diff options
authorHans Hagen <>2013-02-26 00:17:00 +0100
committerHans Hagen <>2013-02-26 00:17:00 +0100
commit22f38a8eab69f8aadc62303b2ae8ce2b2e8d9516 (patch)
parent083ac4b7ab6d389ef0ec8531318064ea2770b7b1 (diff)
beta 2013.02.26 00:17
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/context-version.pdfbin4131 -> 4126 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/context-version.pngbin40287 -> 40103 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/status-files.pdfbin24755 -> 24746 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/status-lua.pdfbin208837 -> 208809 bytes
33 files changed, 1742 insertions, 1385 deletions
diff --git a/context/data/scite/ b/context/data/scite/
index 4bf1c057c..1f1b9d813 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/
+++ b/context/data/scite/
@@ -1,64 +1,3 @@
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-!!bs !!es
startsetups stopsetups startxmlsetups stopxmlsetups \
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@@ -176,3 +115,64 @@ stopluaparameterset luaparameterset definenamedlua obeylualines obeyluatokens \
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+!!bs !!es
diff --git a/context/data/scite/ b/context/data/scite/
index d7085b5d4..7c815f9ac 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/
+++ b/context/data/scite/
@@ -1,3 +1,153 @@
+CAP Cap Caps Character \
+Characters MONTH Numbers Romannumerals WEEKDAY \
+WORD WORDS Word Words about \
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+fillinrules fillintext fitfield fixedspace fixedspaces \
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+framed framedtext from getbuffer getmarking \
+getnumber godown goto gotobox gotopage \
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+headtext hideblocks high hl immediatebetweenlist \
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+lohi low maframed mainlanguage makeupheight \
+makeupwidth mapfontsize mar margindistance marginrule \
+margintext margintitle marginwidth marginword marking \
+markversion mathematics mediaeval menubutton midaligned \
+mirror month moveformula moveongrid movesidefloat \
+name navigating nextsection nocap nodimension \
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+register remark reservefloat reset resetmarking \
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+startoverview startpacked startparagraph startpositioning startpostponing \
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+stoptext stoptextrule stoptyping stopunpacked stopversion \
+stretched sub subformulanumber subject subpagenumber \
+subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject switchtobodyfont \
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+vl weekday whitespace wordright writebetweenlist \
+writetolist writetoreferencelist writetoregister
Buchstabe Buchstaben CAP Cap \
Caps KAP Kap Kaps MONAT \
@@ -157,164 +307,6 @@ zeigegitter zeigelayout zeigepalette zeigerahmen zeigestruts \
zeigeumbruch zentriert ziffern zitat zitieren \
zu zurbox zurseite zwischenraum\
-Caps Cuvant Cuvinte KAP Kap \
-Kaps LUNA Litera Litere Numere \
-Numereromane ZIDINSAPTAMANA adapteazaaspect adubuffer adumarcaje \
-afiseazaaspect afiseazacampuri afiseazaculoare afiseazafiguriexterne afiseazafonttext \
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-stoptext stoptyping stopunpacked stopversiune sub \
-subject subpagenumber subsection subsubject subsubsection \
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-urmeazaversiune urmeazaversiuneprofil useXMLfilter usedirectory usetypescript \
-usetypescriptfile valoareculoare valoaregri variabilatext versiune \
-vl zidinsaptamana
Lettera Lettere MESE Numeri Numeriromani \
@@ -478,155 +470,328 @@ usaspecialita usaurl useXMLfilter usedirectory usetypescript \
usetypescriptfile vaia vaiabox vaiapagina vaigiu \
valorecolore valoregrigio variabiletesto versione vl
-CAP Cap Caps Character \
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-vl weekday whitespace wordright writebetweenlist \
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+CAP Cap Caps Caractere \
+Caracteres Chiffresromains JOURSEMAINE MOIS MOT \
+MOTS Mot Mots Numeros a \
+adaptedisposition affectenumero affectevariabletexte ajustechamp alaligne \
+alapage aligneadroite aligneagauche aligneaumilieu appendix \
+arg arriereplan atleftmargin atrightmargin baha \
+barrecouleur barreinteraction barresynchronisation bas bouton \
+boutonmenu boutonsinteraction but cacheblocs cap \
+caractere caracteres champ changepolicebrute changepolicecorps \
+chapter chem chiffresromains citation citer \
+clip clonechamp colonne comment commentaire \
+comparegroupecouleur comparepalette completecombinedlist completelistoffloats completelistofsorts \
+completelistofsynonyms completenumeropage completeregistre composant composeenalinea \
+concernant convertitnumero copitchamp corrigeespaceblanc couleur \
+couleurgrise coupledocument coupledregister couplemarquage couplepapier \
+coupleregistre crlf cutspace dactylographier dans \
+dansautremarge dansborddroit dansbordgauche dansdroite dansgauche \
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+daterecommandation de decouplemarquage decrementenumero definebodyfontDEF \
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+deplaceformule deplacesurgrille description determinecaracteristiqueliste determinecaracteristiquesregistre \
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+distancepdp distancesup domicile echelle ecran \
+ecritdansliste ecritdanslistereference ecritentreliste ecritregistre el \
+element elements emptylines enumeration environement \
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+espacesup etiquette etiquettes etire fait \
+faitreference fichierdactylo figureexterne forceblocs fraction \
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+inconnu incrementenumero indentation inframed infull \
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+lignesnoires listesymbole llongueurliste loadsorts loadsynonyms \
+logchamp mapfontsize mar margereglee marquage \
+marquageversion marquepage mathematique mediaeval menuinteraction \
+mframed mois montrecadre montrechamps montrecouleur \
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+placeregistre placeregle placesousformule placesurgrille placetextetete \
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+programme projet publication qqpart ran \
+raz razmarquage raznumero recommandation ref \
+refait reference referencepage referencetexte reflete \
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+regleblocsection regleboutons reglebuffer reglecapitales reglechamp \
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+regleenumerations regleenvironnementpolicecorps regleepaisseurligne regleespaceblanc regleespacement \
+regleespacementinterligne reglefiguresexternes regleflottant regleflottants regleformulaires \
+regleformules reglegroupeselements regleinf regleinteraction regleintitule \
+regleintitules reglejeucolonne reglejeusymboles reglelabeltexte reglelangue \
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+reglelisteimbriquee reglelistereference reglemakeup reglemargereglee reglemarquage \
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+regleprogrammes reglepublications reglereferencage regleregistre regleregle \
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+regletextesinf regletextespdp regletextessup regletextestexte regletextetete \
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+remplitlignesreglees remplittexte reservefloat resettextcontent retourarriere \
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+sanslignessupetinf sansliste sansmarquage sanstest sauteblocs \
+section seeregister selectionneblocs selectionnepapier selectionneversion \
+sensunite separeflottant settext setupanswerarea setupcolumnsetlines \
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+stopcompoetroite stopcomposant stopcouleur stopdescription stopdocument \
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+stoplines stoplocal stoplocalenvironment stoplocalfootnotes stopmakeup \
+stopmargereglee stopmarginblock stopmenuinteraction stopnamemakeup stopnarrower \
+stopopposite stopoverlay stopoverview stopparagraph stoppealignement \
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+stoppedocument stoppeenvironement stoppeglobal stoppegroupe stoppejeucolonne \
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+stoppemargereglee stoppenotespdplocales stoppenumerotationligne stoppeopposition stoppepositionnement \
+stoppeproduit stoppeprofil stoppeprojet stopperaster stopperevetement \
+stoppesynchronisation stoppetableau stoppetableaux stoppetexte stoppeversion \
+stoppevuedensemble stoppositioning stoppostponing stopproduit stopprofile \
+stopprojet stopsymbolset stopsynchronization stoptable stoptables \
+stoptabulate stoptyping stopunpacked stopversion sub \
+subject subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject \
+suggestion suivantprofil suivantversion suivantversionprofil sym \
+symbole synchronise synonym tab tapebuffer \
+testcolumn testpage tete tex textemarge \
+textenotepdp textetete title titremarge traduire \
+traiteblocs traitepage traitfin traitsfins txt \
+typ underbar underbars uneligne useXMLfilter \
+usedirectory usetypescript usetypescriptfile utiliseJSscripts utiliseURL \
+utiliseblocs utilisechemin utilisecommandes utilisedocumentexterne utiliseencodage \
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+utilisepsiteaudioexterne utilisereferences utilisespecialites utilisesymboles utiliseurl \
+va vaalaboite vaalapage vaenbas valeurcouleur \
+valeurgris variabletexte version vide vl
+CAP Cap Caps Cijfers \
+KAP Kap Kaps Letter Letters \
+Woord Woorden aantalsubpaginas about achtergrond \
+appendix arg bepaalkopnummer bepaallijstkenmerken bepaalregisterkenmerken \
+betekenis binnenmargeafstand binnenmargebreedte binnenrandafstand binnenrandbreedte \
+blanko blokje blokjes blokkeerinteractiemenu bodemwit \
+bookmark bovenafstand bovenhoogte breuk buitenmargeafstand \
+buitenmargebreedte buitenrandafstand buitenrandbreedte but button \
+cap chapter chem cijfers citaat \
+citeer clip comment completecombinedlist completelistoffloats \
+completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms converteernummer copieerveld corrigeerwitruimte \
+coupledregister crlf datum definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF \
+definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling definerawfont definetypeface \
+definieer definieeraccent definieeralineas definieerbeeldmerk definieerblanko \
+definieerblok definieerbuffer definieercombinatie definieercommando definieerconversie \
+definieerfiguursymbool definieerfont definieerfontstijl definieerfontsynoniem definieerhbox \
+definieerhoofdveld definieeringesprongentext definieerinmarge definieerinteractiemenu definieeritemgroep \
+definieerkadertekst definieerkarakter definieerkleur definieerkleurgroep definieerkolomgroep \
+definieerkolomovergang definieerkop definieerkorps definieerkorpsomgeving definieerlayer \
+definieerlayout definieerletter definieerlijn definieerlijst definieermarkering \
+definieeromlijnd definieeropmaak definieeroverlay definieerpaginaovergang definieerpalet \
+definieerpapierformaat definieerplaats definieerplaatsblok definieerprofiel definieerprogramma \
+definieerreferentie definieerreferentieformaat definieerreferentielijst definieerregister definieersamengesteldelijst \
+definieersectie definieersectieblok definieersorteren definieerstartstop definieersubveld \
+definieersymbool definieersynoniemen definieertabelvorm definieertabulatie definieertekst \
+definieertekstpositie definieertekstvariabele definieertype definieertypen definieeruitvoer \
+definieerveld definieerveldstapel definieerversie definieerwiskundeuitlijnen description \
+dimensie directnaarlijst directtussenlijst doordefinieren doorlabelen \
+doornummeren dunnelijn dunnelijnen eenregel enumeration \
+ergens externfiguur forceerblokken formulenummer framedtext \
+gebruikJSscripts gebruikURL gebruikXMLfilter gebruikblokken gebruikcommandos \
+gebruikexterndocument gebruikexternefile gebruikexternefiles gebruikexternfiguur gebruikexterngeluidsfragment \
+gebruikgebied gebruikmodule gebruikmodules gebruikreferenties gebruikspecials \
+gebruiksymbolen gebruiktypescript gebruiktypescriptfile gebruikurl geenblokkenmeer \
+geenbovenenonderregels geendimensie geenfilesmeer geenhoofdenvoetregels geenlijst \
+geenmarkering geenspatie geentest geenwitruimte geg \
+grijskleur grijswaarde haalbuffer haalmarkering haalnummer \
+haarlijn handhaafblokken herhaal hl hoofdafstand \
+hoofdhoogte hoofdtaal hoog huidigedatum huidigekopnummer \
+in inanderemarge inbinnen inbuiten indentation \
+inlijnd inlinker inlinkermarge inlinkerrand inmarge \
+inrechter inrechtermarge inrechterrand inregel inspringen \
+installeertaal instellingen interactiebalk interactiebuttons interactiemenu \
+invullijnen invulregel invultekst invulveld inwilijnd \
+items its kantlijn kap kenmerk \
+kenmerkdatum kentekstvariabeletoe kleur kleurenbalk kleurwaarde \
+kloonveld kolom kop kopniveau kopnummer \
+koppeldocument koppelmarkering koppelpagina koppelpapier koppelregister \
+kopsym koptekst kopwit laag label \
+labeling labels labeltekst laho leg \
+legeregels letter letters lijndikte lijstbreedte \
+lijsthoogte lijstlengte lijstsymbool linkermargeafstand linkermargebreedte \
+linkerrandafstand linkerrandbreedte loadsorts loadsynonyms maand \
+mapfontsize mar margeafstand margebreedte margetekst \
+margetitel margewoord markeer markeerversie mediaeval \
+menubutton naam naar naarbox naarpagina \
+name navigerend nextsection nietinspringen nocap \
+nokap noot nop omgeving omlaag \
+omlijnd onbekend onderafstand onderdeel onderhoogte \
+ontkoppelmarkering op opelkaar oplinkermarge oppagina \
+oprechtermarge overbar overbars overstrike overstrikes \
+pagina paginadiepte paginanummer paginaoffset paginareferentie \
+papierbreedte papierhoogte paragraph part paslayoutaan \
+passeerblokken passendveld plaatsbeeldmerken plaatsbookmarks plaatsformule \
+plaatskopnummer plaatskoptekst plaatslegenda plaatslijn plaatslijst \
+plaatslokalevoetnoten plaatsnaastelkaar plaatsonderelkaar plaatsopgrid plaatspaginanummer \
+plaatsplaatsblok plaatsreferentielijst plaatsregister plaatsruwelijst plaatssamengesteldelijst \
+plaatssubformule plaatstekstvariabele plaatsvoetnoten placelistoffloats placelistofsorts \
+placelistofsynonyms positioneer positioneertekst printpapierbreedte printpapierhoogte \
+produkt programma projekt publicatie punten \
+ran randafstand randbreedte rechtermargeafstand rechtermargebreedte \
+rechterrandafstand rechterrandbreedte ref refereer referentie \
+regellinks regelmidden regelrechts register registreervelden \
+reservefloat reset resetmarkering resetnummer resettekstinhoud \
+resettextcontent romeins rooster roteer rugwit \
+schaal scherm schrijfnaarlijst schrijfnaarreferentielijst schrijfnaarregister \
+schrijftussenlijst section seeregister selecteerblokken selecteerpapier \
+selecteerversie setnummer setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupinterlinespace2 \
+setuplistalternative snijwit som sort spatie \
+spiegel splitsplaatsblok startachtergrond startalignment startbuffer \
+startcitaat startcodering startcolumns startcombinatie startcombination \
+startcomment startdescription startdocument startenumeration startfigure \
+startfiguur startfloattext startformula startframedtext startgeg \
+startglobaal starthiding startinteractiemenu startitemgroup startkantlijn \
+startkleur startkolomgroep startkolommen startkolomopmaak startlegend \
+startline startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines startlocal \
+startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes startlokaal startlokalevoetnoten startmakeup \
+startmargeblok startmarginblock startnaast startnamemakeup startnarrower \
+startomgeving startonderdeel startopelkaar startopmaak startopposite \
+startoverlay startoverview startoverzicht startparagraph startpositioneren \
+startpositioning startpostponing startprodukt startprofiel startprofile \
+startprojekt startraster startregel startregelcorrectie startregelnummeren \
+startregels startregister startsmaller startsymbolset startsymboolset \
+startsynchronisatie startsynchronization starttabel starttabellen starttable \
+starttables starttabulate starttekst starttekstlijn starttyping \
+startuitlijnen startunpacked startvanelkaar startversie stelachtergrondenin \
+stelachtergrondin stelalineasin stelantwoordgebiedin stelarrangerenin stelblankoin \
+stelblokin stelblokjesin stelblokkopjein stelblokkopjesin stelbovenin \
+stelboventekstenin stelbufferin stelbuttonsin stelciterenin stelclipin \
+stelcombinatiesin stelcommentaarin steldoordefinierenin steldoornummerenin steldunnelijnenin \
+stelexternefigurenin stelformulesin stelformulierenin stelhoofdin stelhoofdtekstenin \
+stelingesprongentextin stelinmargein stelinspringenin stelinteractiebalkin stelinteractiein \
+stelinteractiemenuin stelinteractieschermin stelinterliniein stelinvullijnenin stelinvulregelsin \
+stelitemgroepin stelitemsin stelkadertekstenin stelkantlijnin stelkapitalenin \
+stelkleurenin stelkleurin stelkolomgroepin stelkolomgroepregelsin stelkolomgroepstartin \
+stelkolommenin stelkopin stelkopnummerin stelkoppeltekenin stelkoppenin \
+stelkoptekstin stelkorpsin stelkorpsomgevingin stellabeltekstin stellayoutin \
+stellegendain stellijndiktein stellijnin stellijstin stelmargeblokkenin \
+stelmarkeringin stelnaastplaatsenin stelnummerenin stelnummerin stelomlijndin \
+stelonderin stelonderstrepenin stelondertekstenin stelopmaakin stelopsommingenin \
+stelpaginacommentaarin stelpaginanummerin stelpaginanummeringin stelpaginaovergangenin stelpaletin \
+stelpapierformaatin stelpapierin stelparagraafnummerenin stelplaatsblokin stelplaatsblokkenin \
+stelplaatsbloksplitsenin stelplaatsin stelpositionerenin stelprofielenin stelprogrammasin \
+stelpublicatiesin stelrastersin stelreferentielijstin stelrefererenin stelregelnummerenin \
+stelregelsin stelregisterin stelroterenin stelsamengesteldelijstin stelsectieblokin \
+stelsectiein stelsmallerin stelsorterenin stelspatieringin stelstartstopin \
+stelstrutin stelsubpaginanummerin stelsymboolsetin stelsynchronisatiebalkin stelsynchronisatiein \
+stelsynoniemenin stelsysteemin steltaalin steltabellenin steltabin \
+steltabulatiein steltekstin steltekstinhoudin steltekstlijnenin steltekstpositiein \
+stelteksttekstenin steltekstvariabelein steltolerantiein steltypein steltypenin \
+steluitlijnenin steluitvoerin stelurlin stelveldenin stelveldin \
+stelversiesin stelvoetin stelvoetnootdefinitiein stelvoetnotenin stelvoettekstenin \
+stelwiskundeuitlijnenin stelwitruimtein stopachtergrond stopalignment stopbuffer \
+stopcitaat stopcodering stopcolumns stopcombinatie stopcombination \
+stopcomment stopdescription stopdocument stopenumeration stopfigure \
+stopfloattext stopformula stopframedtext stopgeg stopglobaal \
+stophiding stopinteractiemenu stopitemgroup stopkantlijn stopkleur \
+stopkolomgroep stopkolommen stopkolomopmaak stoplegend stopline \
+stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering stoplines stoplocal stoplocalenvironment \
+stoplocalfootnotes stoplokaal stoplokalevoetnoten stopmakeup stopmargeblok \
+stopmarginblock stopnaast stopnamemakeup stopnarrower stopomgeving \
+stoponderdeel stopopelkaar stopopmaak stopopposite stopoverlay \
+stopoverview stopoverzicht stopparagraph stoppositioneren stoppositioning \
+stoppostponing stopprodukt stopprofiel stopprofile stopprojekt \
+stopraster stopregel stopregelcorrectie stopregelnummeren stopregels \
+stopsmaller stopsymbolset stopsynchronisatie stopsynchronization stoptabel \
+stoptabellen stoptable stoptables stoptabulate stoptekst \
+stoptekstlijn stoptyping stopuitlijnen stopunpacked stopvanelkaar \
+stopversie sub subformulenummer subject subpaginanummer \
+subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject suggestie \
+switchnaarkorps switchtorawfont sym symbool symoffset \
+synchronisatiebalk synchroniseer synonym taal tab \
+tekstbreedte teksthoogte tekstlijn tekstreferentie tekstvariabele \
+testkolom testpagina tex title toelichting \
+toonexternefiguren toongrid tooninstellingen toonkader toonkleur \
+toonkleurgroep toonkorps toonkorpsomgeving toonlayout toonopmaak \
+toonpalet toonprint toonstruts toonsymboolset toonvelden \
+totaalaantalpaginas txt typ type typebuffer \
+typefile uit uitgerekt underbar underbars \
+usecodering usedirectory vastespatie vastespaties veld \
+veldstapel verbergblokken vergelijkkleurgroep vergelijkpalet verhoognummer \
+verlaagnummer verplaatsformule verplaatsopgrid verplaatszijblok versie \
+vertaal verwerkblokken verwerkpagina vl voetafstand \
+voethoogte voetnoot voetnoottekst volgprofiel volgprofielversie \
+volgversie volledigepaginanummer volledigregister voluit weekdag \
+wilijnd wiskunde witruimte woonplaats woordrechts \
+zetbreedte zethoogte\
CAP Cap Caps Character \
@@ -951,326 +1116,161 @@ ziskejbuffer ziskejznaceni zlomek znaceni znak \
znaky zpracujbloky zpracujstranu zrcadlit zref \
-CAP Cap Caps Caractere \
-Caracteres Chiffresromains JOURSEMAINE MOIS MOT \
-MOTS Mot Mots Numeros a \
-adaptedisposition affectenumero affectevariabletexte ajustechamp alaligne \
-alapage aligneadroite aligneagauche aligneaumilieu appendix \
-arg arriereplan atleftmargin atrightmargin baha \
-barrecouleur barreinteraction barresynchronisation bas bouton \
-boutonmenu boutonsinteraction but cacheblocs cap \
-caractere caracteres champ changepolicebrute changepolicecorps \
-chapter chem chiffresromains citation citer \
-clip clonechamp colonne comment commentaire \
-comparegroupecouleur comparepalette completecombinedlist completelistoffloats completelistofsorts \
-completelistofsynonyms completenumeropage completeregistre composant composeenalinea \
-concernant convertitnumero copitchamp corrigeespaceblanc couleur \
-couleurgrise coupledocument coupledregister couplemarquage couplepapier \
-coupleregistre crlf cutspace dactylographier dans \
-dansautremarge dansborddroit dansbordgauche dansdroite dansgauche \
-dansmarge dansmargedroite dansmargegauche date datecourante \
-daterecommandation de decouplemarquage decrementenumero definebodyfontDEF \
-definebodyfontREF definecombination definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling \
-defineframed defineframedtext defineindentedtext defineitemgroup definemathalignment \
-defineplacement definetypeface definicaractere definit definitaccent \
-definitbloc definitblocsection definitbuffer definitcalque definitchamp \
-definitchampprincipal definitcommande definitconversion definitcouleur definitdactylo \
-definitdansmarge definitdemarrestoppe definitdescription definitdisposition definitenumeration \
-definitenvironnementpolicecorps definitetiquette definitflottant definitformatreference definitgroupecouleur \
-definithbox definitjeucolonne definitliste definitlisteimbriquee definitlistereference \
-definitlogo definitmakeup definitmarquage definitmenuinteraction definitnotepdp \
-definitpalette definitparagraphes definitpilechamp definitpolice definitpolicebrute \
-definitpolicecorps definitpositiontexte definitprofil definitprogramme definitreference \
-definitregistre definitregle definitrevetement definitsautdecolonne definitsautdepage \
-definitsection definitsortie definitsouschamp definitstyle definitstylepolice \
-definitsymbole definitsymbolefigure definitsynonymepolice definitsynonymes definittabulation \
-definittaillepapier definittete definittexte definittrametableau definittri \
-definittype definitvariabletexte definitversion definitvide demarrealignement \
-demarrearriereplan demarreblocmarge demarrecitation demarreciter demarrecodage \
-demarrecolonnes demarrecombinaison demarrecompoetroite demarrecomposant demarrecorrectionligne \
-demarrecouleur demarredegroupe demarredocument demarreenvironement demarrefigure \
-demarreglobal demarregroupe demarrejeucolonne demarrejeusymboles demarreligne \
-demarreligneregleetexte demarrelignes demarrelocal demarremakeup demarremargereglee \
-demarrenotespdplocales demarrenumerotationligne demarreopposition demarrepositionnement demarreproduit \
-demarreprofil demarreprojet demarreraster demarrerevetement demarresynchronisation \
-demarretableau demarretableaux demarretexte demarreversion demarrevuedensemble \
-deplaceformule deplacesurgrille description determinecaracteristiqueliste determinecaracteristiquesregistre \
-determinenumerotete dimension distancebord distanceborddroit distancebordgauche \
-distanceentete distanceinf distancemarge distancemargedroite distancemargegauche \
-distancepdp distancesup domicile echelle ecran \
-ecritdansliste ecritdanslistereference ecritentreliste ecritregistre el \
-element elements emptylines enumeration environement \
-espace espaceblanc espacefixe espaceinf espacesfixes \
-espacesup etiquette etiquettes etire fait \
-faitreference fichierdactylo figureexterne forceblocs fraction \
-framed framedtext gardeblocs getnumber grille \
-groupe haut hauteureditionpapier hauteurentete hauteurinf \
-hauteurliste hauteurmakeup hauteurpapier hauteurpdp hauteursup \
-hauteurtexte headsym hl immediatebetweenlist immediatetolist \
-inconnu incrementenumero indentation inframed infull \
-inhibemenuinteraction ininner inmframed inneredgedistance inneredgewidth \
-innermargindistance innermarginwidth inouter installelangue joursemaine \
-labeling labeltexte langue langueprincipale largeurbord \
-largeurborddroit largeurbordgauche largeureditionpapier largeurligne largeurliste \
-largeurmakeup largeurmarge largeurmargedroite largeurmargegauche largeurpapier \
-largeurtexte leg ligneh lignenoire ligneregleetexte \
-lignesnoires listesymbole llongueurliste loadsorts loadsynonyms \
-logchamp mapfontsize mar margereglee marquage \
-marquageversion marquepage mathematique mediaeval menuinteraction \
-mframed mois montrecadre montrechamps montrecouleur \
-montredisposition montreedition montreenvironnementpolicecorps montrefiguresexternes montregrille \
-montregroupecouleur montrejeusymboles montremakeup montrepalette montrepolicecorps \
-montrereglages montrestruts motdroit motmarge movesidefloat \
-name navigating nextsection niveautete nocap \
-nombredesouspages nombretotaldepages nommacro nop note \
-notepdp numeroformule numeropage numeros numerosousformule \
-numerotete numerotetecourant obtientmarquage oriente outeredgedistance \
-outeredgewidth outermargindistance outermarginwidth overbar overbars \
-overstrike overstrikes page pagedepth pagedouble \
-pageoffset paragraph part pasplusdeblocs pasplusdefichiers \
-periodes pilechamp placecoteacote placeflottant placeformule \
-placelegende placelesunsaudessusdesautres placeliste placelisteinmbriquee placelistereference \
-placelistoffloats placelistofsorts placelistofsynonyms placelogos placemarquespages \
-placenotespdp placenotespdplocales placenumeropage placenumerotete placerawlist \
-placeregistre placeregle placesousformule placesurgrille placetextetete \
-placevariabletexte position positionnetexte prendbuffer produit \
-programme projet publication qqpart ran \
-raz razmarquage raznumero recommandation ref \
-refait reference referencepage referencetexte reflete \
-register reglages reglealignement reglearrangement reglearriereplan \
-reglearriereplans reglebarreinteraction reglebarresynchronisation reglebloc regleblocmarge \
-regleblocsection regleboutons reglebuffer reglecapitales reglechamp \
-reglechamps regleclipping reglecolonnes reglecombinaisons reglecommentaire \
-reglecommentairepage reglecompoetroite reglecomposeenalinea reglecouleur reglecouleurs \
-regledactylo regledansmarge regledemarrestoppe regledescriptions regledisposition \
-regleecraninteraction regleecrans regleelements regleencadre regleentete \
-regleenumerations regleenvironnementpolicecorps regleepaisseurligne regleespaceblanc regleespacement \
-regleespacementinterligne reglefiguresexternes regleflottant regleflottants regleformulaires \
-regleformules reglegroupeselements regleinf regleinteraction regleintitule \
-regleintitules reglejeucolonne reglejeusymboles reglelabeltexte reglelangue \
-reglelegende reglelignes reglelignesnoires reglelignesreglestexte regleliste \
-reglelisteimbriquee reglelistereference reglemakeup reglemargereglee reglemarquage \
-reglemarquagehyphenation reglemenuinteraction reglenotepdp reglenumero reglenumeropage \
-reglenumerotation reglenumerotationligne reglenumerotationpage reglenumerotationparagraphe reglenumerotete \
-regleoriente reglepalette reglepapier regleparagraphes reglepdp \
-regleplacementopposition reglepolicecorps reglepositionnement reglepositiontexte regleprofils \
-regleprogrammes reglepublications reglereferencage regleregistre regleregle \
-regleremplitligne regleremplitlignesreglees reglesection regleseparationflottant reglesortie \
-reglesouslignage reglesousnumeropage reglestrut reglesup reglesynchronisation \
-reglesynonymes reglesysteme regletab regletableaux regletabulation \
-regletaillepapier regletete regletetes regletexte regletextesentete \
-regletextesinf regletextespdp regletextessup regletextestexte regletextetete \
-regletolerance regletraitsfins regletransitionspage regletri regletype \
-regleurl reglevariabletexte regleversions remplitchamp remplitligne \
-remplitlignesreglees remplittexte reservefloat resettextcontent retourarriere \
-sansalinea sansdimension sansespace sansespaceblanc sanslignesenteteetpdp \
-sanslignessupetinf sansliste sansmarquage sanstest sauteblocs \
-section seeregister selectionneblocs selectionnepapier selectionneversion \
-sensunite separeflottant settext setupanswerarea setupcolumnsetlines \
-setupcolumnsetstart setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupframedtexts setupindentedtext \
-setupinterlinespace2 setupitemgroup setuplistalternative setupmathalignment setupplacement \
-sort sousnumeropage startalignment startarriereplan startbuffer \
-startcitation startcolumnmakeup startcolumns startcombination startcomment \
-startcomposant startcouleur startdescription startdocument startenumeration \
-startenvironement startfait startfigure startfloattext startformula \
-startframedtext startgroupe starthiding startitemgroup startlegend \
-startligneregleetexte startline startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines \
-startlocal startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes startmakeup startmargereglee \
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-startoverlay startoverview startparagraph startpositioning startpostponing \
-startproduit startprofile startprojet startregister startsymbolset \
-startsynchronization starttable starttables starttabulate starttyping \
-startunpacked startversion stopalignment stoparriereplan stopbuffer \
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-stopcompoetroite stopcomposant stopcouleur stopdescription stopdocument \
-stopenumeration stopenvironement stopfait stopfigure stopfloattext \
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-stoplines stoplocal stoplocalenvironment stoplocalfootnotes stopmakeup \
-stopmargereglee stopmarginblock stopmenuinteraction stopnamemakeup stopnarrower \
-stopopposite stopoverlay stopoverview stopparagraph stoppealignement \
-stoppearriereplan stoppeblocmarge stoppecitation stoppecodage stoppecolonnes \
-stoppecombinaison stoppecomposant stoppecorrectionligne stoppecouleur stoppedegroupe \
-stoppedocument stoppeenvironement stoppeglobal stoppegroupe stoppejeucolonne \
-stoppeligne stoppeligneregleetexte stoppelignes stoppelocal stoppemakeup \
-stoppemargereglee stoppenotespdplocales stoppenumerotationligne stoppeopposition stoppepositionnement \
-stoppeproduit stoppeprofil stoppeprojet stopperaster stopperevetement \
-stoppesynchronisation stoppetableau stoppetableaux stoppetexte stoppeversion \
-stoppevuedensemble stoppositioning stoppostponing stopproduit stopprofile \
-stopprojet stopsymbolset stopsynchronization stoptable stoptables \
-stoptabulate stoptyping stopunpacked stopversion sub \
-subject subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject \
-suggestion suivantprofil suivantversion suivantversionprofil sym \
-symbole synchronise synonym tab tapebuffer \
-testcolumn testpage tete tex textemarge \
-textenotepdp textetete title titremarge traduire \
-traiteblocs traitepage traitfin traitsfins txt \
-typ underbar underbars uneligne useXMLfilter \
-usedirectory usetypescript usetypescriptfile utiliseJSscripts utiliseURL \
-utiliseblocs utilisechemin utilisecommandes utilisedocumentexterne utiliseencodage \
-utilisefichierexterne utilisefichiersexternes utilisefigureexterne utilisemodule utilisemodules \
-utilisepsiteaudioexterne utilisereferences utilisespecialites utilisesymboles utiliseurl \
-va vaalaboite vaalapage vaenbas valeurcouleur \
-valeurgris variabletexte version vide vl
-CAP Cap Caps Cijfers \
-KAP Kap Kaps Letter Letters \
-Woord Woorden aantalsubpaginas about achtergrond \
-appendix arg bepaalkopnummer bepaallijstkenmerken bepaalregisterkenmerken \
-betekenis binnenmargeafstand binnenmargebreedte binnenrandafstand binnenrandbreedte \
-blanko blokje blokjes blokkeerinteractiemenu bodemwit \
-bookmark bovenafstand bovenhoogte breuk buitenmargeafstand \
-buitenmargebreedte buitenrandafstand buitenrandbreedte but button \
-cap chapter chem cijfers citaat \
-citeer clip comment completecombinedlist completelistoffloats \
-completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms converteernummer copieerveld corrigeerwitruimte \
-coupledregister crlf datum definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF \
-definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling definerawfont definetypeface \
-definieer definieeraccent definieeralineas definieerbeeldmerk definieerblanko \
-definieerblok definieerbuffer definieercombinatie definieercommando definieerconversie \
-definieerfiguursymbool definieerfont definieerfontstijl definieerfontsynoniem definieerhbox \
-definieerhoofdveld definieeringesprongentext definieerinmarge definieerinteractiemenu definieeritemgroep \
-definieerkadertekst definieerkarakter definieerkleur definieerkleurgroep definieerkolomgroep \
-definieerkolomovergang definieerkop definieerkorps definieerkorpsomgeving definieerlayer \
-definieerlayout definieerletter definieerlijn definieerlijst definieermarkering \
-definieeromlijnd definieeropmaak definieeroverlay definieerpaginaovergang definieerpalet \
-definieerpapierformaat definieerplaats definieerplaatsblok definieerprofiel definieerprogramma \
-definieerreferentie definieerreferentieformaat definieerreferentielijst definieerregister definieersamengesteldelijst \
-definieersectie definieersectieblok definieersorteren definieerstartstop definieersubveld \
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-dimensie directnaarlijst directtussenlijst doordefinieren doorlabelen \
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-gebruikexterndocument gebruikexternefile gebruikexternefiles gebruikexternfiguur gebruikexterngeluidsfragment \
-gebruikgebied gebruikmodule gebruikmodules gebruikreferenties gebruikspecials \
-gebruiksymbolen gebruiktypescript gebruiktypescriptfile gebruikurl geenblokkenmeer \
-geenbovenenonderregels geendimensie geenfilesmeer geenhoofdenvoetregels geenlijst \
-geenmarkering geenspatie geentest geenwitruimte geg \
-grijskleur grijswaarde haalbuffer haalmarkering haalnummer \
-haarlijn handhaafblokken herhaal hl hoofdafstand \
-hoofdhoogte hoofdtaal hoog huidigedatum huidigekopnummer \
-in inanderemarge inbinnen inbuiten indentation \
-inlijnd inlinker inlinkermarge inlinkerrand inmarge \
-inrechter inrechtermarge inrechterrand inregel inspringen \
-installeertaal instellingen interactiebalk interactiebuttons interactiemenu \
-invullijnen invulregel invultekst invulveld inwilijnd \
-items its kantlijn kap kenmerk \
-kenmerkdatum kentekstvariabeletoe kleur kleurenbalk kleurwaarde \
-kloonveld kolom kop kopniveau kopnummer \
-koppeldocument koppelmarkering koppelpagina koppelpapier koppelregister \
-kopsym koptekst kopwit laag label \
-labeling labels labeltekst laho leg \
-legeregels letter letters lijndikte lijstbreedte \
-lijsthoogte lijstlengte lijstsymbool linkermargeafstand linkermargebreedte \
-linkerrandafstand linkerrandbreedte loadsorts loadsynonyms maand \
-mapfontsize mar margeafstand margebreedte margetekst \
-margetitel margewoord markeer markeerversie mediaeval \
-menubutton naam naar naarbox naarpagina \
-name navigerend nextsection nietinspringen nocap \
-nokap noot nop omgeving omlaag \
-omlijnd onbekend onderafstand onderdeel onderhoogte \
-ontkoppelmarkering op opelkaar oplinkermarge oppagina \
-oprechtermarge overbar overbars overstrike overstrikes \
-pagina paginadiepte paginanummer paginaoffset paginareferentie \
-papierbreedte papierhoogte paragraph part paslayoutaan \
-passeerblokken passendveld plaatsbeeldmerken plaatsbookmarks plaatsformule \
-plaatskopnummer plaatskoptekst plaatslegenda plaatslijn plaatslijst \
-plaatslokalevoetnoten plaatsnaastelkaar plaatsonderelkaar plaatsopgrid plaatspaginanummer \
-plaatsplaatsblok plaatsreferentielijst plaatsregister plaatsruwelijst plaatssamengesteldelijst \
-plaatssubformule plaatstekstvariabele plaatsvoetnoten placelistoffloats placelistofsorts \
-placelistofsynonyms positioneer positioneertekst printpapierbreedte printpapierhoogte \
-produkt programma projekt publicatie punten \
-ran randafstand randbreedte rechtermargeafstand rechtermargebreedte \
-rechterrandafstand rechterrandbreedte ref refereer referentie \
-regellinks regelmidden regelrechts register registreervelden \
-reservefloat reset resetmarkering resetnummer resettekstinhoud \
-resettextcontent romeins rooster roteer rugwit \
-schaal scherm schrijfnaarlijst schrijfnaarreferentielijst schrijfnaarregister \
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-selecteerversie setnummer setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupinterlinespace2 \
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-spiegel splitsplaatsblok startachtergrond startalignment startbuffer \
-startcitaat startcodering startcolumns startcombinatie startcombination \
-startcomment startdescription startdocument startenumeration startfigure \
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-startprojekt startraster startregel startregelcorrectie startregelnummeren \
-startregels startregister startsmaller startsymbolset startsymboolset \
-startsynchronisatie startsynchronization starttabel starttabellen starttable \
-starttables starttabulate starttekst starttekstlijn starttyping \
-startuitlijnen startunpacked startvanelkaar startversie stelachtergrondenin \
-stelachtergrondin stelalineasin stelantwoordgebiedin stelarrangerenin stelblankoin \
-stelblokin stelblokjesin stelblokkopjein stelblokkopjesin stelbovenin \
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-stelingesprongentextin stelinmargein stelinspringenin stelinteractiebalkin stelinteractiein \
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-stelstrutin stelsubpaginanummerin stelsymboolsetin stelsynchronisatiebalkin stelsynchronisatiein \
-stelsynoniemenin stelsysteemin steltaalin steltabellenin steltabin \
-steltabulatiein steltekstin steltekstinhoudin steltekstlijnenin steltekstpositiein \
-stelteksttekstenin steltekstvariabelein steltolerantiein steltypein steltypenin \
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-stelversiesin stelvoetin stelvoetnootdefinitiein stelvoetnotenin stelvoettekstenin \
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-stopoverview stopoverzicht stopparagraph stoppositioneren stoppositioning \
-stoppostponing stopprodukt stopprofiel stopprofile stopprojekt \
-stopraster stopregel stopregelcorrectie stopregelnummeren stopregels \
-stopsmaller stopsymbolset stopsynchronisatie stopsynchronization stoptabel \
-stoptabellen stoptable stoptables stoptabulate stoptekst \
-stoptekstlijn stoptyping stopuitlijnen stopunpacked stopvanelkaar \
-stopversie sub subformulenummer subject subpaginanummer \
-subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject suggestie \
-switchnaarkorps switchtorawfont sym symbool symoffset \
-synchronisatiebalk synchroniseer synonym taal tab \
-tekstbreedte teksthoogte tekstlijn tekstreferentie tekstvariabele \
-testkolom testpagina tex title toelichting \
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-toonpalet toonprint toonstruts toonsymboolset toonvelden \
-totaalaantalpaginas txt typ type typebuffer \
-typefile uit uitgerekt underbar underbars \
-usecodering usedirectory vastespatie vastespaties veld \
-veldstapel verbergblokken vergelijkkleurgroep vergelijkpalet verhoognummer \
-verlaagnummer verplaatsformule verplaatsopgrid verplaatszijblok versie \
-vertaal verwerkblokken verwerkpagina vl voetafstand \
-voethoogte voetnoot voetnoottekst volgprofiel volgprofielversie \
-volgversie volledigepaginanummer volledigregister voluit weekdag \
-wilijnd wiskunde witruimte woonplaats woordrechts \
-zetbreedte zethoogte\
+Caps Cuvant Cuvinte KAP Kap \
+Kaps LUNA Litera Litere Numere \
+Numereromane ZIDINSAPTAMANA adapteazaaspect adubuffer adumarcaje \
+afiseazaaspect afiseazacampuri afiseazaculoare afiseazafiguriexterne afiseazafonttext \
+afiseazagrid afiseazagrupculoare afiseazamakeup afiseazamediufonttext afiseazapaleta \
+afiseazarama afiseazasetari afiseazasetsimboluri afiseazastruts afiseazatiparire \
+aliniat aliniatcentru aliniatdreapta aliniatstanga appendix \
+arg ascundeblocuri atleftmargin atrightmargin baraculoare \
+barainteractiune barasincronizare blanc but butoaneinteractiune \
+buton butonmeniu camp campumplere cap \
+chapter chem citat clip cloneazacamp \
+coloana comment comparagrupculoare comparapaleta completeazanumarpagina \
+completecombinedlist completelistoffloats completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms completeregister \
+componenta convertestenumar copiazacamp corecteazaspatiualb coupledregister \
+crlf culoare culoaregri cupleazadocument cupleazamarcaje \
+cupleazaregistru cutspace cuvantdreapta cuvantmarginal data \
+datacurenta datareferit decrementnumber decupleazamarcaje definebodyfontDEF \
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+definestecomanda definesteconversie definesteculoare definestedescriere definestedimensiunehartie \
+definesteenumerare definesteeticheta definestefloat definestefont definestefontraw \
+definestefonttext definesteformatreferinte definestegrupculori definestehbox definesteinconjurare \
+definestelista definestelistacombinata definestelistareferinte definestelogo definestemakeup \
+definestemarcaje definestemediulfonttext definestemeniuinteractiune definesteoutput definesteoverlay \
+definestepaleta definesteparagraf definestepozitietext definesteprofil definesteprogram \
+definestereferinte definesteregistru definesterigla definestesablontabel definestesectiune \
+definestesimbol definestesimbolfigura definestesinonim definestesinonimfont definestesortare \
+definestestartstop definestestil definestestilfont definestestivacampuri definestesubcamp \
+definestetabulatori definestetext definestetexteinconjurate definestetextinconjurat definestetyping \
+definestevariabilatext definesteversiune definetype definetypeface description \
+despre determinacaracteristicilelistei determinacaracteristiciregistru determinanumartitlu dezactiveazameniuinteractiune \
+dimensiune din distantaantet distantacolt distantacoltdreapta \
+distantacoltstanga distantajos distantamargine distantamarginedreapta distantamarginestanga \
+distantasubsol distantasus domiciliu dute dutebox \
+dutepagina ecran el element emptylines \
+enumeration eticheta etichete fact faraaliniat \
+faradimensiune farafisiere faraliniiantetsisubsol faraliniisussijos faralista \
+faramarcaje faraspatiu faraspatiualb figuraexterna firdepar \
+folosesteURL folosestebloc folosestecodificarea folosestecomenzi folosestedirector \
+folosestedocumentextern folosestefiguraexterna folosestefisiereexterne folosestefisierextern folosestemodul \
+folosestemodule folosestemuzicaexterna folosestereferinte folosestescriptJS folosestesimboluri \
+folosestespeciale folosesteurl footnotetext forteazablocuri fractie \
+framed framedtext fundal gatablocuri getnumber \
+grid grosimelinie hartiedubla headsym hl \
+immediatebetweenlist immediatetolist impachetat impartefloat in \
+inalt inaltamargine inaltimeantet inaltimehartie inaltimehartieimprimanta \
+inaltimejos inaltimelista inaltimemakeup inaltimesubsol inaltimesus \
+inaltimetext indentation indreapta inframed ininner \
+injos inlinie inmaframed inmargineadreapta inmargineastanga \
+inneredgedistance inneredgewidth innermargindistance innermarginwidth inouter \
+inparteadreapta inparteastanga instalarelimba instanga intins \
+jos jossus kap la labeling \
+lapagina latimecoltdreapta latimecoltstanga latimecolturi latimehartie \
+latimehartieimprimanta latimelista latimemakeup latimemargine latimemarginedreapta \
+latimemarginestanga latimetext leg limba limbaprincipala \
+liniemargine linieneagra liniesubtire linieumplere liniinegre \
+liniisubtiri listsymbol litera litere loadsorts \
+loadsynonyms logcampuri luna lungimelista maframed \
+mapfontsize mar marcaje marcheazaversiune marginal \
+matematica mediaeval mediu meniuinteractiune minicitat \
+moveformula movesidefloat mutapegrid name navigating \
+necunoscut nextsection niveltitlu nocap nokap \
+nop nota notasubsol numarformula numarincrement \
+numarpagina numarsubformula numartitlu numartitlucurent numartotalpagini \
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+nutesta olinie outeredgedistance outeredgewidth outermargindistance \
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+placereferencelist plaseazapegrid plaseazasemnecarte potrivestecamp pozitie \
+pozitietext proceseazabloc proceseazapagina produs program \
+proiect publicatie puncte punedeasuprafiecareia punefatainfata \
+puneformula punelegenda punelista punelistacombinata punelogouri \
+punenotesubsol punenotesubsollocale punenumarpagina puneregistru punerigla \
+punesubformula punevariabilatext ran ref refa \
+referinta referintapagina referintatext referit referring \
+reflexie register remarca reservefloat reset \
+reseteazamarcaje resetnumber resettextcontent riglatext rigleumplere \
+roteste saripesteblocuri scala scriebuffer scrieinlista \
+scrieinlistareferinte scrieinregistru scrieintreliste section seeregister \
+selecteazablocuri selecteazahartie selecteazaversiune semncarte setarebarasincronizare \
+setareitemization setarelimba setareoutput setarepozitie setaresincronizare \
+setari seteazaaliniat seteazaalinierea seteazaantet seteazaaranjareapag \
+seteazaaspect seteazabarainteractiune seteazablanc seteazabloc seteazablocsectiune \
+seteazablocurimarginale seteazabuffer seteazabutoane seteazacamp seteazacampuri \
+seteazaclipping seteazacoloane seteazacombinari seteazacomentariu seteazacomentariupagina \
+seteazaculoare seteazaculori seteazadefinireanotasubsol seteazadescriere seteazadimensiunihartie \
+seteazaecrane seteazaecraninteractiune seteazaelemente seteazaenumerare seteazafiguriexterne \
+seteazafloat seteazafloats seteazafonttext seteazaformulare seteazaformule \
+seteazafundal seteazafundaluri seteazagrosimelinie seteazaimpartireafloat seteazainconjurat \
+seteazaingust seteazainteractiunea seteazajos seteazalegenda seteazalegendele \
+seteazaliniesilabe seteazaliniesubtire seteazalinii seteazaliniimargine seteazaliniinegre \
+seteazaliniiumplere seteazalista seteazalistacombinata seteazalistareferinte seteazamajuscule \
+seteazamakeup seteazamarcaje seteazamarginal seteazamediulfonttext seteazameniuinteractiune \
+seteazaminicitat seteazanotasubsol seteazanumarpagina seteazanumarsubpagina seteazanumartitlu \
+seteazanumerotare seteazanumerotarelinii seteazanumerotarepagina seteazanumerotareparagrafe seteazapaleta \
+seteazaparagrafe seteazaplasareaopozita seteazapozitietext seteazaprofile seteazaprograme \
+seteazapublicatii seteazareferinte seteazaregistru seteazarigla seteazarigletext \
+seteazarigleumplere seteazarotare seteazasectiune seteazasimbol seteazasinonime \
+seteazasistem seteazasortare seteazaspatiu seteazaspatiualb seteazaspatiuinterliniar \
+seteazastrut seteazasublinie seteazasubsol seteazasus seteazatab \
+seteazatabele seteazatabulatori seteazatext seteazatexteantet seteazatextejos \
+seteazatextesubsol seteazatextesus seteazatextetext seteazatexteticheta seteazatexttitlu \
+seteazatitlu seteazatitluri seteazatoleranta seteazatranzitiepagina seteazatype \
+seteazatyping seteazaurl seteazavariabilatext seteazaversiuni setnumber \
+settextcontent setupanswerarea setupcolumnset setupcolumnsetlines setupcolumnsetstart \
+setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupindentedtext setupinterlinespace2 setupitemgroup \
+setuplistalternative setupmathalignment setupnumber setuppaper setupplacement \
+setupstartstop setvariabilatext sim simbol sincronizeaza \
+sort spatiifixate spatiu spatiualb spatiufixat \
+spatiujos spatiuspate spatiusus startalignment startaliniere \
+startblocmarginal startbuffer startcitat startcodificare startcoloane \
+startcolumnmakeup startcolumns startcolumnset startcombinare startcombination \
+startcomment startcomponenta startcorectielinie startculoare startdescription \
+startdocument startenumeration startfact startfigura startfigure \
+startfloattext startformula startframedtext startfundal startglobal \
+starthiding startimpachetat startingust startitemgroup startlegend \
+startline startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines startlinie \
+startliniemargine startlinii startlocal startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes \
+startmakeup startmarginblock startmediu startmeniuinteractiune startnamemakeup \
+startnarrower startneimpachetat startnotesubsollocale startnumerotarelinii startopozit \
+startopposite startoverlay startoverview startparagraph startpositioning \
+startpostponing startpozitionare startprodus startprofil startprofile \
+startproiect startraster startregister startriglatext startsetsimboluri \
+startsincronizare startsymbolset startsynchronization starttabel starttabele \
+starttable starttables starttabulate starttext starttyping \
+startunpacked startversiune stivacampuri stopalignment stopaliniere \
+stopblobal stopblocmarginal stopbuffer stopcitat stopcodificare \
+stopcoloane stopcolumnmakeup stopcolumns stopcolumnset stopcombinare \
+stopcombination stopcomment stopcomponenta stopcorectielinie stopculoare \
+stopdescription stopdocument stopenumeration stopfact stopfigure \
+stopfloattext stopformula stopframedtext stopfundal stophiding \
+stopimpachetat stopingust stopitemgroup stoplegend stopline \
+stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering stoplines stoplinie stopliniemargine \
+stoplinii stoplocal stoplocalenvironment stoplocalfootnotes stopmakeup \
+stopmarginblock stopmediu stopmeniuinteractiune stopnamemakeup stopnarrower \
+stopneimpachetat stopnotesubsollocale stopnumerotarelinii stopopozit stopopposite \
+stopoverlay stopoverview stopparagraph stoppositioning stoppostponing \
+stoppozitionare stopprodus stopprofil stopprofile stopproiect \
+stopraster stopriglatext stopsincronizare stopsymbolset stopsynchronization \
+stoptabel stoptabele stoptable stoptables stoptabulate \
+stoptext stoptyping stopunpacked stopversiune sub \
+subject subpagenumber subsection subsubject subsubsection \
+subsubsubject synonym tab testcolumn testpage \
+tex texteticheta textmarginal texttitlu textumplere \
+title titlu titlumarginal tooltip traduce \
+trecilafontraw trecilafonttext txt typ type \
+typefile underbar underbars undeva urmeazaprofil \
+urmeazaversiune urmeazaversiuneprofil useXMLfilter usedirectory usetypescript \
+usetypescriptfile valoareculoare valoaregri variabilatext versiune \
+vl zidinsaptamana
diff --git a/context/data/scite/ b/context/data/scite/
index 80cb13417..c5aa4cbed 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/
+++ b/context/data/scite/
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+nocolormodel greycolormodel graycolormodel rgbcolormodel \
+cmykcolormodel shadefactor textextoffset normaltransparent multiplytransparent \
+screentransparent overlaytransparent softlighttransparent hardlighttransparent colordodgetransparent \
+colorburntransparent darkentransparent lightentransparent differencetransparent exclusiontransparent \
+huetransparent saturationtransparent colortransparent luminositytransparent metapostversion
sqr log ln exp \
inv pow pi radian tand \
@@ -45,10 +52,3 @@ drawpoints drawcontrolpoints drawcontrollines drawpointlabels drawlineoptions \
drawpointoptions drawcontroloptions drawlabeloptions draworiginoptions drawboundoptions \
drawpathoptions resetdrawoptions decorated redecorated undecorated
-nocolormodel greycolormodel graycolormodel rgbcolormodel \
-cmykcolormodel shadefactor textextoffset normaltransparent multiplytransparent \
-screentransparent overlaytransparent softlighttransparent hardlighttransparent colordodgetransparent \
-colorburntransparent darkentransparent lightentransparent differencetransparent exclusiontransparent \
-huetransparent saturationtransparent colortransparent luminositytransparent metapostversion
diff --git a/context/data/scite/ b/context/data/scite/
index 30b510b51..8743c27f4 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/
+++ b/context/data/scite/
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
-.. ... -- --- \
-btex etex verbatimtex
charcode day linecap linejoin \
miterlimit month pausing prologues showstopping \
@@ -58,6 +51,13 @@ graycolor colormodel graypart dashpart penpart \
stroked filled textual clipped bounded \
+mitered rounded beveled butt \
+squared eps epsilon infinity bboxmargin \
+ahlength ahangle labeloffset dotlabeldiam defaultpen \
+defaultscale join_radius pen_lft pen_rt pen_top \
beginfig endfig rotatedaround reflectedabout \
arrowhead currentpen currentpicture cuttings defaultfont \
@@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ yellow black white background graypart \
graycolor mm pt dd bp \
cm pc cc in
-mitered rounded beveled butt \
-squared eps epsilon infinity bboxmargin \
-ahlength ahangle labeloffset dotlabeldiam defaultpen \
-defaultscale join_radius pen_lft pen_rt pen_top \
+.. ... -- --- \
+btex etex verbatimtex
diff --git a/context/data/scite/ b/context/data/scite/
index 6f68f7d6f..38d860784 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/
+++ b/context/data/scite/
@@ -1,3 +1,33 @@
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+Umathradicaldegreebefore Umathradicaldegreeraise Umathradicalkern Umathradicalrule Umathradicalvgap \
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+Umathrelordspacing Umathrelpunctspacing Umathrelrelspacing Umathspaceafterscript Umathstackdenomdown \
+Umathstacknumup Umathstackvgap Umathsubshiftdown Umathsubshiftdrop Umathsubsupshiftdown \
+Umathsubsupvgap Umathsubtopmax Umathsupbottommin Umathsupshiftdrop Umathsupshiftup \
+Umathsupsubbottommax Umathunderbarkern Umathunderbarrule Umathunderbarvgap Umathunderdelimiterbgap \
+Umathunderdelimitervgap Uoverdelimiter Uradical Uroot Ustack \
+Ustartdisplaymath Ustartmath Ustopdisplaymath Ustopmath Usubscript \
+Usuperscript Uunderdelimiter alignmark aligntab attribute \
+attributedef catcodetable clearmarks crampeddisplaystyle crampedscriptscriptstyle \
+crampedscriptstyle crampedtextstyle fontid formatname gleaders \
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+botmarks clubpenalties currentgrouplevel currentgrouptype \
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+everyeof firstmarks fontchardp fontcharht fontcharic \
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+muexpr mutoglue numexpr pagediscards parshapedimen \
+parshapeindent parshapelength predisplaydirection protected readline \
+savinghyphcodes savingvdiscards scantokens showgroups showifs \
+showtokens splitbotmarks splitdiscards splitfirstmarks topmarks \
+tracingassigns tracinggroups tracingifs tracingnesting tracingscantokens \
+unexpanded unless widowpenalties
- / AlephVersion Alephminorversion \
Alephrevision Alephversion OmegaVersion Omegaminorversion Omegarevision \
@@ -154,85 +236,3 @@ vskip vsplit vss vtop wd \
widowpenalties widowpenalty write xdef xleaders \
xspaceskip year
-efcode expanded ifincsname ifpdfabsdim \
-ifpdfabsnum ifpdfprimitive leftmarginkern letterspacefont lpcode \
-pdfadjustspacing pdfannot pdfcatalog pdfcolorstack pdfcolorstackinit \
-pdfcompresslevel pdfcopyfont pdfcreationdate pdfdecimaldigits pdfdest \
-pdfdestmargin pdfdraftmode pdfeachlinedepth pdfeachlineheight pdfendlink \
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-pdffontobjnum pdffontsize pdfgamma pdfgentounicode pdfglyphtounicode \
-pdfhorigin pdfignoreddimen pdfimageapplygamma pdfimagegamma pdfimagehicolor \
-pdfimageresolution pdfincludechars pdfinclusioncopyfonts pdfinclusionerrorlevel pdfinfo \
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-pdflastypos pdflinkmargin pdfliteral pdfmapfile pdfmapline \
-pdfminorversion pdfnames pdfnoligatures pdfnormaldeviate pdfobj \
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-quitvmode rightmarginkern rpcode tagcode
-AlephVersion Alephminorversion Alephrevision Alephversion \
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-showtokens splitbotmarks splitdiscards splitfirstmarks topmarks \
-tracingassigns tracinggroups tracingifs tracingnesting tracingscantokens \
-unexpanded unless widowpenalties
-Udelcode Udelcodenum Udelimiter Udelimiterover \
-Udelimiterunder Umathaccent Umathaxis Umathbinbinspacing Umathbinclosespacing \
-Umathbininnerspacing Umathbinopenspacing Umathbinopspacing Umathbinordspacing Umathbinpunctspacing \
-Umathbinrelspacing Umathchar Umathchardef Umathcharnum Umathclosebinspacing \
-Umathcloseclosespacing Umathcloseinnerspacing Umathcloseopenspacing Umathcloseopspacing Umathcloseordspacing \
-Umathclosepunctspacing Umathcloserelspacing Umathcode Umathcodenum Umathconnectoroverlapmin \
-Umathfractiondelsize Umathfractiondenomdown Umathfractiondenomvgap Umathfractionnumup Umathfractionnumvgap \
-Umathfractionrule Umathinnerbinspacing Umathinnerclosespacing Umathinnerinnerspacing Umathinneropenspacing \
-Umathinneropspacing Umathinnerordspacing Umathinnerpunctspacing Umathinnerrelspacing Umathlimitabovebgap \
-Umathlimitabovekern Umathlimitabovevgap Umathlimitbelowbgap Umathlimitbelowkern Umathlimitbelowvgap \
-Umathopbinspacing Umathopclosespacing Umathopenbinspacing Umathopenclosespacing Umathopeninnerspacing \
-Umathopenopenspacing Umathopenopspacing Umathopenordspacing Umathopenpunctspacing Umathopenrelspacing \
-Umathoperatorsize Umathopinnerspacing Umathopopenspacing Umathopopspacing Umathopordspacing \
-Umathoppunctspacing Umathoprelspacing Umathordbinspacing Umathordclosespacing Umathordinnerspacing \
-Umathordopenspacing Umathordopspacing Umathordordspacing Umathordpunctspacing Umathordrelspacing \
-Umathoverbarkern Umathoverbarrule Umathoverbarvgap Umathoverdelimiterbgap Umathoverdelimitervgap \
-Umathpunctbinspacing Umathpunctclosespacing Umathpunctinnerspacing Umathpunctopenspacing Umathpunctopspacing \
-Umathpunctordspacing Umathpunctpunctspacing Umathpunctrelspacing Umathquad Umathradicaldegreeafter \
-Umathradicaldegreebefore Umathradicaldegreeraise Umathradicalkern Umathradicalrule Umathradicalvgap \
-Umathrelbinspacing Umathrelclosespacing Umathrelinnerspacing Umathrelopenspacing Umathrelopspacing \
-Umathrelordspacing Umathrelpunctspacing Umathrelrelspacing Umathspaceafterscript Umathstackdenomdown \
-Umathstacknumup Umathstackvgap Umathsubshiftdown Umathsubshiftdrop Umathsubsupshiftdown \
-Umathsubsupvgap Umathsubtopmax Umathsupbottommin Umathsupshiftdrop Umathsupshiftup \
-Umathsupsubbottommax Umathunderbarkern Umathunderbarrule Umathunderbarvgap Umathunderdelimiterbgap \
-Umathunderdelimitervgap Uoverdelimiter Uradical Uroot Ustack \
-Ustartdisplaymath Ustartmath Ustopdisplaymath Ustopmath Usubscript \
-Usuperscript Uunderdelimiter alignmark aligntab attribute \
-attributedef catcodetable clearmarks crampeddisplaystyle crampedscriptscriptstyle \
-crampedscriptstyle crampedtextstyle fontid formatname gleaders \
-ifabsdim ifabsnum ifprimitive initcatcodetable latelua \
-luaescapestring luastartup luatexdatestamp luatexrevision luatexversion \
-mathstyle nokerns noligs outputbox pageleftoffset \
-pagetopoffset postexhyphenchar posthyphenchar preexhyphenchar prehyphenchar \
-primitive savecatcodetable scantextokens suppressfontnotfounderror suppressifcsnameerror \
-suppresslongerror suppressoutererror synctex
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-watch.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-watch.lua
index 31ed95f7b..4ed7b1575 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-watch.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-watch.lua
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ local function glob(files,path) -- some day: sort by name (order prefix) and ati
-local clock = os.gettimeofday or os.time -- we cannot trust os.clock on linux
+local clock = os.gettimeofday or (socket and socket.gettime) or os.time -- we cannot trust os.clock on linux
-- local function filenamesort(a,b)
-- local fa, da = a[1], a[2]
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
index 7e383989c..4c938bcd7 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-lua"] = package.loaded["l-lua"] or true
--- original size: 3086, stripped down to: 1651
+-- original size: 7952, stripped down to: 5433
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lua']={
@@ -135,6 +135,137 @@ function optionalrequire(...)
return result
+local gsub,format=string.gsub,string.format
+local package=package
+local searchers=package.searchers or package.loaders
+local libpaths=nil
+local clibpaths=nil
+local libhash={}
+local clibhash={}
+local libextras={}
+local clibextras={}
+local filejoin=file and file.join or function(path,name) return path.."/" end
+local isreadable=file and file.is_readable or function(name) local if f then f:close() return true end end
+local addsuffix=file and file.addsuffix or function(name,suffix) return name.."."..suffix end
+local function cleanpath(path)
+ return path
+local helpers=package.helpers or {
+ libpaths=function() return {} end,
+ clibpaths=function() return {} end,
+ cleanpath=cleanpath,
+ trace=false,
+ report=function(...) print(format(...)) end,
+local function getlibpaths()
+ return libpaths or helpers.libpaths(libhash)
+local function getclibpaths()
+ return clibpaths or helpers.clibpaths(clibhash)
+function package.extralibpath(...)
+ local libpaths=getlibpaths()
+ local pathlist={... }
+ local cleanpath=helpers.cleanpath
+ local trace=helpers.trace
+ local
+ for p=1,#pathlist do
+ local paths=pathlist[p]
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
+ if not libhash[path] then
+ if trace then
+ libraries("! extra lua path '%s'",path)
+ end
+ libextras[#libextras+1]=path
+ libpaths [#libpaths+1]=path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function package.extraclibpath(...)
+ local clibpaths=getclibpaths()
+ local pathlist={... }
+ local cleanpath=helpers.cleanpath
+ local trace=helpers.trace
+ local
+ for p=1,#pathlist do
+ local paths=pathlist[p]
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
+ if not clibhash[path] then
+ if trace then
+ report("! extra lib path '%s'",path)
+ end
+ clibextras[#clibextras+1]=path
+ clibpaths [#clibpaths+1]=path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+if not searchers[-2] then
+ searchers[-2]=searchers[2]
+ return helpers.loaded(name)
+local function loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
+ return package.loadlib(resolved,"luaopen_"..gsub(rawname,"%.","_"))
+local function loadedbylua(name)
+ if helpers.trace then
+"! locating %q using normal loader",name)
+ end
+ return searchers[-2](name)
+local function loadedbypath(name,rawname,paths,islib,what)
+ local trace=helpers.trace
+ local
+ if trace then
+ report("! locating %q as %q on %q paths",rawname,name,what)
+ end
+ for p=1,#paths do
+ local path=paths[p]
+ local resolved=filejoin(path,name)
+ if trace then
+ report("! checking for %q using %q path %q",name,what,path)
+ end
+ if isreadable(resolved) then
+ if trace then
+ report("! lib %q located on %q",name,resolved)
+ end
+ if islib then
+ return loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
+ else
+ return loadfile(resolved)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function notloaded(name)
+ if helpers.trace then
+"? unable to locate library %q",name)
+ end
+function helpers.loaded(name)
+ local thename=gsub(name,"%.","/")
+ local luaname=addsuffix(thename,"lua")
+ local libname=addsuffix(thename,os.libsuffix)
+ local libpaths=getlibpaths()
+ local clibpaths=getclibpaths()
+ return loadedbypath(luaname,name,libpaths,false,"lua")
+ or loadedbypath(luaname,name,clibpaths,false,"lua")
+ or loadedbypath(libname,name,clibpaths,true,"lib")
+ or loadedbylua(name)
+ or notloaded(name)
end -- of closure
@@ -143,7 +274,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-lpeg"] = package.loaded["l-lpeg"] or true
--- original size: 25597, stripped down to: 14149
+-- original size: 25591, stripped down to: 14143
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lpeg']={
@@ -152,7 +283,7 @@ if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lpeg']={
copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
license="see context related readme files"
-local lpeg=require("lpeg")
local report=texio and texio.write_nl or print
local type,next,tostring=type,next,tostring
local byte,char,gmatch,format=string.byte,string.char,string.gmatch,string.format
@@ -2899,7 +3030,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-md5"] = package.loaded["l-md5"] or true
--- original size: 3738, stripped down to: 2068
+-- original size: 3760, stripped down to: 2088
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-md5']={
@@ -2918,8 +3049,9 @@ if not md5 then
local md5,file=md5,file
local gsub,format,byte=string.gsub,string.format,string.byte
+local md5sum=md5.sum
local function convert(str,fmt)
- return (gsub(md5.sum(str),".",function(chr) return format(fmt,byte(chr)) end))
+ return (gsub(md5sum(str),".",function(chr) return format(fmt,byte(chr)) end))
if not md5.HEX then function md5.HEX(str) return convert(str,"%02X") end end
if not md5.hex then function md5.hex(str) return convert(str,"%02x") end end
@@ -5333,7 +5465,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-prs"] = package.loaded["util-prs"] or true
--- original size: 15913, stripped down to: 11403
+-- original size: 15921, stripped down to: 11409
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-prs']={
@@ -5595,7 +5727,7 @@ local escape=P('\\')
local separator=S(' ,')
local key=C((1-equal)^1)
local value=dquote*C((1-dquote-escape*dquote)^0)*dquote
-local pattern=Cf(Ct("")*Cg(key*equal*value)*separator^0,rawset)^0
+local pattern=Cf(Ct("")*Cg(key*equal*value)*separator^0,rawset)^0*P(-1)
function parsers.keq_to_hash(str)
if str and str~="" then
@@ -14376,7 +14508,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["data-lua"] = package.loaded["data-lua"] or true
--- original size: 6387, stripped down to: 5108
+-- original size: 3812, stripped down to: 3204
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-lua']={
@@ -14385,118 +14517,67 @@ if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-lua']={
copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
license="see context related readme files"
-local searchers=package.searchers or package.loaders
+local resolvers,package=resolvers,package
+local gsub=string.gsub
local concat=table.concat
-local trace_libraries=false
-trackers.register("resolvers.libraries",function(v) trace_libraries=v end)
-trackers.register("resolvers.locating",function(v) trace_libraries=v end)
-local report_libraries=logs.reporter("resolvers","libraries")
-local gsub,insert=string.gsub,table.insert
+local addsuffix=file.addsuffix
local P,Cs,lpegmatch=lpeg.P,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.match
-local unpack=unpack or table.unpack
-local is_readable=file.is_readable
-local resolvers,package=resolvers,package
local libsuffixes={ 'tex','lua' }
local clibsuffixes={ 'lib' }
local libformats={ 'TEXINPUTS','LUAINPUTS' }
local clibformats={ 'CLUAINPUTS' }
-local libpaths=nil
-local clibpaths=nil
-local libhash={}
-local clibhash={}
-local libextras={}
-local clibextras={}
+local helpers=package.helpers
+trackers.register("resolvers.libraries",function(v) helpers.trace=v end)
+trackers.register("resolvers.locating",function(v) helpers.trace=v end)"resolvers","libraries")
local pattern=Cs(P("!")^0/""*(P("/")*P(-1)/"/"+P("/")^1/"/"+1)^0)
local function cleanpath(path)
return resolvers.resolve(lpegmatch(pattern,path))
-local function getlibpaths()
- if not libpaths then
- libpaths={}
- for i=1,#libformats do
- local paths=resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(libformats[i])
- for i=1,#paths do
- local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
- if not libhash[path] then
- libpaths[#libpaths+1]=path
- libhash[path]=true
- end
+function helpers.libpaths(libhash)
+ local libpaths={}
+ for i=1,#libformats do
+ local paths=resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(libformats[i])
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
+ if not libhash[path] then
+ libpaths[#libpaths+1]=path
+ libhash[path]=true
return libpaths
-local function getclibpaths()
- if not clibpaths then
- clibpaths={}
- for i=1,#clibformats do
- local paths=resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(clibformats[i])
- for i=1,#paths do
- local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
- if not clibhash[path] then
- clibpaths[#clibpaths+1]=path
- clibhash[path]=true
- end
+function helpers.clibpaths(clibhash)
+ local clibpaths={}
+ for i=1,#clibformats do
+ local paths=resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(clibformats[i])
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
+ if not clibhash[path] then
+ clibpaths[#clibpaths+1]=path
+ clibhash[path]=true
return clibpaths
-function package.extralibpath(...)
- local libpaths=getlibpaths()
- local paths=table.flattened {... }
- for i=1,#paths do
- local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
- if not libhash[path] then
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! extra lua path '%s'",path)
- end
- libextras[#libextras+1]=path
- libpaths[#libpaths+1]=path
- end
- end
-function package.extraclibpath(...)
- local clibpaths=getclibpaths()
- local paths=table.flattened {... }
- for i=1,#paths do
- local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
- if not clibhash[path] then
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! extra lib path '%s'",path)
- end
- clibextras[#clibextras+1]=path
- clibpaths[#clibpaths+1]=path
- end
- end
-if not searchers[-2] then
- searchers[-2]=searchers[2]
-local function loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
- return package.loadlib(resolved,"luaopen_"..gsub(rawname,"%.","_"))
-local function loadedbylua(name)
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! locating %q using normal loader",name)
- end
- local resolved=searchers[-2](name)
-local function loadedbyformat(name,rawname,suffixes,islib)
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! locating %q as %q using formats %q",rawname,name,concat(suffixes))
+function helpers.loadedbyformat(name,rawname,suffixes,islib)
+ local trace=helpers.trace
+ local
+ if trace then
+ report("! locating %q as %q using formats %q",rawname,name,concat(suffixes))
for i=1,#suffixes do
local format=suffixes[i]
local resolved=resolvers.findfile(name,format) or ""
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! checking for %q' using format %q",name,format)
+ if trace then
+ report("! checking for %q' using format %q",name,format)
if resolved~="" then
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! lib %q located on %q",name,resolved)
+ if trace then
+ report("! lib %q located on %q",name,resolved)
if islib then
return loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
@@ -14506,45 +14587,26 @@ local function loadedbyformat(name,rawname,suffixes,islib)
-local function loadedbypath(name,rawname,paths,islib,what)
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! locating %q as %q on %q paths",rawname,name,what)
- end
- for p=1,#paths do
- local path=paths[p]
- local resolved=file.join(path,name)
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! checking for %q using %q path %q",name,what,path)
- end
- if is_readable(resolved) then
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! lib %q located on %q",name,resolved)
- end
- if islib then
- return loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
- else
- return loadfile(resolved)
- end
- end
- end
-local function notloaded(name)
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("? unable to locate library %q",name)
- end
+local loadedaslib=helpers.loadedaslib
+local loadedbylua=helpers.loadedbylua
+local loadedbyformat=helpers.loadedbyformat
+local loadedbypath=helpers.loadedbypath
+local notloaded=helpers.notloaded
+local getlibpaths=package.libpaths
+local getclibpaths=package.clibpaths
+function helpers.loaded(name)
local thename=gsub(name,"%.","/")
- local luaname=file.addsuffix(thename,"lua")
- local libname=file.addsuffix(thename,os.libsuffix)
- return
- loadedbyformat(luaname,name,libsuffixes,false)
- or loadedbyformat(libname,name,clibsuffixes,true)
- or loadedbypath (luaname,name,getlibpaths (),false,"lua")
- or loadedbypath (luaname,name,getclibpaths(),false,"lua")
- or loadedbypath (libname,name,getclibpaths(),true,"lib")
- or loadedbylua (name)
- or notloaded (name)
+ local luaname=addsuffix(thename,"lua")
+ local libname=addsuffix(thename,os.libsuffix)
+ local libpaths=getlibpaths()
+ local clibpaths=getclibpaths()
+ return loadedbyformat(luaname,name,libsuffixes,false)
+ or loadedbyformat(libname,name,clibsuffixes,true)
+ or loadedbypath(luaname,name,libpaths,false,"lua")
+ or loadedbypath(luaname,name,clibpaths,false,"lua")
+ or loadedbypath(libname,name,clibpaths,true,"lib")
+ or loadedbylua(name)
+ or notloaded(name)
@@ -14992,8 +15054,8 @@ end -- of closure
-- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-tab.lua util-sto.lua util-str.lua util-mrg.lua util-lua.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua util-deb.lua trac-inf.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-pro.lua util-tpl.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua
-- skipped libraries : -
--- original bytes : 599067
--- stripped bytes : 203328
+-- original bytes : 601382
+-- stripped bytes : 203745
-- end library merge
diff --git a/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua b/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua
index 7e383989c..4c938bcd7 100644
--- a/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/mtxrun.lua
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-lua"] = package.loaded["l-lua"] or true
--- original size: 3086, stripped down to: 1651
+-- original size: 7952, stripped down to: 5433
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lua']={
@@ -135,6 +135,137 @@ function optionalrequire(...)
return result
+local gsub,format=string.gsub,string.format
+local package=package
+local searchers=package.searchers or package.loaders
+local libpaths=nil
+local clibpaths=nil
+local libhash={}
+local clibhash={}
+local libextras={}
+local clibextras={}
+local filejoin=file and file.join or function(path,name) return path.."/" end
+local isreadable=file and file.is_readable or function(name) local if f then f:close() return true end end
+local addsuffix=file and file.addsuffix or function(name,suffix) return name.."."..suffix end
+local function cleanpath(path)
+ return path
+local helpers=package.helpers or {
+ libpaths=function() return {} end,
+ clibpaths=function() return {} end,
+ cleanpath=cleanpath,
+ trace=false,
+ report=function(...) print(format(...)) end,
+local function getlibpaths()
+ return libpaths or helpers.libpaths(libhash)
+local function getclibpaths()
+ return clibpaths or helpers.clibpaths(clibhash)
+function package.extralibpath(...)
+ local libpaths=getlibpaths()
+ local pathlist={... }
+ local cleanpath=helpers.cleanpath
+ local trace=helpers.trace
+ local
+ for p=1,#pathlist do
+ local paths=pathlist[p]
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
+ if not libhash[path] then
+ if trace then
+ libraries("! extra lua path '%s'",path)
+ end
+ libextras[#libextras+1]=path
+ libpaths [#libpaths+1]=path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function package.extraclibpath(...)
+ local clibpaths=getclibpaths()
+ local pathlist={... }
+ local cleanpath=helpers.cleanpath
+ local trace=helpers.trace
+ local
+ for p=1,#pathlist do
+ local paths=pathlist[p]
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
+ if not clibhash[path] then
+ if trace then
+ report("! extra lib path '%s'",path)
+ end
+ clibextras[#clibextras+1]=path
+ clibpaths [#clibpaths+1]=path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+if not searchers[-2] then
+ searchers[-2]=searchers[2]
+ return helpers.loaded(name)
+local function loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
+ return package.loadlib(resolved,"luaopen_"..gsub(rawname,"%.","_"))
+local function loadedbylua(name)
+ if helpers.trace then
+"! locating %q using normal loader",name)
+ end
+ return searchers[-2](name)
+local function loadedbypath(name,rawname,paths,islib,what)
+ local trace=helpers.trace
+ local
+ if trace then
+ report("! locating %q as %q on %q paths",rawname,name,what)
+ end
+ for p=1,#paths do
+ local path=paths[p]
+ local resolved=filejoin(path,name)
+ if trace then
+ report("! checking for %q using %q path %q",name,what,path)
+ end
+ if isreadable(resolved) then
+ if trace then
+ report("! lib %q located on %q",name,resolved)
+ end
+ if islib then
+ return loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
+ else
+ return loadfile(resolved)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function notloaded(name)
+ if helpers.trace then
+"? unable to locate library %q",name)
+ end
+function helpers.loaded(name)
+ local thename=gsub(name,"%.","/")
+ local luaname=addsuffix(thename,"lua")
+ local libname=addsuffix(thename,os.libsuffix)
+ local libpaths=getlibpaths()
+ local clibpaths=getclibpaths()
+ return loadedbypath(luaname,name,libpaths,false,"lua")
+ or loadedbypath(luaname,name,clibpaths,false,"lua")
+ or loadedbypath(libname,name,clibpaths,true,"lib")
+ or loadedbylua(name)
+ or notloaded(name)
end -- of closure
@@ -143,7 +274,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-lpeg"] = package.loaded["l-lpeg"] or true
--- original size: 25597, stripped down to: 14149
+-- original size: 25591, stripped down to: 14143
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lpeg']={
@@ -152,7 +283,7 @@ if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lpeg']={
copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
license="see context related readme files"
-local lpeg=require("lpeg")
local report=texio and texio.write_nl or print
local type,next,tostring=type,next,tostring
local byte,char,gmatch,format=string.byte,string.char,string.gmatch,string.format
@@ -2899,7 +3030,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-md5"] = package.loaded["l-md5"] or true
--- original size: 3738, stripped down to: 2068
+-- original size: 3760, stripped down to: 2088
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-md5']={
@@ -2918,8 +3049,9 @@ if not md5 then
local md5,file=md5,file
local gsub,format,byte=string.gsub,string.format,string.byte
+local md5sum=md5.sum
local function convert(str,fmt)
- return (gsub(md5.sum(str),".",function(chr) return format(fmt,byte(chr)) end))
+ return (gsub(md5sum(str),".",function(chr) return format(fmt,byte(chr)) end))
if not md5.HEX then function md5.HEX(str) return convert(str,"%02X") end end
if not md5.hex then function md5.hex(str) return convert(str,"%02x") end end
@@ -5333,7 +5465,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-prs"] = package.loaded["util-prs"] or true
--- original size: 15913, stripped down to: 11403
+-- original size: 15921, stripped down to: 11409
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-prs']={
@@ -5595,7 +5727,7 @@ local escape=P('\\')
local separator=S(' ,')
local key=C((1-equal)^1)
local value=dquote*C((1-dquote-escape*dquote)^0)*dquote
-local pattern=Cf(Ct("")*Cg(key*equal*value)*separator^0,rawset)^0
+local pattern=Cf(Ct("")*Cg(key*equal*value)*separator^0,rawset)^0*P(-1)
function parsers.keq_to_hash(str)
if str and str~="" then
@@ -14376,7 +14508,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["data-lua"] = package.loaded["data-lua"] or true
--- original size: 6387, stripped down to: 5108
+-- original size: 3812, stripped down to: 3204
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-lua']={
@@ -14385,118 +14517,67 @@ if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-lua']={
copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
license="see context related readme files"
-local searchers=package.searchers or package.loaders
+local resolvers,package=resolvers,package
+local gsub=string.gsub
local concat=table.concat
-local trace_libraries=false
-trackers.register("resolvers.libraries",function(v) trace_libraries=v end)
-trackers.register("resolvers.locating",function(v) trace_libraries=v end)
-local report_libraries=logs.reporter("resolvers","libraries")
-local gsub,insert=string.gsub,table.insert
+local addsuffix=file.addsuffix
local P,Cs,lpegmatch=lpeg.P,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.match
-local unpack=unpack or table.unpack
-local is_readable=file.is_readable
-local resolvers,package=resolvers,package
local libsuffixes={ 'tex','lua' }
local clibsuffixes={ 'lib' }
local libformats={ 'TEXINPUTS','LUAINPUTS' }
local clibformats={ 'CLUAINPUTS' }
-local libpaths=nil
-local clibpaths=nil
-local libhash={}
-local clibhash={}
-local libextras={}
-local clibextras={}
+local helpers=package.helpers
+trackers.register("resolvers.libraries",function(v) helpers.trace=v end)
+trackers.register("resolvers.locating",function(v) helpers.trace=v end)"resolvers","libraries")
local pattern=Cs(P("!")^0/""*(P("/")*P(-1)/"/"+P("/")^1/"/"+1)^0)
local function cleanpath(path)
return resolvers.resolve(lpegmatch(pattern,path))
-local function getlibpaths()
- if not libpaths then
- libpaths={}
- for i=1,#libformats do
- local paths=resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(libformats[i])
- for i=1,#paths do
- local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
- if not libhash[path] then
- libpaths[#libpaths+1]=path
- libhash[path]=true
- end
+function helpers.libpaths(libhash)
+ local libpaths={}
+ for i=1,#libformats do
+ local paths=resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(libformats[i])
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
+ if not libhash[path] then
+ libpaths[#libpaths+1]=path
+ libhash[path]=true
return libpaths
-local function getclibpaths()
- if not clibpaths then
- clibpaths={}
- for i=1,#clibformats do
- local paths=resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(clibformats[i])
- for i=1,#paths do
- local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
- if not clibhash[path] then
- clibpaths[#clibpaths+1]=path
- clibhash[path]=true
- end
+function helpers.clibpaths(clibhash)
+ local clibpaths={}
+ for i=1,#clibformats do
+ local paths=resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(clibformats[i])
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
+ if not clibhash[path] then
+ clibpaths[#clibpaths+1]=path
+ clibhash[path]=true
return clibpaths
-function package.extralibpath(...)
- local libpaths=getlibpaths()
- local paths=table.flattened {... }
- for i=1,#paths do
- local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
- if not libhash[path] then
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! extra lua path '%s'",path)
- end
- libextras[#libextras+1]=path
- libpaths[#libpaths+1]=path
- end
- end
-function package.extraclibpath(...)
- local clibpaths=getclibpaths()
- local paths=table.flattened {... }
- for i=1,#paths do
- local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
- if not clibhash[path] then
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! extra lib path '%s'",path)
- end
- clibextras[#clibextras+1]=path
- clibpaths[#clibpaths+1]=path
- end
- end
-if not searchers[-2] then
- searchers[-2]=searchers[2]
-local function loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
- return package.loadlib(resolved,"luaopen_"..gsub(rawname,"%.","_"))
-local function loadedbylua(name)
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! locating %q using normal loader",name)
- end
- local resolved=searchers[-2](name)
-local function loadedbyformat(name,rawname,suffixes,islib)
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! locating %q as %q using formats %q",rawname,name,concat(suffixes))
+function helpers.loadedbyformat(name,rawname,suffixes,islib)
+ local trace=helpers.trace
+ local
+ if trace then
+ report("! locating %q as %q using formats %q",rawname,name,concat(suffixes))
for i=1,#suffixes do
local format=suffixes[i]
local resolved=resolvers.findfile(name,format) or ""
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! checking for %q' using format %q",name,format)
+ if trace then
+ report("! checking for %q' using format %q",name,format)
if resolved~="" then
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! lib %q located on %q",name,resolved)
+ if trace then
+ report("! lib %q located on %q",name,resolved)
if islib then
return loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
@@ -14506,45 +14587,26 @@ local function loadedbyformat(name,rawname,suffixes,islib)
-local function loadedbypath(name,rawname,paths,islib,what)
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! locating %q as %q on %q paths",rawname,name,what)
- end
- for p=1,#paths do
- local path=paths[p]
- local resolved=file.join(path,name)
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! checking for %q using %q path %q",name,what,path)
- end
- if is_readable(resolved) then
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! lib %q located on %q",name,resolved)
- end
- if islib then
- return loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
- else
- return loadfile(resolved)
- end
- end
- end
-local function notloaded(name)
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("? unable to locate library %q",name)
- end
+local loadedaslib=helpers.loadedaslib
+local loadedbylua=helpers.loadedbylua
+local loadedbyformat=helpers.loadedbyformat
+local loadedbypath=helpers.loadedbypath
+local notloaded=helpers.notloaded
+local getlibpaths=package.libpaths
+local getclibpaths=package.clibpaths
+function helpers.loaded(name)
local thename=gsub(name,"%.","/")
- local luaname=file.addsuffix(thename,"lua")
- local libname=file.addsuffix(thename,os.libsuffix)
- return
- loadedbyformat(luaname,name,libsuffixes,false)
- or loadedbyformat(libname,name,clibsuffixes,true)
- or loadedbypath (luaname,name,getlibpaths (),false,"lua")
- or loadedbypath (luaname,name,getclibpaths(),false,"lua")
- or loadedbypath (libname,name,getclibpaths(),true,"lib")
- or loadedbylua (name)
- or notloaded (name)
+ local luaname=addsuffix(thename,"lua")
+ local libname=addsuffix(thename,os.libsuffix)
+ local libpaths=getlibpaths()
+ local clibpaths=getclibpaths()
+ return loadedbyformat(luaname,name,libsuffixes,false)
+ or loadedbyformat(libname,name,clibsuffixes,true)
+ or loadedbypath(luaname,name,libpaths,false,"lua")
+ or loadedbypath(luaname,name,clibpaths,false,"lua")
+ or loadedbypath(libname,name,clibpaths,true,"lib")
+ or loadedbylua(name)
+ or notloaded(name)
@@ -14992,8 +15054,8 @@ end -- of closure
-- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-tab.lua util-sto.lua util-str.lua util-mrg.lua util-lua.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua util-deb.lua trac-inf.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-pro.lua util-tpl.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua
-- skipped libraries : -
--- original bytes : 599067
--- stripped bytes : 203328
+-- original bytes : 601382
+-- stripped bytes : 203745
-- end library merge
diff --git a/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun b/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun
index 7e383989c..4c938bcd7 100755
--- a/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun
+++ b/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-lua"] = package.loaded["l-lua"] or true
--- original size: 3086, stripped down to: 1651
+-- original size: 7952, stripped down to: 5433
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lua']={
@@ -135,6 +135,137 @@ function optionalrequire(...)
return result
+local gsub,format=string.gsub,string.format
+local package=package
+local searchers=package.searchers or package.loaders
+local libpaths=nil
+local clibpaths=nil
+local libhash={}
+local clibhash={}
+local libextras={}
+local clibextras={}
+local filejoin=file and file.join or function(path,name) return path.."/" end
+local isreadable=file and file.is_readable or function(name) local if f then f:close() return true end end
+local addsuffix=file and file.addsuffix or function(name,suffix) return name.."."..suffix end
+local function cleanpath(path)
+ return path
+local helpers=package.helpers or {
+ libpaths=function() return {} end,
+ clibpaths=function() return {} end,
+ cleanpath=cleanpath,
+ trace=false,
+ report=function(...) print(format(...)) end,
+local function getlibpaths()
+ return libpaths or helpers.libpaths(libhash)
+local function getclibpaths()
+ return clibpaths or helpers.clibpaths(clibhash)
+function package.extralibpath(...)
+ local libpaths=getlibpaths()
+ local pathlist={... }
+ local cleanpath=helpers.cleanpath
+ local trace=helpers.trace
+ local
+ for p=1,#pathlist do
+ local paths=pathlist[p]
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
+ if not libhash[path] then
+ if trace then
+ libraries("! extra lua path '%s'",path)
+ end
+ libextras[#libextras+1]=path
+ libpaths [#libpaths+1]=path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function package.extraclibpath(...)
+ local clibpaths=getclibpaths()
+ local pathlist={... }
+ local cleanpath=helpers.cleanpath
+ local trace=helpers.trace
+ local
+ for p=1,#pathlist do
+ local paths=pathlist[p]
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
+ if not clibhash[path] then
+ if trace then
+ report("! extra lib path '%s'",path)
+ end
+ clibextras[#clibextras+1]=path
+ clibpaths [#clibpaths+1]=path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+if not searchers[-2] then
+ searchers[-2]=searchers[2]
+ return helpers.loaded(name)
+local function loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
+ return package.loadlib(resolved,"luaopen_"..gsub(rawname,"%.","_"))
+local function loadedbylua(name)
+ if helpers.trace then
+"! locating %q using normal loader",name)
+ end
+ return searchers[-2](name)
+local function loadedbypath(name,rawname,paths,islib,what)
+ local trace=helpers.trace
+ local
+ if trace then
+ report("! locating %q as %q on %q paths",rawname,name,what)
+ end
+ for p=1,#paths do
+ local path=paths[p]
+ local resolved=filejoin(path,name)
+ if trace then
+ report("! checking for %q using %q path %q",name,what,path)
+ end
+ if isreadable(resolved) then
+ if trace then
+ report("! lib %q located on %q",name,resolved)
+ end
+ if islib then
+ return loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
+ else
+ return loadfile(resolved)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function notloaded(name)
+ if helpers.trace then
+"? unable to locate library %q",name)
+ end
+function helpers.loaded(name)
+ local thename=gsub(name,"%.","/")
+ local luaname=addsuffix(thename,"lua")
+ local libname=addsuffix(thename,os.libsuffix)
+ local libpaths=getlibpaths()
+ local clibpaths=getclibpaths()
+ return loadedbypath(luaname,name,libpaths,false,"lua")
+ or loadedbypath(luaname,name,clibpaths,false,"lua")
+ or loadedbypath(libname,name,clibpaths,true,"lib")
+ or loadedbylua(name)
+ or notloaded(name)
end -- of closure
@@ -143,7 +274,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-lpeg"] = package.loaded["l-lpeg"] or true
--- original size: 25597, stripped down to: 14149
+-- original size: 25591, stripped down to: 14143
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lpeg']={
@@ -152,7 +283,7 @@ if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lpeg']={
copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
license="see context related readme files"
-local lpeg=require("lpeg")
local report=texio and texio.write_nl or print
local type,next,tostring=type,next,tostring
local byte,char,gmatch,format=string.byte,string.char,string.gmatch,string.format
@@ -2899,7 +3030,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["l-md5"] = package.loaded["l-md5"] or true
--- original size: 3738, stripped down to: 2068
+-- original size: 3760, stripped down to: 2088
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-md5']={
@@ -2918,8 +3049,9 @@ if not md5 then
local md5,file=md5,file
local gsub,format,byte=string.gsub,string.format,string.byte
+local md5sum=md5.sum
local function convert(str,fmt)
- return (gsub(md5.sum(str),".",function(chr) return format(fmt,byte(chr)) end))
+ return (gsub(md5sum(str),".",function(chr) return format(fmt,byte(chr)) end))
if not md5.HEX then function md5.HEX(str) return convert(str,"%02X") end end
if not md5.hex then function md5.hex(str) return convert(str,"%02x") end end
@@ -5333,7 +5465,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["util-prs"] = package.loaded["util-prs"] or true
--- original size: 15913, stripped down to: 11403
+-- original size: 15921, stripped down to: 11409
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-prs']={
@@ -5595,7 +5727,7 @@ local escape=P('\\')
local separator=S(' ,')
local key=C((1-equal)^1)
local value=dquote*C((1-dquote-escape*dquote)^0)*dquote
-local pattern=Cf(Ct("")*Cg(key*equal*value)*separator^0,rawset)^0
+local pattern=Cf(Ct("")*Cg(key*equal*value)*separator^0,rawset)^0*P(-1)
function parsers.keq_to_hash(str)
if str and str~="" then
@@ -14376,7 +14508,7 @@ do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
package.loaded["data-lua"] = package.loaded["data-lua"] or true
--- original size: 6387, stripped down to: 5108
+-- original size: 3812, stripped down to: 3204
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-lua']={
@@ -14385,118 +14517,67 @@ if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-lua']={
copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
license="see context related readme files"
-local searchers=package.searchers or package.loaders
+local resolvers,package=resolvers,package
+local gsub=string.gsub
local concat=table.concat
-local trace_libraries=false
-trackers.register("resolvers.libraries",function(v) trace_libraries=v end)
-trackers.register("resolvers.locating",function(v) trace_libraries=v end)
-local report_libraries=logs.reporter("resolvers","libraries")
-local gsub,insert=string.gsub,table.insert
+local addsuffix=file.addsuffix
local P,Cs,lpegmatch=lpeg.P,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.match
-local unpack=unpack or table.unpack
-local is_readable=file.is_readable
-local resolvers,package=resolvers,package
local libsuffixes={ 'tex','lua' }
local clibsuffixes={ 'lib' }
local libformats={ 'TEXINPUTS','LUAINPUTS' }
local clibformats={ 'CLUAINPUTS' }
-local libpaths=nil
-local clibpaths=nil
-local libhash={}
-local clibhash={}
-local libextras={}
-local clibextras={}
+local helpers=package.helpers
+trackers.register("resolvers.libraries",function(v) helpers.trace=v end)
+trackers.register("resolvers.locating",function(v) helpers.trace=v end)"resolvers","libraries")
local pattern=Cs(P("!")^0/""*(P("/")*P(-1)/"/"+P("/")^1/"/"+1)^0)
local function cleanpath(path)
return resolvers.resolve(lpegmatch(pattern,path))
-local function getlibpaths()
- if not libpaths then
- libpaths={}
- for i=1,#libformats do
- local paths=resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(libformats[i])
- for i=1,#paths do
- local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
- if not libhash[path] then
- libpaths[#libpaths+1]=path
- libhash[path]=true
- end
+function helpers.libpaths(libhash)
+ local libpaths={}
+ for i=1,#libformats do
+ local paths=resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(libformats[i])
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
+ if not libhash[path] then
+ libpaths[#libpaths+1]=path
+ libhash[path]=true
return libpaths
-local function getclibpaths()
- if not clibpaths then
- clibpaths={}
- for i=1,#clibformats do
- local paths=resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(clibformats[i])
- for i=1,#paths do
- local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
- if not clibhash[path] then
- clibpaths[#clibpaths+1]=path
- clibhash[path]=true
- end
+function helpers.clibpaths(clibhash)
+ local clibpaths={}
+ for i=1,#clibformats do
+ local paths=resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(clibformats[i])
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
+ if not clibhash[path] then
+ clibpaths[#clibpaths+1]=path
+ clibhash[path]=true
return clibpaths
-function package.extralibpath(...)
- local libpaths=getlibpaths()
- local paths=table.flattened {... }
- for i=1,#paths do
- local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
- if not libhash[path] then
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! extra lua path '%s'",path)
- end
- libextras[#libextras+1]=path
- libpaths[#libpaths+1]=path
- end
- end
-function package.extraclibpath(...)
- local clibpaths=getclibpaths()
- local paths=table.flattened {... }
- for i=1,#paths do
- local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
- if not clibhash[path] then
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! extra lib path '%s'",path)
- end
- clibextras[#clibextras+1]=path
- clibpaths[#clibpaths+1]=path
- end
- end
-if not searchers[-2] then
- searchers[-2]=searchers[2]
-local function loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
- return package.loadlib(resolved,"luaopen_"..gsub(rawname,"%.","_"))
-local function loadedbylua(name)
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! locating %q using normal loader",name)
- end
- local resolved=searchers[-2](name)
-local function loadedbyformat(name,rawname,suffixes,islib)
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! locating %q as %q using formats %q",rawname,name,concat(suffixes))
+function helpers.loadedbyformat(name,rawname,suffixes,islib)
+ local trace=helpers.trace
+ local
+ if trace then
+ report("! locating %q as %q using formats %q",rawname,name,concat(suffixes))
for i=1,#suffixes do
local format=suffixes[i]
local resolved=resolvers.findfile(name,format) or ""
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! checking for %q' using format %q",name,format)
+ if trace then
+ report("! checking for %q' using format %q",name,format)
if resolved~="" then
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! lib %q located on %q",name,resolved)
+ if trace then
+ report("! lib %q located on %q",name,resolved)
if islib then
return loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
@@ -14506,45 +14587,26 @@ local function loadedbyformat(name,rawname,suffixes,islib)
-local function loadedbypath(name,rawname,paths,islib,what)
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! locating %q as %q on %q paths",rawname,name,what)
- end
- for p=1,#paths do
- local path=paths[p]
- local resolved=file.join(path,name)
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! checking for %q using %q path %q",name,what,path)
- end
- if is_readable(resolved) then
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! lib %q located on %q",name,resolved)
- end
- if islib then
- return loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
- else
- return loadfile(resolved)
- end
- end
- end
-local function notloaded(name)
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("? unable to locate library %q",name)
- end
+local loadedaslib=helpers.loadedaslib
+local loadedbylua=helpers.loadedbylua
+local loadedbyformat=helpers.loadedbyformat
+local loadedbypath=helpers.loadedbypath
+local notloaded=helpers.notloaded
+local getlibpaths=package.libpaths
+local getclibpaths=package.clibpaths
+function helpers.loaded(name)
local thename=gsub(name,"%.","/")
- local luaname=file.addsuffix(thename,"lua")
- local libname=file.addsuffix(thename,os.libsuffix)
- return
- loadedbyformat(luaname,name,libsuffixes,false)
- or loadedbyformat(libname,name,clibsuffixes,true)
- or loadedbypath (luaname,name,getlibpaths (),false,"lua")
- or loadedbypath (luaname,name,getclibpaths(),false,"lua")
- or loadedbypath (libname,name,getclibpaths(),true,"lib")
- or loadedbylua (name)
- or notloaded (name)
+ local luaname=addsuffix(thename,"lua")
+ local libname=addsuffix(thename,os.libsuffix)
+ local libpaths=getlibpaths()
+ local clibpaths=getclibpaths()
+ return loadedbyformat(luaname,name,libsuffixes,false)
+ or loadedbyformat(libname,name,clibsuffixes,true)
+ or loadedbypath(luaname,name,libpaths,false,"lua")
+ or loadedbypath(luaname,name,clibpaths,false,"lua")
+ or loadedbypath(libname,name,clibpaths,true,"lib")
+ or loadedbylua(name)
+ or notloaded(name)
@@ -14992,8 +15054,8 @@ end -- of closure
-- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-tab.lua util-sto.lua util-str.lua util-mrg.lua util-lua.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua util-deb.lua trac-inf.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-pro.lua util-tpl.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua
-- skipped libraries : -
--- original bytes : 599067
--- stripped bytes : 203328
+-- original bytes : 601382
+-- stripped bytes : 203745
-- end library merge
diff --git a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii
index 3d7223fc4..beedc13a9 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-\newcontextversion{2013.02.20 14:35}
+\newcontextversion{2013.02.26 00:17}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an
%D excellent place for hacks, patches, extensions and new
diff --git a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv
index 298c7cd14..c228612d4 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-\newcontextversion{2013.02.20 14:35}
+\newcontextversion{2013.02.26 00:17}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an excellent place for
%D hacks, patches, extensions and new features.
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
index 4306be443..a35b04918 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.png b/tex/context/base/context-version.png
index 38acb2773..7749d44b5 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context-version.png
+++ b/tex/context/base/context-version.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context.mkii b/tex/context/base/context.mkii
index f347b8494..ae4d20491 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context.mkii
+++ b/tex/context/base/context.mkii
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
%D your styles an modules.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2013.02.20 14:35}
+\edef\contextversion{2013.02.26 00:17}
%D For those who want to use this:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context.mkiv b/tex/context/base/context.mkiv
index d5d34fe8f..a7a24eb0a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/context.mkiv
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
%D up and the dependencies are more consistent.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2013.02.20 14:35}
+\edef\contextversion{2013.02.26 00:17}
%D For those who want to use this:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/data-lua.lua b/tex/context/base/data-lua.lua
index 49033461e..ab083d446 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/data-lua.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/data-lua.lua
@@ -6,43 +6,26 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['data-lua'] = {
license = "see context related readme files"
--- We overload the regular loader. We do so because we operate mostly in
--- tds and use our own loader code. Alternatively we could use a more
--- extensive definition of package.path and package.cpath but even then
--- we're not done. Also, we now have better tracing.
--- -- local mylib = require("libtest")
--- -- local mysql = require("luasql.mysql")
+-- This is now a plug in into l-lua (as we also use the extra paths elsewhere).
-local searchers = package.searchers or package.loaders
+local resolvers, package = resolvers, package
+local gsub = string.gsub
local concat = table.concat
+local addsuffix = file.addsuffix
-local trace_libraries = false
-trackers.register("resolvers.libraries", function(v) trace_libraries = v end)
-trackers.register("resolvers.locating", function(v) trace_libraries = v end)
-local report_libraries = logs.reporter("resolvers","libraries")
-local gsub, insert = string.gsub, table.insert
local P, Cs, lpegmatch = lpeg.P, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.match
-local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
-local is_readable = file.is_readable
-local resolvers, package = resolvers, package
local libsuffixes = { 'tex', 'lua' }
local clibsuffixes = { 'lib' }
local libformats = { 'TEXINPUTS', 'LUAINPUTS' }
local clibformats = { 'CLUAINPUTS' }
+local helpers = package.helpers
+trackers.register("resolvers.libraries", function(v) helpers.trace = v end)
+trackers.register("resolvers.locating", function(v) helpers.trace = v end)
-local libpaths = nil
-local clibpaths = nil
-local libhash = { }
-local clibhash = { }
-local libextras = { }
-local clibextras = { } = logs.reporter("resolvers","libraries")
local pattern = Cs(P("!")^0 / "" * (P("/") * P(-1) / "/" + P("/")^1 / "/" + 1)^0)
@@ -50,102 +33,53 @@ local function cleanpath(path) -- hm, don't we have a helper for this?
return resolvers.resolve(lpegmatch(pattern,path))
-local function getlibpaths()
- if not libpaths then
- libpaths = { }
- for i=1,#libformats do
- local paths = resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(libformats[i])
- for i=1,#paths do
- local path = cleanpath(paths[i])
- if not libhash[path] then
- libpaths[#libpaths+1] = path
- libhash[path] = true
- end
+helpers.cleanpath = cleanpath
+function helpers.libpaths(libhash)
+ local libpaths = { }
+ for i=1,#libformats do
+ local paths = resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(libformats[i])
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local path = cleanpath(paths[i])
+ if not libhash[path] then
+ libpaths[#libpaths+1] = path
+ libhash[path] = true
return libpaths
-local function getclibpaths()
- if not clibpaths then
- clibpaths = { }
- for i=1,#clibformats do
- local paths = resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(clibformats[i])
- for i=1,#paths do
- local path = cleanpath(paths[i])
- if not clibhash[path] then
- clibpaths[#clibpaths+1] = path
- clibhash[path] = true
- end
+function helpers.clibpaths(clibhash)
+ local clibpaths = { }
+ for i=1,#clibformats do
+ local paths = resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(clibformats[i])
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local path = cleanpath(paths[i])
+ if not clibhash[path] then
+ clibpaths[#clibpaths+1] = path
+ clibhash[path] = true
return clibpaths
-package.libpaths = getlibpaths
-package.clibpaths = getclibpaths
-function package.extralibpath(...)
- local libpaths = getlibpaths()
- local paths = table.flattened { ... }
- for i=1,#paths do
- local path = cleanpath(paths[i])
- if not libhash[path] then
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! extra lua path '%s'",path)
- end
- libextras[#libextras+1] = path
- libpaths[#libpaths +1] = path
- end
- end
-function package.extraclibpath(...)
- local clibpaths = getclibpaths()
- local paths = table.flattened { ... }
- for i=1,#paths do
- local path = cleanpath(paths[i])
- if not clibhash[path] then
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! extra lib path '%s'",path)
- end
- clibextras[#clibextras+1] = path
- clibpaths[#clibpaths +1] = path
- end
- end
-if not searchers[-2] then
- -- use package-path and package-cpath
- searchers[-2] = searchers[2]
-local function loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
- return package.loadlib(resolved,"luaopen_" .. gsub(rawname,"%.","_"))
-local function loadedbylua(name)
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! locating %q using normal loader",name)
- end
- local resolved = searchers[-2](name)
-local function loadedbyformat(name,rawname,suffixes,islib)
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! locating %q as %q using formats %q",rawname,name,concat(suffixes))
+function helpers.loadedbyformat(name,rawname,suffixes,islib)
+ local trace = helpers.trace
+ local report =
+ if trace then
+ report("! locating %q as %q using formats %q",rawname,name,concat(suffixes))
for i=1,#suffixes do -- so we use findfile and not a lookup loop
local format = suffixes[i]
local resolved = resolvers.findfile(name,format) or ""
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! checking for %q' using format %q",name,format)
+ if trace then
+ report("! checking for %q' using format %q",name,format)
if resolved ~= "" then
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! lib %q located on %q",name,resolved)
+ if trace then
+ report("! lib %q located on %q",name,resolved)
if islib then
return loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
@@ -156,50 +90,28 @@ local function loadedbyformat(name,rawname,suffixes,islib)
-local function loadedbypath(name,rawname,paths,islib,what)
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! locating %q as %q on %q paths",rawname,name,what)
- end
- for p=1,#paths do
- local path = paths[p]
- local resolved = file.join(path,name)
- if trace_libraries then -- mode detail
- report_libraries("! checking for %q using %q path %q",name,what,path)
- end
- if is_readable(resolved) then
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("! lib %q located on %q",name,resolved)
- end
- if islib then
- return loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
- else
- return loadfile(resolved)
- end
- end
- end
+local loadedaslib = helpers.loadedaslib
+local loadedbylua = helpers.loadedbylua
+local loadedbyformat = helpers.loadedbyformat
+local loadedbypath = helpers.loadedbypath
+local notloaded = helpers.notloaded
-local function notloaded(name)
- if trace_libraries then
- report_libraries("? unable to locate library %q",name)
- end
+local getlibpaths = package.libpaths
+local getclibpaths = package.clibpaths
-searchers[2] = function(name)
- local thename = gsub(name,"%.","/")
- local luaname = file.addsuffix(thename,"lua")
- local libname = file.addsuffix(thename,os.libsuffix)
- return
- loadedbyformat(luaname,name,libsuffixes, false)
- or loadedbyformat(libname,name,clibsuffixes, true)
- or loadedbypath (luaname,name,getlibpaths (),false,"lua")
- or loadedbypath (luaname,name,getclibpaths(),false,"lua")
- or loadedbypath (libname,name,getclibpaths(),true, "lib")
- or loadedbylua (name)
- or notloaded (name)
+function helpers.loaded(name)
+ local thename = gsub(name,"%.","/")
+ local luaname = addsuffix(thename,"lua")
+ local libname = addsuffix(thename,os.libsuffix)
+ local libpaths = getlibpaths()
+ local clibpaths = getclibpaths()
+ return loadedbyformat(luaname,name,libsuffixes,false)
+ or loadedbyformat(libname,name,clibsuffixes,true)
+ or loadedbypath(luaname,name,libpaths,false,"lua")
+ or loadedbypath(luaname,name,clibpaths,false,"lua")
+ or loadedbypath(libname,name,clibpaths,true,"lib")
+ or loadedbylua(name)
+ or notloaded(name)
--- searchers[3] = nil
--- searchers[4] = nil
resolvers.loadlualib = require
diff --git a/tex/context/base/l-lpeg.lua b/tex/context/base/l-lpeg.lua
index 9a08647f9..9bd9706bf 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/l-lpeg.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/l-lpeg.lua
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-lpeg'] = {
-- move utf -> l-unicode
-- move string -> l-string or keep it here
-local lpeg = require("lpeg")
+lpeg = require("lpeg")
-- tracing (only used when we encounter a problem in integration of lpeg in luatex)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/l-lua.lua b/tex/context/base/l-lua.lua
index 7c78a4031..837f03d2a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/l-lua.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/l-lua.lua
@@ -147,3 +147,168 @@ function optionalrequire(...)
return result
+-- Code moved from data-lua and changed into a plug-in.
+-- We overload the regular loader. We do so because we operate mostly in
+-- tds and use our own loader code. Alternatively we could use a more
+-- extensive definition of package.path and package.cpath but even then
+-- we're not done. Also, we now have better tracing.
+-- -- local mylib = require("libtest")
+-- -- local mysql = require("luasql.mysql")
+local gsub, format = string.gsub, string.format
+local package = package
+local searchers = package.searchers or package.loaders
+local libpaths = nil
+local clibpaths = nil
+local libhash = { }
+local clibhash = { }
+local libextras = { }
+local clibextras = { }
+-- dummies
+local filejoin = file and file.join or function(path,name) return path .. "/" .. name end
+local isreadable = file and file.is_readable or function(name) local f = if f then f:close() return true end end
+local addsuffix = file and file.addsuffix or function(name,suffix) return name .. "." .. suffix end
+local function cleanpath(path) -- hm, don't we have a helper for this?
+ return path
+local helpers = package.helpers or {
+ libpaths = function() return { } end,
+ clibpaths = function() return { } end,
+ cleanpath = cleanpath,
+ trace = false,
+ report = function(...) print(format(...)) end,
+package.helpers = helpers
+local function getlibpaths()
+ return libpaths or helpers.libpaths(libhash)
+local function getclibpaths()
+ return clibpaths or helpers.clibpaths(clibhash)
+package.libpaths = getlibpaths
+package.clibpaths = getclibpaths
+function package.extralibpath(...)
+ local libpaths = getlibpaths()
+ local pathlist = { ... }
+ local cleanpath = helpers.cleanpath
+ local trace = helpers.trace
+ local report =
+ for p=1,#pathlist do
+ local paths = pathlist[p]
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local path = cleanpath(paths[i])
+ if not libhash[path] then
+ if trace then
+ libraries("! extra lua path '%s'",path)
+ end
+ libextras[#libextras+1] = path
+ libpaths [#libpaths +1] = path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function package.extraclibpath(...)
+ local clibpaths = getclibpaths()
+ local pathlist = { ... }
+ local cleanpath = helpers.cleanpath
+ local trace = helpers.trace
+ local report =
+ for p=1,#pathlist do
+ local paths = pathlist[p]
+ for i=1,#paths do
+ local path = cleanpath(paths[i])
+ if not clibhash[path] then
+ if trace then
+ report("! extra lib path '%s'",path)
+ end
+ clibextras[#clibextras+1] = path
+ clibpaths [#clibpaths +1] = path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+if not searchers[-2] then
+ -- use package-path and package-cpath
+ searchers[-2] = searchers[2]
+searchers[2] = function(name)
+ return helpers.loaded(name)
+local function loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
+ return package.loadlib(resolved,"luaopen_" .. gsub(rawname,"%.","_"))
+local function loadedbylua(name)
+ if helpers.trace then
+"! locating %q using normal loader",name)
+ end
+ return searchers[-2](name)
+local function loadedbypath(name,rawname,paths,islib,what)
+ local trace = helpers.trace
+ local report =
+ if trace then
+ report("! locating %q as %q on %q paths",rawname,name,what)
+ end
+ for p=1,#paths do
+ local path = paths[p]
+ local resolved = filejoin(path,name)
+ if trace then -- mode detail
+ report("! checking for %q using %q path %q",name,what,path)
+ end
+ if isreadable(resolved) then
+ if trace then
+ report("! lib %q located on %q",name,resolved)
+ end
+ if islib then
+ return loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
+ else
+ return loadfile(resolved)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function notloaded(name)
+ if helpers.trace then
+"? unable to locate library %q",name)
+ end
+helpers.loadedaslib = loadedaslib
+helpers.loadedbylua = loadedbylua
+helpers.loadedbypath = loadedbypath
+helpers.notloaded = notloaded
+function helpers.loaded(name)
+ local thename = gsub(name,"%.","/")
+ local luaname = addsuffix(thename,"lua")
+ local libname = addsuffix(thename,os.libsuffix)
+ local libpaths = getlibpaths()
+ local clibpaths = getclibpaths()
+ return loadedbypath(luaname,name,libpaths,false,"lua")
+ or loadedbypath(luaname,name,clibpaths,false,"lua")
+ or loadedbypath(libname,name,clibpaths,true,"lib")
+ or loadedbylua(name)
+ or notloaded(name)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/l-md5.lua b/tex/context/base/l-md5.lua
index 01f17d924..8ac20a5a5 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/l-md5.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/l-md5.lua
@@ -20,9 +20,10 @@ end
local md5, file = md5, file
local gsub, format, byte = string.gsub, string.format, string.byte
+local md5sum = md5.sum
local function convert(str,fmt)
- return (gsub(md5.sum(str),".",function(chr) return format(fmt,byte(chr)) end))
+ return (gsub(md5sum(str),".",function(chr) return format(fmt,byte(chr)) end))
if not md5.HEX then function md5.HEX(str) return convert(str,"%02X") end end
diff --git a/tex/context/base/math-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/math-ini.mkiv
index 71263c06f..823ffaabd 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/math-ini.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/math-ini.mkiv
@@ -1334,14 +1334,6 @@
- {\c_math_styles_state_style \zerocount
- \c_math_styles_state_cramped\zerocount
- \c_math_styles_state_size \zerocount
- \rawprocesscommacommand[\m_math_style_asked]\math_style_collect
- \global\expandafter\let\csname\??mathstylecache\m_math_style_asked\normalexpanded{\endcsname
- \math_style_add_to_cache_choice}}
\def\math_style_add_to_cache_choice {%
@@ -1423,12 +1415,6 @@
- {\ifcsname\??mathstylecache\m_math_style_asked\endcsname \else
- \math_style_add_to_cache
- \fi
- \csname\??mathstylecache\m_math_style_asked\endcsname}
{\ifcsname\??mathstylecommand#1\endcsname \else
@@ -1463,6 +1449,76 @@
%D \startbuffer
+%D \definemathstyle[mystyle][scriptscript]
+%D $text\startmathstyle[mystyle]scriptscript\stopmathstyle text$
+%D \stopbuffer
+%D \typebuffer \blank \start \getbuffer \stop \blank
+\installcorenamespace {mathstyle}
+ {\dodoubleargument\math_style_define}
+ {\c_math_styles_state_style \zerocount
+ \c_math_styles_state_cramped\zerocount
+ \c_math_styles_state_size \zerocount
+ \rawprocesscommacommand[#2]\math_style_collect
+ \expandafter\let\csname\??mathstyle#1\normalexpanded{\endcsname\math_style_add_to_cache_choice}}
+% \def\math_style_set_indeed
+% {\ifcsname\??mathstyle\m_math_style_asked\endcsname
+% \csname\??mathstyle\m_math_style_asked\endcsname
+% \else
+% \math_style_set_indeed_cached
+% \fi}
+% \def\math_style_set_indeed_cached
+% {\ifcsname\??mathstylecache\m_math_style_asked\endcsname
+% % already in cache
+% \else
+% \math_style_add_to_cache
+% \fi
+% \csname\??mathstylecache\m_math_style_asked\endcsname}
+% \def\math_style_add_to_cache
+% {\c_math_styles_state_style \zerocount
+% \c_math_styles_state_cramped\zerocount
+% \c_math_styles_state_size \zerocount
+% \rawprocesscommacommand[\m_math_style_asked]\math_style_collect
+% \global\expandafter\let\csname\??mathstylecache\m_math_style_asked\normalexpanded{\endcsname\math_style_add_to_cache_choice}}
+% ugly but more efficient (as called often)
+ {\csname\??mathstyle
+ \ifcsname\??mathstyle\m_math_style_asked\endcsname
+ \m_math_style_asked
+ \else
+ \??mathstyle
+ \fi
+ \endcsname}
+ {\csname\??mathstylecache
+ \ifcsname\??mathstylecache\m_math_style_asked\endcsname
+ \m_math_style_asked
+ \else
+ \??mathstylecache
+ \fi
+ \endcsname}
+ {\c_math_styles_state_style \zerocount
+ \c_math_styles_state_cramped\zerocount
+ \c_math_styles_state_size \zerocount
+ \rawprocesscommacommand[\m_math_style_asked]\math_style_collect
+ \global\expandafter\let\csname\??mathstylecache\m_math_style_asked\normalexpanded{\endcsname\math_style_add_to_cache_choice}%
+ \csname\??mathstylecache\m_math_style_asked\endcsname}
+%D \startbuffer
%D $x\begingroup\setupmathstyle[script]x\endgroup x$
%D $x{\setupmathstyle[script]x}x$
%D $x\startmathstyle[script]x\stopmathstyle x$
diff --git a/tex/context/base/math-ttv.lua b/tex/context/base/math-ttv.lua
index 9e86ca975..1f644e788 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/math-ttv.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/math-ttv.lua
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ mathencodings["tex-sy"] = {
[0x027E9] = 0x69, -- >, rangle
[0x0007C] = 0x6A, -- |, mid, lvert, rvert
[0x02225] = 0x6B, -- parallel
- -- [0x02016] = 0x00, -- Vert, lVert, rVert, arrowvert, Arrowvert
+ -- [0x0 ] = 0x00, -- Vert, lVert, rVert, arrowvert, Arrowvert
[0x02195] = 0x6C, -- updownarrow
[0x021D5] = 0x6D, -- Updownarrow
[0x0005C] = 0x6E, -- \, backslash, setminus
diff --git a/tex/context/base/meta-fig.mkiv b/tex/context/base/meta-fig.mkiv
index bee88ffef..7fbc33be9 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/meta-fig.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/meta-fig.mkiv
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@
- \c!command=\meta_process_graphic]
+ \c!command=\meta_process_graphic_instance{\fittingpageparameter\c!instance},
+ \c!instance=]
%D \macros
%D {MPfigure}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/meta-ini.mkiv b/tex/context/base/meta-ini.mkiv
index 0ec3ed942..c3700bce6 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/meta-ini.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/meta-ini.mkiv
@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@
% graphic
% endfig
+% The instance will be implemented stepwise ... I should redo some code in order to
+% make the macros look better than they do now.
\writestatus{loading}{MetaPost Graphics / Initializations}
@@ -262,6 +265,14 @@
+ {\edef\currentMPinstance{#1}%
+ \ifx\currentMPinstance\empty
+ \let\currentMPinstance\defaultMPinstance
+ \fi
+ \edef\currentMPformat{\MPinstanceparameter\s!format}%
+ \meta_process_graphic}
\unexpanded\def\meta_process_graphic#1% todo: extensions and inclusions outside beginfig
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mult-def.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mult-def.mkiv
index f339e3632..600f9a5ce 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mult-def.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mult-def.mkiv
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
\def\c!textalign {textalign}
\def\c!up {up}
\def\c!down {down}
+\def\c!instance {instance}
\def\v!notation {notation}
diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-mix.mkiv b/tex/context/base/page-mix.mkiv
index 3335c87e2..a5c343fc7 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/page-mix.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/page-mix.mkiv
@@ -220,7 +220,8 @@
%D hsize and vsize is among them. The calculation of the hsize is done elsewhere.
- {\hsize\d_page_mix_column_width}
+ {\hsize\d_page_mix_column_width
+ \textwidth\d_page_mul_used_width} % needs thinking ... grouping etc
%D When setting the vsize we make sure that we collect a few more lines than needed
%D so that we have enough to split over the columns. Collecting too much is somewhat
diff --git a/tex/context/base/page-mul.mkiv b/tex/context/base/page-mul.mkiv
index 1d1698764..c5c9f73df 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/page-mul.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/page-mul.mkiv
@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@
+ \textwidth\d_page_mul_used_width % needs thinking ... grouping etc
%D Torture test:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
index 28ccc3ba4..64a2f340a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/status-files.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
index 6125bcfed..096e0d6c0 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/status-lua.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/trac-lmx.lua b/tex/context/base/trac-lmx.lua
index d20241735..501e7ec42 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/trac-lmx.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/trac-lmx.lua
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ local type, tostring, rawget, loadstring, pcall = type, tostring, rawget, loadst
local format, sub, gsub = string.format, string.sub, string.gsub
local concat = table.concat
local P, Cc, Cs, C, Carg, lpegmatch = lpeg.P, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.C, lpeg.Carg, lpeg.match
-local joinpath, replacesuffix = file.join, file.replacesuffix
+local joinpath, replacesuffix, pathpart = file.join, file.replacesuffix, file.pathpart
local allocate =
local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex
@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ lmx.loadedfile = loadedfile
-- A few helpers (the next one could end up in l-lpeg):
local usedpaths = { }
+local givenpath = nil
local pattern = lpeg.replacer {
["&"] = "&amp;",
@@ -213,6 +214,9 @@ end
local function do_include(filename)
local data = loadedsubfile(filename)
+ if (not data or data == "") and givenpath then
+ data = loadedsubfile(joinpath(givenpath,filename))
+ end
if (not data or data == "") and type(usedpaths) == "table" then
for i=1,#usedpaths do
data = loadedsubfile(joinpath(usedpaths[i],filename))
@@ -427,14 +431,15 @@ local function wrapper(converter,defaults,variables)
-function lmxnew(data,defaults,nocache) -- todo: use defaults in calling routines
+function lmxnew(data,defaults,nocache,path) -- todo: use defaults in calling routines
data = data or ""
local known = cache[data]
if not known then
-usedpaths = lmxvariables.includepath or { }
-if type(usedpaths) == "string" then
- usedpaths = { usedpaths }
+ givenpath = path
+ usedpaths = lmxvariables.includepath or { }
+ if type(usedpaths) == "string" then
+ usedpaths = { usedpaths }
+ end
data = lpegmatch(pattern_1,data)
data = lpegmatch(pattern_2,data,1,{})
data = lpegmatch(pattern_3,data)
@@ -487,8 +492,8 @@ lmx.result = lmxresult
local loadedfiles = { }
-function lmx.convertstring(templatestring,variables,nocache)
- return lmxresult(lmxnew(templatestring,nil,nocache),variables)
+function lmx.convertstring(templatestring,variables,nocache,path)
+ return lmxresult(lmxnew(templatestring,nil,nocache,path),variables)
function lmx.convertfile(templatefile,variables,nocache)
@@ -497,7 +502,7 @@ function lmx.convertfile(templatefile,variables,nocache)
local converter = loadedfiles[templatefile]
if not converter then
- converter = lmxnew(loadedfile(templatefile),nil,nocache)
+ converter = lmxnew(loadedfile(templatefile),nil,nocache,pathpart(templatefile))
loadedfiles[templatefile] = converter
return lmxresult(converter,variables)
@@ -512,7 +517,7 @@ function lmxconvert(templatefile,resultfile,variables,nocache) -- or (templatefi
local converter = loadedfiles[templatefile]
if not converter then
- converter = lmxnew(loadedfile(templatefile),nil,nocache)
+ converter = lmxnew(loadedfile(templatefile),nil,nocache,pathpart(templatefile))
if cache_files then
loadedfiles[templatefile] = converter
diff --git a/tex/context/base/util-prs.lua b/tex/context/base/util-prs.lua
index 69d70fbc9..ab766d75a 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/util-prs.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/util-prs.lua
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ local separator = S(' ,')
local key = C((1-equal)^1)
local value = dquote * C((1-dquote-escape*dquote)^0) * dquote
-local pattern = Cf(Ct("") * Cg(key * equal * value) * separator^0,rawset)^0
+local pattern = Cf(Ct("") * Cg(key * equal * value) * separator^0,rawset)^0 * P(-1)
patterns.keq_to_hash_c = pattern
diff --git a/tex/context/base/util-sql-tickets.lua b/tex/context/base/util-sql-tickets.lua
index 63bbf4d44..41010d265 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/util-sql-tickets.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/util-sql-tickets.lua
@@ -229,6 +229,9 @@ function,ticket)
local data = db.serialize( or { },"return")
local status = ticket.status or s_error
+-- print("SETTING")
+-- inspect(data)
ticket.status = status
ticket.accessed = time
@@ -320,7 +323,7 @@ local template_yes =[[
- `created` ;
+ `id` ;
local template_nop =[[
@@ -332,7 +335,7 @@ local template_nop =[[
- `created` ;
+ `id` ;
function tickets.collect(db,nodata)
@@ -375,7 +378,7 @@ local template_cleanup_yes =[[
`accessed` < %time%
- `created` ;
+ `id` ;
]] .. template
local template_cleanup_nop =[[
@@ -390,7 +393,7 @@ local template_cleanup_nop =[[
`accessed` < %time%
- `created` ;
+ `id` ;
]] .. template
function tickets.cleanupdb(db,delta,nodata) -- maybe delta in db
@@ -426,7 +429,10 @@ local template =[[
- `token` = '%token%' ;
+ `token` = '%token%'
+ `id`
+ ;
function tickets.getstatus(db,token)
@@ -451,7 +457,10 @@ local template =[[
- `status` >= %rubish% OR `accessed` < %time% ;
+ `status` >= %rubish% OR `accessed` < %time%
+ `id`
+ ;
function tickets.getobsolete(db,delta)
@@ -685,7 +694,7 @@ local template =[[
`token` = '%token%'
- `created` ;
+ `id` ;
function tickets.getticketsbytoken(db,token)
@@ -712,7 +721,7 @@ local template =[[
`usertoken` = '%usertoken%' AND `status` < %rubish%
- `created` ;
+ `id` ;
function tickets.getusertickets(db,usertoken)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/util-sql-users.lua b/tex/context/base/util-sql-users.lua
index 23bf9edb6..2b871acdc 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/util-sql-users.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/util-sql-users.lua
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ local template =[[
CREATE TABLE `users` (
`name` varchar(80) NOT NULL,
+ `fullname` varchar(80) NOT NULL,
`password` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`group` int(11) NOT NULL,
`enabled` int(11) DEFAULT '1',
@@ -123,6 +124,7 @@ local template =[[
local converter, fields = sql.makeconverter {
{ name = "id", type = "number" },
{ name = "name", type = "string" },
+ { name = "fullname", type = "string" },
{ name = "password", type = "string" },
{ name = "group", type = groupnames },
{ name = "enabled", type = "boolean" },
@@ -203,6 +205,7 @@ end
local template =[[
INSERT INTO %basename% (
+ `fullname`,
@@ -212,6 +215,7 @@ local template =[[
+ '%[fullname]%',
@@ -237,6 +241,7 @@ function users.add(db,specification)
variables = {
basename = db.basename,
name = name,
+ fullname = name or fullname,
password = encryptpassword(specification.password or ""),
group = groupnumbers[] or groupnumbers.guest,
enabled = booleanstring(specification.enabled) and "1" or "0",
@@ -305,6 +310,7 @@ local template =[[
+ `fullname` = '%fullname%',
`password` = '%password%',
`group` = '%group%',
`enabled` = '%enabled%',
@@ -331,6 +337,7 @@ function,id,specification)
+ local fullname = specification.fullname == nil and user.fulname or specification.fullname
local password = specification.password == nil and user.password or specification.password
local group = == nil and or
local enabled = specification.enabled == nil and user.enabled or specification.enabled
@@ -344,6 +351,7 @@ function,id,specification)
variables = {
basename = db.basename,
id = id,
+ fullname = fullname,
password = encryptpassword(password),
group = groupnumbers[group],
enabled = booleanstring(enabled) and "1" or "0",
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
index 5fd322a73..4d843bd44 100644
--- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- merged file : luatex-fonts-merged.lua
-- parent file : luatex-fonts.lua
--- merge date : 02/20/13 14:35:17
+-- merge date : 02/26/13 00:17:03
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lpeg']={
copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
license="see context related readme files"
-local lpeg=require("lpeg")
local report=texio and texio.write_nl or print
local type,next,tostring=type,next,tostring
local byte,char,gmatch,format=string.byte,string.char,string.gmatch,string.format