The luatexbase generic bundle The bundle provides basic facilities for LuaTeX macro programmers, mostly resource allocation and convenience packages. Provided are: – luatexbase-compat: compatibility helpers; – luatexbase-regs: allocation of registers and the like; – luatexbase-loader: Lua module loading; – luatexbase-attr: attribute allocation; – luatexbase-cctb: catcode table allocation; – luatexbase-modutils: Lua module declaration; and - luatexbase-mcb: callbacks extensions. Additionally, a `luatexbase' package loads all of the above in one step (and does nothing else) for your convenience. Installation ------------ Here are the recommended installation methods (preferred first). 1. If you are using TeX Live 2010 or later, use 'tlmgr install luatexbase'. Alternatively, try your (TeX or Linux) distribution's package management system. 2. a. Grab on the CTAN. b. Unzip it at the root of one or your TDS trees. c. You may need to update some filename database after this, see your TeX distribution's manual for details. (Hint: with TeX Live, run 'mktexlsr'; with MikTeX, look for "Refresh FNDB" in the MikTeX menu.) 3. a. Grab the sources from CTAN or github. b. Run 'make install TEXMFROOT=/path/to/texmf'. (Warning: 'make install' without giving a TEXMFROOT will put files in './texmf', which is probably not what you want.) c. See 2c. License ------- This work and the derived files are under the Creative Commons CC0 license, which is as close to public domain as possible in the country of the authors. See the full text [1] or the FAQ [2]. [1]: [2]: