path: root/tex/context/base/strc-tag.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/strc-tag.lua')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/strc-tag.lua b/tex/context/base/strc-tag.lua
index 2df387e73..7701cc57e 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/strc-tag.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/strc-tag.lua
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['strc-tag'] = {
local insert, remove, unpack, concat = table.insert, table.remove, table.unpack, table.concat
local gsub, find, topattern, format = string.gsub, string.find, string.topattern, string.format
local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
-local texattribute = tex.attribute
+local texattribute, texsprint, ctxcatcodes = tex.attribute, tex.sprint, tex.ctxcatcodes
+local allocate =
local trace_tags = false trackers.register("structures.tags", function(v) trace_tags = v end)
@@ -20,30 +21,147 @@ local report_tags ="tags")
local attributes, structures = attributes, structures
local a_tagged = attributes.private('tagged')
-local a_image = attributes.private('image')
local unsetvalue = attributes.unsetvalue
local codeinjections = backends.codeinjections
-local taglist, labels, stack, chain, ids, enabled = { }, { }, { }, { }, { }, false -- no grouping assumed
+local taglist = allocate()
+local properties = allocate()
+local labels = allocate()
+local stack = { }
+local chain = { }
+local ids = { }
+local enabled = false
-structures.tags = structures.tags or { }
-local tags = structures.tags
-tags.taglist = taglist -- can best be hidden
+local tags = structures.tags
+tags.taglist = taglist -- can best be hidden
+tags.labels = labels
-function tags.start(tag,label,detail)
- labels[tag] = label ~= "" and label or tag
- if detail and detail ~= "" then
- tag = tag .. ":" .. detail
+local properties = allocate {
+ document = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" },
+ division = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" },
+ paragraph = { pdf = "P", nature = "mixed" },
+ construct = { pdf = "Span", nature = "inline" },
+ section = { pdf = "Sect", nature = "display" },
+ sectiontitle = { pdf = "H", nature = "mixed" },
+ sectionnumber = { pdf = "H", nature = "mixed" },
+ sectioncontent = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" },
+ itemgroup = { pdf = "L", nature = "display" },
+ item = { pdf = "Li", nature = "display" },
+ itemtag = { pdf = "Lbl", nature = "mixed" },
+ itemcontent = { pdf = "LBody", nature = "mixed" },
+ description = { pdf = "Li", nature = "display" },
+ descriptiontag = { pdf = "Lbl", nature = "mixed" },
+ descriptioncontent = { pdf = "LBody", nature = "mixed" },
+ descriptionsymbol = { pdf = "Span", nature = "inline" }, -- note reference
+ verbatimblock = { pdf = "Code", nature = "display" },
+ verbatimline = { pdf = "Code", nature = "display" },
+ verbatim = { pdf = "Code", nature = "inline" },
+ register = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" },
+ registersection = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" },
+ registertag = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" },
+ registerentries = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" },
+ registerentry = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" },
+ registersee = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" },
+ registerpages = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" },
+ registerpage = { pdf = "Span", nature = "inline" },
+ table = { pdf = "Table", nature = "display" },
+ tablerow = { pdf = "TR", nature = "display" },
+ tablecell = { pdf = "TD", nature = "mixed" },
+ tabulate = { pdf = "Table", nature = "display" },
+ tabulaterow = { pdf = "TR", nature = "display" },
+ tabulatecell = { pdf = "TD", nature = "mixed" },
+ list = { pdf = "TOC", nature = "display" },
+ listitem = { pdf = "TOCI", nature = "display" },
+ listtag = { pdf = "Lbl", nature = "mixed" },
+ listcontent = { pdf = "P", nature = "mixed" },
+ listdata = { pdf = "P", nature = "mixed" },
+ listpage = { pdf = "Reference", nature = "mixed" },
+ delimitedblock = { pdf = "BlockQuote", nature = "display" },
+ delimited = { pdf = "Quote", nature = "inline" },
+ subsentence = { pdf = "Span", nature = "inline" },
+ float = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" },
+ floatcaption = { pdf = "Caption", nature = "display" },
+ floattag = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" },
+ floattext = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" },
+ floatcontent = { pdf = "P", nature = "mixed" },
+ image = { pdf = "P", nature = "mixed" },
+ mpgraphic = { pdf = "P", nature = "mixed" },
+ formulaset = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" },
+ formula = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" },
+ formulatag = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" },
+ formulacontent = { pdf = "P", nature = "display" },
+ subformula = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" },
+ link = { pdf = "Link", nature = "inline" },
+ margintextblock = { pdf = "Span", nature = "inline" },
+ margintext = { pdf = "Span", nature = "inline" },
+ math = { pdf = "Div", nature = "display" },
+ mn = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" },
+ mi = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" },
+ mo = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" },
+ ms = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" },
+ mrow = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" },
+ msubsup = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" },
+ msub = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" },
+ msup = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" },
+ merror = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" },
+ munderover = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" },
+ munder = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" },
+ mover = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" },
+ mtext = { pdf = "Span", nature = "mixed" },
+ mfrac = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" },
+ mroot = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" },
+ msqrt = { pdf = "Span", nature = "display" },
+ = properties
+function tags.settagproperty(tag,key,value)
+ local p = properties[tag]
+ if p then
+ p[key] = value
+ else
+ properties[tag] = { [key] = value }
+local lasttags = { }
+function tags.start(tag,label,detail)
if not enabled then
- codeinjections.enabletags(taglist,labels)
+ codeinjections.enabletags()
enabled = true
- local n = (ids[tag] or 0) + 1
- ids[tag] = n
- chain[#chain+1] = tag .. "-" .. n -- insert(chain,tag .. ":" .. n)
+ labels[tag] = label ~= "" and label or tag
+ local fulltag
+ if detail and detail ~= "" then
+ fulltag = tag .. ":" .. detail
+ else
+ fulltag = tag
+ end
local t = #taglist + 1
+ local n = (ids[fulltag] or 0) + 1
+ ids[fulltag] = n
+ lasttags[tag] = n
+--~ print("SETTING",tag,n)
+ chain[#chain+1] = fulltag .. "-" .. n -- insert(chain,tag .. ":" .. n)
stack[#stack+1] = t -- insert(stack,t)
taglist[t] = { unpack(chain) } -- we can add key values for alt and actualtext if needed
texattribute[a_tagged] = t
@@ -64,6 +182,10 @@ function tags.stop()
return t
+function tags.last(tag)
+ return lasttags[tag] -- or false
function structures.atlocation(str)
local location = gsub(concat(taglist[texattribute[a_tagged]],"-"),"%-%d+","")
return find(location,topattern(str)) ~= nil
@@ -83,7 +205,7 @@ end)
directives.register("backend.addtags", function(v)
if not enabled then
- codeinjections.enabletags(taglist,labels)
+ codeinjections.enabletags()
enabled = true