path: root/scripts/context/lua/mtx-flac.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/context/lua/mtx-flac.lua')
1 files changed, 238 insertions, 238 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-flac.lua b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-flac.lua
index 2e988b412..2155b24be 100644
--- a/scripts/context/lua/mtx-flac.lua
+++ b/scripts/context/lua/mtx-flac.lua
@@ -1,238 +1,238 @@
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mtx-flac'] = {
- version = 1.001,
- comment = "companion to mtxrun.lua",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files"
-local sub, match, byte, lower = string.sub, string.match, string.byte, string.lower
-local readstring, readnumber = io.readstring, io.readnumber
-local concat, sortedpairs = table.concat, table.sortedpairs
-local tonumber = tonumber
-local tobitstring = number.tobitstring
-local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
-local p_escaped = lpeg.patterns.xml.escaped
--- rather silly: pack info in bits while a flac file is large anyway
-flac = flac or { }
- = string.format
-local splitter = lpeg.splitat("=")
-local readers = { }
-readers[0] = function(f,size,target) -- not yet ok .. todo: use bit32 lib
- local info = { }
- = info
- info.minimum_block_size = readnumber(f,-2)
- info.maximum_block_size = readnumber(f,-2)
- info.minimum_frame_size = readnumber(f,-3)
- info.maximum_frame_size = readnumber(f,-3)
- local buffer = { }
- for i=1,8 do
- buffer[i] = tobitstring(readnumber(f,1))
- end
- local bytes = concat(buffer)
- info.sample_rate_in_hz = tonumber(sub(bytes, 1,20),2) -- 20
- info.number_of_channels = tonumber(sub(bytes,21,23),2) -- 3
- info.bits_per_sample = tonumber(sub(bytes,24,28),2) -- 5
- info.samples_in_stream = tonumber(sub(bytes,29,64),2) -- 36
- info.md5_signature = readstring(f,16) -- 128
-readers[4] = function(f,size,target,banner)
- local tags = { }
- target.tags = tags
- target.vendor = readstring(f,readnumber(f,-4))
- for i=1,readnumber(f,-4) do
- local key, value = lpeg.match(splitter,readstring(f,readnumber(f,-4)))
- tags[lower(key)] = value
- end
-readers.default = function(f,size,target)
- f:seek("cur",size)
-function flac.getmetadata(filename)
- local f =, "rb")
- if f then
- local banner = readstring(f,4)
- if banner == "fLaC" then
- local data = {
- banner = banner,
- filename = filename,
- filesize = lfs.attributes(filename,"size"),
- }
- while true do
- local flag = readnumber(f,1)
- local size = readnumber(f,3)
- local last = flag > 127
- if last then
- flag = flag - 128
- end
- local reader = readers[flag] or readers.default
- reader(f,size,data,banner)
- if last then
- f:close()
- return data
- end
- end
- else
-"no flac file: %s (%s)",filename,banner)
- end
- f:close()
- else
-"no file: %s",filename)
- end
-function flac.savecollection(pattern,filename)
- pattern = (pattern ~= "" and pattern) or "**/*.flac"
- filename = (filename ~= "" and filename) or "music-collection.xml"
-"identifying files using pattern %q" ,pattern)
- local files = dir.glob(pattern)
-"%s files found, analyzing files",#files)
- local music = { }
- for i=1,#files do
- local data = flac.getmetadata(files[i])
- if data then
- local tags = data.tags
- local info =
- local artist = tags.artist
- local album = tags.album
- local albums = music[artist]
- if not albums then
- albums = { }
- music[artist] = albums
- end
- local albumx = albums[album]
- if not albumx then
- albumx = {
- year =,
- tracks = { },
- }
- albums[album] = albumx
- end
- albumx.tracks[tonumber(tags.tracknumber) or 0] = {
- title = tags.title,
- length = math.round((info.samples_in_stream/info.sample_rate_in_hz)),
- }
- end
- end
- -- inspect(music)
- local nofartists, nofalbums, noftracks, noferrors = 0, 0, 0, 0
- local f =,"wb")
- if f then
-"saving data in file %q",filename)
- f:write("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>\n\n")
- f:write("<collection>\n")
- for artist, albums in sortedpairs(music) do
- nofartists = nofartists + 1
- f:write("\t<artist>\n")
- f:write("\t\t<name>",lpegmatch(p_escaped,artist),"</name>\n")
- f:write("\t\t<albums>\n")
- for album, data in sortedpairs(albums) do
- nofalbums = nofalbums + 1
- f:write("\t\t\t<album year='",data.year or 0,"'>\n")
- f:write("\t\t\t\t<name>",lpegmatch(p_escaped,album),"</name>\n")
- f:write("\t\t\t\t<tracks>\n")
- local tracks = data.tracks
- for i=1,#tracks do
- local track = tracks[i]
- if track then
- noftracks = noftracks + 1
- f:write("\t\t\t\t\t<track length='",track.length,"'>",lpegmatch(p_escaped,track.title),"</track>\n")
- else
- noferrors = noferrors + 1
-"error in album: %q of %q, no track %s",album,artist,i)
- f:write("\t\t\t\t\t<error track='",i,"'/>\n")
- end
- end
- f:write("\t\t\t\t</tracks>\n")
- f:write("\t\t\t</album>\n")
- end
- f:write("\t\t</albums>\n")
- f:write("\t</artist>\n")
- end
- f:write("</collection>\n")
- f:close()
-"%s tracks of %s albums of %s artists saved in %q (%s errors)",noftracks,nofalbums,nofartists,filename,noferrors)
- else
-"unable to save data in file %q",filename)
- end
-local helpinfo = [[
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <metadata>
- <entry name="name">mtx-flac</entry>
- <entry name="detail">ConTeXt Flac Helpers</entry>
- <entry name="version">0.10</entry>
- </metadata>
- <flags>
- <category name="basic">
- <subcategory>
- <flag name="collect"><short>collect albums in xml file</short></flag>
- </subcategory>
- </category>
- </flags>
- <examples>
- <category>
- <title>Example</title>
- <subcategory>
- <example><command>mtxrun --script flac --collect somename.flac</command></example>
- <example><command>mtxrun --script flac --collect --pattern="m:/music/**")</command></example>
- </subcategory>
- </category>
- </examples>
-local application = logs.application {
- name = "mtx-flac",
- banner = "ConTeXt Flac Helpers 0.10",
- helpinfo = helpinfo,
- =
--- script code
-scripts = scripts or { }
-scripts.flac = scripts.flac or { }
-function scripts.flac.collect()
- local files = environment.files
- local pattern = environment.arguments.pattern
- if #files > 0 then
- for i=1,#files do
- local filename = files[1]
- if file.suffix(filename) == "flac" then
- flac.savecollection(filename,file.replacesuffix(filename,"xml"))
- elseif lfs.isdir(filename) then
- local pattern = filename .. "/**.flac"
- flac.savecollection(pattern,file.addsuffix(file.basename(filename),"xml"))
- else
- flac.savecollection(file.replacesuffix(filename,"flac"),file.replacesuffix(filename,"xml"))
- end
- end
- elseif pattern then
- flac.savecollection(file.addsuffix(pattern,"flac"),"music-collection.xml")
- else
-"no file(s) or pattern given" )
- end
-if environment.argument("collect") then
- scripts.flac.collect()
-elseif environment.argument("exporthelp") then
- application.export(environment.argument("exporthelp"),environment.files[1])
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mtx-flac'] = {
+ version = 1.001,
+ comment = "companion to mtxrun.lua",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "see context related readme files"
+local sub, match, byte, lower = string.sub, string.match, string.byte, string.lower
+local readstring, readnumber = io.readstring, io.readnumber
+local concat, sortedpairs = table.concat, table.sortedpairs
+local tonumber = tonumber
+local tobitstring = number.tobitstring
+local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+local p_escaped = lpeg.patterns.xml.escaped
+-- rather silly: pack info in bits while a flac file is large anyway
+flac = flac or { }
+ = string.format
+local splitter = lpeg.splitat("=")
+local readers = { }
+readers[0] = function(f,size,target) -- not yet ok .. todo: use bit32 lib
+ local info = { }
+ = info
+ info.minimum_block_size = readnumber(f,-2)
+ info.maximum_block_size = readnumber(f,-2)
+ info.minimum_frame_size = readnumber(f,-3)
+ info.maximum_frame_size = readnumber(f,-3)
+ local buffer = { }
+ for i=1,8 do
+ buffer[i] = tobitstring(readnumber(f,1))
+ end
+ local bytes = concat(buffer)
+ info.sample_rate_in_hz = tonumber(sub(bytes, 1,20),2) -- 20
+ info.number_of_channels = tonumber(sub(bytes,21,23),2) -- 3
+ info.bits_per_sample = tonumber(sub(bytes,24,28),2) -- 5
+ info.samples_in_stream = tonumber(sub(bytes,29,64),2) -- 36
+ info.md5_signature = readstring(f,16) -- 128
+readers[4] = function(f,size,target,banner)
+ local tags = { }
+ target.tags = tags
+ target.vendor = readstring(f,readnumber(f,-4))
+ for i=1,readnumber(f,-4) do
+ local key, value = lpeg.match(splitter,readstring(f,readnumber(f,-4)))
+ tags[lower(key)] = value
+ end
+readers.default = function(f,size,target)
+ f:seek("cur",size)
+function flac.getmetadata(filename)
+ local f =, "rb")
+ if f then
+ local banner = readstring(f,4)
+ if banner == "fLaC" then
+ local data = {
+ banner = banner,
+ filename = filename,
+ filesize = lfs.attributes(filename,"size"),
+ }
+ while true do
+ local flag = readnumber(f,1)
+ local size = readnumber(f,3)
+ local last = flag > 127
+ if last then
+ flag = flag - 128
+ end
+ local reader = readers[flag] or readers.default
+ reader(f,size,data,banner)
+ if last then
+ f:close()
+ return data
+ end
+ end
+ else
+"no flac file: %s (%s)",filename,banner)
+ end
+ f:close()
+ else
+"no file: %s",filename)
+ end
+function flac.savecollection(pattern,filename)
+ pattern = (pattern ~= "" and pattern) or "**/*.flac"
+ filename = (filename ~= "" and filename) or "music-collection.xml"
+"identifying files using pattern %q" ,pattern)
+ local files = dir.glob(pattern)
+"%s files found, analyzing files",#files)
+ local music = { }
+ for i=1,#files do
+ local data = flac.getmetadata(files[i])
+ if data then
+ local tags = data.tags
+ local info =
+ local artist = tags.artist
+ local album = tags.album
+ local albums = music[artist]
+ if not albums then
+ albums = { }
+ music[artist] = albums
+ end
+ local albumx = albums[album]
+ if not albumx then
+ albumx = {
+ year =,
+ tracks = { },
+ }
+ albums[album] = albumx
+ end
+ albumx.tracks[tonumber(tags.tracknumber) or 0] = {
+ title = tags.title,
+ length = math.round((info.samples_in_stream/info.sample_rate_in_hz)),
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ -- inspect(music)
+ local nofartists, nofalbums, noftracks, noferrors = 0, 0, 0, 0
+ local f =,"wb")
+ if f then
+"saving data in file %q",filename)
+ f:write("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>\n\n")
+ f:write("<collection>\n")
+ for artist, albums in sortedpairs(music) do
+ nofartists = nofartists + 1
+ f:write("\t<artist>\n")
+ f:write("\t\t<name>",lpegmatch(p_escaped,artist),"</name>\n")
+ f:write("\t\t<albums>\n")
+ for album, data in sortedpairs(albums) do
+ nofalbums = nofalbums + 1
+ f:write("\t\t\t<album year='",data.year or 0,"'>\n")
+ f:write("\t\t\t\t<name>",lpegmatch(p_escaped,album),"</name>\n")
+ f:write("\t\t\t\t<tracks>\n")
+ local tracks = data.tracks
+ for i=1,#tracks do
+ local track = tracks[i]
+ if track then
+ noftracks = noftracks + 1
+ f:write("\t\t\t\t\t<track length='",track.length,"'>",lpegmatch(p_escaped,track.title),"</track>\n")
+ else
+ noferrors = noferrors + 1
+"error in album: %q of %q, no track %s",album,artist,i)
+ f:write("\t\t\t\t\t<error track='",i,"'/>\n")
+ end
+ end
+ f:write("\t\t\t\t</tracks>\n")
+ f:write("\t\t\t</album>\n")
+ end
+ f:write("\t\t</albums>\n")
+ f:write("\t</artist>\n")
+ end
+ f:write("</collection>\n")
+ f:close()
+"%s tracks of %s albums of %s artists saved in %q (%s errors)",noftracks,nofalbums,nofartists,filename,noferrors)
+ else
+"unable to save data in file %q",filename)
+ end
+local helpinfo = [[
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <metadata>
+ <entry name="name">mtx-flac</entry>
+ <entry name="detail">ConTeXt Flac Helpers</entry>
+ <entry name="version">0.10</entry>
+ </metadata>
+ <flags>
+ <category name="basic">
+ <subcategory>
+ <flag name="collect"><short>collect albums in xml file</short></flag>
+ </subcategory>
+ </category>
+ </flags>
+ <examples>
+ <category>
+ <title>Example</title>
+ <subcategory>
+ <example><command>mtxrun --script flac --collect somename.flac</command></example>
+ <example><command>mtxrun --script flac --collect --pattern="m:/music/**")</command></example>
+ </subcategory>
+ </category>
+ </examples>
+local application = logs.application {
+ name = "mtx-flac",
+ banner = "ConTeXt Flac Helpers 0.10",
+ helpinfo = helpinfo,
+ =
+-- script code
+scripts = scripts or { }
+scripts.flac = scripts.flac or { }
+function scripts.flac.collect()
+ local files = environment.files
+ local pattern = environment.arguments.pattern
+ if #files > 0 then
+ for i=1,#files do
+ local filename = files[1]
+ if file.suffix(filename) == "flac" then
+ flac.savecollection(filename,file.replacesuffix(filename,"xml"))
+ elseif lfs.isdir(filename) then
+ local pattern = filename .. "/**.flac"
+ flac.savecollection(pattern,file.addsuffix(file.basename(filename),"xml"))
+ else
+ flac.savecollection(file.replacesuffix(filename,"flac"),file.replacesuffix(filename,"xml"))
+ end
+ end
+ elseif pattern then
+ flac.savecollection(file.addsuffix(pattern,"flac"),"music-collection.xml")
+ else
+"no file(s) or pattern given" )
+ end
+if environment.argument("collect") then
+ scripts.flac.collect()
+elseif environment.argument("exporthelp") then
+ application.export(environment.argument("exporthelp"),environment.files[1])