#![feature(libc)] #![feature(rustc_private)] #![feature(collections)] #![feature(convert)] extern crate libc; extern crate getopts; use std::io::BufRead; type Fd = libc::c_int; static mut VERBOSITY : u8 = 0_u8; macro_rules! vrb { ( $( $e:expr ),* ) => ( if unsafe { VERBOSITY } > 0_u8 { println!( $( $e ),* ) } ) } const PALETTE_SIZE : usize = 16_usize; const PALETTE_BYTES : usize = PALETTE_SIZE * 3_usize; // 16 * sizeof(int) const RAW_COLEXPR_SIZE : usize = 6_usize; // e. g. 0xBADF00 type RawPalette<'a> = [&'a str; PALETTE_SIZE]; const KDGKBTYPE : libc::c_int = 0x4b33; /* kd.h */ const PIO_CMAP : libc::c_int = 0x00004B71; /* kd.h */ const KB_101 : libc::c_char = 0x0002; /* kd.h */ const O_NOCTTY : libc::c_int = 0o0400; /* fcntl.h */ #[derive(Debug)] enum Color { Black(bool), Red(bool), Green(bool), Yellow(bool), Blue(bool), Magenta(bool), Cyan(bool), White(bool), } impl Color { fn of_value (val : u8) -> Color { match val { 0x00_u8 => Color::Black (false), 0x01_u8 => Color::Red (false), 0x02_u8 => Color::Green (false), 0x03_u8 => Color::Yellow (false), 0x04_u8 => Color::Blue (false), 0x05_u8 => Color::Magenta (false), 0x06_u8 => Color::Cyan (false), 0x07_u8 => Color::White (false), 0x08_u8 => Color::Black (true), 0x09_u8 => Color::Red (true), 0x0a_u8 => Color::Green (true), 0x0b_u8 => Color::Yellow (true), 0x0c_u8 => Color::Blue (true), 0x0d_u8 => Color::Magenta (true), 0x0e_u8 => Color::Cyan (true), 0x0f_u8 => Color::White (true), _ => panic!("invalid color value: {}", val) } } fn format_brightness (b : bool, s : &str) -> String { if b { return String::from_str("bright ") + s; } String::from_str(s) } fn to_string (&self) -> String { match *self { Color::Black (b) => { Color::format_brightness(b, "black" ) }, Color::Red (b) => { Color::format_brightness(b, "red" ) }, Color::Green (b) => { Color::format_brightness(b, "green" ) }, Color::Yellow (b) => { Color::format_brightness(b, "yellow" ) }, Color::Blue (b) => { Color::format_brightness(b, "blue" ) }, Color::Magenta(b) => { Color::format_brightness(b, "magenta") }, Color::Cyan (b) => { Color::format_brightness(b, "cyan" ) }, Color::White (b) => { Color::format_brightness(b, "white" ) }, } } } /* [impl Color] */ #[derive(Debug)] enum Scheme { Default, SolarizedDark, SolarizedLight, Custom (Option) } impl<'a> std::fmt::Display for Scheme { fn fmt (&self, f : &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { let id : &str = match *self { Scheme::Default => "default", Scheme::SolarizedDark => "solarized_dark", Scheme::SolarizedLight => "solarized_light", Scheme::Custom(ref kind) => { let tmp : &str = match *kind { Some(ref fname) => fname.as_str(), None => "" }; tmp } }; write!(f, "{}", id) } } /* [impl std::fmt::String for Scheme] */ extern { fn exit (code : libc::c_int) -> !; } /* struct Job -- Runtime parameters. */ #[derive(Debug)] struct Job { this : String, /* argv[0] */ scheme : Scheme, /* The color scheme to switch to. */ } impl<'a> Job { pub fn new () -> Job { let argv : Vec = std::env::args().collect(); let this = argv[0].clone(); let opts = &[ getopts::optopt("s", "scheme", "predefined color scheme", "NAME"), getopts::optopt("d", "dump", "dump predefined scheme", "NAME"), getopts::optopt("f", "file", "apply scheme from file", "PATH"), getopts::optflag("v", "verbose", "enable verbose messages"), getopts::optflag("l", "list", "list available color schemes"), getopts::optflag("h", "help", "print this message") ]; let matches = match getopts::getopts(argv.tail(), opts) { Ok(m) => m, Err(f) => panic!(f.to_string()) }; if matches.opt_present("h") { Job::usage(&this, opts); unsafe { exit(0) }; }; if matches.opt_present("v") { unsafe { VERBOSITY = 1_u8; } }; if matches.opt_present("l") { Job::schemes(); unsafe { exit(0) }; }; if matches.opt_present("d") { match matches.opt_str("d") { None => { Job::usage(&this, opts); panic!("no color scheme given, aborting") }, Some (name) => { let scm = Job::pick_scheme(&name); Job::dump(scm); unsafe { exit(0) }; } }; } let scheme = if matches.opt_present("f") { match matches.opt_str("f") { None => { Job::usage(&this, opts); panic!("no file name specified, aborting") }, Some (fname) => if fname == "-" { Job::scheme_from_stdin() } else { Scheme::Custom(Some(fname.clone())) } } } else { match matches.opt_str("s") { None => Job::scheme_from_stdin(), Some (name) => if name == "-" { Job::scheme_from_stdin() } else { Job::pick_scheme(&name) } } }; /* [let scheme] */ Job { this : this, scheme : scheme } } fn pick_scheme <'b> (name : &String) -> Scheme { match name.as_str() { "solarized" | "solarized_dark" | "sd" => Scheme::SolarizedDark, "solarized_light" | "sl" => Scheme::SolarizedLight, "default" | "normal" => Scheme::Default, _any => Scheme::Custom (Some(name.clone())) } } fn scheme_from_stdin () -> Scheme { Scheme::Custom(None) } fn usage (this : &String, opts: &[getopts::OptGroup]) { let brief = format!("usage: {} [options]", this); print!("{}", getopts::usage(brief.as_str(), opts)); } fn schemes () { println!("Available color schemes:"); println!(" · solarized_dark"); println!(" · solarized_light"); println!(" · default"); } fn dump (scm : Scheme) { vrb!("Dumping color scheme {}", scm); match scm { Scheme::Default => Job::dump_scheme(&DEFAULT_COLORS), Scheme::SolarizedDark => Job::dump_scheme(&SOLARIZED_COLORS_DARK), Scheme::SolarizedLight => Job::dump_scheme(&SOLARIZED_COLORS_LIGHT), Scheme::Custom(kind) => match kind { Some(fname) => Job::dump_palette(Palette::from_file(&fname)), None => Job::dump_palette(Palette::from_stdin()) } } } fn dump_scheme (colors : &[&str; PALETTE_SIZE]) { let pal : Palette = Palette::new(colors); pal.dump() } fn dump_palette (pal : Palette) { pal.dump() } } /* [impl Job] */ /* Rust appears to come with two wrappers for ``ioctl(2)``, but neither can be utilized for our * purposes. The one in ``sys`` is part of a private (seriously‽) whereas the one in the * ``libc`` module is defined as taking variable arguments and therefore cannot be called from * Rust. Wrapping C is still a bit awkward, as it seems. */ extern { pub fn ioctl(d : libc::c_int, request : libc::c_int, data : *mut libc::c_void) -> libc::c_int; } static CONSOLE_PATHS : [&'static str; 6] = [ "/proc/self/fd/0", "/dev/tty", "/dev/tty0", "/dev/vc/0", "/dev/systty", "/dev/console", ]; static DEFAULT_COLORS : RawPalette<'static> = [ "000000", "aa0000", "00aa00", "aa5500", "0000aa", "aa00aa", "00aaaa", "aaaaaa", "555555", "ff5555", "55ff55", "ffff55", "5555ff", "ff55ff", "55ffff", "ffffff" ]; static SOLARIZED_COLORS_DARK : RawPalette<'static> = [ "002b36", "dc322f", "859900", "b58900", "268bd2", "d33682", "2aa198", "eee8d5", "002b36", "cb4b16", "586e75", "657b83", "839496", "6c71c4", "93a1a1", "fdf6e3", ]; static SOLARIZED_COLORS_LIGHT : RawPalette<'static> = [ "eee8d5", "dc322f", "859900", "b58900", "268bd2", "d33682", "2aa198", "073642", "fdf6e3", "cb4b16", "93a1a1", "839496", "657b83", "6c71c4", "586e75", "002b36", ]; static DUMMY_COLORS : RawPalette<'static> = [ "000000", "ffffff", "000000", "ffffff", "000000", "ffffff", "000000", "ffffff", "000000", "ffffff", "000000", "ffffff", "000000", "ffffff", "000000", "ffffff", ]; pub struct Palette { colors : [u8; PALETTE_BYTES] } impl Palette { fn dump (&self) { let mut i : usize = 0_usize; let mut buf : [u8; 3] = [ 0u8, 0u8, 0u8 ]; for col in self.colors.iter() { let idx : usize = i % 3; buf[idx] = *col; if idx == 2_usize { println!("{:>15} => 0x{:02.X}{:02.X}{:02.X}", Color::of_value((i / 3) as u8).to_string(), buf[0_usize], buf[1_usize], buf[2_usize]); } i = i + 1; } } } /* [impl Palette] */ fn nibble_of_char (chr : u8) -> u8 { match chr as char { '0' ... '9' => { chr - '0' as u8 }, 'a' ... 'f' => { chr - 'a' as u8 + 10 }, 'A' ... 'F' => { chr - 'A' as u8 + 10 }, _ => 0 } } macro_rules! byte_of_hex { ($ar:ident, $off:expr) => ( (nibble_of_char($ar[$off])) << 4 | nibble_of_char($ar[$off + 1_usize]) as u8 ) } fn rgb_of_hex_triplet (def : &str) -> (u8, u8, u8) { let bytes = def.as_bytes(); let r : u8 = byte_of_hex!(bytes, 0); let g : u8 = byte_of_hex!(bytes, 2); let b : u8 = byte_of_hex!(bytes, 4); (r, g, b) } impl Palette { pub fn new (colors : &[&str; PALETTE_SIZE]) -> Palette { let mut idx : usize = 0_usize; let mut pal : [u8; PALETTE_BYTES] = unsafe { std::mem::zeroed() }; for def in colors.iter() { let (r, g, b) = rgb_of_hex_triplet(*def); pal[idx + 0_usize] = r; pal[idx + 1_usize] = g; pal[idx + 2_usize] = b; //println!(">> {} -> {:X} {:X} {:X}", def, r, g, b); idx = idx + 3_usize; } Palette { colors : pal } } /* [Palette::new] */ pub fn dummy () -> Palette { Palette::new(&DUMMY_COLORS) } /* [Palette::dummy] */ pub fn from_buffered_reader (reader : &mut std::io::BufRead) -> Palette { let mut pal_idx : usize = 0_usize; let mut pal : [u8; PALETTE_BYTES] = unsafe { std::mem::zeroed() }; let mut line : String = String::new(); while reader.read_line(&mut line).is_ok() { let len = line.len(); if len == 0_usize { break; } else if len >= 8_usize { if let Some(off) = line.find('#') { if off != 0_usize { /* Palette index specified, number prepended */ let str_idx = unsafe { line.slice_unchecked(0_usize, off) }; let parse_res : Result = std::str::FromStr::from_str(str_idx); match parse_res { Ok(new_idx) => { if new_idx < PALETTE_SIZE { pal_idx = new_idx * 3_usize; } }, _ => () } } let off = off + 1_usize; if off > len - 6_usize { /* no room left for color definition after '#' char */ panic!("invalid color definition: {}", line); } let col = line.slice_chars(off, off + RAW_COLEXPR_SIZE); let (r, g, b) = rgb_of_hex_triplet(col); pal[pal_idx + 0_usize] = r; pal[pal_idx + 1_usize] = g; pal[pal_idx + 2_usize] = b; pal_idx = (pal_idx + 3_usize) % PALETTE_BYTES; } } line.truncate(0); }; Palette { colors : pal } } /* [Palette::from_buffered_reader] */ pub fn from_file (fname : &String) -> Palette { /* Check if file exists */ let path = std::path::Path::new(fname); let file = match std::fs::File::open(&path) { Err(e) => panic!("failed to open {} as file ({})", fname, e), Ok(f) => f }; let mut reader = std::io::BufReader::new(file); /* Parse scheme file */ Palette::from_buffered_reader (&mut reader) } /* [Palette::from_file] */ pub fn from_stdin () -> Palette { vrb!("Go ahead, type your color scheme …"); vrb!("vtcol>"); let mut reader = std::io::BufReader::new(std::io::stdin()); /* Parse scheme file */ Palette::from_buffered_reader (&mut reader) } /* [Palette::from_stdin] */ } /* [impl Palette] */ impl std::fmt::Display for Palette { fn fmt (&self, f : &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { let mut i : usize = 0_usize; while i < PALETTE_BYTES { let _ = write!(f, "{}", if i == 0 { "(" } else { "\n " }); let r = self.colors[i + 0_usize]; let g = self.colors[i + 1_usize]; let b = self.colors[i + 2_usize]; let _ = write!(f, "((r 0x{:02.X}) (g 0x{:02.X}) (b 0x{:02.x}))", r, g, b); i = i + 3_usize; } write!(f, ")\n") } } /* [impl std::fmt::Display for Palette] */ impl std::fmt::Debug for Palette { fn fmt (&self, f : &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { let mut i : u8 = 0_u8; while (i as usize) < PALETTE_BYTES { let r = self.colors[i as usize + 0_usize]; let g = self.colors[i as usize + 1_usize]; let b = self.colors[i as usize + 2_usize]; let _ = write!(f, "{} => 0x{:02.X}{:02.X}{:02.X}\n", Color::of_value(i).to_string(), r, g, b); i = i + 3_u8; } std::result::Result::Ok(()) } } /* [impl std::fmt::Debug for Palette] */ fn fd_of_path (path : &std::path::Path) -> Option { let p = std::ffi::CString::new(path.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap(); match unsafe { libc::open(p.as_ptr(), libc::O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY, 0) } { -1 => return None, fd => { vrb!(" *> got fd"); if unsafe { libc::isatty(fd) } == 0 { vrb!(" *> not a tty"); return None } let mut tty_type : libc::c_char = 0; let res = unsafe { ioctl(fd, KDGKBTYPE as libc::c_int, std::mem::transmute(&mut tty_type)) }; if res < 0 { vrb!(" *> ioctl failed"); return None } if tty_type != KB_101 { return None } return Some(fd) } } } fn get_console_fd (path : Option<&str>) -> Option { match path { Some (path) => { let path = std::path::Path::new(path); match fd_of_path(&path) { Some (fd) => Some (fd), None => panic!("cannot open {:?} as a tty", path) } }, None => { let mut it = CONSOLE_PATHS.iter(); while let Some (&path) = it.next() { vrb!("trying path: {:?}", path); let path = std::path::Path::new(path); if let Some (fd) = fd_of_path(&path) { vrb!(" * Success!"); return Some (fd) } } vrb!("could not retrieve fd for any of the search paths"); None } } } fn write_to_term (fd : Fd, buf : &str) { let len = buf.len() as libc::size_t; let raw = std::ffi::CString::new(buf.as_bytes()).unwrap(); unsafe { libc::write(fd, raw.as_ptr() as *const libc::c_void, len) }; } fn clear_term (fd : Fd) { let clear : &str = "\x1b[2J"; let cursor : &str = "\x1b[1;1H"; write_to_term(fd, clear); write_to_term(fd, cursor); } fn main () { let job = Job::new(); vrb!("job parms: {:?}", job); let mut pal : Palette = { match job.scheme { Scheme::Default => Palette::new(&DEFAULT_COLORS), Scheme::SolarizedDark => Palette::new(&SOLARIZED_COLORS_DARK), Scheme::SolarizedLight => Palette::new(&SOLARIZED_COLORS_LIGHT), Scheme::Custom(ref kind) => match *kind { Some(ref fname) => Palette::from_file(fname), None => Palette::from_stdin() } } }; vrb!("Using palette:"); vrb!("{}", pal); let fd = get_console_fd(None).unwrap(); vrb!("fd: {}", fd); if unsafe { ioctl(fd, PIO_CMAP, std::mem::transmute(&mut pal)) } < 0 { panic!("PIO_CMAP, ioctl failed to insert new palette") } clear_term(fd); vrb!("terminated from job {:?}", job); }