path: root/tex/context/base/meta-pag.mkiv
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Diffstat (limited to 'tex/context/base/meta-pag.mkiv')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tex/context/base/meta-pag.mkiv b/tex/context/base/meta-pag.mkiv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef3817721
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tex/context/base/meta-pag.mkiv
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=meta-pag,
+%D version=1999.07.10,
+%D title=\METAPOST\ Graphics,
+%D subtitle=Initialization,
+%D author=Hans Hagen,
+%D date=\currentdate,
+%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
+%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
+%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
+%C details.
+%D These definitions used to be part of the old \type
+%D {core-mps} file, later changed into \type {meta-ini}, but
+%D keeping them separate is cleaner.
+\writestatus{loading}{MetaPost Graphics / Page Data Management}
+ if unknown context_page: input mp-page; fi;
+%D The next few macros tell \METAPOST\ how the \CONTEXT\
+%D pagebody looks.
+ boolean PageStateAvailable,OnRightPage,InPageBody;
+ PageStateAvailable:=true;
+ OnRightPage:=true;
+ InPageBody:=\ifinpagebody true \else false \fi;
+ def LoadPageState =
+ OnRightPage:=\MPonrightpage;
+ OnOddPage:=\MPonoddpage;
+ RealPageNumber:=\the\realpageno;
+ PageNumber:=\the\pageno;
+ NOfPages:=\lastpage;
+ PaperHeight:=\the\paperheight;
+ PaperWidth:=\the\paperwidth;
+ PrintPaperHeight:=\the\printpaperheight;
+ PrintPaperWidth:=\the\printpaperwidth;
+ TopSpace:=\the\topspace;
+ BottomSpace:=\the\bottomspace;
+ BackSpace:=\the\backspace;
+ CutSpace:=\the\cutspace;
+ MakeupHeight:=\the\makeupheight;
+ MakeupWidth:=\the\makeupwidth;
+ TopHeight:=\the\topheight;
+ TopDistance:=\the\topdistance;
+ HeaderHeight:=\the\headerheight;
+ HeaderDistance:=\the\headerdistance;
+ TextHeight:=\the\textheight;
+ FooterDistance:=\the\footerdistance;
+ FooterHeight:=\the\footerheight;
+ BottomDistance:=\the\bottomdistance;
+ BottomHeight:=\the\bottomheight;
+ LeftEdgeWidth:=\the\leftedgewidth;
+ LeftEdgeDistance:=\the\leftedgedistance;
+ LeftMarginWidth:=\the\leftmarginwidth;
+ LeftMarginDistance:=\the\leftmargindistance;
+ TextWidth:=\the\textwidth ;
+ RightMarginDistance:=\the\rightmargindistance;
+ RightMarginWidth:=\the\rightmarginwidth;
+ RightEdgeDistance:=\the\rightedgedistance;
+ RightEdgeWidth:=\the\rightedgewidth;
+ InnerMarginDistance:=\the\innermargindistance;
+ InnerMarginWidth:=\the\innermarginwidth;
+ OuterMarginDistance:=\the\outermargindistance;
+ OuterMarginWidth:=\the\outermarginwidth;
+ InnerEdgeDistance:=\the\inneredgedistance;
+ InnerEdgeWidth:=\the\inneredgewidth;
+ OuterEdgeDistance:=\the\outeredgedistance;
+ OuterEdgeWidth:=\the\outeredgewidth;
+ PageOffset:=\the\pageoffset;
+ PageDepth:=\the\pagedepth;
+ LayoutColumns:=\the\layoutcolumns;
+ LayoutColumnDistance:=\the\layoutcolumndistance;
+ LayoutColumnWidth:=\the\layoutcolumnwidth;
+ enddef;
+\def\MPonoddpage {true}
+ {\edef\MPonrightpage{\doifbothsides {tru}{tru}{fals}e}%
+ \edef\MPonoddpage {\doifoddpageelse {tru}{fals}e}}
+\let\freezeMPlayout\relax % obsolete
+%D We need to freeze the pagelayout before the backgrounds
+%D are build, because the overlay will temporarily become
+%D zero (overlay).
+ \freezeMPpagelayout
+\to \everybeforepagebody
+%D By freezing these value every graphic, we can use layout
+%D variables that change halfways a page, whatever use that
+%D has.
+ \calculatereducedvsizes % this is really needed
+ \freezeMPpagelayout
+ \freezeMPlayout % to be used grouped
+\to \everyMPgraphic
+%D The next feature provides information about for instance
+%D column positions. This is an experimental feature,
+%D introduced when we needed backgrounds in columns (fill||in
+%D questions as implemented in a private module).
+%D See \type {} for the definition of the macros:
+%D \starttabulate[|tl|l|p|]
+%D \NC ResetTextAreas \NC no arguments \NC
+%D reset areas on page \NC \NR
+%D \NC RegisterTextArea \NC x, y, w, h \NC
+%D adds area to the list \NC \NR
+%D \NC TextAreaX,Y,W,H,XY,WH \NC x and/or y \NC
+%D reports offsets and dimensions \NC \NR
+%D \stoptabulate
+%D The \type {TextArea*} macros can be used to determine
+%D overlap.
+% optimaliseren voor herhaling
+ {\ifpositioning
+ \bgroup
+ \global\advance\currentMPtextareadata\plusone
+ %\hpos{gbd:\the\currentMPtextareadata}{#1}%
+ \hpos{gbd:\the\currentMPtextareadata}%
+ {\iftracetextareas\boxrulewidth1.5pt\ruledhbox\fi{#1}}%
+ \edef\!!stringa{gbd:\the\currentMPtextareadata}%
+ \edef\!!stringa{RegisterTextArea(%
+ \MPx\!!stringa,\MPy\!!stringa,%
+ \MPw\!!stringa,\MPh\!!stringa,\MPd\!!stringa);}%
+ \@EA \doglobal \@EA \appendtoks \!!stringa \to \MPtextareadata
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \hbox{#1}%
+ \fi}
+ {\ifpositioning
+ \bgroup
+ \global\advance\currentMPtextareadata\plusone
+ %\hpos{gbd:\the\currentMPtextareadata}{#1}%
+ \hpos{gbd:\the\currentMPtextareadata}%
+ {\iftracetextareas\boxrulewidth3pt\ruledhbox\fi{#1}}%
+ \edef\!!stringa{gbd:\the\currentMPtextareadata}%
+ \edef\!!stringa{RegisterLocalTextArea(%
+ \MPx\!!stringa,\MPy\!!stringa,%
+ \MPw\!!stringa,\MPh\!!stringa,\MPd\!!stringa);}%
+ \global\MPlocaltextareadata\@EA{\!!stringa}%
+ \egroup
+ \else
+ \hbox{#1}%
+ \fi}
+% better, so that we can force a key and share with e.g. renumbering
+% \let\namedtextarea\empty
+% \def\registerMPlocaltextarea#1%
+% {\ifpositioning
+% \bgroup
+% \ifx\namedtextarea\empty
+% \global\advance\currentMPtextareadata\plusone
+% \edef\namedtextarea{gbd:\the\currentMPtextareadata}%
+% \fi
+% \hpos\namedtextarea{\iftracetextareas\boxrulewidth3pt\ruledhbox\fi{#1}}%
+% \edef\ascii{RegisterLocalTextArea(%
+% \MPx\namedtextarea,\MPy\namedtextarea,%
+% \MPw\namedtextarea,\MPh\namedtextarea,\MPd\namedtextarea);}%
+% \global\MPlocaltextareadata\@EA{\ascii}%
+% \egroup
+% \else
+% \hbox{#1}%
+% \fi}
+ {\global\MPlocaltextareadata\emptytoks}
+ path PlainTextArea;
+ ResetTextAreas;
+ \the\MPsavedtextareadata;
+ SaveTextAreas;
+ ResetTextAreas;
+ \the\MPtextareadata;
+ \the\MPlocaltextareadata;
+ PlainTextArea:=boundingbox(\MPxy{text:\realfolio}--\MPxy{text:\realfolio}
+ shifted (\MPw{text:\realfolio},\MPh{text:\realfolio}));
+ \global\MPsavedtextareadata\MPtextareadata
+ \global\MPtextareadata \emptytoks
+ \global\MPlocaltextareadata\emptytoks
+\to \everyshipout
+\protect \endinput