diff options
authorPhilipp Gesang <>2014-06-09 12:08:06 +0200
committerPhilipp Gesang <>2014-06-09 12:08:06 +0200
commit75e0e3dab0127f7bad4882b14dbab73a96616495 (patch)
parent1794324d25a0116b70e8e97b7b163780ac1de764 (diff)
add sync operation
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 5da9172..0053126 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ let sources =
let bot_owner = "Philipp Gesang"
let owner_contact = ""
-let repo_root = "/home/mirror/mirror"
+(*let repo_root = "/home/mirror/mirror"*)
+let repo_root = "/home/phg/src/mirror"
let repo_subdir = "context-git"
let repo_dir = Filename.concat repo_root repo_subdir
let git_dir = Filename.concat repo_dir ".git"
@@ -295,6 +296,8 @@ module Git : sig
val import : extract_status -> import_status
val push : string -> status
val install_files : unit -> unit
+ val fetch : string -> unit
+ val pull : ?rbr:string -> string -> unit
exception Git_checkout_failed of string
end = struct
exception Git_init_failed
@@ -303,6 +306,8 @@ end = struct
exception Git_checkout_failed of string
exception Git_branch_failed of string
exception Git_commit_failed of string
+ exception Git_fetch_failed of string
+ exception Git_pull_failed of string
exception Import_files_failed
exception Copy_ssh_key_failed
@@ -349,6 +354,29 @@ end = struct
| Bad _ -> raise Git_init_failed
| Good -> install_files (); true
+ let fetch remote =
+ msg ("Fetching remote " ^ remote);
+ match list_of_pipe ("git fetch " ^ remote) with
+ | None -> raise (Git_fetch_failed remote)
+ | Some _ -> ()
+ let pull ?rbr:(rbr="mirror") br =
+ msg ~lev:1 (Printf.sprintf "tentatively checkout new branch %s from remote %s" br rbr);
+ let () = match list_of_pipe (* this fails if the branch already exists *)
+ (Printf.sprintf "git checkout -b \"%s\" \"%s\"" br rbr) with
+ | Some _ -> msg (Printf.sprintf "new branch %s created" br)
+ | None -> (* branch exists, do regular checkout *)
+ begin
+ msg ~lev:1 (Printf.sprintf "branch %s already exists; performing normal checkout" br);
+ match list_of_pipe (Printf.sprintf "git checkout \"%s\"" br) with
+ | None -> raise (Git_checkout_failed br)
+ | Some _ -> ()
+ end
+ in
+ match list_of_pipe ("git pull --ff") with
+ | Some _ -> msg ~lev:1 (Printf.sprintf "pulled branch %s just fine" br)
+ | None -> raise (Git_pull_failed (Printf.sprintf "%s (remote: %s)" br rbr))
let last_commit br =
match list_of_pipe ("git checkout " ^ br) with
| None -> raise (Git_checkout_failed br)
@@ -706,6 +734,19 @@ let run_update () =
+let run_sync () =
+ Git.fetch "mirror";
+ Git.fetch "garden";
+ Git.pull "beta";
+ Git.pull "current";
+ Git.pull ~rbr:"garden/master" "garden-master";
+ let name = "garden-master" in
+ msg "Pushing changes from context garden repo to mirror";
+ match Git.push name with
+ | Good -> msg "Success!"
+ | Bad errmsg ->
+ err (Printf.sprintf "Failed to push %s: ā€œ%sā€" name errmsg)
let run_cleanup () =
(fun src ->
@@ -751,6 +792,7 @@ let parse_argv () =
("--check", Arg.Unit (fun () -> j.kind <- Action ("status" , run_status ); ()), "check source timestamps");
("--status", Arg.Unit (fun () -> j.kind <- Action ("check" , run_check ); ()), "print status of local repo");
("--update", Arg.Unit (fun () -> j.kind <- Action ("update" , run_update ); ()), "update from sources");
+ ("--sync", Arg.Unit (fun () -> j.kind <- Action ("sync" , run_sync ); ()), "sync local repo");
("--prepare", Arg.Unit (fun () -> j.kind <- Action ("prepare" , run_prepare ); ()), "prepare local repository");
("--download", Arg.Unit (fun () -> j.kind <- Action ("download", run_download); ()), "download source packages");
("--clean", Arg.Unit (fun () -> j.kind <- Action ("cleanup" , run_cleanup ); ()), "remove leftover files");