diff options
authorPhilipp Gesang <>2012-10-19 22:11:40 +0200
committerPhilipp Gesang <>2012-10-19 22:11:40 +0200
commitee229c4cb8b72d7d69c7283a9817a601d37e22b7 (patch)
parent013563d52aee465e2435a288e750276bdc236fbd (diff)
update util-tab
5 files changed, 635 insertions, 202 deletions
diff --git a/lualibs-util-dim.lua b/lualibs-util-dim.lua
index d77bd49..4bae2d0 100644
--- a/lualibs-util-dim.lua
+++ b/lualibs-util-dim.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-dimen'] = {
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-dim'] = {
version = 1.001,
comment = "support for dimensions",
author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
diff --git a/lualibs-util-lua.lua b/lualibs-util-lua.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2baeaa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lualibs-util-lua.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-lua'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ comment = "the strip code is written by Peter Cawley",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+local rep, sub, byte, dump, format = string.rep, string.sub, string.byte, string.dump, string.format
+local loadstring, loadfile, type = loadstring, loadfile, type
+utilities = utilities or {}
+utilities.lua = utilities.lua or { }
+local luautilities = utilities.lua
+ = logs and logs.reporter("system") or print -- can be overloaded later
+local tracestripping = false
+local forcestupidcompile = true -- use internal bytecode compiler
+luautilities.stripcode = true -- support stripping when asked for
+luautilities.alwaysstripcode = false -- saves 1 meg on 7 meg compressed format file (2012.08.12)
+luautilities.nofstrippedchunks = 0
+luautilities.nofstrippedbytes = 0
+-- The next function was posted by Peter Cawley on the lua list and strips line
+-- number information etc. from the bytecode data blob. We only apply this trick
+-- when we store data tables. Stripping makes the compressed format file about
+-- 1MB smaller (and uncompressed we save at least 6MB).
+-- You can consider this feature an experiment, so it might disappear. There is
+-- no noticeable gain in runtime although the memory footprint should be somewhat
+-- smaller (and the file system has a bit less to deal with).
+-- Begin of borrowed code ... works for Lua 5.1 which LuaTeX currently uses ...
+local function strip_code_pc(dump,name)
+ local before = #dump
+ local version, format, endian, int, size, ins, num = byte(dump,5,11)
+ local subint
+ if endian == 1 then
+ subint = function(dump, i, l)
+ local val = 0
+ for n = l, 1, -1 do
+ val = val * 256 + byte(dump,i + n - 1)
+ end
+ return val, i + l
+ end
+ else
+ subint = function(dump, i, l)
+ local val = 0
+ for n = 1, l, 1 do
+ val = val * 256 + byte(dump,i + n - 1)
+ end
+ return val, i + l
+ end
+ end
+ local strip_function
+ strip_function = function(dump)
+ local count, offset = subint(dump, 1, size)
+ local stripped, dirty = rep("\0", size), offset + count
+ offset = offset + count + int * 2 + 4
+ offset = offset + int + subint(dump, offset, int) * ins
+ count, offset = subint(dump, offset, int)
+ for n = 1, count do
+ local t
+ t, offset = subint(dump, offset, 1)
+ if t == 1 then
+ offset = offset + 1
+ elseif t == 4 then
+ offset = offset + size + subint(dump, offset, size)
+ elseif t == 3 then
+ offset = offset + num
+ end
+ end
+ count, offset = subint(dump, offset, int)
+ stripped = stripped .. sub(dump,dirty, offset - 1)
+ for n = 1, count do
+ local proto, off = strip_function(sub(dump,offset, -1))
+ stripped, offset = stripped .. proto, offset + off - 1
+ end
+ offset = offset + subint(dump, offset, int) * int + int
+ count, offset = subint(dump, offset, int)
+ for n = 1, count do
+ offset = offset + subint(dump, offset, size) + size + int * 2
+ end
+ count, offset = subint(dump, offset, int)
+ for n = 1, count do
+ offset = offset + subint(dump, offset, size) + size
+ end
+ stripped = stripped .. rep("\0", int * 3)
+ return stripped, offset
+ end
+ dump = sub(dump,1,12) .. strip_function(sub(dump,13,-1))
+ local after = #dump
+ local delta = before-after
+ if tracestripping then
+"stripped bytecode: %s, before %s, after %s, delta %s",name or "unknown",before,after,delta)
+ end
+ luautilities.nofstrippedchunks = luautilities.nofstrippedchunks + 1
+ luautilities.nofstrippedbytes = luautilities.nofstrippedbytes + delta
+ return dump, delta
+-- ... end of borrowed code.
+local function strippedbytecode(code,forcestrip,name)
+ if (forcestrip and luautilities.stripcode) or luautilities.alwaysstripcode then
+ return strip_code_pc(code,name)
+ else
+ return code, 0
+ end
+luautilities.stripbytecode = strip_code_pc
+luautilities.strippedbytecode = strippedbytecode
+local function fatalerror(name)
+"fatal error in %q",name or "unknown"))
+-- quite subtle ... doing this wrong incidentally can give more bytes
+function luautilities.loadedluacode(fullname,forcestrip,name)
+ -- quite subtle ... doing this wrong incidentally can give more bytes
+ name = name or fullname
+ local code = loadfile(fullname)
+ if code then
+ code()
+ end
+ if forcestrip and luautilities.stripcode then
+ if type(forcestrip) == "function" then
+ forcestrip = forcestrip(fullname)
+ end
+ if forcestrip then
+ local code, n = strip_code_pc(dump(code,name))
+ return loadstring(code), n
+ elseif luautilities.alwaysstripcode then
+ return loadstring(strip_code_pc(dump(code),name))
+ else
+ return code, 0
+ end
+ elseif luautilities.alwaysstripcode then
+ return loadstring(strip_code_pc(dump(code),name))
+ else
+ return code, 0
+ end
+function luautilities.strippedloadstring(code,forcestrip,name) -- not executed
+ local n = 0
+ if (forcestrip and luautilities.stripcode) or luautilities.alwaysstripcode then
+ code = loadstring(code)
+ if not code then
+ fatalerror(name)
+ end
+ code, n = strip_code_pc(dump(code),name)
+ end
+ return loadstring(code), n
+local function stupidcompile(luafile,lucfile,strip)
+ local code = io.loaddata(luafile)
+ local n = 0
+ if code and code ~= "" then
+ code = loadstring(code)
+ if not code then
+ fatalerror()
+ end
+ code = dump(code)
+ if strip then
+ code, n = strippedbytecode(code,true,luafile) -- last one is reported
+ end
+ if code and code ~= "" then
+ io.savedata(lucfile,code)
+ end
+ end
+ return n
+local luac_normal = "texluac -o %q %q"
+local luac_strip = "texluac -s -o %q %q"
+function luautilities.compile(luafile,lucfile,cleanup,strip,fallback) -- defaults: cleanup=false strip=true
+"lua: compiling %s into %s",luafile,lucfile)
+ os.remove(lucfile)
+ local done = false
+ if strip ~= false then
+ strip = true
+ end
+ if forcestupidcompile then
+ fallback = true
+ elseif strip then
+ done = os.spawn(format(luac_strip, lucfile,luafile)) == 0
+ else
+ done = os.spawn(format(luac_normal,lucfile,luafile)) == 0
+ end
+ if not done and fallback then
+ local n = stupidcompile(luafile,lucfile,strip)
+ if n > 0 then
+"lua: %s dumped into %s (%i bytes stripped)",luafile,lucfile,n)
+ else
+"lua: %s dumped into %s (unstripped)",luafile,lucfile)
+ end
+ cleanup = false -- better see how bad it is
+ end
+ if done and cleanup == true and lfs.isfile(lucfile) and lfs.isfile(luafile) then
+"lua: removing %s",luafile)
+ os.remove(luafile)
+ end
+ return done
+--~ local getmetatable, type = getmetatable, type
+--~ local types = { }
+--~ function luautilities.registerdatatype(d,name)
+--~ types[getmetatable(d)] = name
+--~ end
+--~ function luautilities.datatype(d)
+--~ local t = type(d)
+--~ if t == "userdata" then
+--~ local m = getmetatable(d)
+--~ return m and types[m] or "userdata"
+--~ else
+--~ return t
+--~ end
+--~ end
+--~ luautilities.registerdatatype(lpeg.P("!"),"lpeg")
+--~ print(luautilities.datatype(lpeg.P("oeps")))
diff --git a/lualibs-util-mrg.lua b/lualibs-util-mrg.lua
index d59745b..8d6c5dd 100644
--- a/lualibs-util-mrg.lua
+++ b/lualibs-util-mrg.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-utils'] = {
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-mrg'] = {
version = 1.001,
comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
diff --git a/lualibs-util-sto.lua b/lualibs-util-sto.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42ee6cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lualibs-util-sto.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-sto'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+local setmetatable, getmetatable = setmetatable, getmetatable
+utilities = utilities or { } = or { }
+local storage =
+function storage.mark(t)
+ if not t then
+ texio.write_nl("fatal error: storage cannot be marked")
+ return -- os.exit()
+ end
+ local m = getmetatable(t)
+ if not m then
+ m = { }
+ setmetatable(t,m)
+ end
+ m.__storage__ = true
+ return t
+function storage.allocate(t)
+ t = t or { }
+ local m = getmetatable(t)
+ if not m then
+ m = { }
+ setmetatable(t,m)
+ end
+ m.__storage__ = true
+ return t
+function storage.marked(t)
+ local m = getmetatable(t)
+ return m and m.__storage__
+function storage.checked(t)
+ if not t then
+ texio.write_nl("fatal error: storage has not been allocated")
+ return -- os.exit()
+ end
+ return t
+--~ function,name,filename)
+--~ local m = getmetatable(parent)
+--~ m.__list[name] = filename
+--~ end
+--~ function
+--~ local list = { }
+--~ local m = getmetatable(parent) or {
+--~ __list = list,
+--~ __index = function(t,k)
+--~ local l = require(list[k])
+--~ t[k] = l
+--~ return l
+--~ end
+--~ }
+--~ setmetatable(parent,m)
+--~ end
+--~ bla = { }
+--~ local t = bla.test
+--~ table.print(t)
+--~ print(t.a)
+function storage.setinitializer(data,initialize)
+ local m = getmetatable(data) or { }
+ m.__index = function(data,k)
+ m.__index = nil -- so that we can access the entries during initializing
+ initialize()
+ return data[k]
+ end
+ setmetatable(data, m)
+local keyisvalue = { __index = function(t,k)
+ t[k] = k
+ return k
+end }
+function storage.sparse(t)
+ t = t or { }
+ setmetatable(t,keyisvalue)
+ return t
+-- table namespace ?
+local function f_empty () return "" end -- t,k
+local function f_self (t,k) t[k] = k return k end
+local function f_ignore() end -- t,k,v
+local t_empty = { __index = f_empty }
+local t_self = { __index = f_self }
+local t_ignore = { __newindex = f_ignore }
+function table.setmetatableindex(t,f)
+ local m = getmetatable(t)
+ if m then
+ if f == "empty" then
+ m.__index = f_empty
+ elseif f == "key" then
+ m.__index = f_self
+ else
+ m.__index = f
+ end
+ else
+ if f == "empty" then
+ setmetatable(t, t_empty)
+ elseif f == "key" then
+ setmetatable(t, t_self)
+ else
+ setmetatable(t,{ __index = f })
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+function table.setmetatablenewindex(t,f)
+ local m = getmetatable(t)
+ if m then
+ if f == "ignore" then
+ m.__newindex = f_ignore
+ else
+ m.__newindex = f
+ end
+ else
+ if f == "ignore" then
+ setmetatable(t, t_ignore)
+ else
+ setmetatable(t,{ __newindex = f })
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+function table.setmetatablecall(t,f)
+ local m = getmetatable(t)
+ if m then
+ m.__call = f
+ else
+ setmetatable(t,{ __call = f })
+ end
+ return t
+function table.setmetatablekey(t,key,value)
+ local m = getmetatable(t)
+ if not m then
+ m = { }
+ setmetatable(t,m)
+ end
+ m[key] = value
+ return t
+function table.getmetatablekey(t,key,value)
+ local m = getmetatable(t)
+ return m and m[key]
diff --git a/lualibs-util-tab.lua b/lualibs-util-tab.lua
index 7950a03..7a2da29 100644
--- a/lualibs-util-tab.lua
+++ b/lualibs-util-tab.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-aux'] = {
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-tab'] = {
version = 1.001,
comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
@@ -6,252 +6,279 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['l-aux'] = {
license = "see context related readme files"
--- for inline, no store split : for s in string.gmatch(str,",* *([^,]+)") do .. end
+utilities = utilities or {}
+utilities.tables = utilities.tables or { }
+local tables = utilities.tables
-aux = aux or { }
+local format, gmatch, rep, gsub = string.format, string.gmatch, string.rep, string.gsub
+local concat, insert, remove = table.concat, table.insert, table.remove
+local setmetatable, getmetatable, tonumber, tostring = setmetatable, getmetatable, tonumber, tostring
+local type, next, rawset, tonumber, loadstring = type, next, rawset, tonumber, loadstring
+local lpegmatch, P, Cs = lpeg.match, lpeg.P, lpeg.Cs
-local concat, format, gmatch = table.concat, string.format, string.gmatch
-local tostring, type = tostring, type
-local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
-local P, R, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.V
-local escape, left, right = P("\\"), P('{'), P('}')
-lpeg.patterns.balanced = P {
- [1] = ((escape * (left+right)) + (1 - (left+right)) + V(2))^0,
- [2] = left * V(1) * right
-local space = lpeg.P(' ')
-local equal = lpeg.P("=")
-local comma = lpeg.P(",")
-local lbrace = lpeg.P("{")
-local rbrace = lpeg.P("}")
-local nobrace = 1 - (lbrace+rbrace)
-local nested = lpeg.P { lbrace * (nobrace + lpeg.V(1))^0 * rbrace }
-local spaces = space^0
-local value = lpeg.P(lbrace * lpeg.C((nobrace + nested)^0) * rbrace) + lpeg.C((nested + (1-comma))^0)
-local key = lpeg.C((1-equal-comma)^1)
-local pattern_a = (space+comma)^0 * (key * equal * value + key * lpeg.C(""))
-local pattern_c = (space+comma)^0 * (key * equal * value)
-local key = lpeg.C((1-space-equal-comma)^1)
-local pattern_b = spaces * comma^0 * spaces * (key * ((spaces * equal * spaces * value) + lpeg.C("")))
--- "a=1, b=2, c=3, d={a{b,c}d}, e=12345, f=xx{a{b,c}d}xx, g={}" : outer {} removes, leading spaces ignored
-local hash = { }
-local function set(key,value) -- using Carg is slower here
- hash[key] = value
+function tables.definetable(target) -- defines undefined tables
+ local composed, t, n = nil, { }, 0
+ for name in gmatch(target,"([^%.]+)") do
+ n = n + 1
+ if composed then
+ composed = composed .. "." .. name
+ else
+ composed = name
+ end
+ t[n] = format("%s = %s or { }",composed,composed)
+ end
+ return concat(t,"\n")
-local pattern_a_s = (pattern_a/set)^1
-local pattern_b_s = (pattern_b/set)^1
-local pattern_c_s = (pattern_c/set)^1
-aux.settings_to_hash_pattern_a = pattern_a_s
-aux.settings_to_hash_pattern_b = pattern_b_s
-aux.settings_to_hash_pattern_c = pattern_c_s
-function aux.make_settings_to_hash_pattern(set,how)
- if how == "strict" then
- return (pattern_c/set)^1
- elseif how == "tolerant" then
- return (pattern_b/set)^1
- else
- return (pattern_a/set)^1
+function tables.accesstable(target,root)
+ local t = root or _G
+ for name in gmatch(target,"([^%.]+)") do
+ t = t[name]
+ if not t then
+ return
+ end
+ return t
-function aux.settings_to_hash(str,existing)
- if str and str ~= "" then
- hash = existing or { }
- if moretolerant then
- lpegmatch(pattern_b_s,str)
- else
- lpegmatch(pattern_a_s,str)
+function tables.migratetable(target,v,root)
+ local t = root or _G
+ local names = string.split(target,".")
+ for i=1,#names-1 do
+ local name = names[i]
+ t[name] = t[name] or { }
+ t = t[name]
+ if not t then
+ return
- return hash
- else
- return { }
+ t[names[#names]] = v
-function aux.settings_to_hash_tolerant(str,existing)
- if str and str ~= "" then
- hash = existing or { }
- lpegmatch(pattern_b_s,str)
- return hash
- else
- return { }
+function tables.removevalue(t,value) -- todo: n
+ if value then
+ for i=1,#t do
+ if t[i] == value then
+ remove(t,i)
+ -- remove all, so no: return
+ end
+ end
-function aux.settings_to_hash_strict(str,existing)
- if str and str ~= "" then
- hash = existing or { }
- lpegmatch(pattern_c_s,str)
- return next(hash) and hash
- else
- return nil
+function tables.insertbeforevalue(t,value,extra)
+ for i=1,#t do
+ if t[i] == extra then
+ remove(t,i)
+ end
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ if t[i] == value then
+ insert(t,i,extra)
+ return
+ end
+ insert(t,1,extra)
-local separator = comma * space^0
-local value = lpeg.P(lbrace * lpeg.C((nobrace + nested)^0) * rbrace) + lpeg.C((nested + (1-comma))^0)
-local pattern = lpeg.Ct(value*(separator*value)^0)
--- "aap, {noot}, mies" : outer {} removes, leading spaces ignored
-aux.settings_to_array_pattern = pattern
--- we could use a weak table as cache
+function tables.insertaftervalue(t,value,extra)
+ for i=1,#t do
+ if t[i] == extra then
+ remove(t,i)
+ end
+ end
+ for i=1,#t do
+ if t[i] == value then
+ insert(t,i+1,extra)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ insert(t,#t+1,extra)
-function aux.settings_to_array(str)
- if not str or str == "" then
- return { }
- else
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+-- experimental
+local function toxml(t,d,result,step)
+ for k, v in table.sortedpairs(t) do
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ if type(k) == "number" then
+ result[#result+1] = format("%s<entry n='%s'>",d,k)
+ toxml(v,d..step,result,step)
+ result[#result+1] = format("%s</entry>",d,k)
+ else
+ result[#result+1] = format("%s<%s>",d,k)
+ toxml(v,d..step,result,step)
+ result[#result+1] = format("%s</%s>",d,k)
+ end
+ elseif type(k) == "number" then
+ result[#result+1] = format("%s<entry n='%s'>%s</entry>",d,k,v,k)
+ else
+ result[#result+1] = format("%s<%s>%s</%s>",d,k,tostring(v),k)
+ end
-local function set(t,v)
- t[#t+1] = v
+function table.toxml(t,name,nobanner,indent,spaces)
+ local noroot = name == false
+ local result = (nobanner or noroot) and { } or { "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes' ?>" }
+ local indent = rep(" ",indent or 0)
+ local spaces = rep(" ",spaces or 1)
+ if noroot then
+ toxml( t, inndent, result, spaces)
+ else
+ toxml( { [name or "root"] = t }, indent, result, spaces)
+ end
+ return concat(result,"\n")
-local value = lpeg.P(lpeg.Carg(1)*value) / set
-local pattern = value*(separator*value)^0 * lpeg.Carg(1)
+-- also experimental
-function aux.add_settings_to_array(t,str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str,nil,t)
+-- encapsulate(table,utilities.tables)
+-- encapsulate(table,utilities.tables,true)
+-- encapsulate(table,true)
-function aux.hash_to_string(h,separator,yes,no,strict,omit)
- if h then
- local t, s = { }, table.sortedkeys(h)
- omit = omit and table.tohash(omit)
- for i=1,#s do
- local key = s[i]
- if not omit or not omit[key] then
- local value = h[key]
- if type(value) == "boolean" then
- if yes and no then
- if value then
- t[#t+1] = key .. '=' .. yes
- elseif not strict then
- t[#t+1] = key .. '=' .. no
- end
- elseif value or not strict then
- t[#t+1] = key .. '=' .. tostring(value)
- end
+function tables.encapsulate(core,capsule,protect)
+ if type(capsule) ~= "table" then
+ protect = true
+ capsule = { }
+ end
+ for key, value in next, core do
+ if capsule[key] then
+ print(format("\ninvalid inheritance '%s' in '%s': %s",key,tostring(core)))
+ os.exit()
+ else
+ capsule[key] = value
+ end
+ end
+ if protect then
+ for key, value in next, core do
+ core[key] = nil
+ end
+ setmetatable(core, {
+ __index = capsule,
+ __newindex = function(t,key,value)
+ if capsule[key] then
+ print(format("\ninvalid overload '%s' in '%s'",key,tostring(core)))
+ os.exit()
- t[#t+1] = key .. '=' .. value
+ rawset(t,key,value)
- end
- return concat(t,separator or ",")
- else
- return ""
+ } )
-function aux.array_to_string(a,separator)
- if a then
- return concat(a,separator or ",")
+local function serialize(t,r,outer) -- no mixes
+ r[#r+1] = "{"
+ local n = #t
+ if n > 0 then
+ for i=1,n do
+ local v = t[i]
+ local tv = type(v)
+ if tv == "string" then
+ r[#r+1] = format("%q,",v)
+ elseif tv == "number" then
+ r[#r+1] = format("%s,",v)
+ elseif tv == "table" then
+ serialize(v,r)
+ elseif tv == "boolean" then
+ r[#r+1] = format("%s,",tostring(v))
+ end
+ end
- return ""
+ for k, v in next, t do
+ local tv = type(v)
+ if tv == "string" then
+ r[#r+1] = format("[%q]=%q,",k,v)
+ elseif tv == "number" then
+ r[#r+1] = format("[%q]=%s,",k,v)
+ elseif tv == "table" then
+ r[#r+1] = format("[%q]=",k)
+ serialize(v,r)
+ elseif tv == "boolean" then
+ r[#r+1] = format("[%q]=%s,",k,tostring(v))
+ end
+ end
-function aux.settings_to_set(str,t)
- t = t or { }
- for s in gmatch(str,"%s*([^,]+)") do
- t[s] = true
+ if outer then
+ r[#r+1] = "}"
+ else
+ r[#r+1] = "},"
- return t
+ return r
-local value = lbrace * lpeg.C((nobrace + nested)^0) * rbrace
-local pattern = lpeg.Ct((space + value)^0)
-function aux.arguments_to_table(str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
+function table.fastserialize(t,prefix)
+ return concat(serialize(t,{ prefix or "return" },true))
--- temporary here
-function aux.getparameters(self,class,parentclass,settings)
- local sc = self[class]
- if not sc then
- sc = table.clone(self[parent])
- self[class] = sc
+function table.deserialize(str)
+ if not str or str == "" then
+ return
+ end
+ local code = loadstring(str)
+ if not code then
+ return
- aux.settings_to_hash(settings,sc)
+ code = code()
+ if not code then
+ return
+ end
+ return code
--- temporary here
-local digit = lpeg.R("09")
-local period = lpeg.P(".")
-local zero = lpeg.P("0")
-local trailingzeros = zero^0 * -digit -- suggested by Roberto R
-local case_1 = period * trailingzeros / ""
-local case_2 = period * (digit - trailingzeros)^1 * (trailingzeros / "")
-local number = digit^1 * (case_1 + case_2)
-local stripper = lpeg.Cs((number + 1)^0)
---~ local sample = "bla 11.00 bla 11 bla 0.1100 bla 1.00100 bla 0.00 bla 0.001 bla 1.1100 bla 0.100100100 bla 0.00100100100"
---~ collectgarbage("collect")
---~ str = string.rep(sample,10000)
---~ local ts = os.clock()
---~ lpegmatch(stripper,str)
---~ print(#str, os.clock()-ts, lpegmatch(stripper,sample))
-lpeg.patterns.strip_zeros = stripper
-function aux.strip_zeros(str)
- return lpegmatch(stripper,str)
+-- inspect(table.fastserialize { a = 1, b = { 4, { 5, 6 } }, c = { d = 7, e = 'f"g\nh' } })
+function table.load(filename)
+ if filename then
+ local t = io.loaddata(filename)
+ if t and t ~= "" then
+ t = loadstring(t)
+ if type(t) == "function" then
+ t = t()
+ if type(t) == "table" then
+ return t
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
-function aux.definetable(target) -- defines undefined tables
- local composed, t = nil, { }
- for name in gmatch(target,"([^%.]+)") do
- if composed then
- composed = composed .. "." .. name
- else
- composed = name
+local function slowdrop(t)
+ local r = { }
+ local l = { }
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local ti = t[i]
+ local j = 0
+ for k, v in next, ti do
+ j = j + 1
+ l[j] = format("%s=%q",k,v)
- t[#t+1] = format("%s = %s or { }",composed,composed)
+ r[i] = format(" {%s},\n",concat(l))
- return concat(t,"\n")
+ return format("return {\n%s}",concat(r))
-function aux.accesstable(target)
- local t = _G
- for name in gmatch(target,"([^%.]+)") do
- t = t[name]
+local function fastdrop(t)
+ local r = { "return {\n" }
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local ti = t[i]
+ r[#r+1] = " {"
+ for k, v in next, ti do
+ r[#r+1] = format("%s=%q",k,v)
+ end
+ r[#r+1] = "},\n"
- return t
+ r[#r+1] = "}"
+ return concat(r)
--- as we use this a lot ...
---~ function aux.cachefunction(action,weak)
---~ local cache = { }
---~ if weak then
---~ setmetatable(cache, { __mode = "kv" } )
---~ end
---~ local function reminder(str)
---~ local found = cache[str]
---~ if not found then
---~ found = action(str)
---~ cache[str] = found
---~ end
---~ return found
---~ end
---~ return reminder, cache
---~ end
+function table.drop(t,slow)
+ if #t == 0 then
+ return "return { }"
+ elseif slow == true then
+ return slowdrop(t) -- less memory
+ else
+ return fastdrop(t) -- some 15% faster
+ end