if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-msc'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to font-otf.lua (miscellaneous)", author = "Khaled Hosny", copyright = "Khaled Hosny", license = "GPL" } --[[ Support for font slanting and extending. --]] fonts.triggers = fonts.triggers or { } fonts.initializers = fonts.initializers or { } fonts.initializers.common = fonts.initializers.common or { } local initializers, format = fonts.initializers, string.format table.insert(fonts.triggers,"slant") function fonts.initializers.common.slant(tfmdata,value) value = tonumber(value) if not value then value = 0 elseif value > 1 then value = 1 elseif value < -1 then value = -1 end tfmdata.slant_factor = value end initializers.base.otf.slant = initializers.common.slant initializers.node.otf.slant = initializers.common.slant table.insert(fonts.triggers,"extend") function initializers.common.extend(tfmdata,value) value = tonumber(value) if not value then value = 0 elseif value > 10 then value = 10 elseif value < -10 then value = -10 end tfmdata.extend_factor = value end initializers.base.otf.extend = initializers.common.extend initializers.node.otf.extend = initializers.common.extend --[[ Support for font color. --]] table.insert(fonts.triggers,"color") function initializers.common.color(tfmdata,value) if value then tfmdata.color = value end end initializers.base.otf.color = initializers.common.color initializers.node.otf.color = initializers.common.color local function hex2dec(hex,one) if one then return format("%.1g", tonumber(hex, 16)/255) else return format("%.3g", tonumber(hex, 16)/255) end end local res local function pageresources(a) local res2 if not res then res = "/TransGs1<</ca 1/CA 1>>" end res2 = format("/TransGs%s<</ca %s/CA %s>>", a, a, a) res = format("%s%s", res, res:find(res2) and "" or res2) end local function hex_to_rgba(hex) local r, g, b, a, push, pop, res3 if hex then if #hex == 6 then _, _, r, g, b = hex:find('(..)(..)(..)') elseif #hex == 8 then _, _, r, g, b, a = hex:find('(..)(..)(..)(..)') a = hex2dec(a,true) pageresources(a) end else return nil end r = hex2dec(r) g = hex2dec(g) b = hex2dec(b) if a then push = format('/TransGs%g gs %s %s %s rg', a, r, g, b) pop = '0 g /TransGs1 gs' else push = format('%s %s %s rg', r, g, b) pop = '0 g' end return push, pop end local glyph = node.id('glyph') local hlist = node.id('hlist') local vlist = node.id('vlist') local whatsit = node.id('whatsit') local function colorize(head) for n in node.traverse(head) do if n.id == hlist or n.id == vlist then colorize(n.list) end if n.id == glyph then local tfmdata = fonts.ids[n.font] if tfmdata and tfmdata.color then local prev = n.prev local next = n.next local pushcolor, popcolor = hex_to_rgba(tfmdata.color) if prev.id == glyph and fonts.ids[prev.font].color == tfmdata.color then else local push = node.new(whatsit, 8) push.mode = 1 push.data = pushcolor head = node.insert_before(head, n, push) end if next.id == glyph and fonts.ids[next.font].color == tfmdata.color then else local pop = node.new(whatsit, 8) pop.mode = 1 pop.data = popcolor head = node.insert_after(head, n, pop) end end end end return head end local function finalize(head) if res then tex.pdfpageresources = format("%s\n/ExtGState<<%s>>", tex.pdfpageresources, res) end return head end callback.add("hpack_filter", colorize, "Font color") callback.add("pre_linebreak_filter", colorize, "Font color") callback.add("pre_output_filter", finalize, "Finalize hack")