diff options
authorPhilipp Gesang <>2015-05-03 11:15:59 +0200
committerPhilipp Gesang <>2015-05-03 11:15:59 +0200
commit92d680ca20751a5caae8f0f4dcde5be41416052e (patch)
parentcd0c1b720c0d8a1edd8ea9f8ecc34f2b1e74e114 (diff)
downloadvtcol-92d680ca20751a5caae8f0f4dcde5be41416052e.tar.gz implement scheme file parser
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 453126f..d267b6f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ type Fd = libc::c_int;
const PALETTE_SIZE : usize = 16_us;
const PALETTE_BYTES : usize = PALETTE_SIZE * 3_us; // 16 * sizeof(int)
+const RAW_COLEXPR_SIZE : usize = 6_us; // e. g. 0xBADF00
type RawPalette<'a> = [&'a str; PALETTE_SIZE];
const KDGKBTYPE : libc::c_int = 0x4b33; /* kd.h */
@@ -176,7 +178,6 @@ impl<'a> Job<'a> {
Some (fname) => {
panic!("not implemented")
- //Scheme::from_file(fname)
} else {
@@ -212,27 +213,6 @@ impl<'a> Job<'a> {
- load_scheme_file (name : &String)
- -> Palette
- {
- /* Check if file exists
- */
- let path = Path::new(name.as_bytes());
- let file = match std::io::File::open(&path)
- {
- Err(e) => panic!("failed to open {} as file ({})", name, e),
- Ok(f) => f
- };
- let mut reader = std::io::BufferedReader::new(file);
- /* Parse scheme file
- */
- Palette::dummy()
- //Palette::from_file (&mut reader)
- }
- fn
usage (this : &String, opts: &[getopts::OptGroup])
let brief = format!("usage: {} [options]", this);
@@ -415,22 +395,57 @@ impl Palette {
} /* [Palette::dummy] */
pub fn
- from_file (_ : &mut std::io::BufferedReader<std::io::File>)
+ from_buffered_reader
+ (reader : &mut std::io::BufferedReader<std::io::File>)
+ -> Palette
+ {
+ let mut i : usize = 0_us;
+ let mut red : u32 = 0_u32;
+ let mut green : u32 = 0_u32;
+ let mut blue : u32 = 0_u32;
+ let mut pal_idx : usize = 0_us;
+ let mut pal : [u8; PALETTE_BYTES] = unsafe { std::mem::zeroed() };
+ while let Ok(line) = reader.read_line() {
+ let len = line.len();
+ if len < 8_us { panic!("invalid line in string: {}", line); };
+ if let Some(idx) = line.find_str("#") {
+ let idx = idx + 1_us;
+ if idx > len - 6_us { /* no room left for color definition after '#' char */
+ panic!("invalid color definition: {}", line);
+ }
+ let col = line.slice_chars(idx, idx + RAW_COLEXPR_SIZE);
+ println!("raw color: {}", col);
+ let (r, g, b) = rgb_of_hex_triplet(col);
+ pal[pal_idx + 0_us] = r;
+ pal[pal_idx + 1_us] = g;
+ pal[pal_idx + 2_us] = b;
+ pal_idx = pal_idx + 3_us;
+ }
+ };
+ Palette { colors : pal }
+ } /* [Palette::from_buffered_reader] */
+ pub fn
+ from_file (fname : &String)
-> Palette
- Palette::dummy()
- //let mut i : usize = 0_us;
- //while let Ok(line) = reader.read_line() {
- //let len = line.len();
- //if len < 8_us { panic!("invalid line in string: {}", line); };
- //if let Some(idx) = line.find_str("#") {
- //let idx = idx + 1_us;
- //if idx > len - 6_us { /* no room left for color definition after '#' char */
- //panic!("invalid color definition: {}", line);
- //}
- //let col = line.slice_chars(idx, idx + 5_us);
- //}
- //};
+ /* Check if file exists
+ */
+ let path = Path::new(fname.as_bytes());
+ let file = match std::io::File::open(&path)
+ {
+ Err(e) => panic!("failed to open {} as file ({})", fname, e),
+ Ok(f) => f
+ };
+ let mut reader = std::io::BufferedReader::new(file);
+ /* Parse scheme file
+ */
+ Palette::from_buffered_reader (&mut reader)
} /* [Palette::from_file] */
} /* [impl Palette] */
@@ -571,11 +586,10 @@ main ()
let color_set : [[&str; 7]; PALETTE_SIZE];
let mut pal : Palette = {
match job.scheme {
- Scheme::Default => Palette::new(&DEFAULT_COLORS),
- Scheme::SolarizedDark => Palette::new(&SOLARIZED_COLORS_DARK),
- Scheme::SolarizedLight => Palette::new(&SOLARIZED_COLORS_LIGHT),
- //Scheme::Custom (fname) => Palette::from_file(fname)
- Scheme::Custom (_) => Palette::dummy()
+ Scheme::Default => Palette::new(&DEFAULT_COLORS),
+ Scheme::SolarizedDark => Palette::new(&SOLARIZED_COLORS_DARK),
+ Scheme::SolarizedLight => Palette::new(&SOLARIZED_COLORS_LIGHT),
+ Scheme::Custom (ref fname) => Palette::from_file(fname)
println!("{}", pal);