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authorPhilipp Gesang <>2018-09-08 18:38:09 +0200
committerPhilipp Gesang <>2018-09-08 18:38:15 +0200
commit318e8a990ebe94c48f69d3bb1d342a31cf55f1db (patch)
parent35aaedc729970ae2c5aa26738babd6c9939e338c (diff)
common, cal: rework debug printers
* prefix messages to indicate the debug level * colorize when printing to terminal This introduces a dependency on luaposix.
2 files changed, 42 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/cal.lua b/cal.lua
index 3a5c509..0cd97b5 100644
--- a/cal.lua
+++ b/cal.lua
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ local parse_calendar_lines do
local add_param = function (t, k, v)
- debugln ("»»»» add_param ({%s}, %s, %s)", t, tostring (k), tostring (v))
+ debugln ("add_param ({%s}, %s, %s)", t, tostring (k), tostring (v))
t [#t + 1] = { name = k, value = v }
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ local parse_calendar_lines do
if ok == false then
pos1 = skip_line (raw, pos0)
if pos0 == pos1 then
- noiseln ("»»» [%d] reached EOF, terminating after %d bytes, \z
+ noiseln ("[%d] reached EOF, terminating after %d bytes, \z
%d calendar lines",
pos0, consumed, nline)
return acc
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ local parse_calendar_lines do
errorln ("[%d–%d] %d bad content line; skipping", pos0, pos1, nline)
nskipped = nskipped + 1
- noiseln ("»»» [%d–%d] “%s” [%s] “%s”",
+ noiseln ("[%d–%d] “%s” [%s] “%s”",
pos0, pos1, name, fmt_calendar_params (params), value)
acc [#acc + 1] = { pos = { pos0, pos1 }
, name = name, params = params, value = value }
diff --git a/common.lua b/common.lua
index 2c68aee..89153d8 100644
--- a/common.lua
+++ b/common.lua
@@ -1,18 +1,51 @@
-local lpeg = require "lpeg"
+local lpeg = require "lpeg"
local string = require "string"
local stringformat = string.format
local verboselvl = 0
+local colorize = false
-local mk_out = function (stream, threshold, newlinep)
+--- check if stderr is pipe; use color otherwise
+local ok, unistd = pcall (require, "posix.unistd")
+if ok then
+ local stderr_fd = unistd.STDERR_FILENO
+ colorize = unistd.isatty (unistd.STDERR_FILENO) == 1
+local esc = '\27['
+local colors =
+ { black = esc .. "0;30m"
+ , red = esc .. "0;31m"
+ , green = esc .. "0;32m"
+ , yellow = esc .. "0;33m"
+ , blue = esc .. "0;34m"
+ , purple = esc .. "0;35m"
+ , cyan = esc .. "0;36m"
+ , white = esc .. "0;37m"
+ , reset = esc .. "m"
+ }
+local mk_out = function (stream, threshold, newlinep, pfx, color)
+ if pfx == nil then
+ pfx = ""
+ else
+ if colorize and color ~= nil then
+ local col = colors [color]
+ if col ~= nil then
+ pfx = col .. pfx .. colors.reset end
+ end
+ pfx = "["..pfx.."] "
+ end
local out = io.stdout
if stream == "err" or stream == "stderr" then out = io.stderr end
return function (...)
if verboselvl >= threshold then
local ok, msg = pcall (stringformat, ...)
if ok then
- out:write (msg)
+ out.write (out, pfx)
+ out.write (out, msg)
if newlinep == true then out:write "\n" end
---else silently ignore
@@ -62,9 +95,9 @@ end
{ println = mk_out ("stdout", 0, true)
- , errorln = mk_out ("stderr", 0, true)
- , noiseln = mk_out ("stderr", 1, true)
- , debugln = mk_out ("stderr", 2, true)
+ , errorln = mk_out ("stderr", 0, true, "error", "red")
+ , noiseln = mk_out ("stderr", 1, true, "info" , "yellow")
+ , debugln = mk_out ("stderr", 2, true, "debug", "purple")
, set_verbosity = set_verbosity
, trim_whitespace = trim_whitespace
, unescape_string = unescape_string