diff options
author | Context Git Mirror Bot <phg42.2a@gmail.com> | 2015-01-05 01:15:05 +0100 |
committer | Context Git Mirror Bot <phg42.2a@gmail.com> | 2015-01-05 01:15:05 +0100 |
commit | 5de7c57d3703cadcde3287f20fa5e03aa175a8e1 (patch) | |
tree | 1a6348c62b79f95bca9e8f6bd4e9e49ef8bb4614 | |
parent | f001d9ba5954210bfe37144d6aff612260c754a7 (diff) | |
download | context-5de7c57d3703cadcde3287f20fa5e03aa175a8e1.tar.gz |
2015-01-05 00:16:00
25 files changed, 1900 insertions, 1106 deletions
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-doifnumberelse doifnumber doifnotnumber doifcommonelse doifcommon \ -doifnotcommon doifinstring doifnotinstring doifinstringelse doifassignmentelse \ -docheckassignment tracingall tracingnone loggingall removetoks \ -appendtoks prependtoks appendtotoks prependtotoks to \ -endgraf endpar everyendpar reseteverypar finishpar \ -empty null space quad enspace \ -nbsp obeyspaces obeylines obeyedspace obeyedline \ -obeyedtab obeyedpage normalspace executeifdefined singleexpandafter \ -doubleexpandafter tripleexpandafter dontleavehmode removelastspace removeunwantedspaces \ -keepunwantedspaces wait writestatus define defineexpandable \ -redefine setmeasure setemeasure setgmeasure setxmeasure \ -definemeasure freezemeasure measure measured installcorenamespace \ -getvalue getuvalue setvalue setevalue setgvalue \ -setxvalue letvalue letgvalue resetvalue undefinevalue \ -ignorevalue setuvalue setuevalue setugvalue setuxvalue \ -globallet glet udef ugdef uedef \ -uxdef checked unique getparameters geteparameters \ -getgparameters getxparameters forgetparameters copyparameters getdummyparameters \ -dummyparameter directdummyparameter setdummyparameter letdummyparameter usedummystyleandcolor \ -usedummystyleparameter usedummycolorparameter processcommalist processcommacommand quitcommalist \ -quitprevcommalist processaction processallactions processfirstactioninset processallactionsinset \ -unexpanded expanded startexpanded stopexpanded protected \ -protect unprotect firstofoneargument firstoftwoarguments secondoftwoarguments \ -firstofthreearguments secondofthreearguments thirdofthreearguments firstoffourarguments secondoffourarguments \ -thirdoffourarguments fourthoffourarguments firstoffivearguments secondoffivearguments thirdoffivearguments \ -fourthoffivearguments fifthoffivearguments firstofsixarguments secondofsixarguments thirdofsixarguments \ -fourthofsixarguments fifthofsixarguments sixthofsixarguments firstofoneunexpanded firstoftwounexpanded \ 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openrelspacing \ -openopenspacing openclosespacing openpunctspacing openinnerspacing closeordspacing \ -closeopspacing closebinspacing closerelspacing closeopenspacing closeclosespacing \ -closepunctspacing closeinnerspacing punctordspacing punctopspacing punctbinspacing \ -punctrelspacing punctopenspacing punctclosespacing punctpunctspacing punctinnerspacing \ -innerordspacing inneropspacing innerbinspacing innerrelspacing inneropenspacing \ -innerclosespacing innerpunctspacing innerinnerspacing normalreqno startimath \ -stopimath normalstartimath normalstopimath startdmath stopdmath \ -normalstartdmath normalstopdmath uncramped cramped triggermathstyle \ -mathstylefont mathsmallstylefont mathstyleface mathsmallstyleface mathstylecommand \ -mathpalette mathstylehbox mathstylevbox mathstylevcenter mathstylevcenteredhbox \ -mathstylevcenteredvbox mathtext setmathsmalltextbox setmathtextbox triggerdisplaystyle \ -triggertextstyle triggerscriptstyle triggerscriptscriptstyle triggeruncrampedstyle triggercrampedstyle \ -triggersmallstyle triggeruncrampedsmallstyle triggercrampedsmallstyle triggerbigstyle triggeruncrampedbigstyle \ -triggercrampedbigstyle luaexpr expdoifelse expdoif expdoifnot \ -expdoifcommonelse expdoifinsetelse ctxdirectlua ctxlatelua ctxsprint \ -ctxwrite ctxcommand ctxdirectcommand ctxlatecommand ctxreport \ -ctxlua luacode lateluacode directluacode registerctxluafile \ -ctxloadluafile luaversion luamajorversion luaminorversion ctxluacode \ -luaconditional luaexpanded startluaparameterset stopluaparameterset luaparameterset \ -definenamedlua obeylualines obeyluatokens startluacode stopluacode \ -startlua stoplua startctxfunction stopctxfunction ctxfunction \ -startctxfunctiondefinition stopctxfunctiondefinition carryoverpar assumelongusagecs Umathbotaccent \ -righttolefthbox lefttorighthbox righttoleftvbox lefttorightvbox righttoleftvtop \ -lefttorightvtop rtlhbox ltrhbox rtlvbox ltrvbox \ -rtlvtop ltrvtop autodirhbox autodirvbox autodirvtop \ -lefttoright righttoleft synchronizelayoutdirection synchronizedisplaydirection synchronizeinlinedirection \ -lesshyphens morehyphens nohyphens dohyphens Ucheckedstartdisplaymath \ -Ucheckedstopdisplaymath +localhsize setlocalhsize distributedhsize hsizefraction nextbox \ +dowithnextbox dowithnextboxcs dowithnextboxcontent dowithnextboxcontentcs scratchwidth \ +scratchheight scratchdepth scratchoffset scratchdistance scratchhsize \ +scratchvsize scratchxoffset scratchyoffset scratchhoffset scratchvoffset \ +scratchxposition scratchyposition scratchtopoffset scratchbottomoffset scratchleftoffset \ +scratchrightoffset scratchcounterone scratchcountertwo scratchcounterthree scratchdimenone \ +scratchdimentwo scratchdimenthree scratchskipone scratchskiptwo scratchskipthree \ +scratchmuskipone scratchmuskiptwo scratchmuskipthree scratchtoksone scratchtokstwo \ +scratchtoksthree scratchboxone scratchboxtwo scratchboxthree scratchnx \ +scratchny scratchmx scratchmy scratchunicode scratchleftskip \ +scratchrightskip scratchtopskip scratchbottomskip doif doifnot \ +doifelse doifinset doifnotinset doifinsetelse doifnextcharelse \ +doifnextoptionalelse doifnextoptionalcselse doiffastoptionalcheckelse doifnextbgroupelse doifnextbgroupcselse \ +doifnextparenthesiselse doifundefinedelse doifdefinedelse doifundefined doifdefined \ +doifelsevalue doifvalue doifnotvalue doifnothing doifsomething \ +doifelsenothing doifsomethingelse doifvaluenothing doifvaluesomething doifelsevaluenothing \ +doifdimensionelse doifnumberelse doifnumber doifnotnumber doifcommonelse \ +doifcommon doifnotcommon doifinstring doifnotinstring doifinstringelse \ +doifassignmentelse docheckassignment tracingall tracingnone loggingall \ +removetoks appendtoks prependtoks appendtotoks prependtotoks \ +to endgraf endpar everyendpar reseteverypar \ +finishpar empty null space quad \ +enspace nbsp obeyspaces obeylines obeyedspace \ +obeyedline obeyedtab obeyedpage normalspace executeifdefined \ +singleexpandafter doubleexpandafter tripleexpandafter dontleavehmode removelastspace \ +removeunwantedspaces keepunwantedspaces wait writestatus define \ +defineexpandable redefine setmeasure setemeasure setgmeasure \ +setxmeasure definemeasure freezemeasure measure measured \ +installcorenamespace getvalue getuvalue setvalue setevalue \ +setgvalue setxvalue letvalue letgvalue resetvalue \ +undefinevalue ignorevalue setuvalue setuevalue setugvalue \ +setuxvalue globallet glet udef ugdef \ +uedef uxdef checked unique getparameters \ +geteparameters getgparameters getxparameters forgetparameters copyparameters \ +getdummyparameters dummyparameter directdummyparameter setdummyparameter letdummyparameter \ +usedummystyleandcolor usedummystyleparameter usedummycolorparameter processcommalist processcommacommand \ +quitcommalist quitprevcommalist processaction processallactions processfirstactioninset \ +processallactionsinset unexpanded expanded startexpanded stopexpanded \ +protected protect unprotect firstofoneargument firstoftwoarguments \ +secondoftwoarguments firstofthreearguments secondofthreearguments thirdofthreearguments firstoffourarguments \ +secondoffourarguments thirdoffourarguments fourthoffourarguments firstoffivearguments secondoffivearguments \ +thirdoffivearguments fourthoffivearguments fifthoffivearguments firstofsixarguments secondofsixarguments \ +thirdofsixarguments fourthofsixarguments fifthofsixarguments sixthofsixarguments firstofoneunexpanded \ +firstoftwounexpanded secondoftwounexpanded firstofthreeunexpanded secondofthreeunexpanded thirdofthreeunexpanded \ +gobbleoneargument gobbletwoarguments gobblethreearguments gobblefourarguments gobblefivearguments \ +gobblesixarguments gobblesevenarguments gobbleeightarguments gobbleninearguments gobbletenarguments \ +gobbleoneoptional gobbletwooptionals gobblethreeoptionals gobblefouroptionals gobblefiveoptionals \ +dorecurse doloop exitloop dostepwiserecurse recurselevel \ +recursedepth dofastloopcs dowith newconstant setnewconstant \ +setconstant setconstantvalue newconditional settrue setfalse \ +settruevalue setfalsevalue newmacro setnewmacro newfraction \ +newsignal dosingleempty dodoubleempty dotripleempty doquadrupleempty \ +doquintupleempty dosixtupleempty doseventupleempty dosingleargument dodoubleargument \ +dotripleargument doquadrupleargument doquintupleargument dosixtupleargument doseventupleargument \ +dosinglegroupempty dodoublegroupempty dotriplegroupempty doquadruplegroupempty doquintuplegroupempty \ +permitspacesbetweengroups dontpermitspacesbetweengroups nopdfcompression maximumpdfcompression normalpdfcompression \ +modulonumber dividenumber getfirstcharacter doiffirstcharelse startnointerference \ +stopnointerference twodigits threedigits leftorright offinterlineskip \ +oninterlineskip nointerlineskip strut halfstrut quarterstrut \ +depthstrut setstrut strutbox strutht strutdp \ +strutwd struthtdp begstrut endstrut lineheight \ +ordordspacing ordopspacing ordbinspacing ordrelspacing ordopenspacing \ +ordclosespacing ordpunctspacing ordinnerspacing opordspacing opopspacing \ +opbinspacing oprelspacing opopenspacing opclosespacing oppunctspacing \ +opinnerspacing binordspacing binopspacing binbinspacing binrelspacing \ +binopenspacing binclosespacing binpunctspacing bininnerspacing relordspacing \ +relopspacing relbinspacing relrelspacing relopenspacing relclosespacing \ +relpunctspacing relinnerspacing openordspacing openopspacing openbinspacing \ +openrelspacing openopenspacing openclosespacing openpunctspacing openinnerspacing \ +closeordspacing closeopspacing closebinspacing closerelspacing closeopenspacing \ +closeclosespacing closepunctspacing closeinnerspacing punctordspacing punctopspacing \ +punctbinspacing punctrelspacing punctopenspacing punctclosespacing punctpunctspacing \ +punctinnerspacing innerordspacing inneropspacing innerbinspacing innerrelspacing \ +inneropenspacing innerclosespacing innerpunctspacing innerinnerspacing normalreqno \ +startimath stopimath normalstartimath normalstopimath startdmath \ +stopdmath normalstartdmath normalstopdmath uncramped cramped \ +triggermathstyle mathstylefont mathsmallstylefont mathstyleface mathsmallstyleface \ +mathstylecommand mathpalette mathstylehbox mathstylevbox mathstylevcenter \ +mathstylevcenteredhbox mathstylevcenteredvbox mathtext setmathsmalltextbox setmathtextbox \ +triggerdisplaystyle triggertextstyle triggerscriptstyle triggerscriptscriptstyle triggeruncrampedstyle \ +triggercrampedstyle triggersmallstyle triggeruncrampedsmallstyle triggercrampedsmallstyle triggerbigstyle \ +triggeruncrampedbigstyle triggercrampedbigstyle luaexpr expdoifelse expdoif \ +expdoifnot expdoifcommonelse expdoifinsetelse ctxdirectlua ctxlatelua \ +ctxsprint ctxwrite ctxcommand ctxdirectcommand ctxlatecommand \ +ctxreport ctxlua luacode lateluacode directluacode \ +registerctxluafile ctxloadluafile luaversion luamajorversion luaminorversion \ +ctxluacode luaconditional luaexpanded startluaparameterset stopluaparameterset \ +luaparameterset definenamedlua obeylualines obeyluatokens startluacode \ +stopluacode startlua stoplua startctxfunction stopctxfunction \ +ctxfunction startctxfunctiondefinition stopctxfunctiondefinition carryoverpar assumelongusagecs \ +Umathbotaccent righttolefthbox lefttorighthbox righttoleftvbox lefttorightvbox \ +righttoleftvtop lefttorightvtop rtlhbox ltrhbox rtlvbox \ +ltrvbox rtlvtop ltrvtop autodirhbox autodirvbox \ +autodirvtop lefttoright righttoleft synchronizelayoutdirection synchronizedisplaydirection \ +synchronizeinlinedirection lesshyphens morehyphens nohyphens dohyphens \ +Ucheckedstartdisplaymath Ucheckedstopdisplaymath diff --git a/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/xtables-mkiv.pdf b/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/xtables-mkiv.pdf Binary files differindex 56d3d74c9..75cce413b 100644 --- a/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/xtables-mkiv.pdf +++ b/doc/context/documents/general/manuals/xtables-mkiv.pdf diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/xtables/xtables-mkiv.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/xtables/xtables-mkiv.tex index e137f9235..a83484658 100644 --- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/xtables/xtables-mkiv.tex +++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/xtables/xtables-mkiv.tex @@ -651,7 +651,112 @@ parameter can get the values \type {before}, \type {after} and \type {both}. \stopsection -\startsection[title={nesting}] +\startsection[title={Options}] + +On the average a table will come out okay but you need to keep in mind that when +(complex) spans are used the results can be less that optimal. However, as +normally one pays attention to creating tables, the amount of control provided +often makes it possible to get what you want. + +In the following situations, the first cell width is determined by the span. It +is possible to make a more clever analyzer but we need to keep in mind that in +the same column there can be entries that span a different amount of columns. Not +only would that be inefficient but it would also be rather unpredictable unless +you know exactly what happens deep down. The following two examples demonstrate +default behaviour. + +\startbuffer +\startxtable + \startxrow + \startxcell[nx=3] + 1/2/3 + \stopxcell + \stopxrow + \startxrow + \startxcell 1 \stopxcell + \startxcell 2 \stopxcell + \startxcell 3 \stopxcell + \stopxrow +\stopxtable +\stopbuffer + +\typebuffer \getbuffer + +\startbuffer +\startxtable + \startxrow + \startxcell[nx=3] + 1 / 2 / 3 + \stopxcell + \stopxrow + \startxrow + \startxcell 1 \stopxcell + \startxcell 2 \stopxcell + \startxcell 3 \stopxcell + \stopxrow +\stopxtable +\stopbuffer + +\typebuffer \getbuffer + +In practice you will set the width of the columns, as in: + +\startbuffer +\startxtable + \startxrow + \startxcell[nx=3] + 1/2/3 + \stopxcell + \stopxrow + \startxrow + \startxcell[width=\dimexpr\textwidth/3] 1 \stopxcell + \startxcell[width=\dimexpr\textwidth/3] 2 \stopxcell + \startxcell[width=\dimexpr\textwidth/3] 3 \stopxcell + \stopxrow +\stopxtable +\stopbuffer + +\typebuffer \getbuffer + +But, if you want you can control the enforced width by setting an option: + +\startbuffer +\startxtable + \startxrow + \startxcell[nx=3,option=tight] + 1/2/3 + \stopxcell + \stopxrow + \startxrow + \startxcell 1 \stopxcell + \startxcell 2 \stopxcell + \startxcell 3 \stopxcell + \stopxrow +\stopxtable +\stopbuffer + +\typebuffer \getbuffer + +\startbuffer +\startxtable + \startxrow + \startxcell[nx=3,option=tight] + 1 / 2 / 3 + \stopxcell + \stopxrow + \startxrow + \startxcell 1 \stopxcell + \startxcell 2 \stopxcell + \startxcell 3 \stopxcell + \stopxrow +\stopxtable +\stopbuffer + +\typebuffer \getbuffer + +\stopsection + +\startsection[title={Nesting}] Extreme tables can be nested but you need to keep an eye on inheritance here as the inner table uses the settings from the encapsulating cell. The widths and @@ -1096,4 +1201,6 @@ in the distribution. \typebuffer[tight] \start \getbuffer[tight,demo] \stop \typebuffer[normal] \start \getbuffer[normal,demo] \stop +% \ruledhbox{\getbuffer[normal,demo]} + \stopdocument diff --git a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv index c846aeb3f..bc27a12af 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. -\newcontextversion{2015.01.02 11:55} +\newcontextversion{2015.01.05 00:14} %D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an excellent place for %D hacks, patches, extensions and new features. diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf Binary files differindex bd456b7f1..6280b445f 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf +++ b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf diff --git a/tex/context/base/context.mkiv b/tex/context/base/context.mkiv index 558e749fa..3dc0d8cec 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/context.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/context.mkiv @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ %D up and the dependencies are more consistent. \edef\contextformat {\jobname} -\edef\contextversion{2015.01.02 11:55} +\edef\contextversion{2015.01.05 00:14} \edef\contextkind {beta} %D For those who want to use this: diff --git a/tex/context/base/lpdf-epd.lua b/tex/context/base/lpdf-epd.lua index 5ffd62bd6..4d10a26f4 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/lpdf-epd.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/lpdf-epd.lua @@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ local lpdf = lpdf local lpdf_epdf = { } lpdf.epdf = lpdf_epdf +local pdf_open = epdf.open + local report_epdf = logs.reporter("epdf") local getDict, getArray, getReal, getNum, getString, getBool, getName, getRef, getRefNum diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua b/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua index f96ebacbc..bd6f3c04d 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/mult-low.lua @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ return { -- "normalbaselineskip", "normallineskip", "normallineskiplimit", -- - "availablehsize", "localhsize", "setlocalhsize", "distributedhsize", + "availablehsize", "localhsize", "setlocalhsize", "distributedhsize", "hsizefraction", -- "nextbox", "dowithnextbox", "dowithnextboxcs", "dowithnextboxcontent", "dowithnextboxcontentcs", -- diff --git a/tex/context/base/publ-imp-apa.lua b/tex/context/base/publ-imp-apa.lua index fae461d81..a529c47ec 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/publ-imp-apa.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/publ-imp-apa.lua @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ local specification = { interpreter = "author", composer = "author", producer = "author", - doi = "url", + doi = "url", url = "url", page = "pagenumber", pages = "pagenumber", @@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ local categories = specification.categories categories.article = { sets = { author = { "author", "editor", "title" }, + volume = { "volume", "number", "pages" }, doi = generic.doi, isbn = { "issn" }, }, @@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ categories.article = { optional = { "year", "subtitle", "type", "file", - "journal", "volume", "number", "pages", + "journal", "volume", "doi", "note", "isbn" }, } @@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ categories.magazine = { }, optional = { "subtitle", "type", "file", - "volume", "number", "pages", + "volume", "month", "day", "doi", "note", "isbn" }, diff --git a/tex/context/base/publ-imp-apa.mkvi b/tex/context/base/publ-imp-apa.mkvi index b8402e15a..5e6cc20db 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/publ-imp-apa.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/publ-imp-apa.mkvi @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ \c!lastnamesep={,\nobreakspace\textampersand\space}, \c!finalnamesep={,\nobreakspace\textampersand\space}, \c!firstnamesep=\space, - \c!otherstext={\space\btxlabeltext{\currentbtxspecification:others}}, + \c!otherstext={,\space\btxlabeltext{\currentbtxspecification:others}}, \c!juniorsep=\space, \c!vonsep=\space, \c!initialsep=\space, % between initials and lastname @@ -123,6 +123,13 @@ \c!finalnamesep={\space\btxlabeltext{\currentbtxspecification:and}\space}, % no comma! \c!authorconversion=\v!name] +% The APA style also sorts the rendered list by authoryear + +\setupbtxrendering + [sorttype=authoryear, + numbering=no, + hang=20] % how to get hanging to work? ... answer: it's descriptions ... + % Should the following be loaded by default? %D In order to be able to get journals expanded (or normalized or abbreviated) you need @@ -302,7 +309,7 @@ \fi \stoptexdefinition -\starttexdefinition btx:apa:title-subtitle-type +\starttexdefinition btx:apa:title \setmode{btx:apa:title-placed} \btxdoif {file} { % we make the title active, opening file @@ -314,11 +321,13 @@ \btxcolon \btxflush{Word -> subtitle} } - \doifnotmode {btx:apa:thesis} { - \btxdoif{type} { - \btxleftbracket - \btxflush{Word -> type} - \btxrightbracket + \doifnot {\currentbtxcategory} {techreport} { + \doifnotmode {btx:apa:thesis} { + \btxdoif{type} { + \btxleftbracket + \btxflush{Word -> type} + \btxrightbracket + } } } \btxperiod @@ -332,20 +341,17 @@ \doifelse {#it} {it} { \begingroup \it - \texdefinition{btx:apa:title-subtitle-type} + \texdefinition{btx:apa:title} \italiccorrection \endgroup } { - \texdefinition{btx:apa:title-subtitle-type} + \texdefinition{btx:apa:title} } } } \stoptexdefinition -\starttexdefinition btx:apa:editor-or-editors - % \btxflushauthor[invertedshort] {editor} - % driven by authorconversion=invertedshort - %\btxflushauthor{editor} +\starttexdefinition btx:apa:editor \btxflush{editor} \btxleftparenthesis \btxsingularorplural {editor} { @@ -356,43 +362,24 @@ \btxrightparenthesisperiod \stoptexdefinition -% \starttexdefinition btx:apa:flush:author -% \btxflush{author} -% \stoptexdefinition -% \starttexdefinition btx:apa:flush:editor -% \texdefinition{btx:apa:editor-or-editors}% just put the code here -% \stoptexdefinition -% \starttexdefinition btx:apa:flush:title -% \texdefinition{btx:apa:title-subtitle-type}% just put the code here -% \stoptexdefinition -% -% \texdefinition{btx:apa:flush:\btxfoundname{author}} -% -% can be used in: +\starttexdefinition btx:apa:author + \btxflush{author} +\stoptexdefinition \starttexdefinition btx:apa:authoryear % we make the authoryear active, pointing to the citation \texdefinition{btx:apa:inject} {internal(\currentbtxinternal)} { - \doifelse {\btxfoundname{author}} {author} { - % \btxflushauthor[invertedshort] {author} - % driven by authorconversion=invertedshort - \btxflush{author} - } { - \doifelse {\btxfoundname{author}} {title} { - \texdefinition{btx:apa:title-subtitle-type} - } { - \doifelse {\btxfoundname{author}} {editor} { - \texdefinition{btx:apa:editor-or-editors} - } { - \btxflush{author} - } - } - } + % author is a set, e.g. + % author = { "author", "editor", "publisher", "title" }, + \executeifdefined + {btx:apa:\btxfoundname{author}} + {\texdefinition{btx:apa:author}} \btxleftparenthesis \btxdoifelse {year} { \btxflush{year} - \btxflush{suffix} + %\btxflush{suffix} + \btxflush{suffixedyear} \btxdoif {month} { \btxcomma \btxflush{month} @@ -403,7 +390,7 @@ } } { \btxlabeltext{apa:nd} - \btxdoif {suffix} { + \btxdoif {suffix} {% check this! \btxspace \btxflush{suffix} } @@ -425,7 +412,7 @@ \btxdoifelse {editor} { \btxlabeltext{apa:In} \btxspace - \texdefinition{btx:apa:editor-or-editors} + \texdefinition{btx:apa:editor} \btxdoif {#title} { \texdefinition{btx:apa:italic}{Word -> #title} } @@ -438,91 +425,67 @@ } \stoptexdefinition -\starttexdefinition btx:apa:doif-edition-or-volume-or-number-or-pages #edition #if - \btxdoifelse {#edition} { - #if - }{ - \btxdoifelse {volume} { - #if - } { - \btxdoifelse {number} { - #if +\starttexdefinition btx:apa:editionset + \btxdoifelse {edition} { + \btxleftparenthesis + \doif {\currentbtxcategory} {techreport} { + \btxdoifelse {type} { + \btxflush{Word -> type} } { - \btxdoif {pages} { - #if - } + \btxlabeltext{apa:technicalreport} } + \setmode{btx:apa:comma} } - } -\stoptexdefinition - -\starttexdefinition btx:apa:edition-volume-number-pages #edition - \texdefinition{btx:apa:doif-edition-or-volume-or-number-or-pages}{#edition}{\btxleftparenthesis} - \btxdoifelse {#edition} { - \btxflush{#edition} - \doif {#edition} {edition} { + \doif {\btxfoundname{edition}} {edition} { + \doifmode {btx:apa:comma} + {\btxcomma} + \btxflush{edition} \btxspace \btxlabeltext{apa:edition} + \setmode{btx:apa:comma} } - } { - \doif {\currentbtxcategory} {techreport} { - \btxspace - \btxlabeltext{apa:technicalreport} - } - } - \btxdoif {volume} { - \btxdoif {#edition} { - \doifelse {#edition} {edition} - {\btxcomma} {\btxspace} - } - \btxoneorrange {volume} { - \btxlabeltext{apa:Volume} - } { - \btxlabeltext{apa:Volumes} - } - \btxspace - \btxflush{volume} - } - \btxdoif {number} { - \btxdoifelse {volume} { - \btxcomma - } { - \btxdoifelse {#edition} { - \doifelse {#edition} {edition} - {\btxcomma} {\btxspace} + \btxdoif {volume} { + \doifmode {btx:apa:comma} + {\btxcomma} + \btxoneorrange {volume} { + \btxlabeltext{apa:Volume} } { - \btxspace + \btxlabeltext{apa:Volumes} } + \btxspace + \btxflush{volume} + \setmode{btx:apa:comma} } - \btxlabeltext{apa:Number} - \btxspace - \btxflush{number} - } - \btxdoif {pages} { - \btxdoifelse {volume} { - \btxcomma - } { - \btxdoifelse {#edition} { - \doifelse {#edition} {edition} - {\btxcomma} {\btxspace} + \btxdoif {number} { + \doifmode {btx:apa:comma} + {\btxcomma} + \btxlabeltext{apa:Number} + \btxspace + \btxflush{number} + \setmode{btx:apa:comma} + } + \btxdoif {pages} { + \doifmode {btx:apa:comma} + {\btxcomma} + \btxoneorrange {pages} { + \btxlabeltext{apa:p} } { - \btxdoif {number} { - \btxcomma - } + \btxlabeltext{apa:pp} } + \btxspace + \btxflush{pages} } - \btxoneorrange {pages} { - \btxlabeltext{apa:p} - } { - \btxlabeltext{apa:pp} + \btxrightparenthesisperiod + } { + \doif {\currentbtxcategory} {techreport} { + \btxleftparenthesis + \btxlabeltext{apa:technicalreport} + \btxrightparenthesisperiod } - \btxspace - \btxflush{pages} } - \texdefinition{btx:apa:doif-edition-or-volume-or-number-or-pages}{#edition}{\btxrightparenthesisperiod} \stoptexdefinition -\starttexdefinition btx:apa:journal-volume-number-pages +\starttexdefinition btx:apa:journal-volumeset \btxdoif {journal} { \btxspace % expandedjournal abbreviatedjournal @@ -530,7 +493,9 @@ % A newspaper may not have a volume but may have a number! \btxdoif {volume} { \btxcomma - \texdefinition{btx:apa:italic}{volume} + \doif {\btxfoundname{volume}} {volume} { + \texdefinition{btx:apa:italic}{volume} + } \btxdoifnot {number} { \btxdoifelse {pages} {\btxcomma} @@ -617,16 +582,16 @@ % use \btxentry here? \btxspace \begingroup - \setbreakpoints[doi] - \btxdoifelseinteractive {doi} { - \goto { + \setbreakpoints[doi] + \btxdoifelseinteractive {doi} { + \goto { + doi:\btxflush{doi} + } [ + url(http://dx.doi.org/\btxflush{doi}) + ] + } { doi:\btxflush{doi} - } [ - url(http://dx.doi.org/\btxflush{doi}) - ] - } { - doi:\btxflush{doi} - } + } \endgroup \stoptexdefinition @@ -634,8 +599,7 @@ % also issn - see publ-imp-apa.lua \btxdoif {isbn} { \btxleftparenthesis - %broken: \btxfoundname{WORD -> isbn}:\btxspace - \btxfoundname{isbn}:\btxspace + \WORD{\btxfoundname{isbn}}:\btxspace \btxflush{isbn} \btxrightparenthesis } @@ -754,7 +718,7 @@ \startsetups btx:apa:article \texdefinition{btx:apa:authoryear} \texdefinition{btx:apa:title-if-not-placed}{} - \texdefinition{btx:apa:journal-volume-number-pages} + \texdefinition{btx:apa:journal-volumeset} \texdefinition{btx:apa:url-note-doi} \stopsetups @@ -765,7 +729,7 @@ \startsetups btx:apa:magazine \texdefinition{btx:apa:authoryear} \texdefinition{btx:apa:title-if-not-placed}{} - \texdefinition{btx:apa:journal-volume-number-pages} + \texdefinition{btx:apa:journal-volumeset} \texdefinition{btx:apa:url-note-doi} \stopsetups @@ -776,7 +740,7 @@ \startsetups btx:apa:newspaper \texdefinition{btx:apa:authoryear} \texdefinition{btx:apa:title-if-not-placed}{} - \texdefinition{btx:apa:journal-volume-number-pages} + \texdefinition{btx:apa:journal-volumeset} \texdefinition{btx:apa:url-note-doi} \stopsetups @@ -790,7 +754,7 @@ \startsetups btx:apa:book \texdefinition{btx:apa:authoryear} \texdefinition{btx:apa:title-if-not-placed}{it} - \texdefinition{btx:apa:edition-volume-number-pages}{edition} + \texdefinition{btx:apa:editionset} \texdefinition{btx:apa:wherefrom-publisher-author-is-}{author} \texdefinition{btx:apa:url-note-doi} \stopsetups @@ -809,7 +773,7 @@ \btxspace } \texdefinition{btx:apa:editor-in-}{title} - \texdefinition{btx:apa:edition-volume-number-pages}{edition} + \texdefinition{btx:apa:editionset} \texdefinition{btx:apa:wherefrom-publisher-author-is-}{author} \texdefinition{btx:apa:url-note-doi} \stopsetups @@ -825,7 +789,7 @@ \texdefinition{btx:apa:authoryear} \texdefinition{btx:apa:title-if-not-placed}{} \texdefinition{btx:apa:editor-in-}{booktitle} - \texdefinition{btx:apa:edition-volume-number-pages}{edition} + \texdefinition{btx:apa:editionset} \texdefinition{btx:apa:wherefrom-publisher-author-is-}{author} \texdefinition{btx:apa:url-note-doi} \stopsetups @@ -838,7 +802,7 @@ \startsetups btx:apa:proceedings \texdefinition{btx:apa:authoryear} \texdefinition{btx:apa:title-if-not-placed}{} - \texdefinition{btx:apa:edition-volume-number-pages}{edition} + \texdefinition{btx:apa:editionset} \btxdoifelse {editor} { \btxdoif {organization} { \btxspace @@ -861,7 +825,7 @@ \texdefinition{btx:apa:authoryear} \texdefinition{btx:apa:title-if-not-placed}{} \texdefinition{btx:apa:editor-in-}{booktitle} - \texdefinition{btx:apa:edition-volume-number-pages}{edition} + \texdefinition{btx:apa:editionset} \btxdoif {organization} { \btxspace \btxflush{organization} @@ -885,9 +849,9 @@ \texdefinition{btx:apa:title-if-not-placed}{it} \btxleftparenthesis \btxdoifelse {type} { - \btxflush{type} + \btxflush{Word -> type} } { - \btxlabeltext{apa:\currentbtxcategory} + \Word{\btxlabeltext{apa:\currentbtxcategory}} } \btxrightparenthesis \btxdoif {school} { @@ -936,7 +900,7 @@ \startsetups btx:apa:manual \texdefinition{btx:apa:authoryear} \texdefinition{btx:apa:title-if-not-placed}{it} - \texdefinition{btx:apa:edition-volume-number-pages}{edition} + \texdefinition{btx:apa:editionset} \texdefinition{btx:apa:wherefrom-publisher-author-is-}{organization} \texdefinition{btx:apa:url-note-doi} \stopsetups @@ -948,7 +912,7 @@ \startsetups btx:apa:techreport \texdefinition{btx:apa:authoryear} \texdefinition{btx:apa:title-if-not-placed}{it} - \texdefinition{btx:apa:edition-volume-number-pages}{type} + \texdefinition{btx:apa:editionset} \texdefinition{btx:apa:wherefrom-publisher-author-is-}{institution} \texdefinition{btx:apa:url-note-doi} \stopsetups @@ -1073,6 +1037,10 @@ % If all else fails to match: \startsetups btx:apa:literal + %\btxleftparenthesis + \removeunwantedspaces( + \btxflush{key} + \btxrightparenthesis \btxdoif {text} { \btxflush{text} } diff --git a/tex/context/base/publ-imp-aps.lua b/tex/context/base/publ-imp-aps.lua index a918c755d..3e63c6d88 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/publ-imp-aps.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/publ-imp-aps.lua @@ -1,68 +1,511 @@ --- to be checked - -return { - name = "aps", - version = "1.00", - comment = "APA specification.", - author = "Alan Braslau and Hans Hagen", +local specification = { + -- + -- metadata + -- + name = "aps", + version = "1.00", + comment = "APS specification", + author = "Alan Braslau and Hans Hagen", copyright = "ConTeXt development team", + -- + -- derived (combinations of) fields (all share the same default set) + -- + virtual = { + "authoryear", + "authoryears", + "authornum", + "num", + "suffix", + }, + -- + -- special datatypes + -- + types = { + -- + -- list of fields that are interpreted as names: "NAME [and NAME]" where + -- NAME is one of the following: + -- + -- First vons Last + -- vons Last, First + -- vons Last, Jrs, First + -- Vons, Last, Jrs, First + -- + author = "author", + editor = "author", + artist = "author", + interpreter = "author", + composer = "author", + producer = "author", + doi = "url", + url = "url", + page = "pagenumber", + pages = "pagenumber", + keywords = "keyword", + }, + -- + -- categories with their specific fields + -- categories = { - article = { - required = { "author", "title", "journal", "year" }, - optional = { "volume", "number", "pages", "month", "note" }, - }, - book = { - required = { "author", "editor", "title", "publisher", "year" }, - optional = { "volume", "number", "series", "address", "edition", "month","note" }, - }, - booklet = { - required = { "title" }, - optional = { "author", "howpublished", "address", "month", "year", "note" }, - }, - inbook = { - required = { "author", "editor", "title", "chapter", "pages", "publisher","year" }, - optional = { "volume", "number", "series", "type", "address", "edition", "month", "note" }, - }, - incollection = { - required = { "author", "title", "booktitle", "publisher", "year" }, - optional = { "editor", "volume", "number", "series", "type", "chapter", "pages", "address", "edition", "month", "note" }, - }, - inproceedings = { - required = { "author", "title", "booktitle", "year" }, - optional = { "editor", "volume", "number", "series", "pages", "address", "month","organization", "publisher", "note" }, - }, - manual = { - required = { "title" }, - optional = { "author", "organization", "address", "edition", "month", "year", "note" }, + -- + -- the following fields are for documentation and testing purposes + -- + ["demo-a"] = { + sets = { + author = { "author", "institution", "organization" }, + doi = { "doi", "url" }, + }, + required = { "author", "title", "year", "note", "doi" }, + optional = { "subtitle", "file" }, }, - mastersthesis = { - required = { "author", "title", "school", "year" }, - optional = { "type", "address", "month", "note" }, - }, - misc = { - required = { "author", "title", "howpublished", "month", "year", "note" }, - optional = { "author", "title", "howpublished", "month", "year", "note" }, - }, - phdthesis = { - required = { "author", "title", "school", "year" }, - optional = { "type", "address", "month", "note" }, - }, - proceedings = { - required = { "title", "year" }, - optional = { "editor", "volume", "number", "series", "address", "month", "organization", "publisher", "note" }, - }, - techreport = { - required = { "author", "title", "institution", "year" }, - optional = { "type", "number", "address", "month", "note" }, - }, - patent = { - required = { "nationality", "number", "year", "yearfiled" }, - optional = { "author", "title", "language", "assignee", "address", "type", "day", "dayfiled", "month", "monthfiled", "note", }, - }, - unpublished = { - required = { "author", "title", "note" }, - optional = { "month", "year" }, + ["demo-b"] = { + sets = { + authors = { "author", "institution", "organization" }, + doi = { "doi", "url" }, + }, + required = { "authors", "title", "year", "note", "doi" }, + optional = { "subtitle", "file" }, }, + -- + -- more categories are added below + -- }, } +local generic = { + -- + -- A set returns the first field (in order of position below) that is found + -- present in an entry. A set having the same name as a field conditionally + -- allows the substitution of an alternate field. + -- + -- note that anything can get assigned a doi or be available online. + doi = { "doi", "url" }, +} + +-- Note that the APS specification allows an additional field "collaboration" +-- to be rendered following the author list (if the collaboration name appears +-- in the byline of the cited article). + +-- Definition of recognized categories and the fields that they contain. +-- Required fields should be present; optional fields may also be rendered; +-- all other fields will be ignored. + +-- Sets contain either/or in order of precedence. +-- +-- For a category *not* defined here yet present in the dataset, *all* fields +-- are taken as optional. This allows for flexibility in the addition of new +-- categories. + +local categories = specification.categories + +-- an article from a journal + +categories.article = { + sets = { + author = { "author", "editor", "title" }, + volume = { "volume", "number", "pages" }, + doi = generic.doi, + isbn = { "issn" }, + }, + required = { + "author" + }, + optional = { + "collaboration", + "year", + "subtitle", "type", "file", + "journal", "volume", + "doi", "note", "isbn" + }, +} + +-- an article from a magazine + +categories.magazine = { + sets = categories.article.sets, + required = { + "author", + "year", + "journal", + }, + optional = { + "collaboration", + "subtitle", "type", "file", + "volume", + "month", "day", + "doi", "note", "isbn" + }, +} + +categories.newspaper = categories.magazine + +-- (from jabref) to be identified and setup ... + +categories.periodical = { + sets = { + author = { "editor", "publisher" }, + doi = generic.doi, + isbn = { "issn" }, + }, + required = { + "title", + "year", + }, + optional = { + "author", + "collaboration", + "subtitle", "file", + "series", "volume", "number", "month", + "organization", + "doi", "note", "isbn" + }, +} + +-- (from jabref) to be identified and setup ... + +categories.standard = { + sets = { + author = { "author", "institution", "organization" }, + doi = generic.doi, + }, + required = { + "author", + "year", + "title", "subtitle", + "doi", "note", + }, + optional = { + "collaboration", + }, +} + +-- a book with an explicit publisher. + +categories.book = { + sets = { + author = { "author", "editor", "publisher", "title" }, + edition = { "edition", "volume", "number", "pages" }, + doi = generic.doi, + }, + required = { "author" }, + optional = { + "collaboration", + "year", "month", "day", + "subtitle", "type", "file", + "edition", "series", + "address", + "doi", "note", "isbn" + }, +} + +-- a part of a book, which may be a chapter (or section or whatever) and/or a range of pages. + +categories.inbook = { + sets = { + author = { "author", "editor", "publisher", "title", "chapter" }, + edition = { "edition", "volume", "number", "pages" }, + doi = generic.doi, + }, + required = { + "author", + "year" , + }, + optional = { + "collaboration", + "subtitle", "type", "file", + "edition", "series", + "month", + "address", + "doi", "note", "isbn" + }, +} + +-- a work that is printed and bound, but without a named publisher or sponsoring institution. + +categories.booklet = { + sets = { + author = { "author", "title" }, + doi = generic.doi, + }, + required = { + "author" + }, + optional = { + "collaboration", + "year", "month", + "subtitle", "type", "file", + "address", + "howpublished", + "doi", "note", "isbn" + }, +} + +-- a part of a book having its own title. + +categories.incollection = { + sets = { + author = { "author", "editor", "publisher", "title" }, + edition = { "edition", "volume", "number", "pages" }, + doi = generic.doi, + }, + required = { + "author", + "booktitle", + "year", + }, + optional = { + "collaboration", + "subtitle", "type", "file", + "month", + "edition", "series", + "chapter", + "address", + "doi", "note", "isbn" + }, +} + +-- the proceedings of a conference. + +categories.proceedings = { + sets = { + author = { "editor", "publisher", "title" }, + edition = { "edition", "volume", "number", "pages" }, + doi = generic.doi, + }, + required = { + "author", + "year" + }, + optional = { + "collaboration", + "subtitle", "file", + "edition", "series", + "month", + "address", "organization", + "doi", "note", "isbn" + }, +} + +-- an article in a conference proceedings. + +categories.inproceedings = { + sets = categories.incollection.sets, + required = categories.incollection.required, + optional = { + "collaboration", + "subtitle", "type", "file", + "month", + "edition", "series", + "address", "organization", + "doi", "note", "isbn" + }, +} + +categories.conference = categories.inproceedings + +-- a thesis (of course). + +categories.thesis = { + sets = { + doi = generic.doi, + }, + required = { + "author", + "title", + "school", + "year", + "type" + }, + optional = { + "collaboration", + "subtitle", "file", + "month", + "address", + "doi", "note", "isbn" + }, +} + +categories.mastersthesis = { + sets = categories.thesis.sets, + required = { + "author", + "title", + "school", + "year" + }, + optional = { + "collaboration", + "type", + "subtitle", "file", + "month", + "address", + "doi", "note", "isbn" + }, +} +categories.phdthesis = categories.mastersthesis + +-- a report published by a school or other institution, usually numbered within a series. + +categories.techreport = { + sets = { + -- no "edition"! + edition = { "type", "volume", "number", "pages" }, + doi = generic.doi, + }, + required = { + "author", + "title", + "institution", + "year" + }, + optional = { + "collaboration", + "subtitle", "file", + "edition", -- set, not field! + "month", + "address", + "doi", "note", "isbn" + }, +} + +-- technical documentation. + +categories.manual = { + sets = { + edition = { "edition", "volume", "number", "pages" }, + doi = generic.doi, + }, + required = { + "title" + }, + optional = { + "collaboration", + "subtitle", "file", + "author", "address", "organization", + "edition", "month", "year", + "doi", "note", "isbn" + }, +} + +-- a patent (of course). + +categories.patent = { + sets = { + doi = generic.doi, + }, + required = { + "nationality", + "number", + "year", "yearfiled" + }, + optional = { + "type", + --check this: "language", + "collaboration", + "author", "assignee", + "title", "subtitle", "file", + "address", + "day", "dayfiled", "month", "monthfiled", + "doi", "note" + }, +} + +-- a document having an author and title, but not formally published. + +categories.unpublished = { + sets = { + doi = generic.doi, + }, + required = { + "author", + "title", + "note" + }, + optional = { + "collaboration", + "subtitle", "file", + "year", "month", + "doi" + }, +} + +-- like misc below but includes organization. + +categories.electronic = { + sets = { + doi = generic.doi, + }, + required = { + "title" + }, + optional = { + "subtitle", "type", "file", + "year", "month", + "author", + "collaboration", + "address", + "organization", + "howpublished", + "doi", "note" + }, +} + +-- use this type when nothing else fits. + +categories.misc = { + sets = { + doi = generic.doi, + isbn = { "isbn", "issn" }, + }, + required = { + -- nothing is really important here + }, + optional = { + "author", + "collaboration", + "title", "subtitle", "file", + "year", "month", + "howpublished", + "doi", "note", "isbn" + }, +} + +-- other (whatever jabref does not know!) + +categories.other = { + sets = { + doi = generic.doi, + isbn = { "isbn", "issn" }, + }, + required = { + "author", + "title", + "year" + }, + optional = { + "collaboration", + "subtitle", "file", + "doi", "note", "isbn" + }, +} + +-- if all else fails to match: + +categories.literal = { + sets = { + author = { "key" }, + doi = generic.doi, + }, + required = { + "author", + "text" + }, + optional = { + "collaboration", + "doi", "note" + }, + virtual = false, +} + +-- done + +return specification diff --git a/tex/context/base/publ-imp-aps.mkvi b/tex/context/base/publ-imp-aps.mkvi index 84e0c8fcc..60fb43ed8 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/publ-imp-aps.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/publ-imp-aps.mkvi @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ %D \module %D [ file=publ-imp-aps, -%D version=2014.05.25, -%D title=APA bibliography style, +%D version=2013.12.12, +%D title=APS bibliography style, %D subtitle=Publications, %D author=Alan Braslau and Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, @@ -10,159 +10,360 @@ %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is therefore copyrighted %D by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for details. +% \loadbtxdefinitionfile[def] + \startbtxrenderingdefinitions[aps] +%D Reference: +%D \startTEX +%D @Book{APS2011, +%D title ={Physical Review Style and Notation Guide} +%D year ={2011}, +%D month ={June} +%D edition ={Revised}, +%D editor ={Waldron, A and Judd, P. and Miller, V.}, +%D address ={Ridge, NY}, +%D publisher={American Physical Society}, +%D pages ={26}, +%D url ={http://journals.aps.org/files/styleguide-pr.pdf} +%D } +%D \stopTEX + +% set all APS compliant values (may be redundant but we do not count on defaults.) + +\setupbtxlistvariant + [\c!namesep={,\space}, + \c!lastnamesep={,\nobreakspace\textampersand\space}, + \c!finalnamesep={,\nobreakspace\textampersand\space}, + \c!firstnamesep=\space, + \c!otherstext={\space\btxlabeltext{\currentbtxspecification:others}}, + \c!juniorsep=\space, + \c!vonsep=\space, + \c!initialsep=\space, % between initials and lastname + %\c!initialssep=\space, % between multiple initials % todo + %\c!initialsterminator={.}, % todo + \c!surnamesep={,\space}, + \c!surnameinitialsep={,\space}, + \c!surnamefirstnamesep={,\space}, + \c!etallimit=10, + \c!etaldisplay=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!etallimit, + %\c!journalconversion=\v!normal, + \c!monthconversion=\v!month, + \c!authorconversion=short] + +\definebtxlistvariant + [author] + +\definebtxlistvariant + [editor] + [author] + +% like \setupbtxlistvariant above but not exactly... + +\setupbtxcitevariant + [\c!alternative=num, + \c!namesep=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!namesep, + \c!lastnamesep=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!lastnamesep, + \c!finalnamesep={\nobreakspace\textampersand\space}, % no comma! + \c!firstnamesep=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!firstnamesep, + \c!otherstext=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!otherstext, + \c!juniorsep=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!juniorsep, + \c!vonsep=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!vonsep, + \c!initialsep=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!initialsep, + %\c!initialssep=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!initialssep, + %\c!initialsterminator=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!initialsterminator, + \c!surnamesep=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!surnamesep, + \c!surnameinitialsep=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!surnameinitialsep, + \c!surnamefirstnamesep=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!surnamefirstnamesep, + \c!etallimit=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!etallimit, + \c!etaldisplay=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!etaldisplay, + % \c!monthconversion=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!monthconversion, + \c!authorconversion=\btxlistvariantparameter\c!authorconversion, + \c!interaction=\v!start, + % \c!setups=btx:cite:initialize, + \c!pubsep={,\space}, + \c!lastpubsep={\space\btxlabeltext{\currentbtxspecification:and}\space}, + \c!finalpubsep={\space\btxlabeltext{\currentbtxspecification:and}\space}, + \c!sorttype=, + \c!compress=\v!no, + \c!inbetween=\space, + \c!range=\endash, + \c!left={[}, + \c!middle=, + \c!right={]}] + +\definebtxcitevariant + [author] + [\c!lastnamesep={,\nobreakspace\textampersand\space}, + \c!finalnamesep={\nobreakspace\textampersand\space}, % no comma! + \c!authorconversion=\v!name] + +\definebtxcitevariant + [authoryear] + [\c!compress=\v!yes, + \c!inbetween={,\space}, + \c!left={(}, + \c!right={)}, + \c!pubsep={;\space}, + \c!lastpubsep={;\space}, + \c!finalpubsep={;\space}, + \c!lastnamesep={,\space\btxlabeltext{\currentbtxspecification:and}\space}, + \c!finalnamesep={\space\btxlabeltext{\currentbtxspecification:and}\space}, % no comma! + \c!authorconversion=\v!name] + +\definebtxcitevariant + [authoryears] + [authoryear] + [\c!left=, + \c!inbetween={\space(}, + \c!pubsep={);\space}, + \c!lastpubsep={);\space}, + \c!finalpubsep={);\space}, + \c!lastnamesep={,\space\btxlabeltext{\currentbtxspecification:and}\space}, + \c!finalnamesep={\space\btxlabeltext{\currentbtxspecification:and}\space}, % no comma! + \c!authorconversion=\v!name] + +% Should the following be loaded by default? + +%D In order to be able to get journals expanded (or normalized or abbreviated) you need +%D to load a list: +%D +%D \starttyping +%D \btxloadjournallist[journals.txt] % the jabref list +%D \stoptyping + +%D Sometimes we have verbose injections in an entry and these can be language +%D dependent, so we use labels. +%D +%D Because we want to mix rendering (in the manual) we need a namespace in label +%D texts: + \setupbtxlabeltext [en] [aps:mastersthesis={Master's thesis}, aps:phdthesis={PhD thesis}, - aps:technicalreport={Technical report}, - aps:editor=editor, - aps:editors=editors, - aps:edition=edition, - aps:volume=volume, - aps:Volume=Volume, + aps:technicalreport={Tech. Rep.}, % Technical report + aps:supplement={Suppl.}, % Supplement + aps:patent=Patent, + aps:Translator={Trans.}, % Translator(s) + aps:Editor={Ed.}, % Editor + aps:Editors={Eds.}, % Editors + aps:edition={ed.}, % edition + aps:volume=volume, % used? + aps:Volume={Vol.}, % Volume + aps:Volumes={Vols.}, % Volumes aps:number=number, - aps:Number=Number, + aps:Number={No.}, % Number + aps:nd={n.d.}, % no date aps:in=in, aps:of=of, aps:In=In, - aps:p=p, - aps:pp=pp, + aps:Part={Pt.}, % Part + aps:p={p.}, + aps:pp={pp.}, aps:pages=pages, aps:and=and, - aps:others={et al.}] + aps:period={. }, + aps:Author=Author, + aps:Reference={Ref.}, + aps:References={Refs.}, + aps:Advanced={to be published}, + aps:Retrieved={Available from}, % {Retrieved from}, + aps:others={\it et al.}] \setupbtxlabeltext [fr] [aps:mastersthesis={Thèse de master (DEA, DESS, master)}, aps:phdthesis={Thèse de doctorat}, aps:technicalreport={Rapport technique}, - aps:editor=éditeur, - aps:editors=éditeurs, + aps:supplement=Supplément, + aps:patent=Brevet, + aps:Translator=Traducteur, + aps:Editor=Éditeur, + aps:Editors=Éditeurs, aps:edition=édition, aps:volume=volume, aps:Volume=Volume, + aps:Volumes=Volumes, aps:number=numéro, aps:Number=Numéro, + aps:nd={s.d.} % sans date aps:in=dans, aps:of=de, aps:In=Dans, - aps:p=p, - aps:pp=pp, + aps:Part=Partie, + aps:p={p.}, + aps:pp={pp.}, aps:pages=pages, aps:and=et, - aps:others={et al.}] + aps:period={. }, + aps:Author=Auteur, + aps:Reference={Réf.}, + aps:References={Réfs.}, + aps:Advanced={à être publié}, + aps:Retrieved={Disponible à }, % {Téléchargé de}, + aps:others={\it et al.}] \setupbtxlabeltext [de] [aps:mastersthesis={Masterarbeit}, aps:phdthesis={Dissertation}, aps:technicalreport={Technischer Bericht}, - aps:editor=Herausgeber, - aps:editors=Herausgeber, - aps:edition=Auflage, - aps:volume=Band, + aps:supplement={Beilage}, % Supplement + aps:patent=Patent, + aps:Translator={Übersetzer}, % Übers. + aps:Editor=Herausgeber, % Hrsg./Hg. + aps:Editors=Herausgeber, + aps:edition=Auf\/lage, + aps:volume=Band, % Bd. aps:Volume=Band, - aps:number=Numer, - aps:Number=Numer, + aps:Volumes={Bände}, + aps:number=Nummer, + aps:Number={Nr.}, + aps:nd={o.D.}, % ohne Datum (mostly: o.J. / ohne Jahr) aps:in=in, aps:of=von, aps:In=In, - aps:p=S, - aps:pp=S, + aps:Part=Teil, + aps:p={S.}, + aps:pp={S.}, aps:pages=Seiten, aps:and=und, - aps:others={et al.}] - -% \c!authoretallimit=4, -% \c!editoretallimit=4, -% \c!artauthoretallimit=4, -% \c!authoretaldisplay=1, -% \c!editoretaldisplay=1, -% \c!artauthoretaldisplay=1, -% \c!authoretaltext={ {\it et al.\/}}, -% \c!editoretaltext={ {\it et al.\/}}, -% \c!artauthoretaltext={ {\it et al.\/}}] - -\setvariables - [btx:aps:publisher] - [left=\btxspace, - right=\btxperiod] - -\setvariables - [btx:aps:organization] - [left=\btxspace, - right=\btxperiod] - -\setvariables - [btx:aps:school] - [left=\btxcomma, - right=\btxperiod, - otherwise=\btxperiod] - -\setvariables - [btx:aps:institution] - [left=\btxcomma, - right=\btxperiod, - otherwise=\btxperiod] - -% \def\insertEdition#1#2#3{% -% \begingroup -% \insertedition{#1}{\doifnumberelse{\csname @@pb@edition\endcsname}{% -% \ifcase \csname @@pb@edition\endcsname \or st\or nd\or rd\else th\fi -% }{}#2}{#3}% -% \endgroup -% } - -\starttexdefinition btx:aps:chapter - \btxdoif {chapter} { - \btxcomma - \btxdoifelse {type} { - \btxflush{type} - \btxspace - } { - \btxlabeltext{aps:chapter} + aps:period={. }, + aps:Author=Autor, + aps:Reference={Ref.}, + aps:References={Ref.}, + aps:Advanced={veröffentlicht werden}, + aps:Retrieved={heruntergeladen von}, + aps:others={\it et al.}] + +% thanks: Andrea Valle + +\setupbtxlabeltext + [it] + [aps:mastersthesis={Tesi di laurea}, + aps:phdthesis={Tesi di dottorato}, + aps:technicalreport={Relazione tecnica}, + aps:supplement={Supplemento}, + aps:patent=Brevetto, + aps:Translator={Trad.}, % Translator(s) + aps:Editor={A cura di}, + aps:Editors={A cura di}, + aps:edition={ed.}, + aps:volume=volume, + aps:Volume={Vol.}, + aps:Volumes={Vol.}, + aps:number=numero, + aps:Number=Numero, + aps:nd={s.d.}, + aps:in=in, + aps:of=di, + aps:In=In, + aps:Part=Parte, + aps:p={p.}, + aps:pp={pp.}, + aps:pages=pagine, + aps:and=e, + aps:period={. }, + aps:Author=Autore, + aps:Reference={Rif.}, + aps:References={Rif.}, + aps:Advanced={da pubblicare}, + aps:Retrieved={Accessible online}, + aps:others={\it et al.}] + +%D Instead of texdefinitions without arguments, we could have used setups but in my +%D editor (hh, scite) the commands stand out better. It also saves an additional +%D component in the name (e.g. common:) because commands and setups have a different +%D namespace, so similar calls don't clash. Performance of definitions is somewhat +%D better. + +%D \btxdoif... and \btxflush rely on the definitions in publ-imp-aps.lua: +%D fields that are not listed as required nor optional are IGNORED. + +% First some helpers: + +\starttexdefinition btx:aps:inject #link #content + \ifconditional\btxinteractive + \ifx\currentbtxinternal\empty + #content + \else + \goto { + #content + } [ + #link + ] + \fi + \else + #content + \fi +\stoptexdefinition + +\starttexdefinition btx:aps:title + \btxdoif {file} { + % we make the title active, opening file + \texdefinition{btx:aps:inject} {url(file:\btxflush{file})} + } + { + \begingroup + \it + \btxflush{Word -> title} + \btxdoif {subtitle} { + \btxcolon + \btxflush{Word -> subtitle} + } + \italiccorrection + \endgroup + \doifnot {\currentbtxcategory} {techreport} { + \doifnotmode {btx:aps:thesis} { + \btxdoif{type} { + \btxleftbracket + \btxflush{Word -> type} + \btxrightbracket + } + } } - \btxspace - \btxflush{chapter} } \stoptexdefinition -\starttexdefinition btx:aps:publisher - \btxdoif {publisher} { - \btxflush{publisher} - } - \btxdoif {city} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{city} - } - \btxdoif {country} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{country} +% need for a global option to activate or inhibit.... + +\starttexdefinition btx:aps:optional-title + \btxdoif {title} { + \btxdoif {file} { + % we make the title active, opening file + \texdefinition{btx:aps:inject} {url(file:\btxflush{file})} + } + { + \quotation{% + \btxflush{Word -> title} + \btxdoif {subtitle} { + \btxcolon + \btxflush{Word -> subtitle} + } + } + \btxcomma + } } - \btxperiod \stoptexdefinition -\starttexdefinition btx:aps:pages-p-or-pp - \btxoneorrange {pages} { - \btxlabeltext{aps:p} +\starttexdefinition btx:aps:editor + \btxflush{editor} + \btxleftparenthesis + \btxsingularorplural {editor} { + \btxlabeltext{aps:Editor} } { - \btxlabeltext{aps:pp} + \btxlabeltext{aps:Editors} } + \btxrightparenthesisperiod \stoptexdefinition -\starttexdefinition btx:aps:pages - \btxdoif {pages} { - \btxcomma - \btxoneorrange {pages} { - \btxlabeltext{aps:p} - } { - \btxlabeltext{aps:pp} - } - \btxperiod - \btxnbsp - \btxflush{pages} +\starttexdefinition btx:aps:author + \btxflush{author} + \btxdoif {collaboration} { + \btxleftparenthesis + \btxflush{collaboration} + \btxrightparenthesis } \stoptexdefinition @@ -181,710 +382,556 @@ \endgroup \stoptexdefinition -\disablemode[btx:aps:edited-book] % hm, ugly - -\starttexdefinition btx:aps:note - \btxdoif {note} { - \btxspace - \btxflush{note} - \btxperiod - } -\stoptexdefinition - -\starttexdefinition btx:aps:comment - \btxdoif {comment} { - \btxspace - \btxflush{comment} - \btxperiod - } -\stoptexdefinition - -\startsetups btx:aps:article - \btxdoif {author} { - \btxflushauthor {author} +\starttexdefinition btx:aps:editor-in- #title + \btxdoifelse {editor} { + \btxlabeltext{aps:In} \btxspace - \btxdoif {key} { - \btxsetup{btx:format:key} - \btxspace - } - } - \btxdoif {title} { - \btxflush{title} - \btxperiod - } - \btxdoifelse {journal} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{journal} - } - \btxdoifelse {volume} { - \texdefinition{btx:aps:bold}{volume} - \btxdoif {pages} { - \btxcomma - \btxfirstofrange{pages} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:editor} + \btxdoif {#title} { + \texdefinition{btx:aps:italic}{Word -> #title} } } { - \btxdoif {pages} { + \btxdoif {#title} { + \btxlabeltext{aps:In} \btxspace - \btxfirstofrange{pages} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:italic}{Word -> #title} } } - \btxdoif {year} { - \btxlparent - \btxflush{year} - \btxrparent - } - \btxperiod - \texdefinition{btx:aps:note} - \texdefinition{btx:aps:comment} -\stopsetups - -\disablemode[btx:apa:edited-book] % hm, ugly +\stoptexdefinition -\startsetups btx:aps:book - \btxdoif {author} { - \btxflushauthor {author} - \btxspace - } { - \btxdoifelse {editor} { - \btxflush{editor} - \btxcomma - \btxsingularorplural {editor} { - \btxlabeltext{aps:editor} +\starttexdefinition btx:aps:editionset + \btxdoifelse {edition} { + \btxleftparenthesis + \doif {\currentbtxcategory} {techreport} { + \btxdoifelse {type} { + \btxflush{Word -> type} } { - \btxlabeltext{aps:editors} + \btxlabeltext{aps:technicalreport} } + \setmode{btx:aps:comma} + } + \doif {\btxfoundname{edition}} {edition} { + \doifmode {btx:aps:comma} + {\btxcomma} + \btxflush{edition} \btxspace - \setmode{btx:apa:edited-book} - } { - \btxdoif {key} { - \btxflush{key} - \btxperiod - } + \btxlabeltext{aps:edition} + \setmode{btx:aps:comma} } - } - \btxdoifelse {title} { - \btxcomma - \texdefinition {btx:apa:italic} { - \doifmode {btx:apa:edited-book} { - \resetmode{editedbook} - \btxdoifelse {volume} { - \btxlabeltext{aps:Number} - \btxnbsp - \btxflush{number} - \btxdoifelse {series} { - \btxlabeltext{aps:in} - \btxnbsp - \btxflush{series} - \btxperiod - } { - \btxdoif {crossref} { - \btxlabeltext{aps:in} - \btxnbsp - \btxflush{crossref} - \btxperiod - } - } - } { - \insertseries{ }{.}{} - } + \btxdoif {volume} { + \doifmode {btx:aps:comma} + {\btxcomma} + \btxoneorrange {volume} { + \btxlabeltext{aps:Volume} } { - \btxdoif {crossref} { - \texdefinition {btx:aps:chapter} - \btxdoif {pages} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{pages} - \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages-p-or-pp} - } - \btxperiod - \btxdoif {volume} { - \btxlabeltext{aps:Volume} - \btxnbsp - \btxflush{volume} - \btxspace - \btxlabeltext{aps:of} - \btxnbsp - }% - \btxflush{crossref} - } { - \btxdoif {volume} { - \btxcomma - \btxlabeltext{aps:volume} - \btxnbsp - \btxflush{volume} - \btxdoif {series} { - \btxspace - \btxlabeltext{aps:of} - \btxnbsp - \texdefinition {btx:aps:italic} { - \btxflush{series} - } - } - \btxdoif {chapter} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{chapter} - } - \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages} - \btxperiod - } - } + \btxlabeltext{aps:Volumes} } + \btxspace + \btxflush{volume} + \setmode{btx:aps:comma} } - } { - \btxspace - } - \btxdoif {year} { - \btxlparent - \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher} - \btxflush{year} - \btxrparent - \btxdoif {edition} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{edition} + \btxdoif {number} { + \doifmode {btx:aps:comma} + {\btxcomma} + \btxlabeltext{aps:Number} \btxspace - \btxlabeltext{aps:edition}% ed + \btxflush{number} + \setmode{btx:aps:comma} } - } - \btxperiod - \texdefinition{btx:aps:note} -\stopsetups - -\startsetups btx:aps:inbook - \btxdoifelse {authors} { - \btxflushauthor {author} - } { - \btxdoifelse {editor} { - \btxflush{editor} - \btxcomma - \btxsingularorplural { - \btxlabeltext{aps:editor} + \btxdoif {pages} { + \doifmode {btx:aps:comma} + {\btxcomma} + \btxoneorrange {pages} { + \btxlabeltext{aps:p} } { - \btxlabeltext{aps:editors} - } - \setmode{btx:aps:edited-book} - } { - \btxdoif {key} { - \btxsetup{btx:format:key} - \btxperiod + \btxlabeltext{aps:pp} } + \btxspace + \btxflush{pages} + } + \btxrightparenthesisperiod + } { + \doif {\currentbtxcategory} {techreport} { + \btxleftparenthesis + \btxlabeltext{aps:technicalreport} + \btxrightparenthesisperiod } } - \btxdoif {title} { +\stoptexdefinition + +\starttexdefinition btx:aps:journal-volumeset-year + \btxdoif {journal} { \btxcomma - \texdefinition{btx:aps:italic}{title} - \btxdoif {year} { - \btxlparent - \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher} - \btxflush{year} - \btxrparent - \btxdoif {edition} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{edition} - \btxspace - \btxlabeltext{aps:edition} - \btxperiod + % expandedjournal abbreviatedjournal + \btxflush{expandedjournal -> journal} + % A newspaper may not have a volume but may have a number! + \btxdoifelse {volume} { + \doif {\btxfoundname{volume}} {volume} { + \texdefinition{btx:aps:bold}{volume} } - } - \doifmodeelse {btx:aps:edited-book} { - \resetmode{btx:aps:edited-book} - \btxdoifelse {volume} { - \btxspace - \btxlabeltext{aps:volume}% vol. (todo: add period to abbreviation) - \btxnbsp - \btxflush{volume} - \btxdoifelse {series} { - \btxspace - \btxlabeltext{aps:in} - \btxnbsp - \btxflush{series} - } { - \btxdoifelse {crossref} { - \btxspace - \btxlabeltext{aps:in} - \btxnbsp - \btxflush{crossref} - } - } - \btxperiod - } { - {\insertseries{ }{.}{} }% + \btxdoif {number} { + \removeunwantedspaces( + \btxflush{number} + \btxrightparenthesiscomma } } { - \btxdoifelse {crossref} { - \btxdoif {chapter} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{chapter} - } - \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages} - \btxperiod - \btxdoif {volume} { - \btxlabeltext{aps:Volume} - \btxnbsp - \btxflush{volume} - \btxspace - \btxlabeltext{aps:of} - \btxnbsp - } - % weird: - \btxflush{crossref} - } { - \btxdoif {volume} { - \btxcomma - \btxlabeltext{aps:volume}% vol. - \btxnbsp - \btxflush{volume} - \btxdoif {series} { - \btxnbsp - \btxlabeltext{aps:of} - \btxnbsp - \texdefinition{btx:aps:italic}{ - \btxflush{series} - } - } - } - \btxdoif {chapter} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{chapter} - } - \btxdoif {pages} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{pages} - \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages-p-or-pp} - } - \btxperiod + \btxdoif {number} { + \btxflush{number} + \btxcomma } } + \btxflush{pages} + \btxleftparenthesis + \btxdoifelse {year} { + \btxflush{year} + } { + \btxlabeltext{aps:Advanced} + } + \btxrightparenthesis + \btxperiod } - \texdefinition{btx:aps:note} -\stopsetups +\stoptexdefinition -\startsetups btx:aps:booklet - \btxdoif {author} { - \btxflushauthor {author} - \btxspace - } { - \btxdoif {key} { - \btxsetup{btx:format:key} - \btxperiod +\definebreakpoints[doi] +\definebreakpoint [doi][:][nleft=3,type=1] +\definebreakpoint [doi][/][nleft=3,type=1] +\definebreakpoint [doi][-][nleft=3,type=1] +\definebreakpoint [doi][.][nleft=3,type=1] + +\starttexdefinition btx:aps:url + % use \btxentry here? + \btxspace + \btxlabeltext{aps:Retrieved} + \btxspace + \begingroup + \setbreakpoints[doi] + \btxdoifelseinteractive {url} { + \goto { + \btxflush{url} + } [ + url(\btxflush{url}) + ] + } { + \btxflush{url} } - } - \btxdoif {title} { - \btxflush{title} - \btxdoif {series} { - \btxlparent - \btxflush{series} - \btxrparent + \endgroup +\stoptexdefinition + +\starttexdefinition btx:aps:doi + % use \btxentry here? + \btxspace + \begingroup + \setbreakpoints[doi] + \btxdoifelseinteractive {doi} { + \goto { + doi:\btxflush{doi} + } [ + url(http://dx.doi.org/\btxflush{doi}) + ] + } { + doi:\btxflush{doi} } - \btxperiod + \endgroup +\stoptexdefinition + +\starttexdefinition btx:aps:isbn + % also issn - see publ-imp-aps.lua + \btxdoif {isbn} { + \btxleftparenthesis + \WORD{\btxfoundname{isbn}}:\btxspace + \btxflush{isbn} + \btxrightparenthesis } - \btxdoif {year} { - \btxlparent - \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher} - \btxflush{year} - \btxrparent - \btxdoif {edition} { - \btxcomma - % todo: st nd rd th - \btxflush{edition} - \btxspace - \btxlabeltext{aps:edition} - } - \btxperiod +\stoptexdefinition + +\starttexdefinition btx:aps:note + % grouping could indeed be useful for note. + \btxdoif {note} { + \btxleftparenthesis + {\btxflush{note}} + \btxrightparenthesis } - \btxdoif {pages} { - \btxflush{pages} - \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages-p-or-pp} - \btxperiod +\stoptexdefinition + +\starttexdefinition btx:aps:url-note-doi + \doif {\btxfoundname{doi}} {url} { + \texdefinition{btx:aps:url} } + \texdefinition{btx:aps:isbn} \texdefinition{btx:aps:note} -\stopsetups - -\startsetups btx:aps:manual - \btxdoif {title} { - \texdefinition {btx:aps:italic} { - \btxflush{title} - } - \btxdoif {series} { - \btxlparent - \btxflush{series} - \btxrparent - } - \btxperiod + \doif {\btxfoundname{doi}} {doi} { + \texdefinition{btx:aps:doi} } - \btxdoifelse {year} { - \btxlparent - \btxdoif {organization} { - \btxflush{organization} + \removeunwantedspaces +\stoptexdefinition + +\starttexdefinition btx:aps:publisher-wherefrom-year + \btxleftparenthesis + \btxflush{publisher} + \btxdoifelse {address} { + \btxdoif {publisher} { \btxcomma } - \btxdoif {city} { - \btxflush{organization} + \btxflush{address} + \btxdoif {country} { \btxcomma + \btxflush{country} } - \btxflush{year} - \btxrparent - % st\or nd\or rd\else th\fi - \btxdoif {edition} { + \btxcomma + } { + \btxdoif {publisher} { \btxcomma - \btxflush{edition} - \btxspace - \btxlabeltext{aps:edition}% ed } - \btxperiod } - \btxdoif {pages} { - \btxflush{pages} - \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages-p-or-pp} - \btxperiod + \btxdoifelse {year} { + \btxflush{year} + } { + \btxlabeltext{aps:Advanced} } - \texdefinition{btx:aps:note} + \btxrightparenthesis +\stoptexdefinition + +% Then by category + +% An article from a journal +% Required fields: author or editor or title, journal, (year). +% Optional fields: volume, number, pages, type, doi, url, note. +% Note that bibtex (and tools) do not include editor (e.g. special issue or section) + +\startsetups btx:aps:article + \texdefinition{btx:aps:author} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:optional-title} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:journal-volumeset-year} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi} \stopsetups -\startsetups btx:aps:incollection - \btxdoifelse {author} { - \btxflushauthor {author} - } { - \btxdoif {key} { - \btxsetup{ntx:format:key} - \btxcomma - } - } - \btxdoifelse {title} { - \btxcomma - \btxlabeltext{aps:in} +% An article from a magazine. +% Required fields: author or title, journal, (year). +% Optional fields: volume, number, pages, type, month, day, doi, url, note. + +\startsetups btx:aps:magazine + \texdefinition{btx:aps:author} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:optional-title} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:journal-volumeset-year} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi} +\stopsetups + +% An article from a newspaper. +% Required fields: author or title, journal, (year). +% Optional fields: volume, number, pages, type, month, day, doi, url, note. + +\startsetups btx:aps:newspaper + \texdefinition{btx:aps:author} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:optional-title} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:journal-volumeset-year} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi} +\stopsetups + +% A book with an explicit publisher. +% Required fields: author or editor or publisher, title, (year). +% Optional fields: volume or number, series, address, edition, month, day, note. + +% todo: series? + +\startsetups btx:aps:book + \texdefinition{btx:aps:author} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:title} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:editionset} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher-wherefrom-year} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi} +\stopsetups + +% A part of a book, which may be a chapter (or section or whatever) and/or a range of pages. +% Required fields: author or editor, title, chapter and/or pages, publisher, year. +% Optional fields: volume or number, series, type, address, edition, month, note. + +% todo: series? + +\startsetups btx:aps:inbook + \texdefinition{btx:aps:author} + \btxdoif {chapter} { + \btxflush{Word -> chapter} \btxspace - \texdefinition{btx:aps:italic} {title} - \btxdoifelse {editor} { - \btxcomma - \btxlabeltext{aps:edited} % edited by + } + \texdefinition{btx:aps:editor-in-}{title} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:editionset} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher-wherefrom-year} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi} +\stopsetups + +% A part of a book having its own title. +% Required fields: author, title, booktitle, publisher, year. +% Optional fields: editor, volume or number, series, type, chapter, pages, address, edition, month, note. + +% todo: series? + +\startsetups btx:aps:incollection + \texdefinition{btx:aps:author} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:title} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:editor-in-}{booktitle} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:editionset} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher-wherefrom-year} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi} +\stopsetups + +% The proceedings of a conference. +% Required fields: title, year. +% Optional fields: editor, volume or number, series, address, month, organization, publisher, note. +% todo: series? + +\startsetups btx:aps:proceedings + \texdefinition{btx:aps:author} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:title} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:editionset} + \btxdoif {editor} { + \btxdoif {organization} { \btxspace - \btxflush{edited} - } { - \btxdoif {series} { - \btxdoifelse {volume} { - \btxcomma - \btxlabeltext{aps:number} - \btxspace - \btxflush{volume} - \btxnbsp - \btxlabeltext{aps:in} - } { - \btxspace - } - \btxflush{series} - } - } - \btxdoif {chapter} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{chapter} - } - \btxspace - \btxdoif {year} { - \btxlparent - \btxflush{year} - \btxrparent - \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher} - \btxdoif {edition} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{edition} - \btxlabeltext{aps:edition}% ed. - } - \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages} - } - \btxperiod - } { - \btxlabeltext{aps:In} - \btxdoif {crossref} { - \btxflush{crossref} - } - \btxdoif {chapter} { + \btxflush{organization} \btxcomma - \btxflush{chapter} - \btxspace } - \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages} - \btxperiod } - \texdefinition{btx:aps:note} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher-wherefrom-year} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi} \stopsetups +% An article in a conference proceedings. +% Required fields: author, title, booktitle, year. +% Optional fields: editor, volume or number, series, pages, address, month, organization, publisher, note. +% todo: series? + \startsetups btx:aps:inproceedings - \btxdoif {author} { - \btxflushauthor{author} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:author} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:title} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:editor-in-}{booktitle} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:editionset} + \btxdoif {organization} { \btxspace + \btxflush{organization} + \btxcomma } - \btxdoifelse {title} { - \texdefinition {btx:aps:italic} { - \btxflush{ title} - } - \btxdoif {editor} { - \btxcomma - \btxlabeltext{aps:edited}% edited by - \btxspace - \btxflush{editor} - } - \btxdoif {chapter} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{chapter} - } - \btxdoif {year} { - \btxlparent - \btxflush{year} - \btxdoifelse {organization} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{organization} - } - \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher} - \btxdoif {city} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{city} - } - \btxrparent - } - \btxdoif {series} { - \btxcomma - \btxdoif {volume} { - \btxlabeltext{aps:volume}% vol. - \btxspace - \btxflush{volume} - \btxspace - \btxlabeltext{aps:of} - } - \texdefinition {btx:aps:italic} { - \btxflush{series} - } - } - \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages} - \btxperiod - } { - \btxspace - \btxlabeltext{aps:In} - \btxdoif {crossref} { - \btxflush{crossref} - } - \btxdoif {chapter} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{chapter} - } - \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages} - \btxperiod - } - \texdefinition{btx:aps:note} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher-wherefrom-year} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi} \stopsetups -\startsetups btx:aps:proceedings - \btxdoifelse {editor} { - \btxflush{editor} - \btxcomma - \btxsingularorplural {editor} { - \btxlabeltext{aps:editor}% ed - } { - \btxlabeltext{aps:editors}% eds - } - \setmode{btx:aps:edited-book} +\startsetups btx:aps:conference + \fastsetup{btx:aps:inproceedings} +\stopsetups + +% A thesis. +% Required fields: author, title, school, year. +% Optional fields: type, address, month, note. + +\startsetups btx:aps:thesis + \setmode{btx:aps:thesis} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:author} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:title} + \btxleftparenthesis + \btxdoifelse {type} { + \btxflush{Word -> type} } { - \btxdoif {key} { - \btxsetup{btx:format:key} - \btxspace - } + \Word{\btxlabeltext{aps:\currentbtxcategory}} } - \btxdoif {title} { - \texdefinition {btx:aps:italic} { - \btxflush{title} - } - \btxdoif {series} { - \bxtif {volume} { - \btxcomma - \btxlabeltext{aps:number} - \btxspace - \btxflush{volume} - \btxnbsp - \btxlabeltext{aps:in} - } - \btxspace - \btxflush{series} - } - \btxdoif {chapter} { + \btxrightparenthesis + \btxdoif {school} { + \btxperiod + \btxflush{school} + } + \btxdoif {address} { + \btxdoifelse {school} { \btxcomma - \btxflush{chapter} - \btxspace - } - \btxdoif {year} { - \btxlparent - \btxdoif {organization} { - \btxflush{organization} - \btxcomma - } - \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher} - \btxflush{year} - \btxrparent + } { + \btxperiod } - \texdefinition{btx:aps:pages} - \btxdoif {city} { + \btxflush{address} + \btxdoif {country} { \btxcomma - \btxflush{city} + \btxflush{country} } } - \texdefinition{btx:aps:note} + \btxperiod + \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi} \stopsetups -\starttexdefinition btx:aps:thesis #field - \btxdoif {author} { - \btxflushauthor {author} - \btxcomma - } - \btxdoifelse {type} { - \btxflush{type} - \btxcomma - } { - \btxlabeltext{aps:#field} - } - \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher} - \btxdoifelse {year} { - \btxlparent - \btxflush{year} - \btxrparent - } - \btxdoifelse {pages} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{pages} - } - \texdefinition{btx:aps:note} -\stoptexdefinition +\startsetups btx:aps:phdthesis + \fastsetup{btx:aps:thesis} +\stopsetups \startsetups btx:aps:mastersthesis - \texdefinition{btx:aps:thesis}{mastersthesis} + \fastsetup{btx:aps:thesis} \stopsetups -\startsetups btx:aps:phdthesis - \texdefinition{btx:aps:thesis}{phdthesis} +% A work that is printed and bound, but without a named publisher or sponsoring institution. +% Required field: title. +% Optional fields: author, howpublished, address, month, year, note. + +\startsetups btx:aps:booklet + \texdefinition{btx:aps:author} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:title} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher-wherefrom-year} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi} +\stopsetups + +% Technical documentation. +% Required field: title. +% Optional fields: author, organization, address, edition, month, year, note. + +\startsetups btx:aps:manual + \texdefinition{btx:aps:author} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:title} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:editionset} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher-wherefrom-year} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi} \stopsetups +% A report published by a school or other institution, usually numbered within a series. +% Required fields: author, title, institution, year. +% Optional fields: type, number, address, month, note. + \startsetups btx:aps:techreport - \btxdoif {author} { - \btxflushauthor{author} - \btxcomma - } - \btxdoif {title} { - \texdefinition {btx:apa:italic} { - \btxflush{title} - \btxdoifelse {series} { - \btxcomma - \btxlparent - \btxflush{series} - \btxrparent - } { - \btxspace - } - } - } - \btxdoifelse {type} { - \btxflush{type} - } { - \btxlabeltext{aps:techreport} - } - \btxdoif {volume} { - \btxspace - \btxflush{volume} - } - \btxcomma - \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher} - \btxdoif {year} { - \btxlparent - \btxflush{year} - \btxrparent - } - \btxdoif {pages} { - \btxlcomma - \btxflush{pages} - } - \texdefinition{btx:aps:note} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:author} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:title} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:editionset} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher-wherefrom-year} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi} \stopsetups -\startsetups btx:aps:misc - \btxdoifelse {author} { - \btxflushauthor{author} - \btxdoif {title} { - \btxcomma - \texdefinition {btx:aps:italic} { - \btxflush{title} - } +% A document having an author and title, but not formally published. +% Required fields: author, title, note. +% Optional fields: month, year. + +\startsetups btx:aps:unpublished + \texdefinition{btx:aps:author} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:title} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi} +\stopsetups + +% A patent. Note that this category was not defined with BIBTEX. Below from JabRef: +% Required fields: nationality, number, year, yearfiled +% Optional fields: author, title, assignee, address, type, number, day, dayfiled, month, monthfiled, note, url +% Also optional: publisher + +% todo: yearfiled, monthfiled, dayfiled + +\startsetups btx:aps:patent + \texdefinition{btx:aps:author} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:title} + \begingroup + \it + \btxdoif {nationality} { + \btxspace + \btxflush{nationality} } - } { - \btxdoifelse {title} { - \btxdoifelse {key} { - \btxsetup{btx:format:key} + \btxspace + \btxlabeltext{aps:patent} + \btxdoif {number} { + \btxspace + \btxlabeltext{aps:Number} + \btxspace + \btxflush{number} + } + \btxperiod + \italiccorrection + \endgroup + \btxdoifelse {author} { + \btxdoifelse {country} { + \btxspace + \btxdoif {address} { + \btxflush{address} \btxcomma } - \texdefinition {btx:aps:italic} { - \btxflush{title} - } + \btxflush{country} + \btxdoifelse {assignee} + {\btxcolon} {\btxperiod} } { - \btxdoifelse {key} { - \btxsetup{btx:format:key} + \btxdoifelse {address} { + \btxspace + \btxflush{address} + \btxdoifelse {assignee} + {\btxcolon} {\btxperiod} + } { + \btxdoifelse {assignee} + {\btxspace} {} } } - } - \btxdoif {series} { - \btxlparent - \btxflush{series} - \btxrparent - } - \btxdoifelse {year} { - \btxlparent - \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher} - \btxflush{year} - \btxrparent - } { - \btxdoif {published} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{published} + \btxdoif {assignee} { + \btxflush{assignee} + \btxperiod } + } { + \texdefinition{btx:aps:publisher-wherefrom-year} } - \btxdoif {pages} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{pages} - } - \btxdoif {print} { - % eprint - \btxcomma - \btxflush{print} - } - \texdefinition{btx:aps:note} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:url} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:note} \stopsetups -\startsetups btx:aps:unpublished - \btxdoif {author} { - \btxflushauthor{author} - } - \btxdoif {title} { - \texdefinition {btx:aps:italic} { - \btxspace - \btxflush{title} - \btxdoif {series} { - \btxlparent - \btxflush{series} - \btxrparent - } - } - } - \btxdoif {type} { - \btxlparent - \btxflush{type} - \btxrparent +% Electronic. Note that this category was not defined with BIBTEX. Below from JabRef: +% Required fields: title +% Optional fields: address, author, howpublished, month, note, organization, url, year, doi +% Also optional: type + +% Like Misc below but includes organization. + +\startsetups btx:aps:electronic + \texdefinition{btx:aps:author} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:title} + \btxdoif {organization} { + \btxspace + \btxflush{organization} + \btxperiod } - \btxlparent - \btxlabeltext{aps:unpublished}% new label - \btxdoifelse {year} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{year} + \btxdoif {howpublished} { + \btxspace + \btxflush{howpublished} + \btxperiod } - \btxrparent - \btxdoif {pages} { - \btxcomma - \btxflush{pages} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi} +\stopsetups + +% Other. Note that this category was not defined with BIBTEX. Below from JabRef: +% Required fields: author or title, year +% Optional fields: note, doi, url + +\startsetups btx:aps:other + \texdefinition{btx:aps:author} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:title} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi} +\stopsetups + +% Use this type when nothing else fits. +% Required fields: none. +% Optional fields: author, title, howpublished, month, year, note. + +\startsetups btx:aps:misc + \texdefinition{btx:aps:author} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:title} + \btxdoif {howpublished} { \btxspace + \btxflush{howpublished} + \btxperiod } - \texdefinition{btx:aps:note} + \texdefinition{btx:aps:url-note-doi} +\stopsetups + +% If all else fails to match: + +\startsetups btx:aps:literal + %\btxleftparenthesis + \removeunwantedspaces( + \btxflush{key} + \btxrightparenthesis + \btxdoif {text} { + \btxflush{text} + } +\stopsetups + +%D Experiment: + +\startsetups btx:aps:lefttext + \currentbtxlefttext +\stopsetups + +\startsetups btx:aps:righttext + \currentbtxrighttext \stopsetups \stopbtxrenderingdefinitions diff --git a/tex/context/base/publ-ini.lua b/tex/context/base/publ-ini.lua index e09ba3a38..1fa2c44e1 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/publ-ini.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/publ-ini.lua @@ -1545,7 +1545,7 @@ do end end if type(sorter) == "function" then - rendering.list = sorter(dataset,rendering,newlist,sorttype) + rendering.list = sorter(dataset,rendering,newlist,sorttype) or newlist else rendering.list = newlist end diff --git a/tex/context/base/publ-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/publ-ini.mkiv index 801a274d3..6e03bb96a 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/publ-ini.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/publ-ini.mkiv @@ -110,10 +110,12 @@ \unexpanded\def\startbtxrenderingdefinitions[#1]% {\pushmacro\currentbtxrenderingdefinition \edef\currentbtxrenderingdefinition{#1}% - \letvalue{\??btxrenderingdefinition\currentbtxrenderingdefinition}\currentbtxrenderingdefinition} + \letvalue{\??btxrenderingdefinition\currentbtxrenderingdefinition}\currentbtxrenderingdefinition + \unprotect} \unexpanded\def\stopbtxrenderingdefinitions - {\popmacro\currentbtxrenderingdefinition} + {\protect + \popmacro\currentbtxrenderingdefinition} \unexpanded\def\loadbtxdefinitionfile[#1]% {\ctxcommand{loadbtxdefinitionfile("#1")}} @@ -1465,7 +1467,7 @@ \c!continue=\v!no, \c!method=\v!global, % \c!setups=btx:\btxrenderingparameter\c!alternative:initialize, % not the same usage as cite ! - \c!sorttype=, +% \c!sorttype=authoryear, \c!criterium=\v!text, \c!refcommand=authoryears, % todo \c!numbering=\v!yes, diff --git a/tex/context/base/publ-sor.lua b/tex/context/base/publ-sor.lua index acef99aa0..c17273cc3 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/publ-sor.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/publ-sor.lua @@ -106,6 +106,11 @@ local sharedmethods = { } publications.sortmethods = sharedmethods local function sortsequence(dataset,list,sorttype) + + if not list or #list == 0 then + return + end + local specification = publications.currentspecification local types = specification.types local sortmethods = specification.sortmethods @@ -188,13 +193,19 @@ local function sortsequence(dataset,list,sorttype) local action, error = loadstring(code) if type(action) == "function" then action = action() + else + report("error when compiling sort method %a: %s",sorttype,error or "unknown") end if type(action) == "function" then local valid = action(dataset,list,method) if valid and #valid > 0 then sorters.sort(valid,compare) return valid + else + report("error when applying sort method %a",sorttype) end + else + report("error in sort method %a",sorttype) end else report("invalid sort method %a",sorttype) @@ -248,7 +259,7 @@ local sorters = { sort(list,compare) else local valid = sortsequence(dataset,list,sorttype) - if #valid > 0 then + if valid and #valid > 0 then for i=1,#valid do local v = valid[i] valid[i] = list[v.index] diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf Binary files differindex 137acb6f7..af48c623a 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf +++ b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf Binary files differindex badc82b03..8d131e34a 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf +++ b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-flt.mkvi b/tex/context/base/strc-flt.mkvi index 94f730beb..14bfafa9f 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/strc-flt.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/strc-flt.mkvi @@ -108,8 +108,9 @@ % \c!stopper=\@@kostopper, \c!suffixseparator=, % currently rather hard coded \c!suffix=\floatcaptionsuffix, - \c!distance=1em, + \c!distance=\emwidth, \c!conversion=\v!numbers, + \c!maxwidth=\hsize, \c!command=] % we can comment some of these @@ -1395,17 +1396,82 @@ \fi \strc_floats_make_complete_caption}} +% \def\strc_floats_prepare_stack_caption_auto +% {\ifx\p_strc_floats_caption_align\empty \else +% \doifnotinset\v!middle\p_strc_floats_caption_align{\let\captionovershoot\!!zeropoint}% +% \fi +% \edef\captionhsize{\the\wd\b_strc_floats_content}% +% \ifdim\captionhsize>\hsize +% % float is wider than \hsize +% \setbox\b_strc_floats_caption\vbox +% {\settrialtypesetting +% \strc_floats_caption_set_align +% \hsize\captionhsize +% \notesenabledfalse +% \strc_floats_make_complete_caption}% +% \ifdim\ht\scratchbox>\lineheight % more lines +% \setbox\b_strc_floats_caption\vbox +% {\strc_floats_caption_set_align +% \hsize\dimexpr\captionhsize-\captionovershoot\relax +% \ifdim\hsize<\captionminwidth\relax +% \hsize\captionhsize +% \fi +% \strc_floats_make_complete_caption}% +% \else +% \setbox\b_strc_floats_caption\vbox +% {\strc_floats_caption_set_align +% \hsize\captionhsize +% \strc_floats_make_complete_caption}% +% \fi +% \else +% % float is smaller of equal to \hsize +% \ifdim\captionhsize<\captionminwidth\relax +% \scratchdimen\captionminwidth % float smaller than min width +% \edef\captionhsize{\the\scratchdimen}% +% \fi +% \setbox\scratchbox\vbox % test with overshoot +% {\settrialtypesetting +% \scratchdimen\dimexpr\captionhsize+\captionovershoot+3\emwidth\relax % 3em is an average word length +% \ifdim\scratchdimen<\hsize +% \hsize\scratchdimen +% \fi +% \notesenabledfalse +% \strc_floats_make_complete_caption}% +% \ifdim\ht\scratchbox>\lineheight +% % at least an average word longer than a line +% \setbox\b_strc_floats_caption\vbox +% {\strc_floats_caption_set_align +% \scratchdimen\dimexpr\captionhsize+\captionovershoot\relax +% \ifdim\scratchdimen<\hsize +% \hsize\scratchdimen +% \fi +% \strc_floats_make_complete_caption}% +% \else\ifx\p_strc_floats_caption_align\empty +% \setbox\b_strc_floats_caption\vbox +% {\strc_floats_caption_set_align +% \hsize\captionhsize +% \raggedcenter % overloads +% \strc_floats_make_complete_caption}% +% \else +% \setbox\b_strc_floats_caption\vbox +% {\strc_floats_caption_set_align +% \hsize\captionhsize +% \strc_floats_make_complete_caption}% +% \fi\fi +% \fi} + \def\strc_floats_prepare_stack_caption_auto {\ifx\p_strc_floats_caption_align\empty \else \doifnotinset\v!middle\p_strc_floats_caption_align{\let\captionovershoot\!!zeropoint}% \fi \edef\captionhsize{\the\wd\b_strc_floats_content}% - \ifdim\captionhsize>\hsize + \scratchwidth\floatcaptionparameter\c!maxwidth\relax + \ifdim\captionhsize>\scratchwidth % float is wider than \hsize \setbox\b_strc_floats_caption\vbox {\settrialtypesetting \strc_floats_caption_set_align - \hsize\captionhsize + \hsize\scratchwidth \notesenabledfalse \strc_floats_make_complete_caption}% \ifdim\ht\scratchbox>\lineheight % more lines @@ -1413,13 +1479,13 @@ {\strc_floats_caption_set_align \hsize\dimexpr\captionhsize-\captionovershoot\relax \ifdim\hsize<\captionminwidth\relax - \hsize\captionhsize + \hsize\scratchwidth \fi \strc_floats_make_complete_caption}% \else \setbox\b_strc_floats_caption\vbox {\strc_floats_caption_set_align - \hsize\captionhsize + \hsize\scratchwidth \strc_floats_make_complete_caption}% \fi \else diff --git a/tex/context/base/syst-aux.mkiv b/tex/context/base/syst-aux.mkiv index 84d1b10b6..81b6406f9 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/syst-aux.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/syst-aux.mkiv @@ -5336,6 +5336,9 @@ \def\distributedhsize#1#2#3% {\dimexpr(#1-\numexpr#3-1\relax\dimexpr#2\relax)/#3\relax} +\def\hsizefraction#1#2% + {\dimexpr#1/#2\relax} + %D \macros %D {doifvalue,doifnotvalue,doifelsevalue, %D doifnothing,doifsomething,doifelsenothing, @@ -6142,16 +6145,12 @@ %D \macros %D {processcontent} %D -%D This is the first occasion where \TEX\ and \ETEX\ are no -%D longer compatible, although in many cases things go ok. -%D Beware of verbatim, i.e. catcode changes. +%D This macro is first used in the tabulation macros. %D %D \starttyping %D \unexpanded\def\starthans% %D {\processcontent{stophans}\test{\message{\test}\wait}} %D \stoptyping -%D -%D This macro is first used in the tabulation macros. \unexpanded\def\processcontent#1% {\begingroup\expandafter\syst_helpers_process_content\csname#1\endcsname} diff --git a/tex/context/base/tabl-ntb.mkiv b/tex/context/base/tabl-ntb.mkiv index 77b0be2fa..34f893df7 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/tabl-ntb.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/tabl-ntb.mkiv @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ %D real purpose in it. If needed I can squeeze out a few more percentages %D runtime. +% columndistance 'optimized' ... needs checking + \writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Table Macros / Natural Tables} % sometimes this helps (with nc going wild): \setupTABLE[maxwidth=100cm] @@ -167,6 +169,11 @@ \newdimen\d_tabl_ntb_height \newdimen\d_tabl_ntb_width +\newdimen\d_tabl_ntb_leftmargindistance +\newdimen\d_tabl_ntb_rightmargindistance +\newdimen\d_tabl_ntb_columndistance +\newdimen\d_tabl_ntb_maxwidth + \newtoks\everyTABLEpass % public \newcount\tablecellrows % public (needs checking) @@ -344,7 +351,7 @@ \newif\ifenableTBLbreak \enableTBLbreakfalse \newif\ifmultipleTBLheads \multipleTBLheadsfalse \newif\iftightTBLrowspan \tightTBLrowspantrue -\newif\iftightTBLcolspan \tightTBLcolspantrue +%newif\iftightTBLcolspan \tightTBLcolspantrue \newif\iftraceTABLE \traceTABLEfalse @@ -890,6 +897,12 @@ \ifhmode\kern\zeropoint\fi % blocks \removeunwantedspaces: check this on icare handelingsschema \resetcharacteralign % new \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[\c!align={\v!right,\v!broad,\v!high},#1]% + % + \d_tabl_ntb_leftmargindistance \naturaltablelocalparameter\c!leftmargindistance\relax + \d_tabl_ntb_rightmargindistance\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!rightmargindistance\relax + \d_tabl_ntb_columndistance \naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance\relax + \d_tabl_ntb_maxwidth \naturaltablelocalparameter\c!maxwidth\relax + % \usesetupsparameter\naturaltablelocalparameter \doifelse{\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!textwidth}\v!local {\hsize\availablehsize} @@ -1115,7 +1128,7 @@ \def\tabl_ntb_column_next {\global\advance\c_tabl_ntb_col\plusone - \kern\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance + \kern\d_tabl_ntb_columndistance \aligntab} \def\tabl_ntb_column_span @@ -1138,7 +1151,10 @@ \nobreak \fi\fi}% \tabl_ntb_column_next - \kern\dimexpr\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!leftmargindistance-\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance\relax} + \kern\dimexpr + \d_tabl_ntb_leftmargindistance + -\d_tabl_ntb_columndistance + \relax} \unexpanded\def\tabl_ntb_row_align_reset {\global\advance\c_tabl_ntb_row\plusone @@ -1146,7 +1162,10 @@ \global\c_tabl_ntb_spn\zerocount} \unexpanded\def\tabl_ntb_row_align_stop - {\kern\dimexpr\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!rightmargindistance-\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance\relax + {\kern\dimexpr + \d_tabl_ntb_rightmargindistance + -\d_tabl_ntb_columndistance + \relax \crcr \noalign {\nointerlineskip @@ -1243,16 +1262,22 @@ {\d_tabl_ntb_width\zeropoint \scratchcounter\c_tabl_ntb_col \!!counta\tabl_ntb_get_col{#1}{#2}\relax - \dorecurse\!!counta - {\advance\d_tabl_ntb_width\dimexpr - \tabl_ntb_get_wid\scratchcounter - +\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance - \ifnum\recurselevel<\!!counta - +\tabl_ntb_get_dis\scratchcounter - \fi - \relax - \advance\scratchcounter\plusone}% - \advance\d_tabl_ntb_width-\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance\relax + \ifcase\!!counta\or + \advance\d_tabl_ntb_width\dimexpr + \tabl_ntb_get_wid\scratchcounter + \relax + \advance\scratchcounter\plusone + \else + \dorecurse\!!counta + {\advance\d_tabl_ntb_width\dimexpr + \tabl_ntb_get_wid\scratchcounter + \ifnum\recurselevel<\!!counta + +\d_tabl_ntb_columndistance + +\tabl_ntb_get_dis\scratchcounter + \fi + \relax + \advance\scratchcounter\plusone}% + \fi \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\tabl_ntb_get_txt{#1}{#2}}% \tabl_ntb_set_ht{#1}{#2}{\the\ht\scratchbox}% \tabl_ntb_set_wd{#1}{#2}{\the\wd\scratchbox}% @@ -1283,16 +1308,22 @@ % width \d_tabl_ntb_width\zeropoint \scratchcounter\c_tabl_ntb_col - \dorecurse\!!counta - {\advance\d_tabl_ntb_width\dimexpr - \tabl_ntb_get_wid\scratchcounter - +\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance - \ifnum\recurselevel<\!!counta - +\tabl_ntb_get_dis\scratchcounter - \fi - \relax - \advance\scratchcounter\plusone}% - \advance\d_tabl_ntb_width-\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance\relax + \ifcase\!!counta\or + \advance\d_tabl_ntb_width\dimexpr + \tabl_ntb_get_wid\scratchcounter + \relax + \advance\scratchcounter\plusone + \else + \dorecurse\!!counta + {\advance\d_tabl_ntb_width\dimexpr + \tabl_ntb_get_wid\scratchcounter + \ifnum\recurselevel<\!!counta + +\d_tabl_ntb_columndistance + +\tabl_ntb_get_dis\scratchcounter + \fi + \relax + \advance\scratchcounter\plusone}% + \fi % cell \setbox\scratchbox\hbox attr \taggedattribute \attribute\taggedattribute \bgroup \dotagTABLEsignal % maybe we need to add some packaging in this case @@ -1341,7 +1372,9 @@ \def\tabl_ntb_table_stop {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox - {\setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[\c!frame=\v!off,\c!background=,\c!align=\v!no]% + {\letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!frame\v!off + \letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!background\empty + \letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!align\v!no \inheritednaturaltablelocalframed{\strut}}% \edef\minimalcellheight{\the\ht\scratchbox}% not used \dorecurse\c_tabl_ntb_maximum_col @@ -1417,18 +1450,27 @@ \def\tabl_ntb_stretch_widths % more variants, e.g. a max to \dimend {\ifcase\c_tabl_ntb_maximum_col\else % else division by zero \!!dimend\zeropoint - \!!dimene\hsize + \!!dimene\dimexpr + \hsize + -\d_tabl_ntb_leftmargindistance + -\d_tabl_ntb_rightmargindistance + +\d_tabl_ntb_columndistance + \relax \dorecurse\c_tabl_ntb_maximum_col - {\advance\!!dimend\dimexpr\tabl_ntb_get_wid\recurselevel+\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance\relax - \advance\!!dimene-\tabl_ntb_get_dis\recurselevel}% - \advance\!!dimend\dimexpr-\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance+\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!leftmargindistance+\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!rightmargindistance\relax + {\advance\!!dimend\dimexpr + \tabl_ntb_get_wid\recurselevel + \relax + \advance\!!dimene\dimexpr + -\tabl_ntb_get_dis\recurselevel + -\d_tabl_ntb_columndistance + \relax}% + \relax % distribute width (stretch) \ifdim\!!dimend<\!!dimene \advance\!!dimend-\!!dimene - \!!dimend-\!!dimend \divide\!!dimend\c_tabl_ntb_maximum_col \dorecurse\c_tabl_ntb_maximum_col - {\tabl_ntb_set_wid\recurselevel{\the\dimexpr\tabl_ntb_get_wid\recurselevel+\!!dimend\relax}}% + {\tabl_ntb_set_wid\recurselevel{\the\dimexpr\tabl_ntb_get_wid\recurselevel-\!!dimend\relax}}% \fi \fi} @@ -1497,15 +1539,23 @@ \def\tabl_ntb_check_widths_indeed#1% {\iftraceTABLE\tabl_ntb_show_widths{B#1}\fi \!!counta\zerocount - \!!dimena\dimexpr\hsize-\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!leftmargindistance-\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!rightmargindistance-\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!columndistance\relax + \!!dimena\dimexpr + \hsize + -\d_tabl_ntb_leftmargindistance + -\d_tabl_ntb_rightmargindistance + -\d_tabl_ntb_columndistance + \relax \dorecurse\c_tabl_ntb_maximum_col {\scratchdimen\tabl_ntb_get_aut\recurselevel\relax - \advance\!!dimena-\tabl_ntb_get_dis\recurselevel\relax + \advance\!!dimena\dimexpr + -\tabl_ntb_get_dis\recurselevel + -\d_tabl_ntb_columndistance + \relax \ifdim\scratchdimen>\zeropoint\relax \advance\!!dimena -\scratchdimen \else \scratchdimen\tabl_ntb_get_wid\recurselevel\relax - \ifdim\scratchdimen>\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!maxwidth\relax + \ifdim\scratchdimen>\d_tabl_ntb_maxwidth\relax \ifcase#1\else\tabl_ntb_let_wid\recurselevel\zeropoint\fi \advance\!!counta \plusone \else @@ -1657,15 +1707,86 @@ % cells but still to small .. chicken egg problem ... for that we should % also have a smallest width run +% \unexpanded\def\tabl_ntb_cell_process_a#1#2[#3]#4% grouping added ! ! ! +% {\bgroup +% \tabl_ntb_setup_cell{#1}{#2}% +% \setbox\scratchbox\hbox +% {\scratchdimen\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!distance\relax +% \ifdim\scratchdimen>\tabl_ntb_get_dis{#2}\relax +% \tabl_ntb_set_dis{#2}{\the\scratchdimen}% +% \fi +% \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[#3,\c!background=,\c!frame=\v!off]% 25% faster +% \inheritednaturaltablelocalframed{\tabl_ntb_cell_start\tabl_ntb_char_align{#1}{#2}#4\tabl_ntb_cell_stop\tabl_ntb_cell_finalize}}% +% \scratchdimen\tabl_ntb_get_wid\c_tabl_ntb_col\relax +% \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\scratchdimen +% \ifsqueezeTBLspan +% \ifautosqueezeTBLspan +% \edef\p_width{\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!width}% +% \csname\??naturaltablesqueeze\ifcsname\??naturaltablesqueeze\p_width\endcsname\p_width\fi\endcsname +% \else +% \donetrue +% \fi +% \ifdone % brr, 0 +% \ifnum\tabl_ntb_get_col{#1}{#2}>\plusone \tabl_ntb_set_spn\c_tabl_ntb_col\fi +% \fi +% \fi +% \tabl_ntb_spn_doifelse\c_tabl_ntb_col +% {\iftightTBLcolspan\donefalse\else\donetrue\fi}% +% \donetrue +% \ifdone +% \ifdim\tabl_ntb_get_wid\c_tabl_ntb_col<\wd\scratchbox +% \tabl_ntb_set_wid\c_tabl_ntb_col{\the\wd\scratchbox}% +% \fi +% \fi +% \fi +% \scratchcounter\numexpr\c_tabl_ntb_row+\plusone\relax +% \scratchdimen\tabl_ntb_get_hei\scratchcounter\relax +% \ifdim\ht\scratchbox<\scratchdimen +% \tabl_ntb_set_hei\scratchcounter{\the\ht\scratchbox}% auto set +% \fi +% \tabl_ntb_set_ht{#1}{#2}{\the\ht\scratchbox}% +% \tabl_ntb_set_wd{#1}{#2}{\the\wd\scratchbox}% +% \ifautoTBLcheckwidth +% \ifdim\wd\scratchbox<.75\hsize % fuzzy guess +% \ifdim\ht\scratchbox>2\openlineheight % honor width since this +% \scratchdimen\tabl_ntb_get_aut\c_tabl_ntb_col\relax % can be a figure or so +% \ifdim\scratchdimen=\zeropoint +% % side effect: when width is set to 0pt, +% % we can force a span that fits the sum of spans widths +% \tabl_ntb_set_aut\c_tabl_ntb_col{\the\scratchdimen}% +% \else\ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\scratchdimen +% % unless span +% \tabl_ntb_set_aut\c_tabl_ntb_col{\the\wd\scratchbox}% +% % to be translated +% \writestatus\m!TABLE{no auto width in (\number#1,\number#2)\space\the\wd\scratchbox/\the\hsize}% +% \fi\fi +% \fi +% \fi +% \fi +% \setbox2\emptyhbox +% \wd2\wd\scratchbox +% \ht2\ht\scratchbox +% \dp2\dp\scratchbox +% \box2 +% \egroup} + \unexpanded\def\tabl_ntb_cell_process_a#1#2[#3]#4% grouping added ! ! ! {\bgroup \tabl_ntb_setup_cell{#1}{#2}% +\letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!option\empty +\setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[#3]% +\letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!background\empty +\letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!frame\v!off \setbox\scratchbox\hbox {\scratchdimen\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!distance\relax \ifdim\scratchdimen>\tabl_ntb_get_dis{#2}\relax \tabl_ntb_set_dis{#2}{\the\scratchdimen}% \fi - \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[#3,\c!background=,\c!frame=\v!off]% 25% faster + % nilling the background is some 25% faster + % % \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[#3,\c!background=,\c!frame=\v!off]% + % \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[#3]% 25% faster + % \letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!background\empty + % \letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!frame\v!off \inheritednaturaltablelocalframed{\tabl_ntb_cell_start\tabl_ntb_char_align{#1}{#2}#4\tabl_ntb_cell_stop\tabl_ntb_cell_finalize}}% \scratchdimen\tabl_ntb_get_wid\c_tabl_ntb_col\relax \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\scratchdimen @@ -1681,7 +1802,8 @@ \fi \fi \tabl_ntb_spn_doifelse\c_tabl_ntb_col - {\iftightTBLcolspan\donefalse\else\donetrue\fi}% + {\edef\p_option{\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!option}% + \ifx\p_option\v!tight\donefalse\else\donetrue\fi}% \donetrue \ifdone \ifdim\tabl_ntb_get_wid\c_tabl_ntb_col<\wd\scratchbox @@ -1723,7 +1845,9 @@ \unexpanded\def\tabl_ntb_cell_process_b_c#1#2#3[#4]#5% {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox {\tabl_ntb_setup_cell{#2}{#3}% - \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[#4,#1,\c!frame=\v!off,\c!background=]% + \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[#4,#1]% + \letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!background\empty + \letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!frame\v!off \inheritednaturaltablelocalframed{\tabl_ntb_cell_start#5\tabl_ntb_cell_stop}}% \setbox2\emptyhbox \wd2\wd\scratchbox @@ -1762,7 +1886,10 @@ \unexpanded\def\tabl_ntb_cell_process_d#1#2[#3]#4% {\tabl_ntb_setup_cell{#1}{#2}% \bgroup - \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[#3,\c!width=\d_tabl_ntb_width,\c!background=,\c!frame=\v!off]% 25% faster + \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[#3]% + \letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!background\empty + \letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!frame\v!off + \setnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!width{\d_tabl_ntb_width}% \inheritednaturaltablelocalframed{\tabl_ntb_cell_start\tabl_ntb_char_align{#1}{#2}#4\tabl_ntb_cell_stop}% \egroup} @@ -1771,10 +1898,11 @@ \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[#3]% to get the color right, the way we \color % handle color here prevents interference due to whatsit nodes [\naturaltablelocalparameter\c!color] % as well as permits local colors to take precedence - {\ifdim\d_tabl_ntb_height=\zeropoint\relax % case: nc=maxcolumns - \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[\c!color=,\c!width=\d_tabl_ntb_width]% + {\letnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!color\empty + \setnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!width{\d_tabl_ntb_width}% + \ifdim\d_tabl_ntb_height=\zeropoint\relax % case: nc=maxcolumns \else - \setupcurrentnaturaltablelocal[\c!color=,\c!width=\d_tabl_ntb_width,\c!height=\d_tabl_ntb_height]% + \setnaturaltablelocalparameter\c!height{\d_tabl_ntb_height}% \fi \inheritednaturaltablelocalframed{\tabl_ntb_cell_start\tabl_ntb_char_align{#1}{#2}#4\tabl_ntb_cell_stop}}% \hskip\tabl_ntb_get_dis{#2}} diff --git a/tex/context/base/tabl-tbl.mkiv b/tex/context/base/tabl-tbl.mkiv index f538747a3..59ac85ed3 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/tabl-tbl.mkiv +++ b/tex/context/base/tabl-tbl.mkiv @@ -1049,17 +1049,25 @@ \def\tabl_tabulate_insert_foot_content {\tabulatenoalign{\global\settrue\c_tabl_tabulate_someamble}% - \csname\??tabulatehead\currenttabulation\endcsname + \csname\??tabulatefoot\currenttabulation\endcsname \tabulatenoalign{\global\setfalse\c_tabl_tabulate_someamble}}% \def\tabl_tabulate_check_full_content % - needed, else confusion with \c!header {\ifcsname\??tabulatehead\currenttabulation\endcsname - \let\tabl_tabulate_insert_head\tabl_tabulate_insert_head_content + \expandafter\ifx\csname\??tabulatehead\currenttabulation\endcsname\empty + \let\tabl_tabulate_insert_head\empty + \else + \let\tabl_tabulate_insert_head\tabl_tabulate_insert_head_content + \fi \else \let\tabl_tabulate_insert_head\empty \fi \ifcsname\??tabulatefoot\currenttabulation\endcsname - \let\tabl_tabulate_insert_foot\tabl_tabulate_insert_foot_content + \expandafter\ifx\csname\??tabulatefoot\currenttabulation\endcsname\empty + \let\tabl_tabulate_insert_foot\empty + \else + \let\tabl_tabulate_insert_foot\tabl_tabulate_insert_head_content + \fi \else \let\tabl_tabulate_insert_foot\empty \fi} @@ -1090,11 +1098,11 @@ \def\tabl_tabulate_start_foot_yes[#1]% {\processcontent{\e!stop\v!tabulatetail}\m_tabl_tabulate_data{\letvalue{\??tabulatefoot#1}\m_tabl_tabulate_data}} -% \def\tabl_tabulate_start_head_nop{\tabl_tabulate_start_head_yes[\v!tabulate]} -% \def\tabl_tabulate_start_foot_nop{\tabl_tabulate_start_foot_yes[\v!tabulate]} +\def\tabl_tabulate_start_head_nop{\tabl_tabulate_start_head_yes[\v!tabulate]} +\def\tabl_tabulate_start_foot_nop{\tabl_tabulate_start_foot_yes[\v!tabulate]} -\def\tabl_tabulate_start_head_nop{\tabl_tabulate_start_head_yes[]} -\def\tabl_tabulate_start_foot_nop{\tabl_tabulate_start_foot_yes[]} +% \def\tabl_tabulate_start_head_nop{\tabl_tabulate_start_head_yes[]} +% \def\tabl_tabulate_start_foot_nop{\tabl_tabulate_start_foot_yes[]} % \unexpanded\def\tabl_start_defined[#1]% % {\bgroup diff --git a/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.lua b/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.lua index ca02616e3..9be8f9be0 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.lua +++ b/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.lua @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ function xtables.create(settings) local modes = { } local fixedrows = { } local fixedcolumns = { } - local fixedcspans = { } + -- local fixedcspans = { } local frozencolumns = { } local options = { } local rowproperties = { } @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ function xtables.create(settings) autowidths = autowidths, fixedrows = fixedrows, fixedcolumns = fixedcolumns, - fixedcspans = fixedcspans, + -- fixedcspans = fixedcspans, frozencolumns = frozencolumns, options = options, nofrows = 0, @@ -194,22 +194,25 @@ function xtables.create(settings) setmetatableindex(fixedrows,add_zero) setmetatableindex(fixedcolumns,add_zero) setmetatableindex(options,add_table) - setmetatableindex(fixedcspans,add_table) + -- setmetatableindex(fixedcspans,add_table) -- - settings.columndistance = tonumber(settings.columndistance) or 0 - settings.rowdistance = tonumber(settings.rowdistance) or 0 - settings.leftmargindistance = tonumber(settings.leftmargindistance) or 0 + local globaloptions = settings_to_hash(settings.option) + -- + settings.columndistance = tonumber(settings.columndistance) or 0 + settings.rowdistance = tonumber(settings.rowdistance) or 0 + settings.leftmargindistance = tonumber(settings.leftmargindistance) or 0 settings.rightmargindistance = tonumber(settings.rightmargindistance) or 0 - settings.options = settings_to_hash(settings.option) - settings.textwidth = tonumber(settings.textwidth) or texget("hsize") - settings.lineheight = tonumber(settings.lineheight) or texgetdimen("lineheight") - settings.maxwidth = tonumber(settings.maxwidth) or settings.textwidth/8 + settings.options = globaloptions + settings.textwidth = tonumber(settings.textwidth) or texget("hsize") + settings.lineheight = tonumber(settings.lineheight) or texgetdimen("lineheight") + settings.maxwidth = tonumber(settings.maxwidth) or settings.textwidth/8 -- if #stack > 0 then -- settings.textwidth = texget("hsize") -- end data.criterium_v = 2 * data.settings.lineheight data.criterium_h = .75 * data.settings.textwidth - + -- + data.tight = globaloptions[v_tight] end function xtables.initialize_reflow_width(option,width) @@ -266,19 +269,20 @@ function xtables.set_reflow_width() if width > widths[c] then widths[c] = width end +-- elseif not data.tight and not options[v_tight] then elseif not options[v_tight] then if width > widths[c] then widths[c] = width end end end --- if cspan > 1 then --- local f = data.fixedcspans[c] --- local w = f[cspan] or 0 --- if width > w then --- f[cspan] = width -- maybe some day a solution for autospanmax and so --- end --- end + -- if cspan > 1 then + -- local f = data.fixedcspans[c] + -- local w = f[cspan] or 0 + -- if width > w then + -- f[cspan] = width -- maybe some day a solution for autospanmax and so + -- end + -- end if drc.ny < 2 then if height > heights[r] then heights[r] = height @@ -296,9 +300,13 @@ function xtables.set_reflow_width() local fixedcolumns = data.fixedcolumns local fixedrows = data.fixedrows if dimensionstate == 1 then +if cspan > 1 then + -- ignore width +else if width > fixedcolumns[c] then -- how about a span here? fixedcolumns[c] = width end +end elseif dimensionstate == 2 then fixedrows[r] = height elseif dimensionstate == 3 then @@ -857,9 +865,12 @@ function xtables.construct() end nofr = nofr + 1 local rp = rowproperties[r] + -- we have a direction issue here but hpack_node_list(list,0,"exactly","TLT") cannot be used + -- due to the fact that we need the width + local hbox = hpack_node_list(list) + setfield(hbox,"dir","TLT") result[nofr] = { - -- hpack_node_list(list), - hpack_node_list(list,0,"exactly","TLT"), -- otherwise weird lap + hbox, size, i < nofrange and rowdistance > 0 and rowdistance or false, -- might move false, diff --git a/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.mkvi b/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.mkvi index 43914137d..11e926575 100644 --- a/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.mkvi +++ b/tex/context/base/tabl-xtb.mkvi @@ -343,7 +343,8 @@ \setvalue{\??xtableflushsplit\v!no}% {\dontleavehmode % else no leftskip etc - \ctxcommand{x_table_flush{ method = "\v!normal" }}} + \ctxcommand{x_table_flush{ method = "\v!normal" }}% + \removeunwantedspaces} % in text flow: headers and footers get repeated diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua index 100ce3ef0..45d02e978 100644 --- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua +++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -- merged file : luatex-fonts-merged.lua -- parent file : luatex-fonts.lua --- merge date : 01/02/15 11:55:50 +-- merge date : 01/05/15 00:14:00 do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference |