diff options
authorContext Git Mirror Bot <>2016-08-01 11:38:58 +0200
committerContext Git Mirror Bot <>2016-08-01 11:38:58 +0200
commit665f9095475ffcd1c8750546727c75e5486a266f (patch)
parent5135aef167bec739fe429e1aa987671768b237bc (diff)
2016-08-01 10:54:00
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/context-version.pdfbin4253 -> 4262 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdfbin9238 -> 9127 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdfbin368500 -> 368501 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-context.pdfbin774744 -> 774404 bytes
-rw-r--r--tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-readme.pdfbin60787 -> 60792 bytes
17 files changed, 1035 insertions, 188 deletions
diff --git a/context/data/scite/context/lexers/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua b/context/data/scite/context/lexers/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua
index b8aa47b38..39bd1e22b 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/context/lexers/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua
+++ b/context/data/scite/context/lexers/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
return {
- ["commands"]={ "transparency", "sqr", "log", "ln", "exp", "inv", "pow", "pi", "radian", "tand", "cotd", "sin", "cos", "tan", "cot", "atan", "asin", "acos", "invsin", "invcos", "invtan", "acosh", "asinh", "sinh", "cosh", "zmod", "paired", "tripled", "unitcircle", "fulldiamond", "unitdiamond", "fullsquare", "llcircle", "lrcircle", "urcircle", "ulcircle", "tcircle", "bcircle", "lcircle", "rcircle", "lltriangle", "lrtriangle", "urtriangle", "ultriangle", "uptriangle", "downtriangle", "lefttriangle", "righttriangle", "triangle", "smoothed", "cornered", "superellipsed", "randomized", "squeezed", "enlonged", "shortened", "punked", "curved", "unspiked", "simplified", "blownup", "stretched", "enlarged", "leftenlarged", "topenlarged", "rightenlarged", "bottomenlarged", "crossed", "laddered", "randomshifted", "interpolated", "paralleled", "cutends", "peepholed", "llenlarged", "lrenlarged", "urenlarged", "ulenlarged", "llmoved", "lrmoved", "urmoved", "ulmoved", "rightarrow", "leftarrow", "centerarrow", "boundingbox", "innerboundingbox", "outerboundingbox", "pushboundingbox", "popboundingbox", "bottomboundary", "leftboundary", "topboundary", "rightboundary", "xsized", "ysized", "xysized", "sized", "xyscaled", "intersection_point", "intersection_found", "penpoint", "bbwidth", "bbheight", "withshade", "withcircularshade", "withlinearshade", "defineshade", "shaded", "shadedinto", "withshadecolors", "withshadedomain", "withshademethod", "withshadefactor", "withshadevector", "withshadecenter", "withshadedirection", "withshadestep", "withshadefraction", "cmyk", "spotcolor", "multitonecolor", "namedcolor", "drawfill", "undrawfill", "inverted", "uncolored", "softened", "grayed", "greyed", "onlayer", "along", "graphictext", "loadfigure", "externalfigure", "figure", "register", "outlinetext", "checkedbounds", "checkbounds", "strut", "rule", "withmask", "bitmapimage", "colordecimals", "ddecimal", "dddecimal", "ddddecimal", "textext", "thetextext", "rawtextext", "textextoffset", "texbox", "thetexbox", "rawtexbox", "verbatim", "thelabel", "label", "autoalign", "transparent", "withtransparency", "property", "properties", "withproperties", "asgroup", "infont", "space", "crlf", "dquote", "percent", "SPACE", "CRLF", "DQUOTE", "PERCENT", "grayscale", "greyscale", "withgray", "withgrey", "colorpart", "readfile", "clearxy", "unitvector", "center", "epsed", "anchored", "originpath", "infinite", "break", "xstretched", "ystretched", "snapped", "pathconnectors", "function", "constructedfunction", "constructedpath", "constructedpairs", "straightfunction", "straightpath", "straightpairs", "curvedfunction", "curvedpath", "curvedpairs", "evenly", "oddly", "condition", "pushcurrentpicture", "popcurrentpicture", "arrowpath", "tensecircle", "roundedsquare", "colortype", "whitecolor", "blackcolor", "basiccolors", "complementary", "complemented", "resolvedcolor", "normalfill", "normaldraw", "visualizepaths", "detailpaths", "naturalizepaths", "drawboundary", "drawwholepath", "drawpathonly", "visualizeddraw", "visualizedfill", "detaileddraw", "draworigin", "drawboundingbox", "drawpath", "drawpoint", "drawpoints", "drawcontrolpoints", "drawcontrollines", "drawpointlabels", "drawlineoptions", "drawpointoptions", "drawcontroloptions", "drawlabeloptions", "draworiginoptions", "drawboundoptions", "drawpathoptions", "resetdrawoptions", "undashed", "decorated", "redecorated", "undecorated", "passvariable", "passarrayvariable", "tostring", "format", "formatted", "startpassingvariable", "stoppassingvariable", "eofill", "eoclip", "nofill", "fillup", "eofillup", "area", "addbackground", "shadedup", "shadeddown", "shadedleft", "shadedright" },
+ ["commands"]={ "transparency", "sqr", "log", "ln", "exp", "inv", "pow", "pi", "radian", "tand", "cotd", "sin", "cos", "tan", "cot", "atan", "asin", "acos", "invsin", "invcos", "invtan", "acosh", "asinh", "sinh", "cosh", "zmod", "paired", "tripled", "unitcircle", "fulldiamond", "unitdiamond", "fullsquare", "llcircle", "lrcircle", "urcircle", "ulcircle", "tcircle", "bcircle", "lcircle", "rcircle", "lltriangle", "lrtriangle", "urtriangle", "ultriangle", "uptriangle", "downtriangle", "lefttriangle", "righttriangle", "triangle", "smoothed", "cornered", "superellipsed", "randomized", "randomizedcontrols", "squeezed", "enlonged", "shortened", "punked", "curved", "unspiked", "simplified", "blownup", "stretched", "enlarged", "leftenlarged", "topenlarged", "rightenlarged", "bottomenlarged", "crossed", "laddered", "randomshifted", "interpolated", "paralleled", "cutends", "peepholed", "llenlarged", "lrenlarged", "urenlarged", "ulenlarged", "llmoved", "lrmoved", "urmoved", "ulmoved", "rightarrow", "leftarrow", "centerarrow", "boundingbox", "innerboundingbox", "outerboundingbox", "pushboundingbox", "popboundingbox", "bottomboundary", "leftboundary", "topboundary", "rightboundary", "xsized", "ysized", "xysized", "sized", "xyscaled", "intersection_point", "intersection_found", "penpoint", "bbwidth", "bbheight", "withshade", "withcircularshade", "withlinearshade", "defineshade", "shaded", "shadedinto", "withshadecolors", "withshadedomain", "withshademethod", "withshadefactor", "withshadevector", "withshadecenter", "withshadedirection", "withshadestep", "withshadefraction", "cmyk", "spotcolor", "multitonecolor", "namedcolor", "drawfill", "undrawfill", "inverted", "uncolored", "softened", "grayed", "greyed", "onlayer", "along", "graphictext", "loadfigure", "externalfigure", "figure", "register", "outlinetext", "checkedbounds", "checkbounds", "strut", "rule", "withmask", "bitmapimage", "colordecimals", "ddecimal", "dddecimal", "ddddecimal", "textext", "thetextext", "rawtextext", "textextoffset", "texbox", "thetexbox", "rawtexbox", "verbatim", "thelabel", "label", "autoalign", "transparent", "withtransparency", "property", "properties", "withproperties", "asgroup", "infont", "space", "crlf", "dquote", "percent", "SPACE", "CRLF", "DQUOTE", "PERCENT", "grayscale", "greyscale", "withgray", "withgrey", "colorpart", "readfile", "clearxy", "unitvector", "center", "epsed", "anchored", "originpath", "infinite", "break", "xstretched", "ystretched", "snapped", "pathconnectors", "function", "constructedfunction", "constructedpath", "constructedpairs", "straightfunction", "straightpath", "straightpairs", "curvedfunction", "curvedpath", "curvedpairs", "evenly", "oddly", "condition", "pushcurrentpicture", "popcurrentpicture", "arrowpath", "tensecircle", "roundedsquare", "colortype", "whitecolor", "blackcolor", "basiccolors", "complementary", "complemented", "resolvedcolor", "normalfill", "normaldraw", "visualizepaths", "detailpaths", "naturalizepaths", "drawboundary", "drawwholepath", "drawpathonly", "visualizeddraw", "visualizedfill", "detaileddraw", "draworigin", "drawboundingbox", "drawpath", "drawpoint", "drawpoints", "drawcontrolpoints", "drawcontrollines", "drawpointlabels", "drawlineoptions", "drawpointoptions", "drawcontroloptions", "drawlabeloptions", "draworiginoptions", "drawboundoptions", "drawpathoptions", "resetdrawoptions", "undashed", "decorated", "redecorated", "undecorated", "passvariable", "passarrayvariable", "tostring", "format", "formatted", "startpassingvariable", "stoppassingvariable", "eofill", "eoclip", "nofill", "fillup", "eofillup", "area", "addbackground", "shadedup", "shadeddown", "shadedleft", "shadedright" },
["internals"]={ "nocolormodel", "greycolormodel", "graycolormodel", "rgbcolormodel", "cmykcolormodel", "shadefactor", "textextoffset", "normaltransparent", "multiplytransparent", "screentransparent", "overlaytransparent", "softlighttransparent", "hardlighttransparent", "colordodgetransparent", "colorburntransparent", "darkentransparent", "lightentransparent", "differencetransparent", "exclusiontransparent", "huetransparent", "saturationtransparent", "colortransparent", "luminositytransparent", "ahvariant", "ahdimple", "ahfactor", "metapostversion", "maxdimensions", "drawoptionsfactor" },
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/context/data/scite/context/ b/context/data/scite/context/
index b5d277dc7..578b5c6d0 100644
--- a/context/data/scite/context/
+++ b/context/data/scite/context/
@@ -9,50 +9,50 @@ fulldiamond unitdiamond fullsquare llcircle lrcircle \
urcircle ulcircle tcircle bcircle lcircle \
rcircle lltriangle lrtriangle urtriangle ultriangle \
uptriangle downtriangle lefttriangle righttriangle triangle \
-smoothed cornered superellipsed randomized squeezed \
-enlonged shortened punked curved unspiked \
-simplified blownup stretched enlarged leftenlarged \
-topenlarged rightenlarged bottomenlarged crossed laddered \
-randomshifted interpolated paralleled cutends peepholed \
-llenlarged lrenlarged urenlarged ulenlarged llmoved \
-lrmoved urmoved ulmoved rightarrow leftarrow \
-centerarrow boundingbox innerboundingbox outerboundingbox pushboundingbox \
-popboundingbox bottomboundary leftboundary topboundary rightboundary \
-xsized ysized xysized sized xyscaled \
-intersection_point intersection_found penpoint bbwidth bbheight \
-withshade withcircularshade withlinearshade defineshade shaded \
-shadedinto withshadecolors withshadedomain withshademethod withshadefactor \
-withshadevector withshadecenter withshadedirection withshadestep withshadefraction \
-cmyk spotcolor multitonecolor namedcolor drawfill \
-undrawfill inverted uncolored softened grayed \
-greyed onlayer along graphictext loadfigure \
-externalfigure figure register outlinetext checkedbounds \
-checkbounds strut rule withmask bitmapimage \
-colordecimals ddecimal dddecimal ddddecimal textext \
-thetextext rawtextext textextoffset texbox thetexbox \
-rawtexbox verbatim thelabel label autoalign \
-transparent withtransparency property properties withproperties \
-asgroup infont space crlf dquote \
-grayscale greyscale withgray withgrey colorpart \
-readfile clearxy unitvector center epsed \
-anchored originpath infinite break xstretched \
-ystretched snapped pathconnectors function constructedfunction \
-constructedpath constructedpairs straightfunction straightpath straightpairs \
-curvedfunction curvedpath curvedpairs evenly oddly \
-condition pushcurrentpicture popcurrentpicture arrowpath tensecircle \
-roundedsquare colortype whitecolor blackcolor basiccolors \
-complementary complemented resolvedcolor normalfill normaldraw \
-visualizepaths detailpaths naturalizepaths drawboundary drawwholepath \
-drawpathonly visualizeddraw visualizedfill detaileddraw draworigin \
-drawboundingbox drawpath drawpoint drawpoints drawcontrolpoints \
-drawcontrollines drawpointlabels drawlineoptions drawpointoptions drawcontroloptions \
-drawlabeloptions draworiginoptions drawboundoptions drawpathoptions resetdrawoptions \
-undashed decorated redecorated undecorated passvariable \
-passarrayvariable tostring format formatted startpassingvariable \
-stoppassingvariable eofill eoclip nofill fillup \
-eofillup area addbackground shadedup shadeddown \
-shadedleft shadedright
+smoothed cornered superellipsed randomized randomizedcontrols \
+squeezed enlonged shortened punked curved \
+unspiked simplified blownup stretched enlarged \
+leftenlarged topenlarged rightenlarged bottomenlarged crossed \
+laddered randomshifted interpolated paralleled cutends \
+peepholed llenlarged lrenlarged urenlarged ulenlarged \
+llmoved lrmoved urmoved ulmoved rightarrow \
+leftarrow centerarrow boundingbox innerboundingbox outerboundingbox \
+pushboundingbox popboundingbox bottomboundary leftboundary topboundary \
+rightboundary xsized ysized xysized sized \
+xyscaled intersection_point intersection_found penpoint bbwidth \
+bbheight withshade withcircularshade withlinearshade defineshade \
+shaded shadedinto withshadecolors withshadedomain withshademethod \
+withshadefactor withshadevector withshadecenter withshadedirection withshadestep \
+withshadefraction cmyk spotcolor multitonecolor namedcolor \
+drawfill undrawfill inverted uncolored softened \
+grayed greyed onlayer along graphictext \
+loadfigure externalfigure figure register outlinetext \
+checkedbounds checkbounds strut rule withmask \
+bitmapimage colordecimals ddecimal dddecimal ddddecimal \
+textext thetextext rawtextext textextoffset texbox \
+thetexbox rawtexbox verbatim thelabel label \
+autoalign transparent withtransparency property properties \
+withproperties asgroup infont space crlf \
+dquote percent SPACE CRLF DQUOTE \
+PERCENT grayscale greyscale withgray withgrey \
+colorpart readfile clearxy unitvector center \
+epsed anchored originpath infinite break \
+xstretched ystretched snapped pathconnectors function \
+constructedfunction constructedpath constructedpairs straightfunction straightpath \
+straightpairs curvedfunction curvedpath curvedpairs evenly \
+oddly condition pushcurrentpicture popcurrentpicture arrowpath \
+tensecircle roundedsquare colortype whitecolor blackcolor \
+basiccolors complementary complemented resolvedcolor normalfill \
+normaldraw visualizepaths detailpaths naturalizepaths drawboundary \
+drawwholepath drawpathonly visualizeddraw visualizedfill detaileddraw \
+draworigin drawboundingbox drawpath drawpoint drawpoints \
+drawcontrolpoints drawcontrollines drawpointlabels drawlineoptions drawpointoptions \
+drawcontroloptions drawlabeloptions draworiginoptions drawboundoptions drawpathoptions \
+resetdrawoptions undashed decorated redecorated undecorated \
+passvariable passarrayvariable tostring format formatted \
+startpassingvariable stoppassingvariable eofill eoclip nofill \
+fillup eofillup area addbackground shadedup \
+shadeddown shadedleft shadedright
nocolormodel greycolormodel graycolormodel rgbcolormodel \
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv
index 4c9f6442a..a4541ae2d 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-mlib.mpiv
@@ -909,6 +909,10 @@ vardef mfun_do_outline_text_flush (expr kind, n, x, y) (text t) =
fi ;
enddef ;
+vardef mfun_do_outline_rule_flush (expr kind, x, y, w, h) =
+ mfun_do_outline_text_flush (kind, 1, x, y) (fullsquare xyscaled(w,h))
+enddef ;
numeric mfun_do_outline_n ; mfun_do_outline_n := 0 ;
vardef mfun_do_outline_text_f (expr n, x, y) (text t) =
@@ -1009,6 +1013,9 @@ def mfun_do_outline_options_r = enddef ;
vardef outlinetext@# (expr t) text rest =
save kind ; string kind ; kind := str @# ;
currentoutlinetext := currentoutlinetext + 1 ;
+ def mfun_do_outline_options_d = enddef ;
+ def mfun_do_outline_options_f = enddef ;
+ def mfun_do_outline_options_r = enddef ;
image ( normaldraw image (
if mfun_trial_run :
%"set outline text",currentoutlinetext);
diff --git a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-tool.mpiv b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-tool.mpiv
index 9e086f0df..ae2ce3435 100644
--- a/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-tool.mpiv
+++ b/metapost/context/base/mpiv/mp-tool.mpiv
@@ -996,6 +996,56 @@ primarydef p randomshifted s =
enddef ;
+vardef mfun_randomized_path(expr p,s) =
+ for i=0 upto length(p)-1 :
+ (point i of p) .. controls
+ ((postcontrol i of p) randomshifted s) and
+ ((precontrol (i+1) of p) randomshifted s) ..
+ endfor
+ if cycle p :
+ cycle
+ else :
+ (point length(p) of p)
+ fi
+vardef mfun_randomized_picture(expr p,s)(text rnd) =
+ save currentpicture ;
+ picture currentpicture ;
+ currentpicture := nullpicture ;
+ for i within p :
+ addto currentpicture
+ if stroked i :
+ doublepath pathpart i rnd s
+ dashed dashpart i
+ withpen penpart i
+ withcolor colorpart i
+ withprescript prescriptpart i
+ withpostscript postscriptpart i
+ elseif filled i :
+ contour pathpart i rnd s
+ withpen penpart i
+ withcolor colorpart i
+ withprescript prescriptpart i
+ withpostscript postscriptpart i
+ else :
+ also i
+ fi
+ ;
+ endfor ;
+ currentpicture
+enddef ;
+primarydef p randomizedcontrols s = (
+ if path p :
+ mfun_randomized_path(p,s)
+ elseif picture p :
+ mfun_randomized_picture(p,s)(randomizedcontrols)
+ else :
+ p randomized s
+ fi
+) enddef ;
primarydef p randomized s = (
if path p :
for i=0 upto length(p)-1 :
@@ -1041,6 +1091,8 @@ primarydef p randomized s = (
elseif string p :
(resolvedcolor(p)) randomized s
+ elseif picture p :
+ mfun_randomized_picture(p,s)(randomized)
else :
p + uniformdeviate s
@@ -1943,7 +1995,7 @@ def reprocess suffix p = p := repathed (22,p) enddef ; % no attributes
vardef repathed (expr mode, p) text t =
begingroup ;
if mode = 0 :
- save withcolor ;
+ save normalwithcolor ;
remapcolors ;
fi ;
save _p_, _pp_, _ppp_, _f_, _b_, _t_ ;
diff --git a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
index f97738e16..0c4892500 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/context-version.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv
index 5e4e0bb15..4c8aa9228 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/cont-new.mkiv
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
-\newcontextversion{2016.07.30 00:26}
+\newcontextversion{2016.08.01 10:49}
%D This file is loaded at runtime, thereby providing an excellent place for
%D hacks, patches, extensions and new features.
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv
index 6b102e801..d0d438996 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
%D up and the dependencies are more consistent.
\edef\contextformat {\jobname}
-\edef\contextversion{2016.07.30 00:26}
+\edef\contextversion{2016.08.01 10:49}
\edef\contextkind {beta}
%D For those who want to use this:
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua
index 42e8e704b..d56c25731 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/font-mps.lua
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ fonts = fonts or { }
local metapost = fonts.metapost or { }
fonts.metapost = metapost
-local trace_skips = false trackers.register("metapost.outlines.skips",function(v) trace_skips = v end)
local f_moveto = formatters["(%F,%F)"]
local f_lineto = formatters["--(%F,%F)"]
local f_curveto = formatters["..controls(%F,%F)and(%F,%F)..(%F,%F)"]
@@ -238,38 +236,46 @@ function metapost.maxbounds(data,index,factor)
------ formatters = string.formatters
------ concat = table.concat
+-- This is a nice example of tex, metapost and lua working in tandem. Each kicks in at the
+-- right time. It's probably why I like watching
+-- so much: precisely (and perfectly) timed too.
+local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes -- no nuts yet
-local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes -- no nuts yet
+local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph
+local disc_code = nodecodes.disc
+local kern_code = nodecodes.kern
+local glue_code = nodecodes.glue
+local hlist_code = nodecodes.hlist
+local vlist_code = nodecodes.vlist
+local rule_code = nodecodes.rule
-local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph
-local disc_code = nodecodes.disc
-local kern_code = nodecodes.kern
-local glue_code = nodecodes.glue
-local hlist_code = nodecodes.hlist
-local vlist_code = nodecodes.vlist
-local rule_code = nodecodes.rule
+local normal_rule = nodes.rulecodes.normal
-local find_tail = nodes.tail
+local nuts = nodes.nuts
+local getnext = nuts.getnext
+local getid = nuts.getid
+local getlist = nuts.getlist
+local getchar = nuts.getchar
+local getfont = nuts.getfont
+local getsubtype = nuts.getsubtype
+local getfield = nuts.getfield
+local getbox = nuts.getbox
------ metapost = fonts.glyphs.metapost
+local effective_glue = nuts.effective_glue
-local characters = fonts.hashes.characters
-local parameters = fonts.hashes.parameters
-local shapes = fonts.hashes.shapes
-local topaths = metapost.paths
+local characters = fonts.hashes.characters
+local parameters = fonts.hashes.parameters
+local shapes = fonts.hashes.shapes
+local topaths = metapost.paths
-local f_code = formatters["mfun_do_outline_text_flush(%q,%i,%F,%F)(%,t);"]
-local s_nothing = "(origin scaled 10)"
-local f_trace_rule = formatters["draw rule(%F,%F,%F) shifted (%F,%F) withcolor .5white;"]
-local f_strut = formatters["strut(%F,%F);"]
-local f_hrule = formatters["draw rule(%F,%F,%F);"]
-local f_vrule = formatters["draw rule(%F,%F,%F) shifted (%F,%F);"]
-local f_bounds = formatters["checkbounds(%F,%F,%F,%F);"]
+local f_code = formatters["mfun_do_outline_text_flush(%q,%i,%F,%F)(%,t);"]
+local f_rule = formatters["mfun_do_outline_rule_flush(%q,%F,%F,%F,%F);"]
+local f_bounds = formatters["checkbounds(%F,%F,%F,%F);"]
+local s_nothing = "(origin scaled 10)"
-local sc = 10
-local fc = number.dimenfactors.bp * sc / 10
+local sc = 10
+local fc = number.dimenfactors.bp * sc / 10
-- todo: make the next more efficient:
@@ -284,8 +290,7 @@ function metapost.output(kind,font,char,advance,shift,ex)
local glyf = glyphs[index]
if glyf then
local units = shapedata.units or 1000
- local yfactor = sc/units
-yfactor = yfactor * parameters[font].factor / 655.36
+ local yfactor = (sc/units) * parameters[font].factor / 655.36
local xfactor = yfactor
local shift = shift or 0
local advance = advance or 0
@@ -317,131 +322,114 @@ function fonts.metapost.boxtomp(n,kind)
local llx, lly, urx, ury = 0, 0, 0, 0
- local boxtomp
+ local horizontal, vertical
- local function horizontal(current,shift,glue_sign,glue_set,glue_order,ht,dp)
- shift = shift or 0
+ horizontal = function(parent,current,xoffset,yoffset)
+ local dx = 0
while current do
- local id =
+ local id = getid(current)
if id == glyph_code then
- local code, width = metapost.output(kind,current.font,current.char,advance,-shift*fc,current.expansion_factor)
+ local code, width = metapost.output(kind,getfont(current),getchar(current),xoffset+dx,yoffset,getfield(current,"expansion_factor"))
result[#result+1] = code
- advance = advance + width
+ dx = dx + width
elseif id == disc_code then
- local replace = current.replace
+ local replace = getfield(current,"replace")
if replace then
- horizontal(replace,shift,glue_sign,glue_set,glue_order,ht,dp)
+ dx = dx + horizontal(parent,replace,xoffset+dx,yoffset)
elseif id == kern_code then
- local kern = current.kern * fc
- if trace_skips then
- result[#result+1] = f_trace_rule(kern,0.8*ht*fc,0.8*dp*fc,advance,-shift*fc)
- end
- advance = advance + kern
+ dx = dx + getfield(current,"kern") * fc
elseif id == glue_code then
- local width = current.width
- if glue_sign == 1 then
- if current.stretch_order == glue_order then
- width = (width + current.stretch * glue_set) * fc
- else
- width = width * fc
- end
- elseif glue_sign == 2 then
- if current.shrink_order == glue_order then
- width = (width - current.shrink * glue_set) * fc
- else
- width = width * fc
- end
- else
- width = width * fc
- end
- if trace_skips then
- result[#result+1] = f_trace_rule(width,0.1*ht*fc,0.1*dp*fc,advance,-shift*fc)
- end
- advance = advance + width
+ dx = dx + effective_glue(current,parent) * fc
elseif id == hlist_code then
- local a = advance
- boxtomp(current,shift+current.shift,current.glue_sign,current.glue_set,current.glue_order)
- advance = a + current.width * fc
+ local list = getlist(current)
+ if list then
+ horizontal(current,list,xoffset+dx,yoffset-getfield(current,"shift")*fc)
+ end
+ dx = dx + getfield(current,"width") * fc
elseif id == vlist_code then
- boxtomp(current) -- ,distance + shift,current.glue_set*current.glue_sign)
- advance = advance + current.width * fc
+ local list = getlist(current)
+ if list then
+ vertical(current,list,xoffset+dx,yoffset-getfield(current,"shift")*fc)
+ end
+ dx = dx + getfield(current,"width") * fc
elseif id == rule_code then
- local wd = current.width
- local ht = current.height
- local dp = current.depth
- if not (ht == signal or dp == signal or wd == signal) then
- ht = ht - shift
- dp = dp - shift
- if wd == 0 then
- result[#result+1] = f_strut(ht*fc,-dp*fc)
- else
- result[#result+1] = f_hrule(wd*fc,ht*fc,-dp*fc)
+ local wd = getfield(current,"width") * fc
+ if wd ~= 0 then
+ local ht = getfield(current,"height")
+ local dp = getfield(current,"depth")
+ if ht == signal then
+ ht = getfield(parent,"height")
- end
- if wd ~= signal then
- advance = advance + wd * fc
+ if dp == signal then
+ dp = getfield(parent,"depth")
+ end
+ local hd = (ht + dp) * fc
+ if hd ~= 0 and getsubtype(current) == normal_rule then
+ result[#result+1] = f_rule(kind,xoffset+dx+wd/2,yoffset+hd/2,wd,hd)
+ end
+ dx = dx + wd
- current =
+ current = getnext(current)
+ return dx
- local function vertical(current,shift)
- shift = shift or 0
- current = find_tail(current) -- otherwise bad bbox
+ vertical = function(parent,current,xoffset,yoffset)
+ local dy = getfield(parent,"height") * fc
while current do
- local id =
+ local id = getid(current)
if id == hlist_code then
- distance = distance - current.depth
- boxtomp(current,distance + shift,current.glue_set*current.glue_sign)
- distance = distance - current.height
+ dy = dy - getfield(current,"height") * fc
+ local list = getlist(current)
+ if list then
+ horizontal(current,list,xoffset+getfield(current,"shift")*fc,yoffset+dy)
+ end
+ dy = dy - getfield(current,"depth") * fc
elseif id == vlist_code then
- print("vertical >>>")
- vertical(current.list,0)
+ dy = dy - getfield(current,"height") * fc
+ local list = getlist(current)
+ if list then
+ vertical(current,list,xoffset+getfield(current,"shift")*fc,yoffset+dy)
+ end
+ dy = dy - getfield(current,"depth") * fc
elseif id == kern_code then
- distance = distance - current.kern
- advance = 0
+ dy = dy - getfield(current,"kern") * fc
elseif id == glue_code then
- distance = distance - current.width
- advance = 0
+ dy = dy - effective_glue(current,parent) * fc
elseif id == rule_code then
- local wd = current.width
- local ht = current.height
- local dp = current.depth
- if not (ht == signal or dp == signal or wd == signal) then
- distance = distance - dp
- if wd == 0 then
- result[#result+1] = f_strut(ht*fc,-dp*fc)
+ local ht = getfield(current,"height")
+ local dp = getfield(current,"depth")
+ local hd = (ht + dp) * fc
+ if hd ~= 0 then
+ local wd = getfield(current,"width")
+ if wd == signal then
+ wd = getfield(parent,"width") * fc
- result[#result+1] = f_vrule(wd*fc,ht*fc,-dp*fc,0,distance+shift)
+ wd = wd * fc
- distance = distance - ht
+ dy = dy - ht * fc
+ if wd ~= 0 and getsubtype(current) == 0 then
+ result[#result+1] = f_rule(kind,xoffset+wd/2,yoffset+dy+hd/2,wd,hd)
+ end
+ dy = dy - dp * fc
- current = current.prev
+ current = getnext(current)
+ return dy
- boxtomp = function(list,shift)
- local current = list.list
- if current then
- if == hlist_code then
- horizontal(current,shift,list.glue_sign,list.glue_set,list.glue_order,list.height,list.depth)
- else
- vertical(current,shift)
- end
- end
+ local box = getbox(n)
+ local list = box and getlist(box)
+ if list then
+ (getid(box) == hlist_code and horizontal or vertical)(box,list,0,0)
- local box =[n]
- boxtomp(box,box.shift,box.glue_sign,box.glue_set,box.glue_order)
- local wd = box.width
- local ht = box.height
- local dp = box.depth
- local sh = box.shift
+ local wd = getfield(box,"width")
+ local ht = getfield(box,"height")
+ local dp = getfield(box,"depth")
result[#result+1] = f_bounds(0,-dp*fc,wd*fc,ht*fc)
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-con.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-con.lua
index 7cff26d10..380f56b14 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-con.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-con.lua
@@ -173,14 +173,15 @@ do -- svg
local svgconverter = converters.svg
converters.svgz = svgconverter
- -- inkscape on windows only works with complete paths .. did the command line arguments change again?
+ -- inkscape on windows only works with complete paths .. did the command line
+ -- arguments change again? Ok, it's weirder, with -A then it's a name only when
+ -- not . (current)
programs.inkscape = {
command = "inkscape",
pdfargument = longtostring [[
- -A
pngargument = longtostring [[
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/meta-imp-outlines.mkiv b/tex/context/base/mkiv/meta-imp-outlines.mkiv
index 7d7495037..ab6fcdd3d 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/meta-imp-outlines.mkiv
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/meta-imp-outlines.mkiv
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ local formatters = string.formatters
local validstring = string.valid
local f_setbounds = formatters["setbounds currentpicture to (%s) enlarged %.4G;"]
-local f_index = formatters['draw"\\tttf\\setstrut\\strut index %i") ysized 2bp ,.5[llcorner currentpicture,lrcorner currentpicture] shifted (0,%.4G));']
-local f_unicode = formatters['draw"\\tttf\\setstrut\\strut unicode %05X") ysized 2bp ,.5[llcorner currentpicture,lrcorner currentpicture] shifted (0,%.4G));']
+local f_index = formatters['draw"\\tttf\\setstrut\\strut index %i") ysized 10bp ,.5[llcorner currentpicture,lrcorner currentpicture] shifted (0,%.4G));']
+local f_unicode = formatters['draw"\\tttf\\setstrut\\strut unicode %05X") ysized 10bp ,.5[llcorner currentpicture,lrcorner currentpicture] shifted (0,%.4G));']
local f_in_red = formatters["draw %s withpen pencircle scaled .15 withcolor .5red;"]
local f_in_green = formatters["draw %s withpen pencircle scaled .15 withcolor .5green;"]
@@ -43,6 +43,12 @@ local v_all = variables.all
local v_page =
local v_text = variables.text
local v_command = variables.command
+local v_box =
+local v_width = variables.width
+local v_min = variables.min
+local v_max = variables.max
+local v_comment = variables.comment
+local v_simple = variables.simple
function metapost.showglyph(specification)
local fontid = font.current()
@@ -53,7 +59,8 @@ function metapost.showglyph(specification)
local index = validstring(specification.index)
local alternative = validstring(specification.alternative)
local command = validstring(specification.command)
+ local options = utilities.parsers.settings_to_set(specification.option)
+ local all = not next(options) and not options[v_simple] or options[v_all]
local function shape(index,what,f_comment)
if not index then
@@ -63,15 +70,15 @@ function metapost.showglyph(specification)
local units = data.fontheader and data.fontheader.emsize or 1000
local factor = 100/units
local paths = metapost.paths(glyph,factor)
- if #paths > 0 then
+ if #paths > 0 and glyph.boundingbox and glyph.width then
local graphic = f_glyph(concat{
- f_in_gray(metapost.fill(paths)),
- metapost.draw(paths,true), -- true triggers trace
- f_in_red(metapost.boundingbox(glyph,factor)),
- f_in_green(metapost.widthline(glyph,factor)),
- f_in_blue(metapost.zeroline(glyph,factor)),
- f_setbounds(metapost.maxbounds(data,index,factor),offset or 1),
- f_comment(what,1)
+ f_in_gray (metapost.fill(paths)),
+ metapost.draw(paths,true), -- true triggers trace
+ (all or options[v_box]) and f_in_red (metapost.boundingbox(glyph,factor)) or "",
+ (all or options[v_width]) and f_in_green (metapost.widthline(glyph,factor)) or "",
+ (all or options[v_min]) and f_in_blue (metapost.zeroline(glyph,factor)) or "",
+ (all or options[v_max]) and f_setbounds(metapost.maxbounds(data,index,factor),offset or 1) or "",
+ (all or options[v_comment]) and f_comment (what,1) or "",
if alternative == v_page then
@@ -110,7 +117,7 @@ function metapost.showglyph(specification)
local first, last
if type(index) == "string" then
- first, last = string.match(index,"^(.-):(.*)$")
+ first, last = string.split(index,":")
if first and last then
first = tonumber(first)
last = tonumber(last)
@@ -137,17 +144,25 @@ end
+% option: box|width|min|max|comment
- \getdummyparameters[\c!alternative=\v!text,#1]%
+ \letdummyparameter\c!index\empty
+ \letdummyparameter\c!character\empty
+ \letdummyparameter\c!alternative\v!text
+ \letdummyparameter\c!command\empty
+ \letdummyparameter\c!option\v!all
+ \getdummyparameters[#1]%
character = "\dummyparameter\c!character",
index = "\dummyparameter\c!index",
alternative = "\dummyparameter\c!alternative",
command = "\dummyparameter\c!command",
+ option = "\dummyparameter\c!option",
@@ -164,8 +179,19 @@ end
% \setupbodyfont[pagella]
% \showshape[character=all,alternative=page]
+ {\ruledhbox{\startMPcode draw textext("\showshape[character=a]") ; \stopMPcode}} {}
+ {\ruledhbox{\startMPcode draw textext("\showshape[character=x]") ; \stopMPcode}} {}
+ {\ruledhbox{\showshape[character=P,alternative=text]}} {}
+ {\ruledhbox{\startMPcode draw textext("\showshape[character=a,option={simple}]") ; \stopMPcode}} {}
+ {\ruledhbox{\startMPcode draw textext("\showshape[character=x,option={simple}]") ; \stopMPcode}} {}
+ {\ruledhbox{\showshape[character=P,alternative=text,option=simple]}} {}
% \definedfont[almfixed]
% \showshape[character=all,alternative=page]
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-fun.lua b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-fun.lua
index 1a083e366..c6d321949 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-fun.lua
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/mult-fun.lua
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return {
"tcircle", "bcircle", "lcircle", "rcircle",
"lltriangle", "lrtriangle", "urtriangle", "ultriangle",
"uptriangle", "downtriangle", "lefttriangle", "righttriangle", "triangle",
- "smoothed", "cornered", "superellipsed", "randomized", "squeezed", "enlonged", "shortened",
+ "smoothed", "cornered", "superellipsed", "randomized", "randomizedcontrols", "squeezed", "enlonged", "shortened",
"punked", "curved", "unspiked", "simplified", "blownup", "stretched",
"enlarged", "leftenlarged", "topenlarged", "rightenlarged", "bottomenlarged",
"crossed", "laddered", "randomshifted", "interpolated", "paralleled", "cutends", "peepholed",
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf
index 88085d831..6df820770 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-files.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf
index a5db281ed..879c87379 100644
--- a/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/base/mkiv/status-lua.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-context.pdf b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-context.pdf
index 73add297a..9b63690fc 100644
--- a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-context.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-context.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-readme.pdf b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-readme.pdf
index a3c7158cb..c08e5822a 100644
--- a/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-readme.pdf
+++ b/tex/context/interface/mkiv/i-readme.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
index 4cefe9a5e..5683fb2f2 100644
--- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- merged file : c:/data/develop/context/sources/luatex-fonts-merged.lua
-- parent file : c:/data/develop/context/sources/luatex-fonts.lua
--- merge date : 07/30/16 00:26:47
+-- merge date : 08/01/16 10:49:41
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
@@ -23430,6 +23430,777 @@ end -- closure
do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
+if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-otc']={
+ version=1.001,
+ comment="companion to font-otf.lua (context)",
+ author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+ copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license="see context related readme files"
+local format,insert,sortedkeys,tohash=string.format,table.insert,table.sortedkeys,table.tohash
+local type,next=type,next
+local lpegmatch=lpeg.match
+local utfbyte,utflen=utf.byte,utf.len
+local trace_loading=false trackers.register("otf.loading",function(v) trace_loading=v end)
+local report_otf=logs.reporter("fonts","otf loading")
+local fonts=fonts
+local otf=fonts.handlers.otf
+local registerotffeature=otf.features.register
+local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
+local normalized={
+ substitution="substitution",
+ single="substitution",
+ ligature="ligature",
+ alternate="alternate",
+ multiple="multiple",
+ kern="kern",
+ pair="pair",
+ chainsubstitution="chainsubstitution",
+ chainposition="chainposition",
+local types={
+ substitution="gsub_single",
+ ligature="gsub_ligature",
+ alternate="gsub_alternate",
+ multiple="gsub_multiple",
+ kern="gpos_pair",
+ pair="gpos_pair",
+ chainsubstitution="gsub_contextchain",
+ chainposition="gpos_contextchain",
+local names={
+ gsub_single="gsub",
+ gsub_multiple="gsub",
+ gsub_alternate="gsub",
+ gsub_ligature="gsub",
+ gsub_context="gsub",
+ gsub_contextchain="gsub",
+ gsub_reversecontextchain="gsub",
+ gpos_single="gpos",
+ gpos_pair="gpos",
+ gpos_cursive="gpos",
+ gpos_mark2base="gpos",
+ gpos_mark2ligature="gpos",
+ gpos_mark2mark="gpos",
+ gpos_context="gpos",
+ gpos_contextchain="gpos",
+setmetatableindex(types,function(t,k) t[k]=k return k end)
+local everywhere={ ["*"]={ ["*"]=true } }
+local noflags={ false,false,false,false }
+local function getrange(sequences,category)
+ local count=#sequences
+ local first=nil
+ local last=nil
+ for i=1,count do
+ local t=sequences[i].type
+ if t and names[t]==category then
+ if not first then
+ first=i
+ end
+ last=i
+ end
+ end
+ return first or 1,last or count
+local function validspecification(specification,name)
+ local dataset=specification.dataset
+ if dataset then
+ elseif specification[1] then
+ dataset=specification
+ specification={ dataset=dataset }
+ else
+ dataset={ { } }
+ specification.dataset=dataset
+ end
+ local first=dataset[1]
+ if first then
+ end
+ if not first then
+ report_otf("invalid feature specification, no dataset")
+ return
+ end
+ if type(name)~="string" then
+ or
+ end
+ if type(name)~="string" then
+ report_otf("invalid feature specification, no name")
+ return
+ end
+ local n=#dataset
+ if n>0 then
+ for i=1,n do
+ setmetatableindex(dataset[i],specification)
+ end
+ return specification,name
+ end
+local function addfeature(data,feature,specifications)
+ if not specifications then
+ report_otf("missing specification")
+ return
+ end
+ local descriptions=data.descriptions
+ local resources=data.resources
+ local features=resources.features
+ local sequences=resources.sequences
+ if not features or not sequences then
+ report_otf("missing specification")
+ return
+ end
+ local alreadydone=resources.alreadydone
+ if not alreadydone then
+ alreadydone={}
+ resources.alreadydone=alreadydone
+ end
+ if alreadydone[specifications] then
+ return
+ else
+ alreadydone[specifications]=true
+ end
+ local fontfeatures=resources.features or everywhere
+ local unicodes=resources.unicodes
+ local splitter=lpeg.splitter(" ",unicodes)
+ local done=0
+ local skip=0
+ local aglunicodes=false
+ local specifications=validspecification(specifications,feature)
+ if not specifications then
+ return
+ end
+ local function tounicode(code)
+ if not code then
+ return
+ end
+ if type(code)=="number" then
+ return code
+ end
+ local u=unicodes[code]
+ if u then
+ return u
+ end
+ if utflen(code)==1 then
+ u=utfbyte(code)
+ if u then
+ return u
+ end
+ end
+ if not aglunicodes then
+ aglunicodes=fonts.encodings.agl.unicodes
+ end
+ return aglunicodes[code]
+ end
+ local coverup=otf.coverup
+ local coveractions=coverup.actions
+ local stepkey=coverup.stepkey
+ local register=coverup.register
+ local function prepare_substitution(list,featuretype)
+ local coverage={}
+ local cover=coveractions[featuretype]
+ for code,replacement in next,list do
+ local unicode=tounicode(code)
+ local description=descriptions[unicode]
+ if description then
+ if type(replacement)=="table" then
+ replacement=replacement[1]
+ end
+ replacement=tounicode(replacement)
+ if replacement and descriptions[replacement] then
+ cover(coverage,unicode,replacement)
+ done=done+1
+ else
+ skip=skip+1
+ end
+ else
+ skip=skip+1
+ end
+ end
+ return coverage
+ end
+ local function prepare_alternate(list,featuretype)
+ local coverage={}
+ local cover=coveractions[featuretype]
+ for code,replacement in next,list do
+ local unicode=tounicode(code)
+ local description=descriptions[unicode]
+ if not description then
+ skip=skip+1
+ elseif type(replacement)=="table" then
+ local r={}
+ for i=1,#replacement do
+ local u=tounicode(replacement[i])
+ r[i]=descriptions[u] and u or unicode
+ end
+ cover(coverage,unicode,r)
+ done=done+1
+ else
+ local u=tounicode(replacement)
+ if u then
+ cover(coverage,unicode,{ u })
+ done=done+1
+ else
+ skip=skip+1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return coverage
+ end
+ local function prepare_multiple(list,featuretype)
+ local coverage={}
+ local cover=coveractions[featuretype]
+ for code,replacement in next,list do
+ local unicode=tounicode(code)
+ local description=descriptions[unicode]
+ if not description then
+ skip=skip+1
+ elseif type(replacement)=="table" then
+ local r,n={},0
+ for i=1,#replacement do
+ local u=tounicode(replacement[i])
+ if descriptions[u] then
+ n=n+1
+ r[n]=u
+ end
+ end
+ if n>0 then
+ cover(coverage,unicode,r)
+ done=done+1
+ else
+ skip=skip+1
+ end
+ else
+ local u=tounicode(replacement)
+ if u then
+ cover(coverage,unicode,{ u })
+ done=done+1
+ else
+ skip=skip+1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return coverage
+ end
+ local function prepare_ligature(list,featuretype)
+ local coverage={}
+ local cover=coveractions[featuretype]
+ for code,ligature in next,list do
+ local unicode=tounicode(code)
+ local description=descriptions[unicode]
+ if description then
+ if type(ligature)=="string" then
+ ligature={ lpegmatch(splitter,ligature) }
+ end
+ local present=true
+ for i=1,#ligature do
+ local l=ligature[i]
+ local u=tounicode(l)
+ if descriptions[u] then
+ ligature[i]=u
+ else
+ present=false
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if present then
+ cover(coverage,unicode,ligature)
+ done=done+1
+ else
+ skip=skip+1
+ end
+ else
+ skip=skip+1
+ end
+ end
+ return coverage
+ end
+ local function prepare_kern(list,featuretype)
+ local coverage={}
+ local cover=coveractions[featuretype]
+ for code,replacement in next,list do
+ local unicode=tounicode(code)
+ local description=descriptions[unicode]
+ if description and type(replacement)=="table" then
+ local r={}
+ for k,v in next,replacement do
+ local u=tounicode(k)
+ if u then
+ r[u]=v
+ end
+ end
+ if next(r) then
+ cover(coverage,unicode,r)
+ done=done+1
+ else
+ skip=skip+1
+ end
+ else
+ skip=skip+1
+ end
+ end
+ return coverage
+ end
+ local function prepare_pair(list,featuretype)
+ local coverage={}
+ local cover=coveractions[featuretype]
+ if cover then
+ for code,replacement in next,list do
+ local unicode=tounicode(code)
+ local description=descriptions[unicode]
+ if description and type(replacement)=="table" then
+ local r={}
+ for k,v in next,replacement do
+ local u=tounicode(k)
+ if u then
+ r[u]=v
+ end
+ end
+ if next(r) then
+ cover(coverage,unicode,r)
+ done=done+1
+ else
+ skip=skip+1
+ end
+ else
+ skip=skip+1
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ report_otf("unknown cover type %a",featuretype)
+ end
+ return coverage
+ end
+ local function prepare_chain(list,featuretype,sublookups)
+ local rules=list.rules
+ local coverage={}
+ if rules then
+ local rulehash={}
+ local rulesize=0
+ local sequence={}
+ local nofsequences=0
+ local lookuptype=types[featuretype]
+ for nofrules=1,#rules do
+ local rule=rules[nofrules]
+ local current=rule.current
+ local before=rule.before
+ local after=rule.after
+ local replacements=rule.replacements or false
+ local sequence={}
+ local nofsequences=0
+ if before then
+ for n=1,#before do
+ nofsequences=nofsequences+1
+ sequence[nofsequences]=before[n]
+ end
+ end
+ local start=nofsequences+1
+ for n=1,#current do
+ nofsequences=nofsequences+1
+ sequence[nofsequences]=current[n]
+ end
+ local stop=nofsequences
+ if after then
+ for n=1,#after do
+ nofsequences=nofsequences+1
+ sequence[nofsequences]=after[n]
+ end
+ end
+ local lookups=rule.lookups or false
+ local subtype=nil
+ if lookups and sublookups then
+ for k,v in next,lookups do
+ local lookup=sublookups[v]
+ if lookup then
+ lookups[k]=lookup
+ if not subtype then
+ subtype=lookup.type
+ end
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if nofsequences>0 then
+ local hashed={}
+ for i=1,nofsequences do
+ local t={}
+ local s=sequence[i]
+ for i=1,#s do
+ local u=tounicode(s[i])
+ if u then
+ t[u]=true
+ end
+ end
+ hashed[i]=t
+ end
+ sequence=hashed
+ rulesize=rulesize+1
+ rulehash[rulesize]={
+ nofrules,
+ lookuptype,
+ sequence,
+ start,
+ stop,
+ lookups,
+ replacements,
+ subtype,
+ }
+ for unic in next,sequence[start] do
+ local cu=coverage[unic]
+ if not cu then
+ coverage[unic]=rulehash
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return coverage
+ end
+ local dataset=specifications.dataset
+ local function report(name,category,position,first,last,sequences)
+ report_otf("injecting name %a of category %a at position %i in [%i,%i] of [%i,%i]",
+ name,category,position,first,last,1,#sequences)
+ end
+ local function inject(specification,sequences,sequence,first,last,category,name)
+ local position=specification.position or false
+ if not position then
+ position=specification.prepend
+ if position==true then
+ if trace_loading then
+ report(name,category,first,first,last,sequences)
+ end
+ insert(sequences,first,sequence)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ if not position then
+ position=specification.append
+ if position==true then
+ if trace_loading then
+ report(name,category,last+1,first,last,sequences)
+ end
+ insert(sequences,last+1,sequence)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ local kind=type(position)
+ if kind=="string" then
+ local index=false
+ for i=first,last do
+ local s=sequences[i]
+ local f=s.features
+ if f then
+ for k in next,f do
+ if k==position then
+ index=i
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if index then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if index then
+ position=index
+ else
+ position=last+1
+ end
+ elseif kind=="number" then
+ if position<0 then
+ position=last-position+1
+ end
+ if position>last then
+ position=last+1
+ elseif position<first then
+ position=first
+ end
+ else
+ position=last+1
+ end
+ if trace_loading then
+ report(name,category,position,first,last,sequences)
+ end
+ insert(sequences,position,sequence)
+ end
+ for s=1,#dataset do
+ local specification=dataset[s]
+ local valid=specification.valid
+ local or feature
+ if not feature or feature=="" then
+ report_otf("no valid name given for extra feature")
+ elseif not valid or valid(data,specification,feature) then
+ local initialize=specification.initialize
+ if initialize then
+ specification.initialize=initialize(specification,data) and initialize or nil
+ end
+ local askedfeatures=specification.features or everywhere
+ local askedsteps=specification.steps or specification.subtables or { } or {}
+ local featuretype=normalized[specification.type or "substitution"] or "substitution"
+ local featureflags=specification.flags or noflags
+ local featureorder=specification.order or { feature }
+ local featurechain=(featuretype=="chainsubstitution" or featuretype=="chainposition") and 1 or 0
+ local nofsteps=0
+ local steps={}
+ local sublookups=specification.lookups
+ local category=nil
+ if sublookups then
+ local s={}
+ for i=1,#sublookups do
+ local specification=sublookups[i]
+ local askedsteps=specification.steps or specification.subtables or { } or {}
+ local featuretype=normalized[specification.type or "substitution"] or "substitution"
+ local featureflags=specification.flags or noflags
+ local nofsteps=0
+ local steps={}
+ for i=1,#askedsteps do
+ local list=askedsteps[i]
+ local coverage=nil
+ local format=nil
+ if featuretype=="substitution" then
+ coverage=prepare_substitution(list,featuretype)
+ elseif featuretype=="ligature" then
+ coverage=prepare_ligature(list,featuretype)
+ elseif featuretype=="alternate" then
+ coverage=prepare_alternate(list,featuretype)
+ elseif featuretype=="multiple" then
+ coverage=prepare_multiple(list,featuretype)
+ elseif featuretype=="kern" then
+ format="kern"
+ coverage=prepare_kern(list,featuretype)
+ elseif featuretype=="pair" then
+ format="pair"
+ coverage=prepare_pair(list,featuretype)
+ end
+ if coverage and next(coverage) then
+ nofsteps=nofsteps+1
+ steps[nofsteps]=register(coverage,featuretype,format,feature,nofsteps,descriptions,resources)
+ end
+ end
+ s[i]={
+ [stepkey]=steps,
+ nofsteps=nofsteps,
+ type=types[featuretype],
+ }
+ end
+ sublookups=s
+ end
+ for i=1,#askedsteps do
+ local list=askedsteps[i]
+ local coverage=nil
+ local format=nil
+ if featuretype=="substitution" then
+ category="gsub"
+ coverage=prepare_substitution(list,featuretype)
+ elseif featuretype=="ligature" then
+ category="gsub"
+ coverage=prepare_ligature(list,featuretype)
+ elseif featuretype=="alternate" then
+ category="gsub"
+ coverage=prepare_alternate(list,featuretype)
+ elseif featuretype=="multiple" then
+ category="gsub"
+ coverage=prepare_multiple(list,featuretype)
+ elseif featuretype=="kern" then
+ category="gpos"
+ format="kern"
+ coverage=prepare_kern(list,featuretype)
+ elseif featuretype=="pair" then
+ category="gpos"
+ format="pair"
+ coverage=prepare_pair(list,featuretype)
+ elseif featuretype=="chainsubstitution" then
+ category="gsub"
+ coverage=prepare_chain(list,featuretype,sublookups)
+ elseif featuretype=="chainposition" then
+ category="gpos"
+ coverage=prepare_chain(list,featuretype,sublookups)
+ else
+ report_otf("not registering feature %a, unknown category",feature)
+ return
+ end
+ if coverage and next(coverage) then
+ nofsteps=nofsteps+1
+ steps[nofsteps]=register(coverage,featuretype,format,feature,nofsteps,descriptions,resources)
+ end
+ end
+ if nofsteps>0 then
+ for k,v in next,askedfeatures do
+ if v[1] then
+ askedfeatures[k]=tohash(v)
+ end
+ end
+ if featureflags[1] then featureflags[1]="mark" end
+ if featureflags[2] then featureflags[2]="ligature" end
+ if featureflags[3] then featureflags[3]="base" end
+ local steptype=types[featuretype]
+ local sequence={
+ chain=featurechain,
+ features={ [feature]=askedfeatures },
+ flags=featureflags,
+ name=feature,
+ order=featureorder,
+ [stepkey]=steps,
+ nofsteps=nofsteps,
+ type=steptype,
+ }
+ local first,last=getrange(sequences,category)
+ inject(specification,sequences,sequence,first,last,category,feature)
+ local features=fontfeatures[category]
+ if not features then
+ features={}
+ fontfeatures[category]=features
+ end
+ local k=features[feature]
+ if not k then
+ k={}
+ features[feature]=k
+ end
+ for script,languages in next,askedfeatures do
+ local kk=k[script]
+ if not kk then
+ kk={}
+ k[script]=kk
+ end
+ for language,value in next,languages do
+ kk[language]=value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if trace_loading then
+ report_otf("registering feature %a, affected glyphs %a, skipped glyphs %a",feature,done,skip)
+ end
+local extrafeatures={}
+local knownfeatures={}
+function otf.addfeature(name,specification)
+ if type(name)=="table" then
+ specification=name
+ end
+ if type(specification)~="table" then
+ report_otf("invalid feature specification, no valid table")
+ return
+ end
+ specification,name=validspecification(specification,name)
+ if name and specification then
+ local slot=knownfeatures[name]
+ if slot then
+ else
+ slot=#extrafeatures+1
+ knownfeatures[name]=slot
+ end
+ extrafeatures[slot]=specification
+ end
+local function enhance(data,filename,raw)
+ for slot=1,#extrafeatures do
+ local specification=extrafeatures[slot]
+ addfeature(data,,specification)
+ end
+otf.enhancers.register("check extra features",enhance)
+local tlig={
+ [0x2013]={ 0x002D,0x002D },
+ [0x2014]={ 0x002D,0x002D,0x002D },
+local tlig_specification={
+ type="ligature",
+ features=everywhere,
+ data=tlig,
+ order={ "tlig" },
+ flags=noflags,
+ prepend=true,
+registerotffeature {
+ name='tlig',
+ description='tex ligatures',
+local trep={
+ [0x0027]=0x2019,
+local trep_specification={
+ type="substitution",
+ features=everywhere,
+ data=trep,
+ order={ "trep" },
+ flags=noflags,
+ prepend=true,
+registerotffeature {
+ name='trep',
+ description='tex replacements',
+local anum_arabic={
+ [0x0030]=0x0660,
+ [0x0031]=0x0661,
+ [0x0032]=0x0662,
+ [0x0033]=0x0663,
+ [0x0034]=0x0664,
+ [0x0035]=0x0665,
+ [0x0036]=0x0666,
+ [0x0037]=0x0667,
+ [0x0038]=0x0668,
+ [0x0039]=0x0669,
+local anum_persian={
+ [0x0030]=0x06F0,
+ [0x0031]=0x06F1,
+ [0x0032]=0x06F2,
+ [0x0033]=0x06F3,
+ [0x0034]=0x06F4,
+ [0x0035]=0x06F5,
+ [0x0036]=0x06F6,
+ [0x0037]=0x06F7,
+ [0x0038]=0x06F8,
+ [0x0039]=0x06F9,
+local function valid(data)
+ local features=data.resources.features
+ if features then
+ for k,v in next,features do
+ for k,v in next,v do
+ if then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local anum_specification={
+ {
+ type="substitution",
+ features={ arab={ urd=true,dflt=true } },
+ order={ "anum" },
+ data=anum_arabic,
+ flags=noflags,
+ valid=valid,
+ },
+ {
+ type="substitution",
+ features={ arab={ urd=true } },
+ order={ "anum" },
+ data=anum_persian,
+ flags=noflags,
+ valid=valid,
+ },
+registerotffeature {
+ name='anum',
+ description='arabic digits',
+end -- closure
+do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference
if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-onr']={
comment="companion to font-ini.mkiv",
diff --git a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts.lua b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts.lua
index 41b95d98c..c21389c71 100644
--- a/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts.lua
+++ b/tex/generic/context/luatex/luatex-fonts.lua
@@ -259,6 +259,8 @@ if non_generic_context.luatex_fonts.skip_loading ~= true then
loadmodule('font-ocl.lua') -- svg needs 0.97 (for fix in memstreams)
+ loadmodule('font-otc.lua')
-- type one code
loadmodule('font-onr.lua') -- was font-afm.lua