if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-otx'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to font-otf.lua (analysing)", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } local type = type if not trackers then trackers = { register = function() end } end ----- trace_analyzing = false trackers.register("otf.analyzing", function(v) trace_analyzing = v end) local fonts, nodes, node = fonts, nodes, node local allocate = utilities.storage.allocate local otf = fonts.handlers.otf local analyzers = fonts.analyzers local initializers = allocate() local methods = allocate() analyzers.initializers = initializers analyzers.methods = methods analyzers.useunicodemarks = false local a_state = attributes.private('state') local nuts = nodes.nuts local tonut = nuts.tonut local getfield = nuts.getfield local getnext = nuts.getnext local getprev = nuts.getprev local getid = nuts.getid local getprop = nuts.getprop local setprop = nuts.setprop local getfont = nuts.getfont local getsubtype = nuts.getsubtype local getchar = nuts.getchar local traverse_id = nuts.traverse_id local traverse_node_list = nuts.traverse local end_of_math = nuts.end_of_math local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph local disc_code = nodecodes.disc local math_code = nodecodes.math local fontdata = fonts.hashes.identifiers local categories = characters and characters.categories or { } -- sorry, only in context local otffeatures = fonts.constructors.newfeatures("otf") local registerotffeature = otffeatures.register --[[ldx-- <p>Analyzers run per script and/or language and are needed in order to process features right.</p> --ldx]]-- -- never use these numbers directly local s_init = 1 local s_rphf = 7 local s_medi = 2 local s_half = 8 local s_fina = 3 local s_pref = 9 local s_isol = 4 local s_blwf = 10 local s_mark = 5 local s_pstf = 11 local s_rest = 6 local states = { init = s_init, medi = s_medi, fina = s_fina, isol = s_isol, mark = s_mark, rest = s_rest, rphf = s_rphf, half = s_half, pref = s_pref, blwf = s_blwf, pstf = s_pstf, } local features = { init = s_init, medi = s_medi, fina = s_fina, isol = s_isol, -- mark = s_mark, -- rest = s_rest, rphf = s_rphf, half = s_half, pref = s_pref, blwf = s_blwf, pstf = s_pstf, } analyzers.states = states analyzers.features = features -- todo: analyzers per script/lang, cross font, so we need an font id hash -> script -- e.g. latin -> hyphenate, arab -> 1/2/3 analyze -- its own namespace function analyzers.setstate(head,font) local useunicodemarks = analyzers.useunicodemarks local tfmdata = fontdata[font] local descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions local first, last, current, n, done = nil, nil, head, 0, false -- maybe make n boolean current = tonut(current) while current do local id = getid(current) if id == glyph_code and getfont(current) == font then done = true local char = getchar(current) local d = descriptions[char] if d then if d.class == "mark" or (useunicodemarks and categories[char] == "mn") then done = true setprop(current,a_state,s_mark) elseif n == 0 then first, last, n = current, current, 1 setprop(current,a_state,s_init) else last, n = current, n+1 setprop(current,a_state,s_medi) end else -- finish if first and first == last then setprop(last,a_state,s_isol) elseif last then setprop(last,a_state,s_fina) end first, last, n = nil, nil, 0 end elseif id == disc_code then -- always in the middle setprop(current,a_state,s_medi) last = current else -- finish if first and first == last then setprop(last,a_state,s_isol) elseif last then setprop(last,a_state,s_fina) end first, last, n = nil, nil, 0 if id == math_code then current = end_of_math(current) end end current = getnext(current) end if first and first == last then setprop(last,a_state,s_isol) elseif last then setprop(last,a_state,s_fina) end return head, done end -- in the future we will use language/script attributes instead of the -- font related value, but then we also need dynamic features which is -- somewhat slower; and .. we need a chain of them local function analyzeinitializer(tfmdata,value) -- attr local script, language = otf.scriptandlanguage(tfmdata) -- attr local action = initializers[script] if not action then -- skip elseif type(action) == "function" then return action(tfmdata,value) else local action = action[language] if action then return action(tfmdata,value) end end end local function analyzeprocessor(head,font,attr) local tfmdata = fontdata[font] local script, language = otf.scriptandlanguage(tfmdata,attr) local action = methods[script] if not action then -- skip elseif type(action) == "function" then return action(head,font,attr) else action = action[language] if action then return action(head,font,attr) end end return head, false end registerotffeature { name = "analyze", description = "analysis of character classes", default = true, initializers = { node = analyzeinitializer, }, processors = { position = 1, node = analyzeprocessor, } } -- latin methods.latn = analyzers.setstate -- This info eventually can go into char-def and we will have a state -- table for generic then (unicode recognized all states but in practice -- only has only -- -- isolated : isol -- final : isol_fina -- medial : isol_fina_medi_init -- -- so in practice, without analyzer it's rather useless info which is -- why having it in char-def makes only sense for special purposes (like) -- like tracing cq. visualizing. local tatweel = 0x0640 local zwnj = 0x200C local zwj = 0x200D local isolated = { -- isol [0x0600] = true, [0x0601] = true, [0x0602] = true, [0x0603] = true, [0x0604] = true, [0x0608] = true, [0x060B] = true, [0x0621] = true, [0x0674] = true, [0x06DD] = true, -- mandaic [0x0856] = true, [0x0858] = true, [0x0857] = true, -- n'ko [0x07FA] = true, -- also here: [zwnj] = true, -- 7 [0x08AD] = true, } local final = { -- isol_fina [0x0622] = true, [0x0623] = true, [0x0624] = true, [0x0625] = true, [0x0627] = true, [0x0629] = true, [0x062F] = true, [0x0630] = true, [0x0631] = true, [0x0632] = true, [0x0648] = true, [0x0671] = true, [0x0672] = true, [0x0673] = true, [0x0675] = true, [0x0676] = true, [0x0677] = true, [0x0688] = true, [0x0689] = true, [0x068A] = true, [0x068B] = true, [0x068C] = true, [0x068D] = true, [0x068E] = true, [0x068F] = true, [0x0690] = true, [0x0691] = true, [0x0692] = true, [0x0693] = true, [0x0694] = true, [0x0695] = true, [0x0696] = true, [0x0697] = true, [0x0698] = true, [0x0699] = true, [0x06C0] = true, [0x06C3] = true, [0x06C4] = true, [0x06C5] = true, [0x06C6] = true, [0x06C7] = true, [0x06C8] = true, [0x06C9] = true, [0x06CA] = true, [0x06CB] = true, [0x06CD] = true, [0x06CF] = true, [0x06D2] = true, [0x06D3] = true, [0x06D5] = true, [0x06EE] = true, [0x06EF] = true, [0x0759] = true, [0x075A] = true, [0x075B] = true, [0x076B] = true, [0x076C] = true, [0x0771] = true, [0x0773] = true, [0x0774] = true, [0x0778] = true, [0x0779] = true, [0x08AA] = true, [0x08AB] = true, [0x08AC] = true, [0xFEF5] = true, [0xFEF7] = true, [0xFEF9] = true, [0xFEFB] = true, -- syriac [0x0710] = true, [0x0715] = true, [0x0716] = true, [0x0717] = true, [0x0718] = true, [0x0719] = true, [0x0728] = true, [0x072A] = true, [0x072C] = true, [0x071E] = true, [0x072F] = true, [0x074D] = true, -- mandaic [0x0840] = true, [0x0849] = true, [0x0854] = true, [0x0846] = true, [0x084F] = true, -- 7 [0x08AE] = true, [0x08B1] = true, [0x08B2] = true, } local medial = { -- isol_fina_medi_init [0x0626] = true, [0x0628] = true, [0x062A] = true, [0x062B] = true, [0x062C] = true, [0x062D] = true, [0x062E] = true, [0x0633] = true, [0x0634] = true, [0x0635] = true, [0x0636] = true, [0x0637] = true, [0x0638] = true, [0x0639] = true, [0x063A] = true, [0x063B] = true, [0x063C] = true, [0x063D] = true, [0x063E] = true, [0x063F] = true, [0x0641] = true, [0x0642] = true, [0x0643] = true, [0x0644] = true, [0x0645] = true, [0x0646] = true, [0x0647] = true, [0x0649] = true, [0x064A] = true, [0x066E] = true, [0x066F] = true, [0x0678] = true, [0x0679] = true, [0x067A] = true, [0x067B] = true, [0x067C] = true, [0x067D] = true, [0x067E] = true, [0x067F] = true, [0x0680] = true, [0x0681] = true, [0x0682] = true, [0x0683] = true, [0x0684] = true, [0x0685] = true, [0x0686] = true, [0x0687] = true, [0x069A] = true, [0x069B] = true, [0x069C] = true, [0x069D] = true, [0x069E] = true, [0x069F] = true, [0x06A0] = true, [0x06A1] = true, [0x06A2] = true, [0x06A3] = true, [0x06A4] = true, [0x06A5] = true, [0x06A6] = true, [0x06A7] = true, [0x06A8] = true, [0x06A9] = true, [0x06AA] = true, [0x06AB] = true, [0x06AC] = true, [0x06AD] = true, [0x06AE] = true, [0x06AF] = true, [0x06B0] = true, [0x06B1] = true, [0x06B2] = true, [0x06B3] = true, [0x06B4] = true, [0x06B5] = true, [0x06B6] = true, [0x06B7] = true, [0x06B8] = true, [0x06B9] = true, [0x06BA] = true, [0x06BB] = true, [0x06BC] = true, [0x06BD] = true, [0x06BE] = true, [0x06BF] = true, [0x06C1] = true, [0x06C2] = true, [0x06CC] = true, [0x06CE] = true, [0x06D0] = true, [0x06D1] = true, [0x06FA] = true, [0x06FB] = true, [0x06FC] = true, [0x06FF] = true, [0x0750] = true, [0x0751] = true, [0x0752] = true, [0x0753] = true, [0x0754] = true, [0x0755] = true, [0x0756] = true, [0x0757] = true, [0x0758] = true, [0x075C] = true, [0x075D] = true, [0x075E] = true, [0x075F] = true, [0x0760] = true, [0x0761] = true, [0x0762] = true, [0x0763] = true, [0x0764] = true, [0x0765] = true, [0x0766] = true, [0x0767] = true, [0x0768] = true, [0x0769] = true, [0x076A] = true, [0x076D] = true, [0x076E] = true, [0x076F] = true, [0x0770] = true, [0x0772] = true, [0x0775] = true, [0x0776] = true, [0x0777] = true, [0x077A] = true, [0x077B] = true, [0x077C] = true, [0x077D] = true, [0x077E] = true, [0x077F] = true, [0x08A0] = true, [0x08A2] = true, [0x08A4] = true, [0x08A5] = true, [0x08A6] = true, [0x0620] = true, [0x08A8] = true, [0x08A9] = true, [0x08A7] = true, [0x08A3] = true, -- syriac [0x0712] = true, [0x0713] = true, [0x0714] = true, [0x071A] = true, [0x071B] = true, [0x071C] = true, [0x071D] = true, [0x071F] = true, [0x0720] = true, [0x0721] = true, [0x0722] = true, [0x0723] = true, [0x0724] = true, [0x0725] = true, [0x0726] = true, [0x0727] = true, [0x0729] = true, [0x072B] = true, [0x072D] = true, [0x072E] = true, [0x074E] = true, [0x074F] = true, -- mandaic [0x0841] = true, [0x0842] = true, [0x0843] = true, [0x0844] = true, [0x0845] = true, [0x0847] = true, [0x0848] = true, [0x0855] = true, [0x0851] = true, [0x084E] = true, [0x084D] = true, [0x084A] = true, [0x084B] = true, [0x084C] = true, [0x0850] = true, [0x0852] = true, [0x0853] = true, -- n'ko [0x07D7] = true, [0x07E8] = true, [0x07D9] = true, [0x07EA] = true, [0x07CA] = true, [0x07DB] = true, [0x07CC] = true, [0x07DD] = true, [0x07CE] = true, [0x07DF] = true, [0x07D4] = true, [0x07E5] = true, [0x07E9] = true, [0x07E7] = true, [0x07E3] = true, [0x07E2] = true, [0x07E0] = true, [0x07E1] = true, [0x07DE] = true, [0x07DC] = true, [0x07D1] = true, [0x07DA] = true, [0x07D8] = true, [0x07D6] = true, [0x07D2] = true, [0x07D0] = true, [0x07CF] = true, [0x07CD] = true, [0x07CB] = true, [0x07D3] = true, [0x07E4] = true, [0x07D5] = true, [0x07E6] = true, -- also here: [tatweel]= true, [zwj] = true, -- 7 [0x08A1] = true, [0x08AF] = true, [0x08B0] = true, } local arab_warned = { } -- todo: gref local function warning(current,what) local char = getchar(current) if not arab_warned[char] then log.report("analyze","arab: character %C has no %a class",char,what) arab_warned[char] = true end end -- potential optimization: local medial_final = table.merged(medial,final) local function finish(first,last) if last then if first == last then local fc = getchar(first) if medial[fc] or final[fc] then setprop(first,a_state,s_isol) else warning(first,"isol") setprop(first,a_state,s_error) end else local lc = getchar(last) if medial[lc] or final[lc] then -- if laststate == 1 or laststate == 2 or laststate == 4 then setprop(last,a_state,s_fina) else warning(last,"fina") setprop(last,a_state,s_error) end end first, last = nil, nil elseif first then -- first and last are either both set so we never com here local fc = getchar(first) if medial[fc] or final[fc] then setprop(first,a_state,s_isol) else warning(first,"isol") setprop(first,a_state,s_error) end first = nil end return first, last end function methods.arab(head,font,attr) local useunicodemarks = analyzers.useunicodemarks local tfmdata = fontdata[font] local marks = tfmdata.resources.marks local first, last, current, done = nil, nil, head, false current = tonut(current) while current do local id = getid(current) if id == glyph_code and getfont(current) == font and getsubtype(current)<256 and not getprop(current,a_state) then done = true local char = getchar(current) if marks[char] or (useunicodemarks and categories[char] == "mn") then setprop(current,a_state,s_mark) elseif isolated[char] then -- can be zwj or zwnj too first, last = finish(first,last) setprop(current,a_state,s_isol) first, last = nil, nil elseif not first then if medial[char] then setprop(current,a_state,s_init) first, last = first or current, current elseif final[char] then setprop(current,a_state,s_isol) first, last = nil, nil else -- no arab first, last = finish(first,last) end elseif medial[char] then first, last = first or current, current setprop(current,a_state,s_medi) elseif final[char] then if getprop(last,a_state) ~= s_init then -- tricky, we need to check what last may be ! setprop(last,a_state,s_medi) end setprop(current,a_state,s_fina) first, last = nil, nil elseif char >= 0x0600 and char <= 0x06FF then -- needs checking setprop(current,a_state,s_rest) first, last = finish(first,last) else -- no first, last = finish(first,last) end else if first or last then first, last = finish(first,last) end if id == math_code then current = end_of_math(current) end end current = getnext(current) end if first or last then finish(first,last) end return head, done end methods.syrc = methods.arab methods.mand = methods.arab methods.nko = methods.arab directives.register("otf.analyze.useunicodemarks",function(v) analyzers.useunicodemarks = v end)