if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-swiglib'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to luatex-swiglib.tex", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } local savedrequire = require local libsuffix = os.type == "windows" and ".dll" or ".so" function requireswiglib(required,version) local library = package.loaded[required] if library then return library else local name = string.gsub(required,"%.","/") .. libsuffix local list = kpse.show_path("clua") for root in string.gmatch(list,"([^;]+)") do local full = false if type(version) == "string" and version ~= "" then full = root .. "/" .. version .. "/" .. name full = lfs.isfile(full) and full end if not full then full = root .. "/" .. name full = lfs.isfile(full) and full end if full then local path, base = string.match(full,"^(.-)([^\\/]+)" .. libsuffix .."$") local savedlibrary = package.loaded[base] package.loaded[base] = nil local savedpath = lfs.currentdir() lfs.chdir(path) library = package.loadlib(full,"luaopen_" .. base) if type(library) == "function" then library = library() texio.write("<swiglib: '",required,"' is loaded>") end lfs.chdir(savedpath) package.loaded[base] = savedlibrary package.loaded[required] = library return library end end texio.write("<swiglib: '",name,"'is not found on '",list,"'") end texio.write("<swiglib: '",required,"' is not found>") end function require(name) if string.find(name,"^swiglib%.") then return requireswiglib(name) else return savedrequire(name) end end function swiglib(name,version) return requireswiglib("swiglib." .. name,version) end