path: root/
diff options
authorPhilipp Gesang <>2014-05-16 20:32:17 +0200
committerPhilipp Gesang <>2014-05-16 20:32:17 +0200
commit94aa3d0f8c4c480ad67045f12d33b0f7813868e6 (patch)
treeaca2510cac066d9947809e4a7b13efa7a77772eb /
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 722 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..529e05a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+ *
+ * context-mirror-bot -- Grab the official Context source code from the
+ * official release and import it into a git repository that is hosted
+ * online.
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Philipp Gesang
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Contact: Philipp Gesang <>
+ * Bitbucket:
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * TODO
+ * * readme / license
+ * * curl user agent
+ * * logging
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************)
+type context_src = {
+ name : string;
+ url : string;
+ page : string;
+type download = {
+ branch : string;
+ ts : float;
+ file : string;
+ dst : string;
+type source_status = Stagnation | New_zip of download
+type extract_status = Extract_ignored | Extract_failed of string | Path of download
+type import_status = Import_ignored | Import_failed of string | Imported of string
+type timestamp_status = Changed of float | Unchanged
+type status = Good | Bad of errmsg
+and errmsg = string
+(*type environment_status = New | Last of | Fail*)
+exception Bad_env of string
+let bootstrap_repo = "git://" (* Marius’s mirror *)
+let garden_repo = "" (* official, but broken *)
+let mirror_repo = "" (* our mirror *)
+let sources =
+ [ { name = "beta";
+ page = "";
+ url = ""; };
+ { name = "current";
+ page = "";
+ url = ""; } ]
+let repo_root = "/home/phg/src/mirror"
+let repo_subdir = "context-git"
+let repo_dir = Filename.concat repo_root repo_subdir
+let git_dir = Filename.concat repo_dir ".git"
+let git_config_file = Filename.concat git_dir "config"
+let ssh_wrapper = Filename.concat repo_root ""
+let ssh_id = "context_mirror_bot_id_rsa"
+let ssh_id_dst = (Filename.concat repo_root ssh_id)
+let gitconfig = Printf.sprintf "\
+ repositoryformatversion = 0
+ filemode = true
+ bare = false
+ logallrefupdates = true
+ default = matching
+ email =
+ name = Context Git Mirror Bot
+ user = context-mirror-bot
+ token =
+[remote \"initial-source\"]
+ url = %s
+ fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/initial-source/*
+[branch \"origin\"]
+ remote = initial-source
+ merge = refs/heads/origin
+[remote \"garden\"]
+ url = %s
+ fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/garden/*
+[branch \"official\"]
+ remote = garden
+ merge = refs/heads/origin
+[remote \"mirror\"]
+ url = %s
+ fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/mirror/*
+[branch \"beta\"]
+ remote = mirror
+ merge = refs/heads/beta
+[branch \"current\"]
+ remote = mirror
+ merge = refs/heads/current
+" bootstrap_repo garden_repo mirror_repo
+let ssh_wrapper_script = Printf.sprintf "\
+## This file was crated automatically. Changes will be overwritten
+## with the next invocation of the mirror bot.
+if test ! -f \"${keyfile}\"; then
+ echo \"[Git SSH Wrapper: ERROR] No SSH key file at ${keyfile}.\"
+ exit 1
+ssh -i \"${keyfile}\" $@
+" ssh_id_dst
+ * auxiliary functions
+ *****************************************************************************)
+let format_time t =
+ let open Unix in
+ let ut = localtime t in
+ Printf.sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d"
+ (ut.tm_year + 1900) (ut.tm_mon + 1) ut.tm_mday
+ ut.tm_hour ut.tm_min ut.tm_sec
+let timestamp () =
+ format_time (Unix.gettimeofday ())
+let verbosity = ref 0
+let set_verbosity n = verbosity := n
+let msg ?lev:(lev=0) str =
+ if !verbosity >= lev then
+ Printf.printf "[bot %s] %s\n%!" (timestamp ()) str
+let err str =
+ Printf.eprintf "[bot %s: error] %s\n%!" (timestamp ()) str
+let dir_exists path =
+ try
+ let dh = Unix.opendir path in
+ Unix.closedir dh;
+ true
+ with
+ | Unix.Unix_error _ -> false
+let file_exists path =
+ try
+ let fd = Unix.openfile path [ Unix.O_RDONLY ] 0 in
+ Unix.close fd;
+ true
+ with
+ | Unix.Unix_error _ -> false
+ * The git mirror uses periods to separate dates whereas the Context website
+ * uses dashes:
+ *
+ * Marius: 2014.02.13 11:27
+ * Pragma: 2014-02-14 17:07
+ *
+ * We’re going to use dashes to for some extra consistency. Besides, that
+ * period-separated date format is weird to begin with.
+ *)
+let re_date_find = Str.regexp "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][.-][0-1][0-9][.-][0-3][0-9] [0-2][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]"
+let re_date_match = Str.regexp "\\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\\)[.-]\\([0-1][0-9]\\)[.-]\\([0-3][0-9]\\) \\([0-2][0-9]\\):\\([0-6][0-9]\\)"
+let is_timestamp str =
+ try
+ ignore (Str.search_forward re_date_find str 0);
+ true
+ with
+ | Not_found -> false
+let tm_of_timestamp ?pos:(pos=0) ts =
+ (* this is dirty *)
+ assert (Str.string_match re_date_match ts pos);
+ let open Unix in
+ let (t, _) = mktime {
+ tm_sec = 0;
+ tm_min = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 5 ts);
+ tm_hour = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 4 ts);
+ tm_mday = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 3 ts);
+ tm_mon = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 2 ts) - 1;
+ tm_year = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 1 ts) - 1900;
+ tm_wday = -1;
+ tm_yday = -1;
+ tm_isdst = true;
+ }
+ in
+ t
+let list_of_pipe cmd =
+ let open Unix in
+ (* We’re only gonna read from the command’s stdout but
+ * keep the stderr around so as to prevent error messages
+ * from flooding the terminal.
+ *)
+ msg ~lev:1 (Printf.sprintf "exec “%s”" cmd);
+ let (so, si, se) = open_process_full cmd (environment ()) in
+ let rec aux acc =
+ try
+ aux ((input_line so) :: acc)
+ with
+ | End_of_file ->
+ let stat = close_process_full (so, si, se) in
+ (stat, List.rev acc)
+ in
+ match aux [] with
+ | (WEXITED code, l) when code = 0 -> Some l
+ | (WEXITED _, _) | (WSIGNALED _, _) | (WSTOPPED _, _) -> None
+let exec_commands cmds =
+ let rec aux = function
+ | [] -> Good
+ | cmd :: cmds ->
+ begin
+ match list_of_pipe cmd with
+ | Some _ -> aux cmds
+ | None -> Bad (Printf.sprintf "Failed to execute command “%s”." cmd)
+ end
+ in
+ aux cmds
+let unzip fname dst = list_of_pipe (Printf.sprintf "unzip -o -d %s %s" dst fname)
+let source_known name srcs =
+ try
+ ignore (List.find (fun src -> = name) srcs);
+ true
+ with
+ | Not_found -> false
+let forall_sources f = (* cause side effects for sources *)
+ List.iter f sources
+ * git integration
+ *****************************************************************************)
+module Git : sig
+ val init : unit -> bool
+ val set_path : string -> unit
+ val is_repo : unit -> bool
+ val last_commit : string -> float
+ val import : extract_status -> import_status
+ val push : string -> status
+ val install_files : unit -> unit
+ exception Git_checkout_failed of string
+end = struct
+ exception Git_init_failed
+ exception Git_add_failed
+ exception Git_log_failed
+ exception Git_checkout_failed of string
+ exception Git_branch_failed of string
+ exception Git_commit_failed of string
+ exception Copy_ssh_key_failed
+ let write_config () =
+ msg ~lev:1 ("Write git configuration to " ^ git_config_file);
+ let oc = open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_creat] 0o600 git_config_file in
+ output_string oc gitconfig;
+ close_out oc
+ let install_ssh_wrapper () =
+ match list_of_pipe (Printf.sprintf "cp -f %s %s" ssh_id ssh_id_dst) with
+ | None -> raise Copy_ssh_key_failed
+ | Some _ ->
+ begin
+ let oc = open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_creat] 0o700 ssh_wrapper in
+ output_string oc ssh_wrapper_script;
+ close_out oc
+ end
+ let install_files () = write_config (); install_ssh_wrapper ()
+ let init () =
+ msg ("Initializing new repository with state from " ^ bootstrap_repo);
+ match exec_commands [
+ "git init";
+ "git remote add initial-source " ^ bootstrap_repo;
+ "git pull initial-source origin";
+ "git checkout origin";
+ ] with
+ | Bad _ -> raise Git_init_failed
+ | Good -> install_files (); true
+ let last_commit br =
+ match list_of_pipe ("git checkout " ^ br) with
+ | None -> raise (Git_checkout_failed br)
+ | Some _ ->
+ begin
+ match list_of_pipe "git log --max-count=1 --format=%B" with
+ | None | Some [] -> raise Git_log_failed
+ | Some (hd :: _) ->
+ let pos = try Str.search_forward re_date_find hd 0
+ with Not_found ->
+ err (Printf.sprintf "Timestamp %s of branch %s is not well formed." hd br);
+ raise Git_log_failed
+ in
+ tm_of_timestamp ~pos:pos hd
+ end
+ let set_path path =
+ msg ~lev:1 (Printf.sprintf "GIT_WORK_TREE=%s" path);
+ msg ~lev:1 (Printf.sprintf "GIT_DIR=%s" git_dir);
+ msg ~lev:1 (Printf.sprintf "GIT_SSH=%s" ssh_wrapper);
+ Unix.putenv "GIT_WORK_TREE" path;
+ Unix.putenv "GIT_DIR" git_dir;
+ Unix.putenv "GIT_SSH" ssh_wrapper
+ let is_repo () =
+ match list_of_pipe "git status" with
+ | Some _ -> true
+ | None -> false
+ let add timestamp =
+ exec_commands [ "git add .";
+ "git add --update";
+ Printf.sprintf
+ "git commit --message=\"%s\""
+ (format_time timestamp) ]
+ let gc () =
+ msg ~lev:1 "Running git garbage collector.";
+ ignore (list_of_pipe "git gc")
+ let import status =
+ match status with
+ | Extract_ignored | Extract_failed _ -> Import_ignored
+ | Path { branch = branch; ts = ts; file = _; dst = dst } ->
+ begin
+ ignore (list_of_pipe "git checkout origin");
+ let needs_branch = match list_of_pipe ("git checkout " ^ branch) with
+ | None -> true
+ | Some _ -> false
+ in
+ msg (Printf.sprintf
+ "Importing %s into %s branch %s."
+ dst
+ (if needs_branch then "new" else "old")
+ branch);
+ match exec_commands [ (Printf.sprintf "rm -rf -- %s/*" repo_dir);
+ (Printf.sprintf "mv %s/* %s/" dst repo_dir);
+ (Printf.sprintf "git add --all %s/" repo_dir);
+ "git add --update";
+ ] with
+ | Bad errmsg -> Import_failed errmsg
+ | Good ->
+ begin
+ if needs_branch then
+ begin
+ match list_of_pipe (Printf.sprintf "git checkout -b %s" branch) with
+ | Some _ -> ()
+ | None -> raise (Git_branch_failed branch)
+ end;
+ match list_of_pipe (Printf.sprintf "git commit --message=\"%s\"" (format_time ts)) with
+ | Some _ -> gc (); Imported branch
+ | None -> raise (Git_commit_failed branch)
+ end
+ end
+ let push br =
+ match list_of_pipe ("git checkout " ^ br) with
+ | None -> raise (Git_checkout_failed br)
+ | Some _ ->
+ begin
+ match list_of_pipe ("git push mirror " ^ br) with
+ | None -> Bad "git push failed"
+ | Some _ -> Good
+ end
+ * preparation
+ *****************************************************************************)
+exception Bad_file of string
+let ensure_dir d =
+ let open Unix in
+ try
+ let stat = stat d in
+ match stat.st_kind with
+ | S_DIR -> ()
+ | _ -> raise (Bad_file "“%d” is not a directory.")
+ with
+ | Unix_error (err, _, _) when err = ENOENT ->
+ msg ("Creating directory " ^ d);
+ FileUtil.mkdir ~parent:true d
+let ensure_dst_repo d =
+ if not (Git.is_repo ()) then
+ if Git.init () then `New else `Fail
+ else
+ begin
+ msg ("Found existing repository at " ^ d);
+ `Exists
+ end
+let prepare_dst () =
+ try
+ ensure_dir repo_dir;
+ ensure_dst_repo repo_dir
+ with
+ | _ -> `Fail
+ * source download
+ *****************************************************************************)
+let grab url writer =
+ let open Curl in
+ let c = init () in
+ set_url c url;
+ set_followlocation c true;
+ set_writefunction c writer;
+ perform c;
+ cleanup c
+let grab_string url =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
+ grab url (fun str -> Buffer.add_string buf str; String.length str);
+ Buffer.contents buf
+let grab_file url file =
+ let chan = open_out file in
+ grab url (fun str -> output_string chan str; String.length str);
+ close_out chan
+let mk_tmp_webpage name =
+ Filename.concat
+ repo_root
+ (Printf.sprintf "context_download_%s.tmp.html" name)
+let extract_timestamp src =
+ let tmp = mk_tmp_webpage in
+ grab_file tmp;
+ let input = open_in tmp in
+ let xi = Xmlm.make_input (`Channel input) in
+ let is_candidate name attrs =
+ if name <> "div" then
+ false
+ else begin
+ try
+ let _ = List.find (fun ((_, name), str) -> name = "class" && str = "more-room") attrs in
+ true
+ with
+ | Not_found -> false
+ end
+ in
+ let rec pull xi depth =
+ (*Printf.printf ">> depth %d\n" depth;*)
+ match Xmlm.input xi with
+ | `El_start ((_, name), attrs) when is_candidate name attrs -> begin
+ match Xmlm.peek xi with
+ | `Data str when is_timestamp str -> Some str
+ | _ -> pull xi (depth + 1)
+ end
+ | `El_start _ -> pull xi (depth + 1)
+ | `El_end -> if depth = 1 then None else pull xi (depth - 1)
+ | `Data _ -> pull xi depth
+ | `Dtd _ -> pull xi depth
+ in
+ let res = pull xi 0 in
+ close_in input;
+ (*if not (Xmlm.eoi xi) then*)
+ (*invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "document %s not well-formed" src.url)*)
+ match res with
+ | None -> invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "%s does not contain a date string" src.url)
+ | Some dstr -> tm_of_timestamp dstr
+let date_changed ts src =
+ let repo_ts = extract_timestamp src in
+ msg (Printf.sprintf "ts: %s; repo_ts: %s -> %s"
+ (format_time ts)
+ (format_time repo_ts)
+ (if ts <> repo_ts then "changed" else "unchanged"));
+ if ts <> repo_ts then
+ Changed repo_ts
+ else
+ Unchanged
+let download_zipball src =
+ let _ = Uri.of_string src.url in
+ let dst = Filename.concat repo_root ( ^ ".zip") in
+ if file_exists dst then
+ begin
+ msg (Printf.sprintf "Destination file %s exists, removing." dst);
+ Unix.unlink dst
+ end;
+ msg (Printf.sprintf "Downloading source archive %s" src.url);
+ grab_file src.url dst;
+ dst
+let epoch = 0.
+let retrieve_sources sources =
+ let aux src =
+ let branch = in
+ let local_ts = try Git.last_commit branch with Git.Git_checkout_failed _ -> epoch in
+ match date_changed local_ts src with
+ | Changed upstream_ts -> New_zip { branch = branch;
+ ts = upstream_ts;
+ file = download_zipball src;
+ dst = Filename.concat repo_root }
+ | Unchanged -> Stagnation
+ in
+ aux sources
+let handle_zipball = function
+ | Stagnation -> Extract_ignored
+ | New_zip download ->
+ begin
+ msg (Printf.sprintf "Extracting %s to %s" download.file download.dst);
+ match unzip download.file download.dst with
+ | Some _ -> Path download
+ | None -> Extract_failed download.branch
+ end
+ * arg handling
+ *****************************************************************************)
+type job = {
+ mutable kind : job_kind;
+and job_kind = Status (* output status of local repo *)
+ | Check (* check source of updates *)
+ | Update (* update local repo from sources *)
+ | Prepare (* init local repo *)
+ | Download (* download and import upstream zips *)
+ | Clean (* remove unwanted side-effects *)
+ | Push (* push current state of repository *)
+ | Files (* write SSH wrapper and git config *)
+ | Nil (* no-op *)
+let usage = Printf.sprintf "Usage:
+ %s [ -check | -status | -update ]
+" Sys.argv.(0)
+let parse_argv () =
+ let j : job = {
+ kind = Nil;
+ }
+ in
+ Arg.parse [
+ ("--check", Arg.Unit (fun () -> j.kind <- Check; ()), "check source timestamps");
+ ("--status", Arg.Unit (fun () -> j.kind <- Status; ()), "print status of local repo");
+ ("--update", Arg.Unit (fun () -> j.kind <- Update; ()), "update from sources");
+ ("--prepare", Arg.Unit (fun () -> j.kind <- Prepare; ()), "prepare local repository");
+ ("--download", Arg.Unit (fun () -> j.kind <- Download; ()), "download source packages");
+ ("--clean", Arg.Unit (fun () -> j.kind <- Clean; ()), "remove leftover files");
+ ("--push", Arg.Unit (fun () -> j.kind <- Push; ()), "push to mirror");
+ ("--files", Arg.Unit (fun () -> j.kind <- Files; ()), "install config and wrapper files");
+ ("--verbose", Arg.Unit (fun () -> set_verbosity 1; ()), "enable verbose output");
+ ] (fun a -> print_endline ("unexpected argument: "^a); exit 0) usage;
+ j
+ * job dispatch
+ *****************************************************************************)
+let run_status () =
+ if not (dir_exists repo_dir) then msg ("No directory at " ^ repo_dir) else
+ begin
+ match list_of_pipe "git branch --all" with
+ | None -> msg ("No git repository at " ^ repo_dir)
+ | Some all_branches ->
+ let known = List.fold_left
+ (fun acc line ->
+ let l = String.length line in
+ if l < 3 then acc else
+ begin
+ let br = String.sub line 2 (l - 2) in
+ if source_known br sources then
+ br :: acc
+ else
+ acc
+ end) [] all_branches
+ in
+ List.iter
+ (fun br ->
+ let tm = Git.last_commit br in
+ msg (Printf.sprintf
+ "Found branch %7s with timestamp %s."
+ br
+ (format_time tm)))
+ known
+ end
+let run_check () =
+ forall_sources
+ (fun src ->
+ let local_ts = Git.last_commit in
+ let upstream_ts = extract_timestamp src in
+ msg (Printf.sprintf "%s:";
+ msg (Printf.sprintf " local: %s" (format_time local_ts));
+ msg (Printf.sprintf " upstream: %s%s"
+ (format_time upstream_ts)
+ (if local_ts <> upstream_ts then " (new)" else "")))
+let run_prepare () =
+ ensure_dir repo_dir;
+ match ensure_dst_repo repo_dir with
+ | `New -> msg (Printf.sprintf "Created new local repository at %s." repo_dir)
+ | `Exists -> msg (Printf.sprintf
+ "Found local repository at %s,%s"
+ repo_dir
+ (List.fold_left
+ (fun acc src -> (acc ^ Printf.sprintf
+ " %s: %s"
+ (format_time (Git.last_commit
+ "" sources))
+ | `Fail -> raise (Bad_env "Failed to initialize destination repository.")
+let run_download () =
+ let zipballs = retrieve_sources sources in
+ let extracted = handle_zipball zipballs in
+ ignore ( Git.import extracted)
+let run_update () =
+ let zipballs = match prepare_dst () with
+ | `New | `Exists -> retrieve_sources sources
+ | `Fail -> raise (Bad_env "Failed to initialize destination repository.")
+ in
+ let extracted = handle_zipball zipballs in
+ let imported = Git.import extracted in
+ let _ = List.iter
+ (fun st ->
+ match st with
+ | Import_ignored | Import_failed _ -> ()
+ | Imported br ->
+ msg (Printf.sprintf "Pushing %s to mirror ..." br);
+ match Git.push br with
+ | Good -> msg "Success!"
+ | Bad errmsg ->
+ err (Printf.sprintf "Failed to push %s: “%s”" br errmsg))
+ imported
+ in
+ ()
+let run_cleanup () =
+ forall_sources
+ (fun src ->
+ let name = in
+ msg (Printf.sprintf "Removing %s ->" name);
+ List.iter (fun p ->
+ msg (Printf.sprintf " %s" p);
+ ignore (list_of_pipe ("rm -rf -- " ^ p)))
+ [ mk_tmp_webpage name;
+ Filename.concat repo_root name;
+ (Filename.concat repo_root name) ^ ".zip" ])
+let run_push () =
+ forall_sources
+ (fun src ->
+ let name = in
+ msg (Printf.sprintf "Pushing branch %s to mirror ..." name);
+ match Git.push name with
+ | Good -> msg "Success!"
+ | Bad errmsg ->
+ err (Printf.sprintf "Failed to push %s: “%s”" name errmsg))
+let run_files () = Git.install_files ()
+let dispatch_job j =
+ match j.kind with
+ | Status -> run_status ()
+ | Check -> run_check ()
+ | Update -> run_update ()
+ | Prepare -> run_prepare ()
+ | Download -> run_download ()
+ | Clean -> run_cleanup ()
+ | Push -> run_push ()
+ | Files -> run_files ()
+ | Nil -> ()
+ * main
+ *****************************************************************************)
+let () =
+ let job = parse_argv () in
+ Git.set_path repo_dir;
+ dispatch_job job