path: root/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/metafun/metafun-examples.tex
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diff --git a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/metafun/metafun-examples.tex b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/metafun/metafun-examples.tex
index 4e5e0eed3..5549a3bdd 100644
--- a/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/metafun/metafun-examples.tex
+++ b/doc/context/sources/general/manuals/metafun/metafun-examples.tex
@@ -3264,6 +3264,259 @@ We get:
+I made this example long ago, when some family member had to learn tables by
+heart. For some reason, at school, this is made into a complex issue, with tricks
+and such, even it if only involves only a few numbers. My own experience (if I
+remember right) was that some of these numbers are trivial, and that there is
+quite some symmetry, so in practice only a quarter needs to be remembered. And,
+assuming that you can easily deduct the trivial cases, one can just calculate the
+rest if needed.
+\start \ttbf \startMPcode
+ def MyDraw(expr i, j, c) =
+ fill fullsquare shifted (i,j) withcolor c withtransparency (1,.5) ;
+ enddef ;
+ for i = 1 upto 10 :
+ for j = 1 upto 10 : MyDraw( i, -j, "middlered" ) ; endfor ; endfor ;
+ for j = 1 upto 10 : MyDraw( 1, -j, "middleblue" ) ; endfor ;
+ for i = 1 upto 10 : MyDraw( i, -10, "middlegreen" ) ; endfor ;
+ for i = 1 upto 10 : MyDraw( i, -1, "middleyellow") ; endfor ;
+ for j = 1 upto 10 : MyDraw(10, -j, "middlecyan" ) ; endfor ;
+ for j = 1 upto 10 : MyDraw( 5, -j, "middlegray" ) ; endfor ;
+ for j = 1 upto 10 : MyDraw( j, -j, "middlegray" ) ; endfor ;
+ draw image ( for i = 1 upto 10 : for j = 1 upto 10 :
+ draw textext(decimal (i*j)) ysized .25 shifted (i,-j) ;
+ endfor ; endfor ; ) withcolor white ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture ysized 10cm ;
+\stopMPcode \stop
+\startplacefigure[title=Overlapping glyphs,reference=fig:tentable]
+ \getbuffer
+Here we use both transparency and colors to stress the reduction of cases. The
+named colors resolve to ones defined at the \TEX\ end. We see the redndering
+\in {figure} [fig:tentable].
+\startsection[title=Glyph magic]
+The next example is the result of a tread on the mailing list. After Henri Menke
+posted a some glyph overlap code, I made a variant that more suited the way we do
+it in \METAFUN. In the meantime Floris van Maanen had found out that some glyphs
+need a more inventive solution so after that the code evolved. By then the \type
+{outlinetext}, \type {drawoutlinetext} and \type {filloutlinetext} helpers had
+been added to the code base.
+Because this is complicated stuff, we just show the two solutions. The first one
+is a relative simple one, the second one uses an approach suggested by Alan
+Braslau and therefore uses some of the code that can be found in the \type
+{crossingunder} macro.
+def ShowOverlapInOutlinesA(expr first, second) =
+ path p_i, p_j, s_i, s_j ;
+ numeric n_i, n_j, index ;
+ pair found ;
+ index := 0 ;
+ for i within first :
+ for j within second :
+ p_i := pathpart i ; n_i := length(p_i) ;
+ p_j := pathpart j ; n_j := length(p_j) ;
+ for ii = 0 upto n_i - 1 :
+ s_i := subpath(ii,ii+1) of p_i ;
+ for jj = 0 upto n_j - 1 :
+ s_j := subpath(jj,jj+1) of p_j ;
+ found := s_i intersection_point s_j ;
+ if intersection_found :
+ index := index + 1 ;
+ drawdot found
+ withpen pencircle scaled 4 withcolor white ;
+ draw textext("\strut\ttbf " & decimal index) ysized 3
+ shifted found ;
+ fi ;
+ endfor ;
+ endfor ;
+ endfor ;
+ endfor ;
+enddef ;
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+This is the solution based on \type {crossingunder}, a macro that has been
+introduced as part of Alan's neat node module.
+def ShowOverlapInOutlinesB(expr first, second) =
+ begingroup ;
+ save p, q, n, t, a, b, c, bcuttings, hold, found ;
+ path p, q ;
+ numeric n, hold ;
+ path a, b, c, bcuttings ;
+ pair found ;
+ c := makepath(currentpen scaled crossingscale) ;
+ for f within first :
+ numeric t[];
+ path hold[];
+ t[0] := n := hold := 0 ;
+ for s within second :
+ p := pathpart f ;
+ q := pathpart s ;
+ a := p ;
+ for i=1 upto crossingnumbermax : % safeguard
+ clearxy ; z = a intersectiontimes q ;
+ if x < 0 :
+ exitif hold < 1 ;
+ a := hold[hold] ; hold := hold - 1 ;
+ clearxy ; z = a intersectiontimes q ;
+ fi
+ (t[incr n], whatever) = p intersectiontimes point x of a ;
+ if x = 0 :
+ a := a cutbefore c shifted point x of a ;
+ elseif x = length a :
+ a := a cutafter c shifted point x of a ;
+ else : % before or after?
+ b := subpath (0,x) of a cutafter c shifted point x of a ;
+ bcuttings := cuttings ;
+ a := subpath (x,length a) of a cutbefore c shifted point x of a ;
+ clearxy ; z = a intersectiontimes q ;
+ if x < 0 :
+ a := b ;
+ cuttings := bcuttings ;
+ elseif length bcuttings > 0 :
+ clearxy ; z = b intersectiontimes q ;
+ if x >= 0 :
+ hold[incr hold] := b ;
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if length cuttings = 0 :
+ exitif hold < 1 ;
+ a := hold[hold] ; hold := hold - 1 ;
+ fi
+ endfor ;
+ endfor ;
+ t[incr n] = length p ;
+ for i=1 upto n :
+ found := point t[i] of p ;
+ drawdot found
+ withpen pencircle scaled 4 withcolor white ;
+ draw textext("\strut\ttbf " & decimal i) ysized 3
+ shifted found ;
+ endfor ;
+ endfor ;
+ endgroup ;
+enddef ;
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+We demonstrate the differences with an example. The result can be seen in
+\in {figure} [fig:overlapping:a].
+ {\startMPcode
+ picture first, second ;
+ first := outlinetext.p("N") ; first := first scaled 10 ;
+ second := outlinetext.p("T") ; second := second scaled 10 ;
+ second := second rotatedaround(center second, 5) shifted (1,-1) ;
+ filloutlinetext(first ) withcolor .5[darkblue,white] ;
+ filloutlinetext(second) withcolor .5[darkred,white] ;
+ drawoutlinetext(first ) ;
+ drawoutlinetext(second) ;
+ ShowOverlapInOutlinesA(first, second) ;
+ addbackground withcolor darkgray ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture scaled 2.5 ;
+ \stopMPcode} {Method A}
+ {\startMPcode
+ picture first, second ;
+ first := outlinetext.p("N") ; first := first scaled 10 ;
+ second := outlinetext.p("T") ; second := second scaled 10 ;
+ second := second rotatedaround(center second, 5) shifted (1,-1) ;
+ filloutlinetext(first ) withcolor .5[darkgreen,white] ;
+ filloutlinetext(second) withcolor .5[darkyellow,white] ;
+ drawoutlinetext(first ) ;
+ drawoutlinetext(second) ;
+ ShowOverlapInOutlinesB(first, second) ;
+ addbackground withcolor darkgray ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture scaled 2.5 ;
+ \stopMPcode} {Method B}
+\startplacefigure[title=Overlapping glyphs,reference=fig:overlapping:a]
+ \getbuffer
+We duplicate some code because the pictures will change in the process of
+analyzing. Let's make a helper for that:
+def ShowOverlap(expr f, s, m) =
+ picture first, second ;
+ first := outlinetext.p(f) ; first := first scaled 10 ;
+ second := outlinetext.p(s) ; second := second scaled 10 ;
+ filloutlinetext(first ) withcolor darkblue ;
+ drawoutlinetext(first ) ;
+ filloutlinetext(second) withcolor darkred ;
+ drawoutlinetext(second) ;
+ if m == 2 :
+ ShowOverlapInOutlinesB
+ else :
+ ShowOverlapInOutlinesA
+ fi (first, second) ;
+ addbackground withcolor darkgray ;
+ currentpicture := currentpicture ysized 4cm ;
+enddef ;
+\typebuffer \getbuffer
+Again we demonstrate the differences with some examples. The result can be seen in
+\in {figure} [fig:overlapping:b].
+ \startcombination[nx=3,ny=2]
+ {\startMPcode ShowOverlap("N","T",1) ; \stopMPcode} {Method 1}
+ {\startMPcode ShowOverlap("\$","Q",1) ; \stopMPcode} {Method 1}
+ {\startMPcode ShowOverlap("\tttf ABC","\tttf PQR",1) ; \stopMPcode} {Method 1}
+ {\startMPcode ShowOverlap("N","T",2) ; \stopMPcode} {Method 2}
+ {\startMPcode ShowOverlap("\$","Q",2) ; \stopMPcode} {Method 2}
+ {\startMPcode ShowOverlap("\tttf ABC","\tttf PQR",2) ; \stopMPcode} {Method 2}
+ \stopcombination
+\startplacefigure[title=Overlapping glyphs,reference=fig:overlapping:b]
+ \getbuffer