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2 files changed, 38 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 12d708a..0d5c89b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -221,6 +221,32 @@ module PacketRep = struct (* [MS-DTYP] 2.4.22 *)
; sid_sub_auths = sas
+ let from_channel ?(endian=Little) ic =
+ try
+ let v = input_byte ic in
+ if v <> 0x01 then
+ Error (Printf.sprintf
+ "input malformed: expected SID version=0x01, got 0x%0.2x" v) else
+ let nsa = input_byte ic in
+ if max_subauth_count < nsa then
+ Error (Printf.sprintf
+ "input malformed: up to %d subAuthority elements permitted, \
+ %d specified"
+ max_subauth_count nsa) else
+ let n = sizeof_ident_auth + nsa * sizeof_sub_auth in
+ let b = Bytes.make (2 + n) '\x00' in
+ Bytes.set b 0 '\x01';
+ Bytes.set b 1 (char_of_int nsa);
+ really_input ic b 2 n;
+ decode ~endian b
+ with End_of_file ->
+ Error (Printf.sprintf
+ "input malformed: unexpected end of file at offset %d \
+ parsing SID" (pos_in ic))
+ let to_channel ?(endian=Little) oc s =
+ encode ~endian s |> output_bytes oc
end (* [module PacketRep] *)
module WellKnown = struct
diff --git a/sid.mli b/sid.mli
index e9b5c78..0a9fbd8 100644
--- a/sid.mli
+++ b/sid.mli
@@ -40,12 +40,24 @@ module StringFmt :
module PacketRep :
type endian = Big | Little
+ (** Specify the endianness when internalizing integers. Only relevant for
+ subauthorities as the identifier authority is specified as big endian.
+ The default is always [Little]. *)
val decode : ?endian:endian -> bytes -> (t, string) result
(** [decode endian b] decode the byte buffer [b] as a SID. *)
val encode : ?endian:endian -> t -> bytes
(** [encode endian s] convert SID [s] to the packet representation
encoding subauthorities in endianness [endian]. *)
+ val from_channel : ?endian:endian -> in_channel -> (t, string) result
+ (** [from_channel endian ic] read binary SID from [ic] with endianness
+ [endian]. *)
+ val to_channel : ?endian:endian -> out_channel -> t -> unit
+ (** [to_channel endian oc s] write SID [s] in packet representation
+ to channel [oc] with endianness [endian]. *)
(** Pre-defined SID constansts and constructors with fixed identifier