diff options
3 files changed, 100 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/mod/tex/context/third/rst/rst_context.lua b/mod/tex/context/third/rst/rst_context.lua
index b9b9e58..c7e21fe 100644
--- a/mod/tex/context/third/rst/rst_context.lua
+++ b/mod/tex/context/third/rst/rst_context.lua
@@ -345,14 +345,14 @@ end
function rst_context.substitution_reference (str, underscores)
local sub = ""
- rst_context.addsetups("substitutions")
+ rst_context.addsetups "substitutions"
if underscores == "_" then -- normal reference
sub = sub .. [[\\reference[__target_]] .. rst_context.whitespace_to_underscore(stringstrip(str)) .. "]{}"
elseif underscores == "__" then -- normal reference
rst_context.anonymous_targets = rst_context.anonymous_targets + 1
sub = sub .. [[\\reference[__target_anon_]] .. rst_context.anonymous_targets .. "]{}"
- return sub .. [[{\\RSTsubstitution]] .. str:gsub("%s", "") .. "}"
+ return sub .. [[{\\RSTsubstitution]] .. stringgsub(str, "%s", "") .. "}"
@@ -1268,21 +1268,34 @@ function rst_context.footnote (label, content)
return ""
+--- hack to differentiate inline images
+local special_substitutions = {
+ image = "inline_image",
function rst_context.substitution_definition (subtext, directive, data)
- local tmp
- if data.first ~= "" then
- tmp = { data.first }
+ local special = special_substitutions[directive]
+ if special then
+ --- override; pass data directly
+ directive = special
- tmp = { }
- end
- data.first = nil
- for i=1, #data do -- paragraphs
- local current = tableconcat(data[i], "\n")
- --current = lpegmatch(inline_parser, current)
- --current = rst_context.escape(current)
- tmp[#tmp+1] = current
+ local tmp
+ if data.first ~= "" then
+ tmp = { data.first }
+ else
+ tmp = { }
+ end
+ data.first = nil
+ for i=1, #data do -- paragraphs
+ local current = tableconcat(data[i], "\n")
+ --current = lpegmatch(inline_parser, current)
+ --current = rst_context.escape(current)
+ tmp[#tmp+1] = current
+ end
+ data = tableconcat(tmp, "\n\n")
+ data = stringstrip(data)
- data = tableconcat(tmp, "\n\n")
+ subtext = stringgsub(subtext, "%s", "")
rst_context.substitutions[subtext] = { directive = directive,
data = data }
return ""
@@ -1290,7 +1303,7 @@ end
-- not to be confused with the directive definition table rst_directives
function rst_context.directive(directive, data)
- local fun = rst_directives[directive]
+ local fun = rst_directives[directive]
if fun then
local result = ""
diff --git a/mod/tex/context/third/rst/rst_directives.lua b/mod/tex/context/third/rst/rst_directives.lua
index b64bafc..f5572b7 100644
--- a/mod/tex/context/third/rst/rst_directives.lua
+++ b/mod/tex/context/third/rst/rst_directives.lua
@@ -72,10 +72,35 @@ local function img_setup (properties)
return result
-rst_directives.image = function(data)
+local collect_image_properties = function (data)
+ local image_directives = rst_directives.images
+ local p_keyval = helpers.patterns.colon_keyval
+ local properties = { }
+ data = tableflattened(data)
+ for i=1, #data do
+ local str = stringstrip(data[i])
+ local key, val = lpegmatch(p_keyval, str)
+ if key and val then
+ key = image_directives.keys[key] -- sanitize key expression
+ local valtype = type(image_directives.values[key])
+ if valtype == "table" then
+ val = image_directives.values[key][val]
+ elseif valtype == "function" then
+ val = image_directives.values[key](val)
+ end
+ properties[key] = val
+ end
+ end
+ return properties
+--- ordinary image directives are converted to floats
+local float_image = function (data)
rst_context.addsetups "image"
local inline_parser = rst_context.inline_parser
- local properties = {}
+ local properties
local anon = false
local rdi = rst_directives.images
local hp = helpers.patterns
@@ -95,22 +120,7 @@ rst_directives.image = function(data)
--anon = true -- indicates a nameless picture
--name = "anonymous" .. rd.anonymous
- data = tableflattened(data)
- for i=1, #data do
- local str = stringstrip(data[i])
- local key, val = lpegmatch(hp.colon_keyval, str)
- if key and val then
- key = rdi.keys[key] -- sanitize key expression
- local valtype = type(rdi.values[key])
- if valtype == "table" then
- val = rdi.values[key][val]
- elseif valtype == "function" then
- val = rdi.values[key](val)
- end
- properties[key] = val
- end
- end
+ properties = collect_image_properties(data)
if properties.caption then
caption = lpegmatch(inline_parser, properties.caption)
@@ -143,6 +153,40 @@ rst_directives.image = function(data)
return img
+--- inline substitutions are converted to bare external figures
+local inline_image = function (name, data)
+ rst_context.addsetups "image"
+ local filename = data.first
+ local p_keyval = helpers.patterns.colon_keyval
+ local properties
+ if not filename then --- garbage, ignore
+ return ""
+ end
+ data.first = nil
+ filename = stringstrip(filename)
+ properties = collect_image_properties(data)
+ local scheme = "\n\\def\\RSTsubstitution%s{\n \\externalfigure[%s]%s%%\n}\n"
+ local options = ""
+ if next(properties) then
+ local tmp = { }
+ tmp[#tmp+1] = "["
+ for key, value in next, properties do
+ tmp[#tmp+1] = key
+ tmp[#tmp+1] = "={"
+ tmp[#tmp+1] = rst_context.escape(value)
+ tmp[#tmp+1] = "},"
+ end
+ tmp[#tmp+1] = "]"
+ options = tableconcat(tmp)
+ end
+ return stringformat(scheme, name, filename, options)
+rst_directives.image = float_image
+rst_directives.inline_image = inline_image
rst_directives.caution = function(data)
local inline_parser = rst_context.inline_parser
diff --git a/mod/tex/context/third/rst/rst_setups.lua b/mod/tex/context/third/rst/rst_setups.lua
index 21f0fe9..31f314e 100644
--- a/mod/tex/context/third/rst/rst_setups.lua
+++ b/mod/tex/context/third/rst/rst_setups.lua
@@ -8,13 +8,14 @@
-local optional_setups = { }
-thirddata.rst_setups = optional_setups
-local rst_directives = thirddata.rst_directives
-local rst_context = thirddata.rst
+local optional_setups = { }
+thirddata.rst_setups = optional_setups
+local rst_directives = thirddata.rst_directives
+local rst_context = thirddata.rst
-local stringformat = string.format
-local stringstrip = string.strip
+local stringformat = string.format
+local stringstrip = string.strip
+local stringgsub = string.gsub
function optional_setups.footnote_symbol ()
local setup = [[
@@ -126,7 +127,6 @@ function optional_setups.substitutions ()
local rs = rst_context.substitutions
for name, content in next, rs do
local id, data = content.directive,
- name, data = name:gsub("%s", ""), stringstrip(data)
local directive = directives[id]
if directive then
substitutions = substitutions .. directive(name, data)
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ function optional_setups.citator ()
function optional_setups.image ()
- local image = [[
+ local image = [[
% images %
@@ -369,8 +369,9 @@ function optional_setups.image ()
- return image
+ return image
return optional_setups
+-- vim:ft=lua:sw=4:ts=4:expandtab:tw=80