synopsis -------- Library routines for handling Microsoft Security Identifiers in text and binary format. Includes a utility ``sidparse`` for dissecting SIDs on the command line. entry points ------------ Convert to and from the string format using the *to_string* and *of_string* functions. The binary representations can be encoded and decoded using the corresponding *to_bytes* and *of_bytes* methods. building -------- The main build system is Oasis_, but there is a wrapper for OPAM to simplify dependency management. A manual build involves the following steps: :: $ opam install stdint cmdliner ounit $ oasis setup $ make This will generate the library targets for ``sid.*`` as well as a utility ``sidparse.native`` that works similarly to ``uuidparse`` for UUIDs, and unit test binary ``sid_test.byte``. To view the HTML documentation, issue :: $ make doc and point your browser at ``./_build/sid_intf.docdir/index.html``. .. _Oasis: .. _OPAM: project ------- The master repo_ is hosted on, please use the issue tracker there or email me_ directly. Gitlab is also where releases_ are published. .. _repo: .. _releases: .. _me: references ---------- SIDs are specified in MS-DTYP_. .. _MS-DTYP: license ------- This package is licensed_ as ``LGPL-3.0-only`` (no “any later version” clause). .. _licensed: