use libc::ioctl; use std::{convert::TryFrom, fmt, io::{self, BufWriter, Error, Write}, path::{Path, PathBuf}}; pub type Fd = libc::c_int; const PALETTE_SIZE: usize = 16; const PALETTE_BYTES: usize = PALETTE_SIZE * 3; /* 16 * sizeof(int) */ /* XXX: can we get these into ``libc``? */ pub const KDGKBTYPE: libc::c_ulong = 0x4b33; /* kd.h */ const GIO_CMAP: libc::c_ulong = 0x00004B70; /* kd.h */ const PIO_CMAP: libc::c_ulong = 0x00004B71; /* kd.h */ pub const KB_101: libc::c_char = 0x0002; /* kd.h */ const RAW_COLEXPR_SIZE: usize = 6; /* e. g. 0xBADF00 */ pub type RawPalette<'a> = [&'a str; PALETTE_SIZE]; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Color { Black(bool), Red(bool), Green(bool), Yellow(bool), Blue(bool), Magenta(bool), Cyan(bool), White(bool), } impl TryFrom for Color { type Error = io::Error; fn try_from(val: u8) -> io::Result { match val { 0x00 => Ok(Color::Black(false)), 0x01 => Ok(Color::Red(false)), 0x02 => Ok(Color::Green(false)), 0x03 => Ok(Color::Yellow(false)), 0x04 => Ok(Color::Blue(false)), 0x05 => Ok(Color::Magenta(false)), 0x06 => Ok(Color::Cyan(false)), 0x07 => Ok(Color::White(false)), 0x08 => Ok(Color::Black(true)), 0x09 => Ok(Color::Red(true)), 0x0a => Ok(Color::Green(true)), 0x0b => Ok(Color::Yellow(true)), 0x0c => Ok(Color::Blue(true)), 0x0d => Ok(Color::Magenta(true)), 0x0e => Ok(Color::Cyan(true)), 0x0f => Ok(Color::White(true)), _ => Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("invalid color value: {}", val), )), } } } /* [impl TryFrom for Color] */ impl Color { fn format_brightness(b: bool, s: &str) -> String { if b { "bright ".to_string() + s } else { s.to_string() } } } /* [impl Color] */ impl fmt::Display for Color { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let c = match *self { Color::Black(b) => Color::format_brightness(b, "black"), Color::Red(b) => Color::format_brightness(b, "red"), Color::Green(b) => Color::format_brightness(b, "green"), Color::Yellow(b) => Color::format_brightness(b, "yellow"), Color::Blue(b) => Color::format_brightness(b, "blue"), Color::Magenta(b) => Color::format_brightness(b, "magenta"), Color::Cyan(b) => Color::format_brightness(b, "cyan"), Color::White(b) => Color::format_brightness(b, "white"), }; write!(f, "{}", c) } } /* [impl fmt::Display for Color] */ #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Builtin { names: &'static [&'static str], palette: &'static RawPalette<'static>, } /** Vanilla Linux colors. */ const DEFAULT_COLORS: RawPalette = [ "000000", "aa0000", "00aa00", "aa5500", "0000aa", "aa00aa", "00aaaa", "aaaaaa", "555555", "ff5555", "55ff55", "ffff55", "5555ff", "ff55ff", "55ffff", "ffffff", ]; /** The dark (default) version of the Solarized scheme. */ const SOLARIZED_COLORS_DARK: RawPalette = [ "002b36", "dc322f", "859900", "b58900", "268bd2", "d33682", "2aa198", "eee8d5", "002b36", "cb4b16", "586e75", "657b83", "839496", "6c71c4", "93a1a1", "fdf6e3", ]; /** The light version of the Solarized theme. */ const SOLARIZED_COLORS_LIGHT: RawPalette = [ "eee8d5", "dc322f", "859900", "b58900", "268bd2", "d33682", "2aa198", "073642", "fdf6e3", "cb4b16", "93a1a1", "839496", "657b83", "6c71c4", "586e75", "002b36", ]; /** Bright green monochrome terminal. */ const MONOCHROME_PHOSPHOR: RawPalette = [ "000000", "68fc68", "68fc68", "68fc68", "68fc68", "68fc68", "68fc68", "68fc68", "68fc68", "68fc68", "68fc68", "68fc68", "68fc68", "68fc68", "68fc68", "68fc68", ]; const DUMMY_COLORS: RawPalette = [ "000000", "ffffff", "000000", "ffffff", "000000", "ffffff", "000000", "ffffff", "000000", "ffffff", "000000", "ffffff", "000000", "ffffff", "000000", "ffffff", ]; pub const BUILTIN_SCHEMES: &[Builtin] = &[ Builtin::solarized(), Builtin::solarized_light(), Builtin::default(), Builtin::phosphor(), ]; impl Builtin { pub fn name(&self) -> &'static str { self.names.iter().next().unwrap() } pub fn palette(&self) -> &RawPalette { self.palette } const fn solarized() -> Self { Self { names: &["solarized", "solarized_dark", "sd"], palette: &SOLARIZED_COLORS_DARK, } } const fn solarized_light() -> Self { Self { names: &["solarized_light", "sl"], palette: &SOLARIZED_COLORS_LIGHT, } } const fn default() -> Self { Self { names: &["default", "normal", "linux"], palette: &DEFAULT_COLORS, } } const fn phosphor() -> Self { Self { names: &["phosphor", "matrix"], palette: &MONOCHROME_PHOSPHOR } } } impl TryFrom<&str> for Builtin { type Error = io::Error; fn try_from(name: &str) -> Result { for b in BUILTIN_SCHEMES { if b.names.contains(&name) { return Ok(b.clone()); } } Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("no such builtin scheme: {}", name), )) } } impl<'a> fmt::Display for Builtin { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Scheme { /** One of the predefined schemes. */ Builtin(Builtin), /** Custom ``Palette``. */ Palette(Palette), /** Load from file. */ Custom(Option), } impl<'a> fmt::Display for Scheme { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::Builtin(b) => write!(f, "{}", b), Self::Custom(None) => write!(f, ""), Self::Custom(Some(fname)) => write!(f, "{}", fname.display()), Self::Palette(pal) => write!(f, "palette: {}", pal), } } } /* [impl fmt::String for Scheme] */ impl Scheme { pub fn from_stdin() -> Self { Self::Custom(None) } pub fn from_path>(path: P) -> Self { Self::Custom(Some(path.as_ref().into())) } } /* [impl Scheme] */ /** Try to select one of the predefined schemes; if that fails, interpret the argument as a path. */ impl From<&str> for Scheme { fn from(name: &str) -> Scheme { Builtin::try_from(name) .map(Self::Builtin) .unwrap_or_else(|_| Self::from_path(name)) } } /** Try to match the palette against one of the predefined schemes. */ impl From for Scheme { fn from(pal: Palette) -> Scheme { if pal == Palette::from(&DEFAULT_COLORS) { return Self::Builtin(Builtin::default()); } if pal == Palette::from(&SOLARIZED_COLORS_DARK) { return Self::Builtin(Builtin::solarized()); } if pal == Palette::from(&SOLARIZED_COLORS_LIGHT) { return Self::Builtin(Builtin::solarized_light()); } if pal == Palette::from(&MONOCHROME_PHOSPHOR) { return Self::Builtin(Builtin::phosphor()); } Self::Palette(pal) } } fn nibble_of_char(chr: u8) -> u8 { match chr { b'0'..=b'9' => chr - b'0', b'a'..=b'f' => chr - b'a' + 10, b'A'..=b'F' => chr - b'A' + 10, _ => 0, } } macro_rules! byte_of_hex { ($ar:ident, $off:expr) => { (nibble_of_char($ar[$off])) << 4 | nibble_of_char($ar[$off + 1]) as u8 }; } fn rgb_of_hex_triplet(def: &str) -> (u8, u8, u8) { let bytes = def.as_bytes(); let r: u8 = byte_of_hex!(bytes, 0); let g: u8 = byte_of_hex!(bytes, 2); let b: u8 = byte_of_hex!(bytes, 4); (r, g, b) } #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Clone)] pub struct Palette([u8; PALETTE_BYTES]); impl Palette { /** Construct an all-zero ``Palette``. */ pub fn new() -> Self { Self([0u8; PALETTE_BYTES]) } pub fn dummy() -> Self { Self::from(&DUMMY_COLORS) } pub fn from_buffered_reader(reader: &mut dyn std::io::BufRead) -> Self { let mut pal_idx: usize = 0; let mut pal: [u8; PALETTE_BYTES] = [0; PALETTE_BYTES]; let mut line: String = String::new(); while reader.read_line(&mut line).is_ok() { let len = line.len(); if len == 0 { break; } else if len >= 8 { if let Some(off) = line.find('#') { if off != 0 { /* Palette index specified, number prepended */ let parse_res: Result = std::str::FromStr::from_str(&line[]); if let Ok(new_idx) = parse_res { if new_idx < PALETTE_SIZE { pal_idx = new_idx * 3; } } } let off = off + 1; if off > len - 6 { /* no room left for color definition after '#' char */ panic!("invalid color definition: {}", line); } let col = &line[off..(off + RAW_COLEXPR_SIZE)]; let (r, g, b) = rgb_of_hex_triplet(col); pal[pal_idx] = r; pal[pal_idx + 1] = g; pal[pal_idx + 2] = b; pal_idx = (pal_idx + 3) % PALETTE_BYTES; } } line.truncate(0); } Self(pal) } #[allow(rustdoc::invalid_rust_codeblocks)] /** Print palette in a text format that can be re-read back in. Basically we print one hex rgb code per line prefixed with color indices and the canonical names on the right: 00 #002B36 black 01 #DC322F red 02 #859900 green 03 #B58900 yellow 04 #268BD2 blue … */ pub fn dump(&self, out: &mut BufWriter) -> io::Result<()> { let mut buf: [u8; 3] = [0u8, 0u8, 0u8]; for (i, col) in self.0.iter().enumerate() { let idx: usize = i % 3; buf[idx] = *col; if idx == 2 { let col = Color::try_from((i / 3) as u8)?; out.write_all( format!( "{:02} #{:02.X}{:02.X}{:02.X} {}\n", i / 3, buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], col, ) .as_bytes(), )?; } } Ok(()) } pub fn from_file(fname: &Path) -> Self { /* Check if file exists */ let file = match std::fs::File::open(&fname) { Err(e) => { panic!("failed to open {} as file ({})", fname.display(), e) }, Ok(f) => f, }; let mut reader = std::io::BufReader::new(file); /* Parse scheme file */ Self::from_buffered_reader(&mut reader) } /* [Palette::from_file] */ pub fn from_stdin() -> Self { let mut reader = std::io::BufReader::new(std::io::stdin()); /* Parse scheme file */ Self::from_buffered_reader(&mut reader) } /* [Palette::from_stdin] */ } /* [impl Palette] */ impl fmt::Display for Palette { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let mut i = 0; while i < PALETTE_BYTES { let _ = write!(f, "{}", if i == 0 { "(" } else { "\n " }); let r = self.0[i]; let g = self.0[i + 1]; let b = self.0[i + 2]; let _ = write!( f, "((r 0x{:02.X}) (g 0x{:02.X}) (b 0x{:02.x}))", r, g, b ); i += 3; } writeln!(f, ")") } } /* [impl fmt::Display for Palette] */ impl fmt::Debug for Palette { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let mut i: u8 = 0_u8; while (i as usize) < PALETTE_BYTES { let r = self.0[i as usize]; let g = self.0[i as usize + 1]; let b = self.0[i as usize + 2]; let col = Color::try_from((i / 3) as u8) .map(|c| format!("{}", c)) .unwrap_or_else(|_| "??".into()); let _ = writeln!(f, "{} => 0x{:02.X}{:02.X}{:02.X}", col, r, g, b); i += 3_u8; } std::result::Result::Ok(()) } } /* [impl fmt::Debug for Palette] */ /** Obtain a ``Palette`` from a ``Scheme``. */ impl From<&Scheme> for Palette { fn from(scm: &Scheme) -> Self { match scm { Scheme::Builtin(Builtin { palette, .. }) => Self::from(*palette), Scheme::Custom(None) => Self::from_stdin(), Scheme::Custom(Some(ref fname)) => Self::from_file(fname), Scheme::Palette(pal) => pal.clone(), } } } /** Obtain a ``Palette`` from a ``RawPalette``. */ impl From<&RawPalette<'_>> for Palette { fn from(colors: &RawPalette<'_>) -> Self { let mut idx: usize = 0; let mut pal: [u8; PALETTE_BYTES] = [0; PALETTE_BYTES]; for def in colors.iter() { let (r, g, b) = rgb_of_hex_triplet(*def); pal[idx] = r; pal[idx + 1] = g; pal[idx + 2] = b; //println!(">> {} -> {:X} {:X} {:X}", def, r, g, b); idx += 3; } Self(pal) } } pub fn ioctl_pio_cmap(fd: Fd, pal: &Palette) -> io::Result<()> { if unsafe { ioctl( fd, PIO_CMAP, std::mem::transmute::<&Palette, *const libc::c_void>(&pal), ) } < 0 { Err(Error::last_os_error()) } else { Ok(()) } } pub fn ioctl_gio_cmap(fd: Fd) -> io::Result { let mut pal = Palette::new(); if unsafe { ioctl( fd, GIO_CMAP, std::mem::transmute::<&mut Palette, *mut libc::c_void>(&mut pal), ) } < 0 { Err(Error::last_os_error()) } else { Ok(pal) } }