diff options
authorContext Git Mirror Bot <>2015-01-05 01:15:05 +0100
committerContext Git Mirror Bot <>2015-01-05 01:15:05 +0100
commit5de7c57d3703cadcde3287f20fa5e03aa175a8e1 (patch)
parentf001d9ba5954210bfe37144d6aff612260c754a7 (diff)
2015-01-05 00:16:00
-rw-r--r--doc/context/documents/general/manuals/xtables-mkiv.pdfbin131419 -> 135389 bytes
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-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/status-lua.pdfbin356660 -> 356714 bytes
25 files changed, 1900 insertions, 1106 deletions
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index 445a65f6b..6ba8a5882 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/context/lexers/data/scite-context-data-context.lua
+++ b/context/data/scite/context/lexers/data/scite-context-data-context.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
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+finishpar empty null space quad \
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+installcorenamespace getvalue getuvalue setvalue setevalue \
+setgvalue setxvalue letvalue letgvalue resetvalue \
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+setuxvalue globallet glet udef ugdef \
+uedef uxdef checked unique getparameters \
+geteparameters getgparameters getxparameters forgetparameters copyparameters \
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+startimath stopimath normalstartimath normalstopimath startdmath \
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+triggeruncrampedbigstyle triggercrampedbigstyle luaexpr expdoifelse expdoif \
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+ctxluacode luaconditional luaexpanded startluaparameterset stopluaparameterset \
+luaparameterset definenamedlua obeylualines obeyluatokens startluacode \
+stopluacode startlua stoplua startctxfunction stopctxfunction \
+ctxfunction startctxfunctiondefinition stopctxfunctiondefinition carryoverpar assumelongusagecs \
+Umathbotaccent righttolefthbox lefttorighthbox righttoleftvbox lefttorightvbox \
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+autodirvtop lefttoright righttoleft synchronizelayoutdirection synchronizedisplaydirection \
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diff --git a/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/xtables-mkiv.pdf b/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/xtables-mkiv.pdf
index 56d3d74c9..75cce413b 100644
--- a/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/xtables-mkiv.pdf
+++ b/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/xtables-mkiv.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/xtables/xtables-mkiv.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/xtables/xtables-mkiv.tex
index e137f9235..a83484658 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/xtables/xtables-mkiv.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/xtables/xtables-mkiv.tex
@@ -651,7 +651,112 @@ parameter can get the values \type {before}, \type {after} and \type {both}.
+On the average a table will come out okay but you need to keep in mind that when
+(complex) spans are used the results can be less that optimal. However, as
+normally one pays attention to creating tables, the amount of control provided
+often makes it possible to get what you want.
+In the following situations, the first cell width is determined by the span. It
+is possible to make a more clever analyzer but we need to keep in mind that in
+the same column there can be entries that span a different amount of columns. Not
+only would that be inefficient but it would also be rather unpredictable unless
+you know exactly what happens deep down. The following two examples demonstrate
+default behaviour.
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[nx=3]
+ 1/2/3
+ \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell 1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 2 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 3 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[nx=3]
+ 1 / 2 / 3
+ \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell 1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 2 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 3 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+In practice you will set the width of the columns, as in:
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[nx=3]
+ 1/2/3
+ \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[width=\dimexpr\textwidth/3] 1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=\dimexpr\textwidth/3] 2 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell[width=\dimexpr\textwidth/3] 3 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+But, if you want you can control the enforced width by setting an option:
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[nx=3,option=tight]
+ 1/2/3
+ \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell 1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 2 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 3 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell[nx=3,option=tight]
+ 1 / 2 / 3
+ \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+ \startxrow
+ \startxcell 1 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 2 \stopxcell
+ \startxcell 3 \stopxcell
+ \stopxrow
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
Extreme tables can be nested but you need to keep an eye on inheritance here as
the inner table uses the settings from the encapsulating cell. The widths and
@@ -1096,4 +1201,6 @@ in the distribution.
\typebuffer[tight] \start \getbuffer[tight,demo] \stop
\typebuffer[normal] \start \getbuffer[normal,demo] \stop
+% \ruledhbox{\getbuffer[normal,demo]}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv
index c846aeb3f..bc27a12af 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-\newcontextversion{2015.01.02 11:55}
+\newcontextversion{2015.01.05 00:14}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an excellent place for
%D hacks, patches, extensions and new features.
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
index bd456b7f1..6280b445f 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context.mkiv b/tex/context/base/context.mkiv
index 558e749fa..3dc0d8cec 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/context.mkiv
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
%D up and the dependencies are more consistent.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2015.01.02 11:55}
+\edef\contextversion{2015.01.05 00:14}
\edef\contextkind {beta}
%D For those who want to use this:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/lpdf-epd.lua b/tex/context/base/lpdf-epd.lua
index 5ffd62bd6..4d10a26f4 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/lpdf-epd.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/lpdf-epd.lua
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ local lpdf = lpdf
local lpdf_epdf = { }
lpdf.epdf = lpdf_epdf
+local pdf_open =
local report_epdf = logs.reporter("epdf")
local getDict, getArray, getReal, getNum, getString, getBool, getName, getRef, getRefNum
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua b/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua
index f96ebacbc..bd6f3c04d 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ return {
"normalbaselineskip", "normallineskip", "normallineskiplimit",
- "availablehsize", "localhsize", "setlocalhsize", "distributedhsize",
+ "availablehsize", "localhsize", "setlocalhsize", "distributedhsize", "hsizefraction",
"nextbox", "dowithnextbox", "dowithnextboxcs", "dowithnextboxcontent", "dowithnextboxcontentcs",
diff --git a/tex/context/base/publ-imp-apa.lua b/tex/context/base/publ-imp-apa.lua
index fae461d81..a529c47ec 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/publ-imp-apa.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/publ-imp-apa.lua
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ local specification = {
interpreter = "author",
composer = "author",
producer = "author",
- doi = "url",
+ doi = "url",
url = "url",
page = "pagenumber",
pages = "pagenumber",
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ local categories = specification.categories
categories.article = {
sets = {
author = { "author", "editor", "title" },
+ volume = { "volume", "number", "pages" },
doi = generic.doi,
isbn = { "issn" },
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ categories.article = {
optional = {
"subtitle", "type", "file",
- "journal", "volume", "number", "pages",
+ "journal", "volume",
"doi", "note", "isbn"
@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ categories.magazine = {
optional = {
"subtitle", "type", "file",
- "volume", "number", "pages",
+ "volume",
"month", "day",
"doi", "note", "isbn"
diff --git a/tex/context/base/publ-imp-apa.mkvi b/tex/context/base/publ-imp-apa.mkvi
index b8402e15a..5e6cc20db 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/publ-imp-apa.mkvi
+++ b/tex/context/base/publ-imp-apa.mkvi
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
- \c!otherstext={\space\btxlabeltext{\currentbtxspecification:others}},
+ \c!otherstext={,\space\btxlabeltext{\currentbtxspecification:others}},
\c!initialsep=\space, % between initials and lastname
@@ -123,6 +123,13 @@
\c!finalnamesep={\space\btxlabeltext{\currentbtxspecification:and}\space}, % no comma!
+% The APA style also sorts the rendered list by authoryear
+ [sorttype=authoryear,
+ numbering=no,
+ hang=20] % how to get hanging to work? ... answer: it's descriptions ...
% Should the following be loaded by default?
%D In order to be able to get journals expanded (or normalized or abbreviated) you need
@@ -302,7 +309,7 @@
-\starttexdefinition btx:apa:title-subtitle-type
+\starttexdefinition btx:apa:title
\btxdoif {file} {
% we make the title active, opening file
@@ -314,11 +321,13 @@
\btxflush{Word -> subtitle}
- \doifnotmode {btx:apa:thesis} {
- \btxdoif{type} {
- \btxleftbracket
- \btxflush{Word -> type}
- \btxrightbracket
+ \doifnot {\currentbtxcategory} {techreport} {
+ \doifnotmode {btx:apa:thesis} {
+ \btxdoif{type} {
+ \btxleftbracket
+ \btxflush{Word -> type}
+ \btxrightbracket
+ }
@@ -332,20 +341,17 @@
\doifelse {#it} {it} {
- \texdefinition{btx:apa:title-subtitle-type}
+ \texdefinition{btx:apa:title}
} {
- \texdefinition{btx:apa:title-subtitle-type}
+ \texdefinition{btx:apa:title}
-\starttexdefinition btx:apa:editor-or-editors
- % \btxflushauthor[invertedshort] {editor}
- % driven by authorconversion=invertedshort
- %\btxflushauthor{editor}
+\starttexdefinition btx:apa:editor
\btxsingularorplural {editor} {
@@ -356,43 +362,24 @@
-% \starttexdefinition btx:apa:flush:author
-% \btxflush{author}
-% \stoptexdefinition
-% \starttexdefinition btx:apa:flush:editor
-% \texdefinition{btx:apa:editor-or-editors}% just put the code here
-% \stoptexdefinition
-% \starttexdefinition btx:apa:flush:title
-% \texdefinition{btx:apa:title-subtitle-type}% just put the code here
-% \stoptexdefinition
-% \texdefinition{btx:apa:flush:\btxfoundname{author}}
-% can be used in:
+\starttexdefinition btx:apa:author
+ \btxflush{author}
\starttexdefinition btx:apa:authoryear
% we make the authoryear active, pointing to the citation
\texdefinition{btx:apa:inject} {internal(\currentbtxinternal)}
- \doifelse {\btxfoundname{author}} {author} {
- % \btxflushauthor[invertedshort] {author}
- % driven by authorconversion=invertedshort
- \btxflush{author}
- } {
- \doifelse {\btxfoundname{author}} {title} {
- \texdefinition{btx:apa:title-subtitle-type}
- } {
- \doifelse {\btxfoundname{author}} {editor} {
- \texdefinition{btx:apa:editor-or-editors}
- } {
- \btxflush{author}
- }
- }
- }
+ % author is a set, e.g.
+ % author = { "author", "editor", "publisher", "title" },
+ \executeifdefined
+ {btx:apa:\btxfoundname{author}}
+ {\texdefinition{btx:apa:author}}
\btxdoifelse {year} {
- \btxflush{suffix}
+ %\btxflush{suffix}
+ \btxflush{suffixedyear}
\btxdoif {month} {
@@ -403,7 +390,7 @@
} {
- \btxdoif {suffix} {
+ \btxdoif {suffix} {% check this!
@@ -425,7 +412,7 @@
\btxdoifelse {editor} {
- \texdefinition{btx:apa:editor-or-editors}
+ \texdefinition{btx:apa:editor}
\btxdoif {#title} {
\texdefinition{btx:apa:italic}{Word -> #title}
@@ -438,91 +425,67 @@
-\starttexdefinition btx:apa:doif-edition-or-volume-or-number-or-pages #edition #if
- \btxdoifelse {#edition} {
- #if
- }{
- \btxdoifelse {volume} {
- #if
- } {
- \btxdoifelse {number} {
- #if
+\starttexdefinition btx:apa:editionset
+ \btxdoifelse {edition} {
+ \btxleftparenthesis
+ \doif {\currentbtxcategory} {techreport} {
+ \btxdoifelse {type} {
+ \btxflush{Word -> type}
} {
- \btxdoif {pages} {
- #if
- }
+ \btxlabeltext{apa:technicalreport}
+ \setmode{btx:apa:comma}
- }
-\starttexdefinition btx:apa:edition-volume-number-pages #edition
- \texdefinition{btx:apa:doif-edition-or-volume-or-number-or-pages}{#edition}{\btxleftparenthesis}
- \btxdoifelse {#edition} {
- \btxflush{#edition}
- \doif {#edition} {edition} {
+ \doif {\btxfoundname{edition}} {edition} {
+ \doifmode {btx:apa:comma}
+ {\btxcomma}
+ \btxflush{edition}
+ \setmode{btx:apa:comma}
- } {
- \doif {\currentbtxcategory} {techreport} {
- \btxspace
- \btxlabeltext{apa:technicalreport}
- }
- }
- \btxdoif {volume} {
- \btxdoif {#edition} {
- \doifelse {#edition} {edition}
- {\btxcomma} {\btxspace}
- }
- \btxoneorrange {volume} {
- \btxlabeltext{apa:Volume}
- } {
- \btxlabeltext{apa:Volumes}
- }
- \btxspace
- \btxflush{volume}
- }
- \btxdoif {number} {
- \btxdoifelse {volume} {
- \btxcomma
- } {
- \btxdoifelse {#edition} {
- \doifelse {#edition} {edition}
- {\btxcomma} {\btxspace}
+ \btxdoif {volume} {
+ \doifmode {btx:apa:comma}
+ {\btxcomma}
+ \btxoneorrange {volume} {
+ \btxlabeltext{apa:Volume}
} {
- \btxspace
+ \btxlabeltext{apa:Volumes}
+ \btxspace
+ \btxflush{volume}
+ \setmode{btx:apa:comma}
- \btxlabeltext{apa:Number}
- \btxspace
- \btxflush{number}
- }
- \btxdoif {pages} {
- \btxdoifelse {volume} {
- \btxcomma
- } {
- \btxdoifelse {#edition} {
- \doifelse {#edition} {edition}
- {\btxcomma} {\btxspace}
+ \btxdoif {number} {
+ \doifmode {btx:apa:comma}
+ {\btxcomma}
+ \btxlabeltext{apa:Number}
+ \btxspace
+ \btxflush{number}
+ \setmode{btx:apa:comma}
+ }
+ \btxdoif {pages} {
+ \doifmode {btx:apa:comma}
+ {\btxcomma}
+ \btxoneorrange {pages} {
+ \btxlabeltext{apa:p}
} {
- \btxdoif {number} {
- \btxcomma
- }
+ \btxlabeltext{apa:pp}
+ \btxspace
+ \btxflush{pages}
- \btxoneorrange {pages} {
- \btxlabeltext{apa:p}
- } {
- \btxlabeltext{apa:pp}
+ \btxrightparenthesisperiod
+ } {
+ \doif {\currentbtxcategory} {techreport} {
+ \btxleftparenthesis
+ \btxlabeltext{apa:technicalreport}
+ \btxrightparenthesisperiod
- \btxspace
- \btxflush{pages}
- \texdefinition{btx:apa:doif-edition-or-volume-or-number-or-pages}{#edition}{\btxrightparenthesisperiod}
-\starttexdefinition btx:apa:journal-volume-number-pages
+\starttexdefinition btx:apa:journal-volumeset
\btxdoif {journal} {
% expandedjournal abbreviatedjournal
@@ -530,7 +493,9 @@
% A newspaper may not have a volume but may have a number!
\btxdoif {volume} {
- \texdefinition{btx:apa:italic}{volume}
+ \doif {\btxfoundname{volume}} {volume} {
+ \texdefinition{btx:apa:italic}{volume}
+ }
\btxdoifnot {number} {
\btxdoifelse {pages}
@@ -617,16 +582,16 @@
% use \btxentry here?
- \setbreakpoints[doi]
- \btxdoifelseinteractive {doi} {
- \goto {
+ \setbreakpoints[doi]
+ \btxdoifelseinteractive {doi} {
+ \goto {
+ doi:\btxflush{doi}
+ } [
+ url(\btxflush{doi})
+ ]
+ } {
- } [
- url(\btxflush{doi})
- ]
- } {
- doi:\btxflush{doi}
- }
+ }
@@ -634,8 +599,7 @@
% also issn - see publ-imp-apa.lua
\btxdoif {isbn} {
- %broken: \btxfoundname{WORD -> isbn}:\btxspace
- \btxfoundname{isbn}:\btxspace
+ \WORD{\btxfoundname{isbn}}:\btxspace
@@ -754,7 +718,7 @@
\startsetups btx:apa:article
- \texdefinition{btx:apa:journal-volume-number-pages}
+ \texdefinition{btx:apa:journal-volumeset}
@@ -765,7 +729,7 @@
\startsetups btx:apa:magazine
- \texdefinition{btx:apa:journal-volume-number-pages}
+ \texdefinition{btx:apa:journal-volumeset}
@@ -776,7 +740,7 @@
\startsetups btx:apa:newspaper
- \texdefinition{btx:apa:journal-volume-number-pages}
+ \texdefinition{btx:apa:journal-volumeset}
@@ -790,7 +754,7 @@
\startsetups btx:apa:book
- \texdefinition{btx:apa:edition-volume-number-pages}{edition}
+ \texdefinition{btx:apa:editionset}
@@ -809,7 +773,7 @@
- \texdefinition{btx:apa:edition-volume-number-pages}{edition}
+ \texdefinition{btx:apa:editionset}
@@ -825,7 +789,7 @@
- \texdefinition{btx:apa:edition-volume-number-pages}{edition}
+ \texdefinition{btx:apa:editionset}
@@ -838,7 +802,7 @@
\startsetups btx:apa:proceedings
- \texdefinition{btx:apa:edition-volume-number-pages}{edition}
+ \texdefinition{btx:apa:editionset}
\btxdoifelse {editor} {
\btxdoif {organization} {
@@ -861,7 +825,7 @@
- \texdefinition{btx:apa:edition-volume-number-pages}{edition}
+ \texdefinition{btx:apa:editionset}
\btxdoif {organization} {
@@ -885,9 +849,9 @@
\btxdoifelse {type} {
- \btxflush{type}
+ \btxflush{Word -> type}
} {
- \btxlabeltext{apa:\currentbtxcategory}
+ \Word{\btxlabeltext{apa:\currentbtxcategory}}
\btxdoif {school} {
@@ -936,7 +900,7 @@
\startsetups btx:apa:manual
- \texdefinition{btx:apa:edition-volume-number-pages}{edition}
+ \texdefinition{btx:apa:editionset}
@@ -948,7 +912,7 @@
\startsetups btx:apa:techreport
- \texdefinition{btx:apa:edition-volume-number-pages}{type}
+ \texdefinition{btx:apa:editionset}
@@ -1073,6 +1037,10 @@
% If all else fails to match:
\startsetups btx:apa:literal
+ %\btxleftparenthesis
+ \removeunwantedspaces(
+ \btxflush{key}
+ \btxrightparenthesis
\btxdoif {text} {
diff --git a/tex/context/base/publ-imp-aps.lua b/tex/context/base/publ-imp-aps.lua
index a918c755d..3e63c6d88 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/publ-imp-aps.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/publ-imp-aps.lua
@@ -1,68 +1,511 @@
--- to be checked
-return {
- name = "aps",
- version = "1.00",
- comment = "APA specification.",
- author = "Alan Braslau and Hans Hagen",
+local specification = {
+ --
+ -- metadata
+ --
+ name = "aps",
+ version = "1.00",
+ comment = "APS specification",
+ author = "Alan Braslau and Hans Hagen",
copyright = "ConTeXt development team",
+ --
+ -- derived (combinations of) fields (all share the same default set)
+ --
+ virtual = {
+ "authoryear",
+ "authoryears",
+ "authornum",
+ "num",
+ "suffix",
+ },
+ --
+ -- special datatypes
+ --
+ types = {
+ --
+ -- list of fields that are interpreted as names: "NAME [and NAME]" where
+ -- NAME is one of the following:
+ --
+ -- First vons Last
+ -- vons Last, First
+ -- vons Last, Jrs, First
+ -- Vons, Last, Jrs, First
+ --
+ author = "author",
+ editor = "author",
+ artist = "author",
+ interpreter = "author",
+ composer = "author",
+ producer = "author",
+ doi = "url",
+ url = "url",
+ page = "pagenumber",
+ pages = "pagenumber",
+ keywords = "keyword",
+ },
+ --
+ -- categories with their specific fields
+ --
categories = {
- article = {
- required = { "author", "title", "journal", "year" },
- optional = { "volume", "number", "pages", "month", "note" },
- },
- book = {
- required = { "author", "editor", "title", "publisher", "year" },
- optional = { "volume", "number", "series", "address", "edition", "month","note" },
- },
- booklet = {
- required = { "title" },
- optional = { "author", "howpublished", "address", "month", "year", "note" },
- },
- inbook = {
- required = { "author", "editor", "title", "chapter", "pages", "publisher","year" },
- optional = { "volume", "number", "series", "type", "address", "edition", "month", "note" },
- },
- incollection = {
- required = { "author", "title", "booktitle", "publisher", "year" },
- optional = { "editor", "volume", "number", "series", "type", "chapter", "pages", "address", "edition", "month", "note" },
- },
- inproceedings = {
- required = { "author", "title", "booktitle", "year" },
- optional = { "editor", "volume", "number", "series", "pages", "address", "month","organization", "publisher", "note" },
- },
- manual = {
- required = { "title" },
- optional = { "author", "organization", "address", "edition", "month", "year", "note" },
+ --
+ -- the following fields are for documentation and testing purposes
+ --
+ ["demo-a"] = {
+ sets = {
+ author = { "author", "institution", "organization" },
+ doi = { "doi", "url" },
+ },
+ required = { "author", "title", "year", "note", "doi" },
+ optional = { "subtitle", "file" },
- mastersthesis = {
- required = { "author", "title", "school", "year" },
- optional = { "type", "address", "month", "note" },
- },
- misc = {
- required = { "author", "title", "howpublished", "month", "year", "note" },
- optional = { "author", "title", "howpublished", "month", "year", "note" },
- },
- phdthesis = {
- required = { "author", "title", "school", "year" },
- optional = { "type", "address", "month", "note" },
- },
- proceedings = {
- required = { "title", "year" },
- optional = { "editor", "volume", "number", "series", "address", "month", "organization", "publisher", "note" },
- },
- techreport = {
- required = { "author", "title", "institution", "year" },
- optional = { "type", "number", "address", "month", "note" },
- },
- patent = {
- required = { "nationality", "number", "year", "yearfiled" },
- optional = { "author", "title", "language", "assignee", "address", "type", "day", "dayfiled", "month", "monthfiled", "note", },
- },
- unpublished = {
- required = { "author", "title", "note" },
- optional = { "month", "year" },
+ ["demo-b"] = {
+ sets = {
+ authors = { "author", "institution", "organization" },
+ doi = { "doi", "url" },
+ },
+ required = { "authors", "title", "year", "note", "doi" },
+ optional = { "subtitle", "file" },
+ --
+ -- more categories are added below
+ --
+local generic = {
+ --
+ -- A set returns the first field (in order of position below) that is found
+ -- present in an entry. A set having the same name as a field conditionally
+ -- allows the substitution of an alternate field.
+ --
+ -- note that anything can get assigned a doi or be available online.
+ doi = { "doi", "url" },
+-- Note that the APS specification allows an additional field "collaboration"
+-- to be rendered following the author list (if the collaboration name appears
+-- in the byline of the cited article).
+-- Definition of recognized categories and the fields that they contain.
+-- Required fields should be present; optional fields may also be rendered;
+-- all other fields will be ignored.
+-- Sets contain either/or in order of precedence.
+-- For a category *not* defined here yet present in the dataset, *all* fields
+-- are taken as optional. This allows for flexibility in the addition of new
+-- categories.
+local categories = specification.categories
+-- an article from a journal
+categories.article = {
+ sets = {
+ author = { "author", "editor", "title" },
+ volume = { "volume", "number", "pages" },
+ doi = generic.doi,
+ isbn = { "issn" },
+ },
+ required = {
+ "author"
+ },
+ optional = {
+ "collaboration",
+ "year",
+ "subtitle", "type", "file",
+ "journal", "volume",
+ "doi", "note", "isbn"
+ },
+-- an article from a magazine
+categories.magazine = {
+ sets = categories.article.sets,
+ required = {
+ "author",
+ "year",
+ "journal",
+ },
+ optional = {
+ "collaboration",
+ "subtitle", "type", "file",
+ "volume",
+ "month", "day",
+ "doi", "note", "isbn"
+ },
+categories.newspaper = categories.magazine
+-- (from jabref) to be identified and setup ...
+categories.periodical = {
+ sets = {
+ author = { "editor", "publisher" },
+ doi = generic.doi,
+ isbn = { "issn" },
+ },
+ required = {
+ "title",
+ "year",
+ },
+ optional = {
+ "author",
+ "collaboration",
+ "subtitle", "file",
+ "series", "volume", "number", "month",
+ "organization",
+ "doi", "note", "isbn"
+ },
+-- (from jabref) to be identified and setup ...
+categories.standard = {
+ sets = {
+ author = { "author", "institution", "organization" },
+ doi = generic.doi,
+ },
+ required = {
+ "author",
+ "year",
+ "title", "subtitle",
+ "doi", "note",
+ },
+ optional = {
+ "collaboration",
+ },
+-- a book with an explicit publisher.
+ = {
+ sets = {
+ author = { "author", "editor", "publisher", "title" },
+ edition = { "edition", "volume", "number", "pages" },
+ doi = generic.doi,
+ },
+ required = { "author" },
+ optional = {
+ "collaboration",
+ "year", "month", "day",
+ "subtitle", "type", "file",
+ "edition", "series",
+ "address",
+ "doi", "note", "isbn"
+ },
+-- a part of a book, which may be a chapter (or section or whatever) and/or a range of pages.
+categories.inbook = {
+ sets = {
+ author = { "author", "editor", "publisher", "title", "chapter" },
+ edition = { "edition", "volume", "number", "pages" },
+ doi = generic.doi,
+ },
+ required = {
+ "author",
+ "year" ,
+ },
+ optional = {
+ "collaboration",
+ "subtitle", "type", "file",
+ "edition", "series",
+ "month",
+ "address",
+ "doi", "note", "isbn"
+ },
+-- a work that is printed and bound, but without a named publisher or sponsoring institution.
+categories.booklet = {
+ sets = {
+ author = { "author", "title" },
+ doi = generic.doi,
+ },
+ required = {
+ "author"
+ },
+ optional = {
+ "collaboration",
+ "year", "month",
+ "subtitle", "type", "file",
+ "address",
+ "howpublished",
+ "doi", "note", "isbn"
+ },
+-- a part of a book having its own title.
+categories.incollection = {
+ sets = {
+ author = { "author", "editor", "publisher", "title" },
+ edition = { "edition", "volume", "number", "pages" },
+ doi = generic.doi,
+ },
+ required = {
+ "author",
+ "booktitle",
+ "year",
+ },
+ optional = {
+ "collaboration",
+ "subtitle", "type", "file",
+ "month",
+ "edition", "series",
+ "chapter",
+ "address",
+ "doi", "note", "isbn"
+ },
+-- the proceedings of a conference.
+categories.proceedings = {
+ sets = {
+ author = { "editor", "publisher", "title" },
+ edition = { "edition", "volume", "number", "pages" },
+ doi = generic.doi,
+ },
+ required = {
+ "author",
+ "year"
+ },
+ optional = {
+ "collaboration",
+ "subtitle", "file",
+ "edition", "series",
+ "month",
+ "address", "organization",
+ "doi", "note", "isbn"
+ },
+-- an article in a conference proceedings.
+categories.inproceedings = {
+ sets = categories.incollection.sets,
+ required = categories.incollection.required,
+ optional = {
+ "collaboration",
+ "subtitle", "type", "file",
+ "month",
+ "edition", "series",
+ "address", "organization",
+ "doi", "note", "isbn"
+ },
+categories.conference = categories.inproceedings
+-- a thesis (of course).
+categories.thesis = {
+ sets = {
+ doi = generic.doi,
+ },
+ required = {
+ "author",
+ "title",
+ "school",
+ "year",
+ "type"
+ },
+ optional = {
+ "collaboration",
+ "subtitle", "file",
+ "month",
+ "address",
+ "doi", "note", "isbn"
+ },
+categories.mastersthesis = {
+ sets = categories.thesis.sets,
+ required = {
+ "author",
+ "title",
+ "school",
+ "year"
+ },
+ optional = {
+ "collaboration",
+ "type",
+ "subtitle", "file",
+ "month",
+ "address",
+ "doi", "note", "isbn"
+ },
+categories.phdthesis = categories.mastersthesis
+-- a report published by a school or other institution, usually numbered within a series.
+categories.techreport = {
+ sets = {
+ -- no "edition"!
+ edition = { "type", "volume", "number", "pages" },
+ doi = generic.doi,
+ },
+ required = {
+ "author",
+ "title",
+ "institution",
+ "year"
+ },
+ optional = {
+ "collaboration",
+ "subtitle", "file",
+ "edition", -- set, not field!
+ "month",
+ "address",
+ "doi", "note", "isbn"
+ },
+-- technical documentation.
+categories.manual = {
+ sets = {
+ edition = { "edition", "volume", "number", "pages" },
+ doi = generic.doi,
+ },
+ required = {
+ "title"
+ },
+ optional = {
+ "collaboration",
+ "subtitle", "file",
+ "author", "address", "organization",
+ "edition", "month", "year",
+ "doi", "note", "isbn"
+ },
+-- a patent (of course).
+categories.patent = {
+ sets = {
+ doi = generic.doi,
+ },
+ required = {
+ "nationality",
+ "number",
+ "year", "yearfiled"
+ },
+ optional = {
+ "type",
+ --check this: "language",
+ "collaboration",
+ "author", "assignee",
+ "title", "subtitle", "file",
+ "address",
+ "day", "dayfiled", "month", "monthfiled",
+ "doi", "note"
+ },
+-- a document having an author and title, but not formally published.
+categories.unpublished = {
+ sets = {
+ doi = generic.doi,
+ },
+ required = {
+ "author",
+ "title",
+ "note"
+ },
+ optional = {
+ "collaboration",
+ "subtitle", "file",
+ "year", "month",
+ "doi"
+ },
+-- like misc below but includes organization.
+categories.electronic = {
+ sets = {
+ doi = generic.doi,
+ },
+ required = {
+ "title"
+ },
+ optional = {
+ "subtitle", "type", "file",
+ "year", "month",
+ "author",
+ "collaboration",
+ "address",
+ "organization",
+ "howpublished",
+ "doi", "note"
+ },
+-- use this type when nothing else fits.
+categories.misc = {
+ sets = {
+ doi = generic.doi,
+ isbn = { "isbn", "issn" },
+ },
+ required = {
+ -- nothing is really important here
+ },
+ optional = {
+ "author",
+ "collaboration",
+ "title", "subtitle", "file",
+ "year", "month",
+ "howpublished",
+ "doi", "note", "isbn"
+ },
+-- other (whatever jabref does not know!)
+categories.other = {
+ sets = {
+ doi = generic.doi,
+ isbn = { "isbn", "issn" },
+ },
+ required = {
+ "author",
+ "title",
+ "year"
+ },
+ optional = {
+ "collaboration",
+ "subtitle", "file",
+ "doi", "note", "isbn"
+ },
+-- if all else fails to match:
+categories.literal = {
+ sets = {
+ author = { "key" },
+ doi = generic.doi,
+ },
+ required = {
+ "author",
+ "text"
+ },
+ optional = {
+ "collaboration",
+ "doi", "note"
+ },
+ virtual = false,
+-- done
+return specification
diff --git a/tex/context/base/publ-imp-aps.mkvi b/tex/context/base/publ-imp-aps.mkvi
index 84e0c8fcc..60fb43ed8 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/publ-imp-aps.mkvi
+++ b/tex/context/base/publ-imp-aps.mkvi
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%D \module
%D [ file=publ-imp-aps,
-%D version=2014.05.25,
-%D title=APA bibliography style,
+%D version=2013.12.12,
+%D title=APS bibliography style,
%D subtitle=Publications,
%D author=Alan Braslau and Hans Hagen,
%D date=\currentdate,
@@ -10,159 +10,360 @@
%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is therefore copyrighted
%D by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for details.
+% \loadbtxdefinitionfile[def]
+%D Reference:
+%D \startTEX
+%D @Book{APS2011,
+%D title ={Physical Review Style and Notation Guide}
+%D year ={2011},
+%D month ={June}
+%D edition ={Revised},
+%D editor ={Waldron, A and Judd, P. and Miller, V.},
+%D address ={Ridge, NY},
+%D publisher={American Physical Society},
+%D pages ={26},
+%D url ={}
+%D }
+%D \stopTEX
+% set all APS compliant values (may be redundant but we do not count on defaults.)
+ [\c!namesep={,\space},
+ \c!lastnamesep={,\nobreakspace\textampersand\space},
+ \c!finalnamesep={,\nobreakspace\textampersand\space},
+ \c!firstnamesep=\space,
+ \c!otherstext={\space\btxlabeltext{\currentbtxspecification:others}},
+ \c!juniorsep=\space,
+ \c!vonsep=\space,
+ \c!initialsep=\space, % between initials and lastname
+ %\c!initialssep=\space, % between multiple initials % todo
+ %\c!initialsterminator={.}, % todo
+ \c!surnamesep={,\space},
+ \c!surnameinitialsep={,\space},
+ \c!surnamefirstnamesep={,\space},
+ \c!etallimit=10,
+ \c!etaldisplay=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!etallimit,
+ %\c!journalconversion=\v!normal,
+ \c!monthconversion=\v!month,
+ \c!authorconversion=short]
+ [author]
+ [editor]
+ [author]
+% like \setupbtxlistvariant above but not exactly...
+ [\c!alternative=num,
+ \c!namesep=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!namesep,
+ \c!lastnamesep=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!lastnamesep,
+ \c!finalnamesep={\nobreakspace\textampersand\space}, % no comma!
+ \c!firstnamesep=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!firstnamesep,
+ \c!otherstext=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!otherstext,
+ \c!juniorsep=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!juniorsep,
+ \c!vonsep=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!vonsep,
+ \c!initialsep=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!initialsep,
+ %\c!initialssep=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!initialssep,
+ %\c!initialsterminator=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!initialsterminator,
+ \c!surnamesep=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!surnamesep,
+ \c!surnameinitialsep=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!surnameinitialsep,
+ \c!surnamefirstnamesep=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!surnamefirstnamesep,
+ \c!etallimit=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!etallimit,
+ \c!etaldisplay=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!etaldisplay,
+ % \c!monthconversion=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!monthconversion,
+ \c!authorconversion=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!authorconversion,
+ \c!interaction=\v!start,
+ % \c!setups=btx:cite:initialize,
+ \c!pubsep={,\space},
+ \c!lastpubsep={\space\btxlabeltext{\currentbtxspecification:and}\space},
+ \c!finalpubsep={\space\btxlabeltext{\currentbtxspecification:and}\space},
+ \c!sorttype=,
+ \c!compress=\v!no,
+ \c!inbetween=\space,
+ \c!range=\endash,
+ \c!left={[},
+ \c!middle=,
+ \c!right={]}]
+ [author]
+ [\c!lastnamesep={,\nobreakspace\textampersand\space},
+ \c!finalnamesep={\nobreakspace\textampersand\space}, % no comma!
+ \c!authorconversion=\v!name]
+ [authoryear]
+ [\c!compress=\v!yes,
+ \c!inbetween={,\space},
+ \c!left={(},
+ \c!right={)},
+ \c!pubsep={;\space},
+ \c!lastpubsep={;\space},
+ \c!finalpubsep={;\space},
+ \c!lastnamesep={,\space\btxlabeltext{\currentbtxspecification:and}\space},
+ \c!finalnamesep={\space\btxlabeltext{\currentbtxspecification:and}\space}, % no comma!
+ \c!authorconversion=\v!name]
+ [authoryears]
+ [authoryear]
+ [\c!left=,
+ \c!inbetween={\space(},
+ \c!pubsep={);\space},
+ \c!lastpubsep={);\space},
+ \c!finalpubsep={);\space},
+ \c!lastnamesep={,\space\btxlabeltext{\currentbtxspecification:and}\space},
+ \c!finalnamesep={\space\btxlabeltext{\currentbtxspecification:and}\space}, % no comma!
+ \c!authorconversion=\v!name]
+% Should the following be loaded by default?
+%D In order to be able to get journals expanded (or normalized or abbreviated) you need
+%D to load a list:
+%D \starttyping
+%D \btxloadjournallist[journals.txt] % the jabref list
+%D \stoptyping
+%D Sometimes we have verbose injections in an entry and these can be language
+%D dependent, so we use labels.
+%D Because we want to mix rendering (in the manual) we need a namespace in label
+%D texts:
[aps:mastersthesis={Master's thesis},
aps:phdthesis={PhD thesis},
- aps:technicalreport={Technical report},
- aps:editor=editor,
- aps:editors=editors,
- aps:edition=edition,
- aps:volume=volume,
- aps:Volume=Volume,
+ aps:technicalreport={Tech. Rep.}, % Technical report
+ aps:supplement={Suppl.}, % Supplement
+ aps:patent=Patent,
+ aps:Translator={Trans.}, % Translator(s)
+ aps:Editor={Ed.}, % Editor
+ aps:Editors={Eds.}, % Editors
+ aps:edition={ed.}, % edition
+ aps:volume=volume, % used?
+ aps:Volume={Vol.}, % Volume
+ aps:Volumes={Vols.}, % Volumes
- aps:Number=Number,
+ aps:Number={No.}, % Number
+ aps:nd={n.d.}, % no date
- aps:p=p,
- aps:pp=pp,
+ aps:Part={Pt.}, % Part
+ aps:p={p.},
+ aps:pp={pp.},
- aps:others={et al.}]
+ aps:period={. },
+ aps:Author=Author,
+ aps:Reference={Ref.},
+ aps:References={Refs.},
+ aps:Advanced={to be published},
+ aps:Retrieved={Available from}, % {Retrieved from},
+ aps:others={\it et al.}]
[aps:mastersthesis={Thèse de master (DEA, DESS, master)},
aps:phdthesis={Thèse de doctorat},
aps:technicalreport={Rapport technique},
- aps:editor=éditeur,
- aps:editors=éditeurs,
+ aps:supplement=Supplément,
+ aps:patent=Brevet,
+ aps:Translator=Traducteur,
+ aps:Editor=Éditeur,
+ aps:Editors=Éditeurs,
+ aps:Volumes=Volumes,
+ aps:nd={s.d.} % sans date
- aps:p=p,
- aps:pp=pp,
+ aps:Part=Partie,
+ aps:p={p.},
+ aps:pp={pp.},
- aps:others={et al.}]
+ aps:period={. },
+ aps:Author=Auteur,
+ aps:Reference={Réf.},
+ aps:References={Réfs.},
+ aps:Advanced={à être publié},
+ aps:Retrieved={Disponible à}, % {Téléchargé de},
+ aps:others={\it et al.}]
aps:technicalreport={Technischer Bericht},
- aps:editor=Herausgeber,
- aps:editors=Herausgeber,
- aps:edition=Auflage,
- aps:volume=Band,
+ aps:supplement={Beilage}, % Supplement
+ aps:patent=Patent,
+ aps:Translator={Ãœbersetzer}, % Ãœbers.
+ aps:Editor=Herausgeber, % Hrsg./Hg.
+ aps:Editors=Herausgeber,
+ aps:edition=Auf\/lage,
+ aps:volume=Band, % Bd.
- aps:number=Numer,
- aps:Number=Numer,
+ aps:Volumes={Bände},
+ aps:number=Nummer,
+ aps:Number={Nr.},
+ aps:nd={o.D.}, % ohne Datum (mostly: o.J. / ohne Jahr)
- aps:p=S,
- aps:pp=S,
+ aps:Part=Teil,
+ aps:p={S.},
+ aps:pp={S.},
- aps:others={et al.}]
-% \c!authoretallimit=4,
-% \c!editoretallimit=4,
-% \c!artauthoretallimit=4,
-% \c!authoretaldisplay=1,
-% \c!editoretaldisplay=1,
-% \c!artauthoretaldisplay=1,
-% \c!authoretaltext={ {\it et al.\/}},
-% \c!editoretaltext={ {\it et al.\/}},
-% \c!artauthoretaltext={ {\it et al.\/}}]
- [btx:aps:publisher]
- [left=\btxspace,
- right=\btxperiod]
- [btx:aps:organization]
- [left=\btxspace,
- right=\btxperiod]
- [btx:aps:school]
- [left=\btxcomma,
- right=\btxperiod,
- otherwise=\btxperiod]
- [btx:aps:institution]
- [left=\btxcomma,
- right=\btxperiod,
- otherwise=\btxperiod]
-% \def\insertEdition#1#2#3{%
-% \begingroup
-% \insertedition{#1}{\doifnumberelse{\csname @@pb@edition\endcsname}{%
-% \ifcase \csname @@pb@edition\endcsname \or st\or nd\or rd\else th\fi
-% }{}#2}{#3}%
-% \endgroup
-% }
-\starttexdefinition btx:aps:chapter
- \btxdoif {chapter} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxdoifelse {type} {
- \btxflush{type}
- \btxspace
- } {
- \btxlabeltext{aps:chapter}
+ aps:period={. },
+ aps:Author=Autor,
+ aps:Reference={Ref.},
+ aps:References={Ref.},
+ aps:Advanced={veröffentlicht werden},
+ aps:Retrieved={heruntergeladen von},
+ aps:others={\it et al.}]
+% thanks: Andrea Valle
+ [it]
+ [aps:mastersthesis={Tesi di laurea},
+ aps:phdthesis={Tesi di dottorato},
+ aps:technicalreport={Relazione tecnica},
+ aps:supplement={Supplemento},
+ aps:patent=Brevetto,
+ aps:Translator={Trad.}, % Translator(s)
+ aps:Editor={A cura di},
+ aps:Editors={A cura di},
+ aps:edition={ed.},
+ aps:volume=volume,
+ aps:Volume={Vol.},
+ aps:Volumes={Vol.},
+ aps:number=numero,
+ aps:Number=Numero,
+ aps:nd={s.d.},
+ aps:in=in,
+ aps:of=di,
+ aps:In=In,
+ aps:Part=Parte,
+ aps:p={p.},
+ aps:pp={pp.},
+ aps:pages=pagine,
+ aps:and=e,
+ aps:period={. },
+ aps:Author=Autore,
+ aps:Reference={Rif.},
+ aps:References={Rif.},
+ aps:Advanced={da pubblicare},
+ aps:Retrieved={Accessible online},
+ aps:others={\it et al.}]
+%D Instead of texdefinitions without arguments, we could have used setups but in my
+%D editor (hh, scite) the commands stand out better. It also saves an additional
+%D component in the name (e.g. common:) because commands and setups have a different
+%D namespace, so similar calls don't clash. Performance of definitions is somewhat
+%D better.
+%D \btxdoif... and \btxflush rely on the definitions in publ-imp-aps.lua:
+%D fields that are not listed as required nor optional are IGNORED.
+% First some helpers:
+\starttexdefinition btx:aps:inject #link #content
+ \ifconditional\btxinteractive
+ \ifx\currentbtxinternal\empty
+ #content
+ \else
+ \goto {
+ #content
+ } [
+ #link
+ ]
+ \fi
+ \else
+ #content
+ \fi
+\starttexdefinition btx:aps:title
+ \btxdoif {file} {
+ % we make the title active, opening file
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:inject} {url(file:\btxflush{file})}
+ }
+ {
+ \begingroup
+ \it
+ \btxflush{Word -> title}
+ \btxdoif {subtitle} {
+ \btxcolon
+ \btxflush{Word -> subtitle}
+ }
+ \italiccorrection
+ \endgroup
+ \doifnot {\currentbtxcategory} {techreport} {
+ \doifnotmode {btx:aps:thesis} {
+ \btxdoif{type} {
+ \btxleftbracket
+ \btxflush{Word -> type}
+ \btxrightbracket
+ }
+ }
- \btxspace
- \btxflush{chapter}
-\starttexdefinition btx:aps:publisher
- \btxdoif {publisher} {
- \btxflush{publisher}
- }
- \btxdoif {city} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{city}
- }
- \btxdoif {country} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{country}
+% need for a global option to activate or inhibit....
+\starttexdefinition btx:aps:optional-title
+ \btxdoif {title} {
+ \btxdoif {file} {
+ % we make the title active, opening file
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:inject} {url(file:\btxflush{file})}
+ }
+ {
+ \quotation{%
+ \btxflush{Word -> title}
+ \btxdoif {subtitle} {
+ \btxcolon
+ \btxflush{Word -> subtitle}
+ }
+ }
+ \btxcomma
+ }
- \btxperiod
-\starttexdefinition btx:aps:pages-p-or-pp
- \btxoneorrange {pages} {
- \btxlabeltext{aps:p}
+\starttexdefinition btx:aps:editor
+ \btxflush{editor}
+ \btxleftparenthesis
+ \btxsingularorplural {editor} {
+ \btxlabeltext{aps:Editor}
} {
- \btxlabeltext{aps:pp}
+ \btxlabeltext{aps:Editors}
+ \btxrightparenthesisperiod
-\starttexdefinition btx:aps:pages
- \btxdoif {pages} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxoneorrange {pages} {
- \btxlabeltext{aps:p}
- } {
- \btxlabeltext{aps:pp}
- }
- \btxperiod
- \btxnbsp
- \btxflush{pages}
+\starttexdefinition btx:aps:author
+ \btxflush{author}
+ \btxdoif {collaboration} {
+ \btxleftparenthesis
+ \btxflush{collaboration}
+ \btxrightparenthesis
@@ -181,710 +382,556 @@
-\disablemode[btx:aps:edited-book] % hm, ugly
-\starttexdefinition btx:aps:note
- \btxdoif {note} {
- \btxspace
- \btxflush{note}
- \btxperiod
- }
-\starttexdefinition btx:aps:comment
- \btxdoif {comment} {
- \btxspace
- \btxflush{comment}
- \btxperiod
- }
-\startsetups btx:aps:article
- \btxdoif {author} {
- \btxflushauthor {author}
+\starttexdefinition btx:aps:editor-in- #title
+ \btxdoifelse {editor} {
+ \btxlabeltext{aps:In}
- \btxdoif {key} {
- \btxsetup{btx:format:key}
- \btxspace
- }
- }
- \btxdoif {title} {
- \btxflush{title}
- \btxperiod
- }
- \btxdoifelse {journal} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{journal}
- }
- \btxdoifelse {volume} {
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:bold}{volume}
- \btxdoif {pages} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxfirstofrange{pages}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:editor}
+ \btxdoif {#title} {
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:italic}{Word -> #title}
} {
- \btxdoif {pages} {
+ \btxdoif {#title} {
+ \btxlabeltext{aps:In}
- \btxfirstofrange{pages}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:italic}{Word -> #title}
- \btxdoif {year} {
- \btxlparent
- \btxflush{year}
- \btxrparent
- }
- \btxperiod
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:note}
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:comment}
-\disablemode[btx:apa:edited-book] % hm, ugly
-\startsetups btx:aps:book
- \btxdoif {author} {
- \btxflushauthor {author}
- \btxspace
- } {
- \btxdoifelse {editor} {
- \btxflush{editor}
- \btxcomma
- \btxsingularorplural {editor} {
- \btxlabeltext{aps:editor}
+\starttexdefinition btx:aps:editionset
+ \btxdoifelse {edition} {
+ \btxleftparenthesis
+ \doif {\currentbtxcategory} {techreport} {
+ \btxdoifelse {type} {
+ \btxflush{Word -> type}
} {
- \btxlabeltext{aps:editors}
+ \btxlabeltext{aps:technicalreport}
+ \setmode{btx:aps:comma}
+ }
+ \doif {\btxfoundname{edition}} {edition} {
+ \doifmode {btx:aps:comma}
+ {\btxcomma}
+ \btxflush{edition}
- \setmode{btx:apa:edited-book}
- } {
- \btxdoif {key} {
- \btxflush{key}
- \btxperiod
- }
+ \btxlabeltext{aps:edition}
+ \setmode{btx:aps:comma}
- }
- \btxdoifelse {title} {
- \btxcomma
- \texdefinition {btx:apa:italic} {
- \doifmode {btx:apa:edited-book} {
- \resetmode{editedbook}
- \btxdoifelse {volume} {
- \btxlabeltext{aps:Number}
- \btxnbsp
- \btxflush{number}
- \btxdoifelse {series} {
- \btxlabeltext{aps:in}
- \btxnbsp
- \btxflush{series}
- \btxperiod
- } {
- \btxdoif {crossref} {
- \btxlabeltext{aps:in}
- \btxnbsp
- \btxflush{crossref}
- \btxperiod
- }
- }
- } {
- \insertseries{ }{.}{}
- }
+ \btxdoif {volume} {
+ \doifmode {btx:aps:comma}
+ {\btxcomma}
+ \btxoneorrange {volume} {
+ \btxlabeltext{aps:Volume}
} {
- \btxdoif {crossref} {
- \texdefinition {btx:aps:chapter}
- \btxdoif {pages} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{pages}
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages-p-or-pp}
- }
- \btxperiod
- \btxdoif {volume} {
- \btxlabeltext{aps:Volume}
- \btxnbsp
- \btxflush{volume}
- \btxspace
- \btxlabeltext{aps:of}
- \btxnbsp
- }%
- \btxflush{crossref}
- } {
- \btxdoif {volume} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxlabeltext{aps:volume}
- \btxnbsp
- \btxflush{volume}
- \btxdoif {series} {
- \btxspace
- \btxlabeltext{aps:of}
- \btxnbsp
- \texdefinition {btx:aps:italic} {
- \btxflush{series}
- }
- }
- \btxdoif {chapter} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{chapter}
- }
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages}
- \btxperiod
- }
- }
+ \btxlabeltext{aps:Volumes}
+ \btxspace
+ \btxflush{volume}
+ \setmode{btx:aps:comma}
- } {
- \btxspace
- }
- \btxdoif {year} {
- \btxlparent
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher}
- \btxflush{year}
- \btxrparent
- \btxdoif {edition} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{edition}
+ \btxdoif {number} {
+ \doifmode {btx:aps:comma}
+ {\btxcomma}
+ \btxlabeltext{aps:Number}
- \btxlabeltext{aps:edition}% ed
+ \btxflush{number}
+ \setmode{btx:aps:comma}
- }
- \btxperiod
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:note}
-\startsetups btx:aps:inbook
- \btxdoifelse {authors} {
- \btxflushauthor {author}
- } {
- \btxdoifelse {editor} {
- \btxflush{editor}
- \btxcomma
- \btxsingularorplural {
- \btxlabeltext{aps:editor}
+ \btxdoif {pages} {
+ \doifmode {btx:aps:comma}
+ {\btxcomma}
+ \btxoneorrange {pages} {
+ \btxlabeltext{aps:p}
} {
- \btxlabeltext{aps:editors}
- }
- \setmode{btx:aps:edited-book}
- } {
- \btxdoif {key} {
- \btxsetup{btx:format:key}
- \btxperiod
+ \btxlabeltext{aps:pp}
+ \btxspace
+ \btxflush{pages}
+ }
+ \btxrightparenthesisperiod
+ } {
+ \doif {\currentbtxcategory} {techreport} {
+ \btxleftparenthesis
+ \btxlabeltext{aps:technicalreport}
+ \btxrightparenthesisperiod
- \btxdoif {title} {
+\starttexdefinition btx:aps:journal-volumeset-year
+ \btxdoif {journal} {
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:italic}{title}
- \btxdoif {year} {
- \btxlparent
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher}
- \btxflush{year}
- \btxrparent
- \btxdoif {edition} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{edition}
- \btxspace
- \btxlabeltext{aps:edition}
- \btxperiod
+ % expandedjournal abbreviatedjournal
+ \btxflush{expandedjournal -> journal}
+ % A newspaper may not have a volume but may have a number!
+ \btxdoifelse {volume} {
+ \doif {\btxfoundname{volume}} {volume} {
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:bold}{volume}
- }
- \doifmodeelse {btx:aps:edited-book} {
- \resetmode{btx:aps:edited-book}
- \btxdoifelse {volume} {
- \btxspace
- \btxlabeltext{aps:volume}% vol. (todo: add period to abbreviation)
- \btxnbsp
- \btxflush{volume}
- \btxdoifelse {series} {
- \btxspace
- \btxlabeltext{aps:in}
- \btxnbsp
- \btxflush{series}
- } {
- \btxdoifelse {crossref} {
- \btxspace
- \btxlabeltext{aps:in}
- \btxnbsp
- \btxflush{crossref}
- }
- }
- \btxperiod
- } {
- {\insertseries{ }{.}{} }%
+ \btxdoif {number} {
+ \removeunwantedspaces(
+ \btxflush{number}
+ \btxrightparenthesiscomma
} {
- \btxdoifelse {crossref} {
- \btxdoif {chapter} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{chapter}
- }
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages}
- \btxperiod
- \btxdoif {volume} {
- \btxlabeltext{aps:Volume}
- \btxnbsp
- \btxflush{volume}
- \btxspace
- \btxlabeltext{aps:of}
- \btxnbsp
- }
- % weird:
- \btxflush{crossref}
- } {
- \btxdoif {volume} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxlabeltext{aps:volume}% vol.
- \btxnbsp
- \btxflush{volume}
- \btxdoif {series} {
- \btxnbsp
- \btxlabeltext{aps:of}
- \btxnbsp
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:italic}{
- \btxflush{series}
- }
- }
- }
- \btxdoif {chapter} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{chapter}
- }
- \btxdoif {pages} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{pages}
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages-p-or-pp}
- }
- \btxperiod
+ \btxdoif {number} {
+ \btxflush{number}
+ \btxcomma
+ \btxflush{pages}
+ \btxleftparenthesis
+ \btxdoifelse {year} {
+ \btxflush{year}
+ } {
+ \btxlabeltext{aps:Advanced}
+ }
+ \btxrightparenthesis
+ \btxperiod
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:note}
-\startsetups btx:aps:booklet
- \btxdoif {author} {
- \btxflushauthor {author}
- \btxspace
- } {
- \btxdoif {key} {
- \btxsetup{btx:format:key}
- \btxperiod
+\definebreakpoint [doi][:][nleft=3,type=1]
+\definebreakpoint [doi][/][nleft=3,type=1]
+\definebreakpoint [doi][-][nleft=3,type=1]
+\definebreakpoint [doi][.][nleft=3,type=1]
+\starttexdefinition btx:aps:url
+ % use \btxentry here?
+ \btxspace
+ \btxlabeltext{aps:Retrieved}
+ \btxspace
+ \begingroup
+ \setbreakpoints[doi]
+ \btxdoifelseinteractive {url} {
+ \goto {
+ \btxflush{url}
+ } [
+ url(\btxflush{url})
+ ]
+ } {
+ \btxflush{url}
- }
- \btxdoif {title} {
- \btxflush{title}
- \btxdoif {series} {
- \btxlparent
- \btxflush{series}
- \btxrparent
+ \endgroup
+\starttexdefinition btx:aps:doi
+ % use \btxentry here?
+ \btxspace
+ \begingroup
+ \setbreakpoints[doi]
+ \btxdoifelseinteractive {doi} {
+ \goto {
+ doi:\btxflush{doi}
+ } [
+ url(\btxflush{doi})
+ ]
+ } {
+ doi:\btxflush{doi}
- \btxperiod
+ \endgroup
+\starttexdefinition btx:aps:isbn
+ % also issn - see publ-imp-aps.lua
+ \btxdoif {isbn} {
+ \btxleftparenthesis
+ \WORD{\btxfoundname{isbn}}:\btxspace
+ \btxflush{isbn}
+ \btxrightparenthesis
- \btxdoif {year} {
- \btxlparent
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher}
- \btxflush{year}
- \btxrparent
- \btxdoif {edition} {
- \btxcomma
- % todo: st nd rd th
- \btxflush{edition}
- \btxspace
- \btxlabeltext{aps:edition}
- }
- \btxperiod
+\starttexdefinition btx:aps:note
+ % grouping could indeed be useful for note.
+ \btxdoif {note} {
+ \btxleftparenthesis
+ {\btxflush{note}}
+ \btxrightparenthesis
- \btxdoif {pages} {
- \btxflush{pages}
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages-p-or-pp}
- \btxperiod
+\starttexdefinition btx:aps:url-note-doi
+ \doif {\btxfoundname{doi}} {url} {
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:url}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:isbn}
-\startsetups btx:aps:manual
- \btxdoif {title} {
- \texdefinition {btx:aps:italic} {
- \btxflush{title}
- }
- \btxdoif {series} {
- \btxlparent
- \btxflush{series}
- \btxrparent
- }
- \btxperiod
+ \doif {\btxfoundname{doi}} {doi} {
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:doi}
- \btxdoifelse {year} {
- \btxlparent
- \btxdoif {organization} {
- \btxflush{organization}
+ \removeunwantedspaces
+\starttexdefinition btx:aps:publisher-wherefrom-year
+ \btxleftparenthesis
+ \btxflush{publisher}
+ \btxdoifelse {address} {
+ \btxdoif {publisher} {
- \btxdoif {city} {
- \btxflush{organization}
+ \btxflush{address}
+ \btxdoif {country} {
+ \btxflush{country}
- \btxflush{year}
- \btxrparent
- % st\or nd\or rd\else th\fi
- \btxdoif {edition} {
+ \btxcomma
+ } {
+ \btxdoif {publisher} {
- \btxflush{edition}
- \btxspace
- \btxlabeltext{aps:edition}% ed
- \btxperiod
- \btxdoif {pages} {
- \btxflush{pages}
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages-p-or-pp}
- \btxperiod
+ \btxdoifelse {year} {
+ \btxflush{year}
+ } {
+ \btxlabeltext{aps:Advanced}
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:note}
+ \btxrightparenthesis
+% Then by category
+% An article from a journal
+% Required fields: author or editor or title, journal, (year).
+% Optional fields: volume, number, pages, type, doi, url, note.
+% Note that bibtex (and tools) do not include editor (e.g. special issue or section)
+\startsetups btx:aps:article
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:author}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:optional-title}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:journal-volumeset-year}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi}
-\startsetups btx:aps:incollection
- \btxdoifelse {author} {
- \btxflushauthor {author}
- } {
- \btxdoif {key} {
- \btxsetup{ntx:format:key}
- \btxcomma
- }
- }
- \btxdoifelse {title} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxlabeltext{aps:in}
+% An article from a magazine.
+% Required fields: author or title, journal, (year).
+% Optional fields: volume, number, pages, type, month, day, doi, url, note.
+\startsetups btx:aps:magazine
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:author}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:optional-title}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:journal-volumeset-year}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi}
+% An article from a newspaper.
+% Required fields: author or title, journal, (year).
+% Optional fields: volume, number, pages, type, month, day, doi, url, note.
+\startsetups btx:aps:newspaper
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:author}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:optional-title}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:journal-volumeset-year}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi}
+% A book with an explicit publisher.
+% Required fields: author or editor or publisher, title, (year).
+% Optional fields: volume or number, series, address, edition, month, day, note.
+% todo: series?
+\startsetups btx:aps:book
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:author}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:title}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:editionset}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher-wherefrom-year}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi}
+% A part of a book, which may be a chapter (or section or whatever) and/or a range of pages.
+% Required fields: author or editor, title, chapter and/or pages, publisher, year.
+% Optional fields: volume or number, series, type, address, edition, month, note.
+% todo: series?
+\startsetups btx:aps:inbook
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:author}
+ \btxdoif {chapter} {
+ \btxflush{Word -> chapter}
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:italic} {title}
- \btxdoifelse {editor} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxlabeltext{aps:edited} % edited by
+ }
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:editor-in-}{title}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:editionset}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher-wherefrom-year}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi}
+% A part of a book having its own title.
+% Required fields: author, title, booktitle, publisher, year.
+% Optional fields: editor, volume or number, series, type, chapter, pages, address, edition, month, note.
+% todo: series?
+\startsetups btx:aps:incollection
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:author}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:title}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:editor-in-}{booktitle}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:editionset}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher-wherefrom-year}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi}
+% The proceedings of a conference.
+% Required fields: title, year.
+% Optional fields: editor, volume or number, series, address, month, organization, publisher, note.
+% todo: series?
+\startsetups btx:aps:proceedings
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:author}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:title}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:editionset}
+ \btxdoif {editor} {
+ \btxdoif {organization} {
- \btxflush{edited}
- } {
- \btxdoif {series} {
- \btxdoifelse {volume} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxlabeltext{aps:number}
- \btxspace
- \btxflush{volume}
- \btxnbsp
- \btxlabeltext{aps:in}
- } {
- \btxspace
- }
- \btxflush{series}
- }
- }
- \btxdoif {chapter} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{chapter}
- }
- \btxspace
- \btxdoif {year} {
- \btxlparent
- \btxflush{year}
- \btxrparent
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher}
- \btxdoif {edition} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{edition}
- \btxlabeltext{aps:edition}% ed.
- }
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages}
- }
- \btxperiod
- } {
- \btxlabeltext{aps:In}
- \btxdoif {crossref} {
- \btxflush{crossref}
- }
- \btxdoif {chapter} {
+ \btxflush{organization}
- \btxflush{chapter}
- \btxspace
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages}
- \btxperiod
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:note}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher-wherefrom-year}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi}
+% An article in a conference proceedings.
+% Required fields: author, title, booktitle, year.
+% Optional fields: editor, volume or number, series, pages, address, month, organization, publisher, note.
+% todo: series?
\startsetups btx:aps:inproceedings
- \btxdoif {author} {
- \btxflushauthor{author}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:author}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:title}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:editor-in-}{booktitle}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:editionset}
+ \btxdoif {organization} {
+ \btxflush{organization}
+ \btxcomma
- \btxdoifelse {title} {
- \texdefinition {btx:aps:italic} {
- \btxflush{ title}
- }
- \btxdoif {editor} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxlabeltext{aps:edited}% edited by
- \btxspace
- \btxflush{editor}
- }
- \btxdoif {chapter} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{chapter}
- }
- \btxdoif {year} {
- \btxlparent
- \btxflush{year}
- \btxdoifelse {organization} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{organization}
- }
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher}
- \btxdoif {city} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{city}
- }
- \btxrparent
- }
- \btxdoif {series} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxdoif {volume} {
- \btxlabeltext{aps:volume}% vol.
- \btxspace
- \btxflush{volume}
- \btxspace
- \btxlabeltext{aps:of}
- }
- \texdefinition {btx:aps:italic} {
- \btxflush{series}
- }
- }
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages}
- \btxperiod
- } {
- \btxspace
- \btxlabeltext{aps:In}
- \btxdoif {crossref} {
- \btxflush{crossref}
- }
- \btxdoif {chapter} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{chapter}
- }
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages}
- \btxperiod
- }
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:note}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher-wherefrom-year}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi}
-\startsetups btx:aps:proceedings
- \btxdoifelse {editor} {
- \btxflush{editor}
- \btxcomma
- \btxsingularorplural {editor} {
- \btxlabeltext{aps:editor}% ed
- } {
- \btxlabeltext{aps:editors}% eds
- }
- \setmode{btx:aps:edited-book}
+\startsetups btx:aps:conference
+ \fastsetup{btx:aps:inproceedings}
+% A thesis.
+% Required fields: author, title, school, year.
+% Optional fields: type, address, month, note.
+\startsetups btx:aps:thesis
+ \setmode{btx:aps:thesis}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:author}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:title}
+ \btxleftparenthesis
+ \btxdoifelse {type} {
+ \btxflush{Word -> type}
} {
- \btxdoif {key} {
- \btxsetup{btx:format:key}
- \btxspace
- }
+ \Word{\btxlabeltext{aps:\currentbtxcategory}}
- \btxdoif {title} {
- \texdefinition {btx:aps:italic} {
- \btxflush{title}
- }
- \btxdoif {series} {
- \bxtif {volume} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxlabeltext{aps:number}
- \btxspace
- \btxflush{volume}
- \btxnbsp
- \btxlabeltext{aps:in}
- }
- \btxspace
- \btxflush{series}
- }
- \btxdoif {chapter} {
+ \btxrightparenthesis
+ \btxdoif {school} {
+ \btxperiod
+ \btxflush{school}
+ }
+ \btxdoif {address} {
+ \btxdoifelse {school} {
- \btxflush{chapter}
- \btxspace
- }
- \btxdoif {year} {
- \btxlparent
- \btxdoif {organization} {
- \btxflush{organization}
- \btxcomma
- }
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher}
- \btxflush{year}
- \btxrparent
+ } {
+ \btxperiod
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages}
- \btxdoif {city} {
+ \btxflush{address}
+ \btxdoif {country} {
- \btxflush{city}
+ \btxflush{country}
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:note}
+ \btxperiod
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi}
-\starttexdefinition btx:aps:thesis #field
- \btxdoif {author} {
- \btxflushauthor {author}
- \btxcomma
- }
- \btxdoifelse {type} {
- \btxflush{type}
- \btxcomma
- } {
- \btxlabeltext{aps:#field}
- }
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher}
- \btxdoifelse {year} {
- \btxlparent
- \btxflush{year}
- \btxrparent
- }
- \btxdoifelse {pages} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{pages}
- }
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:note}
+\startsetups btx:aps:phdthesis
+ \fastsetup{btx:aps:thesis}
\startsetups btx:aps:mastersthesis
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:thesis}{mastersthesis}
+ \fastsetup{btx:aps:thesis}
-\startsetups btx:aps:phdthesis
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:thesis}{phdthesis}
+% A work that is printed and bound, but without a named publisher or sponsoring institution.
+% Required field: title.
+% Optional fields: author, howpublished, address, month, year, note.
+\startsetups btx:aps:booklet
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:author}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:title}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher-wherefrom-year}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi}
+% Technical documentation.
+% Required field: title.
+% Optional fields: author, organization, address, edition, month, year, note.
+\startsetups btx:aps:manual
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:author}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:title}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:editionset}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher-wherefrom-year}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi}
+% A report published by a school or other institution, usually numbered within a series.
+% Required fields: author, title, institution, year.
+% Optional fields: type, number, address, month, note.
\startsetups btx:aps:techreport
- \btxdoif {author} {
- \btxflushauthor{author}
- \btxcomma
- }
- \btxdoif {title} {
- \texdefinition {btx:apa:italic} {
- \btxflush{title}
- \btxdoifelse {series} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxlparent
- \btxflush{series}
- \btxrparent
- } {
- \btxspace
- }
- }
- }
- \btxdoifelse {type} {
- \btxflush{type}
- } {
- \btxlabeltext{aps:techreport}
- }
- \btxdoif {volume} {
- \btxspace
- \btxflush{volume}
- }
- \btxcomma
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher}
- \btxdoif {year} {
- \btxlparent
- \btxflush{year}
- \btxrparent
- }
- \btxdoif {pages} {
- \btxlcomma
- \btxflush{pages}
- }
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:note}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:author}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:title}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:editionset}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher-wherefrom-year}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi}
-\startsetups btx:aps:misc
- \btxdoifelse {author} {
- \btxflushauthor{author}
- \btxdoif {title} {
- \btxcomma
- \texdefinition {btx:aps:italic} {
- \btxflush{title}
- }
+% A document having an author and title, but not formally published.
+% Required fields: author, title, note.
+% Optional fields: month, year.
+\startsetups btx:aps:unpublished
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:author}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:title}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi}
+% A patent. Note that this category was not defined with BIBTEX. Below from JabRef:
+% Required fields: nationality, number, year, yearfiled
+% Optional fields: author, title, assignee, address, type, number, day, dayfiled, month, monthfiled, note, url
+% Also optional: publisher
+% todo: yearfiled, monthfiled, dayfiled
+\startsetups btx:aps:patent
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:author}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:title}
+ \begingroup
+ \it
+ \btxdoif {nationality} {
+ \btxspace
+ \btxflush{nationality}
- } {
- \btxdoifelse {title} {
- \btxdoifelse {key} {
- \btxsetup{btx:format:key}
+ \btxspace
+ \btxlabeltext{aps:patent}
+ \btxdoif {number} {
+ \btxspace
+ \btxlabeltext{aps:Number}
+ \btxspace
+ \btxflush{number}
+ }
+ \btxperiod
+ \italiccorrection
+ \endgroup
+ \btxdoifelse {author} {
+ \btxdoifelse {country} {
+ \btxspace
+ \btxdoif {address} {
+ \btxflush{address}
- \texdefinition {btx:aps:italic} {
- \btxflush{title}
- }
+ \btxflush{country}
+ \btxdoifelse {assignee}
+ {\btxcolon} {\btxperiod}
} {
- \btxdoifelse {key} {
- \btxsetup{btx:format:key}
+ \btxdoifelse {address} {
+ \btxspace
+ \btxflush{address}
+ \btxdoifelse {assignee}
+ {\btxcolon} {\btxperiod}
+ } {
+ \btxdoifelse {assignee}
+ {\btxspace} {}
- }
- \btxdoif {series} {
- \btxlparent
- \btxflush{series}
- \btxrparent
- }
- \btxdoifelse {year} {
- \btxlparent
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher}
- \btxflush{year}
- \btxrparent
- } {
- \btxdoif {published} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{published}
+ \btxdoif {assignee} {
+ \btxflush{assignee}
+ \btxperiod
+ } {
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher-wherefrom-year}
- \btxdoif {pages} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{pages}
- }
- \btxdoif {print} {
- % eprint
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{print}
- }
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:note}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:url}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:note}
-\startsetups btx:aps:unpublished
- \btxdoif {author} {
- \btxflushauthor{author}
- }
- \btxdoif {title} {
- \texdefinition {btx:aps:italic} {
- \btxspace
- \btxflush{title}
- \btxdoif {series} {
- \btxlparent
- \btxflush{series}
- \btxrparent
- }
- }
- }
- \btxdoif {type} {
- \btxlparent
- \btxflush{type}
- \btxrparent
+% Electronic. Note that this category was not defined with BIBTEX. Below from JabRef:
+% Required fields: title
+% Optional fields: address, author, howpublished, month, note, organization, url, year, doi
+% Also optional: type
+% Like Misc below but includes organization.
+\startsetups btx:aps:electronic
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:author}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:title}
+ \btxdoif {organization} {
+ \btxspace
+ \btxflush{organization}
+ \btxperiod
- \btxlparent
- \btxlabeltext{aps:unpublished}% new label
- \btxdoifelse {year} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{year}
+ \btxdoif {howpublished} {
+ \btxspace
+ \btxflush{howpublished}
+ \btxperiod
- \btxrparent
- \btxdoif {pages} {
- \btxcomma
- \btxflush{pages}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi}
+% Other. Note that this category was not defined with BIBTEX. Below from JabRef:
+% Required fields: author or title, year
+% Optional fields: note, doi, url
+\startsetups btx:aps:other
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:author}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:title}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi}
+% Use this type when nothing else fits.
+% Required fields: none.
+% Optional fields: author, title, howpublished, month, year, note.
+\startsetups btx:aps:misc
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:author}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:title}
+ \btxdoif {howpublished} {
+ \btxflush{howpublished}
+ \btxperiod
- \texdefinition{btx:aps:note}
+ \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi}
+% If all else fails to match:
+\startsetups btx:aps:literal
+ %\btxleftparenthesis
+ \removeunwantedspaces(
+ \btxflush{key}
+ \btxrightparenthesis
+ \btxdoif {text} {
+ \btxflush{text}
+ }
+%D Experiment:
+\startsetups btx:aps:lefttext
+ \currentbtxlefttext
+\startsetups btx:aps:righttext
+ \currentbtxrighttext
diff --git a/tex/context/base/publ-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/publ-ini.lua
index e09ba3a38..1fa2c44e1 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/publ-ini.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/publ-ini.lua
@@ -1545,7 +1545,7 @@ do
if type(sorter) == "function" then
- rendering.list = sorter(dataset,rendering,newlist,sorttype)
+ rendering.list = sorter(dataset,rendering,newlist,sorttype) or newlist
rendering.list = newlist
diff --git a/tex/context/base/publ-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/publ-ini.mkiv
index 801a274d3..6e03bb96a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/publ-ini.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/publ-ini.mkiv
@@ -110,10 +110,12 @@
- \letvalue{\??btxrenderingdefinition\currentbtxrenderingdefinition}\currentbtxrenderingdefinition}
+ \letvalue{\??btxrenderingdefinition\currentbtxrenderingdefinition}\currentbtxrenderingdefinition
+ \unprotect}
- {\popmacro\currentbtxrenderingdefinition}
+ {\protect
+ \popmacro\currentbtxrenderingdefinition}
@@ -1465,7 +1467,7 @@
% \c!setups=btx:\btxrenderingparameter\c!alternative:initialize, % not the same usage as cite !
- \c!sorttype=,
+% \c!sorttype=authoryear,
\c!refcommand=authoryears, % todo
diff --git a/tex/context/base/publ-sor.lua b/tex/context/base/publ-sor.lua
index acef99aa0..c17273cc3 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/publ-sor.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/publ-sor.lua
@@ -106,6 +106,11 @@ local sharedmethods = { }
publications.sortmethods = sharedmethods
local function sortsequence(dataset,list,sorttype)
+ if not list or #list == 0 then
+ return
+ end
local specification = publications.currentspecification
local types = specification.types
local sortmethods = specification.sortmethods
@@ -188,13 +193,19 @@ local function sortsequence(dataset,list,sorttype)
local action, error = loadstring(code)
if type(action) == "function" then
action = action()
+ else
+ report("error when compiling sort method %a: %s",sorttype,error or "unknown")
if type(action) == "function" then
local valid = action(dataset,list,method)
if valid and #valid > 0 then
return valid
+ else
+ report("error when applying sort method %a",sorttype)
+ else
+ report("error in sort method %a",sorttype)
report("invalid sort method %a",sorttype)
@@ -248,7 +259,7 @@ local sorters = {
local valid = sortsequence(dataset,list,sorttype)
- if #valid > 0 then
+ if valid and #valid > 0 then
for i=1,#valid do
local v = valid[i]
valid[i] = list[v.index]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
index 137acb6f7..af48c623a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
index badc82b03..8d131e34a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-flt.mkvi b/tex/context/base/strc-flt.mkvi
index 94f730beb..14bfafa9f 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/strc-flt.mkvi
+++ b/tex/context/base/strc-flt.mkvi
@@ -108,8 +108,9 @@
% \c!stopper=\@@kostopper,
\c!suffixseparator=, % currently rather hard coded
- \c!distance=1em,
+ \c!distance=\emwidth,
+ \c!maxwidth=\hsize,
% we can comment some of these
@@ -1395,17 +1396,82 @@
+% \def\strc_floats_prepare_stack_caption_auto
+% {\ifx\p_strc_floats_caption_align\empty \else
+% \doifnotinset\v!middle\p_strc_floats_caption_align{\let\captionovershoot\!!zeropoint}%
+% \fi
+% \edef\captionhsize{\the\wd\b_strc_floats_content}%
+% \ifdim\captionhsize>\hsize
+% % float is wider than \hsize
+% \setbox\b_strc_floats_caption\vbox
+% {\settrialtypesetting
+% \strc_floats_caption_set_align
+% \hsize\captionhsize
+% \notesenabledfalse
+% \strc_floats_make_complete_caption}%
+% \ifdim\ht\scratchbox>\lineheight % more lines
+% \setbox\b_strc_floats_caption\vbox
+% {\strc_floats_caption_set_align
+% \hsize\dimexpr\captionhsize-\captionovershoot\relax
+% \ifdim\hsize<\captionminwidth\relax
+% \hsize\captionhsize
+% \fi
+% \strc_floats_make_complete_caption}%
+% \else
+% \setbox\b_strc_floats_caption\vbox
+% {\strc_floats_caption_set_align
+% \hsize\captionhsize
+% \strc_floats_make_complete_caption}%
+% \fi
+% \else
+% % float is smaller of equal to \hsize
+% \ifdim\captionhsize<\captionminwidth\relax
+% \scratchdimen\captionminwidth % float smaller than min width
+% \edef\captionhsize{\the\scratchdimen}%
+% \fi
+% \setbox\scratchbox\vbox % test with overshoot
+% {\settrialtypesetting
+% \scratchdimen\dimexpr\captionhsize+\captionovershoot+3\emwidth\relax % 3em is an average word length
+% \ifdim\scratchdimen<\hsize
+% \hsize\scratchdimen
+% \fi
+% \notesenabledfalse
+% \strc_floats_make_complete_caption}%
+% \ifdim\ht\scratchbox>\lineheight
+% % at least an average word longer than a line
+% \setbox\b_strc_floats_caption\vbox
+% {\strc_floats_caption_set_align
+% \scratchdimen\dimexpr\captionhsize+\captionovershoot\relax
+% \ifdim\scratchdimen<\hsize
+% \hsize\scratchdimen
+% \fi
+% \strc_floats_make_complete_caption}%
+% \else\ifx\p_strc_floats_caption_align\empty
+% \setbox\b_strc_floats_caption\vbox
+% {\strc_floats_caption_set_align
+% \hsize\captionhsize
+% \raggedcenter % overloads
+% \strc_floats_make_complete_caption}%
+% \else
+% \setbox\b_strc_floats_caption\vbox
+% {\strc_floats_caption_set_align
+% \hsize\captionhsize
+% \strc_floats_make_complete_caption}%
+% \fi\fi
+% \fi}
{\ifx\p_strc_floats_caption_align\empty \else
- \ifdim\captionhsize>\hsize
+ \scratchwidth\floatcaptionparameter\c!maxwidth\relax
+ \ifdim\captionhsize>\scratchwidth
% float is wider than \hsize
- \hsize\captionhsize
+ \hsize\scratchwidth
\ifdim\ht\scratchbox>\lineheight % more lines
@@ -1413,13 +1479,13 @@
- \hsize\captionhsize
+ \hsize\scratchwidth
- \hsize\captionhsize
+ \hsize\scratchwidth
diff --git a/tex/context/base/syst-aux.mkiv b/tex/context/base/syst-aux.mkiv
index 84d1b10b6..81b6406f9 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/syst-aux.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/syst-aux.mkiv
@@ -5336,6 +5336,9 @@
+ {\dimexpr#1/#2\relax}
%D \macros
%D {doifvalue,doifnotvalue,doifelsevalue,
%D doifnothing,doifsomething,doifelsenothing,
@@ -6142,16 +6145,12 @@
%D \macros
%D {processcontent}
-%D This is the first occasion where \TEX\ and \ETEX\ are no
-%D longer compatible, although in many cases things go ok.
-%D Beware of verbatim, i.e. catcode changes.
+%D This macro is first used in the tabulation macros.
%D \starttyping
%D \unexpanded\def\starthans%
%D {\processcontent{stophans}\test{\message{\test}\wait}}
%D \stoptyping
-%D This macro is first used in the tabulation macros.
diff --git a/tex/context/base/tabl-ntb.mkiv b/tex/context/base/tabl-ntb.mkiv
index 77b0be2fa..34f893df7 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/tabl-ntb.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/tabl-ntb.mkiv
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
%D real purpose in it. If needed I can squeeze out a few more percentages
%D runtime.
+% columndistance 'optimized' ... needs checking
\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Table Macros / Natural Tables}
% sometimes this helps (with nc going wild): \setupTABLE[maxwidth=100cm]
@@ -167,6 +169,11 @@
\newtoks\everyTABLEpass % public
\newcount\tablecellrows % public (needs checking)
@@ -344,7 +351,7 @@
\newif\ifenableTBLbreak \enableTBLbreakfalse
\newif\ifmultipleTBLheads \multipleTBLheadsfalse
\newif\iftightTBLrowspan \tightTBLrowspantrue
-\newif\iftightTBLcolspan \tightTBLcolspantrue
+%newif\iftightTBLcolspan \tightTBLcolspantrue
\newif\iftraceTABLE \traceTABLEfalse
@@ -890,6 +897,12 @@
\ifhmode\kern\zeropoint\fi % blocks \removeunwantedspaces: check this on icare handelingsschema
\resetcharacteralign % new
+ %
+ \d_tabl_ntb_leftmargindistance \naturaltablelocalparameter\c!leftmargindistance\relax
+ \d_tabl_ntb_rightmargindistance\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!rightmargindistance\relax
+ \d_tabl_ntb_columndistance \naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance\relax
+ \d_tabl_ntb_maxwidth \naturaltablelocalparameter\c!maxwidth\relax
+ %
@@ -1115,7 +1128,7 @@
- \kern\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance
+ \kern\d_tabl_ntb_columndistance
@@ -1138,7 +1151,10 @@
- \kern\dimexpr\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!leftmargindistance-\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance\relax}
+ \kern\dimexpr
+ \d_tabl_ntb_leftmargindistance
+ -\d_tabl_ntb_columndistance
+ \relax}
@@ -1146,7 +1162,10 @@
- {\kern\dimexpr\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!rightmargindistance-\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance\relax
+ {\kern\dimexpr
+ \d_tabl_ntb_rightmargindistance
+ -\d_tabl_ntb_columndistance
+ \relax
@@ -1243,16 +1262,22 @@
- \dorecurse\!!counta
- {\advance\d_tabl_ntb_width\dimexpr
- \tabl_ntb_get_wid\scratchcounter
- +\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance
- \ifnum\recurselevel<\!!counta
- +\tabl_ntb_get_dis\scratchcounter
- \fi
- \relax
- \advance\scratchcounter\plusone}%
- \advance\d_tabl_ntb_width-\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance\relax
+ \ifcase\!!counta\or
+ \advance\d_tabl_ntb_width\dimexpr
+ \tabl_ntb_get_wid\scratchcounter
+ \relax
+ \advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+ \else
+ \dorecurse\!!counta
+ {\advance\d_tabl_ntb_width\dimexpr
+ \tabl_ntb_get_wid\scratchcounter
+ \ifnum\recurselevel<\!!counta
+ +\d_tabl_ntb_columndistance
+ +\tabl_ntb_get_dis\scratchcounter
+ \fi
+ \relax
+ \advance\scratchcounter\plusone}%
+ \fi
@@ -1283,16 +1308,22 @@
% width
- \dorecurse\!!counta
- {\advance\d_tabl_ntb_width\dimexpr
- \tabl_ntb_get_wid\scratchcounter
- +\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance
- \ifnum\recurselevel<\!!counta
- +\tabl_ntb_get_dis\scratchcounter
- \fi
- \relax
- \advance\scratchcounter\plusone}%
- \advance\d_tabl_ntb_width-\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance\relax
+ \ifcase\!!counta\or
+ \advance\d_tabl_ntb_width\dimexpr
+ \tabl_ntb_get_wid\scratchcounter
+ \relax
+ \advance\scratchcounter\plusone
+ \else
+ \dorecurse\!!counta
+ {\advance\d_tabl_ntb_width\dimexpr
+ \tabl_ntb_get_wid\scratchcounter
+ \ifnum\recurselevel<\!!counta
+ +\d_tabl_ntb_columndistance
+ +\tabl_ntb_get_dis\scratchcounter
+ \fi
+ \relax
+ \advance\scratchcounter\plusone}%
+ \fi
% cell
\setbox\scratchbox\hbox attr \taggedattribute \attribute\taggedattribute \bgroup
\dotagTABLEsignal % maybe we need to add some packaging in this case
@@ -1341,7 +1372,9 @@
- {\setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[\c!frame=\v!off,\c!background=,\c!align=\v!no]%
+ {\letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!frame\v!off
+ \letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!background\empty
+ \letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!align\v!no
\edef\minimalcellheight{\the\ht\scratchbox}% not used
@@ -1417,18 +1450,27 @@
\def\tabl_ntb_stretch_widths % more variants, e.g. a max to \dimend
{\ifcase\c_tabl_ntb_maximum_col\else % else division by zero
- \!!dimene\hsize
+ \!!dimene\dimexpr
+ \hsize
+ -\d_tabl_ntb_leftmargindistance
+ -\d_tabl_ntb_rightmargindistance
+ +\d_tabl_ntb_columndistance
+ \relax
- {\advance\!!dimend\dimexpr\tabl_ntb_get_wid\recurselevel+\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance\relax
- \advance\!!dimene-\tabl_ntb_get_dis\recurselevel}%
- \advance\!!dimend\dimexpr-\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance+\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!leftmargindistance+\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!rightmargindistance\relax
+ {\advance\!!dimend\dimexpr
+ \tabl_ntb_get_wid\recurselevel
+ \relax
+ \advance\!!dimene\dimexpr
+ -\tabl_ntb_get_dis\recurselevel
+ -\d_tabl_ntb_columndistance
+ \relax}%
+ \relax
% distribute width (stretch)
- \!!dimend-\!!dimend
- {\tabl_ntb_set_wid\recurselevel{\the\dimexpr\tabl_ntb_get_wid\recurselevel+\!!dimend\relax}}%
+ {\tabl_ntb_set_wid\recurselevel{\the\dimexpr\tabl_ntb_get_wid\recurselevel-\!!dimend\relax}}%
@@ -1497,15 +1539,23 @@
- \!!dimena\dimexpr\hsize-\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!leftmargindistance-\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!rightmargindistance-\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance\relax
+ \!!dimena\dimexpr
+ \hsize
+ -\d_tabl_ntb_leftmargindistance
+ -\d_tabl_ntb_rightmargindistance
+ -\d_tabl_ntb_columndistance
+ \relax
- \advance\!!dimena-\tabl_ntb_get_dis\recurselevel\relax
+ \advance\!!dimena\dimexpr
+ -\tabl_ntb_get_dis\recurselevel
+ -\d_tabl_ntb_columndistance
+ \relax
\advance\!!dimena -\scratchdimen
- \ifdim\scratchdimen>\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!maxwidth\relax
+ \ifdim\scratchdimen>\d_tabl_ntb_maxwidth\relax
\advance\!!counta \plusone
@@ -1657,15 +1707,86 @@
% cells but still to small .. chicken egg problem ... for that we should
% also have a smallest width run
+% \unexpanded\def\tabl_ntb_cell_process_a#1#2[#3]#4% grouping added ! ! !
+% {\bgroup
+% \tabl_ntb_setup_cell{#1}{#2}%
+% \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
+% {\scratchdimen\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!distance\relax
+% \ifdim\scratchdimen>\tabl_ntb_get_dis{#2}\relax
+% \tabl_ntb_set_dis{#2}{\the\scratchdimen}%
+% \fi
+% \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[#3,\c!background=,\c!frame=\v!off]% 25% faster
+% \inheritednaturaltablelocalframed{\tabl_ntb_cell_start\tabl_ntb_char_align{#1}{#2}#4\tabl_ntb_cell_stop\tabl_ntb_cell_finalize}}%
+% \scratchdimen\tabl_ntb_get_wid\c_tabl_ntb_col\relax
+% \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\scratchdimen
+% \ifsqueezeTBLspan
+% \ifautosqueezeTBLspan
+% \edef\p_width{\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!width}%
+% \csname\??naturaltablesqueeze\ifcsname\??naturaltablesqueeze\p_width\endcsname\p_width\fi\endcsname
+% \else
+% \donetrue
+% \fi
+% \ifdone % brr, 0
+% \ifnum\tabl_ntb_get_col{#1}{#2}>\plusone \tabl_ntb_set_spn\c_tabl_ntb_col\fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \tabl_ntb_spn_doifelse\c_tabl_ntb_col
+% {\iftightTBLcolspan\donefalse\else\donetrue\fi}%
+% \donetrue
+% \ifdone
+% \ifdim\tabl_ntb_get_wid\c_tabl_ntb_col<\wd\scratchbox
+% \tabl_ntb_set_wid\c_tabl_ntb_col{\the\wd\scratchbox}%
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \scratchcounter\numexpr\c_tabl_ntb_row+\plusone\relax
+% \scratchdimen\tabl_ntb_get_hei\scratchcounter\relax
+% \ifdim\ht\scratchbox<\scratchdimen
+% \tabl_ntb_set_hei\scratchcounter{\the\ht\scratchbox}% auto set
+% \fi
+% \tabl_ntb_set_ht{#1}{#2}{\the\ht\scratchbox}%
+% \tabl_ntb_set_wd{#1}{#2}{\the\wd\scratchbox}%
+% \ifautoTBLcheckwidth
+% \ifdim\wd\scratchbox<.75\hsize % fuzzy guess
+% \ifdim\ht\scratchbox>2\openlineheight % honor width since this
+% \scratchdimen\tabl_ntb_get_aut\c_tabl_ntb_col\relax % can be a figure or so
+% \ifdim\scratchdimen=\zeropoint
+% % side effect: when width is set to 0pt,
+% % we can force a span that fits the sum of spans widths
+% \tabl_ntb_set_aut\c_tabl_ntb_col{\the\scratchdimen}%
+% \else\ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\scratchdimen
+% % unless span
+% \tabl_ntb_set_aut\c_tabl_ntb_col{\the\wd\scratchbox}%
+% % to be translated
+% \writestatus\m!TABLE{no auto width in (\number#1,\number#2)\space\the\wd\scratchbox/\the\hsize}%
+% \fi\fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \setbox2\emptyhbox
+% \wd2\wd\scratchbox
+% \ht2\ht\scratchbox
+% \dp2\dp\scratchbox
+% \box2
+% \egroup}
\unexpanded\def\tabl_ntb_cell_process_a#1#2[#3]#4% grouping added ! ! !
- \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[#3,\c!background=,\c!frame=\v!off]% 25% faster
+ % nilling the background is some 25% faster
+ % % \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[#3,\c!background=,\c!frame=\v!off]%
+ % \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[#3]% 25% faster
+ % \letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!background\empty
+ % \letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!frame\v!off
@@ -1681,7 +1802,8 @@
- {\iftightTBLcolspan\donefalse\else\donetrue\fi}%
+ {\edef\p_option{\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!option}%
+ \ifx\p_option\v!tight\donefalse\else\donetrue\fi}%
@@ -1723,7 +1845,9 @@
- \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[#4,#1,\c!frame=\v!off,\c!background=]%
+ \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[#4,#1]%
+ \letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!background\empty
+ \letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!frame\v!off
@@ -1762,7 +1886,10 @@
- \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[#3,\c!width=\d_tabl_ntb_width,\c!background=,\c!frame=\v!off]% 25% faster
+ \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[#3]%
+ \letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!background\empty
+ \letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!frame\v!off
+ \setnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!width{\d_tabl_ntb_width}%
@@ -1771,10 +1898,11 @@
\setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[#3]% to get the color right, the way we
\color % handle color here prevents interference due to whatsit nodes
[\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!color] % as well as permits local colors to take precedence
- {\ifdim\d_tabl_ntb_height=\zeropoint\relax % case: nc=maxcolumns
- \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[\c!color=,\c!width=\d_tabl_ntb_width]%
+ {\letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!color\empty
+ \setnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!width{\d_tabl_ntb_width}%
+ \ifdim\d_tabl_ntb_height=\zeropoint\relax % case: nc=maxcolumns
- \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[\c!color=,\c!width=\d_tabl_ntb_width,\c!height=\d_tabl_ntb_height]%
+ \setnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!height{\d_tabl_ntb_height}%
diff --git a/tex/context/base/tabl-tbl.mkiv b/tex/context/base/tabl-tbl.mkiv
index f538747a3..59ac85ed3 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/tabl-tbl.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/tabl-tbl.mkiv
@@ -1049,17 +1049,25 @@
- \csname\??tabulatehead\currenttabulation\endcsname
+ \csname\??tabulatefoot\currenttabulation\endcsname
\def\tabl_tabulate_check_full_content % - needed, else confusion with \c!header
- \let\tabl_tabulate_insert_head\tabl_tabulate_insert_head_content
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname\??tabulatehead\currenttabulation\endcsname\empty
+ \let\tabl_tabulate_insert_head\empty
+ \else
+ \let\tabl_tabulate_insert_head\tabl_tabulate_insert_head_content
+ \fi
- \let\tabl_tabulate_insert_foot\tabl_tabulate_insert_foot_content
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname\??tabulatefoot\currenttabulation\endcsname\empty
+ \let\tabl_tabulate_insert_foot\empty
+ \else
+ \let\tabl_tabulate_insert_foot\tabl_tabulate_insert_head_content
+ \fi
@@ -1090,11 +1098,11 @@
-% \def\tabl_tabulate_start_head_nop{\tabl_tabulate_start_head_yes[\v!tabulate]}
-% \def\tabl_tabulate_start_foot_nop{\tabl_tabulate_start_foot_yes[\v!tabulate]}
+% \def\tabl_tabulate_start_head_nop{\tabl_tabulate_start_head_yes[]}
+% \def\tabl_tabulate_start_foot_nop{\tabl_tabulate_start_foot_yes[]}
% \unexpanded\def\tabl_start_defined[#1]%
% {\bgroup
diff --git a/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.lua b/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.lua
index ca02616e3..9be8f9be0 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.lua
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ function xtables.create(settings)
local modes = { }
local fixedrows = { }
local fixedcolumns = { }
- local fixedcspans = { }
+ -- local fixedcspans = { }
local frozencolumns = { }
local options = { }
local rowproperties = { }
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ function xtables.create(settings)
autowidths = autowidths,
fixedrows = fixedrows,
fixedcolumns = fixedcolumns,
- fixedcspans = fixedcspans,
+ -- fixedcspans = fixedcspans,
frozencolumns = frozencolumns,
options = options,
nofrows = 0,
@@ -194,22 +194,25 @@ function xtables.create(settings)
- setmetatableindex(fixedcspans,add_table)
+ -- setmetatableindex(fixedcspans,add_table)
- settings.columndistance = tonumber(settings.columndistance) or 0
- settings.rowdistance = tonumber(settings.rowdistance) or 0
- settings.leftmargindistance = tonumber(settings.leftmargindistance) or 0
+ local globaloptions = settings_to_hash(settings.option)
+ --
+ settings.columndistance = tonumber(settings.columndistance) or 0
+ settings.rowdistance = tonumber(settings.rowdistance) or 0
+ settings.leftmargindistance = tonumber(settings.leftmargindistance) or 0
settings.rightmargindistance = tonumber(settings.rightmargindistance) or 0
- settings.options = settings_to_hash(settings.option)
- settings.textwidth = tonumber(settings.textwidth) or texget("hsize")
- settings.lineheight = tonumber(settings.lineheight) or texgetdimen("lineheight")
- settings.maxwidth = tonumber(settings.maxwidth) or settings.textwidth/8
+ settings.options = globaloptions
+ settings.textwidth = tonumber(settings.textwidth) or texget("hsize")
+ settings.lineheight = tonumber(settings.lineheight) or texgetdimen("lineheight")
+ settings.maxwidth = tonumber(settings.maxwidth) or settings.textwidth/8
-- if #stack > 0 then
-- settings.textwidth = texget("hsize")
-- end
data.criterium_v = 2 * data.settings.lineheight
data.criterium_h = .75 * data.settings.textwidth
+ --
+ data.tight = globaloptions[v_tight]
function xtables.initialize_reflow_width(option,width)
@@ -266,19 +269,20 @@ function xtables.set_reflow_width()
if width > widths[c] then
widths[c] = width
+-- elseif not data.tight and not options[v_tight] then
elseif not options[v_tight] then
if width > widths[c] then
widths[c] = width
--- if cspan > 1 then
--- local f = data.fixedcspans[c]
--- local w = f[cspan] or 0
--- if width > w then
--- f[cspan] = width -- maybe some day a solution for autospanmax and so
--- end
--- end
+ -- if cspan > 1 then
+ -- local f = data.fixedcspans[c]
+ -- local w = f[cspan] or 0
+ -- if width > w then
+ -- f[cspan] = width -- maybe some day a solution for autospanmax and so
+ -- end
+ -- end
if drc.ny < 2 then
if height > heights[r] then
heights[r] = height
@@ -296,9 +300,13 @@ function xtables.set_reflow_width()
local fixedcolumns = data.fixedcolumns
local fixedrows = data.fixedrows
if dimensionstate == 1 then
+if cspan > 1 then
+ -- ignore width
if width > fixedcolumns[c] then -- how about a span here?
fixedcolumns[c] = width
elseif dimensionstate == 2 then
fixedrows[r] = height
elseif dimensionstate == 3 then
@@ -857,9 +865,12 @@ function xtables.construct()
nofr = nofr + 1
local rp = rowproperties[r]
+ -- we have a direction issue here but hpack_node_list(list,0,"exactly","TLT") cannot be used
+ -- due to the fact that we need the width
+ local hbox = hpack_node_list(list)
+ setfield(hbox,"dir","TLT")
result[nofr] = {
- -- hpack_node_list(list),
- hpack_node_list(list,0,"exactly","TLT"), -- otherwise weird lap
+ hbox,
i < nofrange and rowdistance > 0 and rowdistance or false, -- might move
diff --git a/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.mkvi b/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.mkvi
index 43914137d..11e926575 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.mkvi
+++ b/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.mkvi
@@ -343,7 +343,8 @@
{\dontleavehmode % else no leftskip etc
- \ctxcommand{x_table_flush{ method = "\v!normal" }}}
+ \ctxcommand{x_table_flush{ method = "\v!normal" }}%
+ \removeunwantedspaces}
% in text flow: headers and footers get repeated
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
index 100ce3ef0..45d02e978 100644
--- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- merged file : luatex-fonts-merged.lua
-- parent file : luatex-fonts.lua
--- merge date : 01/02/15 11:55:50
+-- merge date : 01/05/15 00:14:00
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference