced}, \typ {immutable}, \typ {instance},
-\typ {aliased}, \typ {mutable}, \typ {overloaded}, \typ {overloadmode}, \typ
-{tolerant}, \typ {permanent}, \typ {ifflags}, \typ {ifinsert}, \typ
-{ifmathparameter}, \typ {ifmathstyle}, \typ {ifparameter}, \typ
-{ifparameters}, \typ {ignorearguments}, \typ {ignorepars}, \typ
-{parametercount}, \typ {lastchkdim}, \typ {lastchknum}.
-Of a different order: \typ {adjustspacing}, \typ {adjustspacingshrink}, \typ
-{adjustspacingstep}, \typ {adjustspacingstretch}, \typ {attribute}, \typ
-{attributedef}, \typ {automaticdiscretionary}, \typ {automatichyphenpenalty},
-\typ {automigrationmode}, \typ {boundary}, \typ {boxattribute}, \typ
-{boxdirection}, \typ {boxorientation}, \typ {boxtotal}, \typ {boxxmove}, \typ
-{boxxoffset}, \typ {boxymove}, \typ {boxyoffset}, \typ {catcodetable}, \typ
-{clearmarks}, \typ {crampeddisplaystyle}, \typ {crampedscriptscriptstyle}, \typ
-{crampedscriptstyle}, \typ {crampedtextstyle}, \typ {directlua}, \typ {efcode},
-\typ {everybeforepar}, \typ {everytab}, \typ {exceptionpenalty}, \typ
-{explicitdiscretionary}, \typ {explicithyphenpenalty}, \typ {firstvalidlanguage},
-\typ {fontid}, \typ {fontmathcontrol}, \typ {fontspecifiedsize}, \typ
-{fonttextcontrol}, \typ {formatname}, \typ {gleaders}, \typ {gluespecdef}, \typ
-{glyphdatafield}, \typ {glyphoptions}, \typ {glyphscale}, \typ
-{glyphscriptfield}, \typ {glyphscriptscale}, \typ {glyphscriptscriptscale}, \typ
-{glyphstatefield}, \typ {glyphtextscale}, \typ {glyphxoffset}, \typ
-{glyphxscale}, \typ {glyphyoffset}, \typ {glyphyscale}, \typ {hccode}, \typ
-{hjcode}, \typ {hpack}, \typ {hyphenationmin}, \typ {hyphenationmode}, \typ
-{initcatcodetable}, \typ {insertbox},\typ {insertcopy}, \typ {insertdepth}, \typ
-{insertdistance}, \typ {insertheight}, \typ {insertheights}, \typ {insertlimit},
-\typ {insertmode}, \typ {insertmultiplier}, \typ {insertprogress}, \typ
-{insertunbox}, \typ {insertuncopy}, \typ {insertwidth}, \typ {lastnodesubtype},
-\typ {leftmarginkern}, \typ {letcharcode}, \typ {linedirection}, \typ {linepar},
-\typ {localbrokenpenalty}, \typ {localinterlinepenalty}, \typ {lpcode}, \typ
-{luabytecode}, \typ {luabytecodecall}, \typ {luacopyinputnodes}, \typ {luadef},
-\typ {luaescapestring}, \typ {luafunction}, \typ {luafunctioncall}, \typ
-{luatexbanner}, \typ {luatexrevision}, \typ {luatexversion}, \typ
-{mathcontrolmode}, \typ {mathdelimitersmode}, \typ {mathdirection}, \typ
-{mathdisplayskipmode}, \typ {matheqnogapstep}, \typ {mathflattenmode}, \typ
-{mathfontcontrol}, \typ {mathitalicsmode}, \typ {mathnolimitsmode}, \typ
-{mathpenaltiesmode}, \typ {mathrulesfam}, \typ {mathrulesmode}, \typ
-{mathrulethicknessmode}, \typ {mathscale}, \typ {mathscriptboxmode}, \typ
-{mathscriptcharmode}, \typ {mathscriptsmode}, \typ {mathstyle}, \typ
-{mathsurroundmode}, \typ {mathsurroundskip}, \typ {mugluespecdef}, \typ
-{noaligned}, \typ {noboundary}, \typ {nohrule}, \typ {normalizelinemode}, \typ
-{nospaces}, \typ {novrule}, \typ {numericscale}, \typ {numexpression}, \typ
-{outputbox}, \typ {parattribute}, \typ {pardirection}, \typ {postexhyphenchar},
-\typ {posthyphenchar}, \typ {prebinoppenalty}, \typ {predisplaygapfactor}, \typ
-{preexhyphenchar}, \typ {prehyphenchar}, \typ {prerelpenalty}, \typ
-{protrudechars}, \typ {protrusionboundary}, \typ {pxdimen}, \typ {quitvmode},
-\typ {retokenize}, \typ {rightmarginkern}, \typ {rpcode}, \typ
-{savecatcodetable}, \typ {scantextokens}, \typ {semiexpanded}, \typ {setfontid},
-\typ {snapshotpar}, \typ {supmarkmode}, \typ {textdirection}, \typ
-{thewithoutunit}, \typ {tpack}, \typ {tracingexpressions}, \typ {tracingfonts},
-\typ {tracinghyphenation}, \typ {tracingmath}, \typ {undent}, \typ {vpack}, \typ
-{wordboundary}, \typ {wrapuppar}.
-{\em Some new primitives in this list might be forgotten or already became
-obsolete. Let me know if you run into one.}
+% \startalign[verytolerant,stretch]
+% To be described here: \typ {enforced}, \typ {immutable}, \typ {instance},
+% \typ {aliased}, \typ {mutable}, \typ {overloaded}, \typ {overloadmode}, \typ
+% {tolerant}, \typ {permanent}, \typ {ifflags}, \typ {ifinsert}, \typ
+% {ifmathparameter}, \typ {ifmathstyle}, \typ {ifparameter}, \typ
+% {ifparameters}, \typ {ignorearguments}, \typ {ignorepars}, \typ
+% {parametercount}, \typ {lastchkdim}, \typ {lastchknum}.
+% Of a different order: \typ {adjustspacing}, \typ {adjustspacingshrink}, \typ
+% {adjustspacingstep}, \typ {adjustspacingstretch}, \typ {attribute}, \typ
+% {attributedef}, \typ {automaticdiscretionary}, \typ {automatichyphenpenalty},
+% \typ {automigrationmode}, \typ {boundary}, \typ {boxattribute}, \typ
+% {boxdirection}, \typ {boxorientation}, \typ {boxtotal}, \typ {boxxmove}, \typ
+% {boxxoffset}, \typ {boxymove}, \typ {boxyoffset}, \typ {catcodetable}, \typ
+% {clearmarks}, \typ {crampeddisplaystyle}, \typ {crampedscriptscriptstyle}, \typ
+% {crampedscriptstyle}, \typ {crampedtextstyle}, \typ {directlua}, \typ {efcode},
+% \typ {everybeforepar}, \typ {everytab}, \typ {exceptionpenalty}, \typ
+% {explicitdiscretionary}, \typ {explicithyphenpenalty}, \typ {firstvalidlanguage},
+% \typ {fontid}, \typ {fontmathcontrol}, \typ {fontspecifiedsize}, \typ
+% {fonttextcontrol}, \typ {formatname}, \typ {gleaders}, \typ {gluespecdef}, \typ
+% {glyphdatafield}, \typ {glyphoptions}, \typ {glyphscale}, \typ
+% {glyphscriptfield}, \typ {glyphscriptscale}, \typ {glyphscriptscriptscale}, \typ
+% {glyphstatefield}, \typ {glyphtextscale}, \typ {glyphxoffset}, \typ
+% {glyphxscale}, \typ {glyphyoffset}, \typ {glyphyscale}, \typ {hccode}, \typ
+% {hjcode}, \typ {hpack}, \typ {hyphenationmin}, \typ {hyphenationmode}, \typ
+% {initcatcodetable}, \typ {insertbox},\typ {insertcopy}, \typ {insertdepth}, \typ
+% {insertdistance}, \typ {insertheight}, \typ {insertheights}, \typ {insertlimit},
+% \typ {insertmode}, \typ {insertmultiplier}, \typ {insertprogress}, \typ
+% {insertunbox}, \typ {insertuncopy}, \typ {insertwidth}, \typ {lastnodesubtype},
+% \typ {leftmarginkern}, \typ {letcharcode}, \typ {linedirection}, \typ {linepar},
+% \typ {localbrokenpenalty}, \typ {localinterlinepenalty}, \typ {lpcode}, \typ
+% {luabytecode}, \typ {luabytecodecall}, \typ {luacopyinputnodes}, \typ {luadef},
+% \typ {luaescapestring}, \typ {luafunction}, \typ {luafunctioncall}, \typ
+% {luatexbanner}, \typ {luatexrevision}, \typ {luatexversion}, \typ
+% {mathcontrolmode}, \typ {mathdelimitersmode}, \typ {mathdirection}, \typ
+% {mathdisplayskipmode}, \typ {matheqnogapstep}, \typ {mathflattenmode}, \typ
+% {mathfontcontrol}, \typ {mathitalicsmode}, \typ {mathnolimitsmode}, \typ
+% {mathpenaltiesmode}, \typ {mathrulesfam}, \typ {mathrulesmode}, \typ
+% {mathrulethicknessmode}, \typ {mathscale}, \typ {mathscriptboxmode}, \typ
+% {mathscriptcharmode}, \typ {mathscriptsmode}, \typ {mathstyle}, \typ
+% {mathsurroundmode}, \typ {mathsurroundskip}, \typ {mugluespecdef}, \typ
+% {noaligned}, \typ {noboundary}, \typ {nohrule}, \typ {normalizelinemode}, \typ
+% {nospaces}, \typ {novrule}, \typ {numericscale}, \typ {numexpression}, \typ
+% {outputbox}, \typ {parattribute}, \typ {pardirection}, \typ {postexhyphenchar},
+% \typ {posthyphenchar}, \typ {prebinoppenalty}, \typ {predisplaygapfactor}, \typ
+% {preexhyphenchar}, \typ {prehyphenchar}, \typ {prerelpenalty}, \typ
+% {protrudechars}, \typ {protrusionboundary}, \typ {pxdimen}, \typ {quitvmode},
+% \typ {retokenize}, \typ {rightmarginkern}, \typ {rpcode}, \typ
+% {savecatcodetable}, \typ {scantextokens}, \typ {semiexpanded}, \typ {setfontid},
+% \typ {snapshotpar}, \typ {supmarkmode}, \typ {textdirection}, \typ
+% {thewithoutunit}, \typ {tpack}, \typ {tracingexpressions}, \typ {tracingfonts},
+% \typ {tracinghyphenation}, \typ {tracingmath}, \typ {undent}, \typ {vpack}, \typ
+% {wordboundary}, \typ {wrapuppar}.
+% \stopalign
+% {\em Some new primitives in this list might be forgotten or already became
+% obsolete. Let me know if you run into one.}
@@ -176,18 +185,67 @@ obsolete. Let me know if you run into one.}
% code so that it dealt a bit more natural with the newer features. A usual side
% effects if writing manuals.
-% \startoldprimitive[title={\tex {meaning}}]
-% \stopoldprimitive
-% \startoldprimitive[title={\tex {par}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {meaning}}]
+We start with a primitive that will be used in the following sections. The
+reported meaning can look a bit different than the one reported by other engines
+which is a side effect of additional properties and more extensive argument
+\tolerant\permanent\protected\gdef\foo[#1]#*[#2]{(#1)(#2)} \meaning\foo
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {meaningless}}]
+This one reports a bit less than \prm {meaning}.
+\tolerant\permanent\protected\gdef\foo[#1]#*[#2]{(#1)(#2)} \meaningless\foo
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {meaningfull}}]
+This one reports a bit more than \prm {meaning}.
+\tolerant\permanent\protected\gdef\foo[#1]#*[#2]{(#1)(#2)} \meaningfull\foo
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {meaningasis}}]
+Although it is not really round trip with the original due to information
+being lost this primitive tries to return an equivalent definition.
+\tolerant\permanent\protected\gdef\foo[#1]#*[#2]{(#1)(#2)} \meaningasis\foo
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+% \startoldprimitive[title={\prm {par}}]
% \stopoldprimitive
-% \startoldprimitive[title={\tex {linepar}}]
+% \startoldprimitive[title={\prm {linepar}}]
% \stopoldprimitive
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {afterassignment}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {afterassignment}}]
-The token following \type {\afterassignment}, a traditional \TEX\ primitive, is
+The token following \prm {afterassignment}, a traditional \TEX\ primitive, is
saved and gets injected (and then expanded) after a following assignment took
@@ -201,18 +259,18 @@ place.
-The \type {\afterassignment}s are not accumulated, the last one wins:
+The \prm {afterassignment}s are not accumulated, the last one wins:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {afterassigned}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {afterassigned}}]
-The \type {\afterassignment} primitive stores a token to be injected (and thereby
-expanded) after an assignment has happened. Unlike \type {\aftergroup}, multiple
+The \prm {afterassignment} primitive stores a token to be injected (and thereby
+expanded) after an assignment has happened. Unlike \prm {aftergroup}, multiple
calls are not accumulated, and changing that would be too incompatible. This is
-why we have \type {\afterassigned}, which can be used to inject a bunch of
+why we have \prm {afterassigned}, which can be used to inject a bunch of
tokens. But in order to be consistent this one is also not accumulative.
@@ -227,16 +285,16 @@ results in: \inlinebuffer\ being typeset.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {aftergroup}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {aftergroup}}]
-The traditional \TEX\ \type {\aftergroup} primitive stores the next token and
+The traditional \TEX\ \prm {aftergroup} primitive stores the next token and
expands that after the group has been closed.
before{ ! \aftergroup a\aftergroup f\aftergroup t\aftergroup e\aftergroup r}
-Multiple \type {\aftergroup}s are combined:
+Multiple \prm {aftergroup}s are combined:
@@ -244,9 +302,9 @@ Multiple \type {\aftergroup}s are combined:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {aftergrouped}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {aftergrouped}}]
-The in itself powerful \type {\aftergroup} primitives works quite well, even
+The in itself powerful \prm {aftergroup} primitives works quite well, even
if you need to do more than one thing: you can either use it multiple times, or
you can define a macro that does multiple things and apply that after the group.
However, you can avoid that by using this primitive which takes a list of tokens.
@@ -267,7 +325,7 @@ Because it happens after the group, we're no longer typesetting in bold.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {atendofgroup}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {atendofgroup}}]
The token provided will be injected just before the group ends. Because
these tokens are collected, you need to be aware of possible interference
@@ -284,14 +342,14 @@ between them. However, normally this is managed by the macro package.
Of course these effects can also be achieved by combining (extra) grouping with
-\type {\aftergroup} calls, so this is more a convenience primitives than a real
+\prm {aftergroup} calls, so this is more a convenience primitives than a real
necessity: {\inlinebuffer}, as proven here.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {atendofgrouped}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {atendofgrouped}}]
-This is the multi token variant of \type {\atendofgroup}. Of course the next
+This is the multi token variant of \prm {atendofgroup}. Of course the next
example is somewhat naive when it comes to spacing and so, but it shows the
@@ -309,7 +367,7 @@ Multiple invocations are accumulated: {\inlinebuffer}.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {toksapp}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {toksapp}}]
One way to append something to a token list is the following:
@@ -334,9 +392,9 @@ times.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {etoksapp}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {etoksapp}}]
-A variant of \type {\toksapp} is the following: it expands the to be appended
+A variant of \prm {toksapp} is the following: it expands the to be appended
@@ -346,9 +404,9 @@ content.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {tokspre}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {tokspre}}]
-Where appending something is easy because of the possible \type {\expandafter}
+Where appending something is easy because of the possible \prm {expandafter}
trickery a prepend would involve more work, either using temporary token
registers and|/|or using a mixture of the (no)expansion added by \ETEX, but all
are kind of inefficient and cumbersome.
@@ -362,9 +420,9 @@ This prepends the token list that is provided.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {etokspre}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {etokspre}}]
-A variant of \type {\tokspre} is the following: it expands the to be prepended
+A variant of \prm {tokspre} is the following: it expands the to be prepended
@@ -374,35 +432,35 @@ content.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {gtoksapp}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {gtoksapp}}]
-This is the global variant of \type {\toksapp}.
+This is the global variant of \prm {toksapp}.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {xtoksapp}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {xtoksapp}}]
-This is the global variant of \type {\etoksapp}.
+This is the global variant of \prm {etoksapp}.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {gtokspre}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {gtokspre}}]
-This is the global variant of \type {\tokspre}.
+This is the global variant of \prm {tokspre}.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {xtokspre}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {xtokspre}}]
-This is the global variant of \type {\etokspre}.
+This is the global variant of \prm {etokspre}.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {csname}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {csname}}]
This original \TEX\ primitive starts the construction of a control sequence
reference. It does a lookup and when no sequence with than name is found, it will
-create a hash entry and defaults its meaning to \type {\relax}.
+create a hash entry and defaults its meaning to \prm {relax}.
\csname letters and other characters\endcsname
@@ -410,15 +468,15 @@ create a hash entry and defaults its meaning to \type {\relax}.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {endcsname}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {endcsname}}]
-This primitive is used in combination with \type {\csname}, \type {\ifcsname} and
-\type {\begincsname} where its end the scanning for the to be constructed control
+This primitive is used in combination with \prm {csname}, \prm {ifcsname} and
+\prm {begincsname} where its end the scanning for the to be constructed control
sequence token.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {begincsname}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {begincsname}}]
The next code creates a control sequence token from the given serialized tokens:
@@ -427,7 +485,7 @@ The next code creates a control sequence token from the given serialized tokens:
When \type {\mymacro} is not defined a control sequence will be created with the
-meaning \type {\relax}. A side effect is that a test for its existence might fail
+meaning \prm {relax}. A side effect is that a test for its existence might fail
because it now exists. The next sequence will {\em not} create an controil
@@ -445,7 +503,7 @@ This actually is kind of equivalent to:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {lastnamedcs}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {lastnamedcs}}]
The example code in the previous section has some redundancy, in the sense that
there to be looked up control sequence name \type {mymacro} is assembled twice.
@@ -472,9 +530,9 @@ less tokens and parsing. It might even look nicer.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {futureexpand}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {futureexpand}}]
-This primitive can be used as an alternative to a \type {\futurelet} approach,
+This primitive can be used as an alternative to a \prm {futurelet} approach,
which is where the name comes from. \footnote {In the engine primitives
that have similar behavior are grouped in commands that are then dealt with
together, code wise.}
@@ -514,7 +572,7 @@ This gives us:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {futureexpandis}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {futureexpandis}}]
We assume that the previous section is read. This variant will not push back
spaces, which permits a consistent approach i.e.\ the user can assume that macro
@@ -535,21 +593,21 @@ always gobbles the spaces.
So, here no spaces are pushed back. This \type {is} in the name of this primitive
means \quote {ignore spaces}, but having that added to the name would have made
the primitive even more verbose (after all, we also don't have \type
-{\expandeddef} but \type {\edef} and no \type {\globalexpandeddef} but \type
+{\expandeddef} but \prm {edef} and no \type {\globalexpandeddef} but \prm
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {futureexpandisap}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {futureexpandisap}}]
This primitive is like the one in the previous section but also ignores par
tokens, so \type {isap} means \quote {ignore spaces and paragraphs}.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {expandafter}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {expandafter}}]
This original \TEX\ primitive stores the next token, does a one level expansion
of what follows it, which actually can be an not expandable token, and
@@ -559,15 +617,15 @@ reinjects the stored token in the input. Like:
\expandafter\let\csname my weird macro name\endcsname{m w m n}
-Without \type {\expandafter} the \type {\csname} primitive would have been let to
+Without \prm {expandafter} the \prm {csname} primitive would have been let to
the left brace (effectively then a begin group). Actually in this particular case
the control sequence with the weird name is injected and when it didn't yet exist
-it will get the meaning \type {\relax} so we sort of have two assignments in a
+it will get the meaning \prm {relax} so we sort of have two assignments in a
row then.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {expandafterspaces}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {expandafterspaces}}]
This is a gobbler: the next token is reinjected after following spaces have been
read. Here is a simple example:
@@ -588,7 +646,7 @@ a space (and leading spaces in a line are normally being ingored anyway).
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {expandafterpars}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {expandafterpars}}]
Here is another gobbler: the next token is reinjected after following spaces
and par tokens have been read. So:
@@ -604,16 +662,16 @@ and par tokens have been read. So:
-gives us: \inlinebuffer, because empty lines are like \type {\par} and therefore
+gives us: \inlinebuffer, because empty lines are like \prm {par} and therefore
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {expandtoken}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {expandtoken}}]
This primitive creates a token with a specific combination of catcode and
character code. Because it assumes some knowledge of \TEX\ we can show it
-using some \type {\expandafter} magic:
+using some \prm {expandafter} magic:
\expandafter\let\expandafter\temp\expandtoken 11 `X \meaning\temp
@@ -664,15 +722,16 @@ characters with catcode 10 are spaces, while those with code 9 are ignored.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {expandcstoken}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {expandcstoken}}]
-The rationale behind this primitive is that when we \type {\let} a single token
+The rationale behind this primitive is that when we \prm {let} a single token
like a character it is hard to compare that with something similar, stored in a
-macro. This primitive pushes back a single token alias created by \type {\let}
+macro. This primitive pushes back a single token alias created by \prm {let}
into the input.
-\let\tempA + \meaning\tempA \crlf
+\let\tempA + \meaning\tempA
\let\tempB X \meaning\tempB \crlf
\let\tempC $ \meaning\tempC \par
@@ -691,7 +750,7 @@ into the input.
-The meaning of the \type {\let} macros shows that we have a shortcut to a
+The meaning of the \prm {let} macros shows that we have a shortcut to a
character with (in this case) catcode letter, other (here \quote {other
character} gets abbreviated to \quote {character}), math shift etc.
@@ -703,16 +762,16 @@ content of the two arguments is compared.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {expand}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {expand}}]
-Normally a protected macro will not be expanded inside for instance an \type
-{\edef} but there is a way out: \footnote {This primitive is dedicated to Hans vd
+Normally a protected macro will not be expanded inside for instance an \prm
+{edef} but there is a way out: \footnote {This primitive is dedicated to Hans vd
Meer who was playing with the unprotected version of \type {\doifelse} and
wondered about the reason for it not being expandable in the first place.}
\edef\temp {\doifelse{a}{b}{c}{d}} \meaning\temp \crlf
-\edef\temp{\expand\doifelse{a}{b}{c}{d}} \meaning\temp
+\edef\temp{\expand\doifelse{a}{b}{c}{d}} \meaning\temp \par
@@ -725,16 +784,16 @@ case in \CONTEXT\ \LMTX, but not in \MKIV.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {ignorespaces}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {ignorespaces}}]
This traditional \TEX\ primitive signals the scanner to ignore the following
spaces, if any. We mention it because we show a companion in the next section.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ignorepars}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ignorepars}}]
-This is a variant of \type {\ignorespaces}: following spaces {\em and} \type
+This is a variant of \prm {ignorespaces}: following spaces {\em and} \type
{\par} equivalent tokens are ignored, so for instance:
@@ -746,16 +805,16 @@ three
-renders as: \inlinebuffer. Traditionally \TEX\ has been sensitive to \type {\par}
+renders as: \inlinebuffer. Traditionally \TEX\ has been sensitive to \prm {par}
tokens in some of its building blocks. This has to do with the fact that it could
indicate a runaway argument which in the times of slower machines and terminals
was best to catch early. In \LUAMETATEX\ we no longer have long macros and the
-mechanisms that are sensitive can be told to accept \type {\par} tokens (and
+mechanisms that are sensitive can be told to accept \prm {par} tokens (and
\CONTEXT\ set them such that this is the case).
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ignorearguments}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ignorearguments}}]
This primitive will quit argument scanning and start expansion of the body of a
macro. The number of grabbed arguments can be tested as follows:
@@ -767,7 +826,7 @@ macro. The number of grabbed arguments can be tested as follows:
\MyMacro \ignorearguments \quad
\MyMacro [1]\ignorearguments \quad
\MyMacro [1][2]\ignorearguments \quad
-\MyMacro [1][2][3]\ignorearguments \crlf
+\MyMacro [1][2][3]\ignorearguments \par
@@ -778,41 +837,41 @@ macro. The number of grabbed arguments can be tested as follows:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {lastarguments}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {lastarguments}}]
\def\MyMacro #1{\the\lastarguments (#1) } \MyMacro{1} \crlf
\def\MyMacro #1#2{\the\lastarguments (#1) (#2)} \MyMacro{1}{2} \crlf
-\def\MyMacro#1#2#3{\the\lastarguments (#1) (#2) (#3)} \MyMacro{1}{2}{3} \crlf
+\def\MyMacro#1#2#3{\the\lastarguments (#1) (#2) (#3)} \MyMacro{1}{2}{3} \par
\def\MyMacro #1{(#1) \the\lastarguments} \MyMacro{1} \crlf
\def\MyMacro #1#2{(#1) (#2) \the\lastarguments} \MyMacro{1}{2} \crlf
-\def\MyMacro#1#2#3{(#1) (#2) (#3) \the\lastarguments} \MyMacro{1}{2}{3} \crlf
+\def\MyMacro#1#2#3{(#1) (#2) (#3) \the\lastarguments} \MyMacro{1}{2}{3} \par
-The value of \type {\lastarguments} can only be trusted in the expansion until
+The value of \prm {lastarguments} can only be trusted in the expansion until
another macro is seen and expanded. For instance in these examples, as soon as a
character (like the left parenthesis) is seen, horizontal mode is entered and
-\type {\everypar} is expanded which in turn can involve macros. You can see that
-in the second block (that is: unless we changed \type {\everypar} in the
+\prm {everypar} is expanded which in turn can involve macros. You can see that
+in the second block (that is: unless we changed \prm {everypar} in the
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {scantokens}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {scantokens}}]
Just forget about this \ETEX\ primnitive, just take the one in the next section.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {scantextokens}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {scantextokens}}]
This primitive scans the input as if it comes from a file. In the next examples
-the \type {\detokenize} primitive turns tokenized code into verbatim code that is
+the \prm {detokenize} primitive turns tokenized code into verbatim code that is
similar to what is read from a file.
@@ -820,19 +879,19 @@ similar to what is read from a file.
\detokenize {This is {\bf bold} and this is not.}\crlf
\scantextokens{This is {\bf bold} and this is not.}\crlf
This primitive does not have the end|-|of|-|file side effects of its precursor
-\type {\scantokens}.
+\prm {scantokens}.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {number}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {number}}]
This \TEX\ primitive serializes the next token into a number, assuming that it
is indeed a number, like
@@ -843,13 +902,116 @@ is indeed a number, like
-For counters and such the \type {\the} primitive does the same, but when you're
+For counters and such the \prm {the} primitive does the same, but when you're
not sure if what follows is a verbose number or (for instance) a counter the
-\type {\number} primitive is a safer bet, because \type {\the 65} will not work.
+\prm {number} primitive is a safer bet, because \type {\the 65} will not work.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {string}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {tointeger}}]
+\scratchcounter = 1234 \tointeger\scratchcounter
+The following code gives this: {\nospacing\inlinebuffer} and is equivalent to
+\prm {number}.
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {tohexadecimal}}]
+\scratchcounter = 1234 \tohexadecimal\scratchcounter
+The following code gives this: {\nospacing\inlinebuffer} with uppercase letters.
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {todimension}}]
+\scratchdimen = 1234pt \todimension\scratchdimen
+The following code gives this: {\nospacing\inlinebuffer} and like its numeric
+counterparts accepts anything that resembles a number this one goes beyond
+(user, internal or pseudo) registers values too.
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {toscaled}}]
+\scratchdimen = 1234pt \toscaled\scratchdimen
+The following code gives this: {\nospacing\inlinebuffer} is similar to \prm
+{todimension} but omits the \type {pt} so that we don't need to revert to some
+nasty stripping code.
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {tosparsedimension}}]
+\scratchdimen = 1234pt \tosparsedimension\scratchdimen
+The following code gives this: {\nospacing\inlinebuffer} where \quote {sparse}
+indicates that redundant trailing zeros are not shown.
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {tosparsescaled}}]
+\scratchdimen = 1234pt \tosparsescaled\scratchdimen
+The following code gives this: {\nospacing\inlinebuffer} where \quote {sparse}
+means that redundant trailing zeros are omitted.
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {numericscale}}]
+This primitive can best be explained by a few examples:
+\the\numericscale 1323
+\the\numericscale 1323.0
+\the\numericscale 1.323
+\the\numericscale 13.23
+In several places \TEX\ uses a scale but due to the lack of floats it then uses
+1000 as 1.0 replacement. This primitive can be used for \quote {real} scales and
+the period signals this:
+\startlines \getbuffer \stoplines
+When there is a period (indicating the fraction) the result is an integer (count)
+that has the multiplier 1000 applied.
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {string}}]
We mention this original primitive because of the one in the next section. It
expands the next token or control sequence as if it was just entered, so normally
@@ -857,7 +1019,7 @@ a control sequence becomes a backslash followed by characters and a space.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {csstring}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {csstring}}]
This primitive returns the name of the control sequence given without the leading
escape character (normally a backslash). Of course you could strip that character
@@ -873,10 +1035,10 @@ We get the name, not the meaning: {\tt \inlinebuffer}.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {unexpanded}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {unexpanded}}]
This is an \ETEX\ enhancement. The content will not be expanded in a context
-where expansion is happening, like in an \type {\edef}. In \CONTEXT\ you need to
+where expansion is happening, like in an \prm {edef}. In \CONTEXT\ you need to
use \type {\normalunexpanded} because we already had a macro with that name.
@@ -892,7 +1054,7 @@ use \type {\normalunexpanded} because we already had a macro with that name.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {detokenize}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {detokenize}}]
This \ETEX\ primitive turns the content of the provides list will become
characters, kind of verbatim.
@@ -908,10 +1070,10 @@ characters, kind of verbatim.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {tokenized}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {tokenized}}]
-Just as \type {\expanded} has a counterpart \type {\unexpanded}, it makes sense to give
-\type {\detokenize} a companion:
+Just as \prm {expanded} has a counterpart \prm {unexpanded}, it makes sense to give
+\prm {detokenize} a companion:
@@ -939,7 +1101,7 @@ much (if at all).
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {expanded}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {expanded}}]
This primitive complements the two expansion related primitives mentioned in the
previous two sections. This time the content will be expanded and then pushed
@@ -952,16 +1114,16 @@ examples:
\def\B#1{\string#1} \B{\A} \crlf
\def\B#1{\string#1} \normalexpanded{\noexpand\B{\A}} \crlf
-\protected\def\B#1{\string#1} \B{\A} \crlf
+\protected\def\B#1{\string#1} \B{\A} \par
\typebuffer {\getbuffer}
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {numexpression}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {numexpression}}]
-The normal \tex {numexpr} primitive understands the \type {+}, \type {-}, \type
+The normal \prm {numexpr} primitive understands the \type {+}, \type {-}, \type
{*} and \type {/} operators but in \LUAMETATEX\ we also can use \type {:} for a
non rounded integer division (think of \LUA's \type {//}). if you want more than
that, you can use the new expression primitive where you can use the following
@@ -1002,7 +1164,7 @@ An example of the verbose bitwise operators is:
In the table you might have notices that some operators have equivalents. This
makes the scanner a bit less sensitive for catcode regimes.
-When \type {\tracingexpressions} is set to one or higher the intermediate \quote
+When \prm {tracingexpressions} is set to one or higher the intermediate \quote
{reverse polish notation} stack that is used for the calculation is shown, for
@@ -1019,15 +1181,15 @@ When you want the output on your console, you need to say:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {dimexpression}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {dimexpression}}]
-This command is like \tex {numexpression} but results in a dimension instead of
-an integer. Where \tex {dimexpr} doesn't like \typ {2 * 10pt} this expression
+This command is like \prm {numexpression} but results in a dimension instead of
+an integer. Where \prm {dimexpr} doesn't like \typ {2 * 10pt} this expression
primitive is quite happy with it.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {if}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {if}}]
This traditional \TEX\ conditional checks if two character codes are the same. In
order to understand unexpanded results it is good to know that internally \TEX\
@@ -1055,7 +1217,7 @@ we get the extra \type {A}:
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {ifcat}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {ifcat}}]
Another traditional \TEX\ primitive: what happens with what gets read in depends
on the catcode of a character, think of characters marked to start math mode, or
@@ -1083,7 +1245,7 @@ need to compare characters.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {ifnum}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {ifnum}}]
This is a frequently used conditional: it compares two numbers where a number is
anything that can be seen as such.
@@ -1098,15 +1260,44 @@ anything that can be seen as such.
-Unless a number is an unexpandable token it ends with a space or \type {\relax},
+Unless a number is an unexpandable token it ends with a space or \prm {relax},
so when you end up in the true branch, you'd better check if \TEX\ could
determine where the number ends.
+% When comparing integers, definitions (for instance characters) that can be seen
+% as such, or any converter that produces a number (like the \type {`} or \prm
+% {number} the usual \type {=}, \type {<} or \type {>} can be used. However, in
+% \LUAMETATEX\ you can negate such a comparison by \type {!}: \type {!=}, \type
+% {!<} or \type {!>}. Successive \type {!} toggle the negation state.
+On top of these \ASCII\ combinations, the engine also accepts some \UNICODE\
+characters. This brings the full repertoire to:
+\BC character \BC \BC \BC operation \NC \NR
+\NC \type {0x003C} \NC $\Uchar"003C$ \NC \NC less \NC \NR
+\NC \type {0x003D} \NC $\Uchar"003D$ \NC \NC equal \NC \NR
+\NC \type {0x003E} \NC $\Uchar"003E$ \NC \NC more \NC \NR
+\NC \type {0x2208} \NC $\Uchar"2208$ \NC \NC element of \NC \NR
+\NC \type {0x2209} \NC $\Uchar"2209$ \NC \NC not element of \NC \NR
+\NC \type {0x2260} \NC $\Uchar"2260$ \NC != \NC not equal \NC \NR
+\NC \type {0x2264} \NC $\Uchar"2264$ \NC !> \NC less equal \NC \NR
+\NC \type {0x2265} \NC $\Uchar"2265$ \NC !< \NC greater equal \NC \NR
+\NC \type {0x2270} \NC $\Uchar"2270$ \NC \NC not less equal \NC \NR
+\NC \type {0x2271} \NC $\Uchar"2271$ \NC \NC not greater equal \NC \NR
+This also applied to \prm {ifdim} although in the case of element we discard the
+fractional part (read: divide the numeric representation by 65536).
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {ifdim}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {ifdim}}]
Dimensions can be compared with this traditional \TEX\ primitive.
@@ -1125,7 +1316,7 @@ The units are mandate:
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {ifodd}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {ifodd}}]
One reason for this condition to be around is that in a double sided layout we
need test for being on an odd or even page. It scans for a number the same was
@@ -1142,36 +1333,36 @@ So: {\inlinebuffer}
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {ifvmode}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {ifvmode}}]
This traditional conditional checks we are in (internal) vertical mode.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {ifhmode}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {ifhmode}}]
This traditional conditional checks we are in (restricted) horizontal mode.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {ifmmode}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {ifmmode}}]
This traditional conditional checks we are in (inline or display) math mode mode.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {ifinner}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {ifinner}}]
This traditional one can be confusing. It is true when we are in restricted
horizontal mode (a box), internal vertical mode (a box), or inline math mode.
test \ifhmode \ifinner INNER\fi HMODE\fi\crlf
-\hbox{test \ifhmode \ifinner INNER \fi HMODE\fi} \crlf
+\hbox{test \ifhmode \ifinner INNER \fi HMODE\fi} \par
\ifvmode \ifinner INNER\fi VMODE \fi\crlf
\vbox{\ifvmode \ifinner INNER \fi VMODE\fi} \crlf
-\vbox{\ifinner INNER \ifvmode VMODE \fi \fi} \crlf
+\vbox{\ifinner INNER \ifvmode VMODE \fi \fi} \par
@@ -1182,48 +1373,48 @@ Watch the last line: because we typeset \type {INNER} we enter horizontal mode:
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {ifvoid}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {ifvoid}}]
This traditional conditional checks if a given box register or internal box
variable has any content.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {ifhbox}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {ifhbox}}]
This traditional conditional checks if a given box register or internal box
variable represents a horizontal box,
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {ifvbox}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {ifvbox}}]
This traditional conditional checks if a given box register or internal box
variable represents a vertical box,
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {ifx}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {ifx}}]
-We use this traditional \TEX\ conditional a lot in \CONTEXT. Contrary to \type {\if}
+We use this traditional \TEX\ conditional a lot in \CONTEXT. Contrary to \prm {if}
the two tokens that are compared are not expanded. This makes it possible to compare
the meaning of two macros. Depending on the need, these macros can have their content
expanded or not. A different number of parameters results in false.
Control sequences are identical when they have the same command code and
-character code. Because a \type {\let} macro is just a reference, both let macros
-are the same and equal to \type {\relax}:
+character code. Because a \prm {let} macro is just a reference, both let macros
+are the same and equal to \prm {relax}:
\let\one\relax \let\two\relax
The same is true for other definitions that result in the same (primitive) or
-meaning encoded in the character field (think of \type {\chardef}s and so).
+meaning encoded in the character field (think of \prm {chardef}s and so).
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {ifeof}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {ifeof}}]
This traditional conditional checks if current pointer into the the file bound to
the given index is past the end of file. The read and write channels are not
@@ -1232,21 +1423,21 @@ data, and in \MKIV\ all file related stuff is dealt with in \LUATEX.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {iftrue}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {iftrue}}]
Here we have a traditional \TEX\ conditional that is always true (therefore the
-same is true for any macro that is \type {\let} to this primitive).
+same is true for any macro that is \prm {let} to this primitive).
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {iffalse}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {iffalse}}]
Here we have a traditional \TEX\ conditional that is always false (therefore the
-same is true for any macro that is \type {\let} to this primitive).
+same is true for any macro that is \prm {let} to this primitive).
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {ifcase}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {ifcase}}]
This numeric \TEX\ conditional takes a counter (literal, register, shortcut to a
character, internal quantity) and goes to the branch that matches.
@@ -1258,11 +1449,11 @@ character, internal quantity) and goes to the branch that matches.
Indeed: \inlinebuffer\ equals three. In later sections we will see some
-\LUAMETATEX\ primitives that behave like an \type {\ifcase}.
+\LUAMETATEX\ primitives that behave like an \prm {ifcase}.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {ifdefined}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {ifdefined}}]
In traditional \TEX\ checking for a macro to exist was a bit tricky and therefore
\ETEX\ introduced a convenient conditional. We can do this:
@@ -1278,13 +1469,13 @@ seen was this:
\expandafter\ifx\csname MyMacro\endcsname\relax ... \else ... \fi
-Instead of comparing with \type {\undefined} we need to check with \type {\relax}
+Instead of comparing with \type {\undefined} we need to check with \prm {relax}
because the control sequence is defined when not yet present and defaults to
-\type {\relax}. This is not pretty.
+\prm {relax}. This is not pretty.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {ifcsname}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {ifcsname}}]
This is an \ETEX\ conditional that complements the one on the previous section:
@@ -1294,18 +1485,18 @@ This is an \ETEX\ conditional that complements the one on the previous section:
Here the first one has the side effect of defining the macro and defaulting it to
-\type {\relax}, while the second one doesn't do that. Juts think of checking a
+\prm {relax}, while the second one doesn't do that. Juts think of checking a
few million different names: the first one will deplete the hash table and
probably string space too.
In \LUAMETATEX\ the construction stops when there is no letter or other character
seen (\TEX\ expands on the go so expandable macros are dealt with). Instead of an
-error message, the match is simply false and all tokens till the \type
-{\endcsname} are gobbled.
+error message, the match is simply false and all tokens till the \prm
+{endcsname} are gobbled.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {iffontchar}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {iffontchar}}]
This is an \ETEX\ conditional. It takes a font identifier and a character number.
In modern fonts simply checking could not be enough because complex font features
@@ -1315,14 +1506,14 @@ just reports true when the font passed to the frontend has a slot filled.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifincsname}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifincsname}}]
This conditional is sort of obsolete and can be used to check if we're inside a
-\type {\csname} or \type {\ifcsname} construction. It's not used in \CONTEXT.
+\prm {csname} or \prm {ifcsname} construction. It's not used in \CONTEXT.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifabsnum}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifabsnum}}]
This test will negate negative numbers before comparison, as in:
@@ -1332,7 +1523,7 @@ This test will negate negative numbers before comparison, as in:
\TestA {10}\quad\TestA {150}\quad\TestA {210}\crlf
\TestB {10}\quad\TestB {150}\quad\TestB {210}\crlf
@@ -1343,7 +1534,7 @@ Here we get the same result each time:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifabsdim}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifabsdim}}]
This test will negate negative dimensions before comparison, as in:
@@ -1353,7 +1544,7 @@ This test will negate negative dimensions before comparison, as in:
\TestA {1pt}\quad\TestA {3pt}\quad\TestA {5pt}\crlf
\TestB {1pt}\quad\TestB {3pt}\quad\TestB {5pt}\crlf
@@ -1364,7 +1555,31 @@ So we get this:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifchknum}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifzerodim}}]
+This tests for a dimen (dimension) being zero so we have:
+\ifcase<dimension register>
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifzeronum}}]
+This tests for a number (integer) being zero so we have these variants now:
+\ifnum<integer or equivalent>=0pt
+\ifzeronum<integer or equivalent>
+\ifcase<integer or equivalent>
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifchknum}}]
In \CONTEXT\ there are quite some cases where a variable can have a number or a
keyword indicating a symbolic name of a number or maybe even some special
@@ -1385,7 +1600,7 @@ The result is as expected:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifchkdim}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifchkdim}}]
A variant on the checker in the previous section is a dimension checker:
@@ -1403,9 +1618,9 @@ We get:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifcmpnum}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifcmpnum}}]
-This conditional compares two numbers and the resulting \type {\ifcase} reflects
+This conditional compares two numbers and the resulting \prm {ifcase} reflects
their relation:
@@ -1422,9 +1637,9 @@ This gives:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifcmpdim}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifcmpdim}}]
-This conditional compares two dimensions and the resulting \type {\ifcase}
+This conditional compares two dimensions and the resulting \prm {ifcase}
reflects their relation:
@@ -1441,9 +1656,9 @@ This gives:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifnumval}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifnumval}}]
-This conditional is a variant on \type {\ifchknum}. This time we get
+This conditional is a variant on \prm {ifchknum}. This time we get
some more detail about the value:
@@ -1461,9 +1676,9 @@ This gives:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifdimval}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifdimval}}]
-This conditional is a variant on \type {\ifchkdim} and provides some more
+This conditional is a variant on \prm {ifchkdim} and provides some more
detailed information about the value:
@@ -1481,7 +1696,7 @@ This gives:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {iftok}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {iftok}}]
When you want to compare two arguments, the usual way to do this is the
@@ -1531,7 +1746,7 @@ This:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifcstok}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifcstok}}]
A variant on the primitive mentioned in the previous section is one that
operates on lists and macros:
@@ -1557,7 +1772,7 @@ This:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifcondition}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifcondition}}]
The conditionals in \TEX\ are hard coded as primitives and although it might
look like \type {\newif} creates one, it actually just defined three macros.
@@ -1567,7 +1782,7 @@ look like \type {\newif} creates one, it actually just defined three macros.
\meaning\MyTesttrue \crlf
\meaning\MyTestfalse \crlf
\meaning\ifMyTest \crlf \MyTesttrue
-\meaning\ifMyTest \crlf
+\meaning\ifMyTest \par
\typebuffer {\tttf \getbuffer}
@@ -1600,7 +1815,7 @@ will work out well too. This is not true for macros, so for instance:
will make a run fail with an error (or simply loop forever, depending on your
-code). This is where \type {\ifcondition} enters the picture:
+code). This is where \prm {ifcondition} enters the picture:
\def\MyTest{\iftrue} \scratchcounter0
@@ -1625,7 +1840,7 @@ is also okay. Now, is that neat or not?
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {iffrozen}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {iffrozen}}]
This conditional checks if a control sequence is frozen:
@@ -1635,7 +1850,7 @@ is \iffrozen\MyMacro \else not \fi frozen
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifprotected}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifprotected}}]
This conditional checks if a control sequence is protected:
@@ -1645,7 +1860,7 @@ is \ifprotected\MyMacro \else not \fi protected
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifusercmd}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifusercmd}}]
This conditional checks if a control sequence is not one of the primitives:
@@ -1658,14 +1873,14 @@ macros, register allocations and character definitions.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifrelax}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifrelax}}]
This is a convenient shortcut for \typ {\ifx\relax} and the motivation for adding
this one is (as with some others) to get less tracing.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifempty}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifempty}}]
This conditional checks if a control sequence is empty:
@@ -1693,16 +1908,16 @@ Of course this is not empty at all:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifboolean}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifboolean}}]
This tests a number (register or equivalent) and any nonzero value represents
\type {true}, which is nicer than using an \type {\unless \ifcase}.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifmathparameter}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifmathparameter}}]
-This is an \type {\ifcase} where the value depends on if the given math parameter
+This is an \prm {ifcase} where the value depends on if the given math parameter
is zero, (\type {0}), set (\type {1}), or unset (\type {2}).
@@ -1714,9 +1929,9 @@ is zero, (\type {0}), set (\type {1}), or unset (\type {2}).
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifmathstyle}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifmathstyle}}]
-This is a variant of \type {\ifcase} were the number is one of the seven possible
+This is a variant of \prm {ifcase} were the number is one of the seven possible
styles: display, text, cramped text, script, cramped script, script script,
cramped script script.
@@ -1734,27 +1949,27 @@ cramped script script.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifarguments}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifarguments}}]
-This is a variant of \type {\ifcase} were the selector is the number of arguments
+This is a variant of \prm {ifcase} were the selector is the number of arguments
picked up. For example:
\def\MyMacro#1#2#3{\ifarguments\0\or1\or2\or3\else ?\fi} \MyMacro{A}{B}{C}
\def\MyMacro#1#0#3{\ifarguments\0\or1\or2\or3\else ?\fi} \MyMacro{A}{B}{C}
-\def\MyMacro#1#-#2{\ifarguments\0\or1\or2\or3\else ?\fi} \MyMacro{A}{B}{C}\crlf
+\def\MyMacro#1#-#2{\ifarguments\0\or1\or2\or3\else ?\fi} \MyMacro{A}{B}{C}\par
Watch the non counted, ignored, argument in the last case. Normally this test will
-be used in combination with \type {\ignorearguments}.
+be used in combination with \prm {ignorearguments}.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifhastok}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifhastok}}]
This conditional looks for occurrences in token lists where each argument has to
be a proper list.
@@ -1774,7 +1989,7 @@ We get:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifhastoks}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifhastoks}}]
This test compares two token lists. When a macro is passed it's meaning
gets used.
@@ -1795,7 +2010,7 @@ gets used.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifhasxtoks}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifhasxtoks}}]
This primitive is like the one in the previous section but this time the
given lists are expanded.
@@ -1850,7 +2065,22 @@ ok:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifnumexpression}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifhaschar}}]
+This one is a simplified variant of the above:
+\ifhaschar !{this ! works} yes \else no \fi
+and indeed we get: \inlinebuffer ! Of course the spaces in this this example
+code are normally not present in such a test.
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifnumexpression}}]
Here is an example of a conditional using expressions:
@@ -1864,7 +2094,8 @@ This matches when the result is non zero, and you can mix calculations and tests
as with normal expressions.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {ifdimexpression}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {ifdimexpression}}]
The companion of the previous primitive is:
@@ -1880,27 +2111,27 @@ precision kicks in.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {else}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {else}}]
This traditional primitive is part of the condition testing mechanism. When a
-condition matches, \TEX\ will continue till it sees an \type {\else} or \type
-{\or} or \type {\orelse} (to be discussed later). It will then do a fast skipping
-pass till it sees an \type {\fi}.
+condition matches, \TEX\ will continue till it sees an \prm {else} or \prm
+{or} or \prm {orelse} (to be discussed later). It will then do a fast skipping
+pass till it sees an \prm {fi}.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {or}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {or}}]
This traditional primitive is part of the condition testing mechanism and relates
-to an \type {\ifcase} test (or a similar test to be introduced in later
+to an \prm {ifcase} test (or a similar test to be introduced in later
sections). Depending on the value, \TEX\ will do a fast scanning till the right
-\type {\or} is seen, then it will continue expanding till it sees a \type {\or}
-or \type {\else} or \type {\orelse} (to be discussed later). It will then do a
-fast skipping pass till it sees an \type {\fi}.
+\prm {or} is seen, then it will continue expanding till it sees a \prm {or}
+or \prm {else} or \prm {orelse} (to be discussed later). It will then do a
+fast skipping pass till it sees an \prm {fi}.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {fi}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {fi}}]
This traditional primitive is part of the condition testing mechanism and ends a
test. So, we have:
@@ -1912,12 +2143,12 @@ test. So, we have:
\ifsomething ... \or ... \orelse \ifsometing ... \else ... \fi
-The \type {\orelse} is new in \LUAMETATEX\ and a continuation like we find in
+The \prm {orelse} is new in \LUAMETATEX\ and a continuation like we find in
other programming languages (see later section).
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {unless}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {unless}}]
This \ETEX\ prefix will negate the test (when applicable).
@@ -1931,7 +2162,7 @@ few cases.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {orelse}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {orelse}}]
This primitive provides a convenient way to flatten your conditional tests. So
instead of
@@ -2013,23 +2244,23 @@ masters \TEX\ might hurt.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {orunless}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {orunless}}]
-This is the negated variant of \tex {\orelse} (prefixing that one with \tex
+This is the negated variant of \prm {orelse} (prefixing that one with \tex
{unless} doesn't work well.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {futurelet}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {futurelet}}]
-The original \TEX\ primitive \type {\futurelet} can be used to create an alias to a next token,
+The original \TEX\ primitive \prm {futurelet} can be used to create an alias to a next token,
push it back into the input and then expand a given token.
\def\DoWhatever{\ifx\NextToken\MySpecialToken YES\else NOP\fi : }
\futurelet\NextToken\DoWhatever [A]\crlf
-\futurelet\NextToken\DoWhatever (A)
+\futurelet\NextToken\DoWhatever (A)\par
@@ -2042,16 +2273,16 @@ related to user interfacing.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {futuredef}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {futuredef}}]
-We elaborate on the example of using \type {\futurelet} in the previous section.
+We elaborate on the example of using \prm {futurelet} in the previous section.
Compare that one with the next:
\def\DoWhatever{\ifx\NextToken\MySpecialToken YES\else NOP\fi : }
\futurelet\NextToken\DoWhatever [A]\crlf
-\futurelet\NextToken\DoWhatever (A)
+\futurelet\NextToken\DoWhatever (A)\par
@@ -2060,13 +2291,13 @@ This time we get:
-It is for that reason that we now also have \type {\futuredef}:
+It is for that reason that we now also have \prm {futuredef}:
\def\DoWhatever{\ifx\NextToken\MySpecialToken YES\else NOP\fi : }
\futuredef\NextToken\DoWhatever [A]\crlf
-\futuredef\NextToken\DoWhatever (A)
+\futuredef\NextToken\DoWhatever (A)\par
@@ -2077,7 +2308,7 @@ So we're back to what we want:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {futurecsname}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {futurecsname}}]
In order to make the repertoire of \type {def}, \type {let} and \type {futurelet}
primitives complete we also have:
@@ -2088,7 +2319,7 @@ primitives complete we also have:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {letcharcode}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {letcharcode}}]
Assigning a meaning to an active character can sometimes be a bit cumbersome;
think of using some documented uppercase magic that one tends to forget as it's
@@ -2096,7 +2327,7 @@ used only a few times and then never looked at again. So we have this:
{\letcharcode 65 1 \catcode 65 13 A : \meaning A}\crlf
-{\letcharcode 65 2 \catcode 65 13 A : \meaning A}\crlf
+{\letcharcode 65 2 \catcode 65 13 A : \meaning A}\par
@@ -2110,7 +2341,7 @@ Normally one will assign a control sequence:
{\letcharcode 66 \bf \catcode 66 13 {B bold}: \meaning B}\crlf
-{\letcharcode 73 \it \catcode 73 13 {I italic}: \meaning I}\crlf
+{\letcharcode 73 \it \catcode 73 13 {I italic}: \meaning I}\par
@@ -2121,7 +2352,7 @@ Of course \type {\bf} and \type {\it} are \CONTEXT\ specific commands:
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {global}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {global}}]
This is one of the original prefixes that can be used when we define a macro of
change some register.
@@ -2139,10 +2370,10 @@ second and third definition are both global and these definitions are retained.
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {long}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {long}}]
This original prefix gave the macro being defined the property that it could not
-have \type {\par} (or the often equivalent empty lines) in its arguments. It was
+have \prm {par} (or the often equivalent empty lines) in its arguments. It was
mostly a protection against a forgotten right curly brace, resulting in a so called
run|-|away argument. That mattered on a paper terminal or slow system where such a
situation should be catched early. In \LUATEX\ it was already optional, and in
@@ -2150,28 +2381,28 @@ situation should be catched early. In \LUATEX\ it was already optional, and in
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {outer}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {outer}}]
An outer macro is one that can only be used at the outer level. This property is
-no longer supported. Like \type {\long}, the \type {\outer} prefix is now an
+no longer supported. Like \prm {long}, the \prm {outer} prefix is now an
no|-|op (and we don't expect this to have unfortunate side effects).
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {protected}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {protected}}]
A protected macro is one that doesn't get expanded unless it is time to do so.
-For instance, inside an \type {\edef} it just stays what it is. It often makes
+For instance, inside an \prm {edef} it just stays what it is. It often makes
sense to pass macros as|-|is to (multi|-|pass) file (for tables of contents).
-In \CONTEXT\ we use either \type {\protected} or \type {\unexpanded} because the
+In \CONTEXT\ we use either \prm {protected} or \prm {unexpanded} because the
later was the command we used to achieve the same results before \ETEX\
-introduced this protection primitive. Originally the \type {\protected} macro was
+introduced this protection primitive. Originally the \prm {protected} macro was
also defined but it has been dropped.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {expand}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {expand}}]
Beware, this is not a prefix but a directive to ignore the protected characters of
the following macro.
@@ -2194,9 +2425,9 @@ The meaning of the three macros is:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {untraced}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {untraced}}]
-Related to the meaning providers is the \tex {untraced} prefix. It marks a macro
+Related to the meaning providers is the \prm {untraced} prefix. It marks a macro
as to be reported by name only. It makes the macro look like a primitive.
@@ -2223,7 +2454,7 @@ to users what the meaning of a macro is (if they trace at all). \footnote {An
earlier variant could also hide the expansion completely but that was just
-\startoldprimitive[title={\tex {immediate}}]
+\startoldprimitive[title={\prm {immediate}}]
This one has no effect unless you intercept it at the \LUA\ end and act upon it.
In original \TEX\ immediate is used in combination with read from and write to
@@ -2231,7 +2462,7 @@ file operations. So, this is an old primitive with a new meaning.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {frozen}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {frozen}}]
You can define a macro as being frozen:
@@ -2245,13 +2476,13 @@ When you redefine this macro you get an error:
! You can't redefine a frozen macro.
-This is a prefix like \type {\global} and it can be combined with other prefixes.
-\footnote {The \type {\outer} and \type {\long} prefixes are no|-|ops in
+This is a prefix like \prm {global} and it can be combined with other prefixes.
+\footnote {The \prm {outer} and \prm {long} prefixes are no|-|ops in
\LUAMETATEX\ and \LUATEX\ can be configured to ignore them.}
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {letfrozen}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {letfrozen}}]
You can explicitly freeze an unfrozen macro:
@@ -2268,7 +2499,7 @@ A redefinition will now give:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {unletfrozen}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {unletfrozen}}]
A frozen macro cannot be redefined: you get an error. But as nothing in \TEX\ is set
in stone, you can do this:
@@ -2283,7 +2514,7 @@ undecided to what extend \CONTEXT\ will use this feature.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {letprotected}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {letprotected}}]
Say that you have these definitions:
@@ -2294,7 +2525,7 @@ Say that you have these definitions:
\letprotected \MyMacroA
\edef \MyMacroD{\MyMacroA\MyMacroB}
\meaning \MyMacroC\crlf
-\meaning \MyMacroD
+\meaning \MyMacroD\par
@@ -2305,9 +2536,9 @@ The typeset meaning in this example is:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {unletprotected}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {unletprotected}}]
-The complementary operation of \type {\letprotected} can be used to unprotect
+The complementary operation of \prm {letprotected} can be used to unprotect
a macro, so that it gets expandable.
@@ -2317,7 +2548,7 @@ a macro, so that it gets expandable.
\unletprotected \MyMacroB
\edef \MyMacroD{\MyMacroA\MyMacroB}
\meaning \MyMacroC\crlf
-\meaning \MyMacroD
+\meaning \MyMacroD\par
@@ -2328,11 +2559,11 @@ Compare this with the example in the previous section:
-% \startnewprimitive[title={\tex {letdatacode}}]
+% \startnewprimitive[title={\prm {letdatacode}}]
% {\em Todo.}
% \stopnewprimitive
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {beginlocalcontrol}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {beginlocalcontrol}}]
Once \TEX\ is initialized it will enter the main loop. In there certain commands
trigger a function that itself can trigger further scanning and functions. In
@@ -2367,22 +2598,22 @@ A bit of close reading probably gives an impression of what happens here:
The local loop can actually result in material being injected in the current node
-list. However, where normally assignments are not taking place in an \type
-{\edef}, here they are applied just fine. Basically we have a local \TEX\ job, be
+list. However, where normally assignments are not taking place in an \prm
+{edef}, here they are applied just fine. Basically we have a local \TEX\ job, be
it that it shares all variables with the parent loop.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {endlocalcontrol}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {endlocalcontrol}}]
See previous section.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {localcontrolled}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {localcontrolled}}]
The previously described local control feature comes with two extra helpers. The
-\tex {localcontrolled} primitive takes a token list and wraps this into a local
+\prm {localcontrolled} primitive takes a token list and wraps this into a local
control sidetrack. For example:
@@ -2405,7 +2636,7 @@ The assignment is applied immediately in the expanded definition.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {localcontrol}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {localcontrol}}]
This primitive takes a single token:
@@ -2427,28 +2658,28 @@ The three meanings are:
-The \tex {\localcontrol} makes that the following token gets expanded so we don't
+The \prm {localcontrol} makes that the following token gets expanded so we don't
see the yet to be expanded assignment show up in the macro body.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {alignmark}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {alignmark}}]
-When you have the \type{#} not set up as macro parameter character cq.\ align
+When you have the \type {#} not set up as macro parameter character cq.\ align
mark, you can use this primitive instead. The same rules apply with respect to
multiple such tokens in (nested) macros and alignments.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {aligntab}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {aligntab}}]
-When you have the \type{&} not set up as align tab, you can use this primitive
+When you have the \type {&} not set up as align tab, you can use this primitive
instead. The same rules apply with respect to multiple such tokens in (nested)
macros and alignments.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {defcsname}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {defcsname}}]
We now get a series of log clutter avoidance primitives. It's fine if you argue
that they are not really needed, just don't use them.
@@ -2460,13 +2691,13 @@ that they are not really needed, just don't use them.
The fact that \TEX\ has three (expanded and global) companions can be seen as a
signal that less verbosity makes sense. It's just that macro packages use plenty
-of \tex {\csname}'s.
+of \prm {csname}'s.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {edefcsname}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {edefcsname}}]
-This is the companion of \tex {\edef}:
+This is the companion of \prm {edef}:
\expandafter\edef\csname MyMacro:1\endcsname{...}
@@ -2475,7 +2706,7 @@ This is the companion of \tex {\edef}:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {gdefcsname}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {gdefcsname}}]
As with standard \TEX\ we also define global ones:
@@ -2486,9 +2717,9 @@ As with standard \TEX\ we also define global ones:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {xdefcsname}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {xdefcsname}}]
-This is the companion of \tex {\xdef}:
+This is the companion of \prm {xdef}:
\expandafter\xdef\csname MyMacro:1\endcsname{...}
@@ -2497,15 +2728,15 @@ This is the companion of \tex {\xdef}:
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {glet}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {glet}}]
-This is the global companion of \tex {\let}. The fact that it is not an original
+This is the global companion of \prm {let}. The fact that it is not an original
primitive is probably due to the expectation for it not it not being used (as)
often (as in \CONTEXT).
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {letcsname}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {letcsname}}]
It is easy to see that we save two tokens when we use this primitive. As with the
\type {..defcs..} variants it also saves a push back of the composed macro name.
@@ -2517,7 +2748,7 @@ It is easy to see that we save two tokens when we use this primitive. As with th
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {gletcsname}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {gletcsname}}]
Naturally \LUAMETATEX\ also provides a global variant:
@@ -2531,7 +2762,37 @@ So, here we save even more.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {lettonothing}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {cdef}}]
+This primitive is like \prm {edef} but in some usage scenarios is slightly
+more efficient because (delayed) expansion is ignored which in turn saves
+building a temporary token list.
+\edef\FooA{this is foo} \meaningfull\FooA\crlf
+\cdef\FooB{this is foo} \meaningfull\FooB\par
+\typebuffer {\tttf \getbuffer}
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {cdefcsname}}]
+This primitive is like \prm {edefcsame} but in some usage scenarios is slightly
+more efficient because (delayed) expansion is ignored which in turn saves
+building a temporary token list.
+\edefcsname FooA\endcsname{this is foo} \meaningasis\FooA\crlf
+\cdefcsname FooB\endcsname{this is foo} \meaningasis\FooB\par
+\typebuffer {\tttf \getbuffer}
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {lettonothing}}]
This one let's a control sequence to nothing. Assuming that \tex {empty}
is indeed empty, these two lines are equivalent.
@@ -2543,13 +2804,13 @@ is indeed empty, these two lines are equivalent.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {glettonothing}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {glettonothing}}]
-This is the global companion of \tex {lettonothing}.
+This is the global companion of \prm {lettonothing}.
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {norelax}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {norelax}}]
The rationale for this command can be shown by a few examples:
@@ -2574,12 +2835,12 @@ The five meanings are:
\NC \string\teste \NC \meaning\teste \NC \NR
\stoptabulate \stop
-So, the \type {\norelax} acts like \type {\relax} but is not pushed back as
+So, the \prm {norelax} acts like \prm {relax} but is not pushed back as
usual (in some cases).
-\startnewprimitive[title={\tex {swapcsvalues}}]
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {swapcsvalues}}]
Because we mention some \type {def} and \type {let} primitives here, it makes
sense to also mention a primitive that will swap two values (meanings). This one
@@ -2591,23 +2852,222 @@ an experimental feature.
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {integerdef}}]
-% \startnewprimitive[title={\tex {dimensiondef}}]
-% \stopnewprimitive
+You can alias to a count (integer) register with \prm {countdef}:
-% \startnewprimitive[title={\tex {integerdef}}]
-% \stopnewprimitive
+Afterwards the next two are equivalent:
+\MyCount = 99
+\count1234 = 99
+where \type {\MyCount} can be a bit more efficient because no index needs to be
+scanned. However, in terms of storage the value (here 99) is always in the register
+so \type {\MyCount} has to get there. This indirectness has the benefit that directly
+setting the value is reflected in the indirect accessor.
+\integerdef\MyCount = 99
+This primitive also defines a numeric equivalent but this time the number is stored
+with the equivalent. This means that:
+\let\MyCopyOfCount = \MyCount
+will store the {\em current} value of \type {\MyCount} in \type {\MyCopyOfCount} and
+changing either of them is not reflected in the other.
+The usual \prm {advance}, \prm {multiply} and \prm {divide} can be used with these
+integers and they behave like any number. But compared to registers they are actually
+more a constant.
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {dimensiondef}}]
+A variant of \prm {integerdef} is:
+\dimensiondef\MyDimen = 1234pt
+The properties are comparable to the ones described in the section \prm
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {gluespecdef}}]
+A variant of \prm {integerdef} and \prm {dimensiondef} is:
+\gluespecdef\MyGlue = 3pt plus 2pt minus 1pt
+The properties are comparable to the ones described in the previous sections.
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {mugluespecdef}}]
+A variant of \prm {gluespecdef} that expects \type {mu} units is:
+\mugluespecdef\MyGlue = 3mu plus 2mu minus 1mu
+The properties are comparable to the ones described in the previous sections.
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {advanceby}}]
+This is slightly more efficient variant of \prm {advance} that doesn't look for
+\type {by} and therefore, if one is missing, doesn't need to push back the last
+seen token. Using \prm {advance} with \type {by} is nearly as efficient but takes
+more tokens.
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {multiplyby}}]
+This is slightly more efficient variant of \prm {multiply} that doesn't look for
+\type {by}. See previous section.
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {divideby}}]
+This is slightly more efficient variant of \prm {divide} that doesn't look for
+\type {by}. See previous section.
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {localcontrolledloop}}]
+As with more of the primitives discussed here, there is a manual in the \quote
+{lowlevel} subset that goes into more detail. So, here a simple example has to
+\localcontrolledloop 1 100 1 {%
+ \ifnum\currentloopiterator>6\relax
+ \quitloop
+ \else
+ [\number\currentloopnesting:\number\currentloopiterator]
+ \localcontrolledloop 1 8 1 {%
+ (\number\currentloopnesting:\number\currentloopiterator)
+ }\par
+ \fi
+Here we see the main loop primitive being used nested. The code shows how we can
+\prm {quitloop} and have access to the \prm {currentloopiterator} as well as the
+nesting depth \prm {currentloopnesting}.
+\startpacked \getbuffer \stoppacked
+Be aware of the fact that \prm {quitloop} will end the loop at the {\em next}
+iteration so any content after it will show up. Normally this one will be issued
+in a condition and we want to end that properly. Also keep in mind that because
+we use local control (a nested \TEX\ expansion loop) anything you feed back can
+be injected out of order.
+The three numbers can be separated by an equal sign which is a trick to avoid
+look ahead issues that can result from multiple serialized numbers without spaces
+that indicate the end of sequence of digits.
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {expandedloop}}]
+This variant of the previously introduced \prm {localcontrolledloop} doesn't
+enter a local branch but immediately does its work. This means that it can be
+used inside an expansion context like \prm {edef}.
+ {\expandedloop 1 10 1
+ {\scratchcounter=\the\currentloopiterator\relax}}
+\start \veryraggedright \tt\tfx \getbuffer \stop \blank
+The next section shows a companion primitive.
+\startnewprimitive[title={\prm {unexpandedloop}}]
+As follow up on \prm {expandedloop} we now show its counterpart:
+ {\unexpandedloop 1 10 1
+ {\scratchcounter=\the\currentloopiterator\relax}}
+\start \veryraggedright \tt\tfx \getbuffer \stop \blank
+The difference between the (un)expanded loops and a local controlled
+one is shown here. Watch the out of order injection of \type {A}'s.
+\edef\TestA{\localcontrolledloop 1 5 1 {A}} % out of order
+\edef\TestB{\expandedloop 1 5 1 {B}}
+\edef\TestC{\unexpandedloop 1 5 1 {C\relax}}
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+We show the effective definition as well as the outcome of using them
+A: \TestA
+B: \TestB
+C: \TestC
+\typebuffer \startlines \tttf \getbuffer \stoplines
+Watch how because it is empty \type {\TestA} has become a constant macro because
+that's what deep down empty boils down to.
The \LUAMETATEX\ engine has more than its \LUATEX\ ancestor but it also has less.
Because in the end the local control mechanism performed quite okay I decided to
-drop the \tex {immediateassignment} and \tex {immediateassigned} variants. They
+drop the \prm {immediateassignment} and \prm {immediateassigned} variants. They
sort of used the same trick so there isn't much to gain and it was less generic
(read: error prone).
-% \startnewprimitive[title={\tex {immediateassignment}}]
+% \startnewprimitive[title={\prm {immediateassignment}}]
% Assignments are not expandable which means that you cannot define fully
% expandable macros that have assignments. But, there is a way out of this:
@@ -2632,7 +3092,7 @@ sort of used the same trick so there isn't much to gain and it was less generic
% \stopnewprimitive
-% \startnewprimitive[title={\tex {immediateassigned}}]
+% \startnewprimitive[title={\prm {immediateassigned}}]
% This is the multi|-|token variant of the primitive mentioned in the previous
% section.
@@ -2840,4 +3300,85 @@ Hans Hagen \crlf Hasselt NL
+ local match = string.match
+ local find = string.match
+ function document.CheckCompleteness()
+ local primitives = token.getprimitives()
+ local luametatex = { }
+ local indexed = { }
+ for i=1,#primitives do
+ local p = primitives[i]
+ if p[4] == 4 then
+ local name = p[3]
+ if find(name,"U") or find (name,"math") then
+ -- ignore
+ luametatex[name] = nil
+ else
+ luametatex[name] = false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local function collect(index)
+ if index then
+ local data = index.entries
+ for i=1,#data do
+ local name = match(data[i].list[1][1],"\\tex%s*{(.-)}") or ""
+ if luametatex[name] == false then
+ luametatex[name] = true
+ end
+ indexed[name] = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ collect(structures.registers.collected and structures.registers.collected.index)
+ context("To be checked primitives:")
+ context.blank()
+ context.startcolumns { n = 2 }
+ for k, v in table.sortedhash(luametatex) do
+ if not v then
+ context.dontleavehmode()
+ context.type(k)
+ context.crlf()
+ end
+ end
+ context.stopcolumns()
+ context.blank()
+ context("Indexed primitives:")
+ context.blank()
+ context.startcolumns { n = 2 }
+ for k, v in table.sortedhash(indexed) do
+ context.dontleavehmode()
+ if luametatex[k] == true then
+ context("\\color[darkgreen]{\\tttf %s}",k)
+ elseif luametatex[k] == false then
+ context("\\color[darkred]{\\tttf %s}",k)
+ else
+ context("{\\tttf %s}",k)
+ end
+ context.crlf()
+ end
+ context.stopcolumns()
+ context.blank()
+ end
+% \startmode[atpragma]
+% \startluacode
+% document.CheckCompleteness()
+% \stopluacode
+% \stopmode
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/rules/rules-mkiv.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/rules/rules-mkiv.tex
index a6d727f1f..5571a345a 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/rules/rules-mkiv.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/rules/rules-mkiv.tex
@@ -294,6 +294,20 @@ Sapolsky : \xbartwo{\samplefile{sapolsky}\removeunwantedspaces}\par
\typebuffer \getbuffer
+As a reminder that one can keep things simple, here are a few more examples that
+use defaults (and no colors):
+\underbar {\underbar {\samplefile{ward}}}\blank
+\underbar {\underdot {\samplefile{ward}}}\blank
+\underbar {\underdot {\samplefile{ward}}}\blank
+\underdot {\underbar {\samplefile{ward}}}\blank
+\underbars{\underdot {\samplefile{ward}}}\blank
+\underbar {\underdots{\samplefile{ward}}}\blank
+\typebuffer {\setupbars[foregroundcolor=,color=]\getbuffer}
@@ -752,6 +766,81 @@ Or rendered:
+% \frule
+% width 10cm
+% height 2cm
+% depth 1cm
+% line 1pt
+% radius 3mm
+% \relax x
+The primitive \type {\leaders} can also be used with these \type {\frule}s so
+here is an example with and without:
+test \leaders \hrule height 1mm \hfill test \par
+test \leaders \frule height 6mm depth 3mm radius 1mm\hfill test \par
+As you can see, the leader basically stretches the rule. That operation happens
+in the backend code; the frontend is only interested in the height and depth
+while the width is glue that can stretch.
+Here are two more:
+ fill
+ unitcircle xysized (RuleWidth,RuleHeight+RuleDepth)
+ withcolor RuleColor ;
+test {\red \leaders \frule
+ height 6mm
+ depth 3mm
+ type mp
+ data {\includeMPgraphic{demoleader}}
+\hfill} test
+ drawdblarrow (0,RuleHeight) -- (RuleWidth,RuleHeight)
+ withpen pencircle scaled RuleThickness
+ withcolor RuleColor ;
+test {\red \leaders \frule
+ height 1mm % we need at least some dimensions
+ type mp
+ line 1mm
+ data {\includeMPgraphic{demoleader}}
+\hfill} test
+The combination of \TEX\ and \METAPOST\ driven by \LUA\ (which is hidden from the
+user here) is quite powerful and has a pretty good performance too.
The \type {\blackrule} command is the more high level way to inject a rule.
@@ -1003,6 +1092,98 @@ The auto variants will switch between colors:
\typebuffer \start\getbuffer[setup]\getbuffer\stop
+The \TEX\ engine only has text and rules and all things other graphic has to come
+from elsewhere. However, as \quote {elsewhere} is rather integrated in \CONTEXT\
+users won't notice this limitation. It does however means that for historic
+reasons we have some interesting low level phenomena. One of the oldest commands
+in \CONTEXT\ is \type {\framed} which as the name indicates can draw a frame
+around something. This command is demonstrated in many places so here we stick to
+some remarks about the rules. Watch the following:
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ {\framed
+ [framecolor=t-one,rulethickness=3mm,offset=3mm,frame=closed]
+ {Just a bit of text!}}
+ {\framed
+ [framecolor=t-two,rulethickness=3mm,offset=8mm,frame=on]
+ {Just a bit of text!}}
+When you look closely you will notice the difference: check out the corners.
+The normal rule drawing happens with overlaps and the reason for that is that
+\TEX\ can only draw vertical and horizontal rules. We can of course avoid overlap
+but quite often (and certainly in the past) viewers would show small white
+stripes due to rounding errors and rendering artifacts. So, overlaps were a safe
+bet. However, as nowadays we have better control over the backend the additional
+\type {closed} option will draw the path as one.
+ [width=4cm,height=15mm,rulethickness=3mm,framecolor=t-one,frame=off,
+ rightframe=on,leftframe=on,topframe=on,bottomframe=on]
+ {one}\quad
+ [width=4cm,height=15mm,rulethickness=3mm,framecolor=t-two,frame=off,
+ rightframe=small,leftframe=small,topframe=small,bottomframe=small]
+ {two}\quad
+ [width=4cm,height=15mm,rulethickness=3mm,framecolor=t-two,frame=off,
+ rightframe=small,leftframe=small,topframe=small,bottomframe=on]
+ {three}
+This example shows another variant of frames, probably unknown (and not needed)
+to many users:
+There are quite some examples in the test suite, mailing list archive and wiki,
+so here only a few are given for you to run:
+% example by WS on the list:
+ [dots]
+ [left=\dontleavehmode,
+ right=\hskip\zeropoint\par]
+\samplefile{knuth} \dorecurse{5}{\filler[dots]}
+\samplefile{knuth} \dorecurse{5}{\hairline}
+\samplefile{knuth} \thinrules[n=5]
+All of these produce the text plus some visual cure where to fill in
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/CMakeLists.txt b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/CMakeLists.txt
index 6cd826650..74c1f2916 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
project(libmimalloc C CXX)
@@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ option(MI_OVERRIDE "Override the standard malloc interface (e.g. define
option(MI_XMALLOC "Enable abort() call on memory allocation failure by default" OFF)
option(MI_SHOW_ERRORS "Show error and warning messages by default (only enabled by default in DEBUG mode)" OFF)
option(MI_VALGRIND "Compile with Valgrind support (adds a small overhead)" OFF)
+option(MI_ASAN "Compile with address sanitizer support (adds a small overhead)" OFF)
option(MI_USE_CXX "Use the C++ compiler to compile the library (instead of the C compiler)" OFF)
option(MI_SEE_ASM "Generate assembly files" OFF)
option(MI_OSX_INTERPOSE "Use interpose to override standard malloc on macOS" ON)
-option(MI_OSX_ZONE "Use malloc zone to override standard malloc on macOS" ON)
+option(MI_OSX_ZONE "Use malloc zone to override standard malloc on macOS" ON)
option(MI_WIN_REDIRECT "Use redirection module ('mimalloc-redirect') on Windows if compiling mimalloc as a DLL" ON)
option(MI_LOCAL_DYNAMIC_TLS "Use slightly slower, dlopen-compatible TLS mechanism (Unix)" OFF)
option(MI_BUILD_SHARED "Build shared library" ON)
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ set(mi_sources
# Convenience: set default build type depending on the build directory
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-message(STATUS "")
+message(STATUS "")
message(STATUS "No build type selected, default to: Debug")
@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ if(MI_OVERRIDE)
# use zone's on macOS
message(STATUS " Use malloc zone to override malloc (MI_OSX_ZONE=ON)")
list(APPEND mi_sources src/alloc-override-osx.c)
- list(APPEND mi_defines MI_OSX_ZONE=1)
+ list(APPEND mi_defines MI_OSX_ZONE=1)
message(STATUS " WARNING: zone overriding usually also needs interpose (use -DMI_OSX_INTERPOSE=ON)")
@@ -139,6 +140,25 @@ if(MI_VALGRIND)
+ set(MI_ASAN OFF)
+ message(WARNING "Cannot enable address sanitizer support with also Valgrind support enabled (MI_ASAN=OFF)")
+ else()
+ CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES("sanitizer/asan_interface.h" MI_HAS_ASANH)
+ set(MI_ASAN OFF)
+ message(WARNING "Cannot find the 'sanitizer/asan_interface.h' -- install address sanitizer support first")
+ message(STATUS "Compile **without** address sanitizer support (MI_ASAN=OFF)")
+ else()
+ message(STATUS "Compile with address sanitizer support (MI_ASAN=ON)")
+ list(APPEND mi_defines MI_ASAN=1)
+ list(APPEND mi_cflags -fsanitize=address)
+ list(APPEND CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS -fsanitize=address)
+ endif()
+ endif()
message(STATUS "Generate assembly listings (MI_SEE_ASM=ON)")
list(APPEND mi_cflags -save-temps)
@@ -181,12 +201,12 @@ if(MI_DEBUG_TSAN)
list(APPEND mi_cflags -fsanitize=thread -g -O1)
list(APPEND CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS -fsanitize=thread)
- message(WARNING "Can only use thread sanitizer with clang (MI_DEBUG_TSAN=ON but ignored)")
- endif()
+ message(WARNING "Can only use thread sanitizer with clang (MI_DEBUG_TSAN=ON but ignored)")
+ endif()
message(STATUS "Build with undefined-behavior sanitizer (MI_DEBUG_UBSAN=ON)")
list(APPEND mi_cflags -fsanitize=undefined -g -fno-sanitize-recover=undefined)
@@ -196,10 +216,10 @@ if(MI_DEBUG_UBSAN)
set(MI_USE_CXX "ON")
- message(WARNING "Can only use undefined-behavior sanitizer with clang++ (MI_DEBUG_UBSAN=ON but ignored)")
- endif()
+ message(WARNING "Can only use undefined-behavior sanitizer with clang++ (MI_DEBUG_UBSAN=ON but ignored)")
+ endif()
- message(WARNING "Can only use thread sanitizer with a debug build (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE})")
+ message(WARNING "Can only use thread sanitizer with a debug build (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE})")
@@ -220,7 +240,7 @@ if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "AppleClang|Clang|GNU")
list(APPEND mi_cflags -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fvisibility=hidden)
list(APPEND mi_cflags -Wstrict-prototypes)
- endif()
+ endif()
list(APPEND mi_cflags -Wpedantic -Wno-static-in-inline)
@@ -252,7 +272,7 @@ if(WIN32)
set(pc_libraries "")
find_library(MI_LIBPTHREAD pthread)
list(APPEND mi_libraries ${MI_LIBPTHREAD})
set(pc_libraries "${pc_libraries} -pthread")
@@ -260,12 +280,12 @@ else()
list(APPEND mi_libraries ${MI_LIBRT})
set(pc_libraries "${pc_libraries} -lrt")
- endif()
+ endif()
find_library(MI_LIBATOMIC atomic)
set(MI_LIBATOMIC atomic)
list(APPEND mi_libraries ${MI_LIBATOMIC})
set(pc_libraries "${pc_libraries} -latomic")
@@ -282,7 +302,7 @@ set(mi_install_libdir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}")
# are either installed at top level, or use versioned directories for side-by-side installation (default)
set(mi_install_objdir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}")
- set(mi_install_incdir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}")
+ set(mi_install_incdir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}")
set(mi_install_cmakedir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/mimalloc")
set(mi_install_objdir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/mimalloc-${mi_version}") # for static library and object files
@@ -290,13 +310,16 @@ else()
set(mi_install_cmakedir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/mimalloc-${mi_version}") # for cmake package info
- set(mi_basename "mimalloc")
+set(mi_basename "mimalloc")
set(mi_basename "${mi_basename}-secure")
set(mi_basename "${mi_basename}-valgrind")
+ set(mi_basename "${mi_basename}-asan")
if(NOT(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_LC MATCHES "^(release|relwithdebinfo|minsizerel|none)$"))
set(mi_basename "${mi_basename}-${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_LC}") #append build type (e.g. -debug) if not a release version
@@ -340,7 +363,7 @@ if(MI_BUILD_SHARED)
set_target_properties(mimalloc PROPERTIES VERSION ${mi_version} SOVERSION ${mi_version_major} OUTPUT_NAME ${mi_basename} )
target_compile_definitions(mimalloc PRIVATE ${mi_defines} MI_SHARED_LIB MI_SHARED_LIB_EXPORT)
target_compile_options(mimalloc PRIVATE ${mi_cflags})
- target_link_libraries(mimalloc PUBLIC ${mi_libraries})
+ target_link_libraries(mimalloc PRIVATE ${mi_libraries})
target_include_directories(mimalloc PUBLIC
@@ -360,7 +383,7 @@ if(MI_BUILD_SHARED)
install(FILES "$<TARGET_FILE_DIR:mimalloc>/mimalloc-redirect${MIMALLOC_REDIRECT_SUFFIX}.dll" DESTINATION ${mi_install_libdir})
- install(TARGETS mimalloc EXPORT mimalloc DESTINATION ${mi_install_libdir} LIBRARY)
+ install(TARGETS mimalloc EXPORT mimalloc DESTINATION ${mi_install_libdir} LIBRARY)
install(EXPORT mimalloc DESTINATION ${mi_install_cmakedir})
@@ -370,7 +393,7 @@ if (MI_BUILD_STATIC)
target_compile_definitions(mimalloc-static PRIVATE ${mi_defines} MI_STATIC_LIB)
target_compile_options(mimalloc-static PRIVATE ${mi_cflags})
- target_link_libraries(mimalloc-static PUBLIC ${mi_libraries})
+ target_link_libraries(mimalloc-static PRIVATE ${mi_libraries})
target_include_directories(mimalloc-static PUBLIC
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/cmake/mimalloc-config-version.cmake b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/cmake/mimalloc-config-version.cmake
index f0669c84d..64d710533 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/cmake/mimalloc-config-version.cmake
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/cmake/mimalloc-config-version.cmake
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
set(mi_version_major 2)
set(mi_version_minor 0)
-set(mi_version_patch 7)
+set(mi_version_patch 9)
set(mi_version ${mi_version_major}.${mi_version_minor})
set(PACKAGE_VERSION ${mi_version})
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/cmake/mimalloc-config.cmake b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/cmake/mimalloc-config.cmake
index 8a28e37e7..a49b02a25 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/cmake/mimalloc-config.cmake
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/cmake/mimalloc-config.cmake
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/mimalloc.cmake)
get_filename_component(MIMALLOC_CMAKE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}" PATH) # one up from the cmake dir, e.g. /usr/local/lib/cmake/mimalloc-2.0
-if("${MIMALLOC_VERSION_DIR}" EQUAL "mimalloc")
+if("${MIMALLOC_VERSION_DIR}" EQUAL "mimalloc")
# top level install
string(REPLACE "/lib/cmake" "/include" MIMALLOC_INCLUDE_DIR "${MIMALLOC_CMAKE_DIR}")
# versioned
string(REPLACE "/lib/cmake/" "/include/" MIMALLOC_INCLUDE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}")
- string(REPLACE "/lib/cmake/" "/lib/" MIMALLOC_OBJECT_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}")
+ string(REPLACE "/lib/cmake/" "/lib/" MIMALLOC_OBJECT_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}")
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-atomic.h b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-atomic.h
index 7ad5da585..c66f80493 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-atomic.h
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-atomic.h
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Atomics
// We need to be portable between C, C++, and MSVC.
-// We base the primitives on the C/C++ atomics and create a mimimal wrapper for MSVC in C compilation mode.
-// This is why we try to use only `uintptr_t` and `<type>*` as atomic types.
-// To gain better insight in the range of used atomics, we use explicitly named memory order operations
+// We base the primitives on the C/C++ atomics and create a mimimal wrapper for MSVC in C compilation mode.
+// This is why we try to use only `uintptr_t` and `<type>*` as atomic types.
+// To gain better insight in the range of used atomics, we use explicitly named memory order operations
// instead of passing the memory order as a parameter.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
// Use MSVC C wrapper for C11 atomics
-#define _Atomic(tp) tp
+#define _Atomic(tp) tp
#define MI_ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(x) x
#define mi_atomic(name) mi_atomic_##name
#define mi_memory_order(name) mi_memory_order_##name
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ static inline intptr_t mi_atomic_subi(_Atomic(intptr_t)*p, intptr_t sub) {
return (intptr_t)mi_atomic_addi(p, -sub);
-// Yield
+// Yield
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#include <thread>
static inline void mi_atomic_yield(void) {
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-internal.h b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-internal.h
index 550b65433..a68e69662 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-internal.h
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-internal.h
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#define mi_decl_externc extern "C"
-#define mi_decl_externc
+#define mi_decl_externc
-#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__wasi__)
+#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__wasi__)
#include <pthread.h>
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ void _mi_error_message(int err, const char* fmt, ...);
// random.c
void _mi_random_init(mi_random_ctx_t* ctx);
+void _mi_random_init_weak(mi_random_ctx_t* ctx);
+void _mi_random_reinit_if_weak(mi_random_ctx_t * ctx);
void _mi_random_split(mi_random_ctx_t* ctx, mi_random_ctx_t* new_ctx);
uintptr_t _mi_random_next(mi_random_ctx_t* ctx);
uintptr_t _mi_heap_random_next(mi_heap_t* heap);
@@ -87,11 +89,15 @@ bool _mi_os_reset(void* p, size_t size, mi_stats_t* stats);
// bool _mi_os_unreset(void* p, size_t size, bool* is_zero, mi_stats_t* stats);
size_t _mi_os_good_alloc_size(size_t size);
bool _mi_os_has_overcommit(void);
+bool _mi_os_reset(void* addr, size_t size, mi_stats_t* tld_stats);
+void* _mi_os_alloc_aligned_offset(size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t align_offset, bool commit, bool* large, mi_stats_t* tld_stats);
+void _mi_os_free_aligned(void* p, size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t align_offset, bool was_committed, mi_stats_t* tld_stats);
// arena.c
-void* _mi_arena_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, bool* commit, bool* large, bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, size_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld);
+void* _mi_arena_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t align_offset, bool* commit, bool* large, bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, size_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld);
void* _mi_arena_alloc(size_t size, bool* commit, bool* large, bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, size_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld);
-void _mi_arena_free(void* p, size_t size, size_t memid, bool is_committed, mi_os_tld_t* tld);
+void _mi_arena_free(void* p, size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t align_offset, size_t memid, bool all_committed, mi_stats_t* stats);
mi_arena_id_t _mi_arena_id_none(void);
bool _mi_arena_memid_is_suitable(size_t memid, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id);
@@ -99,16 +105,22 @@ bool _mi_arena_memid_is_suitable(size_t memid, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id)
void* _mi_segment_cache_pop(size_t size, mi_commit_mask_t* commit_mask, mi_commit_mask_t* decommit_mask, bool* large, bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, size_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld);
bool _mi_segment_cache_push(void* start, size_t size, size_t memid, const mi_commit_mask_t* commit_mask, const mi_commit_mask_t* decommit_mask, bool is_large, bool is_pinned, mi_os_tld_t* tld);
void _mi_segment_cache_collect(bool force, mi_os_tld_t* tld);
+void _mi_segment_cache_free_all(mi_os_tld_t* tld);
void _mi_segment_map_allocated_at(const mi_segment_t* segment);
void _mi_segment_map_freed_at(const mi_segment_t* segment);
// "segment.c"
-mi_page_t* _mi_segment_page_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t block_wsize, mi_segments_tld_t* tld, mi_os_tld_t* os_tld);
+mi_page_t* _mi_segment_page_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t block_size, size_t page_alignment, mi_segments_tld_t* tld, mi_os_tld_t* os_tld);
void _mi_segment_page_free(mi_page_t* page, bool force, mi_segments_tld_t* tld);
void _mi_segment_page_abandon(mi_page_t* page, mi_segments_tld_t* tld);
bool _mi_segment_try_reclaim_abandoned( mi_heap_t* heap, bool try_all, mi_segments_tld_t* tld);
void _mi_segment_thread_collect(mi_segments_tld_t* tld);
void _mi_segment_huge_page_free(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_page_t* page, mi_block_t* block);
+void _mi_segment_huge_page_reset(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_page_t* page, mi_block_t* block);
uint8_t* _mi_segment_page_start(const mi_segment_t* segment, const mi_page_t* page, size_t* page_size); // page start for any page
void _mi_abandoned_reclaim_all(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_segments_tld_t* tld);
@@ -118,7 +130,7 @@ void _mi_abandoned_collect(mi_heap_t* heap, bool force, mi_segments_tld_t*
// "page.c"
-void* _mi_malloc_generic(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool zero) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc;
+void* _mi_malloc_generic(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool zero, size_t huge_alignment) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc;
void _mi_page_retire(mi_page_t* page) mi_attr_noexcept; // free the page if there are no other pages with many free blocks
void _mi_page_unfull(mi_page_t* page);
@@ -144,6 +156,7 @@ void _mi_heap_destroy_pages(mi_heap_t* heap);
void _mi_heap_collect_abandon(mi_heap_t* heap);
void _mi_heap_set_default_direct(mi_heap_t* heap);
bool _mi_heap_memid_is_suitable(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t memid);
+void _mi_heap_destroy_all(void);
// "stats.c"
void _mi_stats_done(mi_stats_t* stats);
@@ -155,9 +168,11 @@ mi_msecs_t _mi_clock_start(void);
// "alloc.c"
void* _mi_page_malloc(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_t* page, size_t size, bool zero) mi_attr_noexcept; // called from `_mi_malloc_generic`
void* _mi_heap_malloc_zero(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool zero) mi_attr_noexcept;
+void* _mi_heap_malloc_zero_ex(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool zero, size_t huge_alignment) mi_attr_noexcept; // called from `_mi_heap_malloc_aligned`
void* _mi_heap_realloc_zero(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize, bool zero) mi_attr_noexcept;
mi_block_t* _mi_page_ptr_unalign(const mi_segment_t* segment, const mi_page_t* page, const void* p);
bool _mi_free_delayed_block(mi_block_t* block);
+void _mi_free_generic(const mi_segment_t* segment, mi_page_t* page, bool is_local, void* p) mi_attr_noexcept; // for runtime integration
#if MI_DEBUG>1
bool _mi_page_is_valid(mi_page_t* page);
@@ -345,14 +360,14 @@ mi_heap_t* _mi_heap_main_get(void); // statically allocated main backing hea
#if defined(__APPLE__) // macOS
-#define MI_TLS_SLOT 89 // seems unused?
-// #define MI_TLS_RECURSE_GUARD 1
+#define MI_TLS_SLOT 89 // seems unused?
+// #define MI_TLS_RECURSE_GUARD 1
// other possible unused ones are 9, 29, __PTK_FRAMEWORK_JAVASCRIPTCORE_KEY4 (94), __PTK_FRAMEWORK_GC_KEY9 (112) and __PTK_FRAMEWORK_OLDGC_KEY9 (89)
// see <>
#elif defined(__OpenBSD__)
-// use end bytes of a name; goes wrong if anyone uses names > 23 characters (ptrhread specifies 16)
+// use end bytes of a name; goes wrong if anyone uses names > 23 characters (ptrhread specifies 16)
// see <>
-#define MI_TLS_PTHREAD_SLOT_OFS (6*sizeof(int) + 4*sizeof(void*) + 24)
+#define MI_TLS_PTHREAD_SLOT_OFS (6*sizeof(int) + 4*sizeof(void*) + 24)
// #elif defined(__DragonFly__)
// #warning "mimalloc is not working correctly on DragonFly yet."
// #define MI_TLS_PTHREAD_SLOT_OFS (4 + 1*sizeof(void*)) // offset `uniqueid` (also used by gdb?) <>
@@ -392,7 +407,7 @@ static inline mi_heap_t* mi_get_default_heap(void) {
#ifdef __GNUC__
__asm(""); // prevent conditional load of the address of _mi_heap_empty
- heap = (mi_heap_t*)&_mi_heap_empty;
+ heap = (mi_heap_t*)&_mi_heap_empty;
return heap;
#elif defined(MI_TLS_PTHREAD_SLOT_OFS)
@@ -402,7 +417,7 @@ static inline mi_heap_t* mi_get_default_heap(void) {
mi_heap_t* heap = (mi_unlikely(_mi_heap_default_key == (pthread_key_t)(-1)) ? _mi_heap_main_get() : (mi_heap_t*)pthread_getspecific(_mi_heap_default_key));
return (mi_unlikely(heap == NULL) ? (mi_heap_t*)&_mi_heap_empty : heap);
- #if defined(MI_TLS_RECURSE_GUARD)
+ #if defined(MI_TLS_RECURSE_GUARD)
if (mi_unlikely(!_mi_process_is_initialized)) return _mi_heap_main_get();
return _mi_heap_default;
@@ -445,9 +460,12 @@ static inline mi_page_t* _mi_get_free_small_page(size_t size) {
// Segment that contains the pointer
+// Large aligned blocks may be aligned at N*MI_SEGMENT_SIZE (inside a huge segment > MI_SEGMENT_SIZE),
+// and we need align "down" to the segment info which is `MI_SEGMENT_SIZE` bytes before it;
+// therefore we align one byte before `p`.
static inline mi_segment_t* _mi_ptr_segment(const void* p) {
- // mi_assert_internal(p != NULL);
- return (mi_segment_t*)((uintptr_t)p & ~MI_SEGMENT_MASK);
+ mi_assert_internal(p != NULL);
+ return (mi_segment_t*)(((uintptr_t)p - 1) & ~MI_SEGMENT_MASK);
static inline mi_page_t* mi_slice_to_page(mi_slice_t* s) {
@@ -475,12 +493,13 @@ static inline mi_slice_t* mi_slice_first(const mi_slice_t* slice) {
return start;
-// Get the page containing the pointer
+// Get the page containing the pointer (performance critical as it is called in mi_free)
static inline mi_page_t* _mi_segment_page_of(const mi_segment_t* segment, const void* p) {
+ mi_assert_internal(p > (void*)segment);
ptrdiff_t diff = (uint8_t*)p - (uint8_t*)segment;
- mi_assert_internal(diff >= 0 && diff < (ptrdiff_t)MI_SEGMENT_SIZE);
+ mi_assert_internal(diff > 0 && diff <= (ptrdiff_t)MI_SEGMENT_SIZE);
size_t idx = (size_t)diff >> MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SHIFT;
- mi_assert_internal(idx < segment->slice_entries);
+ mi_assert_internal(idx <= segment->slice_entries);
mi_slice_t* slice0 = (mi_slice_t*)&segment->slices[idx];
mi_slice_t* slice = mi_slice_first(slice0); // adjust to the block that holds the page data
mi_assert_internal(slice->slice_offset == 0);
@@ -512,6 +531,10 @@ static inline size_t mi_page_block_size(const mi_page_t* page) {
+static inline bool mi_page_is_huge(const mi_page_t* page) {
+ return (_mi_page_segment(page)->kind == MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
// Get the usable block size of a page without fixed padding.
// This may still include internal padding due to alignment and rounding up size classes.
static inline size_t mi_page_usable_block_size(const mi_page_t* page) {
@@ -683,7 +706,7 @@ static inline mi_block_t* mi_block_nextx( const void* null, const mi_block_t* bl
next = (mi_block_t*)block->next;
- return next;
+ return next;
static inline void mi_block_set_nextx(const void* null, mi_block_t* block, const mi_block_t* next, const uintptr_t* keys) {
@@ -825,7 +848,7 @@ static inline mi_threadid_t _mi_thread_id(void) mi_attr_noexcept {
return (uintptr_t)NtCurrentTeb();
-// We use assembly for a fast thread id on the main platforms. The TLS layout depends on
+// We use assembly for a fast thread id on the main platforms. The TLS layout depends on
// both the OS and libc implementation so we use specific tests for each main platform.
// If you test on another platform and it works please send a PR :-)
// see also for more info on the TLS register.
@@ -938,7 +961,7 @@ static inline size_t mi_ctz(uintptr_t x) {
-#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#include <limits.h> // LONG_MAX
@@ -949,7 +972,7 @@ static inline size_t mi_clz(uintptr_t x) {
_BitScanReverse(&idx, x);
_BitScanReverse64(&idx, x);
return ((MI_INTPTR_BITS - 1) - idx);
static inline size_t mi_ctz(uintptr_t x) {
@@ -959,7 +982,7 @@ static inline size_t mi_ctz(uintptr_t x) {
_BitScanForward(&idx, x);
_BitScanForward64(&idx, x);
return idx;
@@ -989,7 +1012,7 @@ static inline size_t mi_clz32(uint32_t x) {
static inline size_t mi_clz(uintptr_t x) {
- if (x==0) return MI_INTPTR_BITS;
+ if (x==0) return MI_INTPTR_BITS;
#if (MI_INTPTR_BITS <= 32)
return mi_clz32((uint32_t)x);
@@ -1020,9 +1043,9 @@ static inline size_t mi_bsr(uintptr_t x) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Provide our own `_mi_memcpy` for potential performance optimizations.
-// For now, only on Windows with msvc/clang-cl we optimize to `rep movsb` if
-// we happen to run on x86/x64 cpu's that have "fast short rep movsb" (FSRM) support
-// (AMD Zen3+ (~2020) or Intel Ice Lake+ (~2017). See also issue #201 and pr #253.
+// For now, only on Windows with msvc/clang-cl we optimize to `rep movsb` if
+// we happen to run on x86/x64 cpu's that have "fast short rep movsb" (FSRM) support
+// (AMD Zen3+ (~2020) or Intel Ice Lake+ (~2017). See also issue #201 and pr #253.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if !MI_TRACK_ENABLED && defined(_WIN32) && (defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64))
@@ -1057,7 +1080,7 @@ static inline void _mi_memzero(void* dst, size_t n) {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// The `_mi_memcpy_aligned` can be used if the pointers are machine-word aligned
+// The `_mi_memcpy_aligned` can be used if the pointers are machine-word aligned
// This is used for example in `mi_realloc`.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-new-delete.h b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-new-delete.h
index 1c12fad2f..c16f4a665 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-new-delete.h
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-new-delete.h
@@ -22,17 +22,26 @@ terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
#include <new>
#include <mimalloc.h>
+ #if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_Ret_notnull_) && defined(_Post_writable_byte_size_)
+ // stay consistent with VCRT definitions
+ #define mi_decl_new(n) mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict _Ret_notnull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(n)
+ #define mi_decl_new_nothrow(n) mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict _Ret_maybenull_ _Success_(return != NULL) _Post_writable_byte_size_(n)
+ #else
+ #define mi_decl_new(n) mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict
+ #define mi_decl_new_nothrow(n) mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict
+ #endif
void operator delete(void* p) noexcept { mi_free(p); };
void operator delete[](void* p) noexcept { mi_free(p); };
void operator delete (void* p, const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept { mi_free(p); }
void operator delete[](void* p, const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept { mi_free(p); }
- void* operator new(std::size_t n) noexcept(false) { return mi_new(n); }
- void* operator new[](std::size_t n) noexcept(false) { return mi_new(n); }
+ mi_decl_new(n) void* operator new(std::size_t n) noexcept(false) { return mi_new(n); }
+ mi_decl_new(n) void* operator new[](std::size_t n) noexcept(false) { return mi_new(n); }
- void* operator new (std::size_t n, const std::nothrow_t& tag) noexcept { (void)(tag); return mi_new_nothrow(n); }
- void* operator new[](std::size_t n, const std::nothrow_t& tag) noexcept { (void)(tag); return mi_new_nothrow(n); }
+ mi_decl_new_nothrow(n) void* operator new (std::size_t n, const std::nothrow_t& tag) noexcept { (void)(tag); return mi_new_nothrow(n); }
+ mi_decl_new_nothrow(n) void* operator new[](std::size_t n, const std::nothrow_t& tag) noexcept { (void)(tag); return mi_new_nothrow(n); }
#if (__cplusplus >= 201402L || _MSC_VER >= 1916)
void operator delete (void* p, std::size_t n) noexcept { mi_free_size(p,n); };
@@ -46,7 +55,7 @@ terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
void operator delete[](void* p, std::size_t n, std::align_val_t al) noexcept { mi_free_size_aligned(p, n, static_cast<size_t>(al)); };
void operator delete (void* p, std::align_val_t al, const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept { mi_free_aligned(p, static_cast<size_t>(al)); }
void operator delete[](void* p, std::align_val_t al, const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept { mi_free_aligned(p, static_cast<size_t>(al)); }
void* operator new (std::size_t n, std::align_val_t al) noexcept(false) { return mi_new_aligned(n, static_cast<size_t>(al)); }
void* operator new[](std::size_t n, std::align_val_t al) noexcept(false) { return mi_new_aligned(n, static_cast<size_t>(al)); }
void* operator new (std::size_t n, std::align_val_t al, const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept { return mi_new_aligned_nothrow(n, static_cast<size_t>(al)); }
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-track.h b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-track.h
index bb9df4fa3..f60d7acd0 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-track.h
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-track.h
@@ -10,33 +10,52 @@ terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Track memory ranges with macros for tools like Valgrind
-// or other memory checkers.
+// address sanitizer, or other memory checkers.
// ------------------------------------------------------
+#define MI_TRACK_TOOL "valgrind"
#include <valgrind/valgrind.h>
#include <valgrind/memcheck.h>
#define mi_track_malloc(p,size,zero) VALGRIND_MALLOCLIKE_BLOCK(p,size,MI_PADDING_SIZE /*red zone*/,zero)
-#define mi_track_resize(p,oldsize,newsize) VALGRIND_RESIZEINPLACE_BLOCK(p,oldsize,newsize,MI_PADDING_SIZE /*red zone*/)
+#define mi_track_resize(p,oldsize,newsize) VALGRIND_RESIZEINPLACE_BLOCK(p,oldsize,newsize,MI_PADDING_SIZE /*red zone*/)
#define mi_track_free(p) VALGRIND_FREELIKE_BLOCK(p,MI_PADDING_SIZE /*red zone*/)
+#define mi_track_free_size(p,_size) mi_track_free(p)
#define mi_track_mem_defined(p,size) VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(p,size)
#define mi_track_mem_undefined(p,size) VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(p,size)
#define mi_track_mem_noaccess(p,size) VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(p,size)
+#elif MI_ASAN
+#define MI_TRACK_TOOL "asan"
+#include <sanitizer/asan_interface.h>
+#define mi_track_malloc(p,size,zero) ASAN_UNPOISON_MEMORY_REGION(p,size)
+#define mi_track_resize(p,oldsize,newsize) ASAN_POISON_MEMORY_REGION(p,oldsize); ASAN_UNPOISON_MEMORY_REGION(p,newsize)
+#define mi_track_free(p) ASAN_POISON_MEMORY_REGION(p,mi_usable_size(p))
+#define mi_track_free_size(p,size) ASAN_POISON_MEMORY_REGION(p,size)
+#define mi_track_mem_defined(p,size) ASAN_UNPOISON_MEMORY_REGION(p,size)
+#define mi_track_mem_undefined(p,size) ASAN_UNPOISON_MEMORY_REGION(p,size)
+#define mi_track_mem_noaccess(p,size) ASAN_POISON_MEMORY_REGION(p,size)
-#define mi_track_malloc(p,size,zero)
-#define mi_track_resize(p,oldsize,newsize)
-#define mi_track_free(p)
-#define mi_track_mem_defined(p,size)
-#define mi_track_mem_undefined(p,size)
-#define mi_track_mem_noaccess(p,size)
+#define MI_TRACK_TOOL "none"
+#define mi_track_malloc(p,size,zero)
+#define mi_track_resize(p,oldsize,newsize)
+#define mi_track_free(p)
+#define mi_track_free_size(p,_size)
+#define mi_track_mem_defined(p,size)
+#define mi_track_mem_undefined(p,size)
+#define mi_track_mem_noaccess(p,size)
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-types.h b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-types.h
index 1387a7200..f3af528e5 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-types.h
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-types.h
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4214) // bitfield is not int
// Minimal alignment necessary. On most platforms 16 bytes are needed
// due to SSE registers for example. This must be at least `sizeof(void*)`
@@ -71,6 +71,13 @@ terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+// We used to abandon huge pages but to eagerly deallocate if freed from another thread,
+// but that makes it not possible to visit them during a heap walk or include them in a
+// `mi_heap_destroy`. We therefore instead reset/decommit the huge blocks if freed from
+// another thread so most memory is available until it gets properly freed by the owning thread.
+// #define MI_HUGE_PAGE_ABANDON 1
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Platform specific values
// ------------------------------------------------------
@@ -135,7 +142,7 @@ typedef int32_t mi_ssize_t;
#define MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SHIFT (13 + MI_INTPTR_SHIFT) // 64KiB (32KiB on 32-bit)
#define MI_SEGMENT_SHIFT ( 7 + MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SHIFT) // 4MiB on 32-bit
@@ -147,7 +154,7 @@ typedef int32_t mi_ssize_t;
// Derived constants
@@ -166,12 +173,6 @@ typedef int32_t mi_ssize_t;
#if (MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_WSIZE_MAX >= 655360)
#error "mimalloc internal: define more bins"
-#error "mimalloc internal: the max aligned boundary is too large for the segment size"
-#error "mimalloc internal: the max aligned boundary must be an integral multiple of the segment slice size"
// Maximum slice offset (15)
@@ -182,7 +183,8 @@ typedef int32_t mi_ssize_t;
// blocks up to this size are always allocated aligned
+// Alignments over MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX are allocated in dedicated huge page segments
// ------------------------------------------------------
@@ -253,49 +255,50 @@ typedef uintptr_t mi_thread_free_t;
// We don't count `freed` (as |free|) but use `used` to reduce
// the number of memory accesses in the `mi_page_all_free` function(s).
-// Notes:
+// Notes:
// - Access is optimized for `mi_free` and `mi_page_alloc` (in `alloc.c`)
// - Using `uint16_t` does not seem to slow things down
// - The size is 8 words on 64-bit which helps the page index calculations
-// (and 10 words on 32-bit, and encoded free lists add 2 words. Sizes 10
+// (and 10 words on 32-bit, and encoded free lists add 2 words. Sizes 10
// and 12 are still good for address calculation)
-// - To limit the structure size, the `xblock_size` is 32-bits only; for
+// - To limit the structure size, the `xblock_size` is 32-bits only; for
// blocks > MI_HUGE_BLOCK_SIZE the size is determined from the segment page size
// - `thread_free` uses the bottom bits as a delayed-free flags to optimize
// concurrent frees where only the first concurrent free adds to the owning
// heap `thread_delayed_free` list (see `alloc.c:mi_free_block_mt`).
// The invariant is that no-delayed-free is only set if there is
-// at least one block that will be added, or as already been added, to
+// at least one block that will be added, or as already been added, to
// the owning heap `thread_delayed_free` list. This guarantees that pages
// will be freed correctly even if only other threads free blocks.
typedef struct mi_page_s {
// "owned" by the segment
uint32_t slice_count; // slices in this page (0 if not a page)
uint32_t slice_offset; // distance from the actual page data slice (0 if a page)
- uint8_t is_reset : 1; // `true` if the page memory was reset
- uint8_t is_committed : 1; // `true` if the page virtual memory is committed
- uint8_t is_zero_init : 1; // `true` if the page was zero initialized
+ uint8_t is_reset : 1; // `true` if the page memory was reset
+ uint8_t is_committed : 1; // `true` if the page virtual memory is committed
+ uint8_t is_zero_init : 1; // `true` if the page was zero initialized
// layout like this to optimize access in `mi_malloc` and `mi_free`
uint16_t capacity; // number of blocks committed, must be the first field, see `segment.c:page_clear`
uint16_t reserved; // number of blocks reserved in memory
mi_page_flags_t flags; // `in_full` and `has_aligned` flags (8 bits)
- uint8_t is_zero : 1; // `true` if the blocks in the free list are zero initialized
- uint8_t retire_expire : 7; // expiration count for retired blocks
+ uint8_t is_zero : 1; // `true` if the blocks in the free list are zero initialized
+ uint8_t retire_expire : 7; // expiration count for retired blocks
mi_block_t* free; // list of available free blocks (`malloc` allocates from this list)
+ uint32_t used; // number of blocks in use (including blocks in `local_free` and `thread_free`)
+ uint32_t xblock_size; // size available in each block (always `>0`)
+ mi_block_t* local_free; // list of deferred free blocks by this thread (migrates to `free`)
uintptr_t keys[2]; // two random keys to encode the free lists (see `_mi_block_next`)
- uint32_t used; // number of blocks in use (including blocks in `local_free` and `thread_free`)
- uint32_t xblock_size; // size available in each block (always `>0`)
- mi_block_t* local_free; // list of deferred free blocks by this thread (migrates to `free`)
_Atomic(mi_thread_free_t) xthread_free; // list of deferred free blocks freed by other threads
_Atomic(uintptr_t) xheap;
- struct mi_page_s* next; // next page owned by this thread with the same `block_size`
- struct mi_page_s* prev; // previous page owned by this thread with the same `block_size`
+ struct mi_page_s* next; // next page owned by this thread with the same `block_size`
+ struct mi_page_s* prev; // previous page owned by this thread with the same `block_size`
// 64-bit 9 words, 32-bit 12 words, (+2 for secure)
@@ -329,7 +332,7 @@ typedef enum mi_segment_kind_e {
// is still tracked in fine-grained MI_COMMIT_SIZE chunks)
// ------------------------------------------------------
@@ -355,6 +358,8 @@ typedef struct mi_segment_s {
bool mem_is_pinned; // `true` if we cannot decommit/reset/protect in this memory (i.e. when allocated using large OS pages)
bool mem_is_large; // in large/huge os pages?
bool mem_is_committed; // `true` if the whole segment is eagerly committed
+ size_t mem_alignment; // page alignment for huge pages (only used for alignment > MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX)
+ size_t mem_align_offset; // offset for huge page alignment (only used for alignment > MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX)
bool allow_decommit;
mi_msecs_t decommit_expire;
@@ -376,9 +381,10 @@ typedef struct mi_segment_s {
// layout like this to optimize access in `mi_free`
mi_segment_kind_t kind;
- _Atomic(mi_threadid_t) thread_id; // unique id of the thread owning this segment
size_t slice_entries; // entries in the `slices` array, at most `MI_SLICES_PER_SEGMENT`
- mi_slice_t slices[MI_SLICES_PER_SEGMENT];
+ _Atomic(mi_threadid_t) thread_id; // unique id of the thread owning this segment
+ mi_slice_t slices[MI_SLICES_PER_SEGMENT+1]; // one more for huge blocks with large alignment
} mi_segment_t;
@@ -412,6 +418,7 @@ typedef struct mi_random_cxt_s {
uint32_t input[16];
uint32_t output[16];
int output_available;
+ bool weak;
} mi_random_ctx_t;
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc.h b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc.h
index 32eab19ea..9b72fbfda 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc.h
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/include/mimalloc.h
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
#ifndef MIMALLOC_H
#define MIMALLOC_H
-#define MI_MALLOC_VERSION 207 // major + 2 digits minor
+#define MI_MALLOC_VERSION 209 // major + 2 digits minor
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Compiler specific attributes
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
#define mi_decl_nodiscard [[nodiscard]]
#elif (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)) || defined(__clang__) // includes clang, icc, and clang-cl
#define mi_decl_nodiscard __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
+#elif defined(_HAS_NODISCARD)
+ #define mi_decl_nodiscard _NODISCARD
#elif (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
#define mi_decl_nodiscard _Check_return_
@@ -158,8 +160,8 @@ mi_decl_export void mi_thread_init(void) mi_attr_noexcept;
mi_decl_export void mi_thread_done(void) mi_attr_noexcept;
mi_decl_export void mi_thread_stats_print_out(mi_output_fun* out, void* arg) mi_attr_noexcept;
-mi_decl_export void mi_process_info(size_t* elapsed_msecs, size_t* user_msecs, size_t* system_msecs,
- size_t* current_rss, size_t* peak_rss,
+mi_decl_export void mi_process_info(size_t* elapsed_msecs, size_t* user_msecs, size_t* system_msecs,
+ size_t* current_rss, size_t* peak_rss,
size_t* current_commit, size_t* peak_commit, size_t* page_faults) mi_attr_noexcept;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -167,11 +169,6 @@ mi_decl_export void mi_process_info(size_t* elapsed_msecs, size_t* user_msecs, s
// Note that `alignment` always follows `size` for consistency with unaligned
// allocation, but unfortunately this differs from `posix_memalign` and `aligned_alloc`.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#define MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX (16*1024*1024UL) // maximum supported alignment is 16MiB
-#define MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX (1024*1024UL) // maximum supported alignment for 32-bit systems is 1MiB
mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_malloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(1) mi_attr_alloc_align(2);
mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_malloc_aligned_at(size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(1);
@@ -288,6 +285,7 @@ mi_decl_export int mi_reserve_os_memory_ex(size_t size, bool commit, bool allo
mi_decl_export bool mi_manage_os_memory_ex(void* start, size_t size, bool is_committed, bool is_large, bool is_zero, int numa_node, bool exclusive, mi_arena_id_t* arena_id) mi_attr_noexcept;
+// Create a heap that only allocates in the specified arena
mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_heap_t* mi_heap_new_in_arena(mi_arena_id_t arena_id);
@@ -347,6 +345,7 @@ typedef enum mi_option_e {
+ mi_option_destroy_on_exit,
} mi_option_t;
@@ -405,6 +404,9 @@ mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_new_n(size_t count, s
mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_new_realloc(void* p, size_t newsize) mi_attr_alloc_size(2);
mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_new_reallocn(void* p, size_t newcount, size_t size) mi_attr_alloc_size2(2, 3);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_alloc_new(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size) mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(2);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_alloc_new_n(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t count, size_t size) mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size2(2, 3);
#ifdef __cplusplus
@@ -422,7 +424,7 @@ mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_new_reallocn(void* p, size_t newcount,
#include <utility> // std::forward
-template<class T> struct mi_stl_allocator {
+template<class T> struct _mi_stl_allocator_common {
typedef T value_type;
typedef std::size_t size_type;
typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
@@ -430,6 +432,27 @@ template<class T> struct mi_stl_allocator {
typedef value_type const& const_reference;
typedef value_type* pointer;
typedef value_type const* const_pointer;
+ #if ((__cplusplus >= 201103L) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)) // C++11
+ using propagate_on_container_copy_assignment = std::true_type;
+ using propagate_on_container_move_assignment = std::true_type;
+ using propagate_on_container_swap = std::true_type;
+ template <class U, class ...Args> void construct(U* p, Args&& ...args) { ::new(p) U(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
+ template <class U> void destroy(U* p) mi_attr_noexcept { p->~U(); }
+ #else
+ void construct(pointer p, value_type const& val) { ::new(p) value_type(val); }
+ void destroy(pointer p) { p->~value_type(); }
+ #endif
+ size_type max_size() const mi_attr_noexcept { return (PTRDIFF_MAX/sizeof(value_type)); }
+ pointer address(reference x) const { return &x; }
+ const_pointer address(const_reference x) const { return &x; }
+template<class T> struct mi_stl_allocator : public _mi_stl_allocator_common<T> {
+ using typename _mi_stl_allocator_common<T>::size_type;
+ using typename _mi_stl_allocator_common<T>::value_type;
+ using typename _mi_stl_allocator_common<T>::pointer;
template <class U> struct rebind { typedef mi_stl_allocator<U> other; };
mi_stl_allocator() mi_attr_noexcept = default;
@@ -446,24 +469,89 @@ template<class T> struct mi_stl_allocator {
#if ((__cplusplus >= 201103L) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)) // C++11
- using propagate_on_container_copy_assignment = std::true_type;
- using propagate_on_container_move_assignment = std::true_type;
- using propagate_on_container_swap = std::true_type;
- using is_always_equal = std::true_type;
- template <class U, class ...Args> void construct(U* p, Args&& ...args) { ::new(p) U(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
- template <class U> void destroy(U* p) mi_attr_noexcept { p->~U(); }
- #else
- void construct(pointer p, value_type const& val) { ::new(p) value_type(val); }
- void destroy(pointer p) { p->~value_type(); }
+ using is_always_equal = std::true_type;
- size_type max_size() const mi_attr_noexcept { return (PTRDIFF_MAX/sizeof(value_type)); }
- pointer address(reference x) const { return &x; }
- const_pointer address(const_reference x) const { return &x; }
template<class T1,class T2> bool operator==(const mi_stl_allocator<T1>& , const mi_stl_allocator<T2>& ) mi_attr_noexcept { return true; }
template<class T1,class T2> bool operator!=(const mi_stl_allocator<T1>& , const mi_stl_allocator<T2>& ) mi_attr_noexcept { return false; }
+#if (__cplusplus >= 201103L) || (_MSC_VER > 1900) // C++11
+#include <memory> // std::shared_ptr
+// Common base class for STL allocators in a specific heap
+template<class T, bool destroy> struct _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common : public _mi_stl_allocator_common<T> {
+ using typename _mi_stl_allocator_common<T>::size_type;
+ using typename _mi_stl_allocator_common<T>::value_type;
+ using typename _mi_stl_allocator_common<T>::pointer;
+ _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common(mi_heap_t* hp) : heap(hp) { } /* will not delete nor destroy the passed in heap */
+ #if (__cplusplus >= 201703L) // C++17
+ mi_decl_nodiscard T* allocate(size_type count) { return static_cast<T*>(mi_heap_alloc_new_n(this->heap.get(), count, sizeof(T))); }
+ mi_decl_nodiscard T* allocate(size_type count, const void*) { return allocate(count); }
+ #else
+ mi_decl_nodiscard pointer allocate(size_type count, const void* = 0) { return static_cast<pointer>(mi_heap_alloc_new_n(this->heap.get(), count, sizeof(value_type))); }
+ #endif
+ #if ((__cplusplus >= 201103L) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)) // C++11
+ using is_always_equal = std::false_type;
+ #endif
+ void collect(bool force) { mi_heap_collect(this->heap.get(), force); }
+ template<class U> bool is_equal(const _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<U, destroy>& x) const { return (this->heap == x.heap); }
+ std::shared_ptr<mi_heap_t> heap;
+ template<class U, bool D> friend struct _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common;
+ _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common() {
+ mi_heap_t* hp = mi_heap_new();
+ this->heap.reset(hp, (destroy ? &heap_destroy : &heap_delete)); /* calls heap_delete/destroy when the refcount drops to zero */
+ }
+ _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common(const _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common& x) mi_attr_noexcept : heap(x.heap) { }
+ template<class U> _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common(const _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<U, destroy>& x) mi_attr_noexcept : heap(x.heap) { }
+ static void heap_delete(mi_heap_t* hp) { if (hp != NULL) { mi_heap_delete(hp); } }
+ static void heap_destroy(mi_heap_t* hp) { if (hp != NULL) { mi_heap_destroy(hp); } }
+// STL allocator allocation in a specific heap
+template<class T> struct mi_heap_stl_allocator : public _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<T, false> {
+ using typename _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<T, false>::size_type;
+ mi_heap_stl_allocator() : _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<T, false>() { } // creates fresh heap that is deleted when the destructor is called
+ mi_heap_stl_allocator(mi_heap_t* hp) : _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<T, false>(hp) { } // no delete nor destroy on the passed in heap
+ template<class U> mi_heap_stl_allocator(const mi_heap_stl_allocator<U>& x) mi_attr_noexcept : _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<T, false>(x) { }
+ mi_heap_stl_allocator select_on_container_copy_construction() const { return *this; }
+ void deallocate(T* p, size_type) { mi_free(p); }
+ template<class U> struct rebind { typedef mi_heap_stl_allocator<U> other; };
+template<class T1, class T2> bool operator==(const mi_heap_stl_allocator<T1>& x, const mi_heap_stl_allocator<T2>& y) mi_attr_noexcept { return (x.is_equal(y)); }
+template<class T1, class T2> bool operator!=(const mi_heap_stl_allocator<T1>& x, const mi_heap_stl_allocator<T2>& y) mi_attr_noexcept { return (!x.is_equal(y)); }
+// STL allocator allocation in a specific heap, where `free` does nothing and
+// the heap is destroyed in one go on destruction -- use with care!
+template<class T> struct mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator : public _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<T, true> {
+ using typename _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<T, true>::size_type;
+ mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator() : _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<T, true>() { } // creates fresh heap that is destroyed when the destructor is called
+ mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator(mi_heap_t* hp) : _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<T, true>(hp) { } // no delete nor destroy on the passed in heap
+ template<class U> mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator(const mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator<U>& x) mi_attr_noexcept : _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<T, true>(x) { }
+ mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator select_on_container_copy_construction() const { return *this; }
+ void deallocate(T*, size_type) { /* do nothing as we destroy the heap on destruct. */ }
+ template<class U> struct rebind { typedef mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator<U> other; };
+template<class T1, class T2> bool operator==(const mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator<T1>& x, const mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator<T2>& y) mi_attr_noexcept { return (x.is_equal(y)); }
+template<class T1, class T2> bool operator!=(const mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator<T1>& x, const mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator<T2>& y) mi_attr_noexcept { return (!x.is_equal(y)); }
+#endif // C++11
#endif // __cplusplus
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/
index 588630992..10195b026 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ is a general purpose allocator with excellent [performance](#performance) charac
Initially developed by Daan Leijen for the run-time systems of the
[Koka]( and [Lean]( languages.
-Latest release tag: `v2.0.7` (2022-11-03).
-Latest stable tag: `v1.7.7` (2022-11-03).
+Latest release tag: `v2.0.9` (2022-12-23).
+Latest stable tag: `v1.7.9` (2022-12-23).
mimalloc is a drop-in replacement for `malloc` and can be used in other programs
without code changes, for example, on dynamically linked ELF-based systems (Linux, BSD, etc.) you can use it as:
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ It also has an easy way to override the default allocator in [Windows](#override
to integrate and adapt in other projects. For runtime systems it
provides hooks for a monotonic _heartbeat_ and deferred freeing (for
bounded worst-case times with reference counting).
+ Partly due to its simplicity, mimalloc has been ported to many systems (Windows, macOS,
+ Linux, WASM, various BSD's, Haiku, MUSL, etc) and has excellent support for dynamic overriding.
- __free list sharding__: instead of one big free list (per size class) we have
many smaller lists per "mimalloc page" which reduces fragmentation and
increases locality --
@@ -36,13 +38,13 @@ It also has an easy way to override the default allocator in [Windows](#override
per mimalloc page, but for each page we have multiple free lists. In particular, there
is one list for thread-local `free` operations, and another one for concurrent `free`
operations. Free-ing from another thread can now be a single CAS without needing
- sophisticated coordination between threads. Since there will be
+ sophisticated coordination between threads. Since there will be
thousands of separate free lists, contention is naturally distributed over the heap,
and the chance of contending on a single location will be low -- this is quite
similar to randomized algorithms like skip lists where adding
a random oracle removes the need for a more complex algorithm.
- __eager page reset__: when a "page" becomes empty (with increased chance
- due to free list sharding) the memory is marked to the OS as unused ("reset" or "purged")
+ due to free list sharding) the memory is marked to the OS as unused (reset or decommitted)
reducing (real) memory pressure and fragmentation, especially in long running
- __secure__: _mimalloc_ can be built in secure mode, adding guard pages,
@@ -50,20 +52,19 @@ It also has an easy way to override the default allocator in [Windows](#override
heap vulnerabilities. The performance penalty is usually around 10% on average
over our benchmarks.
- __first-class heaps__: efficiently create and use multiple heaps to allocate across different regions.
- A heap can be destroyed at once instead of deallocating each object separately.
+ A heap can be destroyed at once instead of deallocating each object separately.
- __bounded__: it does not suffer from _blowup_ \[1\], has bounded worst-case allocation
- times (_wcat_), bounded space overhead (~0.2% meta-data, with low internal fragmentation),
- and has no internal points of contention using only atomic operations.
+ times (_wcat_) (upto OS primitives), bounded space overhead (~0.2% meta-data, with low
+ internal fragmentation), and has no internal points of contention using only atomic operations.
- __fast__: In our benchmarks (see [below](#performance)),
_mimalloc_ outperforms other leading allocators (_jemalloc_, _tcmalloc_, _Hoard_, etc),
- and often uses less memory. A nice property
- is that it does consistently well over a wide range of benchmarks. There is also good huge OS page
- support for larger server programs.
+ and often uses less memory. A nice property is that it does consistently well over a wide range
+ of benchmarks. There is also good huge OS page support for larger server programs.
The [documentation]( gives a full overview of the API.
-You can read more on the design of _mimalloc_ in the [technical report]( which also has detailed benchmark results.
+You can read more on the design of _mimalloc_ in the [technical report]( which also has detailed benchmark results.
### Branches
@@ -77,8 +78,13 @@ Note: the `v2.x` version has a new algorithm for managing internal mimalloc page
and fragmentation compared to mimalloc `v1.x` (especially for large workloads). Should otherwise have similar performance
(see [below](#performance)); please report if you observe any significant performance regression.
+* 2022-12-23, `v1.7.9`, `v2.0.9`: Supports building with asan and improved [Valgrind](#valgrind) support.
+ Support abitrary large alignments (in particular for `std::pmr` pools).
+ Added C++ STL allocators attached to a specific heap (thanks @vmarkovtsev).
+ Heap walks now visit all object (including huge objects). Support Windows nano server containers (by Johannes Schindelin,@dscho). Various small bug fixes.
* 2022-11-03, `v1.7.7`, `v2.0.7`: Initial support for [Valgrind](#valgrind) for leak testing and heap block overflow detection. Initial
- support for attaching heaps to a speficic memory area (only in v2). Fix `realloc` behavior for zero size blocks, remove restriction to integral multiple of the alignment in `alloc_align`, improved aligned allocation performance, reduced contention with many threads on few processors (thank you @dposluns!), vs2022 support, support `pkg-config`, .
+ support for attaching heaps to a specific memory area (only in v2). Fix `realloc` behavior for zero size blocks, remove restriction to integral multiple of the alignment in `alloc_align`, improved aligned allocation performance, reduced contention with many threads on few processors (thank you @dposluns!), vs2022 support, support `pkg-config`, .
* 2022-04-14, `v1.7.6`, `v2.0.6`: fix fallback path for aligned OS allocation on Windows, improve Windows aligned allocation
even when compiling with older SDK's, fix dynamic overriding on macOS Monterey, fix MSVC C++ dynamic overriding, fix
@@ -87,7 +93,7 @@ Note: the `v2.x` version has a new algorithm for managing internal mimalloc page
* 2022-02-14, `v1.7.5`, `v2.0.5` (alpha): fix malloc override on
Windows 11, fix compilation with musl, potentially reduced
- committed memory, add `bin/minject` for Windows,
+ committed memory, add `bin/minject` for Windows,
improved wasm support, faster aligned allocation,
various small fixes.
@@ -99,9 +105,9 @@ Note: the `v2.x` version has a new algorithm for managing internal mimalloc page
thread_id on Android, prefer 2-6TiB area for aligned allocation to work better on pre-windows 8, various small fixes.
* 2021-04-06, `v1.7.1`, `v2.0.1` (beta): fix bug in arena allocation for huge pages, improved aslr on large allocations, initial M1 support (still experimental).
* 2021-01-31, `v2.0.0`: beta release 2.0: new slice algorithm for managing internal mimalloc pages.
* 2021-01-31, `v1.7.0`: stable release 1.7: support explicit user provided memory regions, more precise statistics,
improve macOS overriding, initial support for Apple M1, improved DragonFly support, faster memcpy on Windows, various small fixes.
@@ -115,9 +121,9 @@ Special thanks to:
memory model bugs using the [genMC] model checker.
* Weipeng Liu (@pongba), Zhuowei Li, Junhua Wang, and Jakub Szymanski, for their early support of mimalloc and deployment
at large scale services, leading to many improvements in the mimalloc algorithms for large workloads.
-* Jason Gibson (@jasongibson) for exhaustive testing on large scale workloads and server environments, and finding complex bugs
+* Jason Gibson (@jasongibson) for exhaustive testing on large scale workloads and server environments, and finding complex bugs
in (early versions of) `mimalloc`.
-* Manuel Pöter (@mpoeter) and Sam Gross(@colesbury) for finding an ABA concurrency issue in abandoned segment reclamation. Sam also created the [no GIL]( Python fork which
+* Manuel Pöter (@mpoeter) and Sam Gross(@colesbury) for finding an ABA concurrency issue in abandoned segment reclamation. Sam also created the [no GIL]( Python fork which
uses mimalloc internally.
@@ -304,8 +310,8 @@ or via environment variables:
of a thread to not allocate in the huge OS pages; this prevents threads that are short lived
and allocate just a little to take up space in the huge OS page area (which cannot be reset).
The huge pages are usually allocated evenly among NUMA nodes.
- We can use `MIMALLOC_RESERVE_HUGE_OS_PAGES_AT=N` where `N` is the numa node (starting at 0) to allocate all
- the huge pages at a specific numa node instead.
+ We can use `MIMALLOC_RESERVE_HUGE_OS_PAGES_AT=N` where `N` is the numa node (starting at 0) to allocate all
+ the huge pages at a specific numa node instead.
Use caution when using `fork` in combination with either large or huge OS pages: on a fork, the OS uses copy-on-write
for all pages in the original process including the huge OS pages. When any memory is now written in that area, the
@@ -342,24 +348,24 @@ When _mimalloc_ is built using debug mode, various checks are done at runtime to
## Valgrind
-Generally, we recommend using the standard allocator with the amazing [Valgrind] tool (and
-also for other address sanitizers).
-However, it is possible to build mimalloc with Valgrind support. This has a small performance
-overhead but does allow detecting memory leaks and byte-precise buffer overflows directly on final
+Generally, we recommend using the standard allocator with the amazing [Valgrind] tool (and
+also for other address sanitizers).
+However, it is possible to build mimalloc with Valgrind support. This has a small performance
+overhead but does allow detecting memory leaks and byte-precise buffer overflows directly on final
executables. To build with valgrind support, use the `MI_VALGRIND=ON` cmake option:
> cmake ../.. -DMI_VALGRIND=ON
-This can also be combined with secure mode or debug mode.
+This can also be combined with secure mode or debug mode.
You can then run your programs directly under valgrind:
> valgrind <myprogram>
-If you rely on overriding `malloc`/`free` by mimalloc (instead of using the `mi_malloc`/`mi_free` API directly),
+If you rely on overriding `malloc`/`free` by mimalloc (instead of using the `mi_malloc`/`mi_free` API directly),
you also need to tell `valgrind` to not intercept those calls itself, and use:
@@ -573,7 +579,7 @@ The _alloc-test_, by
[OLogN Technologies AG](, is a very allocation intensive benchmark doing millions of
allocations in various size classes. The test is scaled such that when an
allocator performs almost identically on _alloc-test1_ as _alloc-testN_ it
-means that it scales linearly.
+means that it scales linearly.
The _sh6bench_ and _sh8bench_ benchmarks are
developed by [MicroQuill]( as part of SmartHeap.
@@ -754,4 +760,3 @@ free list encoding](
* 2019-10-07, `v1.1.0`: stable release 1.1.
* 2019-09-01, `v1.0.8`: pre-release 8: more robust windows dynamic overriding, initial huge page support.
* 2019-08-10, `v1.0.6`: pre-release 6: various performance improvements.
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/alloc-aligned.c b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/alloc-aligned.c
index 9614aa092..9fe82890f 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/alloc-aligned.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/alloc-aligned.c
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
static mi_decl_noinline void* mi_heap_malloc_zero_aligned_at_fallback(mi_heap_t* const heap, const size_t size, const size_t alignment, const size_t offset, const bool zero) mi_attr_noexcept
mi_assert_internal(size <= PTRDIFF_MAX);
- mi_assert_internal(alignment!=0 && _mi_is_power_of_two(alignment) && alignment <= MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX);
+ mi_assert_internal(alignment != 0 && _mi_is_power_of_two(alignment));
- const uintptr_t align_mask = alignment-1; // for any x, `(x & align_mask) == (x % alignment)`
+ const uintptr_t align_mask = alignment - 1; // for any x, `(x & align_mask) == (x % alignment)`
const size_t padsize = size + MI_PADDING_SIZE;
// use regular allocation if it is guaranteed to fit the alignment constraints
@@ -30,26 +30,59 @@ static mi_decl_noinline void* mi_heap_malloc_zero_aligned_at_fallback(mi_heap_t*
return p;
- // otherwise over-allocate
- const size_t oversize = size + alignment - 1;
- void* p = _mi_heap_malloc_zero(heap, oversize, zero);
- if (p == NULL) return NULL;
+ void* p;
+ size_t oversize;
+ if mi_unlikely(alignment > MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX) {
+ // use OS allocation for very large alignment and allocate inside a huge page (dedicated segment with 1 page)
+ // This can support alignments >= MI_SEGMENT_SIZE by ensuring the object can be aligned at a point in the
+ // first (and single) page such that the segment info is `MI_SEGMENT_SIZE` bytes before it (so it can be found by aligning the pointer down)
+ if mi_unlikely(offset != 0) {
+ // todo: cannot support offset alignment for very large alignments yet
+ #if MI_DEBUG > 0
+ _mi_error_message(EOVERFLOW, "aligned allocation with a very large alignment cannot be used with an alignment offset (size %zu, alignment %zu, offset %zu)\n", size, alignment, offset);
+ #endif
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ oversize = (size <= MI_SMALL_SIZE_MAX ? MI_SMALL_SIZE_MAX + 1 /* ensure we use generic malloc path */ : size);
+ p = _mi_heap_malloc_zero_ex(heap, oversize, false, alignment); // the page block size should be large enough to align in the single huge page block
+ // zero afterwards as only the area from the aligned_p may be committed!
+ if (p == NULL) return NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ // otherwise over-allocate
+ oversize = size + alignment - 1;
+ p = _mi_heap_malloc_zero(heap, oversize, zero);
+ if (p == NULL) return NULL;
+ }
// .. and align within the allocation
- uintptr_t adjust = alignment - (((uintptr_t)p + offset) & align_mask);
- mi_assert_internal(adjust <= alignment);
- void* aligned_p = (adjust == alignment ? p : (void*)((uintptr_t)p + adjust));
- if (aligned_p != p) mi_page_set_has_aligned(_mi_ptr_page(p), true);
- mi_assert_internal(((uintptr_t)aligned_p + offset) % alignment == 0);
+ const uintptr_t poffset = ((uintptr_t)p + offset) & align_mask;
+ const uintptr_t adjust = (poffset == 0 ? 0 : alignment - poffset);
+ mi_assert_internal(adjust < alignment);
+ void* aligned_p = (void*)((uintptr_t)p + adjust);
+ if (aligned_p != p) {
+ mi_page_set_has_aligned(_mi_ptr_page(p), true);
+ }
+ mi_assert_internal(mi_page_usable_block_size(_mi_ptr_page(p)) >= adjust + size);
mi_assert_internal(p == _mi_page_ptr_unalign(_mi_ptr_segment(aligned_p), _mi_ptr_page(aligned_p), aligned_p));
+ mi_assert_internal(((uintptr_t)aligned_p + offset) % alignment == 0);
+ mi_assert_internal(mi_page_usable_block_size(_mi_ptr_page(p)) >= adjust + size);
+ // now zero the block if needed
+ if (zero && alignment > MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX) {
+ const ptrdiff_t diff = (uint8_t*)aligned_p - (uint8_t*)p;
+ const ptrdiff_t zsize = mi_page_usable_block_size(_mi_ptr_page(p)) - diff - MI_PADDING_SIZE;
+ if (zsize > 0) { _mi_memzero(aligned_p, zsize); }
+ }
if (p != aligned_p) {
- mi_track_free(p);
- mi_track_malloc(aligned_p,size,zero);
+ mi_track_free_size(p, oversize);
+ mi_track_malloc(aligned_p, size, zero);
else {
- mi_track_resize(aligned_p,oversize,size);
+ mi_track_resize(aligned_p, oversize, size);
return aligned_p;
@@ -60,19 +93,21 @@ static void* mi_heap_malloc_zero_aligned_at(mi_heap_t* const heap, const size_t
// note: we don't require `size > offset`, we just guarantee that the address at offset is aligned regardless of the allocated size.
mi_assert(alignment > 0);
- if mi_unlikely(alignment==0 || !_mi_is_power_of_two(alignment)) { // require power-of-two (see <>)
+ if mi_unlikely(alignment == 0 || !_mi_is_power_of_two(alignment)) { // require power-of-two (see <>)
#if MI_DEBUG > 0
_mi_error_message(EOVERFLOW, "aligned allocation requires the alignment to be a power-of-two (size %zu, alignment %zu)\n", size, alignment);
return NULL;
+ /*
if mi_unlikely(alignment > MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX) { // we cannot align at a boundary larger than this (or otherwise we cannot find segment headers)
#if MI_DEBUG > 0
_mi_error_message(EOVERFLOW, "aligned allocation has a maximum alignment of %zu (size %zu, alignment %zu)\n", MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX, size, alignment);
return NULL;
- if mi_unlikely(size > PTRDIFF_MAX) { // we don't allocate more than PTRDIFF_MAX (see <>)
+ */
+ if mi_unlikely(size > PTRDIFF_MAX) { // we don't allocate more than PTRDIFF_MAX (see <>)
#if MI_DEBUG > 0
_mi_error_message(EOVERFLOW, "aligned allocation request is too large (size %zu, alignment %zu)\n", size, alignment);
@@ -82,7 +117,7 @@ static void* mi_heap_malloc_zero_aligned_at(mi_heap_t* const heap, const size_t
const size_t padsize = size + MI_PADDING_SIZE; // note: cannot overflow due to earlier size > PTRDIFF_MAX check
// try first if there happens to be a small block available with just the right alignment
- if mi_likely(padsize <= MI_SMALL_SIZE_MAX) {
+ if mi_likely(padsize <= MI_SMALL_SIZE_MAX && alignment <= padsize) {
mi_page_t* page = _mi_heap_get_free_small_page(heap, padsize);
const bool is_aligned = (((uintptr_t)page->free+offset) & align_mask)==0;
if mi_likely(page->free != NULL && is_aligned)
@@ -269,4 +304,3 @@ mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_recalloc_aligned_at(void* p, size_t newcount, size_t
mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_recalloc_aligned(void* p, size_t newcount, size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept {
return mi_heap_recalloc_aligned(mi_get_default_heap(), p, newcount, size, alignment);
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/alloc-override-osx.c b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/alloc-override-osx.c
index ba2313a2a..a2819a8bf 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/alloc-override-osx.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/alloc-override-osx.c
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
This is done through the malloc zone interface.
It seems to be most robust in combination with interposing
though or otherwise we may get zone errors as there are could
- be allocations done by the time we take over the
- zone.
+ be allocations done by the time we take over the
+ zone.
------------------------------------------------------ */
#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ static malloc_zone_t mi_malloc_zone = {
.zone_name = "mimalloc",
.batch_malloc = &zone_batch_malloc,
.batch_free = &zone_batch_free,
- .introspect = &mi_introspect,
+ .introspect = &mi_introspect,
.version = 10,
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ static malloc_zone_t mi_malloc_zone = {
#if defined(MI_OSX_INTERPOSE) && defined(MI_SHARED_LIB_EXPORT)
// ------------------------------------------------------
-// Override malloc_xxx and malloc_zone_xxx api's to use only
+// Override malloc_xxx and malloc_zone_xxx api's to use only
// our mimalloc zone. Since even the loader uses malloc
// on macOS, this ensures that all allocations go through
// mimalloc (as all calls are interposed).
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ static malloc_zone_t mi_malloc_zone = {
static inline malloc_zone_t* mi_get_default_zone(void)
static bool init;
- if mi_unlikely(!init) {
+ if mi_unlikely(!init) {
init = true;
malloc_zone_register(&mi_malloc_zone); // by calling register we avoid a zone error on free (see <>)
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ static malloc_zone_t* mi_malloc_create_zone(vm_size_t size, unsigned flags) {
return mi_get_default_zone();
-static malloc_zone_t* mi_malloc_default_zone (void) {
+static malloc_zone_t* mi_malloc_default_zone (void) {
return mi_get_default_zone();
@@ -292,11 +292,11 @@ static kern_return_t mi_malloc_get_all_zones (task_t task, memory_reader_t mr, v
-static const char* mi_malloc_get_zone_name(malloc_zone_t* zone) {
+static const char* mi_malloc_get_zone_name(malloc_zone_t* zone) {
return (zone == NULL ? mi_malloc_zone.zone_name : zone->zone_name);
-static void mi_malloc_set_zone_name(malloc_zone_t* zone, const char* name) {
+static void mi_malloc_set_zone_name(malloc_zone_t* zone, const char* name) {
MI_UNUSED(zone); MI_UNUSED(name);
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ static int mi_malloc_jumpstart(uintptr_t cookie) {
static void mi__malloc_fork_prepare(void) {
- // nothing
+ // nothing
static void mi__malloc_fork_parent(void) {
// nothing
@@ -367,13 +367,13 @@ __attribute__((used)) static const struct mi_interpose_s _mi_zone_interposes[]
- MI_INTERPOSE_MI(malloc_jumpstart),
+ MI_INTERPOSE_MI(malloc_jumpstart),
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ static inline malloc_zone_t* mi_get_default_zone(void)
#if defined(__clang__)
__attribute__((constructor)) // seems not supported by g++-11 on the M1
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/alloc-override.c b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/alloc-override.c
index 6b9845d39..84a0d19df 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/alloc-override.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/alloc-override.c
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
#error "It is only possible to override "malloc" on Windows when building as a DLL (and linking the C runtime as a DLL)"
-#if defined(MI_MALLOC_OVERRIDE) && !(defined(_WIN32))
+#if defined(MI_MALLOC_OVERRIDE) && !(defined(_WIN32))
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ typedef struct mi_nothrow_s { int _tag; } mi_nothrow_t;
#define MI_FORWARD0(fun,x) MI_FORWARD(fun)
#define MI_FORWARD02(fun,x,y) MI_FORWARD(fun)
- // otherwise use forwarding by calling our `mi_` function
+ // otherwise use forwarding by calling our `mi_` function
#define MI_FORWARD1(fun,x) { return fun(x); }
#define MI_FORWARD2(fun,x,y) { return fun(x,y); }
#define MI_FORWARD3(fun,x,y,z) { return fun(x,y,z); }
@@ -51,11 +51,17 @@ typedef struct mi_nothrow_s { int _tag; } mi_nothrow_t;
#define MI_FORWARD02(fun,x,y) { fun(x,y); }
-#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(MI_SHARED_LIB_EXPORT) && defined(MI_OSX_INTERPOSE)
- // define MI_OSX_IS_INTERPOSED as we should not provide forwarding definitions for
+#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(MI_SHARED_LIB_EXPORT) && defined(MI_OSX_INTERPOSE)
+ // define MI_OSX_IS_INTERPOSED as we should not provide forwarding definitions for
// functions that are interposed (or the interposing does not work)
+ mi_decl_externc static size_t mi_malloc_size_checked(void *p) {
+ if (!mi_is_in_heap_region(p)) return 0;
+ return mi_usable_size(p);
+ }
// use interposing so `DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES` works without `DYLD_FORCE_FLAT_NAMESPACE=1`
// See: <>
struct mi_interpose_s {
@@ -64,7 +70,7 @@ typedef struct mi_nothrow_s { int _tag; } mi_nothrow_t;
#define MI_INTERPOSE_FUN(oldfun,newfun) { (const void*)&newfun, (const void*)&oldfun }
#define MI_INTERPOSE_MI(fun) MI_INTERPOSE_FUN(fun,mi_##fun)
__attribute__((used)) static struct mi_interpose_s _mi_interposes[] __attribute__((section("__DATA, __interpose"))) =
@@ -76,9 +82,9 @@ typedef struct mi_nothrow_s { int _tag; } mi_nothrow_t;
- MI_INTERPOSE_MI(malloc_size),
+ MI_INTERPOSE_FUN(malloc_size,mi_malloc_size_checked),
#ifdef MI_OSX_ZONE
@@ -122,11 +128,11 @@ typedef struct mi_nothrow_s { int _tag; } mi_nothrow_t;
// cannot override malloc unless using a dll.
// we just override new/delete which does work in a static library.
- // On all other systems forward to our API
+ // On all other systems forward to our API
mi_decl_export void* malloc(size_t size) MI_FORWARD1(mi_malloc, size)
mi_decl_export void* calloc(size_t size, size_t n) MI_FORWARD2(mi_calloc, size, n)
mi_decl_export void* realloc(void* p, size_t newsize) MI_FORWARD2(mi_realloc, p, newsize)
- mi_decl_export void free(void* p) MI_FORWARD0(mi_free, p)
+ mi_decl_export void free(void* p) MI_FORWARD0(mi_free, p)
#if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)) && !defined(__APPLE__)
@@ -168,20 +174,20 @@ typedef struct mi_nothrow_s { int _tag; } mi_nothrow_t;
void operator delete[](void* p, std::size_t n, std::align_val_t al) noexcept { mi_free_size_aligned(p, n, static_cast<size_t>(al)); };
void operator delete (void* p, std::align_val_t al, const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept { mi_free_aligned(p, static_cast<size_t>(al)); }
void operator delete[](void* p, std::align_val_t al, const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept { mi_free_aligned(p, static_cast<size_t>(al)); }
void* operator new( std::size_t n, std::align_val_t al) noexcept(false) { return mi_new_aligned(n, static_cast<size_t>(al)); }
void* operator new[]( std::size_t n, std::align_val_t al) noexcept(false) { return mi_new_aligned(n, static_cast<size_t>(al)); }
void* operator new (std::size_t n, std::align_val_t al, const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept { return mi_new_aligned_nothrow(n, static_cast<size_t>(al)); }
void* operator new[](std::size_t n, std::align_val_t al, const std::nothrow_t&) noexcept { return mi_new_aligned_nothrow(n, static_cast<size_t>(al)); }
-#elif (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__))
+#elif (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__))
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Override by defining the mangled C++ names of the operators (as
// used by GCC and CLang).
// See <>
// ------------------------------------------------------
void _ZdlPv(void* p) MI_FORWARD0(mi_free,p) // delete
void _ZdaPv(void* p) MI_FORWARD0(mi_free,p) // delete[]
void _ZdlPvm(void* p, size_t n) MI_FORWARD02(mi_free_size,p,n)
@@ -190,12 +196,12 @@ typedef struct mi_nothrow_s { int _tag; } mi_nothrow_t;
void _ZdaPvSt11align_val_t(void* p, size_t al) { mi_free_aligned(p,al); }
void _ZdlPvmSt11align_val_t(void* p, size_t n, size_t al) { mi_free_size_aligned(p,n,al); }
void _ZdaPvmSt11align_val_t(void* p, size_t n, size_t al) { mi_free_size_aligned(p,n,al); }
void* _Znwm(size_t n) MI_FORWARD1(mi_new,n) // new 64-bit
void* _Znam(size_t n) MI_FORWARD1(mi_new,n) // new[] 64-bit
void* _ZnwmRKSt9nothrow_t(size_t n, mi_nothrow_t tag) { MI_UNUSED(tag); return mi_new_nothrow(n); }
- void* _ZnamRKSt9nothrow_t(size_t n, mi_nothrow_t tag) { MI_UNUSED(tag); return mi_new_nothrow(n); }
+ void* _ZnamRKSt9nothrow_t(size_t n, mi_nothrow_t tag) { MI_UNUSED(tag); return mi_new_nothrow(n); }
void* _ZnwmSt11align_val_t(size_t n, size_t al) MI_FORWARD2(mi_new_aligned, n, al)
void* _ZnamSt11align_val_t(size_t n, size_t al) MI_FORWARD2(mi_new_aligned, n, al)
void* _ZnwmSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t(size_t n, size_t al, mi_nothrow_t tag) { MI_UNUSED(tag); return mi_new_aligned_nothrow(n,al); }
@@ -204,7 +210,7 @@ typedef struct mi_nothrow_s { int _tag; } mi_nothrow_t;
void* _Znwj(size_t n) MI_FORWARD1(mi_new,n) // new 64-bit
void* _Znaj(size_t n) MI_FORWARD1(mi_new,n) // new[] 64-bit
void* _ZnwjRKSt9nothrow_t(size_t n, mi_nothrow_t tag) { MI_UNUSED(tag); return mi_new_nothrow(n); }
- void* _ZnajRKSt9nothrow_t(size_t n, mi_nothrow_t tag) { MI_UNUSED(tag); return mi_new_nothrow(n); }
+ void* _ZnajRKSt9nothrow_t(size_t n, mi_nothrow_t tag) { MI_UNUSED(tag); return mi_new_nothrow(n); }
void* _ZnwjSt11align_val_t(size_t n, size_t al) MI_FORWARD2(mi_new_aligned, n, al)
void* _ZnajSt11align_val_t(size_t n, size_t al) MI_FORWARD2(mi_new_aligned, n, al)
void* _ZnwjSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t(size_t n, size_t al, mi_nothrow_t tag) { MI_UNUSED(tag); return mi_new_aligned_nothrow(n,al); }
@@ -234,29 +240,37 @@ extern "C" {
// No forwarding here due to aliasing/name mangling issues
void* valloc(size_t size) { return mi_valloc(size); }
- void vfree(void* p) { mi_free(p); }
+ void vfree(void* p) { mi_free(p); }
size_t malloc_good_size(size_t size) { return mi_malloc_good_size(size); }
int posix_memalign(void** p, size_t alignment, size_t size) { return mi_posix_memalign(p, alignment, size); }
// `aligned_alloc` is only available when __USE_ISOC11 is defined.
// Note: Conda has a custom glibc where `aligned_alloc` is declared `static inline` and we cannot
// override it, but both _ISOC11_SOURCE and __USE_ISOC11 are undefined in Conda GCC7 or GCC9.
// Fortunately, in the case where `aligned_alloc` is declared as `static inline` it
// uses internally `memalign`, `posix_memalign`, or `_aligned_malloc` so we can avoid overriding it ourselves.
- #if __USE_ISOC11
+ #if __USE_ISOC11
void* aligned_alloc(size_t alignment, size_t size) { return mi_aligned_alloc(alignment, size); }
// no forwarding here due to aliasing/name mangling issues
-void cfree(void* p) { mi_free(p); }
+void cfree(void* p) { mi_free(p); }
void* pvalloc(size_t size) { return mi_pvalloc(size); }
void* reallocarray(void* p, size_t count, size_t size) { return mi_reallocarray(p, count, size); }
int reallocarr(void* p, size_t count, size_t size) { return mi_reallocarr(p, count, size); }
void* memalign(size_t alignment, size_t size) { return mi_memalign(alignment, size); }
void* _aligned_malloc(size_t alignment, size_t size) { return mi_aligned_alloc(alignment, size); }
-#if defined(__GLIBC__) && defined(__linux__)
+#if defined(__wasi__)
+ // forward __libc interface (see PR #667)
+ void* __libc_malloc(size_t size) MI_FORWARD1(mi_malloc, size)
+ void* __libc_calloc(size_t count, size_t size) MI_FORWARD2(mi_calloc, count, size)
+ void* __libc_realloc(void* p, size_t size) MI_FORWARD2(mi_realloc, p, size)
+ void __libc_free(void* p) MI_FORWARD0(mi_free, p)
+ void* __libc_memalign(size_t alignment, size_t size) { return mi_memalign(alignment, size); }
+#elif defined(__GLIBC__) && defined(__linux__)
// forward __libc interface (needed for glibc-based Linux distributions)
void* __libc_malloc(size_t size) MI_FORWARD1(mi_malloc,size)
void* __libc_calloc(size_t count, size_t size) MI_FORWARD2(mi_calloc,count,size)
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/alloc-posix.c b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/alloc-posix.c
index 214a97345..e6505f290 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/alloc-posix.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/alloc-posix.c
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
mi_decl_nodiscard size_t mi_malloc_size(const void* p) mi_attr_noexcept {
- //if (!mi_is_in_heap_region(p)) return 0;
+ // if (!mi_is_in_heap_region(p)) return 0;
return mi_usable_size(p);
mi_decl_nodiscard size_t mi_malloc_usable_size(const void *p) mi_attr_noexcept {
- //if (!mi_is_in_heap_region(p)) return 0;
+ // if (!mi_is_in_heap_region(p)) return 0;
return mi_usable_size(p);
@@ -86,12 +86,12 @@ mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_aligned_alloc(size_t alignment, size
// C11 requires the size to be an integral multiple of the alignment, see <>.
// unfortunately, it turns out quite some programs pass a size that is not an integral multiple so skip this check..
/* if mi_unlikely((size & (alignment - 1)) != 0) { // C11 requires alignment>0 && integral multiple, see <>
- #if MI_DEBUG > 0
- _mi_error_message(EOVERFLOW, "(mi_)aligned_alloc requires the size to be an integral multiple of the alignment (size %zu, alignment %zu)\n", size, alignment);
- #endif
- return NULL;
- }
- */
+ #if MI_DEBUG > 0
+ _mi_error_message(EOVERFLOW, "(mi_)aligned_alloc requires the size to be an integral multiple of the alignment (size %zu, alignment %zu)\n", size, alignment);
+ #endif
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ */
// C11 also requires alignment to be a power-of-two (and > 0) which is checked in mi_malloc_aligned
void* p = mi_malloc_aligned(size, alignment);
mi_assert_internal(((uintptr_t)p % alignment) == 0);
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ mi_decl_nodiscard int mi_reallocarr( void* p, size_t count, size_t size ) mi_att
errno = EINVAL;
return EINVAL;
- void** op = (void**)p;
+ void** op = (void**)p;
void* newp = mi_reallocarray(*op, count, size);
if mi_unlikely(newp == NULL) { return errno; }
*op = newp;
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/alloc.c b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/alloc.c
index 348218246..86453f152 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/alloc.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/alloc.c
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ extern inline void* _mi_page_malloc(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_t* page, size_t siz
mi_assert_internal(page->xblock_size==0||mi_page_block_size(page) >= size);
mi_block_t* const block = page->free;
if mi_unlikely(block == NULL) {
- return _mi_malloc_generic(heap, size, zero);
+ return _mi_malloc_generic(heap, size, zero, 0);
mi_assert_internal(block != NULL && _mi_ptr_page(block) == page);
// pop from the free list
@@ -38,20 +38,22 @@ extern inline void* _mi_page_malloc(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_t* page, size_t siz
page->free = mi_block_next(page, block);
mi_assert_internal(page->free == NULL || _mi_ptr_page(page->free) == page);
- // allow use of the block internally
+ // allow use of the block internally
// note: when tracking we need to avoid ever touching the MI_PADDING since
// that is tracked by valgrind etc. as non-accessible (through the red-zone, see `mimalloc-track.h`)
mi_track_mem_undefined(block, mi_page_usable_block_size(page));
// zero the block? note: we need to zero the full block size (issue #63)
if mi_unlikely(zero) {
mi_assert_internal(page->xblock_size != 0); // do not call with zero'ing for huge blocks (see _mi_malloc_generic)
const size_t zsize = (page->is_zero ? sizeof(block->next) + MI_PADDING_SIZE : page->xblock_size);
- _mi_memzero_aligned(block, zsize - MI_PADDING_SIZE);
+ _mi_memzero_aligned(block, zsize - MI_PADDING_SIZE);
- if (!page->is_zero && !zero) { memset(block, MI_DEBUG_UNINIT, mi_page_usable_block_size(page)); }
+ if (!page->is_zero && !zero && !mi_page_is_huge(page)) {
+ memset(block, MI_DEBUG_UNINIT, mi_page_usable_block_size(page));
+ }
#elif (MI_SECURE!=0)
if (!zero) { block->next = 0; } // don't leak internal data
@@ -77,32 +79,37 @@ extern inline void* _mi_page_malloc(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_t* page, size_t siz
padding->canary = (uint32_t)(mi_ptr_encode(page,block,page->keys));
padding->delta = (uint32_t)(delta);
- uint8_t* fill = (uint8_t*)padding - delta;
- const size_t maxpad = (delta > MI_MAX_ALIGN_SIZE ? MI_MAX_ALIGN_SIZE : delta); // set at most N initial padding bytes
- for (size_t i = 0; i < maxpad; i++) { fill[i] = MI_DEBUG_PADDING; }
+ if (!mi_page_is_huge(page)) {
+ uint8_t* fill = (uint8_t*)padding - delta;
+ const size_t maxpad = (delta > MI_MAX_ALIGN_SIZE ? MI_MAX_ALIGN_SIZE : delta); // set at most N initial padding bytes
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < maxpad; i++) { fill[i] = MI_DEBUG_PADDING; }
+ }
return block;
static inline mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_malloc_small_zero(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool zero) mi_attr_noexcept {
- mi_assert(heap!=NULL);
- mi_assert(heap->thread_id == 0 || heap->thread_id == _mi_thread_id()); // heaps are thread local
+ mi_assert(heap != NULL);
+ #if MI_DEBUG
+ const uintptr_t tid = _mi_thread_id();
+ mi_assert(heap->thread_id == 0 || heap->thread_id == tid); // heaps are thread local
+ #endif
mi_assert(size <= MI_SMALL_SIZE_MAX);
- #if (MI_PADDING)
if (size == 0) {
size = sizeof(void*);
- #endif
- mi_page_t* page = _mi_heap_get_free_small_page(heap,size + MI_PADDING_SIZE);
+ mi_page_t* page = _mi_heap_get_free_small_page(heap, size + MI_PADDING_SIZE);
void* p = _mi_page_malloc(heap, page, size + MI_PADDING_SIZE, zero);
- mi_assert_internal(p==NULL || mi_usable_size(p) >= size);
- #if MI_STAT>1
+ mi_assert_internal(p == NULL || mi_usable_size(p) >= size);
+#if MI_STAT>1
if (p != NULL) {
if (!mi_heap_is_initialized(heap)) { heap = mi_get_default_heap(); }
mi_heap_stat_increase(heap, malloc, mi_usable_size(p));
- #endif
return p;
@@ -117,14 +124,15 @@ mi_decl_nodiscard extern inline mi_decl_restrict void* mi_malloc_small(size_t si
// The main allocation function
-extern inline void* _mi_heap_malloc_zero(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool zero) mi_attr_noexcept {
+extern inline void* _mi_heap_malloc_zero_ex(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool zero, size_t huge_alignment) mi_attr_noexcept {
if mi_likely(size <= MI_SMALL_SIZE_MAX) {
+ mi_assert_internal(huge_alignment == 0);
return mi_heap_malloc_small_zero(heap, size, zero);
else {
- mi_assert(heap->thread_id == 0 || heap->thread_id == _mi_thread_id()); // heaps are thread local
- void* const p = _mi_malloc_generic(heap, size + MI_PADDING_SIZE, zero); // note: size can overflow but it is detected in malloc_generic
+ mi_assert(heap->thread_id == 0 || heap->thread_id == _mi_thread_id()); // heaps are thread local
+ void* const p = _mi_malloc_generic(heap, size + MI_PADDING_SIZE, zero, huge_alignment); // note: size can overflow but it is detected in malloc_generic
mi_assert_internal(p == NULL || mi_usable_size(p) >= size);
#if MI_STAT>1
if (p != NULL) {
@@ -137,6 +145,10 @@ extern inline void* _mi_heap_malloc_zero(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool zero
+extern inline void* _mi_heap_malloc_zero(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool zero) mi_attr_noexcept {
+ return _mi_heap_malloc_zero_ex(heap, size, zero, 0);
mi_decl_nodiscard extern inline mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_malloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
return _mi_heap_malloc_zero(heap, size, false);
@@ -220,9 +232,9 @@ static bool mi_page_decode_padding(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* bloc
*delta = padding->delta;
uint32_t canary = padding->canary;
- uintptr_t keys[2];
+ uintptr_t keys[2];
keys[0] = page->keys[0];
- keys[1] = page->keys[1];
+ keys[1] = page->keys[1];
bool ok = ((uint32_t)mi_ptr_encode(page,block,keys) == canary && *delta <= *bsize);
return ok;
@@ -245,17 +257,19 @@ static bool mi_verify_padding(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* block, si
if (!ok) return false;
mi_assert_internal(bsize >= delta);
*size = bsize - delta;
- uint8_t* fill = (uint8_t*)block + bsize - delta;
- const size_t maxpad = (delta > MI_MAX_ALIGN_SIZE ? MI_MAX_ALIGN_SIZE : delta); // check at most the first N padding bytes
- mi_track_mem_defined(fill,maxpad);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < maxpad; i++) {
- if (fill[i] != MI_DEBUG_PADDING) {
- *wrong = bsize - delta + i;
- ok = false;
- break;
+ if (!mi_page_is_huge(page)) {
+ uint8_t* fill = (uint8_t*)block + bsize - delta;
+ const size_t maxpad = (delta > MI_MAX_ALIGN_SIZE ? MI_MAX_ALIGN_SIZE : delta); // check at most the first N padding bytes
+ mi_track_mem_defined(fill, maxpad);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < maxpad; i++) {
+ if (fill[i] != MI_DEBUG_PADDING) {
+ *wrong = bsize - delta + i;
+ ok = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ mi_track_mem_noaccess(fill, maxpad);
- mi_track_mem_noaccess(fill,maxpad);
return ok;
@@ -325,7 +339,7 @@ static void mi_stat_free(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* block) {
else {
mi_heap_stat_decrease(heap, huge, bsize);
- }
+ }
static void mi_stat_free(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* block) {
@@ -333,6 +347,7 @@ static void mi_stat_free(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* block) {
#if (MI_STAT>0)
// maintain stats for huge objects
static void mi_stat_huge_free(const mi_page_t* page) {
@@ -350,29 +365,41 @@ static void mi_stat_huge_free(const mi_page_t* page) {
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Free
// ------------------------------------------------------
-// multi-threaded free (or free in huge block)
+// multi-threaded free (or free in huge block if compiled with MI_HUGE_PAGE_ABANDON)
static mi_decl_noinline void _mi_free_block_mt(mi_page_t* page, mi_block_t* block)
// The padding check may access the non-thread-owned page for the key values.
// that is safe as these are constant and the page won't be freed (as the block is not freed yet).
mi_check_padding(page, block);
- mi_padding_shrink(page, block, sizeof(mi_block_t)); // for small size, ensure we can fit the delayed thread pointers without triggering overflow detection
- #if (MI_DEBUG!=0) && !MI_TRACK_ENABLED // note: when tracking, cannot use mi_usable_size with multi-threading
- memset(block, MI_DEBUG_FREED, mi_usable_size(block));
- #endif
+ mi_padding_shrink(page, block, sizeof(mi_block_t)); // for small size, ensure we can fit the delayed thread pointers without triggering overflow detection
// huge page segments are always abandoned and can be freed immediately
mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_page_segment(page);
- if (segment->kind==MI_SEGMENT_HUGE) {
+ if (segment->kind == MI_SEGMENT_HUGE) {
+ // huge page segments are always abandoned and can be freed immediately
_mi_segment_huge_page_free(segment, page, block);
+ #else
+ // huge pages are special as they occupy the entire segment
+ // as these are large we reset the memory occupied by the page so it is available to other threads
+ // (as the owning thread needs to actually free the memory later).
+ _mi_segment_huge_page_reset(segment, page, block);
+ #endif
+ }
+ #if (MI_DEBUG!=0) && !MI_TRACK_ENABLED // note: when tracking, cannot use mi_usable_size with multi-threading
+ if (segment->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE) { // not for huge segments as we just reset the content
+ memset(block, MI_DEBUG_FREED, mi_usable_size(block));
+ #endif
// Try to put the block on either the page-local thread free list, or the heap delayed free list.
mi_thread_free_t tfreex;
@@ -423,7 +450,9 @@ static inline void _mi_free_block(mi_page_t* page, bool local, mi_block_t* block
if mi_unlikely(mi_check_is_double_free(page, block)) return;
mi_check_padding(page, block);
- memset(block, MI_DEBUG_FREED, mi_page_block_size(page));
+ if (!mi_page_is_huge(page)) { // huge page content may be already decommitted
+ memset(block, MI_DEBUG_FREED, mi_page_block_size(page));
+ }
mi_block_set_next(page, block, page->local_free);
page->local_free = block;
@@ -450,20 +479,21 @@ mi_block_t* _mi_page_ptr_unalign(const mi_segment_t* segment, const mi_page_t* p
-static void mi_decl_noinline mi_free_generic(const mi_segment_t* segment, bool local, void* p) mi_attr_noexcept {
- mi_page_t* const page = _mi_segment_page_of(segment, p);
+void mi_decl_noinline _mi_free_generic(const mi_segment_t* segment, mi_page_t* page, bool is_local, void* p) mi_attr_noexcept {
mi_block_t* const block = (mi_page_has_aligned(page) ? _mi_page_ptr_unalign(segment, page, p) : (mi_block_t*)p);
mi_stat_free(page, block); // stat_free may access the padding
- _mi_free_block(page, local, block);
+ _mi_free_block(page, is_local, block);
// Get the segment data belonging to a pointer
// This is just a single `and` in assembly but does further checks in debug mode
// (and secure mode) if this was a valid pointer.
-static inline mi_segment_t* mi_checked_ptr_segment(const void* p, const char* msg)
+static inline mi_segment_t* mi_checked_ptr_segment(const void* p, const char* msg)
+ mi_assert(p != NULL);
#if (MI_DEBUG>0)
if mi_unlikely(((uintptr_t)p & (MI_INTPTR_SIZE - 1)) != 0) {
_mi_error_message(EINVAL, "%s: invalid (unaligned) pointer: %p\n", msg, p);
@@ -472,14 +502,20 @@ static inline mi_segment_t* mi_checked_ptr_segment(const void* p, const char* ms
mi_segment_t* const segment = _mi_ptr_segment(p);
- if mi_unlikely(segment == NULL) return NULL; // checks also for (p==NULL)
+ mi_assert_internal(segment != NULL);
#if (MI_DEBUG>0)
if mi_unlikely(!mi_is_in_heap_region(p)) {
- _mi_warning_message("%s: pointer might not point to a valid heap region: %p\n"
- "(this may still be a valid very large allocation (over 64MiB))\n", msg, p);
- if mi_likely(_mi_ptr_cookie(segment) == segment->cookie) {
- _mi_warning_message("(yes, the previous pointer %p was valid after all)\n", p);
+ #if (MI_INTPTR_SIZE == 8 && defined(__linux__))
+ if (((uintptr_t)p >> 40) != 0x7F) { // linux tends to align large blocks above 0x7F000000000 (issue #640)
+ #else
+ {
+ #endif
+ _mi_warning_message("%s: pointer might not point to a valid heap region: %p\n"
+ "(this may still be a valid very large allocation (over 64MiB))\n", msg, p);
+ if mi_likely(_mi_ptr_cookie(segment) == segment->cookie) {
+ _mi_warning_message("(yes, the previous pointer %p was valid after all)\n", p);
+ }
@@ -489,38 +525,44 @@ static inline mi_segment_t* mi_checked_ptr_segment(const void* p, const char* ms
return NULL;
return segment;
-// Free a block
+// Free a block
+// fast path written carefully to prevent spilling on the stack
void mi_free(void* p) mi_attr_noexcept
+ if mi_unlikely(p == NULL) return;
mi_segment_t* const segment = mi_checked_ptr_segment(p,"mi_free");
- if mi_unlikely(segment == NULL) return;
- mi_threadid_t tid = _mi_thread_id();
- mi_page_t* const page = _mi_segment_page_of(segment, p);
- if mi_likely(tid == mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&segment->thread_id) && page->flags.full_aligned == 0) { // the thread id matches and it is not a full page, nor has aligned blocks
- // local, and not full or aligned
- mi_block_t* block = (mi_block_t*)(p);
- if mi_unlikely(mi_check_is_double_free(page,block)) return;
- mi_check_padding(page, block);
- mi_stat_free(page, block);
- memset(block, MI_DEBUG_FREED, mi_page_block_size(page));
- #endif
- mi_track_free(p);
- mi_block_set_next(page, block, page->local_free);
- page->local_free = block;
- if mi_unlikely(--page->used == 0) { // using this expression generates better code than: page->used--; if (mi_page_all_free(page))
- _mi_page_retire(page);
+ const bool is_local= (_mi_thread_id() == mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&segment->thread_id));
+ mi_page_t* const page = _mi_segment_page_of(segment, p);
+ if mi_likely(is_local) { // thread-local free?
+ if mi_likely(page->flags.full_aligned == 0) // and it is not a full page (full pages need to move from the full bin), nor has aligned blocks (aligned blocks need to be unaligned)
+ {
+ mi_block_t* const block = (mi_block_t*)p;
+ if mi_unlikely(mi_check_is_double_free(page, block)) return;
+ mi_check_padding(page, block);
+ mi_stat_free(page, block);
+ memset(block, MI_DEBUG_FREED, mi_page_block_size(page));
+ #endif
+ mi_track_free(p);
+ mi_block_set_next(page, block, page->local_free);
+ page->local_free = block;
+ if mi_unlikely(--page->used == 0) { // using this expression generates better code than: page->used--; if (mi_page_all_free(page))
+ _mi_page_retire(page);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // page is full or contains (inner) aligned blocks; use generic path
+ _mi_free_generic(segment, page, true, p);
else {
- // non-local, aligned blocks, or a full page; use the more generic path
- // note: recalc page in generic to improve code generation
- mi_free_generic(segment, tid == segment->thread_id, p);
+ // not thread-local; use generic path
+ _mi_free_generic(segment, page, false, p);
@@ -559,9 +601,9 @@ mi_decl_noinline static size_t mi_page_usable_aligned_size_of(const mi_segment_t
static inline size_t _mi_usable_size(const void* p, const char* msg) mi_attr_noexcept {
+ if (p == NULL) return 0;
const mi_segment_t* const segment = mi_checked_ptr_segment(p, msg);
- if (segment==NULL) return 0; // also returns 0 if `p == NULL`
- const mi_page_t* const page = _mi_segment_page_of(segment, p);
+ const mi_page_t* const page = _mi_segment_page_of(segment, p);
if mi_likely(!mi_page_has_aligned(page)) {
const mi_block_t* block = (const mi_block_t*)p;
return mi_page_usable_size_of(page, block);
@@ -578,24 +620,6 @@ mi_decl_nodiscard size_t mi_usable_size(const void* p) mi_attr_noexcept {
// ------------------------------------------------------
-// ensure explicit external inline definitions are emitted!
-// ------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-void* _mi_externs[] = {
- (void*)&_mi_page_malloc,
- (void*)&_mi_heap_malloc_zero,
- (void*)&mi_malloc,
- (void*)&mi_malloc_small,
- (void*)&mi_zalloc_small,
- (void*)&mi_heap_malloc,
- (void*)&mi_heap_zalloc,
- (void*)&mi_heap_malloc_small
-// ------------------------------------------------------
// Allocation extensions
// ------------------------------------------------------
@@ -641,7 +665,7 @@ mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_mallocn(size_t count, size_t size) m
// Expand (or shrink) in place (or fail)
void* mi_expand(void* p, size_t newsize) mi_attr_noexcept {
- // we do not shrink/expand with padding enabled
+ // we do not shrink/expand with padding enabled
MI_UNUSED(p); MI_UNUSED(newsize);
return NULL;
@@ -659,7 +683,7 @@ void* _mi_heap_realloc_zero(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize, bool zero)
const size_t size = _mi_usable_size(p,"mi_realloc"); // also works if p == NULL (with size 0)
if mi_unlikely(newsize <= size && newsize >= (size / 2) && newsize > 0) { // note: newsize must be > 0 or otherwise we return NULL for realloc(NULL,0)
// todo: adjust potential padding to reflect the new size?
- mi_track_free(p);
+ mi_track_free_size(p, size);
return p; // reallocation still fits and not more than 50% waste
@@ -683,7 +707,7 @@ void* _mi_heap_realloc_zero(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize, bool zero)
mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_heap_realloc(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize) mi_attr_noexcept {
- return _mi_heap_realloc_zero(heap, p, newsize, false);
+ return _mi_heap_realloc_zero(heap, p, newsize, false);
mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_heap_reallocn(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t count, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
@@ -743,7 +767,9 @@ mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict char* mi_heap_strdup(mi_heap_t* heap, const c
if (s == NULL) return NULL;
size_t n = strlen(s);
char* t = (char*)mi_heap_malloc(heap,n+1);
- if (t != NULL) _mi_memcpy(t, s, n + 1);
+ if (t == NULL) return NULL;
+ _mi_memcpy(t, s, n);
+ t[n] = 0;
return t;
@@ -793,6 +819,7 @@ mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict char* mi_heap_realpath(mi_heap_t* heap, const
#include <unistd.h> // pathconf
static size_t mi_path_max(void) {
static size_t path_max = 0;
@@ -804,20 +831,31 @@ static size_t mi_path_max(void) {
return path_max;
char* mi_heap_realpath(mi_heap_t* heap, const char* fname, char* resolved_name) mi_attr_noexcept {
if (resolved_name != NULL) {
return realpath(fname,resolved_name);
else {
- size_t n = mi_path_max();
+ char* rname = realpath(fname, NULL);
+ if (rname == NULL) return NULL;
+ char* result = mi_heap_strdup(heap, rname);
+ free(rname); // use regular free! (which may be redirected to our free but that's ok)
+ return result;
+ }
+ /*
+ const size_t n = mi_path_max();
char* buf = (char*)mi_malloc(n+1);
- if (buf==NULL) return NULL;
+ if (buf == NULL) {
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
+ }
char* rname = realpath(fname,buf);
char* result = mi_heap_strndup(heap,rname,n); // ok if `rname==NULL`
return result;
+ */
@@ -843,9 +881,9 @@ static bool mi_try_new_handler(bool nothrow) {
std::new_handler h = std::set_new_handler();
- #endif
+ #endif
if (h==NULL) {
- _mi_error_message(ENOMEM, "out of memory in 'new'");
+ _mi_error_message(ENOMEM, "out of memory in 'new'");
if (!nothrow) {
throw std::bad_alloc();
@@ -876,7 +914,7 @@ static std_new_handler_t mi_get_new_handler() {
static bool mi_try_new_handler(bool nothrow) {
std_new_handler_t h = mi_get_new_handler();
if (h==NULL) {
- _mi_error_message(ENOMEM, "out of memory in 'new'");
+ _mi_error_message(ENOMEM, "out of memory in 'new'");
if (!nothrow) {
abort(); // cannot throw in plain C, use abort
@@ -889,20 +927,46 @@ static bool mi_try_new_handler(bool nothrow) {
-static mi_decl_noinline void* mi_try_new(size_t size, bool nothrow ) {
+static mi_decl_noinline void* mi_heap_try_new(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool nothrow ) {
void* p = NULL;
while(p == NULL && mi_try_new_handler(nothrow)) {
- p = mi_malloc(size);
+ p = mi_heap_malloc(heap,size);
return p;
-mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_new(size_t size) {
- void* p = mi_malloc(size);
- if mi_unlikely(p == NULL) return mi_try_new(size,false);
+static mi_decl_noinline void* mi_try_new(size_t size, bool nothrow) {
+ return mi_heap_try_new(mi_get_default_heap(), size, nothrow);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict extern inline void* mi_heap_alloc_new(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size) {
+ void* p = mi_heap_malloc(heap,size);
+ if mi_unlikely(p == NULL) return mi_heap_try_new(heap, size, false);
return p;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_new(size_t size) {
+ return mi_heap_alloc_new(mi_get_default_heap(), size);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict extern inline void* mi_heap_alloc_new_n(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t count, size_t size) {
+ size_t total;
+ if mi_unlikely(mi_count_size_overflow(count, size, &total)) {
+ mi_try_new_handler(false); // on overflow we invoke the try_new_handler once to potentially throw std::bad_alloc
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ return mi_heap_alloc_new(heap,total);
+ }
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_new_n(size_t count, size_t size) {
+ return mi_heap_alloc_new_n(mi_get_default_heap(), size, count);
mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_new_nothrow(size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
void* p = mi_malloc(size);
if mi_unlikely(p == NULL) return mi_try_new(size, true);
@@ -927,17 +991,6 @@ mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_new_aligned_nothrow(size_t size, siz
return p;
-mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_new_n(size_t count, size_t size) {
- size_t total;
- if mi_unlikely(mi_count_size_overflow(count, size, &total)) {
- mi_try_new_handler(false); // on overflow we invoke the try_new_handler once to potentially throw std::bad_alloc
- return NULL;
- }
- else {
- return mi_new(total);
- }
mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_new_realloc(void* p, size_t newsize) {
void* q;
do {
@@ -956,3 +1009,23 @@ mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_new_reallocn(void* p, size_t newcount, size_t size) {
return mi_new_realloc(p, total);
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// ensure explicit external inline definitions are emitted!
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+void* _mi_externs[] = {
+ (void*)&_mi_page_malloc,
+ (void*)&_mi_heap_malloc_zero,
+ (void*)&_mi_heap_malloc_zero_ex,
+ (void*)&mi_malloc,
+ (void*)&mi_malloc_small,
+ (void*)&mi_zalloc_small,
+ (void*)&mi_heap_malloc,
+ (void*)&mi_heap_zalloc,
+ (void*)&mi_heap_malloc_small,
+ (void*)&mi_heap_alloc_new,
+ (void*)&mi_heap_alloc_new_n
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/arena.c b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/arena.c
index 56b87d083..80dd47869 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/arena.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/arena.c
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ bool _mi_os_decommit(void* addr, size_t size, mi_stats_t* stats);
// Block info: bit 0 contains the `in_use` bit, the upper bits the
// size in count of arena blocks.
typedef uintptr_t mi_block_info_t;
-#define MI_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE (MI_SEGMENT_SIZE) // 8MiB (must be at least MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN)
+#define MI_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE (MI_SEGMENT_SIZE) // 64MiB (must be at least MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN)
#define MI_MAX_ARENAS (64) // not more than 126 (since we use 7 bits in the memid and an arena index + 1)
// A memory arena descriptor
@@ -190,22 +190,23 @@ static mi_decl_noinline void* mi_arena_alloc_from(mi_arena_t* arena, size_t aren
return p;
-static mi_decl_noinline void* mi_arena_allocate(int numa_node, size_t size, size_t alignment, bool* commit, bool* large,
- bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero,
- mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, size_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld)
+// allocate from an arena with fallback to the OS
+static mi_decl_noinline void* mi_arena_allocate(int numa_node, size_t size, size_t alignment, bool* commit, bool* large,
+ bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero,
+ mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, size_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld )
mi_assert_internal(alignment <= MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN);
- const size_t max_arena = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&mi_arena_count);
+ const size_t max_arena = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&mi_arena_count);
const size_t bcount = mi_block_count_of_size(size);
if mi_likely(max_arena == 0) return NULL;
- mi_assert_internal(size <= bcount*MI_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE);
+ mi_assert_internal(size <= bcount * MI_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE);
size_t arena_index = mi_arena_id_index(req_arena_id);
if (arena_index < MI_MAX_ARENAS) {
// try a specific arena if requested
mi_arena_t* arena = mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_arena_t, &mi_arenas[arena_index]);
- if (arena != NULL &&
+ if ((arena != NULL) &&
(arena->numa_node < 0 || arena->numa_node == numa_node) && // numa local?
(*large || !arena->is_large)) // large OS pages allowed, or arena is not large OS pages
@@ -215,28 +216,28 @@ static mi_decl_noinline void* mi_arena_allocate(int numa_node, size_t size, size
else {
- // try numa affine allocation
- for (size_t i = 0; i < max_arena; i++) {
- mi_arena_t* arena = mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_arena_t, &mi_arenas[i]);
- if (arena==NULL) break; // end reached
- if ((arena->numa_node<0 || arena->numa_node==numa_node) && // numa local?
- (*large || !arena->is_large)) // large OS pages allowed, or arena is not large OS pages
- {
+ // try numa affine allocation
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < max_arena; i++) {
+ mi_arena_t* arena = mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_arena_t, &mi_arenas[i]);
+ if (arena == NULL) break; // end reached
+ if ((arena->numa_node < 0 || arena->numa_node == numa_node) && // numa local?
+ (*large || !arena->is_large)) // large OS pages allowed, or arena is not large OS pages
+ {
void* p = mi_arena_alloc_from(arena, i, bcount, commit, large, is_pinned, is_zero, req_arena_id, memid, tld);
- mi_assert_internal((uintptr_t)p % alignment == 0);
+ mi_assert_internal((uintptr_t)p % alignment == 0);
if (p != NULL) return p;
+ }
- }
- // try from another numa node instead..
- for (size_t i = 0; i < max_arena; i++) {
- mi_arena_t* arena = mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_arena_t, &mi_arenas[i]);
- if (arena==NULL) break; // end reached
- if ((arena->numa_node>=0 && arena->numa_node!=numa_node) && // not numa local!
- (*large || !arena->is_large)) // large OS pages allowed, or arena is not large OS pages
- {
+ // try from another numa node instead..
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < max_arena; i++) {
+ mi_arena_t* arena = mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_arena_t, &mi_arenas[i]);
+ if (arena == NULL) break; // end reached
+ if ((arena->numa_node >= 0 && arena->numa_node != numa_node) && // not numa local!
+ (*large || !arena->is_large)) // large OS pages allowed, or arena is not large OS pages
+ {
void* p = mi_arena_alloc_from(arena, i, bcount, commit, large, is_pinned, is_zero, req_arena_id, memid, tld);
- mi_assert_internal((uintptr_t)p % alignment == 0);
+ mi_assert_internal((uintptr_t)p % alignment == 0);
if (p != NULL) return p;
@@ -244,8 +245,7 @@ static mi_decl_noinline void* mi_arena_allocate(int numa_node, size_t size, size
return NULL;
-void* _mi_arena_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, bool* commit, bool* large, bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero,
+void* _mi_arena_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t align_offset, bool* commit, bool* large, bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero,
mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, size_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld)
mi_assert_internal(commit != NULL && is_pinned != NULL && is_zero != NULL && memid != NULL && tld != NULL);
@@ -255,11 +255,11 @@ void* _mi_arena_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, bool* commit, bool*
*is_pinned = false;
bool default_large = false;
- if (large==NULL) large = &default_large; // ensure `large != NULL`
+ if (large == NULL) large = &default_large; // ensure `large != NULL`
const int numa_node = _mi_os_numa_node(tld); // current numa node
// try to allocate in an arena if the alignment is small enough and the object is not too small (as for heap meta data)
- if (size >= MI_ARENA_MIN_OBJ_SIZE && alignment <= MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN) {
+ if (size >= MI_ARENA_MIN_OBJ_SIZE && alignment <= MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN && align_offset == 0) {
void* p = mi_arena_allocate(numa_node, size, alignment, commit, large, is_pinned, is_zero, req_arena_id, memid, tld);
if (p != NULL) return p;
@@ -270,15 +270,15 @@ void* _mi_arena_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, bool* commit, bool*
return NULL;
*is_zero = true;
- *memid = MI_MEMID_OS;
- void* p = _mi_os_alloc_aligned(size, alignment, *commit, large, tld->stats);
- if (p != NULL) *is_pinned = *large;
+ *memid = MI_MEMID_OS;
+ void* p = _mi_os_alloc_aligned_offset(size, alignment, align_offset, *commit, large, tld->stats);
+ if (p != NULL) { *is_pinned = *large; }
return p;
void* _mi_arena_alloc(size_t size, bool* commit, bool* large, bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, size_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld)
- return _mi_arena_alloc_aligned(size, MI_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE, commit, large, is_pinned, is_zero, req_arena_id, memid, tld);
+ return _mi_arena_alloc_aligned(size, MI_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE, 0, commit, large, is_pinned, is_zero, req_arena_id, memid, tld);
void* mi_arena_area(mi_arena_id_t arena_id, size_t* size) {
@@ -295,17 +295,18 @@ void* mi_arena_area(mi_arena_id_t arena_id, size_t* size) {
Arena free
----------------------------------------------------------- */
-void _mi_arena_free(void* p, size_t size, size_t memid, bool all_committed, mi_os_tld_t* tld) {
- mi_assert_internal(size > 0 && tld->stats != NULL);
+void _mi_arena_free(void* p, size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t align_offset, size_t memid, bool all_committed, mi_stats_t* stats) {
+ mi_assert_internal(size > 0 && stats != NULL);
if (p==NULL) return;
if (size==0) return;
if (memid == MI_MEMID_OS) {
// was a direct OS allocation, pass through
- _mi_os_free_ex(p, size, all_committed, tld->stats);
+ _mi_os_free_aligned(p, size, alignment, align_offset, all_committed, stats);
else {
// allocated in an arena
+ mi_assert_internal(align_offset == 0);
size_t arena_idx;
size_t bitmap_idx;
mi_arena_memid_indices(memid, &arena_idx, &bitmap_idx);
@@ -329,10 +330,10 @@ void _mi_arena_free(void* p, size_t size, size_t memid, bool all_committed, mi_o
else {
mi_assert_internal(arena->blocks_committed != NULL);
- _mi_os_decommit(p, blocks * MI_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE, tld->stats); // ok if this fails
+ _mi_os_decommit(p, blocks * MI_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE, stats); // ok if this fails
_mi_bitmap_unclaim_across(arena->blocks_committed, arena->field_count, blocks, bitmap_idx);
- // and make it available to others again
+ // and make it available to others again
bool all_inuse = _mi_bitmap_unclaim_across(arena->blocks_inuse, arena->field_count, blocks, bitmap_idx);
if (!all_inuse) {
_mi_error_message(EAGAIN, "trying to free an already freed block: %p, size %zu\n", p, size);
@@ -371,8 +372,8 @@ bool mi_manage_os_memory_ex(void* start, size_t size, bool is_committed, bool is
is_committed = true;
- const size_t bcount = size / MI_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE;
+ const size_t bcount = size / MI_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE;
const size_t fields = _mi_divide_up(bcount, MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS);
const size_t bitmaps = (is_committed ? 2 : 3);
const size_t asize = sizeof(mi_arena_t) + (bitmaps*fields*sizeof(mi_bitmap_field_t));
@@ -410,7 +411,7 @@ bool mi_manage_os_memory_ex(void* start, size_t size, bool is_committed, bool is
// Reserve a range of regular OS memory
-int mi_reserve_os_memory_ex(size_t size, bool commit, bool allow_large, bool exclusive, mi_arena_id_t* arena_id) mi_attr_noexcept
+int mi_reserve_os_memory_ex(size_t size, bool commit, bool allow_large, bool exclusive, mi_arena_id_t* arena_id) mi_attr_noexcept
if (arena_id != NULL) *arena_id = _mi_arena_id_none();
size = _mi_align_up(size, MI_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE); // at least one block
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/bitmap.c b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/bitmap.c
index 4fc7a1f3d..4ea9f4afa 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/bitmap.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/bitmap.c
@@ -188,15 +188,15 @@ bool _mi_bitmap_is_any_claimed(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t
// between the fields. This is used in arena allocation
-// Try to atomically claim a sequence of `count` bits starting from the field
+// Try to atomically claim a sequence of `count` bits starting from the field
// at `idx` in `bitmap` and crossing into subsequent fields. Returns `true` on success.
static bool mi_bitmap_try_find_claim_field_across(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t idx, const size_t count, const size_t retries, mi_bitmap_index_t* bitmap_idx)
mi_assert_internal(bitmap_idx != NULL);
// check initial trailing zeros
mi_bitmap_field_t* field = &bitmap[idx];
- size_t map = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(field);
+ size_t map = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(field);
const size_t initial = mi_clz(map); // count of initial zeros starting at idx
mi_assert_internal(initial <= MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS);
if (initial == 0) return false;
@@ -231,14 +231,14 @@ static bool mi_bitmap_try_find_claim_field_across(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bit
newmap = map | initial_mask;
if ((map & initial_mask) != 0) { goto rollback; };
} while (!mi_atomic_cas_strong_acq_rel(field, &map, newmap));
// intermediate fields
while (++field < final_field) {
map = 0;
if (!mi_atomic_cas_strong_acq_rel(field, &map, newmap)) { goto rollback; }
// final field
mi_assert_internal(field == final_field);
map = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(field);
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ static bool mi_bitmap_try_find_claim_field_across(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bit
*bitmap_idx = mi_bitmap_index_create(idx, MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS - initial);
return true;
// roll back intermediate fields
while (--field > initial_field) {
newmap = 0;
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ rollback:
mi_assert_internal((map & initial_mask) == initial_mask);
newmap = map & ~initial_mask;
} while (!mi_atomic_cas_strong_acq_rel(field, &map, newmap));
- }
+ }
// retry? (we make a recursive call instead of goto to be able to use const declarations)
if (retries < 4) {
return mi_bitmap_try_find_claim_field_across(bitmap, bitmap_fields, idx, count, retries+1, bitmap_idx);
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ bool _mi_bitmap_unclaim_across(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t
size_t pre_mask;
size_t mid_mask;
size_t post_mask;
- size_t mid_count = mi_bitmap_mask_across(bitmap_idx, bitmap_fields, count, &pre_mask, &mid_mask, &post_mask);
+ size_t mid_count = mi_bitmap_mask_across(bitmap_idx, bitmap_fields, count, &pre_mask, &mid_mask, &post_mask);
bool all_one = true;
mi_bitmap_field_t* field = &bitmap[idx];
size_t prev = mi_atomic_and_acq_rel(field++, ~pre_mask);
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ bool _mi_bitmap_unclaim_across(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t
prev = mi_atomic_and_acq_rel(field, ~post_mask);
if ((prev & post_mask) != post_mask) all_one = false;
- return all_one;
+ return all_one;
// Set `count` bits at `bitmap_idx` to 1 atomically
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ bool _mi_bitmap_claim_across(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t co
-// Returns `true` if all `count` bits were 1.
+// Returns `true` if all `count` bits were 1.
// `any_ones` is `true` if there was at least one bit set to one.
static bool mi_bitmap_is_claimedx_across(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx, bool* pany_ones) {
size_t idx = mi_bitmap_index_field(bitmap_idx);
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ static bool mi_bitmap_is_claimedx_across(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_field
prev = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(field);
if ((prev & post_mask) != post_mask) all_ones = false;
if ((prev & post_mask) != 0) any_ones = true;
- }
+ }
if (pany_ones != NULL) *pany_ones = any_ones;
return all_ones;
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/heap.c b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/heap.c
index 15ca36031..ac2d042bf 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/heap.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/heap.c
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ static bool mi_heap_page_collect(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* pq, mi_page_t
mi_collect_t collect = *((mi_collect_t*)arg_collect);
_mi_page_free_collect(page, collect >= MI_FORCE);
if (mi_page_all_free(page)) {
- // no more used blocks, free the page.
+ // no more used blocks, free the page.
// note: this will free retired pages as well.
_mi_page_free(page, pq, collect >= MI_FORCE);
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ static void mi_heap_collect_ex(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_collect_t collect)
// if all memory is freed by now, all segments should be freed.
_mi_abandoned_reclaim_all(heap, &heap->tld->segments);
// if abandoning, mark all pages to no longer add to delayed_free
if (collect == MI_ABANDON) {
mi_heap_visit_pages(heap, &mi_heap_page_never_delayed_free, NULL, NULL);
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ static void mi_heap_free(mi_heap_t* heap) {
// remove ourselves from the thread local heaps list
// linear search but we expect the number of heaps to be relatively small
mi_heap_t* prev = NULL;
- mi_heap_t* curr = heap->tld->heaps;
+ mi_heap_t* curr = heap->tld->heaps;
while (curr != heap && curr != NULL) {
prev = curr;
curr = curr->next;
@@ -347,7 +347,20 @@ void mi_heap_destroy(mi_heap_t* heap) {
+void _mi_heap_destroy_all(void) {
+ mi_heap_t* bheap = mi_heap_get_backing();
+ mi_heap_t* curr = bheap->tld->heaps;
+ while (curr != NULL) {
+ mi_heap_t* next = curr->next;
+ if (curr->no_reclaim) {
+ mi_heap_destroy(curr);
+ }
+ else {
+ _mi_heap_destroy_pages(curr);
+ }
+ curr = next;
+ }
/* -----------------------------------------------------------
Safe Heap delete
@@ -360,8 +373,8 @@ static void mi_heap_absorb(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_heap_t* from) {
// reduce the size of the delayed frees
- // transfer all pages by appending the queues; this will set a new heap field
+ // transfer all pages by appending the queues; this will set a new heap field
// so threads may do delayed frees in either heap for a while.
// note: appending waits for each page to not be in the `MI_DELAYED_FREEING` state
// so after this only the new heap will get delayed frees
@@ -374,17 +387,17 @@ static void mi_heap_absorb(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_heap_t* from) {
mi_assert_internal(from->page_count == 0);
- // and do outstanding delayed frees in the `from` heap
+ // and do outstanding delayed frees in the `from` heap
// note: be careful here as the `heap` field in all those pages no longer point to `from`,
- // turns out to be ok as `_mi_heap_delayed_free` only visits the list and calls a
+ // turns out to be ok as `_mi_heap_delayed_free` only visits the list and calls a
// the regular `_mi_free_delayed_block` which is safe.
- _mi_heap_delayed_free_all(from);
+ _mi_heap_delayed_free_all(from);
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900) // somehow the following line gives an error in VS2015, issue #353
mi_assert_internal(mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_block_t,&from->thread_delayed_free) == NULL);
// and reset the `from` heap
- mi_heap_reset_pages(from);
+ mi_heap_reset_pages(from);
// Safe delete a heap without freeing any still allocated blocks in that heap.
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/init.c b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/init.c
index 4f37b7176..c416208cf 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/init.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/init.c
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ const mi_page_t _mi_page_empty = {
false, // is_zero
0, // retire_expire
NULL, // free
- { 0, 0 },
- #endif
0, // used
0, // xblock_size
NULL, // local_free
+ { 0, 0 },
+ #endif
MI_ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(0), // xthread_free
MI_ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(0), // xheap
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ mi_decl_cache_align const mi_heap_t _mi_heap_empty = {
0, // cookie
0, // arena id
{ 0, 0 }, // keys
- { {0}, {0}, 0 },
+ { {0}, {0}, 0, true }, // random
0, // page count
MI_BIN_FULL, 0, // page retired min/max
NULL, // next
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ mi_heap_t _mi_heap_main = {
0, // initial cookie
0, // arena id
{ 0, 0 }, // the key of the main heap can be fixed (unlike page keys that need to be secure!)
- { {0x846ca68b}, {0}, 0 }, // random
+ { {0x846ca68b}, {0}, 0, true }, // random
0, // page count
MI_BIN_FULL, 0, // page retired min/max
NULL, // next heap
@@ -167,8 +167,13 @@ mi_stats_t _mi_stats_main = { MI_STATS_NULL };
static void mi_heap_main_init(void) {
if (_mi_heap_main.cookie == 0) {
_mi_heap_main.thread_id = _mi_thread_id();
- _mi_heap_main.cookie = _mi_os_random_weak((uintptr_t)&mi_heap_main_init);
- _mi_random_init(&_mi_heap_main.random);
+ _mi_heap_main.cookie = 1;
+ #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(MI_SHARED_LIB)
+ _mi_random_init_weak(&_mi_heap_main.random); // prevent allocation failure during bcrypt dll initialization with static linking
+ #else
+ _mi_random_init(&_mi_heap_main.random);
+ #endif
+ _mi_heap_main.cookie = _mi_heap_random_next(&_mi_heap_main);
_mi_heap_main.keys[0] = _mi_heap_random_next(&_mi_heap_main);
_mi_heap_main.keys[1] = _mi_heap_random_next(&_mi_heap_main);
@@ -193,7 +198,7 @@ typedef struct mi_thread_data_s {
// Thread meta-data is allocated directly from the OS. For
// some programs that do not use thread pools and allocate and
-// destroy many OS threads, this may causes too much overhead
+// destroy many OS threads, this may causes too much overhead
// per thread so we maintain a small cache of recently freed metadata.
#define TD_CACHE_SIZE (8)
@@ -205,7 +210,7 @@ static mi_thread_data_t* mi_thread_data_alloc(void) {
for (int i = 0; i < TD_CACHE_SIZE; i++) {
td = mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_thread_data_t, &td_cache[i]);
if (td != NULL) {
- td = mi_atomic_exchange_ptr_acq_rel(mi_thread_data_t, &td_cache[i], NULL);
+ td = mi_atomic_exchange_ptr_acq_rel(mi_thread_data_t, &td_cache[i], NULL);
if (td != NULL) {
return td;
@@ -283,7 +288,7 @@ static bool _mi_heap_init(void) {
tld->segments.stats = &tld->stats;
tld->segments.os = &tld->os;
tld->os.stats = &tld->stats;
- _mi_heap_set_default_direct(heap);
+ _mi_heap_set_default_direct(heap);
return false;
@@ -316,9 +321,9 @@ static bool _mi_heap_done(mi_heap_t* heap) {
if (heap != &_mi_heap_main) {
// merge stats
- _mi_stats_done(&heap->tld->stats);
+ _mi_stats_done(&heap->tld->stats);
// free if not the main thread
if (heap != &_mi_heap_main) {
@@ -329,8 +334,8 @@ static bool _mi_heap_done(mi_heap_t* heap) {
else {
- mi_thread_data_collect(); // free cached thread metadata
- #if 0
+ mi_thread_data_collect(); // free cached thread metadata
+ #if 0
// never free the main thread even in debug mode; if a dll is linked statically with mimalloc,
// there may still be delete/free calls after the mi_fls_done is called. Issue #207
@@ -366,7 +371,7 @@ static void _mi_thread_done(mi_heap_t* default_heap);
// use thread local storage keys to detect thread ending
#include <windows.h>
#include <fibersapi.h>
- #if (_WIN32_WINNT < 0x600) // before Windows Vista
+ #if (_WIN32_WINNT < 0x600) // before Windows Vista
WINBASEAPI BOOL WINAPI FlsSetValue( _In_ DWORD dwFlsIndex, _In_opt_ PVOID lpFlsData );
@@ -374,7 +379,11 @@ static void _mi_thread_done(mi_heap_t* default_heap);
static DWORD mi_fls_key = (DWORD)(-1);
static void NTAPI mi_fls_done(PVOID value) {
- if (value!=NULL) _mi_thread_done((mi_heap_t*)value);
+ mi_heap_t* heap = (mi_heap_t*)value;
+ if (heap != NULL) {
+ _mi_thread_done(heap);
+ FlsSetValue(mi_fls_key, NULL); // prevent recursion as _mi_thread_done may set it back to the main heap, issue #672
+ }
#elif defined(MI_USE_PTHREADS)
// use pthread local storage keys to detect thread ending
@@ -421,7 +430,7 @@ void mi_thread_init(void) mi_attr_noexcept
// ensure our process has started already
// initialize the thread local default heap
// (this will call `_mi_heap_set_default_direct` and thus set the
// fiber/pthread key to a non-zero value, ensuring `_mi_thread_done` is called)
@@ -442,7 +451,7 @@ static void _mi_thread_done(mi_heap_t* heap) {
// check thread-id as on Windows shutdown with FLS the main (exit) thread may call this on thread-local heaps...
if (heap->thread_id != _mi_thread_id()) return;
// abandon the thread local heap
if (_mi_heap_done(heap)) return; // returns true if already ran
@@ -531,12 +540,13 @@ static void mi_process_load(void) {
os_preloading = false;
+ mi_assert_internal(_mi_is_main_thread());
#if !(defined(_WIN32) && defined(MI_SHARED_LIB)) // use Dll process detach (see below) instead of atexit (issue #521)
- atexit(&mi_process_done);
+ atexit(&mi_process_done);
+ mi_process_setup_auto_thread_done();
- //mi_stats_reset();-
if (mi_redirected) _mi_verbose_message("malloc is redirected.\n");
// show message from the redirector (if present)
@@ -545,6 +555,9 @@ static void mi_process_load(void) {
if (msg != NULL && (mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_verbose) || mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_show_errors))) {
+ // reseed random
+ _mi_random_reinit_if_weak(&_mi_heap_main.random);
#if defined(_WIN32) && (defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64))
@@ -571,7 +584,6 @@ void mi_process_init(void) mi_attr_noexcept {
_mi_process_is_initialized = true;
@@ -579,6 +591,7 @@ void mi_process_init(void) mi_attr_noexcept {
_mi_verbose_message("debug level : %d\n", MI_DEBUG);
_mi_verbose_message("secure level: %d\n", MI_SECURE);
+ _mi_verbose_message("mem tracking: %s\n", MI_TRACK_TOOL);
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(MI_SHARED_LIB)
@@ -598,7 +611,7 @@ void mi_process_init(void) mi_attr_noexcept {
} else {
mi_reserve_huge_os_pages_interleave(pages, 0, pages*500);
- }
+ }
if (mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_reserve_os_memory)) {
long ksize = mi_option_get(mi_option_reserve_os_memory);
if (ksize > 0) {
@@ -619,9 +632,9 @@ static void mi_cdecl mi_process_done(void) {
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(MI_SHARED_LIB)
FlsFree(mi_fls_key); // call thread-done on all threads (except the main thread) to prevent dangling callback pointer if statically linked with a DLL; Issue #208
- #if (MI_DEBUG != 0) || !defined(MI_SHARED_LIB)
+ #if (MI_DEBUG != 0) || !defined(MI_SHARED_LIB)
// free all memory if possible on process exit. This is not needed for a stand-alone process
// but should be done if mimalloc is statically linked into another shared library which
// is repeatedly loaded/unloaded, see issue #281.
@@ -629,10 +642,18 @@ static void mi_cdecl mi_process_done(void) {
+ // Forcefully release all retained memory; this can be dangerous in general if overriding regular malloc/free
+ // since after process_done there might still be other code running that calls `free` (like at_exit routines,
+ // or C-runtime termination code.
+ if (mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_destroy_on_exit)) {
+ _mi_heap_destroy_all(); // forcefully release all memory held by all heaps (of this thread only!)
+ _mi_segment_cache_free_all(&_mi_heap_main_get()->tld->os); // release all cached segments
+ }
if (mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_show_stats) || mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_verbose)) {
- mi_allocator_done();
+ mi_allocator_done();
_mi_verbose_message("process done: 0x%zx\n", _mi_heap_main.thread_id);
os_preloading = true; // don't call the C runtime anymore
@@ -654,7 +675,7 @@ static void mi_cdecl mi_process_done(void) {
if (!mi_is_redirected()) {
- }
+ }
return TRUE;
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/options.c b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/options.c
index 0182671ce..e53538f5f 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/options.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/options.c
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ static mi_option_desc_t options[_mi_option_last] =
{ 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(reserve_os_memory) },
{ 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(deprecated_segment_cache) }, // cache N segments per thread
{ 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(page_reset) }, // reset page memory on free
- { 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION_LEGACY(abandoned_page_decommit, abandoned_page_reset) },// decommit free page memory when a thread terminates
+ { 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION_LEGACY(abandoned_page_decommit, abandoned_page_reset) },// decommit free page memory when a thread terminates
{ 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(deprecated_segment_reset) },
#if defined(__NetBSD__)
{ 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(eager_commit_delay) }, // the first N segments per thread are not eagerly committed
@@ -86,15 +86,16 @@ static mi_option_desc_t options[_mi_option_last] =
{ 1, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(eager_commit_delay) }, // the first N segments per thread are not eagerly committed (but per page in the segment on demand)
{ 25, UNINIT, MI_OPTION_LEGACY(decommit_delay, reset_delay) }, // page decommit delay in milli-seconds
- { 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(use_numa_nodes) }, // 0 = use available numa nodes, otherwise use at most N nodes.
+ { 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(use_numa_nodes) }, // 0 = use available numa nodes, otherwise use at most N nodes.
{ 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(limit_os_alloc) }, // 1 = do not use OS memory for allocation (but only reserved arenas)
{ 100, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(os_tag) }, // only apple specific for now but might serve more or less related purpose
{ 16, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(max_errors) }, // maximum errors that are output
{ 16, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(max_warnings) }, // maximum warnings that are output
- { 8, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(max_segment_reclaim)},// max. number of segment reclaims from the abandoned segments per try.
+ { 8, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(max_segment_reclaim)},// max. number of segment reclaims from the abandoned segments per try.
{ 1, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(allow_decommit) }, // decommit slices when no longer used (after decommit_delay milli-seconds)
{ 500, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(segment_decommit_delay) }, // decommit delay in milli-seconds for freed segments
- { 2, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(decommit_extend_delay) }
+ { 1, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(decommit_extend_delay) },
+ { 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(destroy_on_exit)} // release all OS memory on process exit; careful with dangling pointer or after-exit frees!
static void mi_option_init(mi_option_desc_t* desc);
@@ -106,7 +107,8 @@ void _mi_options_init(void) {
for(int i = 0; i < _mi_option_last; i++ ) {
mi_option_t option = (mi_option_t)i;
long l = mi_option_get(option); MI_UNUSED(l); // initialize
- if (option != mi_option_verbose) {
+ // if (option != mi_option_verbose)
+ {
mi_option_desc_t* desc = &options[option];
_mi_verbose_message("option '%s': %ld\n", desc->name, desc->value);
@@ -179,13 +181,26 @@ static void mi_cdecl mi_out_stderr(const char* msg, void* arg) {
if (!_mi_preloading()) {
// _cputs(msg); // _cputs cannot be used at is aborts if it fails to lock the console
+ static bool hconIsConsole;
hcon = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
+ hconIsConsole = ((hcon != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hcon, &sbi));
const size_t len = strlen(msg);
- if (hcon != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && len > 0 && len < UINT32_MAX) {
+ if (len > 0 && len < UINT32_MAX) {
DWORD written = 0;
- WriteConsoleA(hcon, msg, (DWORD)len, &written, NULL);
+ if (hconIsConsole) {
+ WriteConsoleA(hcon, msg, (DWORD)len, &written, NULL);
+ }
+ else if (hcon != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ // use direct write if stderr was redirected
+ WriteFile(hcon, msg, (DWORD)len, &written, NULL);
+ }
+ else {
+ // finally fall back to fputs after all
+ fputs(msg, stderr);
+ }
@@ -480,13 +495,6 @@ static bool mi_getenv(const char* name, char* result, size_t result_size) {
return false;
-static inline int mi_strnicmp(const char* s, const char* t, size_t n) {
- if (n==0) return 0;
- for (; *s != 0 && *t != 0 && n > 0; s++, t++, n--) {
- if (toupper(*s) != toupper(*t)) break;
- }
- return (n==0 ? 0 : *s - *t);
#if defined _WIN32
// On Windows use GetEnvironmentVariable instead of getenv to work
// reliably even when this is invoked before the C runtime is initialized.
@@ -512,6 +520,13 @@ static char** mi_get_environ(void) {
return environ;
+static int mi_strnicmp(const char* s, const char* t, size_t n) {
+ if (n == 0) return 0;
+ for (; *s != 0 && *t != 0 && n > 0; s++, t++, n--) {
+ if (toupper(*s) != toupper(*t)) break;
+ }
+ return (n == 0 ? 0 : *s - *t);
static bool mi_getenv(const char* name, char* result, size_t result_size) {
if (name==NULL) return false;
const size_t len = strlen(name);
@@ -570,7 +585,7 @@ static void mi_option_init(mi_option_desc_t* desc) {
found = mi_getenv(buf,s,sizeof(s));
if (found) {
_mi_warning_message("environment option \"mimalloc_%s\" is deprecated -- use \"mimalloc_%s\" instead.\n", desc->legacy_name, desc->name );
- }
+ }
if (found) {
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/os.c b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/os.c
index 6d7249873..0f9847417 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/os.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/os.c
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ static size_t os_alloc_granularity = 4096;
// if non-zero, use large page allocation
static size_t large_os_page_size = 0;
-// is memory overcommit allowed?
+// is memory overcommit allowed?
// set dynamically in _mi_os_init (and if true we use MAP_NORESERVE)
static bool os_overcommit = true;
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ typedef enum MI_MEM_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE_E {
struct { DWORD64 Type : 8; DWORD64 Reserved : 56; } Type;
@@ -166,9 +166,11 @@ typedef struct MI_PROCESSOR_NUMBER_S { WORD Group; BYTE Number; BYTE Reserved; }
typedef VOID (__stdcall *PGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx)(MI_PROCESSOR_NUMBER* ProcNumber);
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *PGetNumaProcessorNodeEx)(MI_PROCESSOR_NUMBER* Processor, PUSHORT NodeNumber);
typedef BOOL (__stdcall* PGetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx)(USHORT Node, PGROUP_AFFINITY ProcessorMask);
+typedef BOOL (__stdcall *PGetNumaProcessorNode)(UCHAR Processor, PUCHAR NodeNumber);
static PGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx pGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx = NULL;
static PGetNumaProcessorNodeEx pGetNumaProcessorNodeEx = NULL;
static PGetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx pGetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx = NULL;
+static PGetNumaProcessorNode pGetNumaProcessorNode = NULL;
static bool mi_win_enable_large_os_pages(void)
@@ -205,7 +207,7 @@ static bool mi_win_enable_large_os_pages(void)
return (ok!=0);
-void _mi_os_init(void)
+void _mi_os_init(void)
os_overcommit = false;
// get the page size
@@ -234,6 +236,7 @@ void _mi_os_init(void)
pGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx = (PGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx)(void (*)(void))GetProcAddress(hDll, "GetCurrentProcessorNumberEx");
pGetNumaProcessorNodeEx = (PGetNumaProcessorNodeEx)(void (*)(void))GetProcAddress(hDll, "GetNumaProcessorNodeEx");
pGetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx = (PGetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx)(void (*)(void))GetProcAddress(hDll, "GetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx");
+ pGetNumaProcessorNode = (PGetNumaProcessorNode)(void (*)(void))GetProcAddress(hDll, "GetNumaProcessorNode");
if (mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_large_os_pages) || mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_reserve_huge_os_pages)) {
@@ -266,9 +269,9 @@ static void os_detect_overcommit(void) {
size_t olen = sizeof(val);
if (sysctlbyname("vm.overcommit", &val, &olen, NULL, 0) == 0) {
os_overcommit = (val != 0);
- }
+ }
- // default: overcommit is true
+ // default: overcommit is true
@@ -306,10 +309,10 @@ static int mi_madvise(void* addr, size_t length, int advice) {
static mi_decl_cache_align _Atomic(uintptr_t)aligned_base;
// Return a MI_SEGMENT_SIZE aligned address that is probably available.
-// If this returns NULL, the OS will determine the address but on some OS's that may not be
+// If this returns NULL, the OS will determine the address but on some OS's that may not be
// properly aligned which can be more costly as it needs to be adjusted afterwards.
-// For a size > 1GiB this always returns NULL in order to guarantee good ASLR randomization;
-// (otherwise an initial large allocation of say 2TiB has a 50% chance to include (known) addresses
+// For a size > 1GiB this always returns NULL in order to guarantee good ASLR randomization;
+// (otherwise an initial large allocation of say 2TiB has a 50% chance to include (known) addresses
// in the middle of the 2TiB - 6TiB address range (see issue #372))
#define MI_HINT_BASE ((uintptr_t)2 << 40) // 2TiB start
@@ -383,12 +386,12 @@ static bool mi_os_mem_free(void* addr, size_t size, bool was_committed, mi_stats
if (was_committed) { _mi_stat_decrease(&stats->committed, size); }
_mi_stat_decrease(&stats->reserved, size);
- return !err;
+ return !err;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------
- Raw allocation on Windows (VirtualAlloc)
+ Raw allocation on Windows (VirtualAlloc)
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifdef _WIN32
@@ -406,7 +409,7 @@ static void* mi_win_virtual_allocx(void* addr, size_t size, size_t try_alignment
_mi_verbose_message("warning: unable to allocate hinted aligned OS memory (%zu bytes, error code: 0x%x, address: %p, alignment: %zu, flags: 0x%x)\n", size, GetLastError(), hint, try_alignment, flags);
// fall through on error
- }
+ }
// on modern Windows try use VirtualAlloc2 for aligned allocation
if (try_alignment > 1 && (try_alignment % _mi_os_page_size()) == 0 && pVirtualAlloc2 != NULL) {
@@ -464,12 +467,12 @@ static void* mi_win_virtual_alloc(void* addr, size_t size, size_t try_alignment,
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
#elif defined(MI_USE_SBRK) || defined(__wasi__)
-#if defined(MI_USE_SBRK)
+#if defined(MI_USE_SBRK)
static void* mi_memory_grow( size_t size ) {
void* p = sbrk(size);
if (p == (void*)(-1)) return NULL;
#if !defined(__wasi__) // on wasi this is always zero initialized already (?)
- memset(p,0,size);
+ memset(p,0,size);
return p;
@@ -477,8 +480,8 @@ static void* mi_win_virtual_alloc(void* addr, size_t size, size_t try_alignment,
static void* mi_memory_grow( size_t size ) {
size_t base = (size > 0 ? __builtin_wasm_memory_grow(0,_mi_divide_up(size, _mi_os_page_size()))
: __builtin_wasm_memory_size(0));
- if (base == SIZE_MAX) return NULL;
- return (void*)(base * _mi_os_page_size());
+ if (base == SIZE_MAX) return NULL;
+ return (void*)(base * _mi_os_page_size());
@@ -490,7 +493,7 @@ static void* mi_heap_grow(size_t size, size_t try_alignment) {
void* p = NULL;
if (try_alignment <= 1) {
// `sbrk` is not thread safe in general so try to protect it (we could skip this on WASM but leave it in for now)
- #if defined(MI_USE_PTHREADS)
+ #if defined(MI_USE_PTHREADS)
p = mi_memory_grow(size);
@@ -512,7 +515,7 @@ static void* mi_heap_grow(size_t size, size_t try_alignment) {
if (current != NULL) {
void* aligned_current = mi_align_up_ptr(current, try_alignment); // and align from there to minimize wasted space
alloc_size = _mi_align_up( ((uint8_t*)aligned_current - (uint8_t*)current) + size, _mi_os_page_size());
- base = mi_memory_grow(alloc_size);
+ base = mi_memory_grow(alloc_size);
#if defined(MI_USE_PTHREADS)
@@ -529,7 +532,7 @@ static void* mi_heap_grow(size_t size, size_t try_alignment) {
if (p == NULL) {
- _mi_warning_message("unable to allocate sbrk/wasm_memory_grow OS memory (%zu bytes, %zu alignment)\n", size, try_alignment);
+ _mi_warning_message("unable to allocate sbrk/wasm_memory_grow OS memory (%zu bytes, %zu alignment)\n", size, try_alignment);
errno = ENOMEM;
return NULL;
@@ -540,10 +543,10 @@ static void* mi_heap_grow(size_t size, size_t try_alignment) {
/* -----------------------------------------------------------
Raw allocation on Unix's (mmap)
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define MI_OS_USE_MMAP
static void* mi_unix_mmapx(void* addr, size_t size, size_t try_alignment, int protect_flags, int flags, int fd) {
- MI_UNUSED(try_alignment);
+ MI_UNUSED(try_alignment);
#if defined(MAP_ALIGNED) // BSD
if (addr == NULL && try_alignment > 1 && (try_alignment % _mi_os_page_size()) == 0) {
size_t n = mi_bsr(try_alignment);
@@ -574,7 +577,7 @@ static void* mi_unix_mmapx(void* addr, size_t size, size_t try_alignment, int pr
// regular mmap
void* p = mmap(addr, size, protect_flags, flags, fd, 0);
- if (p!=MAP_FAILED) return p;
+ if (p!=MAP_FAILED) return p;
// failed to allocate
return NULL;
@@ -602,7 +605,7 @@ static void* mi_unix_mmap(void* addr, size_t size, size_t try_alignment, int pro
if (_mi_os_has_overcommit()) {
- }
+ }
#if defined(PROT_MAX)
protect_flags |= PROT_MAX(PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE); // BSD
@@ -685,7 +688,7 @@ static void* mi_unix_mmap(void* addr, size_t size, size_t try_alignment, int pro
if (memcntl((caddr_t)p, size, MC_HAT_ADVISE, (caddr_t)&cmd, 0, 0) == 0) {
*is_large = true;
- }
+ }
@@ -753,7 +756,7 @@ static void* mi_os_mem_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, bool commit,
// try first with a hint (this will be aligned directly on Win 10+ or BSD)
void* p = mi_os_mem_alloc(size, alignment, commit, allow_large, is_large, stats);
if (p == NULL) return NULL;
// if not aligned, free it, overallocate, and unmap around it
if (((uintptr_t)p % alignment != 0)) {
mi_os_mem_free(p, size, commit, stats);
@@ -765,7 +768,7 @@ static void* mi_os_mem_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, bool commit,
// over-allocate uncommitted (virtual) memory
p = mi_os_mem_alloc(over_size, 0 /*alignment*/, false /* commit? */, false /* allow_large */, is_large, stats);
if (p == NULL) return NULL;
// set p to the aligned part in the full region
// note: this is dangerous on Windows as VirtualFree needs the actual region pointer
// but in mi_os_mem_free we handle this (hopefully exceptional) situation.
@@ -837,7 +840,45 @@ void* _mi_os_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, bool commit, bool* lar
return mi_os_mem_alloc_aligned(size, alignment, commit, allow_large, (large!=NULL?large:&allow_large), &_mi_stats_main /*tld->stats*/ );
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+ OS aligned allocation with an offset. This is used
+ for large alignments > MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX. We use a large mimalloc
+ page where the object can be aligned at an offset from the start of the segment.
+ As we may need to overallocate, we need to free such pointers using `mi_free_aligned`
+ to use the actual start of the memory region.
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+void* _mi_os_alloc_aligned_offset(size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset, bool commit, bool* large, mi_stats_t* tld_stats) {
+ mi_assert(offset <= MI_SEGMENT_SIZE);
+ mi_assert(offset <= size);
+ mi_assert((alignment % _mi_os_page_size()) == 0);
+ if (offset > MI_SEGMENT_SIZE) return NULL;
+ if (offset == 0) {
+ // regular aligned allocation
+ return _mi_os_alloc_aligned(size, alignment, commit, large, tld_stats);
+ }
+ else {
+ // overallocate to align at an offset
+ const size_t extra = _mi_align_up(offset, alignment) - offset;
+ const size_t oversize = size + extra;
+ void* start = _mi_os_alloc_aligned(oversize, alignment, commit, large, tld_stats);
+ if (start == NULL) return NULL;
+ void* p = (uint8_t*)start + extra;
+ mi_assert(_mi_is_aligned((uint8_t*)p + offset, alignment));
+ // decommit the overallocation at the start
+ if (commit && extra > _mi_os_page_size()) {
+ _mi_os_decommit(start, extra, tld_stats);
+ }
+ return p;
+ }
+void _mi_os_free_aligned(void* p, size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t align_offset, bool was_committed, mi_stats_t* tld_stats) {
+ mi_assert(align_offset <= MI_SEGMENT_SIZE);
+ const size_t extra = _mi_align_up(align_offset, alignment) - align_offset;
+ void* start = (uint8_t*)p - extra;
+ _mi_os_free_ex(start, size + extra, was_committed, tld_stats);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------
OS memory API: reset, commit, decommit, protect, unprotect.
@@ -916,7 +957,7 @@ static bool mi_os_commitx(void* addr, size_t size, bool commit, bool conservativ
// commit: just change the protection
err = mprotect(start, csize, (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE));
if (err != 0) { err = errno; }
- }
+ }
else {
// decommit: use mmap with MAP_FIXED to discard the existing memory (and reduce rss)
const int fd = mi_unix_mmap_fd();
@@ -926,10 +967,10 @@ static bool mi_os_commitx(void* addr, size_t size, bool commit, bool conservativ
// Linux, macOSX and others.
if (commit) {
- // commit: ensure we can access the area
+ // commit: ensure we can access the area
err = mprotect(start, csize, (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE));
if (err != 0) { err = errno; }
- }
+ }
else {
#if defined(MADV_DONTNEED) && MI_DEBUG == 0 && MI_SECURE == 0
// decommit: use MADV_DONTNEED as it decreases rss immediately (unlike MADV_FREE)
@@ -1008,7 +1049,7 @@ static bool mi_os_resetx(void* addr, size_t size, bool reset, mi_stats_t* stats)
int oadvice = (int)mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&advice);
int err;
while ((err = mi_madvise(start, csize, oadvice)) != 0 && errno == EAGAIN) { errno = 0; };
- if (err != 0 && errno == EINVAL && oadvice == MADV_FREE) {
+ if (err != 0 && errno == EINVAL && oadvice == MADV_FREE) {
// if MADV_FREE is not supported, fall back to MADV_DONTNEED from now on
mi_atomic_store_release(&advice, (size_t)MADV_DONTNEED);
err = mi_madvise(start, csize, MADV_DONTNEED);
@@ -1041,13 +1082,8 @@ bool _mi_os_reset(void* addr, size_t size, mi_stats_t* tld_stats) {
bool _mi_os_unreset(void* addr, size_t size, bool* is_zero, mi_stats_t* tld_stats) {
mi_stats_t* stats = &_mi_stats_main;
- if (mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_reset_decommits)) {
- return mi_os_commit_unreset(addr, size, is_zero, stats); // re-commit it (conservatively!)
- }
- else {
- *is_zero = false;
- return mi_os_resetx(addr, size, false, stats);
- }
+ *is_zero = false;
+ return mi_os_resetx(addr, size, false, stats);
@@ -1156,7 +1192,7 @@ static void* mi_os_alloc_huge_os_pagesx(void* addr, size_t size, int numa_node)
params[0].Arg.ULong = (unsigned)numa_node;
return (*pVirtualAlloc2)(GetCurrentProcess(), addr, size, flags, PAGE_READWRITE, params, 1);
// otherwise use regular virtual alloc on older windows
return VirtualAlloc(addr, size, flags, PAGE_READWRITE);
@@ -1305,7 +1341,7 @@ void _mi_os_free_huge_pages(void* p, size_t size, mi_stats_t* stats) {
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Support NUMA aware allocation
-#ifdef _WIN32
+#ifdef _WIN32
static size_t mi_os_numa_nodex(void) {
USHORT numa_node = 0;
if (pGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx != NULL && pGetNumaProcessorNodeEx != NULL) {
@@ -1314,14 +1350,14 @@ static size_t mi_os_numa_nodex(void) {
USHORT nnode = 0;
BOOL ok = (*pGetNumaProcessorNodeEx)(&pnum, &nnode);
- if (ok) numa_node = nnode;
+ if (ok) { numa_node = nnode; }
- else {
+ else if (pGetNumaProcessorNode != NULL) {
// Vista or earlier, use older API that is limited to 64 processors. Issue #277
DWORD pnum = GetCurrentProcessorNumber();
UCHAR nnode = 0;
- BOOL ok = GetNumaProcessorNode((UCHAR)pnum, &nnode);
- if (ok) numa_node = nnode;
+ BOOL ok = pGetNumaProcessorNode((UCHAR)pnum, &nnode);
+ if (ok) { numa_node = nnode; }
return numa_node;
@@ -1425,7 +1461,7 @@ size_t _mi_os_numa_node_count_get(void) {
else {
count = mi_os_numa_node_countx(); // or detect dynamically
if (count == 0) count = 1;
- }
+ }
mi_atomic_store_release(&_mi_numa_node_count, count); // save it
_mi_verbose_message("using %zd numa regions\n", count);
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/page-queue.c b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/page-queue.c
index 92f933c2a..cb54b3740 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/page-queue.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/page-queue.c
@@ -229,8 +229,9 @@ static void mi_page_queue_remove(mi_page_queue_t* queue, mi_page_t* page) {
static void mi_page_queue_push(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* queue, mi_page_t* page) {
mi_assert_internal(mi_page_heap(page) == heap);
mi_assert_internal(!mi_page_queue_contains(queue, page));
mi_assert_internal(_mi_page_segment(page)->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
+ #endif
mi_assert_internal(page->xblock_size == queue->block_size ||
(page->xblock_size > MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX) ||
(mi_page_is_in_full(page) && mi_page_queue_is_full(queue)));
@@ -304,7 +305,7 @@ size_t _mi_page_queue_append(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* pq, mi_page_queue
for (mi_page_t* page = append->first; page != NULL; page = page->next) {
// inline `mi_page_set_heap` to avoid wrong assertion during absorption;
// in this case it is ok to be delayed freeing since both "to" and "from" heap are still alive.
- mi_atomic_store_release(&page->xheap, (uintptr_t)heap);
+ mi_atomic_store_release(&page->xheap, (uintptr_t)heap);
// set the flag to delayed free (not overriding NEVER_DELAYED_FREE) which has as a
// side effect that it spins until any DELAYED_FREEING is finished. This ensures
// that after appending only the new heap will be used for delayed free operations.
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/page.c b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/page.c
index 4b321156c..4250ff358 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/page.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/page.c
@@ -112,7 +112,10 @@ bool _mi_page_is_valid(mi_page_t* page) {
mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_page_segment(page);
mi_assert_internal(!_mi_process_is_initialized || segment->thread_id==0 || segment->thread_id == mi_page_heap(page)->thread_id);
- if (segment->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE) {
+ if (segment->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE)
+ #endif
+ {
mi_page_queue_t* pq = mi_page_queue_of(page);
mi_assert_internal(mi_page_queue_contains(pq, page));
mi_assert_internal(pq->block_size==mi_page_block_size(page) || mi_page_block_size(page) > MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX || mi_page_is_in_full(page));
@@ -132,7 +135,7 @@ void _mi_page_use_delayed_free(mi_page_t* page, mi_delayed_t delay, bool overrid
bool _mi_page_try_use_delayed_free(mi_page_t* page, mi_delayed_t delay, bool override_never) {
mi_thread_free_t tfreex;
mi_delayed_t old_delay;
- mi_thread_free_t tfree;
+ mi_thread_free_t tfree;
size_t yield_count = 0;
do {
tfree = mi_atomic_load_acquire(&page->xthread_free); // note: must acquire as we can break/repeat this loop and not do a CAS;
@@ -245,7 +248,9 @@ void _mi_page_reclaim(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_t* page) {
mi_assert_internal(mi_page_heap(page) == heap);
mi_assert_internal(mi_page_thread_free_flag(page) != MI_NEVER_DELAYED_FREE);
mi_assert_internal(_mi_page_segment(page)->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
+ #endif
// TODO: push on full queue immediately if it is full?
mi_page_queue_t* pq = mi_page_queue(heap, mi_page_block_size(page));
@@ -254,17 +259,26 @@ void _mi_page_reclaim(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_t* page) {
// allocate a fresh page from a segment
-static mi_page_t* mi_page_fresh_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* pq, size_t block_size) {
- mi_assert_internal(pq==NULL||mi_heap_contains_queue(heap, pq));
- mi_page_t* page = _mi_segment_page_alloc(heap, block_size, &heap->tld->segments, &heap->tld->os);
+static mi_page_t* mi_page_fresh_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* pq, size_t block_size, size_t page_alignment) {
+ mi_assert_internal(pq != NULL);
+ mi_assert_internal(mi_heap_contains_queue(heap, pq));
+ mi_assert_internal(page_alignment > 0 || block_size > MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX || block_size == pq->block_size);
+ #endif
+ mi_page_t* page = _mi_segment_page_alloc(heap, block_size, page_alignment, &heap->tld->segments, &heap->tld->os);
if (page == NULL) {
// this may be out-of-memory, or an abandoned page was reclaimed (and in our queue)
return NULL;
- mi_assert_internal(pq==NULL || _mi_page_segment(page)->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
- mi_page_init(heap, page, block_size, heap->tld);
+ mi_assert_internal(page_alignment >0 || block_size > MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX || _mi_page_segment(page)->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
+ mi_assert_internal(pq!=NULL || page->xblock_size != 0);
+ mi_assert_internal(pq!=NULL || mi_page_block_size(page) >= block_size);
+ // a fresh page was found, initialize it
+ const size_t full_block_size = ((pq == NULL || mi_page_queue_is_huge(pq)) ? mi_page_block_size(page) : block_size); // see also: mi_segment_huge_page_alloc
+ mi_assert_internal(full_block_size >= block_size);
+ mi_page_init(heap, page, full_block_size, heap->tld);
mi_heap_stat_increase(heap, pages, 1);
- if (pq!=NULL) mi_page_queue_push(heap, pq, page); // huge pages use pq==NULL
+ if (pq != NULL) { mi_page_queue_push(heap, pq, page); }
return page;
@@ -272,7 +286,7 @@ static mi_page_t* mi_page_fresh_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* pq, size
// Get a fresh page to use
static mi_page_t* mi_page_fresh(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* pq) {
mi_assert_internal(mi_heap_contains_queue(heap, pq));
- mi_page_t* page = mi_page_fresh_alloc(heap, pq, pq->block_size);
+ mi_page_t* page = mi_page_fresh_alloc(heap, pq, pq->block_size, 0);
if (page==NULL) return NULL;
mi_assert_internal(pq==mi_page_queue(heap, mi_page_block_size(page)));
@@ -402,7 +416,7 @@ void _mi_page_free(mi_page_t* page, mi_page_queue_t* pq, bool force) {
// Retire parameters
#define MI_RETIRE_CYCLES (8)
// Retire a page with no more used blocks
@@ -425,7 +439,7 @@ void _mi_page_retire(mi_page_t* page) mi_attr_noexcept {
// how to check this efficiently though...
// for now, we don't retire if it is the only page left of this size class.
mi_page_queue_t* pq = mi_page_queue_of(page);
- if mi_likely(page->xblock_size <= MI_MAX_RETIRE_SIZE && !mi_page_is_in_full(page)) {
+ if mi_likely(page->xblock_size <= MI_MAX_RETIRE_SIZE && !mi_page_queue_is_special(pq)) { // not too large && not full or huge queue?
if (pq->last==page && pq->first==page) { // the only page in the queue?
page->retire_expire = 1 + (page->xblock_size <= MI_SMALL_OBJ_SIZE_MAX ? MI_RETIRE_CYCLES : MI_RETIRE_CYCLES/4);
@@ -573,7 +587,7 @@ static mi_decl_noinline void mi_page_free_list_extend( mi_page_t* const page, co
#if (MI_SECURE>0)
#define MI_MIN_EXTEND (8*MI_SECURE) // extend at least by this many
-#define MI_MIN_EXTEND (1)
+#define MI_MIN_EXTEND (4)
// Extend the capacity (up to reserved) by initializing a free list
@@ -603,7 +617,7 @@ static void mi_page_extend_free(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_t* page, mi_tld_t* tld)
size_t max_extend = (bsize >= MI_MAX_EXTEND_SIZE ? MI_MIN_EXTEND : MI_MAX_EXTEND_SIZE/(uint32_t)bsize);
if (max_extend < MI_MIN_EXTEND) { max_extend = MI_MIN_EXTEND; }
mi_assert_internal(max_extend > 0);
if (extend > max_extend) {
// ensure we don't touch memory beyond the page to reduce page commit.
// the `lean` benchmark tests this. Going from 1 to 8 increases rss by 50%.
@@ -648,6 +662,7 @@ static void mi_page_init(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_t* page, size_t block_size, mi
mi_assert_internal(page_size <= page->slice_count*MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE);
mi_assert_internal(page_size / block_size < (1L<<16));
page->reserved = (uint16_t)(page_size / block_size);
+ mi_assert_internal(page->reserved > 0);
page->keys[0] = _mi_heap_random_next(heap);
page->keys[1] = _mi_heap_random_next(heap);
@@ -725,7 +740,7 @@ static mi_page_t* mi_page_queue_find_free_ex(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* p
page = mi_page_fresh(heap, pq);
if (page == NULL && first_try) {
// out-of-memory _or_ an abandoned page with free blocks was reclaimed, try once again
- page = mi_page_queue_find_free_ex(heap, pq, false);
+ page = mi_page_queue_find_free_ex(heap, pq, false);
else {
@@ -743,17 +758,17 @@ static inline mi_page_t* mi_find_free_page(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size) {
mi_page_queue_t* pq = mi_page_queue(heap,size);
mi_page_t* page = pq->first;
if (page != NULL) {
- #if (MI_SECURE>=3) // in secure mode, we extend half the time to increase randomness
+ #if (MI_SECURE>=3) // in secure mode, we extend half the time to increase randomness
if (page->capacity < page->reserved && ((_mi_heap_random_next(heap) & 1) == 1)) {
mi_page_extend_free(heap, page, heap->tld);
- else
+ else
if (mi_page_immediate_available(page)) {
page->retire_expire = 0;
return page; // fast path
@@ -797,21 +812,28 @@ void mi_register_deferred_free(mi_deferred_free_fun* fn, void* arg) mi_attr_noex
// Because huge pages contain just one block, and the segment contains
// just that page, we always treat them as abandoned and any thread
// that frees the block can free the whole page and segment directly.
-static mi_page_t* mi_large_huge_page_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size) {
+// Huge pages are also use if the requested alignment is very large (> MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX).
+static mi_page_t* mi_large_huge_page_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, size_t page_alignment) {
size_t block_size = _mi_os_good_alloc_size(size);
- mi_assert_internal(mi_bin(block_size) == MI_BIN_HUGE);
- bool is_huge = (block_size > MI_LARGE_OBJ_SIZE_MAX);
+ mi_assert_internal(mi_bin(block_size) == MI_BIN_HUGE || page_alignment > 0);
+ bool is_huge = (block_size > MI_LARGE_OBJ_SIZE_MAX || page_alignment > 0);
mi_page_queue_t* pq = (is_huge ? NULL : mi_page_queue(heap, block_size));
- mi_page_t* page = mi_page_fresh_alloc(heap, pq, block_size);
+ #else
+ mi_page_queue_t* pq = mi_page_queue(heap, is_huge ? MI_HUGE_BLOCK_SIZE : block_size); // not block_size as that can be low if the page_alignment > 0
+ mi_assert_internal(!is_huge || mi_page_queue_is_huge(pq));
+ #endif
+ mi_page_t* page = mi_page_fresh_alloc(heap, pq, block_size, page_alignment);
if (page != NULL) {
- if (pq == NULL) {
- // huge pages are directly abandoned
+ if (is_huge) {
mi_assert_internal(_mi_page_segment(page)->kind == MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
mi_assert_internal(_mi_page_segment(page)->thread_id==0); // abandoned, not in the huge queue
mi_page_set_heap(page, NULL);
+ #endif
else {
mi_assert_internal(_mi_page_segment(page)->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
@@ -833,16 +855,16 @@ static mi_page_t* mi_large_huge_page_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size) {
// Allocate a page
// Note: in debug mode the size includes MI_PADDING_SIZE and might have overflowed.
-static mi_page_t* mi_find_page(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
+static mi_page_t* mi_find_page(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, size_t huge_alignment) mi_attr_noexcept {
// huge allocation?
const size_t req_size = size - MI_PADDING_SIZE; // correct for padding_size in case of an overflow on `size`
- if mi_unlikely(req_size > (MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX - MI_PADDING_SIZE)) {
+ if mi_unlikely(req_size > (MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX - MI_PADDING_SIZE) || huge_alignment > 0) {
if mi_unlikely(req_size > PTRDIFF_MAX) { // we don't allocate more than PTRDIFF_MAX (see <>)
_mi_error_message(EOVERFLOW, "allocation request is too large (%zu bytes)\n", req_size);
return NULL;
else {
- return mi_large_huge_page_alloc(heap,size);
+ return mi_large_huge_page_alloc(heap,size,huge_alignment);
else {
@@ -854,7 +876,9 @@ static mi_page_t* mi_find_page(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
// Generic allocation routine if the fast path (`alloc.c:mi_page_malloc`) does not succeed.
// Note: in debug mode the size includes MI_PADDING_SIZE and might have overflowed.
-void* _mi_malloc_generic(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool zero) mi_attr_noexcept
+// The `huge_alignment` is normally 0 but is set to a multiple of MI_SEGMENT_SIZE for
+// very large requested alignments in which case we use a huge segment.
+void* _mi_malloc_generic(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool zero, size_t huge_alignment) mi_attr_noexcept
mi_assert_internal(heap != NULL);
@@ -873,14 +897,14 @@ void* _mi_malloc_generic(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool zero) mi_attr_noexce
// find (or allocate) a page of the right size
- mi_page_t* page = mi_find_page(heap, size);
+ mi_page_t* page = mi_find_page(heap, size, huge_alignment);
if mi_unlikely(page == NULL) { // first time out of memory, try to collect and retry the allocation once more
mi_heap_collect(heap, true /* force */);
- page = mi_find_page(heap, size);
+ page = mi_find_page(heap, size, huge_alignment);
if mi_unlikely(page == NULL) { // out of memory
- const size_t req_size = size - MI_PADDING_SIZE; // correct for padding_size in case of an overflow on `size`
+ const size_t req_size = size - MI_PADDING_SIZE; // correct for padding_size in case of an overflow on `size`
_mi_error_message(ENOMEM, "unable to allocate memory (%zu bytes)\n", req_size);
return NULL;
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/random.c b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/random.c
index a5f5e6b82..06d4ba4ad 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/random.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/random.c
@@ -168,9 +168,9 @@ If we cannot get good randomness, we fall back to weak randomness based on a tim
#if defined(_WIN32)
-#if defined(MI_USE_RTLGENRANDOM) || defined(__cplusplus)
-// We prefer to use BCryptGenRandom instead of (the unofficial) RtlGenRandom but when using
-// dynamic overriding, we observed it can raise an exception when compiled with C++, and
+#if defined(MI_USE_RTLGENRANDOM) // || defined(__cplusplus)
+// We prefer to use BCryptGenRandom instead of (the unofficial) RtlGenRandom but when using
+// dynamic overriding, we observed it can raise an exception when compiled with C++, and
// sometimes deadlocks when also running under the VS debugger.
// In contrast, issue #623 implies that on Windows Server 2019 we need to use BCryptGenRandom.
// To be continued..
@@ -187,10 +187,27 @@ static bool os_random_buf(void* buf, size_t buf_len) {
return (RtlGenRandom(buf, (ULONG)buf_len) != 0);
-#pragma comment (lib,"bcrypt.lib")
-#include <bcrypt.h>
+static PBCryptGenRandom pBCryptGenRandom = NULL;
static bool os_random_buf(void* buf, size_t buf_len) {
- return (BCryptGenRandom(NULL, (PUCHAR)buf, (ULONG)buf_len, BCRYPT_USE_SYSTEM_PREFERRED_RNG) >= 0);
+ if (pBCryptGenRandom == NULL) {
+ HINSTANCE hDll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("bcrypt.dll"));
+ if (hDll != NULL) {
+ pBCryptGenRandom = (PBCryptGenRandom)(void (*)(void))GetProcAddress(hDll, "BCryptGenRandom");
+ }
+ }
+ if (pBCryptGenRandom == NULL) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else {
+ return (pBCryptGenRandom(NULL, (PUCHAR)buf, (ULONG)buf_len, BCRYPT_USE_SYSTEM_PREFERRED_RNG) >= 0);
+ }
@@ -203,7 +220,7 @@ static bool os_random_buf(void* buf, size_t buf_len) {
static bool os_random_buf(void* buf, size_t buf_len) {
// We prefere CCRandomGenerateBytes as it returns an error code while arc4random_buf
- // may fail silently on macOS. See PR #390, and <>
+ // may fail silently on macOS. See PR #390, and <>
return (CCRandomGenerateBytes(buf, buf_len) == kCCSuccess);
// fall back on older macOS
@@ -281,7 +298,7 @@ static bool os_random_buf(void* buf, size_t buf_len) {
uintptr_t _mi_os_random_weak(uintptr_t extra_seed) {
uintptr_t x = (uintptr_t)&_mi_os_random_weak ^ extra_seed; // ASLR makes the address random
#if defined(_WIN32)
@@ -303,23 +320,41 @@ uintptr_t _mi_os_random_weak(uintptr_t extra_seed) {
return x;
-void _mi_random_init(mi_random_ctx_t* ctx) {
+static void mi_random_init_ex(mi_random_ctx_t* ctx, bool use_weak) {
uint8_t key[32];
- if (!os_random_buf(key, sizeof(key))) {
+ if (use_weak || !os_random_buf(key, sizeof(key))) {
// if we fail to get random data from the OS, we fall back to a
// weak random source based on the current time
#if !defined(__wasi__)
- _mi_warning_message("unable to use secure randomness\n");
+ if (!use_weak) { _mi_warning_message("unable to use secure randomness\n"); }
uintptr_t x = _mi_os_random_weak(0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // key is eight 32-bit words.
x = _mi_random_shuffle(x);
((uint32_t*)key)[i] = (uint32_t)x;
+ ctx->weak = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ ctx->weak = false;
chacha_init(ctx, key, (uintptr_t)ctx /*nonce*/ );
+void _mi_random_init(mi_random_ctx_t* ctx) {
+ mi_random_init_ex(ctx, false);
+void _mi_random_init_weak(mi_random_ctx_t * ctx) {
+ mi_random_init_ex(ctx, true);
+void _mi_random_reinit_if_weak(mi_random_ctx_t * ctx) {
+ if (ctx->weak) {
+ _mi_random_init(ctx);
+ }
/* --------------------------------------------------------
test vectors from <>
----------------------------------------------------------- */
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/region.c b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/region.c
index 57d11fe8d..3571abb60 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/region.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/region.c
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ We need this memory layer between the raw OS calls because of:
1. on `sbrk` like systems (like WebAssembly) we need our own memory maps in order
to reuse memory effectively.
2. It turns out that for large objects, between 1MiB and 32MiB (?), the cost of
- an OS allocation/free is still (much) too expensive relative to the accesses
- in that object :-( (`malloc-large` tests this). This means we need a cheaper
+ an OS allocation/free is still (much) too expensive relative to the accesses
+ in that object :-( (`malloc-large` tests this). This means we need a cheaper
way to reuse memory.
3. This layer allows for NUMA aware allocation.
@@ -47,35 +47,34 @@ bool _mi_os_commit(void* p, size_t size, bool* is_zero, mi_stats_t* stats);
bool _mi_os_decommit(void* p, size_t size, mi_stats_t* stats);
bool _mi_os_reset(void* p, size_t size, mi_stats_t* stats);
bool _mi_os_unreset(void* p, size_t size, bool* is_zero, mi_stats_t* stats);
+bool _mi_os_commit_unreset(void* addr, size_t size, bool* is_zero, mi_stats_t* stats);
// arena.c
mi_arena_id_t _mi_arena_id_none(void);
-void _mi_arena_free(void* p, size_t size, size_t memid, bool all_committed, mi_stats_t* stats);
+void _mi_arena_free(void* p, size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t align_offset, size_t memid, bool all_committed, mi_stats_t* stats);
void* _mi_arena_alloc(size_t size, bool* commit, bool* large, bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, size_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld);
-void* _mi_arena_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, bool* commit, bool* large, bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, size_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld);
+void* _mi_arena_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t align_offset, bool* commit, bool* large, bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, size_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld);
// Constants
-#define MI_HEAP_REGION_MAX_SIZE (256 * MI_GiB) // 64KiB for the region map
+#define MI_HEAP_REGION_MAX_SIZE (256 * MI_GiB) // 64KiB for the region map
#elif (MI_INTPTR_SIZE==4)
#define MI_HEAP_REGION_MAX_SIZE (3 * MI_GiB) // ~ KiB for the region map
#error "define the maximum heap space allowed for regions on this platform"
#define MI_REGION_SIZE (MI_SEGMENT_SIZE * MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS) // 256MiB (64MiB on 32 bits)
#define MI_REGION_MAX (MI_HEAP_REGION_MAX_SIZE / MI_REGION_SIZE) // 1024 (48 on 32 bits)
-// Region info
+// Region info
typedef union mi_region_info_u {
- size_t value;
+ size_t value;
struct {
bool valid; // initialized?
bool is_large:1; // allocated in fixed large/huge OS pages
@@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ typedef union mi_region_info_u {
// a bit map with one bit per MI_SEGMENT_SIZE (4MiB) block.
typedef struct mem_region_s {
_Atomic(size_t) info; // mi_region_info_t.value
- _Atomic(void*) start; // start of the memory area
+ _Atomic(void*) start; // start of the memory area
mi_bitmap_field_t in_use; // bit per in-use block
mi_bitmap_field_t dirty; // track if non-zero per block
mi_bitmap_field_t commit; // track if committed per block
@@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ typedef struct mem_region_s {
static mem_region_t regions[MI_REGION_MAX];
// Allocated regions
-static _Atomic(size_t) regions_count; // = 0;
+static _Atomic(size_t) regions_count; // = 0;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -137,7 +136,7 @@ mi_decl_nodiscard bool mi_is_in_heap_region(const void* p) mi_attr_noexcept {
static void* mi_region_blocks_start(const mem_region_t* region, mi_bitmap_index_t bit_idx) {
uint8_t* start = (uint8_t*)mi_atomic_load_ptr_acquire(uint8_t, &((mem_region_t*)region)->start);
mi_assert_internal(start != NULL);
- return (start + (bit_idx * MI_SEGMENT_SIZE));
+ return (start + (bit_idx * MI_SEGMENT_SIZE));
static size_t mi_memid_create(mem_region_t* region, mi_bitmap_index_t bit_idx) {
@@ -181,7 +180,7 @@ static bool mi_region_try_alloc_os(size_t blocks, bool commit, bool allow_large,
bool is_zero = false;
bool is_pinned = false;
size_t arena_memid = 0;
- void* const start = _mi_arena_alloc_aligned(MI_REGION_SIZE, MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN, &region_commit, &region_large, &is_pinned, &is_zero, _mi_arena_id_none(), & arena_memid, tld);
+ void* const start = _mi_arena_alloc_aligned(MI_REGION_SIZE, MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN, 0, &region_commit, &region_large, &is_pinned, &is_zero, _mi_arena_id_none(), & arena_memid, tld);
if (start == NULL) return false;
mi_assert_internal(!(region_large && !allow_large));
mi_assert_internal(!region_large || region_commit);
@@ -190,7 +189,7 @@ static bool mi_region_try_alloc_os(size_t blocks, bool commit, bool allow_large,
const size_t idx = mi_atomic_increment_acq_rel(&regions_count);
if (idx >= MI_REGION_MAX) {
- _mi_arena_free(start, MI_REGION_SIZE, arena_memid, region_commit, tld->stats);
+ _mi_arena_free(start, MI_REGION_SIZE, MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN, 0, arena_memid, region_commit, tld->stats);
_mi_warning_message("maximum regions used: %zu GiB (perhaps recompile with a larger setting for MI_HEAP_REGION_MAX_SIZE)", _mi_divide_up(MI_HEAP_REGION_MAX_SIZE, MI_GiB));
return false;
@@ -206,7 +205,7 @@ static bool mi_region_try_alloc_os(size_t blocks, bool commit, bool allow_large,
_mi_bitmap_claim(&r->in_use, 1, blocks, *bit_idx, NULL);
mi_atomic_store_ptr_release(void,&r->start, start);
- // and share it
+ // and share it
mi_region_info_t info;
info.value = 0; // initialize the full union to zero
info.x.valid = true;
@@ -243,7 +242,7 @@ static bool mi_region_is_suitable(const mem_region_t* region, int numa_node, boo
static bool mi_region_try_claim(int numa_node, size_t blocks, bool allow_large, mem_region_t** region, mi_bitmap_index_t* bit_idx, mi_os_tld_t* tld)
- // try all regions for a free slot
+ // try all regions for a free slot
const size_t count = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&regions_count); // monotonic, so ok to be relaxed
size_t idx = tld->region_idx; // Or start at 0 to reuse low addresses? Starting at 0 seems to increase latency though
for (size_t visited = 0; visited < count; visited++, idx++) {
@@ -277,7 +276,7 @@ static void* mi_region_try_alloc(size_t blocks, bool* commit, bool* large, bool*
return NULL;
// ------------------------------------------------
// found a region and claimed `blocks` at `bit_idx`, initialize them now
mi_assert_internal(region != NULL);
@@ -289,7 +288,7 @@ static void* mi_region_try_alloc(size_t blocks, bool* commit, bool* large, bool*
mi_assert_internal(!(info.x.is_large && !*large));
mi_assert_internal(start != NULL);
- *is_zero = _mi_bitmap_claim(&region->dirty, 1, blocks, bit_idx, NULL);
+ *is_zero = _mi_bitmap_claim(&region->dirty, 1, blocks, bit_idx, NULL);
*large = info.x.is_large;
*is_pinned = info.x.is_pinned;
*memid = mi_memid_create(region, bit_idx);
@@ -308,20 +307,20 @@ static void* mi_region_try_alloc(size_t blocks, bool* commit, bool* large, bool*
mi_bitmap_unclaim(&region->in_use, 1, blocks, bit_idx);
return NULL;
- if (commit_zero) *is_zero = true;
+ if (commit_zero) *is_zero = true;
else {
// no need to commit, but check if already fully committed
*commit = _mi_bitmap_is_claimed(&region->commit, 1, blocks, bit_idx);
- }
+ }
mi_assert_internal(!*commit || _mi_bitmap_is_claimed(&region->commit, 1, blocks, bit_idx));
// unreset reset blocks
if (_mi_bitmap_is_any_claimed(&region->reset, 1, blocks, bit_idx)) {
// some blocks are still reset
mi_assert_internal(!info.x.is_large && !info.x.is_pinned);
- mi_assert_internal(!mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_eager_commit) || *commit || mi_option_get(mi_option_eager_commit_delay) > 0);
+ mi_assert_internal(!mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_eager_commit) || *commit || mi_option_get(mi_option_eager_commit_delay) > 0);
mi_bitmap_unclaim(&region->reset, 1, blocks, bit_idx);
if (*commit || !mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_reset_decommits)) { // only if needed
bool reset_zero = false;
@@ -330,13 +329,13 @@ static void* mi_region_try_alloc(size_t blocks, bool* commit, bool* large, bool*
mi_assert_internal(!_mi_bitmap_is_any_claimed(&region->reset, 1, blocks, bit_idx));
if (*commit) { ((uint8_t*)p)[0] = 0; }
- // and return the allocation
- mi_assert_internal(p != NULL);
+ // and return the allocation
+ mi_assert_internal(p != NULL);
return p;
@@ -347,7 +346,7 @@ static void* mi_region_try_alloc(size_t blocks, bool* commit, bool* large, bool*
// Allocate `size` memory aligned at `alignment`. Return non NULL on success, with a given memory `id`.
// (`id` is abstract, but `id = idx*MI_REGION_MAP_BITS + bitidx`)
-void* _mi_mem_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, bool* commit, bool* large, bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero, size_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld)
+void* _mi_mem_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t align_offset, bool* commit, bool* large, bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero, size_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld)
mi_assert_internal(memid != NULL && tld != NULL);
mi_assert_internal(size > 0);
@@ -355,7 +354,7 @@ void* _mi_mem_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, bool* commit, bool* l
*is_zero = false;
*is_pinned = false;
bool default_large = false;
- if (large==NULL) large = &default_large; // ensure `large != NULL`
+ if (large==NULL) large = &default_large; // ensure `large != NULL`
if (size == 0) return NULL;
size = _mi_align_up(size, _mi_os_page_size());
@@ -363,23 +362,23 @@ void* _mi_mem_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, bool* commit, bool* l
void* p = NULL;
size_t arena_memid;
const size_t blocks = mi_region_block_count(size);
- if (blocks <= MI_REGION_MAX_OBJ_BLOCKS && alignment <= MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN) {
- p = mi_region_try_alloc(blocks, commit, large, is_pinned, is_zero, memid, tld);
+ if (blocks <= MI_REGION_MAX_OBJ_BLOCKS && alignment <= MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN && align_offset == 0) {
+ p = mi_region_try_alloc(blocks, commit, large, is_pinned, is_zero, memid, tld);
if (p == NULL) {
_mi_warning_message("unable to allocate from region: size %zu\n", size);
if (p == NULL) {
// and otherwise fall back to the OS
- p = _mi_arena_alloc_aligned(size, alignment, commit, large, is_pinned, is_zero, _mi_arena_id_none(), & arena_memid, tld);
+ p = _mi_arena_alloc_aligned(size, alignment, align_offset, commit, large, is_pinned, is_zero, _mi_arena_id_none(), & arena_memid, tld);
*memid = mi_memid_create_from_arena(arena_memid);
if (p != NULL) {
- mi_assert_internal((uintptr_t)p % alignment == 0);
+ mi_assert_internal(((uintptr_t)p + align_offset) % alignment == 0);
if (*commit) { ((uint8_t*)p)[0] = 0; } // ensure the memory is committed
+ #endif
return p;
@@ -391,21 +390,22 @@ Free
// Free previously allocated memory with a given id.
-void _mi_mem_free(void* p, size_t size, size_t id, bool full_commit, bool any_reset, mi_os_tld_t* tld) {
+void _mi_mem_free(void* p, size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t align_offset, size_t id, bool full_commit, bool any_reset, mi_os_tld_t* tld) {
mi_assert_internal(size > 0 && tld != NULL);
if (p==NULL) return;
if (size==0) return;
size = _mi_align_up(size, _mi_os_page_size());
size_t arena_memid = 0;
mi_bitmap_index_t bit_idx;
mem_region_t* region;
if (mi_memid_is_arena(id,&region,&bit_idx,&arena_memid)) {
// was a direct arena allocation, pass through
- _mi_arena_free(p, size, arena_memid, full_commit, tld->stats);
+ _mi_arena_free(p, size, alignment, align_offset, arena_memid, full_commit, tld->stats);
else {
// allocated in a region
+ mi_assert_internal(align_offset == 0);
mi_assert_internal(size <= MI_REGION_MAX_OBJ_SIZE); if (size > MI_REGION_MAX_OBJ_SIZE) return;
const size_t blocks = mi_region_block_count(size);
mi_assert_internal(blocks + bit_idx <= MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS);
@@ -428,9 +428,9 @@ void _mi_mem_free(void* p, size_t size, size_t id, bool full_commit, bool any_re
// reset the blocks to reduce the working set.
- if (!info.x.is_large && !info.x.is_pinned && mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_segment_reset)
+ if (!info.x.is_large && !info.x.is_pinned && mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_segment_reset)
&& (mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_eager_commit) ||
- mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_reset_decommits))) // cannot reset halfway committed segments, use only `option_page_reset` instead
+ mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_reset_decommits))) // cannot reset halfway committed segments, use only `option_page_reset` instead
bool any_unreset;
_mi_bitmap_claim(&region->reset, 1, blocks, bit_idx, &any_unreset);
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ void _mi_mem_free(void* p, size_t size, size_t id, bool full_commit, bool any_re
_mi_abandoned_await_readers(); // ensure no more pending write (in case reset = decommit)
_mi_mem_reset(p, blocks * MI_SEGMENT_SIZE, tld);
- }
+ }
// and unclaim
bool all_unclaimed = mi_bitmap_unclaim(&region->in_use, 1, blocks, bit_idx);
@@ -467,9 +467,9 @@ void _mi_mem_collect(mi_os_tld_t* tld) {
memset((void*)&regions[i], 0, sizeof(mem_region_t)); // cast to void* to avoid atomic warning
// and release the whole region
mi_atomic_store_release(&region->info, (size_t)0);
- if (start != NULL) { // && !_mi_os_is_huge_reserved(start)) {
+ if (start != NULL) { // && !_mi_os_is_huge_reserved(start)) {
_mi_abandoned_await_readers(); // ensure no pending reads
- _mi_arena_free(start, MI_REGION_SIZE, arena_memid, (~commit == 0), tld->stats);
+ _mi_arena_free(start, MI_REGION_SIZE, MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN, 0, arena_memid, (~commit == 0), tld->stats);
@@ -482,11 +482,21 @@ void _mi_mem_collect(mi_os_tld_t* tld) {
bool _mi_mem_reset(void* p, size_t size, mi_os_tld_t* tld) {
- return _mi_os_reset(p, size, tld->stats);
+ if (mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_reset_decommits)) {
+ return _mi_os_decommit(p, size, tld->stats);
+ }
+ else {
+ return _mi_os_reset(p, size, tld->stats);
+ }
bool _mi_mem_unreset(void* p, size_t size, bool* is_zero, mi_os_tld_t* tld) {
- return _mi_os_unreset(p, size, is_zero, tld->stats);
+ if (mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_reset_decommits)) {
+ return _mi_os_commit(p, size, is_zero, tld->stats);
+ }
+ else {
+ return _mi_os_unreset(p, size, is_zero, tld->stats);
+ }
bool _mi_mem_commit(void* p, size_t size, bool* is_zero, mi_os_tld_t* tld) {
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/segment-cache.c b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/segment-cache.c
index da726716a..d93fd6441 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/segment-cache.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/segment-cache.c
@@ -45,7 +45,11 @@ static bool mi_cdecl mi_segment_cache_is_suitable(mi_bitmap_index_t bitidx, void
return _mi_arena_memid_is_suitable(slot->memid, req_arena_id);
-mi_decl_noinline void* _mi_segment_cache_pop(size_t size, mi_commit_mask_t* commit_mask, mi_commit_mask_t* decommit_mask, bool* large, bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero, mi_arena_id_t _req_arena_id, size_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld)
+mi_decl_noinline static void* mi_segment_cache_pop_ex(
+ bool all_suitable,
+ size_t size, mi_commit_mask_t* commit_mask,
+ mi_commit_mask_t* decommit_mask, bool* large, bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero,
+ mi_arena_id_t _req_arena_id, size_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld)
return NULL;
@@ -66,8 +70,8 @@ mi_decl_noinline void* _mi_segment_cache_pop(size_t size, mi_commit_mask_t* comm
mi_bitmap_index_t bitidx = 0;
bool claimed = false;
mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id = _req_arena_id;
- mi_bitmap_pred_fun_t pred_fun = &mi_segment_cache_is_suitable; // cannot pass NULL as the arena may be exclusive itself; todo: do not put exclusive arenas in the cache?
+ mi_bitmap_pred_fun_t pred_fun = (all_suitable ? NULL : &mi_segment_cache_is_suitable); // cannot pass NULL as the arena may be exclusive itself; todo: do not put exclusive arenas in the cache?
if (*large) { // large allowed?
claimed = _mi_bitmap_try_find_from_claim_pred(cache_available_large, MI_CACHE_FIELDS, start_field, 1, pred_fun, &req_arena_id, &bitidx);
if (claimed) *large = true;
@@ -97,6 +101,12 @@ mi_decl_noinline void* _mi_segment_cache_pop(size_t size, mi_commit_mask_t* comm
+mi_decl_noinline void* _mi_segment_cache_pop(size_t size, mi_commit_mask_t* commit_mask, mi_commit_mask_t* decommit_mask, bool* large, bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero, mi_arena_id_t _req_arena_id, size_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld)
+ return mi_segment_cache_pop_ex(false, size, commit_mask, decommit_mask, large, is_pinned, is_zero, _req_arena_id, memid, tld);
static mi_decl_noinline void mi_commit_mask_decommit(mi_commit_mask_t* cmask, void* p, size_t total, mi_stats_t* stats)
if (mi_commit_mask_is_empty(cmask)) {
@@ -123,14 +133,14 @@ static mi_decl_noinline void mi_commit_mask_decommit(mi_commit_mask_t* cmask, vo
-static mi_decl_noinline void mi_segment_cache_purge(bool force, mi_os_tld_t* tld)
+static mi_decl_noinline void mi_segment_cache_purge(bool visit_all, bool force, mi_os_tld_t* tld)
if (!mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_allow_decommit)) return;
mi_msecs_t now = _mi_clock_now();
size_t purged = 0;
- const size_t max_visits = (force ? MI_CACHE_MAX /* visit all */ : MI_CACHE_FIELDS /* probe at most N (=16) slots */);
- size_t idx = (force ? 0 : _mi_random_shuffle((uintptr_t)now) % MI_CACHE_MAX /* random start */ );
+ const size_t max_visits = (visit_all ? MI_CACHE_MAX /* visit all */ : MI_CACHE_FIELDS /* probe at most N (=16) slots */);
+ size_t idx = (visit_all ? 0 : _mi_random_shuffle((uintptr_t)now) % MI_CACHE_MAX /* random start */ );
for (size_t visited = 0; visited < max_visits; visited++,idx++) { // visit N slots
if (idx >= MI_CACHE_MAX) idx = 0; // wrap
mi_cache_slot_t* slot = &cache[idx];
@@ -154,13 +164,43 @@ static mi_decl_noinline void mi_segment_cache_purge(bool force, mi_os_tld_t* tld
_mi_bitmap_unclaim(cache_available, MI_CACHE_FIELDS, 1, bitidx); // make it available again for a pop
- if (!force && purged > MI_MAX_PURGE_PER_PUSH) break; // bound to no more than N purge tries per push
+ if (!visit_all && purged > MI_MAX_PURGE_PER_PUSH) break; // bound to no more than N purge tries per push
void _mi_segment_cache_collect(bool force, mi_os_tld_t* tld) {
- mi_segment_cache_purge(force, tld );
+ if (force) {
+ // called on `mi_collect(true)` but not on thread termination
+ _mi_segment_cache_free_all(tld);
+ }
+ else {
+ mi_segment_cache_purge(true /* visit all */, false /* don't force unexpired */, tld);
+ }
+void _mi_segment_cache_free_all(mi_os_tld_t* tld) {
+ mi_commit_mask_t commit_mask;
+ mi_commit_mask_t decommit_mask;
+ bool is_pinned;
+ bool is_zero;
+ size_t memid;
+ const size_t size = MI_SEGMENT_SIZE;
+ // iterate twice: first large pages, then regular memory
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ void* p;
+ do {
+ // keep popping and freeing the memory
+ bool large = (i == 0);
+ p = mi_segment_cache_pop_ex(true /* all */, size, &commit_mask, &decommit_mask,
+ &large, &is_pinned, &is_zero, _mi_arena_id_none(), &memid, tld);
+ if (p != NULL) {
+ size_t csize = _mi_commit_mask_committed_size(&commit_mask, size);
+ if (csize > 0 && !is_pinned) _mi_stat_decrease(&_mi_stats_main.committed, csize);
+ _mi_arena_free(p, size, MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN, 0, memid, is_pinned /* pretend not committed to not double count decommits */, tld->stats);
+ }
+ } while (p != NULL);
+ }
mi_decl_noinline bool _mi_segment_cache_push(void* start, size_t size, size_t memid, const mi_commit_mask_t* commit_mask, const mi_commit_mask_t* decommit_mask, bool is_large, bool is_pinned, mi_os_tld_t* tld)
@@ -181,7 +221,7 @@ mi_decl_noinline bool _mi_segment_cache_push(void* start, size_t size, size_t me
// purge expired entries
- mi_segment_cache_purge(false /* force? */, tld);
+ mi_segment_cache_purge(false /* limit purges to a constant N */, false /* don't force unexpired */, tld);
// find an available slot
mi_bitmap_index_t bitidx;
@@ -245,7 +285,7 @@ mi_decl_noinline bool _mi_segment_cache_push(void* start, size_t size, size_t me
static _Atomic(uintptr_t) mi_segment_map[MI_SEGMENT_MAP_WSIZE + 1]; // 2KiB per TB with 64MiB segments
static size_t mi_segment_map_index_of(const mi_segment_t* segment, size_t* bitidx) {
- mi_assert_internal(_mi_ptr_segment(segment) == segment); // is it aligned on MI_SEGMENT_SIZE?
+ mi_assert_internal(_mi_ptr_segment(segment + 1) == segment); // is it aligned on MI_SEGMENT_SIZE?
if ((uintptr_t)segment >= MI_MAX_ADDRESS) {
*bitidx = 0;
@@ -285,8 +325,9 @@ void _mi_segment_map_freed_at(const mi_segment_t* segment) {
// Determine the segment belonging to a pointer or NULL if it is not in a valid segment.
static mi_segment_t* _mi_segment_of(const void* p) {
+ if (p == NULL) return NULL;
mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_ptr_segment(p);
- if (segment == NULL) return NULL;
+ mi_assert_internal(segment != NULL);
size_t bitidx;
size_t index = mi_segment_map_index_of(segment, &bitidx);
// fast path: for any pointer to valid small/medium/large object or first MI_SEGMENT_SIZE in huge
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/segment.c b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/segment.c
index c76c2259e..dc98e3e7b 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/segment.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/segment.c
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ static uint8_t* _mi_segment_page_start_from_slice(const mi_segment_t* segment, c
ptrdiff_t idx = slice - segment->slices;
size_t psize = (size_t)slice->slice_count * MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE;
// make the start not OS page aligned for smaller blocks to avoid page/cache effects
- size_t start_offset = (xblock_size >= MI_INTPTR_SIZE && xblock_size <= 1024 ? MI_MAX_ALIGN_GUARANTEE : 0);
+ size_t start_offset = (xblock_size >= MI_INTPTR_SIZE && xblock_size <= 1024 ? 3*MI_MAX_ALIGN_GUARANTEE : 0);
if (page_size != NULL) { *page_size = psize - start_offset; }
return (uint8_t*)segment + ((idx*MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE) + start_offset);
@@ -336,12 +336,14 @@ static size_t mi_segment_calculate_slices(size_t required, size_t* pre_size, siz
size_t page_size = _mi_os_page_size();
size_t isize = _mi_align_up(sizeof(mi_segment_t), page_size);
size_t guardsize = 0;
if (MI_SECURE>0) {
// in secure mode, we set up a protected page in between the segment info
// and the page data (and one at the end of the segment)
- guardsize = page_size;
- required = _mi_align_up(required, page_size);
+ guardsize = page_size;
+ if (required > 0) {
+ required = _mi_align_up(required, MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE) + page_size;
+ }
if (pre_size != NULL) *pre_size = isize;
@@ -386,11 +388,13 @@ static void mi_segment_os_free(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
// _mi_os_free(segment, mi_segment_size(segment), /*segment->memid,*/ tld->stats);
const size_t size = mi_segment_size(segment);
- if (size != MI_SEGMENT_SIZE || !_mi_segment_cache_push(segment, size, segment->memid, &segment->commit_mask, &segment->decommit_mask, segment->mem_is_large, segment->mem_is_pinned, tld->os)) {
+ if (size != MI_SEGMENT_SIZE || segment->mem_align_offset != 0 || segment->kind == MI_SEGMENT_HUGE || // only push regular segments on the cache
+ !_mi_segment_cache_push(segment, size, segment->memid, &segment->commit_mask, &segment->decommit_mask, segment->mem_is_large, segment->mem_is_pinned, tld->os))
+ {
const size_t csize = _mi_commit_mask_committed_size(&segment->commit_mask, size);
if (csize > 0 && !segment->mem_is_pinned) _mi_stat_decrease(&_mi_stats_main.committed, csize);
_mi_abandoned_await_readers(); // wait until safe to free
- _mi_arena_free(segment, mi_segment_size(segment), segment->memid, segment->mem_is_pinned /* pretend not committed to not double count decommits */, tld->os);
+ _mi_arena_free(segment, mi_segment_size(segment), segment->mem_alignment, segment->mem_align_offset, segment->memid, segment->mem_is_pinned /* pretend not committed to not double count decommits */, tld->stats);
@@ -402,11 +406,11 @@ void _mi_segment_thread_collect(mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
/* -----------------------------------------------------------
- Span management
+ Commit/Decommit ranges
----------------------------------------------------------- */
static void mi_segment_commit_mask(mi_segment_t* segment, bool conservative, uint8_t* p, size_t size, uint8_t** start_p, size_t* full_size, mi_commit_mask_t* cm) {
- mi_assert_internal(_mi_ptr_segment(p) == segment);
+ mi_assert_internal(_mi_ptr_segment(p + 1) == segment);
mi_assert_internal(segment->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
if (size == 0 || size > MI_SEGMENT_SIZE || segment->kind == MI_SEGMENT_HUGE) return;
@@ -459,15 +463,6 @@ static void mi_segment_commit_mask(mi_segment_t* segment, bool conservative, uin
static bool mi_segment_commitx(mi_segment_t* segment, bool commit, uint8_t* p, size_t size, mi_stats_t* stats) {
mi_assert_internal(mi_commit_mask_all_set(&segment->commit_mask, &segment->decommit_mask));
- // try to commit in at least MI_MINIMAL_COMMIT_SIZE sizes.
- /*
- if (commit && size > 0) {
- const size_t csize = _mi_align_up(size, MI_MINIMAL_COMMIT_SIZE);
- if (p + csize <= mi_segment_end(segment)) {
- size = csize;
- }
- }
- */
// commit liberal, but decommit conservative
uint8_t* start = NULL;
size_t full_size = 0;
@@ -536,8 +531,12 @@ static void mi_segment_perhaps_decommit(mi_segment_t* segment, uint8_t* p, size_
else if (segment->decommit_expire <= now) {
// previous decommit mask already expired
- // mi_segment_delayed_decommit(segment, true, stats);
- segment->decommit_expire = now + mi_option_get(mi_option_decommit_extend_delay); // (mi_option_get(mi_option_decommit_delay) / 8); // wait a tiny bit longer in case there is a series of free's
+ if (segment->decommit_expire + mi_option_get(mi_option_decommit_extend_delay) <= now) {
+ mi_segment_delayed_decommit(segment, true, stats);
+ }
+ else {
+ segment->decommit_expire = now + mi_option_get(mi_option_decommit_extend_delay); // (mi_option_get(mi_option_decommit_delay) / 8); // wait a tiny bit longer in case there is a series of free's
+ }
else {
// previous decommit mask is not yet expired, increase the expiration by a bit.
@@ -570,12 +569,16 @@ static void mi_segment_delayed_decommit(mi_segment_t* segment, bool force, mi_st
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+ Span free
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
static bool mi_segment_is_abandoned(mi_segment_t* segment) {
return (segment->thread_id == 0);
// note: can be called on abandoned segments
-static void mi_segment_span_free(mi_segment_t* segment, size_t slice_index, size_t slice_count, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
+static void mi_segment_span_free(mi_segment_t* segment, size_t slice_index, size_t slice_count, bool allow_decommit, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
mi_assert_internal(slice_index < segment->slice_entries);
mi_span_queue_t* sq = (segment->kind == MI_SEGMENT_HUGE || mi_segment_is_abandoned(segment)
? NULL : mi_span_queue_for(slice_count,tld));
@@ -595,7 +598,9 @@ static void mi_segment_span_free(mi_segment_t* segment, size_t slice_index, size
// perhaps decommit
- mi_segment_perhaps_decommit(segment,mi_slice_start(slice),slice_count*MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE,tld->stats);
+ if (allow_decommit) {
+ mi_segment_perhaps_decommit(segment, mi_slice_start(slice), slice_count * MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE, tld->stats);
+ }
// and push it on the free page queue (if it was not a huge page)
if (sq != NULL) mi_span_queue_push( sq, slice );
@@ -657,27 +662,20 @@ static mi_slice_t* mi_segment_span_free_coalesce(mi_slice_t* slice, mi_segments_
// and add the new free page
- mi_segment_span_free(segment, mi_slice_index(slice), slice_count, tld);
+ mi_segment_span_free(segment, mi_slice_index(slice), slice_count, true, tld);
return slice;
-static void mi_segment_slice_split(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_slice_t* slice, size_t slice_count, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
- mi_assert_internal(_mi_ptr_segment(slice)==segment);
- mi_assert_internal(slice->slice_count >= slice_count);
- mi_assert_internal(slice->xblock_size > 0); // no more in free queue
- if (slice->slice_count <= slice_count) return;
- mi_assert_internal(segment->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
- size_t next_index = mi_slice_index(slice) + slice_count;
- size_t next_count = slice->slice_count - slice_count;
- mi_segment_span_free(segment, next_index, next_count, tld);
- slice->slice_count = (uint32_t)slice_count;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+ Page allocation
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
// Note: may still return NULL if committing the memory failed
static mi_page_t* mi_segment_span_allocate(mi_segment_t* segment, size_t slice_index, size_t slice_count, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
mi_assert_internal(slice_index < segment->slice_entries);
- mi_slice_t* slice = &segment->slices[slice_index];
+ mi_slice_t* const slice = &segment->slices[slice_index];
mi_assert_internal(slice->xblock_size==0 || slice->xblock_size==1);
// commit before changing the slice data
@@ -698,18 +696,21 @@ static mi_page_t* mi_segment_span_allocate(mi_segment_t* segment, size_t slice_i
size_t extra = slice_count-1;
if (slice_index + extra >= segment->slice_entries) extra = segment->slice_entries - slice_index - 1; // huge objects may have more slices than avaiable entries in the segment->slices
- slice++;
- for (size_t i = 1; i <= extra; i++, slice++) {
- slice->slice_offset = (uint32_t)(sizeof(mi_slice_t)*i);
- slice->slice_count = 0;
- slice->xblock_size = 1;
+ mi_slice_t* slice_next = slice + 1;
+ for (size_t i = 1; i <= extra; i++, slice_next++) {
+ slice_next->slice_offset = (uint32_t)(sizeof(mi_slice_t)*i);
+ slice_next->slice_count = 0;
+ slice_next->xblock_size = 1;
- // and also for the last one (if not set already) (the last one is needed for coalescing)
+ // and also for the last one (if not set already) (the last one is needed for coalescing and for large alignments)
// note: the cast is needed for ubsan since the index can be larger than MI_SLICES_PER_SEGMENT for huge allocations (see #543)
- mi_slice_t* last = &((mi_slice_t*)segment->slices)[slice_index + slice_count - 1];
- if (last < mi_segment_slices_end(segment) && last >= slice) {
- last->slice_offset = (uint32_t)(sizeof(mi_slice_t)*(slice_count-1));
+ mi_slice_t* last = slice + slice_count - 1;
+ mi_slice_t* end = (mi_slice_t*)mi_segment_slices_end(segment);
+ if (last > end) last = end;
+ if (last > slice) {
+ last->slice_offset = (uint32_t)(sizeof(mi_slice_t) * (last - slice));
last->slice_count = 0;
last->xblock_size = 1;
@@ -721,6 +722,18 @@ static mi_page_t* mi_segment_span_allocate(mi_segment_t* segment, size_t slice_i
return page;
+static void mi_segment_slice_split(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_slice_t* slice, size_t slice_count, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
+ mi_assert_internal(_mi_ptr_segment(slice) == segment);
+ mi_assert_internal(slice->slice_count >= slice_count);
+ mi_assert_internal(slice->xblock_size > 0); // no more in free queue
+ if (slice->slice_count <= slice_count) return;
+ mi_assert_internal(segment->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
+ size_t next_index = mi_slice_index(slice) + slice_count;
+ size_t next_count = slice->slice_count - slice_count;
+ mi_segment_span_free(segment, next_index, next_count, false /* don't decommit left-over part */, tld);
+ slice->slice_count = (uint32_t)slice_count;
static mi_page_t* mi_segments_page_find_and_allocate(size_t slice_count, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
mi_assert_internal(slice_count*MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE <= MI_LARGE_OBJ_SIZE_MAX);
// search from best fit up
@@ -735,20 +748,20 @@ static mi_page_t* mi_segments_page_find_and_allocate(size_t slice_count, mi_aren
// found a suitable page span
mi_span_queue_delete(sq, slice);
- if (slice->slice_count > slice_count) {
- mi_segment_slice_split(segment, slice, slice_count, tld);
- }
- mi_assert_internal(slice != NULL && slice->slice_count == slice_count && slice->xblock_size > 0);
- mi_page_t* page = mi_segment_span_allocate(segment, mi_slice_index(slice), slice->slice_count, tld);
- if (page == NULL) {
- // commit failed; return NULL but first restore the slice
- mi_segment_span_free_coalesce(slice, tld);
- return NULL;
+ if (slice->slice_count > slice_count) {
+ mi_segment_slice_split(segment, slice, slice_count, tld);
+ }
+ mi_assert_internal(slice != NULL && slice->slice_count == slice_count && slice->xblock_size > 0);
+ mi_page_t* page = mi_segment_span_allocate(segment, mi_slice_index(slice), slice->slice_count, tld);
+ if (page == NULL) {
+ // commit failed; return NULL but first restore the slice
+ mi_segment_span_free_coalesce(slice, tld);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return page;
- return page;
- }
// could not find a page..
@@ -760,108 +773,129 @@ static mi_page_t* mi_segments_page_find_and_allocate(size_t slice_count, mi_aren
Segment allocation
----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static mi_segment_t* mi_segment_os_alloc( size_t required, size_t page_alignment, bool eager_delay, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id,
+ size_t* psegment_slices, size_t* ppre_size, size_t* pinfo_slices,
+ mi_commit_mask_t* pcommit_mask, mi_commit_mask_t* pdecommit_mask,
+ bool* is_zero, bool* pcommit, mi_segments_tld_t* tld, mi_os_tld_t* os_tld)
+ // Allocate the segment from the OS
+ bool mem_large = (!eager_delay && (MI_SECURE==0)); // only allow large OS pages once we are no longer lazy
+ bool is_pinned = false;
+ size_t memid = 0;
+ size_t align_offset = 0;
+ size_t alignment = MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN;
+ if (page_alignment > 0) {
+ // mi_assert_internal(huge_page != NULL);
+ mi_assert_internal(page_alignment >= MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN);
+ alignment = page_alignment;
+ const size_t info_size = (*pinfo_slices) * MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE;
+ align_offset = _mi_align_up( info_size, MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN );
+ const size_t extra = align_offset - info_size;
+ // recalculate due to potential guard pages
+ *psegment_slices = mi_segment_calculate_slices(required + extra, ppre_size, pinfo_slices);
+ //segment_size += _mi_align_up(align_offset - info_size, MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE);
+ //segment_slices = segment_size / MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE;
+ }
+ const size_t segment_size = (*psegment_slices) * MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE;
+ mi_segment_t* segment = NULL;
+ // get from cache?
+ if (page_alignment == 0) {
+ segment = (mi_segment_t*)_mi_segment_cache_pop(segment_size, pcommit_mask, pdecommit_mask, &mem_large, &is_pinned, is_zero, req_arena_id, &memid, os_tld);
+ }
+ // get from OS
+ if (segment==NULL) {
+ segment = (mi_segment_t*)_mi_arena_alloc_aligned(segment_size, alignment, align_offset, pcommit, &mem_large, &is_pinned, is_zero, req_arena_id, &memid, os_tld);
+ if (segment == NULL) return NULL; // failed to allocate
+ if (*pcommit) {
+ mi_commit_mask_create_full(pcommit_mask);
+ }
+ else {
+ mi_commit_mask_create_empty(pcommit_mask);
+ }
+ }
+ mi_assert_internal(segment != NULL && (uintptr_t)segment % MI_SEGMENT_SIZE == 0);
+ const size_t commit_needed = _mi_divide_up((*pinfo_slices)*MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE, MI_COMMIT_SIZE);
+ mi_assert_internal(commit_needed>0);
+ mi_commit_mask_t commit_needed_mask;
+ mi_commit_mask_create(0, commit_needed, &commit_needed_mask);
+ if (!mi_commit_mask_all_set(pcommit_mask, &commit_needed_mask)) {
+ // at least commit the info slices
+ mi_assert_internal(commit_needed*MI_COMMIT_SIZE >= (*pinfo_slices)*MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE);
+ bool ok = _mi_os_commit(segment, commit_needed*MI_COMMIT_SIZE, is_zero, tld->stats);
+ if (!ok) return NULL; // failed to commit
+ mi_commit_mask_set(pcommit_mask, &commit_needed_mask);
+ }
+ mi_track_mem_undefined(segment,commit_needed);
+ segment->memid = memid;
+ segment->mem_is_pinned = is_pinned;
+ segment->mem_is_large = mem_large;
+ segment->mem_is_committed = mi_commit_mask_is_full(pcommit_mask);
+ segment->mem_alignment = alignment;
+ segment->mem_align_offset = align_offset;
+ mi_segments_track_size((long)(segment_size), tld);
+ _mi_segment_map_allocated_at(segment);
+ return segment;
// Allocate a segment from the OS aligned to `MI_SEGMENT_SIZE` .
-static mi_segment_t* mi_segment_init(mi_segment_t* segment, size_t required, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, mi_segments_tld_t* tld, mi_os_tld_t* os_tld, mi_page_t** huge_page)
+static mi_segment_t* mi_segment_alloc(size_t required, size_t page_alignment, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, mi_segments_tld_t* tld, mi_os_tld_t* os_tld, mi_page_t** huge_page)
mi_assert_internal((required==0 && huge_page==NULL) || (required>0 && huge_page != NULL));
- mi_assert_internal((segment==NULL) || (segment!=NULL && required==0));
// calculate needed sizes first
size_t info_slices;
size_t pre_size;
- const size_t segment_slices = mi_segment_calculate_slices(required, &pre_size, &info_slices);
- const size_t slice_entries = (segment_slices > MI_SLICES_PER_SEGMENT ? MI_SLICES_PER_SEGMENT : segment_slices);
- const size_t segment_size = segment_slices * MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE;
+ size_t segment_slices = mi_segment_calculate_slices(required, &pre_size, &info_slices);
// Commit eagerly only if not the first N lazy segments (to reduce impact of many threads that allocate just a little)
const bool eager_delay = (// !_mi_os_has_overcommit() && // never delay on overcommit systems
_mi_current_thread_count() > 1 && // do not delay for the first N threads
tld->count < (size_t)mi_option_get(mi_option_eager_commit_delay));
const bool eager = !eager_delay && mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_eager_commit);
- bool commit = eager || (required > 0);
- // Try to get from our cache first
- bool is_zero = false;
- const bool commit_info_still_good = (segment != NULL);
+ bool commit = eager || (required > 0);
+ bool is_zero = false;
mi_commit_mask_t commit_mask;
mi_commit_mask_t decommit_mask;
- if (segment != NULL) {
- commit_mask = segment->commit_mask;
- decommit_mask = segment->decommit_mask;
- }
- else {
- mi_commit_mask_create_empty(&commit_mask);
- mi_commit_mask_create_empty(&decommit_mask);
- }
- if (segment==NULL) {
- // Allocate the segment from the OS
- bool mem_large = (!eager_delay && (MI_SECURE==0)); // only allow large OS pages once we are no longer lazy
- bool is_pinned = false;
- size_t memid = 0;
- segment = (mi_segment_t*)_mi_segment_cache_pop(segment_size, &commit_mask, &decommit_mask, &mem_large, &is_pinned, &is_zero, req_arena_id, &memid, os_tld);
- if (segment==NULL) {
- segment = (mi_segment_t*)_mi_arena_alloc_aligned(segment_size, MI_SEGMENT_SIZE, &commit, &mem_large, &is_pinned, &is_zero, req_arena_id, &memid, os_tld);
- if (segment == NULL) return NULL; // failed to allocate
- if (commit) {
- mi_commit_mask_create_full(&commit_mask);
- }
- else {
- mi_commit_mask_create_empty(&commit_mask);
- }
- }
- mi_assert_internal(segment != NULL && (uintptr_t)segment % MI_SEGMENT_SIZE == 0);
- const size_t commit_needed = _mi_divide_up(info_slices*MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE, MI_COMMIT_SIZE);
- mi_assert_internal(commit_needed>0);
- mi_commit_mask_t commit_needed_mask;
- mi_commit_mask_create(0, commit_needed, &commit_needed_mask);
- if (!mi_commit_mask_all_set(&commit_mask, &commit_needed_mask)) {
- // at least commit the info slices
- mi_assert_internal(commit_needed*MI_COMMIT_SIZE >= info_slices*MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE);
- bool ok = _mi_os_commit(segment, commit_needed*MI_COMMIT_SIZE, &is_zero, tld->stats);
- if (!ok) return NULL; // failed to commit
- mi_commit_mask_set(&commit_mask, &commit_needed_mask);
- }
- mi_track_mem_undefined(segment,commit_needed);
- segment->memid = memid;
- segment->mem_is_pinned = is_pinned;
- segment->mem_is_large = mem_large;
- segment->mem_is_committed = mi_commit_mask_is_full(&commit_mask);
- mi_segments_track_size((long)(segment_size), tld);
- _mi_segment_map_allocated_at(segment);
- }
- // zero the segment info? -- not always needed as it is zero initialized from the OS
+ mi_commit_mask_create_empty(&commit_mask);
+ mi_commit_mask_create_empty(&decommit_mask);
+ // Allocate the segment from the OS
+ mi_segment_t* segment = mi_segment_os_alloc(required, page_alignment, eager_delay, req_arena_id,
+ &segment_slices, &pre_size, &info_slices, &commit_mask, &decommit_mask,
+ &is_zero, &commit, tld, os_tld);
+ if (segment == NULL) return NULL;
+ // zero the segment info? -- not always needed as it may be zero initialized from the OS
mi_atomic_store_ptr_release(mi_segment_t, &segment->abandoned_next, NULL); // tsan
if (!is_zero) {
ptrdiff_t ofs = offsetof(mi_segment_t, next);
size_t prefix = offsetof(mi_segment_t, slices) - ofs;
- memset((uint8_t*)segment+ofs, 0, prefix + sizeof(mi_slice_t)*segment_slices);
- }
- if (!commit_info_still_good) {
- segment->commit_mask = commit_mask; // on lazy commit, the initial part is always committed
- segment->allow_decommit = (mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_allow_decommit) && !segment->mem_is_pinned && !segment->mem_is_large);
- if (segment->allow_decommit) {
- segment->decommit_expire = _mi_clock_now() + mi_option_get(mi_option_decommit_delay);
- segment->decommit_mask = decommit_mask;
- mi_assert_internal(mi_commit_mask_all_set(&segment->commit_mask, &segment->decommit_mask));
- #if MI_DEBUG>2
- const size_t commit_needed = _mi_divide_up(info_slices*MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE, MI_COMMIT_SIZE);
- mi_commit_mask_t commit_needed_mask;
- mi_commit_mask_create(0, commit_needed, &commit_needed_mask);
- mi_assert_internal(!mi_commit_mask_any_set(&segment->decommit_mask, &commit_needed_mask));
- #endif
- }
- else {
- mi_assert_internal(mi_commit_mask_is_empty(&decommit_mask));
- segment->decommit_expire = 0;
- mi_commit_mask_create_empty( &segment->decommit_mask );
- mi_assert_internal(mi_commit_mask_is_empty(&segment->decommit_mask));
- }
+ memset((uint8_t*)segment+ofs, 0, prefix + sizeof(mi_slice_t)*(segment_slices+1)); // one more
+ segment->commit_mask = commit_mask; // on lazy commit, the initial part is always committed
+ segment->allow_decommit = (mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_allow_decommit) && !segment->mem_is_pinned && !segment->mem_is_large);
+ if (segment->allow_decommit) {
+ segment->decommit_expire = 0; // don't decommit just committed memory // _mi_clock_now() + mi_option_get(mi_option_decommit_delay);
+ segment->decommit_mask = decommit_mask;
+ mi_assert_internal(mi_commit_mask_all_set(&segment->commit_mask, &segment->decommit_mask));
+ #if MI_DEBUG>2
+ const size_t commit_needed = _mi_divide_up(info_slices*MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE, MI_COMMIT_SIZE);
+ mi_commit_mask_t commit_needed_mask;
+ mi_commit_mask_create(0, commit_needed, &commit_needed_mask);
+ mi_assert_internal(!mi_commit_mask_any_set(&segment->decommit_mask, &commit_needed_mask));
+ #endif
+ }
// initialize segment info
+ const size_t slice_entries = (segment_slices > MI_SLICES_PER_SEGMENT ? MI_SLICES_PER_SEGMENT : segment_slices);
segment->segment_slices = segment_slices;
segment->segment_info_slices = info_slices;
segment->thread_id = _mi_thread_id();
@@ -896,7 +930,7 @@ static mi_segment_t* mi_segment_init(mi_segment_t* segment, size_t required, mi_
// initialize initial free pages
if (segment->kind == MI_SEGMENT_NORMAL) { // not a huge page
- mi_segment_span_free(segment, info_slices, segment->slice_entries - info_slices, tld);
+ mi_segment_span_free(segment, info_slices, segment->slice_entries - info_slices, false /* don't decommit */, tld);
else {
@@ -911,12 +945,6 @@ static mi_segment_t* mi_segment_init(mi_segment_t* segment, size_t required, mi_
-// Allocate a segment from the OS aligned to `MI_SEGMENT_SIZE` .
-static mi_segment_t* mi_segment_alloc(size_t required, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, mi_segments_tld_t* tld, mi_os_tld_t* os_tld, mi_page_t** huge_page) {
- return mi_segment_init(NULL, required, req_arena_id, tld, os_tld, huge_page);
static void mi_segment_free(mi_segment_t* segment, bool force, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
mi_assert_internal(segment != NULL);
@@ -1058,7 +1086,7 @@ static mi_decl_cache_align _Atomic(mi_segment_t*) abandoned_visited; // =
static mi_decl_cache_align _Atomic(mi_tagged_segment_t) abandoned; // = NULL
// Maintain these for debug purposes (these counts may be a bit off)
-static mi_decl_cache_align _Atomic(size_t) abandoned_count;
+static mi_decl_cache_align _Atomic(size_t) abandoned_count;
static mi_decl_cache_align _Atomic(size_t) abandoned_visited_count;
// We also maintain a count of current readers of the abandoned list
@@ -1369,7 +1397,7 @@ static mi_segment_t* mi_segment_try_reclaim(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t needed_slice
*reclaimed = false;
mi_segment_t* segment;
- long max_tries = mi_option_get_clamp(mi_option_max_segment_reclaim, 8, 1024); // limit the work to bound allocation times
+ long max_tries = mi_option_get_clamp(mi_option_max_segment_reclaim, 8, 1024); // limit the work to bound allocation times
while ((max_tries-- > 0) && ((segment = mi_abandoned_pop()) != NULL)) {
// todo: an arena exclusive heap will potentially visit many abandoned unsuitable segments
@@ -1432,7 +1460,7 @@ void _mi_abandoned_collect(mi_heap_t* heap, bool force, mi_segments_tld_t* tld)
Reclaim or allocate
----------------------------------------------------------- */
-static mi_segment_t* mi_segment_reclaim_or_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t needed_slices, size_t block_size, mi_segments_tld_t* tld, mi_os_tld_t* os_tld)
+static mi_segment_t* mi_segment_reclaim_or_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t needed_slices, size_t block_size, mi_segments_tld_t* tld, mi_os_tld_t* os_tld)
mi_assert_internal(block_size < MI_HUGE_BLOCK_SIZE);
mi_assert_internal(block_size <= MI_LARGE_OBJ_SIZE_MAX);
@@ -1450,7 +1478,7 @@ static mi_segment_t* mi_segment_reclaim_or_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t needed_
return segment;
// 2. otherwise allocate a fresh segment
- return mi_segment_alloc(0, heap->arena_id, tld, os_tld, NULL);
+ return mi_segment_alloc(0, 0, heap->arena_id, tld, os_tld, NULL);
@@ -1490,17 +1518,37 @@ static mi_page_t* mi_segments_page_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_kind_t page_ki
Huge page allocation
----------------------------------------------------------- */
-static mi_page_t* mi_segment_huge_page_alloc(size_t size, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, mi_segments_tld_t* tld, mi_os_tld_t* os_tld)
+static mi_page_t* mi_segment_huge_page_alloc(size_t size, size_t page_alignment, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, mi_segments_tld_t* tld, mi_os_tld_t* os_tld)
mi_page_t* page = NULL;
- mi_segment_t* segment = mi_segment_alloc(size,req_arena_id,tld,os_tld,&page);
+ mi_segment_t* segment = mi_segment_alloc(size,page_alignment,req_arena_id,tld,os_tld,&page);
if (segment == NULL || page==NULL) return NULL;
mi_assert_internal(mi_page_block_size(page) >= size);
segment->thread_id = 0; // huge segments are immediately abandoned
+ #endif
+ // for huge pages we initialize the xblock_size as we may
+ // overallocate to accommodate large alignments.
+ size_t psize;
+ uint8_t* start = _mi_segment_page_start(segment, page, &psize);
+ page->xblock_size = (psize > MI_HUGE_BLOCK_SIZE ? MI_HUGE_BLOCK_SIZE : (uint32_t)psize);
+ // decommit the part of the prefix of a page that will not be used; this can be quite large (close to MI_SEGMENT_SIZE)
+ if (page_alignment > 0 && segment->allow_decommit) {
+ uint8_t* aligned_p = (uint8_t*)_mi_align_up((uintptr_t)start, page_alignment);
+ mi_assert_internal(_mi_is_aligned(aligned_p, page_alignment));
+ mi_assert_internal(psize - (aligned_p - start) >= size);
+ uint8_t* decommit_start = start + sizeof(mi_block_t); // for the free list
+ ptrdiff_t decommit_size = aligned_p - decommit_start;
+ _mi_os_decommit(decommit_start, decommit_size, &_mi_stats_main); // note: cannot use segment_decommit on huge segments
+ }
return page;
// free huge block from another thread
void _mi_segment_huge_page_free(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_page_t* page, mi_block_t* block) {
// huge page segments are always abandoned and can be freed immediately by any thread
@@ -1528,12 +1576,34 @@ void _mi_segment_huge_page_free(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_page_t* page, mi_block
+// reset memory of a huge block from another thread
+void _mi_segment_huge_page_reset(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_page_t* page, mi_block_t* block) {
+ MI_UNUSED(page);
+ mi_assert_internal(segment->kind == MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
+ mi_assert_internal(segment == _mi_page_segment(page));
+ mi_assert_internal(page->used == 1); // this is called just before the free
+ mi_assert_internal(page->free == NULL);
+ if (segment->allow_decommit) {
+ const size_t csize = mi_usable_size(block) - sizeof(mi_block_t);
+ uint8_t* p = (uint8_t*)block + sizeof(mi_block_t);
+ _mi_os_decommit(p, csize, &_mi_stats_main); // note: cannot use segment_decommit on huge segments
+ }
/* -----------------------------------------------------------
Page allocation and free
----------------------------------------------------------- */
-mi_page_t* _mi_segment_page_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t block_size, mi_segments_tld_t* tld, mi_os_tld_t* os_tld) {
+mi_page_t* _mi_segment_page_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t block_size, size_t page_alignment, mi_segments_tld_t* tld, mi_os_tld_t* os_tld) {
mi_page_t* page;
- if (block_size <= MI_SMALL_OBJ_SIZE_MAX) {
+ if mi_unlikely(page_alignment > MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX) {
+ mi_assert_internal(_mi_is_power_of_two(page_alignment));
+ mi_assert_internal(page_alignment >= MI_SEGMENT_SIZE);
+ if (page_alignment < MI_SEGMENT_SIZE) { page_alignment = MI_SEGMENT_SIZE; }
+ page = mi_segment_huge_page_alloc(block_size,page_alignment,heap->arena_id,tld,os_tld);
+ }
+ else if (block_size <= MI_SMALL_OBJ_SIZE_MAX) {
page = mi_segments_page_alloc(heap,MI_PAGE_SMALL,block_size,block_size,tld,os_tld);
else if (block_size <= MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX) {
@@ -1543,7 +1613,7 @@ mi_page_t* _mi_segment_page_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t block_size, mi_segment
page = mi_segments_page_alloc(heap,MI_PAGE_LARGE,block_size,block_size,tld, os_tld);
else {
- page = mi_segment_huge_page_alloc(block_size,heap->arena_id,tld,os_tld);
+ page = mi_segment_huge_page_alloc(block_size,page_alignment,heap->arena_id,tld,os_tld);
mi_assert_internal(page == NULL || _mi_heap_memid_is_suitable(heap, _mi_page_segment(page)->memid));
mi_assert_expensive(page == NULL || mi_segment_is_valid(_mi_page_segment(page),tld));
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/stats.c b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/stats.c
index f82c7c67f..2a8b9404f 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/stats.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/mimalloc/src/stats.c
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
static bool mi_is_in_main(void* stat) {
return ((uint8_t*)stat >= (uint8_t*)&_mi_stats_main
- && (uint8_t*)stat < ((uint8_t*)&_mi_stats_main + sizeof(mi_stats_t)));
+ && (uint8_t*)stat < ((uint8_t*)&_mi_stats_main + sizeof(mi_stats_t)));
static void mi_stat_update(mi_stat_count_t* stat, int64_t amount) {
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ static void mi_stat_update(mi_stat_count_t* stat, int64_t amount) {
-void _mi_stat_counter_increase(mi_stat_counter_t* stat, size_t amount) {
+void _mi_stat_counter_increase(mi_stat_counter_t* stat, size_t amount) {
if (mi_is_in_main(stat)) {
mi_atomic_addi64_relaxed( &stat->count, 1 );
mi_atomic_addi64_relaxed( &stat->total, (int64_t)amount );
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ static void mi_stat_add(mi_stat_count_t* stat, const mi_stat_count_t* src, int64
mi_atomic_addi64_relaxed( &stat->allocated, src->allocated * unit);
mi_atomic_addi64_relaxed( &stat->current, src->current * unit);
mi_atomic_addi64_relaxed( &stat->freed, src->freed * unit);
- // peak scores do not work across threads..
+ // peak scores do not work across threads..
mi_atomic_addi64_relaxed( &stat->peak, src->peak * unit);
@@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ static void mi_stats_add(mi_stats_t* stats, const mi_stats_t* src) {
Display statistics
----------------------------------------------------------- */
-// unit > 0 : size in binary bytes
+// unit > 0 : size in binary bytes
// unit == 0: count as decimal
// unit < 0 : count in binary
static void mi_printf_amount(int64_t n, int64_t unit, mi_output_fun* out, void* arg, const char* fmt) {
- char buf[32]; buf[0] = 0;
+ char buf[32]; buf[0] = 0;
int len = 32;
const char* suffix = (unit <= 0 ? " " : "B");
const int64_t base = (unit == 0 ? 1000 : 1024);
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ static void mi_printf_amount(int64_t n, int64_t unit, mi_output_fun* out, void*
else {
- int64_t divider = base;
+ int64_t divider = base;
const char* magnitude = "K";
if (pos >= divider*base) { divider *= base; magnitude = "M"; }
if (pos >= divider*base) { divider *= base; magnitude = "G"; }
@@ -170,19 +170,23 @@ static void mi_print_count(int64_t n, int64_t unit, mi_output_fun* out, void* ar
else mi_print_amount(n,0,out,arg);
-static void mi_stat_print(const mi_stat_count_t* stat, const char* msg, int64_t unit, mi_output_fun* out, void* arg ) {
+static void mi_stat_print_ex(const mi_stat_count_t* stat, const char* msg, int64_t unit, mi_output_fun* out, void* arg, const char* notok ) {
_mi_fprintf(out, arg,"%10s:", msg);
- if (unit>0) {
+ if (unit > 0) {
mi_print_amount(stat->peak, unit, out, arg);
mi_print_amount(stat->allocated, unit, out, arg);
mi_print_amount(stat->freed, unit, out, arg);
mi_print_amount(stat->current, unit, out, arg);
mi_print_amount(unit, 1, out, arg);
mi_print_count(stat->allocated, unit, out, arg);
- if (stat->allocated > stat->freed)
- _mi_fprintf(out, arg, " not all freed!\n");
- else
+ if (stat->allocated > stat->freed) {
+ _mi_fprintf(out, arg, " ");
+ _mi_fprintf(out, arg, (notok == NULL ? "not all freed!" : notok));
+ _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "\n");
+ }
+ else {
_mi_fprintf(out, arg, " ok\n");
+ }
else if (unit<0) {
mi_print_amount(stat->peak, -1, out, arg);
@@ -204,12 +208,16 @@ static void mi_stat_print(const mi_stat_count_t* stat, const char* msg, int64_t
else {
mi_print_amount(stat->peak, 1, out, arg);
mi_print_amount(stat->allocated, 1, out, arg);
- _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "%11s", " "); // no freed
+ _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "%11s", " "); // no freed
mi_print_amount(stat->current, 1, out, arg);
_mi_fprintf(out, arg, "\n");
+static void mi_stat_print(const mi_stat_count_t* stat, const char* msg, int64_t unit, mi_output_fun* out, void* arg) {
+ mi_stat_print_ex(stat, msg, unit, out, arg, NULL);
static void mi_stat_counter_print(const mi_stat_counter_t* stat, const char* msg, mi_output_fun* out, void* arg ) {
_mi_fprintf(out, arg, "%10s:", msg);
mi_print_amount(stat->total, -1, out, arg);
@@ -217,7 +225,7 @@ static void mi_stat_counter_print(const mi_stat_counter_t* stat, const char* msg
static void mi_stat_counter_print_avg(const mi_stat_counter_t* stat, const char* msg, mi_output_fun* out, void* arg) {
- const int64_t avg_tens = (stat->count == 0 ? 0 : (stat->total*10 / stat->count));
+ const int64_t avg_tens = (stat->count == 0 ? 0 : (stat->total*10 / stat->count));
const long avg_whole = (long)(avg_tens/10);
const long avg_frac1 = (long)(avg_tens%10);
_mi_fprintf(out, arg, "%10s: %5ld.%ld avg\n", msg, avg_whole, avg_frac1);
@@ -257,7 +265,7 @@ typedef struct buffered_s {
mi_output_fun* out; // original output function
void* arg; // and state
char* buf; // local buffer of at least size `count+1`
- size_t used; // currently used chars `used <= count`
+ size_t used; // currently used chars `used <= count`
size_t count; // total chars available for output
} buffered_t;
@@ -312,8 +320,8 @@ static void _mi_stats_print(mi_stats_t* stats, mi_output_fun* out0, void* arg0)
mi_stat_print(&stats->malloc, "malloc req", 1, out, arg);
_mi_fprintf(out, arg, "\n");
- mi_stat_print(&stats->reserved, "reserved", 1, out, arg);
- mi_stat_print(&stats->committed, "committed", 1, out, arg);
+ mi_stat_print_ex(&stats->reserved, "reserved", 1, out, arg, "");
+ mi_stat_print_ex(&stats->committed, "committed", 1, out, arg, "");
mi_stat_print(&stats->reset, "reset", 1, out, arg);
mi_stat_print(&stats->page_committed, "touched", 1, out, arg);
mi_stat_print(&stats->segments, "segments", -1, out, arg);
@@ -328,7 +336,7 @@ static void _mi_stats_print(mi_stats_t* stats, mi_output_fun* out0, void* arg0)
mi_stat_print(&stats->threads, "threads", -1, out, arg);
mi_stat_counter_print_avg(&stats->searches, "searches", out, arg);
_mi_fprintf(out, arg, "%10s: %7zu\n", "numa nodes", _mi_os_numa_node_count());
mi_msecs_t elapsed;
mi_msecs_t user_time;
mi_msecs_t sys_time;
@@ -346,7 +354,7 @@ static void _mi_stats_print(mi_stats_t* stats, mi_output_fun* out0, void* arg0)
_mi_fprintf(out, arg, ", commit: ");
mi_printf_amount((int64_t)peak_commit, 1, out, arg, "%s");
- _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "\n");
+ _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "\n");
static mi_msecs_t mi_process_start; // = 0
@@ -406,7 +414,7 @@ static mi_msecs_t mi_to_msecs(LARGE_INTEGER t) {
mfreq.QuadPart = f.QuadPart/1000LL;
if (mfreq.QuadPart == 0) mfreq.QuadPart = 1;
- return (mi_msecs_t)(t.QuadPart / mfreq.QuadPart);
+ return (mi_msecs_t)(t.QuadPart / mfreq.QuadPart);
mi_msecs_t _mi_clock_now(void) {
@@ -421,7 +429,7 @@ mi_msecs_t _mi_clock_now(void) {
struct timespec t;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t);
- #else
+ #else
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &t);
return ((mi_msecs_t)t.tv_sec * 1000) + ((mi_msecs_t)t.tv_nsec / 1000000);
@@ -457,8 +465,6 @@ mi_msecs_t _mi_clock_end(mi_msecs_t start) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <windows.h>
-#include <psapi.h>
-#pragma comment(lib,"psapi.lib")
static mi_msecs_t filetime_msecs(const FILETIME* ftime) {
@@ -468,7 +474,23 @@ static mi_msecs_t filetime_msecs(const FILETIME* ftime) {
return msecs;
-static void mi_stat_process_info(mi_msecs_t* elapsed, mi_msecs_t* utime, mi_msecs_t* stime, size_t* current_rss, size_t* peak_rss, size_t* current_commit, size_t* peak_commit, size_t* page_faults)
+typedef struct _PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS {
+ DWORD cb;
+ DWORD PageFaultCount;
+ SIZE_T PeakWorkingSetSize;
+ SIZE_T WorkingSetSize;
+ SIZE_T QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage;
+ SIZE_T QuotaPagedPoolUsage;
+ SIZE_T QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage;
+ SIZE_T QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage;
+ SIZE_T PagefileUsage;
+ SIZE_T PeakPagefileUsage;
+static PGetProcessMemoryInfo pGetProcessMemoryInfo = NULL;
+static void mi_stat_process_info(mi_msecs_t* elapsed, mi_msecs_t* utime, mi_msecs_t* stime, size_t* current_rss, size_t* peak_rss, size_t* current_commit, size_t* peak_commit, size_t* page_faults)
*elapsed = _mi_clock_end(mi_process_start);
@@ -478,13 +500,26 @@ static void mi_stat_process_info(mi_msecs_t* elapsed, mi_msecs_t* utime, mi_msec
GetProcessTimes(GetCurrentProcess(), &ct, &et, &st, &ut);
*utime = filetime_msecs(&ut);
*stime = filetime_msecs(&st);
+ // load psapi on demand
+ if (pGetProcessMemoryInfo == NULL) {
+ HINSTANCE hDll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("psapi.dll"));
+ if (hDll != NULL) {
+ pGetProcessMemoryInfo = (PGetProcessMemoryInfo)(void (*)(void))GetProcAddress(hDll, "GetProcessMemoryInfo");
+ }
+ }
+ // get process info
- GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), &info, sizeof(info));
+ memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
+ if (pGetProcessMemoryInfo != NULL) {
+ pGetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), &info, sizeof(info));
+ }
*current_rss = (size_t)info.WorkingSetSize;
*peak_rss = (size_t)info.PeakWorkingSetSize;
*current_commit = (size_t)info.PagefileUsage;
*peak_commit = (size_t)info.PeakPagefileUsage;
- *page_faults = (size_t)info.PageFaultCount;
+ *page_faults = (size_t)info.PageFaultCount;
#elif !defined(__wasi__) && (defined(__unix__) || defined(__unix) || defined(unix) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__HAIKU__))
@@ -517,7 +552,7 @@ static void mi_stat_process_info(mi_msecs_t* elapsed, mi_msecs_t* utime, mi_msec
// estimate commit using our stats
*peak_commit = (size_t)(mi_atomic_loadi64_relaxed((_Atomic(int64_t)*)&_mi_stats_main.committed.peak));
*current_commit = (size_t)(mi_atomic_loadi64_relaxed((_Atomic(int64_t)*)&_mi_stats_main.committed.current));
- *current_rss = *current_commit; // estimate
+ *current_rss = *current_commit; // estimate
#if defined(__HAIKU__)
// Haiku does not have (yet?) a way to
// get these stats per process
@@ -538,7 +573,7 @@ static void mi_stat_process_info(mi_msecs_t* elapsed, mi_msecs_t* utime, mi_msec
*peak_rss = rusage.ru_maxrss * 1024; // Linux reports in KiB
@@ -570,7 +605,7 @@ mi_decl_export void mi_process_info(size_t* elapsed_msecs, size_t* user_msecs, s
size_t peak_rss0 = 0;
size_t current_commit0 = 0;
size_t peak_commit0 = 0;
- size_t page_faults0 = 0;
+ size_t page_faults0 = 0;
mi_stat_process_info(&elapsed,&utime, &stime, &current_rss0, &peak_rss0, &current_commit0, &peak_commit0, &page_faults0);
if (elapsed_msecs!=NULL) *elapsed_msecs = (elapsed < 0 ? 0 : (elapsed < (mi_msecs_t)PTRDIFF_MAX ? (size_t)elapsed : PTRDIFF_MAX));
if (user_msecs!=NULL) *user_msecs = (utime < 0 ? 0 : (utime < (mi_msecs_t)PTRDIFF_MAX ? (size_t)utime : PTRDIFF_MAX));
@@ -581,4 +616,3 @@ mi_decl_export void mi_process_info(size_t* elapsed_msecs, size_t* user_msecs, s
if (peak_commit!=NULL) *peak_commit = peak_commit0;
if (page_faults!=NULL) *page_faults = page_faults0;
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/readme.txt b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/readme.txt
index 8af76f93a..d41ecb58a 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/libraries/readme.txt
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/libraries/readme.txt
@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ The avl and hnj libraries are adapted to Lua(Meta)TeX and might get some more ad
on our needs. The decnumber library that is also used in mplib is unchanged.
In mimalloc we need to patch init.c: #if defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_ARM64) to get rid of a link
+error as well as in options.c some snprint issue with the mingw64 cross compiler:
+/* HH */ snprintf(tprefix, sizeof(tprefix), "%sthread 0x%x: ", prefix, (unsigned) _mi_thread_id()); /* HH: %z is unknown */
In decNumber.c this got added:
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/luametatex.h b/source/luametatex/source/luametatex.h
index b46922a11..d0e6ad7e4 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/luametatex.h
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/luametatex.h
@@ -87,9 +87,9 @@
# include "tex/textypes.h"
# define luametatex_version 210
-# define luametatex_revision 04
-# define luametatex_version_string "2.10.04"
-# define luametatex_development_id 20221222
+# define luametatex_revision 05
+# define luametatex_version_string "2.10.05"
+# define luametatex_development_id 20221228
# define luametatex_name_camelcase "LuaMetaTeX"
# define luametatex_name_lowercase "luametatex"
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/tex/texalign.c b/source/luametatex/source/tex/texalign.c
index f35bb50b5..46d3153cf 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/tex/texalign.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/tex/texalign.c
@@ -287,7 +287,6 @@ static alignment_state_info lmt_alignment_state = {
static void tex_aux_wipe_row_state(void)
- delete_attribute_reference(lmt_alignment_state.row_state.attrlist);
lmt_alignment_state.row_state.attrlist = null;
lmt_alignment_state.row_state.orientation = 0;
lmt_alignment_state.row_state.xoffset = 0;
@@ -619,7 +618,7 @@ static void tex_aux_scan_align_spec(quarterword c)
if (! attrlist) {
/* this alse sets the reference when not yet set */
attrlist = tex_current_attribute_list();
- }
+ }
/*tex Now we're referenced. We need to preserve this over the group. */
tex_set_saved_record(saved_align_specification, box_spec_save_type, mode, amount);
@@ -693,6 +692,8 @@ static void tex_aux_run_no_align(void)
if (eq_value(register_attribute_location(i)) != v) {
if (lmt_alignment_state.row_state.attrlist) {
lmt_alignment_state.row_state.attrlist = tex_patch_attribute_list(lmt_alignment_state.row_state.attrlist, i, v);
+ } else if (lmt_alignment_state.attr_list) {
+ lmt_alignment_state.row_state.attrlist = tex_copy_attribute_list_set(lmt_alignment_state.attr_list, i, v);
} else {
lmt_alignment_state.row_state.attrlist = tex_copy_attribute_list_set(tex_current_attribute_list(), i, v);
@@ -802,11 +803,6 @@ static void tex_aux_run_no_align(void)
lmt_alignment_state.row_state_set = done;
- if (! lmt_alignment_state.row_state.attrlist) {
- /* this alse sets the reference when not yet set */
- lmt_alignment_state.row_state.attrlist = tex_current_attribute_list();
- }
- add_attribute_reference(lmt_alignment_state.row_state.attrlist);
/* */
if (! brace) {
@@ -2051,6 +2047,8 @@ void tex_cleanup_alignments(void)
lmt_alignment_state.hold_token_head = null;
lmt_alignment_state.omit_template = null;
+ delete_attribute_reference(lmt_alignment_state.attr_list);
+ lmt_alignment_state.attr_list = null;
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/tex/texcommands.c b/source/luametatex/source/tex/texcommands.c
index 615db76c9..5c8328d52 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/tex/texcommands.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/tex/texcommands.c
@@ -879,7 +879,9 @@ void tex_initialize_commands(void)
tex_primitive(tex_command, "box", make_box_cmd, box_code, 0);
tex_primitive(tex_command, "copy", make_box_cmd, copy_code, 0);
tex_primitive(tex_command, "lastbox", make_box_cmd, last_box_code, 0);
+ tex_primitive(luatex_command, "tsplit", make_box_cmd, tsplit_code, 0);
tex_primitive(tex_command, "vsplit", make_box_cmd, vsplit_code, 0);
+ tex_primitive(luatex_command, "dsplit", make_box_cmd, dsplit_code, 0);
tex_primitive(luatex_command, "tpack", make_box_cmd, tpack_code, 0);
tex_primitive(luatex_command, "vpack", make_box_cmd, vpack_code, 0);
tex_primitive(luatex_command, "hpack", make_box_cmd, hpack_code, 0);
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/tex/texdumpdata.h b/source/luametatex/source/tex/texdumpdata.h
index 31d422784..a386ca3ba 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/tex/texdumpdata.h
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/tex/texdumpdata.h
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
-# define luametatex_format_fingerprint 681
+# define luametatex_format_fingerprint 682
/* These end up in the string pool. */
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/tex/texmainbody.c b/source/luametatex/source/tex/texmainbody.c
index 57b7d34be..4dd9c37a0 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/tex/texmainbody.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/tex/texmainbody.c
@@ -374,6 +374,13 @@ void tex_main_body(void)
+ /*tex
+ We assume that |ignore_depth_criterium_par| is unchanged. If needed we can always do
+ this:
+ */
+ /* cur_list.prev_depth = ignore_depth_criterium_par; */
/*tex Ready to go, so come to life. */
lmt_error_state.history = spotless;
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/tex/texnesting.c b/source/luametatex/source/tex/texnesting.c
index f29bfe0a2..4ec68b28b 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/tex/texnesting.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/tex/texnesting.c
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ void tex_initialize_nesting(void)
cur_list.delim = null;
cur_list.prev_graf = 0;
cur_list.mode_line = 0;
- cur_list.prev_depth = ignore_depth_criterium_par;
+ cur_list.prev_depth = ignore_depth; /*tex |ignore_depth_criterium_par| is not yet available! */
cur_list.space_factor = 1000;
cur_list.incomplete_noad = null;
cur_list.direction_stack = null;
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/tex/texpackaging.c b/source/luametatex/source/tex/texpackaging.c
index 3cea2b7b8..6ad1f5718 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/tex/texpackaging.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/tex/texpackaging.c
@@ -2312,6 +2312,52 @@ halfword tex_filtered_vpack(halfword p, scaled h, int m, scaled maxdepth, int gr
return q;
+static scaled tex_aux_first_height(halfword boxnode)
+ halfword list = box_list(boxnode);
+ if (list) {
+ switch (node_type(list)) {
+ case hlist_node:
+ case vlist_node:
+ return box_height(list);
+ case rule_node:
+ return rule_height(list);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void tex_aux_set_vnature(halfword boxnode, int nature)
+ switch (nature) {
+ case vtop_code:
+ case tsplit_code:
+ {
+ /*tex
+ Read just the height and depth of |boxnode| (|boxnode|), for |\vtop|. The height of
+ a |\vtop| box is inherited from the first item on its list, if that item is an
+ |hlist_node|, |vlist_node|, or |rule_node|; otherwise the |\vtop| height is zero.
+ */
+ scaled height = tex_aux_first_height(boxnode);
+ box_depth(boxnode) = box_total(boxnode) - height;
+ box_height(boxnode) = height;
+ box_package_state(boxnode) = vtop_package_state;
+ }
+ break;
+ case vbox_code:
+ case vsplit_code:
+ box_package_state(boxnode) = vbox_package_state;
+ break;
+ case dbox_code:
+ case dsplit_code:
+ box_package_state(boxnode) = dbox_package_state;
+ break;
+ }
Here we always start out in l2r mode and without shift. After all we need to be compatible with
how it was before.
@@ -2358,21 +2404,6 @@ void tex_finish_vcenter_group(void)
-static scaled tex_aux_first_height(halfword boxnode)
- halfword list = box_list(boxnode);
- if (list) {
- switch (node_type(list)) {
- case hlist_node:
- case vlist_node:
- return box_height(list);
- case rule_node:
- return rule_height(list);
- }
- }
- return 0;
void tex_package(singleword nature)
halfword slot, context, spec, dirptr, attrlist, justpack, orientation, anchor, geometry, source, target, axis, mainclass, state, retain;
@@ -2409,29 +2440,7 @@ void tex_package(singleword nature)
} else {
boxnode = tex_filtered_vpack(node_next(cur_list.head), spec, saved_level(saved_full_spec_item_packaging),
maxdepth, grp, saved_level(saved_full_spec_item_direction), justpack, attrlist, state, retain);
- switch (nature) {
- case vtop_code:
- {
- /*tex
- Read just the height and depth of |boxnode| (|boxnode|), for |\vtop|. The height of
- a |\vtop| box is inherited from the first item on its list, if that item is an
- |hlist_node|, |vlist_node|, or |rule_node|; otherwise the |\vtop| height is zero.
- */
- scaled height = tex_aux_first_height(boxnode);
- box_depth(boxnode) = box_total(boxnode) - height;
- box_height(boxnode) = height;
- box_package_state(boxnode) = vtop_package_state;
- }
- break;
- case vbox_code:
- box_package_state(boxnode) = vbox_package_state;
- break;
- case dbox_code:
- box_package_state(boxnode) = dbox_package_state;
- break;
- }
+ tex_aux_set_vnature(boxnode, nature);
if (dirptr) {
/*tex Adjust back |text_dir_ptr| for |scan_spec| */
@@ -2679,7 +2688,9 @@ void tex_run_unpackage(void)
cur_list.tail = tex_tail_of_node_list(tail);
+ case tsplit_code:
case vsplit_code:
+ case dsplit_code:
tex_try_couple_nodes(tail, lmt_packaging_state.split_discards_head);
lmt_packaging_state.split_discards_head = null;
@@ -3264,7 +3275,9 @@ void tex_begin_box(int boxcontext, scaled shift, halfword slot)
+ case tsplit_code:
case vsplit_code:
+ case dsplit_code:
Split off part of a vertical box, make |boxnode| point to it. Here we deal with
@@ -3274,24 +3287,47 @@ void tex_begin_box(int boxcontext, scaled shift, halfword slot)
halfword mode = packing_exactly ;
halfword index = tex_scan_box_register_number();
halfword size = 0;
- switch (tex_scan_character("utUT", 0, 1, 0)) {
- case 'u': case 'U':
- if (tex_scan_mandate_keyword("upto", 1)) {
- mode = packing_additional;
- size = tex_scan_dimen(0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
- }
- break;
- case 't': case 'T':
- if (tex_scan_mandate_keyword("to", 1)) {
- mode = packing_exactly ;
- size = tex_scan_dimen(0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
- }
- break;
- default:
- tex_aux_show_keyword_error("upto|to");
- break;
+ halfword attrlist = null;
+ while (1) {
+ switch (tex_scan_character("adtuvADTUV", 0, 1, 0)) {
+ case 0:
+ goto DONE;
+ case 'a': case 'A':
+ if (tex_scan_mandate_keyword("attr", 1)) {
+ halfword i = tex_scan_attribute_register_number();
+ halfword v = tex_scan_int(1, NULL);
+ if (eq_value(register_attribute_location(i)) != v) {
+ if (attrlist) {
+ attrlist = tex_patch_attribute_list(attrlist, i, v);
+ } else {
+ attrlist = tex_copy_attribute_list_set(tex_current_attribute_list(), i, v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 't': case 'T':
+ if (tex_scan_mandate_keyword("to", 1)) {
+ mode = packing_exactly ;
+ size = tex_scan_dimen(0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'u': case 'U':
+ if (tex_scan_mandate_keyword("upto", 1)) {
+ mode = packing_additional;
+ size = tex_scan_dimen(0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ tex_aux_show_keyword_error("attr|upto|to|vbox|vtop|dbox");
+ goto DONE;
+ }
boxnode = tex_vsplit(index, size, mode);
+ tex_aux_set_vnature(boxnode, code);
+ if (attrlist) {
+ tex_attach_attribute_list_attribute(boxnode, attrlist);
+ }
case insert_box_code:
@@ -3337,65 +3373,74 @@ void tex_begin_box(int boxcontext, scaled shift, halfword slot)
box. The juggling with codes and addition or subtraction was somewhat messy.
- /* case tpack_code: */
- /* case vpack_code: */
- /* case hpack_code: */
- /* case dpack_code: */
- /* case vtop_code: */
- /* case vbox_code: */
- /* case hbox_code: */
- /* case dbox_code: */
- int just_pack = 0;
- quarterword spec_direction = direction_unknown;
- /*tex 0 or |vmode| or |hmode| */
- halfword mode; /* todo */
+ quarterword direction;
+ int justpack = 0;
+ int group = vbox_group;
+ int mode = vmode;
+ int adjusted = 0;
+ switch (abs(cur_list.mode)) {
+ case vmode:
+ direction = dir_lefttoright;
+ if (boxcontext == direct_box_flag) {
+ adjusted = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case hmode:
+ direction = (singleword) text_direction_par;
+ break;
+ case mmode:
+ direction = (singleword) math_direction_par;
+ break;
+ default:
+ direction = direction_unknown;
+ break;
+ }
switch (code) {
case tpack_code:
- code = vtop_code;
- just_pack = 1;
+ // mode = vmode;
+ justpack = 1;
+ group = vtop_group;
case vpack_code:
- code = vtop_code + vmode;
- just_pack = 1;
+ // mode = vmode;
+ justpack = 1;
+ // group = vbox_group;
case hpack_code:
- code = vtop_code + hmode;
- just_pack = 1;
+ mode = hmode;
+ justpack = 1;
+ group = adjusted ? adjusted_hbox_group : hbox_group;
case dpack_code:
- code = dbox_code + hmode;
- just_pack = 1;
+ // mode = vmode;
+ justpack = 1;
+ group = dbox_group;
- }
- mode = code - vtop_code;
- switch (abs(cur_list.mode)) {
- case vmode:
- spec_direction = dir_lefttoright;
+ case vtop_code:
+ // mode = vmode;
+ // justpack = 0;
+ group = vtop_group;
- case hmode:
- spec_direction = (singleword) text_direction_par;
+ case vbox_code:
+ // mode = vmode;
+ // justpack = 0;
+ // group = vbox_group;
- case mmode:
- spec_direction = (singleword) math_direction_par;
+ case hbox_code:
+ mode = hmode;
+ // justpack = 0;
+ group = adjusted ? adjusted_hbox_group : hbox_group;
+ break;
+ case dbox_code:
+ // mode = vmode;
+ // justpack = 0;
+ group = dbox_group;
- if (mode == hmode) {
- if ((boxcontext == direct_box_flag) && (abs(cur_list.mode) == vmode)) {
- tex_aux_scan_full_spec(boxcontext, adjusted_hbox_group, spec_direction, just_pack, shift, slot);
- } else {
- tex_aux_scan_full_spec(boxcontext, hbox_group, spec_direction, just_pack, shift, slot);
- }
- } else {
- if (mode == vmode) {
- tex_aux_scan_full_spec(boxcontext, vbox_group, spec_direction, just_pack, shift, slot);
- } else {
- tex_aux_scan_full_spec(boxcontext, (code == dbox_code || code == dpack_code) ? dbox_group : vtop_group, spec_direction, just_pack, shift, slot);
- mode = vmode;
- }
- tex_normal_paragraph(vmode_par_context);
- }
+ tex_aux_scan_full_spec(boxcontext, group, direction, justpack, shift, slot);
+ tex_normal_paragraph(vmode_par_context);
cur_list.mode = - mode;
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/tex/texpackaging.h b/source/luametatex/source/tex/texpackaging.h
index 8cef36619..dea884d0f 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/tex/texpackaging.h
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/tex/texpackaging.h
@@ -23,15 +23,18 @@ typedef enum box_codes {
copy_code, /*tex |chr_code| for |\copy| */
last_box_code, /*tex |chr_code| for |\lastbox| */
+ tsplit_code,
vsplit_code, /*tex |chr_code| for |\vsplit| */
- tpack_code,
- vpack_code,
- hpack_code,
+ dsplit_code,
+ /* hsplit_code, */
+ tpack_code,
+ vpack_code, /*tex |chr_code| for |\vpack| */
- vtop_code, /*tex |chr_code| for |\vtop| */
- vbox_code,
- hbox_code,
+ hpack_code,
+ vtop_code,
+ vbox_code, /*tex |chr_code| for |\vbox| */
+ hbox_code,
diff --git a/source/luametatex/source/tex/textoken.c b/source/luametatex/source/tex/textoken.c
index 7a30b97eb..79e2e5e64 100644
--- a/source/luametatex/source/tex/textoken.c
+++ b/source/luametatex/source/tex/textoken.c
@@ -480,15 +480,19 @@ void tex_print_meaning(halfword code)
} else {
- if (cur_chr && get_token_reference(cur_chr) == max_token_reference) {
- tex_print_str("constant ");
- }
+ int constant = (cur_chr && get_token_reference(cur_chr) == max_token_reference);
switch (code) {
case meaning_code:
case meaning_full_code:
+ if (constant) {
+ tex_print_str("constant ");
+ }
case meaning_asis_code:
+ if (constant) {
+ tex_print_str_esc("constant ");
+ }
// tex_print_format("%e%C %S ", def_cmd, def_code, cur_cs);
tex_print_cmd_chr(def_cmd, def_code);
tex_print_char(' ');
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii
index 910099ba4..5dc828952 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/cont-new.mkii
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-\newcontextversion{2022.12.27 21:02}
+\newcontextversion{2022.12.29 14:29}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an
%D excellent place for hacks, patches, extensions and new
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii b/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii
index ebc3a7ed1..43ba6e35e 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkii/context.mkii
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
%D your styles an modules.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2022.12.27 21:02}
+\edef\contextversion{2022.12.29 14:29}
%D For those who want to use this:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-log.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-log.mkiv
index a6cd1cc2f..bcd276bdf 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-log.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-log.mkiv
@@ -207,6 +207,7 @@
\unexpanded\def\pdfeTeX {pdfe-\wordboundary\TeX}
\unexpanded\def\luaTeX {lua\wordboundary\TeX}
\unexpanded\def\Lua {Lua}
+\unexpanded\def\LUA {\Lua}
\unexpanded\def\luajitTeX {lua\wordboundary jit\wordboundary\TeX}
\unexpanded\def\luametaTeX{lua\wordboundary meta\wordboundary\TeX}
%unexpanded\def\XeTeX {X\lower.5\exheight\hbox{\kern-.15\emwidth\mirror{E}}\kern-.1667\emwidth\TeX}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv
index 9da0701b3..ff5584f5a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
% \normalend % uncomment this to get the real base runtime
-\newcontextversion{2022.12.27 21:02}
+\newcontextversion{2022.12.29 14:29}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an excellent place for hacks,
%D patches, extensions and new features. There can be local overloads in cont-loc
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv
index 76d26f591..eecce37d5 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
%D {YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM} format.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2022.12.27 21:02}
+\edef\contextversion{2022.12.29 14:29}
%D Kind of special:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-low.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-low.lua
index ac4ce2e91..3a78c719d 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-low.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-low.lua
@@ -308,10 +308,13 @@ return {
"hglue", "vglue", "hfillneg", "vfillneg", "hfilllneg", "vfilllneg",
+ "hsplit",
+ --
"ruledhss", "ruledhfil", "ruledhfill", "ruledhfilll", "ruledhfilneg", "ruledhfillneg", "normalhfillneg", "normalhfilllneg",
"ruledvss", "ruledvfil", "ruledvfill", "ruledvfilll", "ruledvfilneg", "ruledvfillneg", "normalvfillneg", "normalvfilllneg",
"ruledhbox", "ruledvbox", "ruledvtop", "ruleddbox", "ruledvcenter", "ruledmbox",
"ruledhpack", "ruledvpack", "ruledtpack", "ruleddpack",
+ "ruledvsplit", "ruledtsplit", "ruleddsplit",
"ruledhskip", "ruledvskip", "ruledkern", "ruledmskip", "ruledmkern",
"ruledhglue", "ruledvglue", "normalhglue", "normalvglue",
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-prm.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-prm.lua
index 87e7119f2..c3f5c3f1a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-prm.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-prm.lua
@@ -847,6 +847,7 @@ return {
+ "dsplit",
@@ -1077,6 +1078,7 @@ return {
+ "tsplit",
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf
index 401fcaf55..653a9e73b 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf
index da72ebe62..8c0f230e1 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-log.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-log.mkxl
index 710848b67..baf3afeba 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-log.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-log.mkxl
@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@
\instance\protected\def\INRSTEX {inrs\TeX}
\instance\protected\def\PRAGMA {Pragma ADE}
+\instance\protected\def\LUA {\Lua} % below
%D And this is how they show up: \TeX, \MetaFont, \MetaPost, \PiCTeX, \TaBlE, \ConTeXt,
%D \PPCHTeX, \AmSTeX, \LaTeX, \LamSTeX.
@@ -204,6 +205,7 @@
\frozen\instance\protected\def\luametaTeX{lua\wordboundary meta\wordboundary\TeX}
\frozen\instance\protected\def\XeTeX {X\lower.5\exheight\hbox{\kern-.15\emwidth\mirror{E}}\kern-.1667\emwidth\TeX}
% % Adapted from a patch by Mojca:
% \def\syst_logos_xetex_e
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-new.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-new.mkxl
index f704da4e1..a35ab8489 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-new.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-new.mkxl
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
% \normalend % uncomment this to get the real base runtime
-\newcontextversion{2022.12.27 21:02}
+\newcontextversion{2022.12.29 14:29}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an excellent place for hacks,
%D patches, extensions and new features. There can be local overloads in cont-loc
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/context.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/context.mkxl
index 2aec57d7b..152850f03 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/context.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/context.mkxl
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
%D {YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM} format.
\immutable\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\immutable\edef\contextversion{2022.12.27 21:02}
+\immutable\edef\contextversion{2022.12.29 14:29}
%overloadmode 1 % check frozen / warning
%overloadmode 2 % check frozen / error
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-ali.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-ali.mkxl
index 1fc01c6f7..7789dcb60 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-ali.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/math-ali.mkxl
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
- attr
+ \s!attr
\numexpr\ifconditional\c_math_align_reformat_mode\plusfour\else\plustwo\fi * \plussixteen\relax % just a signal
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/mlib-int.lmt b/tex/context/base/mkxl/mlib-int.lmt
index 3d71db82f..647b7054c 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/mlib-int.lmt
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/mlib-int.lmt
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ do
registerdirect("RuleV", function() return getdimen("d_rule_v") * factor end)
registerdirect("RuleThickness", function() return getdimen("d_rule_line") * factor end)
registerdirect("RuleOffset", function() return getdimen("d_rule_offset") / 65536 end) -- not factor
- registerdirect("RuleDirection", function() return getmacro("c_rule_direction") end)
+ registerdirect("RuleDirection", function() return getmacro("m_rule_direction") end)
registerdirect("RuleFactor", function() return getdimen("d_rule_factor") * factor end)
registerdirect("RuleOption", function() return getmacro("m_rule_option") end)
registerscript("RuleColor", function() return getmacro("m_rule_color") end)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/pack-rul.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/pack-rul.mkxl
index 9bb7ddd8d..9b87d95b0 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/pack-rul.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/pack-rul.mkxl
@@ -764,8 +764,8 @@
% more modern:
-\def\pack_framed_rules_hrule{\hrule\s!height\d_framed_linewidth\s!left\d_framed_linewidth\s!right \d_framed_linewidth}
-\def\pack_framed_rules_vrule{\vrule\s!width \d_framed_linewidth\s!top \d_framed_linewidth\s!bottom\d_framed_linewidth\s!yoffset-\d_framed_linewidth}
+\def\pack_framed_rules_hrule{\hrule\s!height\d_framed_linewidth\s!left\d_framed_linewidth\s!right \d_framed_linewidth\relax}
+\def\pack_framed_rules_vrule{\vrule\s!width \d_framed_linewidth\s!top \d_framed_linewidth\s!bottom\d_framed_linewidth\relax}% \s!yoffset-\d_framed_linewidth}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkxl/trac-vis.mkxl b/tex/context/base/mkxl/trac-vis.mkxl
index 73ebc7cd4..3b088d05f 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkxl/trac-vis.mkxl
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkxl/trac-vis.mkxl
@@ -59,18 +59,31 @@
\aliased\let\syst_visualizers_vpack \vpack
\aliased\let\syst_visualizers_tpack \tpack
\aliased\let\syst_visualizers_dpack \dpack
-\permanent\protected\def\ruledhbox {\syst_visualizers_hbox attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual{simplehbox} }
-\permanent\protected\def\ruledhpack {\syst_visualizers_hpack attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual{simplehbox} }
-\permanent\protected\def\ruledvbox {\syst_visualizers_vbox attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual{simplevbox} }
-\permanent\protected\def\ruledvpack {\syst_visualizers_vpack attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual{simplevbox} }
-\permanent\protected\def\ruledvtop {\syst_visualizers_vtop attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual{simplevtop} }
-\permanent\protected\def\ruledtpack {\syst_visualizers_tpack attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual{simplevtop} }
-\permanent\protected\def\ruleddbox {\syst_visualizers_dbox attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual{simplevtop} }
-\permanent\protected\def\ruleddpack {\syst_visualizers_dpack attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual{simplevtop} }
-\permanent\protected\def\ruledvcenter{\syst_visualizers_vcenter attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual{simplevbox} }
+\aliased\let\syst_visualizers_vsplit \vsplit
+\aliased\let\syst_visualizers_tsplit \tsplit
+\aliased\let\syst_visualizers_dsplit \dsplit
+\permanent\protected\def\ruledhbox {\syst_visualizers_hbox \s!attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual{simplehbox} }
+\permanent\protected\def\ruledhpack {\syst_visualizers_hpack \s!attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual{simplehbox} }
+\permanent\protected\def\ruledvbox {\syst_visualizers_vbox \s!attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual{simplevbox} }
+\permanent\protected\def\ruledvpack {\syst_visualizers_vpack \s!attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual{simplevbox} }
+\permanent\protected\def\ruledvtop {\syst_visualizers_vtop \s!attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual{simplevtop} }
+\permanent\protected\def\ruledtpack {\syst_visualizers_tpack \s!attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual{simplevtop} }
+\permanent\protected\def\ruleddbox {\syst_visualizers_dbox \s!attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual{simplevtop} }
+\permanent\protected\def\ruleddpack {\syst_visualizers_dpack \s!attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual{simplevtop} }
+\permanent\protected\def\ruledvcenter{\syst_visualizers_vcenter \s!attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual{simplevbox} }
\permanent\protected\def\ruledmbox #1{\ruledhbox{\startimath#1\stopimath}}
+\permanent\protected\def\syst_visualizers_v_split{\syst_visualizers_vsplit\c_syst_visualizer \s!attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual {simplevbox}}
+\permanent\protected\def\syst_visualizers_t_split{\syst_visualizers_tsplit\c_syst_visualizer \s!attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual {simplevtop}}
+\permanent\protected\def\syst_visualizers_d_split{\syst_visualizers_dsplit\c_syst_visualizer \s!attr \visualattribute \clf_getvisual {simplevtop}}
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
index d9d7127a9..60c5485fe 100644
--- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- merged file : c:/data/develop/context/sources/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
-- parent file : c:/data/develop/context/sources/luatex-fonts.lua
--- merge date : 2022-12-27 21:02
+-- merge date : 2022-12-29 14:29
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference