path: root/tex/context/base/util-env.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/util-env.lua')
1 files changed, 287 insertions, 287 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/util-env.lua b/tex/context/base/util-env.lua
index 1b1157931..f4f3ef69f 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/util-env.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/util-env.lua
@@ -1,287 +1,287 @@
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-env'] = {
- version = 1.001,
- comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files"
-local allocate, mark =,
-local format, sub, match, gsub, find = string.format, string.sub, string.match, string.gsub, string.find
-local unquoted, quoted = string.unquoted, string.quoted
-local concat, insert, remove = table.concat, table.insert, table.remove
-environment = environment or { }
-local environment = environment
--- precautions
-os.setlocale(nil,nil) -- useless feature and even dangerous in luatex
-function os.setlocale()
- -- no way you can mess with it
--- dirty tricks (we will replace the texlua call by luatex --luaonly)
-local validengines = allocate {
- ["luatex"] = true,
- ["luajittex"] = true,
- -- ["luatex.exe"] = true,
- -- ["luajittex.exe"] = true,
-local basicengines = allocate {
- ["luatex"] = "luatex",
- ["texlua"] = "luatex",
- ["texluac"] = "luatex",
- ["luajittex"] = "luajittex",
- ["texluajit"] = "luajittex",
- -- ["texlua.exe"] = "luatex",
- -- ["texluajit.exe"] = "luajittex",
-local luaengines=allocate {
- ["lua"] = true,
- ["luajit"] = true,
-environment.validengines = validengines
-environment.basicengines = basicengines
--- [-1] = binary
--- [ 0] = self
--- [ 1] = argument 1 ...
--- instead we could set ranges
-if not arg then
- -- used as library
-elseif luaengines[file.removesuffix(arg[-1])] then
--- arg[-1] = arg[0]
--- arg[ 0] = arg[1]
--- for k=2,#arg do
--- arg[k-1] = arg[k]
--- end
--- remove(arg) -- last
-elseif validengines[file.removesuffix(arg[0])] then
- if arg[1] == "--luaonly" then
- arg[-1] = arg[0]
- arg[ 0] = arg[2]
- for k=3,#arg do
- arg[k-2] = arg[k]
- end
- remove(arg) -- last
- remove(arg) -- pre-last
- else
- -- tex run
- end
- -- This is an ugly hack but it permits symlinking a script (say 'context') to 'mtxrun' as in:
- --
- -- ln -s /opt/minimals/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/mtxrun context
- --
- -- The special mapping hack is needed because 'luatools' boils down to 'mtxrun --script base'
- -- but it's unlikely that there will be more of this
- local originalzero = file.basename(arg[0])
- local specialmapping = { luatools == "base" }
- if originalzero ~= "mtxrun" and originalzero ~= "mtxrun.lua" then
- arg[0] = specialmapping[originalzero] or originalzero
- insert(arg,0,"--script")
- insert(arg,0,"mtxrun")
- end
--- environment
-environment.arguments = allocate()
-environment.files = allocate()
-environment.sortedflags = nil
--- context specific arguments (in order not to confuse the engine)
-function environment.initializearguments(arg)
- local arguments, files = { }, { }
- environment.arguments, environment.files, environment.sortedflags = arguments, files, nil
- for index=1,#arg do
- local argument = arg[index]
- if index > 0 then
- local flag, value = match(argument,"^%-+(.-)=(.-)$")
- if flag then
- flag = gsub(flag,"^c:","")
- arguments[flag] = unquoted(value or "")
- else
- flag = match(argument,"^%-+(.+)")
- if flag then
- flag = gsub(flag,"^c:","")
- arguments[flag] = true
- else
- files[#files+1] = argument
- end
- end
- end
- end
- environment.ownname = file.reslash(environment.ownname or arg[0] or 'unknown.lua')
-function environment.setargument(name,value)
- environment.arguments[name] = value
--- todo: defaults, better checks e.g on type (boolean versus string)
--- tricky: too many hits when we support partials unless we add
--- a registration of arguments so from now on we have 'partial'
-function environment.getargument(name,partial)
- local arguments, sortedflags = environment.arguments, environment.sortedflags
- if arguments[name] then
- return arguments[name]
- elseif partial then
- if not sortedflags then
- sortedflags = allocate(table.sortedkeys(arguments))
- for k=1,#sortedflags do
- sortedflags[k] = "^" .. sortedflags[k]
- end
- environment.sortedflags = sortedflags
- end
- -- example of potential clash: ^mode ^modefile
- for k=1,#sortedflags do
- local v = sortedflags[k]
- if find(name,v) then
- return arguments[sub(v,2,#v)]
- end
- end
- end
- return nil
-environment.argument = environment.getargument
-function environment.splitarguments(separator) -- rather special, cut-off before separator
- local done, before, after = false, { }, { }
- local originalarguments = environment.originalarguments
- for k=1,#originalarguments do
- local v = originalarguments[k]
- if not done and v == separator then
- done = true
- elseif done then
- after[#after+1] = v
- else
- before[#before+1] = v
- end
- end
- return before, after
-function environment.reconstructcommandline(arg,noquote)
- arg = arg or environment.originalarguments
- if noquote and #arg == 1 then
- -- we could just do: return unquoted(resolvers.resolve(arg[i]))
- local a = arg[1]
- a = resolvers.resolve(a)
- a = unquoted(a)
- return a
- elseif #arg > 0 then
- local result = { }
- for i=1,#arg do
- -- we could just do: result[#result+1] = format("%q",unquoted(resolvers.resolve(arg[i])))
- local a = arg[i]
- a = resolvers.resolve(a)
- a = unquoted(a)
- a = gsub(a,'"','\\"') -- tricky
- if find(a," ") then
- result[#result+1] = quoted(a)
- else
- result[#result+1] = a
- end
- end
- return concat(result," ")
- else
- return ""
- end
--- handy in e.g. package.addluapath(environment.relativepath("scripts"))
-function environment.relativepath(path,root)
- if not path then
- path = ""
- end
- if not file.is_rootbased_path(path) then
- if not root then
- root = file.pathpart(environment.ownscript or environment.ownname or ".")
- end
- if root == "" then
- root = "."
- end
- path = root .. "/" .. path
- end
- return file.collapsepath(path,true)
--- -- when script lives on e:/tmp we get this:
--- print(environment.relativepath("x/y/z","c:/w")) -- c:/w/x/y/z
--- print(environment.relativepath("x")) -- e:/tmp/x
--- print(environment.relativepath("../x")) -- e:/x
--- print(environment.relativepath("./x")) -- e:/tmp/x
--- print(environment.relativepath("/x")) -- /x
--- print(environment.relativepath("c:/x")) -- c:/x
--- print(environment.relativepath("//x")) -- //x
--- print(environment.relativepath()) -- e:/tmp
--- -- to be tested:
--- function environment.reconstructcommandline(arg,noquote)
--- arg = arg or environment.originalarguments
--- if noquote and #arg == 1 then
--- return unquoted(resolvers.resolve(arg[1]))
--- elseif #arg > 0 then
--- local result = { }
--- for i=1,#arg do
--- result[#result+1] = format("%q",unquoted(resolvers.resolve(arg[i]))) -- always quote
--- end
--- return concat(result," ")
--- else
--- return ""
--- end
--- end
-if arg then
- -- new, reconstruct quoted snippets (maybe better just remove the " then and add them later)
- local newarg, instring = { }, false
- for index=1,#arg do
- local argument = arg[index]
- if find(argument,"^\"") then
- newarg[#newarg+1] = gsub(argument,"^\"","")
- if not find(argument,"\"$") then
- instring = true
- end
- elseif find(argument,"\"$") then
- newarg[#newarg] = newarg[#newarg] .. " " .. gsub(argument,"\"$","")
- instring = false
- elseif instring then
- newarg[#newarg] = newarg[#newarg] .. " " .. argument
- else
- newarg[#newarg+1] = argument
- end
- end
- for i=1,-5,-1 do
- newarg[i] = arg[i]
- end
- environment.initializearguments(newarg)
- environment.originalarguments = mark(newarg)
- environment.rawarguments = mark(arg)
- arg = { } -- prevent duplicate handling
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['util-env'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+local allocate, mark =,
+local format, sub, match, gsub, find = string.format, string.sub, string.match, string.gsub, string.find
+local unquoted, quoted = string.unquoted, string.quoted
+local concat, insert, remove = table.concat, table.insert, table.remove
+environment = environment or { }
+local environment = environment
+-- precautions
+os.setlocale(nil,nil) -- useless feature and even dangerous in luatex
+function os.setlocale()
+ -- no way you can mess with it
+-- dirty tricks (we will replace the texlua call by luatex --luaonly)
+local validengines = allocate {
+ ["luatex"] = true,
+ ["luajittex"] = true,
+ -- ["luatex.exe"] = true,
+ -- ["luajittex.exe"] = true,
+local basicengines = allocate {
+ ["luatex"] = "luatex",
+ ["texlua"] = "luatex",
+ ["texluac"] = "luatex",
+ ["luajittex"] = "luajittex",
+ ["texluajit"] = "luajittex",
+ -- ["texlua.exe"] = "luatex",
+ -- ["texluajit.exe"] = "luajittex",
+local luaengines=allocate {
+ ["lua"] = true,
+ ["luajit"] = true,
+environment.validengines = validengines
+environment.basicengines = basicengines
+-- [-1] = binary
+-- [ 0] = self
+-- [ 1] = argument 1 ...
+-- instead we could set ranges
+if not arg then
+ -- used as library
+elseif luaengines[file.removesuffix(arg[-1])] then
+-- arg[-1] = arg[0]
+-- arg[ 0] = arg[1]
+-- for k=2,#arg do
+-- arg[k-1] = arg[k]
+-- end
+-- remove(arg) -- last
+elseif validengines[file.removesuffix(arg[0])] then
+ if arg[1] == "--luaonly" then
+ arg[-1] = arg[0]
+ arg[ 0] = arg[2]
+ for k=3,#arg do
+ arg[k-2] = arg[k]
+ end
+ remove(arg) -- last
+ remove(arg) -- pre-last
+ else
+ -- tex run
+ end
+ -- This is an ugly hack but it permits symlinking a script (say 'context') to 'mtxrun' as in:
+ --
+ -- ln -s /opt/minimals/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/mtxrun context
+ --
+ -- The special mapping hack is needed because 'luatools' boils down to 'mtxrun --script base'
+ -- but it's unlikely that there will be more of this
+ local originalzero = file.basename(arg[0])
+ local specialmapping = { luatools == "base" }
+ if originalzero ~= "mtxrun" and originalzero ~= "mtxrun.lua" then
+ arg[0] = specialmapping[originalzero] or originalzero
+ insert(arg,0,"--script")
+ insert(arg,0,"mtxrun")
+ end
+-- environment
+environment.arguments = allocate()
+environment.files = allocate()
+environment.sortedflags = nil
+-- context specific arguments (in order not to confuse the engine)
+function environment.initializearguments(arg)
+ local arguments, files = { }, { }
+ environment.arguments, environment.files, environment.sortedflags = arguments, files, nil
+ for index=1,#arg do
+ local argument = arg[index]
+ if index > 0 then
+ local flag, value = match(argument,"^%-+(.-)=(.-)$")
+ if flag then
+ flag = gsub(flag,"^c:","")
+ arguments[flag] = unquoted(value or "")
+ else
+ flag = match(argument,"^%-+(.+)")
+ if flag then
+ flag = gsub(flag,"^c:","")
+ arguments[flag] = true
+ else
+ files[#files+1] = argument
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ environment.ownname = file.reslash(environment.ownname or arg[0] or 'unknown.lua')
+function environment.setargument(name,value)
+ environment.arguments[name] = value
+-- todo: defaults, better checks e.g on type (boolean versus string)
+-- tricky: too many hits when we support partials unless we add
+-- a registration of arguments so from now on we have 'partial'
+function environment.getargument(name,partial)
+ local arguments, sortedflags = environment.arguments, environment.sortedflags
+ if arguments[name] then
+ return arguments[name]
+ elseif partial then
+ if not sortedflags then
+ sortedflags = allocate(table.sortedkeys(arguments))
+ for k=1,#sortedflags do
+ sortedflags[k] = "^" .. sortedflags[k]
+ end
+ environment.sortedflags = sortedflags
+ end
+ -- example of potential clash: ^mode ^modefile
+ for k=1,#sortedflags do
+ local v = sortedflags[k]
+ if find(name,v) then
+ return arguments[sub(v,2,#v)]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+environment.argument = environment.getargument
+function environment.splitarguments(separator) -- rather special, cut-off before separator
+ local done, before, after = false, { }, { }
+ local originalarguments = environment.originalarguments
+ for k=1,#originalarguments do
+ local v = originalarguments[k]
+ if not done and v == separator then
+ done = true
+ elseif done then
+ after[#after+1] = v
+ else
+ before[#before+1] = v
+ end
+ end
+ return before, after
+function environment.reconstructcommandline(arg,noquote)
+ arg = arg or environment.originalarguments
+ if noquote and #arg == 1 then
+ -- we could just do: return unquoted(resolvers.resolve(arg[i]))
+ local a = arg[1]
+ a = resolvers.resolve(a)
+ a = unquoted(a)
+ return a
+ elseif #arg > 0 then
+ local result = { }
+ for i=1,#arg do
+ -- we could just do: result[#result+1] = format("%q",unquoted(resolvers.resolve(arg[i])))
+ local a = arg[i]
+ a = resolvers.resolve(a)
+ a = unquoted(a)
+ a = gsub(a,'"','\\"') -- tricky
+ if find(a," ") then
+ result[#result+1] = quoted(a)
+ else
+ result[#result+1] = a
+ end
+ end
+ return concat(result," ")
+ else
+ return ""
+ end
+-- handy in e.g. package.addluapath(environment.relativepath("scripts"))
+function environment.relativepath(path,root)
+ if not path then
+ path = ""
+ end
+ if not file.is_rootbased_path(path) then
+ if not root then
+ root = file.pathpart(environment.ownscript or environment.ownname or ".")
+ end
+ if root == "" then
+ root = "."
+ end
+ path = root .. "/" .. path
+ end
+ return file.collapsepath(path,true)
+-- -- when script lives on e:/tmp we get this:
+-- print(environment.relativepath("x/y/z","c:/w")) -- c:/w/x/y/z
+-- print(environment.relativepath("x")) -- e:/tmp/x
+-- print(environment.relativepath("../x")) -- e:/x
+-- print(environment.relativepath("./x")) -- e:/tmp/x
+-- print(environment.relativepath("/x")) -- /x
+-- print(environment.relativepath("c:/x")) -- c:/x
+-- print(environment.relativepath("//x")) -- //x
+-- print(environment.relativepath()) -- e:/tmp
+-- -- to be tested:
+-- function environment.reconstructcommandline(arg,noquote)
+-- arg = arg or environment.originalarguments
+-- if noquote and #arg == 1 then
+-- return unquoted(resolvers.resolve(arg[1]))
+-- elseif #arg > 0 then
+-- local result = { }
+-- for i=1,#arg do
+-- result[#result+1] = format("%q",unquoted(resolvers.resolve(arg[i]))) -- always quote
+-- end
+-- return concat(result," ")
+-- else
+-- return ""
+-- end
+-- end
+if arg then
+ -- new, reconstruct quoted snippets (maybe better just remove the " then and add them later)
+ local newarg, instring = { }, false
+ for index=1,#arg do
+ local argument = arg[index]
+ if find(argument,"^\"") then
+ newarg[#newarg+1] = gsub(argument,"^\"","")
+ if not find(argument,"\"$") then
+ instring = true
+ end
+ elseif find(argument,"\"$") then
+ newarg[#newarg] = newarg[#newarg] .. " " .. gsub(argument,"\"$","")
+ instring = false
+ elseif instring then
+ newarg[#newarg] = newarg[#newarg] .. " " .. argument
+ else
+ newarg[#newarg+1] = argument
+ end
+ end
+ for i=1,-5,-1 do
+ newarg[i] = arg[i]
+ end
+ environment.initializearguments(newarg)
+ environment.originalarguments = mark(newarg)
+ environment.rawarguments = mark(arg)
+ arg = { } -- prevent duplicate handling