%D \module
%D   [       file=luatex-mplib,
%D        version=2009.12.01,
%D          title=\LUATEX\ Support Macros,
%D       subtitle=\METAPOST\ to \PDF\ conversion,
%D         author=Taco Hoekwater \& Hans Hagen,
%D      copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]

%D This is the companion to the \LUA\ module \type {supp-mpl.lua}. Further
%D embedding is up to others. A simple example of usage in plain \TEX\ is:
%D \starttyping
%D \pdfoutput=1
%D \input luatex-mplib.tex
%D \setmplibformat{plain}
%D \mplibcode
%D   beginfig(1);
%D     draw fullcircle
%D       scaled 10cm
%D       withcolor red
%D       withpen pencircle xscaled 4mm yscaled 2mm rotated 30 ;
%D   endfig;
%D \endmplibcode
%D \end
%D \stoptyping


  {\catcode`\{=12 % could be optional .. not really needed
   \catcode`\}=12 % could be optional .. not really needed
   \catcode`\$=12 }



%D We default to \type {plain} \METAPOST:


%D We use a dedicated scratchbox:

\ifx\mplibscratchbox\undefined \newbox\mplibscratchbox \fi

%D Now load the needed \LUA\ code.

% \directlua{dofile(resolvers.findfile('luatex-mplib.lua'))}

%D The following code takes care of encapsulating the literals:


     {\hskip-\MPllx bp%
      \raise-\MPlly bp%
   \setbox\mplibscratchbox\vbox to \MPheight

%D The body of picture, except for text items, is taken care of by:

    \def\MPLIBtoPDF#1{\special{pdf:literal direct #1}} % not ok yet

%D Text items have a special handler:

     {\font\temp=#1 at #2bp%

  {\ifcsname mplib::#1\endcsname
     % already done, forgotten outside convert group
     \message{<reusing mplib: #1>}%
     \message{<embedding mplib: #1>}%
     \immediate\pdfximage{#1}% we cannot remove the file as it is included last
     \expandafter\edef\csname mplib::#1\endcsname{\the\pdflastximage}%
     {\raise#2sp\hbox{\pdfrefximage\csname mplib::#1\endcsname}}%
