#!/usr/bin/env texlua ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FILE: mkimport.lua -- USAGE: ./mkimport.lua -- DESCRIPTION: check luaotfload imports against Context -- REQUIREMENTS: luatex, the lualibs package, Context MkIV -- AUTHOR: Philipp Gesang (Phg), -- VERSION: 42 -- CREATED: 2014-12-08 22:36:15+0100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- PURPOSE --- --- - Facilitate detecting changes in the fontloader source. --- - Assist in updating source code and (partially) automate importing. --- - Account for files in the plain fontloader distribution, alert in case of --- additions or deletions. --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- kpse.set_program_name "luatex" local lfs = require "lfs" local md5 = require "md5" require "lualibs" local ioloaddata = io.loaddata local iowrite = io.write local md5sumhexa = md5.sumhexa local stringformat = string.format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- config ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local context_root = "/home/phg/context/tex/texmf-context" local our_prefix = "fontloader" local fontloader_subdir = "src/fontloader" local paths = { context = "tex/context/base", fontloader = "tex/generic/context/luatex", } local prefixes = { context = nil, fontloader = "luatex", } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- helpers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local die = function (...) io.stderr:write "[\x1b[1;30;41mfatal error\x1b[0m]: " io.stderr:write (stringformat (...)) io.stderr:write "\naborting.\n" os.exit (1) end local emphasis = function (txt) return stringformat("\x1b[1m%s\x1b[0m", txt) end local msg = function (...) iowrite (stringformat (...)) iowrite "\n" end local good_tag = stringformat("[\x1b[1;30;%dmgood\x1b[0m] · ", 42) local bad_tag = stringformat("[\x1b[1;30;%dmBAD\x1b[0m] · ", 41) local alert_tag = stringformat("[\x1b[1;%dmalert\x1b[0m] · " , 36) local status_tag = stringformat("[\x1b[0;%dmstatus\x1b[0m] · " , 36) local good = function (...) local msg = (stringformat (...)) iowrite (good_tag) iowrite (msg) iowrite "\n" end local bad = function (...) local msg = (stringformat (...)) iowrite (bad_tag) iowrite (msg) iowrite "\n" end local attention = function (...) local msg = (stringformat (...)) iowrite (alert_tag) iowrite (msg) iowrite "\n" end local status = function (...) local msg = (stringformat (...)) iowrite (status_tag) iowrite (msg) iowrite "\n" end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Accounting of upstream files. There are different categories: --- --- · *essential*: Files required at runtime. --- · *merged*: Files merged into the fontloader package. --- · *ignored*: Lua files not merged, but part of the format. --- · *tex*: TeX code, i.e. format and examples. --- · *lualibs*: Files merged, but also provided by the Lualibs package. local kind_essential = 0 local kind_merged = 1 local kind_tex = 2 local kind_ignored = 3 local kind_lualibs = 4 local imports = { fontloader = { { name = "basics-gen" , ours = nil , kind = kind_essential }, { name = "basics-nod" , ours = nil , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "basics" , ours = nil , kind = kind_tex }, { name = "fonts-cbk" , ours = nil , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "fonts-def" , ours = nil , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "fonts-demo-vf-1" , ours = nil , kind = kind_ignored }, { name = "fonts-enc" , ours = nil , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "fonts-ext" , ours = nil , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "fonts-inj" , ours = nil , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "fonts-lua" , ours = nil , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "fonts-merged" , ours = "fontloader" , kind = kind_essential }, { name = "fonts-ota" , ours = nil , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "fonts-otn" , ours = nil , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "fonts" , ours = nil , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "fonts" , ours = nil , kind = kind_tex }, { name = "fonts-syn" , ours = nil , kind = kind_ignored }, { name = "fonts-tfm" , ours = nil , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "languages" , ours = nil , kind = kind_ignored }, { name = "languages" , ours = nil , kind = kind_tex }, { name = "math" , ours = nil , kind = kind_ignored }, { name = "math" , ours = nil , kind = kind_tex }, { name = "mplib" , ours = nil , kind = kind_ignored }, { name = "mplib" , ours = nil , kind = kind_tex }, { name = "plain" , ours = nil , kind = kind_tex }, { name = "preprocessor" , ours = nil , kind = kind_ignored }, { name = "preprocessor" , ours = nil , kind = kind_tex }, { name = "preprocessor-test" , ours = nil , kind = kind_tex }, { name = "swiglib" , ours = nil , kind = kind_ignored }, { name = "swiglib" , ours = nil , kind = kind_tex }, { name = "swiglib-test" , ours = nil , kind = kind_ignored }, { name = "swiglib-test" , ours = nil , kind = kind_tex }, { name = "test" , ours = nil , kind = kind_tex }, }, --[[ [fontloader] ]] context = { --=> all merged { name = "data-con" , ours = "data-con" , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "font-afk" , ours = "font-afk" , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "font-afm" , ours = "font-afm" , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "font-cid" , ours = "font-cid" , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "font-con" , ours = "font-con" , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "font-def" , ours = "font-def" , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "font-ini" , ours = "font-ini" , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "font-map" , ours = "font-map" , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "font-otb" , ours = "font-otb" , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "font-otf" , ours = "font-otf" , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "font-oti" , ours = "font-oti" , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "font-otp" , ours = "font-otp" , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "font-tfm" , ours = "font-tfm" , kind = kind_merged }, { name = "l-boolean" , ours = "l-boolean" , kind = kind_lualibs }, { name = "l-file" , ours = "l-file" , kind = kind_lualibs }, { name = "l-function" , ours = "l-function" , kind = kind_lualibs }, { name = "l-io" , ours = "l-io" , kind = kind_lualibs }, { name = "l-lpeg" , ours = "l-lpeg" , kind = kind_lualibs }, { name = "l-lua" , ours = "l-lua" , kind = kind_lualibs }, { name = "l-math" , ours = "l-math" , kind = kind_lualibs }, { name = "l-string" , ours = "l-string" , kind = kind_lualibs }, { name = "l-table" , ours = "l-table" , kind = kind_lualibs }, { name = "util-str" , ours = "util-str" , kind = kind_lualibs }, }, --[[ [context] ]] } --[[ [imports] ]] local hash_file = function (fname) if not lfs.isfile (fname) then die ("cannot find %s.", fname) end local raw = ioloaddata (fname) if not raw then die ("cannot read from %s.", fname) end return md5sumhexa (raw) end local derive_category_path = function (cat) local subpath = paths[cat] or die ("category " .. cat .. " unknown") local location = file.join (context_root, subpath) if not lfs.isdir (location) then die ("invalid base path defined for category " .. cat .. " at " .. location) end return location end local derive_fullname = function (cat, name, kind) local tmp = prefixes[cat] tmp = tmp and tmp .. "-" .. name or name return tmp .. (kind == kind_tex and ".tex" or ".lua") end local derive_ourname = function (name, kind) local suffix = kind == kind_tex and ".tex" or ".lua" return our_prefix .. "-" .. name .. suffix end local is_readable = function (f) local fh = io.open (f, "r") if fh then fh:close() return true end return false end local summarize_news = function (status) local ni = #status.import local nc = #status.create local ng = #status.good local nm = #status.missing msg "-----------------------------------------------------------------" msg ("Summary: Inspected %d files.", ni + nc + ng + nm) msg "-----------------------------------------------------------------" if ng > 0 then good ("%d are up to date", ng) end if ni > 0 then attention ("%d changed" , ni) end if nc > 0 then attention ("%d new" , nc) end if nm > 0 then bad ("%d missing" , nm) end msg "-----------------------------------------------------------------" if nm == 0 and nc == 0 and ni == 0 then return 0 end return -1 end local news = function () local status = { import = { }, good = { }, create = { }, missing = { }, } for cat, entries in next, imports do local location = derive_category_path (cat) local nfiles = #entries for i = 1, nfiles do local def = entries[i] local name = def.name local ours = def.ours local kind = def.kind local fullname = derive_fullname (cat, name, kind) local fullpath = file.join (location, fullname) local ourname = derive_ourname (ours or name) local ourpath = file.join (fontloader_subdir, ourname) -- relative local imported = false if not is_readable (fullpath) then bad ("source for file %s not found at %s", emphasis (ourname), emphasis (fullpath)) status.missing[#status.missing + 1] = ourname else --- Source file exists and is readable. if not lfs.isdir (fontloader_subdir) then die ("path for fontloader tree (" .. fontloader_subdir .. ") is not a directory") end if is_readable (ourpath) then imported = true end local src_hash = hash_file (fullpath) local dst_hash = imported and hash_file (ourpath) local same = src_hash == dst_hash -- same! if same then good ("file %s unchanged", emphasis (ourname)) status.good[#status.good + 1] = ourname elseif not dst_hash then attention ("new file %s requires import from %s", emphasis (ourname), emphasis (fullpath)) status.create[#status.create + 1] = ourname else --- src and dst exist but differ attention ("file %s requires import", emphasis (ourname)) status.import[#status.import + 1] = ourname end end end end return summarize_news (status) end --[[ [local news = function ()] ]] local get_file_definition = function (name, ourname, kind) kind = kind or "lua" for cat, defs in next, imports do local fullname = derive_fullname (cat, name, kind) local ndefs = #defs for i = 1, ndefs do local def = defs[i] local dname = def.name local dours = def.ours or def.name local dkind = def.kind --- test properties if derive_ourname (dours, dkind) == ourname then return def, cat end if derive_fullname (cat, dname, dkind) == fullname then return def, cat end if dours == ourname then return def, cat end if dname == fullname then return def, cat end end end --- search unsuccessful end --[[ [local get_file_definition = function (name, ourname, kind)] ]] local import_imported = 0 local import_skipped = 1 local import_failed = 2 local import_created = 3 local import_status = { [import_imported] = "imported", [import_skipped ] = "skipped", [import_failed ] = "failed", [import_created ] = "created", } local summarize_status = function (counters) local imported = counters[import_imported] or 0 local skipped = counters[import_skipped ] or 0 local created = counters[import_created ] or 0 local failed = counters[import_failed ] or 0 local sum = imported + skipped + created + failed if sum < 1 then die ("garbage total of imported files: %s", sum) end status ("-----------------------------------------------------------------") status (" RESULT: %d files processed", sum) status ("-----------------------------------------------------------------") if created > 0 then status ("created: %d (%d %%)", created , created * 100 / sum) end if imported > 0 then status ("imported: %d (%d %%)", imported, imported * 100 / sum) end if skipped > 0 then status ("skipped: %d (%d %%)", skipped , skipped * 100 / sum) end status ("-----------------------------------------------------------------") end local import_file = function (name, kind, def, cat) local expected_ourname = derive_ourname (name) if not def or not cat then def, cat = get_file_definition (name, expected_ourname, kind) end if not def then die ("unable to find a definition matching " .. name) end if not cat then die ("missing category for file " .. name .. " -- WTF‽") end local dname = def.name local dours = def.ours local dkind = def.kind local srcdir = derive_category_path (cat) local fullname = derive_fullname (cat, dname, kind) local ourname = derive_ourname (dname, kind) local src = file.join (srcdir, fullname) local dst = file.join (fontloader_subdir, ourname) local new = not lfs.isfile (dst) if not new and hash_file (src) == hash_file (dst) then status ("file %s is unchanged, skipping", fullname) return import_skipped end status ("importing file %s", fullname) file.copy (src, dst) if hash_file (src) == hash_file (dst) then if new then return import_created end return import_imported end return import_failed end --[[ [local import_file = function (name, kind)] ]] local import = function (arg) if #arg > 1 then local name = arg[2] or die ("invalid filename " .. tostring (arg[2])) local stat = import_file (name) if stat == import_failed then die ("failed to import file " .. name) end status ("import status for file %s: %s", name, import_status[stat]) end --- Multiple files local statcount = { } -- import status codes -> size_t for cat, defs in next, imports do local ndefs = #defs for i = 1, ndefs do local def = defs[i] local stat = import_file (def.name, def.kind, def, cat) if stat == import_failed then die (stringformat ("import failed at file %d of %d (%s)", i, ndefs, def.name)) end statcount[stat] = statcount[stat] or 0 statcount[stat] = statcount[stat] + 1 end end summarize_status (statcount) return 0 end --[[ [local import = function (arg)] ]] local job_kind = table.mirrored { news = news, import = import, tell = function () end, } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- functionality ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- job_kind -> bool local check_job = function (j) return job_kind[j] or die ("invalid job type “" .. job .. "”.") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- entry point ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local main = function () local job = arg[1] or "news" local runner = check_job (job) return runner(arg) end os.exit (main ()) --- vim:ft=lua:ts=2:et:sw=2