if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-one'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to font-ini.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } --[[ldx-- <p>Some code may look a bit obscure but this has to do with the fact that we also use this code for testing and much code evolved in the transition from <l n='tfm'/> to <l n='afm'/> to <l n='otf'/>.</p> <p>The following code still has traces of intermediate font support where we handles font encodings. Eventually font encoding went away but we kept some code around in other modules.</p> <p>This version implements a node mode approach so that users can also more easily add features.</p> --ldx]]-- local fonts, logs, trackers, containers, resolvers = fonts, logs, trackers, containers, resolvers local next, type, tonumber, rawget = next, type, tonumber, rawget local match, gmatch, lower, gsub, strip, find = string.match, string.gmatch, string.lower, string.gsub, string.strip, string.find local char, byte, sub = string.char, string.byte, string.sub local abs = math.abs local bxor, rshift = bit32.bxor, bit32.rshift local P, S, R, Cmt, C, Ct, Cs, Carg = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.R, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.C, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Carg local lpegmatch, patterns = lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns local trace_features = false trackers.register("afm.features", function(v) trace_features = v end) local trace_indexing = false trackers.register("afm.indexing", function(v) trace_indexing = v end) local trace_loading = false trackers.register("afm.loading", function(v) trace_loading = v end) local trace_defining = false trackers.register("fonts.defining", function(v) trace_defining = v end) local report_afm = logs.reporter("fonts","afm loading") local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex local derivetable = table.derive local findbinfile = resolvers.findbinfile local definers = fonts.definers local readers = fonts.readers local constructors = fonts.constructors local afm = constructors.handlers.afm local pfb = constructors.handlers.pfb local otf = fonts.handlers.otf local otfreaders = otf.readers local otfenhancers = otf.enhancers local afmfeatures = constructors.features.afm local registerafmfeature = afmfeatures.register local afmenhancers = constructors.enhancers.afm local registerafmenhancer = afmenhancers.register afm.version = 1.512 -- incrementing this number one up will force a re-cache afm.cache = containers.define("fonts", "one", afm.version, true) afm.autoprefixed = true -- this will become false some day (catches texnansi-blabla.*) afm.helpdata = { } -- set later on so no local for this afm.syncspace = true -- when true, nicer stretch values local overloads = fonts.mappings.overloads local applyruntimefixes = fonts.treatments and fonts.treatments.applyfixes --[[ldx-- <p>We cache files. Caching is taken care of in the loader. We cheat a bit by adding ligatures and kern information to the afm derived data. That way we can set them faster when defining a font.</p> <p>We still keep the loading two phased: first we load the data in a traditional fashion and later we transform it to sequences. Then we apply some methods also used in opentype fonts (like <t>tlig</t>).</p> --ldx]]-- function afm.load(filename) filename = resolvers.findfile(filename,'afm') or "" if filename ~= "" and not fonts.names.ignoredfile(filename) then local name = file.removesuffix(file.basename(filename)) local data = containers.read(afm.cache,name) local attr = lfs.attributes(filename) local size, time = attr.size or 0, attr.modification or 0 -- local pfbfile = file.replacesuffix(name,"pfb") local pfbname = resolvers.findfile(pfbfile,"pfb") or "" if pfbname == "" then pfbname = resolvers.findfile(file.basename(pfbfile),"pfb") or "" end local pfbsize, pfbtime = 0, 0 if pfbname ~= "" then local attr = lfs.attributes(pfbname) pfbsize = attr.size or 0 pfbtime = attr.modification or 0 end if not data or data.size ~= size or data.time ~= time or data.pfbsize ~= pfbsize or data.pfbtime ~= pfbtime then report_afm("reading %a",filename) data = afm.readers.loadfont(filename,pfbname) if data then afmenhancers.apply(data,filename) -- otfreaders.addunicodetable(data) -- only when not done yet fonts.mappings.addtounicode(data,filename) -- otfreaders.extend(data) otfreaders.pack(data) data.size = size data.time = time data.pfbsize = pfbsize data.pfbtime = pfbtime report_afm("saving %a in cache",name) -- data.resources.unicodes = nil -- consistent with otf but here we save not much data = containers.write(afm.cache, name, data) data = containers.read(afm.cache,name) end end if data then -- constructors.addcoreunicodes(unicodes) otfreaders.unpack(data) otfreaders.expand(data) -- inline tables otfreaders.addunicodetable(data) -- only when not done yet otfenhancers.apply(data,filename,data) if applyruntimefixes then applyruntimefixes(filename,data) end end return data end end -- we run a more advanced analyzer later on anyway local uparser = fonts.mappings.makenameparser() -- each time local function enhance_unify_names(data, filename) local unicodevector = fonts.encodings.agl.unicodes -- loaded runtime in context local unicodes = { } local names = { } local private = constructors.privateoffset local descriptions = data.descriptions for name, blob in next, data.characters do local code = unicodevector[name] -- or characters.name_to_unicode[name] if not code then code = lpegmatch(uparser,name) if type(code) ~= "number" then code = private private = private + 1 report_afm("assigning private slot %U for unknown glyph name %a",code,name) end end local index = blob.index unicodes[name] = code names[name] = index blob.name = name descriptions[code] = { boundingbox = blob.boundingbox, width = blob.width, kerns = blob.kerns, index = index, name = name, } end for unicode, description in next, descriptions do local kerns = description.kerns if kerns then local krn = { } for name, kern in next, kerns do local unicode = unicodes[name] if unicode then krn[unicode] = kern else -- print(unicode,name) end end description.kerns = krn end end data.characters = nil local resources = data.resources local filename = resources.filename or file.removesuffix(file.basename(filename)) resources.filename = resolvers.unresolve(filename) -- no shortcut resources.unicodes = unicodes -- name to unicode resources.marks = { } -- todo -- resources.names = names -- name to index resources.private = private end local everywhere = { ["*"] = { ["*"] = true } } -- or: { ["*"] = { "*" } } local noflags = { false, false, false, false } local function enhance_normalize_features(data) local ligatures = setmetatableindex("table") local kerns = setmetatableindex("table") local extrakerns = setmetatableindex("table") for u, c in next, data.descriptions do local l = c.ligatures local k = c.kerns local e = c.extrakerns if l then ligatures[u] = l for u, v in next, l do l[u] = { ligature = v } end c.ligatures = nil end if k then kerns[u] = k for u, v in next, k do k[u] = v -- { v, 0 } end c.kerns = nil end if e then extrakerns[u] = e for u, v in next, e do e[u] = v -- { v, 0 } end c.extrakerns = nil end end local features = { gpos = { }, gsub = { }, } local sequences = { -- only filled ones } if next(ligatures) then features.gsub.liga = everywhere data.properties.hasligatures = true sequences[#sequences+1] = { features = { liga = everywhere, }, flags = noflags, name = "s_s_0", nofsteps = 1, order = { "liga" }, type = "gsub_ligature", steps = { { coverage = ligatures, }, }, } end if next(kerns) then features.gpos.kern = everywhere data.properties.haskerns = true sequences[#sequences+1] = { features = { kern = everywhere, }, flags = noflags, name = "p_s_0", nofsteps = 1, order = { "kern" }, type = "gpos_pair", steps = { { format = "kern", coverage = kerns, }, }, } end if next(extrakerns) then features.gpos.extrakerns = everywhere data.properties.haskerns = true sequences[#sequences+1] = { features = { extrakerns = everywhere, }, flags = noflags, name = "p_s_1", nofsteps = 1, order = { "extrakerns" }, type = "gpos_pair", steps = { { format = "kern", coverage = extrakerns, }, }, } end -- todo: compress kerns data.resources.features = features data.resources.sequences = sequences end local function enhance_fix_names(data) for k, v in next, data.descriptions do local n = v.name local r = overloads[n] if r then local name = r.name if trace_indexing then report_afm("renaming characters %a to %a",n,name) end v.name = name v.unicode = r.unicode end end end --[[ldx-- <p>These helpers extend the basic table with extra ligatures, texligatures and extra kerns. This saves quite some lookups later.</p> --ldx]]-- local addthem = function(rawdata,ligatures) if ligatures then local descriptions = rawdata.descriptions local resources = rawdata.resources local unicodes = resources.unicodes -- local names = resources.names for ligname, ligdata in next, ligatures do local one = descriptions[unicodes[ligname]] if one then for _, pair in next, ligdata do local two, three = unicodes[pair[1]], unicodes[pair[2]] if two and three then local ol = one.ligatures if ol then if not ol[two] then ol[two] = three end else one.ligatures = { [two] = three } end end end end end end end local function enhance_add_ligatures(rawdata) addthem(rawdata,afm.helpdata.ligatures) end --[[ldx-- <p>We keep the extra kerns in separate kerning tables so that we can use them selectively.</p> --ldx]]-- -- This is rather old code (from the beginning when we had only tfm). If -- we unify the afm data (now we have names all over the place) then -- we can use shcodes but there will be many more looping then. But we -- could get rid of the tables in char-cmp then. Als, in the generic version -- we don't use the character database. (Ok, we can have a context specific -- variant). local function enhance_add_extra_kerns(rawdata) -- using shcodes is not robust here local descriptions = rawdata.descriptions local resources = rawdata.resources local unicodes = resources.unicodes local function do_it_left(what) if what then for unicode, description in next, descriptions do local kerns = description.kerns if kerns then local extrakerns for complex, simple in next, what do complex = unicodes[complex] simple = unicodes[simple] if complex and simple then local ks = kerns[simple] if ks and not kerns[complex] then if extrakerns then extrakerns[complex] = ks else extrakerns = { [complex] = ks } end end end end if extrakerns then description.extrakerns = extrakerns end end end end end local function do_it_copy(what) if what then for complex, simple in next, what do complex = unicodes[complex] simple = unicodes[simple] if complex and simple then local complexdescription = descriptions[complex] if complexdescription then -- optional local simpledescription = descriptions[complex] if simpledescription then local extrakerns local kerns = simpledescription.kerns if kerns then for unicode, kern in next, kerns do if extrakerns then extrakerns[unicode] = kern else extrakerns = { [unicode] = kern } end end end local extrakerns = simpledescription.extrakerns if extrakerns then for unicode, kern in next, extrakerns do if extrakerns then extrakerns[unicode] = kern else extrakerns = { [unicode] = kern } end end end if extrakerns then complexdescription.extrakerns = extrakerns end end end end end end end -- add complex with values of simplified when present do_it_left(afm.helpdata.leftkerned) do_it_left(afm.helpdata.bothkerned) -- copy kerns from simple char to complex char unless set do_it_copy(afm.helpdata.bothkerned) do_it_copy(afm.helpdata.rightkerned) end --[[ldx-- <p>The copying routine looks messy (and is indeed a bit messy).</p> --ldx]]-- local function adddimensions(data) -- we need to normalize afm to otf i.e. indexed table instead of name if data then for unicode, description in next, data.descriptions do local bb = description.boundingbox if bb then local ht, dp = bb[4], -bb[2] if ht == 0 or ht < 0 then -- no need to set it and no negative heights, nil == 0 else description.height = ht end if dp == 0 or dp < 0 then -- no negative depths and no negative depths, nil == 0 else description.depth = dp end end end end end local function copytotfm(data) if data and data.descriptions then local metadata = data.metadata local resources = data.resources local properties = derivetable(data.properties) local descriptions = derivetable(data.descriptions) local goodies = derivetable(data.goodies) local characters = { } local parameters = { } local unicodes = resources.unicodes -- for unicode, description in next, data.descriptions do -- use parent table characters[unicode] = { } end -- local filename = constructors.checkedfilename(resources) local fontname = metadata.fontname or metadata.fullname local fullname = metadata.fullname or metadata.fontname local endash = 0x0020 -- space local emdash = 0x2014 local spacer = "space" local spaceunits = 500 -- local monospaced = metadata.monospaced local charwidth = metadata.charwidth local italicangle = metadata.italicangle local charxheight = metadata.xheight and metadata.xheight > 0 and metadata.xheight properties.monospaced = monospaced parameters.italicangle = italicangle parameters.charwidth = charwidth parameters.charxheight = charxheight -- same as otf if properties.monospaced then if descriptions[endash] then spaceunits, spacer = descriptions[endash].width, "space" end if not spaceunits and descriptions[emdash] then spaceunits, spacer = descriptions[emdash].width, "emdash" end if not spaceunits and charwidth then spaceunits, spacer = charwidth, "charwidth" end else if descriptions[endash] then spaceunits, spacer = descriptions[endash].width, "space" end if not spaceunits and charwidth then spaceunits, spacer = charwidth, "charwidth" end end spaceunits = tonumber(spaceunits) if spaceunits < 200 then -- todo: warning end -- parameters.slant = 0 parameters.space = spaceunits parameters.space_stretch = 500 parameters.space_shrink = 333 parameters.x_height = 400 parameters.quad = 1000 -- if italicangle and italicangle ~= 0 then parameters.italicangle = italicangle parameters.italicfactor = math.cos(math.rad(90+italicangle)) parameters.slant = - math.tan(italicangle*math.pi/180) end if monospaced then parameters.space_stretch = 0 parameters.space_shrink = 0 elseif afm.syncspace then parameters.space_stretch = spaceunits/2 parameters.space_shrink = spaceunits/3 end parameters.extra_space = parameters.space_shrink if charxheight then parameters.x_height = charxheight else -- same as otf local x = 0x0078 -- x if x then local x = descriptions[x] if x then parameters.x_height = x.height end end -- end -- if metadata.sup then local dummy = { 0, 0, 0 } parameters[ 1] = metadata.designsize or 0 parameters[ 2] = metadata.checksum or 0 parameters[ 3], parameters[ 4], parameters[ 5] = unpack(metadata.space or dummy) parameters[ 6] = metadata.quad or 0 parameters[ 7] = metadata.extraspace or 0 parameters[ 8], parameters[ 9], parameters[10] = unpack(metadata.num or dummy) parameters[11], parameters[12] = unpack(metadata.denom or dummy) parameters[13], parameters[14], parameters[15] = unpack(metadata.sup or dummy) parameters[16], parameters[17] = unpack(metadata.sub or dummy) parameters[18] = metadata.supdrop or 0 parameters[19] = metadata.subdrop or 0 parameters[20], parameters[21] = unpack(metadata.delim or dummy) parameters[22] = metadata.axisheight or 0 end -- parameters.designsize = (metadata.designsize or 10)*65536 parameters.ascender = abs(metadata.ascender or 0) parameters.descender = abs(metadata.descender or 0) parameters.units = 1000 -- properties.spacer = spacer properties.encodingbytes = 2 properties.format = fonts.formats[filename] or "type1" properties.filename = filename properties.fontname = fontname properties.fullname = fullname properties.psname = fullname properties.name = filename or fullname or fontname -- if next(characters) then return { characters = characters, descriptions = descriptions, parameters = parameters, resources = resources, properties = properties, goodies = goodies, } end end return nil end --[[ldx-- <p>Originally we had features kind of hard coded for <l n='afm'/> files but since I expect to support more font formats, I decided to treat this fontformat like any other and handle features in a more configurable way.</p> --ldx]]-- function afm.setfeatures(tfmdata,features) local okay = constructors.initializefeatures("afm",tfmdata,features,trace_features,report_afm) if okay then return constructors.collectprocessors("afm",tfmdata,features,trace_features,report_afm) else return { } -- will become false end end local function addtables(data) local resources = data.resources local lookuptags = resources.lookuptags local unicodes = resources.unicodes if not lookuptags then lookuptags = { } resources.lookuptags = lookuptags end setmetatableindex(lookuptags,function(t,k) local v = type(k) == "number" and ("lookup " .. k) or k t[k] = v return v end) if not unicodes then unicodes = { } resources.unicodes = unicodes setmetatableindex(unicodes,function(t,k) setmetatableindex(unicodes,nil) for u, d in next, data.descriptions do local n = d.name if n then t[n] = u end end return rawget(t,k) end) end constructors.addcoreunicodes(unicodes) -- do we really need this? end local function afmtotfm(specification) local afmname = specification.filename or specification.name if specification.forced == "afm" or specification.format == "afm" then -- move this one up if trace_loading then report_afm("forcing afm format for %a",afmname) end else local tfmname = findbinfile(afmname,"ofm") or "" if tfmname ~= "" then if trace_loading then report_afm("fallback from afm to tfm for %a",afmname) end return -- just that end end if afmname ~= "" then -- weird, isn't this already done then? local features = constructors.checkedfeatures("afm",specification.features.normal) specification.features.normal = features constructors.hashinstance(specification,true) -- also weird here -- specification = definers.resolve(specification) -- new, was forgotten local cache_id = specification.hash local tfmdata = containers.read(constructors.cache, cache_id) -- cache with features applied if not tfmdata then local rawdata = afm.load(afmname) if rawdata and next(rawdata) then addtables(rawdata) adddimensions(rawdata) tfmdata = copytotfm(rawdata) if tfmdata and next(tfmdata) then local shared = tfmdata.shared if not shared then shared = { } tfmdata.shared = shared end shared.rawdata = rawdata shared.dynamics = { } tfmdata.changed = { } shared.features = features shared.processes = afm.setfeatures(tfmdata,features) end elseif trace_loading then report_afm("no (valid) afm file found with name %a",afmname) end tfmdata = containers.write(constructors.cache,cache_id,tfmdata) end return tfmdata end end --[[ldx-- <p>As soon as we could intercept the <l n='tfm'/> reader, I implemented an <l n='afm'/> reader. Since traditional <l n='pdftex'/> could use <l n='opentype'/> fonts with <l n='afm'/> companions, the following method also could handle those cases, but now that we can handle <l n='opentype'/> directly we no longer need this features.</p> --ldx]]-- local function read_from_afm(specification) local tfmdata = afmtotfm(specification) if tfmdata then tfmdata.properties.name = specification.name tfmdata = constructors.scale(tfmdata, specification) local allfeatures = tfmdata.shared.features or specification.features.normal constructors.applymanipulators("afm",tfmdata,allfeatures,trace_features,report_afm) fonts.loggers.register(tfmdata,'afm',specification) end return tfmdata end --[[ldx-- <p>We have the usual two modes and related features initializers and processors.</p> --ldx]]-- registerafmfeature { name = "mode", description = "mode", initializers = { base = otf.modeinitializer, node = otf.modeinitializer, } } registerafmfeature { name = "features", description = "features", default = true, initializers = { node = otf.nodemodeinitializer, base = otf.basemodeinitializer, }, processors = { node = otf.featuresprocessor, } } -- readers fonts.formats.afm = "type1" fonts.formats.pfb = "type1" local function check_afm(specification,fullname) local foundname = findbinfile(fullname, 'afm') or "" -- just to be sure if foundname == "" then foundname = fonts.names.getfilename(fullname,"afm") or "" end if foundname == "" and afm.autoprefixed then local encoding, shortname = match(fullname,"^(.-)%-(.*)$") -- context: encoding-name.* if encoding and shortname and fonts.encodings.known[encoding] then shortname = findbinfile(shortname,'afm') or "" -- just to be sure if shortname ~= "" then foundname = shortname if trace_defining then report_afm("stripping encoding prefix from filename %a",afmname) end end end end if foundname ~= "" then specification.filename = foundname specification.format = "afm" return read_from_afm(specification) end end function readers.afm(specification,method) local fullname = specification.filename or "" local tfmdata = nil if fullname == "" then local forced = specification.forced or "" if forced ~= "" then tfmdata = check_afm(specification,specification.name .. "." .. forced) end if not tfmdata then local check_tfm = readers.check_tfm method = (check_tfm and (method or definers.method or "afm or tfm")) or "afm" if method == "tfm" then tfmdata = check_tfm(specification,specification.name) elseif method == "afm" then tfmdata = check_afm(specification,specification.name) elseif method == "tfm or afm" then tfmdata = check_tfm(specification,specification.name) or check_afm(specification,specification.name) else -- method == "afm or tfm" or method == "" then tfmdata = check_afm(specification,specification.name) or check_tfm(specification,specification.name) end end else tfmdata = check_afm(specification,fullname) end return tfmdata end function readers.pfb(specification,method) -- only called when forced local original = specification.specification if trace_defining then report_afm("using afm reader for %a",original) end specification.forced = "afm" local function swap(name) local value = specification[swap] if value then specification[swap] = gsub("%.pfb",".afm",1) end end swap("filename") swap("fullname") swap("forcedname") swap("specification") return readers.afm(specification,method) end -- now we register them registerafmenhancer("unify names", enhance_unify_names) registerafmenhancer("add ligatures", enhance_add_ligatures) registerafmenhancer("add extra kerns", enhance_add_extra_kerns) registerafmenhancer("normalize features", enhance_normalize_features) registerafmenhancer("check extra features", otfenhancers.enhance) registerafmenhancer("fix names", enhance_fix_names)