if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-oti'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to font-ini.tex", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- i need to check features=yes|no also in relation to hashing local lower = string.lower local otf = fonts.otf otf.default_language = 'latn' otf.default_script = 'dflt' local languages = otf.tables.languages local scripts = otf.tables.scripts function otf.features.language(tfmdata,value) if value then value = lower(value) if languages[value] then tfmdata.language = value end end end function otf.features.script(tfmdata,value) if value then value = lower(value) if scripts[value] then tfmdata.script = value end end end function otf.features.mode(tfmdata,value) if value then tfmdata.mode = lower(value) end end fonts.initializers.base.otf.language = otf.features.language fonts.initializers.base.otf.script = otf.features.script fonts.initializers.base.otf.mode = otf.features.mode fonts.initializers.base.otf.method = otf.features.mode fonts.initializers.node.otf.language = otf.features.language fonts.initializers.node.otf.script = otf.features.script fonts.initializers.node.otf.mode = otf.features.mode fonts.initializers.node.otf.method = otf.features.mode otf.features.register("features",true) -- we always do features table.insert(fonts.processors,"features") -- we need a proper function for doing this