#!/usr/bin/env texlua ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FILE: luaotfload-tool.lua -- DESCRIPTION: database functionality -- REQUIREMENTS: luaotfload 2.2 -- AUTHOR: Khaled Hosny, Élie Roux, Philipp Gesang -- VERSION: 2.4 -- LICENSE: GPL v2 -- MODIFIED: 2013-07-28 13:12:04+0200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- local version = "2.4" --- <int: major>.<int: minor><alpha: fixes> --[[doc-- This file was originally written (as \fileent{mkluatexfontdb.lua}) by Elie Roux and Khaled Hosny and, as a derived work of ConTeXt, is provided under the terms of the GPL v2.0 license as printed in full text in the manual (luaotfload.pdf). \url{http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html}. This file is a wrapper for the luaotfload font names module (luaotfload-database.lua). It is part of the luaotfload bundle, please see the luaotfload documentation for more info. Report bugs to \url{https://github.com/lualatex/luaotfload/issues}. --doc]]-- kpse.set_program_name "luatex" --[[doc-- We test for Lua 5.1 by means of capability detection to see if we’re running an outdated Luatex. If so, we hand over control to the legacy db runner. \url{http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaVersionCompatibility} --doc]]-- local ioopen = io.open local iowrite = io.write local kpsefind_file = kpse.find_file local next = next local osdate = os.date local ostype = os.type local stringexplode = string.explode local stringformat = string.format local stringlower = string.lower local stringrep = string.rep local tableconcat = table.concat local texiowrite_nl = texio.write_nl local texiowrite = texio.write local tonumber = tonumber local type = type local runtime if _G.getfenv ~= nil then -- 5.1 or LJ if _G.jit ~= nil then runtime = { "jit", jit.version } else runtime = { "stock", _VERSION } local oldscript = kpsefind_file "luaotfload-legacy-tool.lua" return require (oldscript) end else -- 5.2 runtime = { "stock", _VERSION } end local C, Ct, P, S = lpeg.C, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.P, lpeg.S local lpegmatch = lpeg.match local loader_file = "luatexbase.loader.lua" local loader_path = assert(kpsefind_file(loader_file, "lua"), "File '"..loader_file.."' not found") string.quoted = string.quoted or function (str) return string.format("%q",str) end require(loader_path) --[[doc-- Depending on how the script is called we change its behavior. For backwards compatibility, moving or symlinking the script to a file name starting with \fileent{mkluatexfontdb} will cause it to trigger a database update on every run. Running as \fileent{luaotfload-tool} -- the new name -- will do this upon request only. There are two naming conventions followed here: firstly that of utilities such as \fileent{mktexpk}, \fileent{mktexlsr} and the likes, and secondly that of \fileent{fmtutil}. After support for querying the database was added, the latter appeared to be the more appropriate. --doc]]-- config = config or { } local config = config local luaotfloadconfig = config.luaotfload or { } config.luaotfload = luaotfloadconfig luaotfloadconfig.version = luaotfloadconfig.version or version luaotfloadconfig.names_dir = luaotfloadconfig.names_dir or "names" luaotfloadconfig.cache_dir = luaotfloadconfig.cache_dir or "fonts" luaotfloadconfig.index_file = luaotfloadconfig.index_file or "luaotfload-names.lua" luaotfloadconfig.formats = luaotfloadconfig.formats or "otf,ttf,ttc,dfont" luaotfloadconfig.reload = false if not luaotfloadconfig.strip then luaotfloadconfig.strip = true end do -- we don’t have file.basename and the likes yet, so inline parser ftw local slash = P"/" local dot = P"." local noslash = 1 - slash local slashes = slash^1 local path = slashes^-1 * (noslash^1 * slashes)^1 local thename = (1 - slash - dot)^1 local extension = dot * (1 - slash - dot)^1 local p_basename = path^-1 * C(thename) * extension^-1 * P(-1) local self = lpegmatch(p_basename, stringlower(arg[0])) if self == "luaotfload-tool" then luaotfloadconfig.self = "luaotfload-tool" else luaotfloadconfig.self = "mkluatexfontdb" end end config.lualibs = config.lualibs or { } config.lualibs.verbose = false config.lualibs.prefer_merged = true config.lualibs.load_extended = true require "lualibs" local tabletohash = table.tohash local stringsplit = string.split --[[doc-- \fileent{luatex-basics-gen.lua} calls functions from the \luafunction{texio.*} library; too much for our taste. We intercept them with dummies. Also, it sets up dummies in place of the tables created by the Context libraries. Since we have loaded the lualibs already this would cause collateral damage for some libraries whose namespace would be overridden. We employ our usual backup-restore strategy to work around this. (Postponing the loading of the lualibs code is not an option because the functionality is needed by basics-gen itself.) --doc]]-- local dummy_function = function ( ) end local backup = { write = texio.write, write_nl = texio.write_nl, utilities = utilities, } texio.write, texio.write_nl = dummy_function, dummy_function require"luaotfload-basics-gen.lua" texio.write, texio.write_nl = backup.write, backup.write_nl utilities = backup.utilities require"luaotfload-override.lua" --- this populates the logs.* namespace require"luaotfload-database" require"alt_getopt" local names = fonts.names local status_file = "luaotfload-status" local luaotfloadstatus = require (status_file) luaotfloadconfig.status = luaotfloadstatus local sanitize_fontname = names.sanitize_fontname local pathdata = names.path local names_plain = pathdata.index.lua local names_bin = pathdata.index.luc local help_messages = { ["luaotfload-tool"] = [[ Usage: %s [OPTIONS...] Operations on the LuaTeX font database. This tool is part of the luaotfload package. Valid options are: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERBOSITY AND LOGGING -q --quiet don't output anything -v --verbose=LEVEL be more verbose (print the searched directories) -vv print the loaded fonts -vvv print all steps of directory searching --log=stdout redirect log output to stdout -V --version print version and exit -h --help print this message --diagnose=CHECK run a self test procedure; one of "files", "environment", "index", "permissions", or "repository" --alias=<name> force behavior of "luaotfload-tool" or legacy "mkluatexfontdb" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATABASE -u --update update the database -n --no-reload suppress db update --no-strip keep redundant information in db -f --force force re-indexing all fonts -c --compress gzip index file (text version only) -l --flush-lookups empty lookup cache of font requests -D --dry-run skip loading of fonts, just scan --formats=[+|-]EXTENSIONS set, add, or subtract formats to index -p --prefer-texmf prefer fonts in the TEXMF over system fonts --find="font name" query the database for a font name -F --fuzzy look for approximate matches if --find fails --limit=n limit display of fuzzy matches to <n> (default: n = 1) -i --info display basic font metadata -I --inspect display detailed font metadata -w --warnings display warnings generated by the fontloader library --list=<criterion> output list of entries by field <criterion> --list=<criterion>:<value> restrict to entries with <criterion>=<value> --fields=<f1>,<f2>,…,<fn> which fields <f> to print with --list -b --show-blacklist show blacklisted files The font database will be saved to %s %s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FONT CACHE --cache=<directive> operate on font cache, where <directive> is "show", "purge", or "erase" The font cache will be written to %s ]], mkluatexfontdb = [[ Usage: %s [OPTION]... Rebuild or update the LuaTeX font database. Valid options: -f --force force re-indexing all fonts -q --quiet don't output anything -v --verbose=LEVEL be more verbose (print the searched directories) -vv print the loaded fonts -vvv print all steps of directory searching -V --version print version and exit -h --help print this message --alias=<name> force behavior of "luaotfload-tool" or legacy "mkluatexfontdb" The font database will be saved to %s %s ]], short = [[ Usage: luaotfload-tool [--help] [--version] [--verbose=<lvl>] [--update] [--force] [--prefer-texmf] [--dry-run] [--formats=<extension list>] [--find=<font name>] [--fuzzy] [--info] [--inspect] [--list=<criterion>] [--fields=<field list>] [--cache=<directive>] [--flush-lookups] [--show-blacklist] [--diagnose=<procedure>] Enter 'luaotfload-tool --help' for a larger list of options. ]] } local help_msg = function (version) local template = help_messages[version] iowrite(stringformat(template, luaotfloadconfig.self, names_plain, names_bin, caches.getwritablepath ( luaotfloadconfig.cache_dir))) end local version_msg = function ( ) local out = function (...) texiowrite_nl (stringformat (...)) end out ("%s version %q", luaotfloadconfig.self, version) out ("revision %q", luaotfloadstatus.notes.revision) out ("database version %q", names.version) out ("Lua interpreter: %s; version %q", runtime[1], runtime[2]) out ("Luatex SVN revision %d", status.luatex_svn) out ("Luatex version %.2f.%d", status.luatex_version / 100, status.luatex_revision) out "" end --- makeshift formatting local head_adornchars = { [1] = "*", [2] = "=", [3] = "~", [4] = "-", [5] = "·", } local textwidth = 80 local wd_leftcolumn = math.floor(textwidth * .25) local key_fmt = stringformat([[%%%ds]], wd_leftcolumn) local val_fmt = [[%s]] local fieldseparator = ":" local info_fmt = key_fmt .. fieldseparator .. " " .. val_fmt local currentdepth = 0 local counterstack = { } -- counters per level local counterformat = "%d" local format_counter = function (stack) local acc = { } for lvl=1, #stack do acc[#acc+1] = stringformat(counterformat, stack[lvl]) end return tableconcat(acc, ".") end local print_heading = function (title, level) local structuredata if currentdepth == level then -- top is current counterstack[#counterstack] = counterstack[#counterstack] + 1 elseif currentdepth < level then -- push new counterstack[#counterstack+1] = 1 else -- pop local diff = currentdepth - level while diff > 0 do counterstack[#counterstack] = nil diff = diff - 1 end counterstack[#counterstack] = counterstack[#counterstack] + 1 end currentdepth = level texiowrite_nl "" if not level or level > #head_adornchars then level = #head_adornchars end local adornchar = head_adornchars[level] local counter = format_counter(counterstack) local s = adornchar .. adornchar .. " " .. counter .. " " .. title .. " " texiowrite_nl (s .. stringrep(adornchar, textwidth-utf.len(s))) end local show_info_items = function (fontinfo) local items = table.sortedkeys(fontinfo) print_heading(fontinfo.fullname, 1) texiowrite_nl "" for n = 1, #items do local item = items[n] texiowrite_nl(stringformat( info_fmt, item, fontinfo[item])) end texiowrite_nl "" end local p_eol = S"\n\r"^1 local p_space = S" \t\v"^0 local p_line = p_space * C((1 - p_eol)^1)^-1 local p_lines = Ct(p_line * (p_eol^1 * p_line^-1)^0) local show_fontloader_warnings = function (ws) local nws = #ws print_heading(stringformat( [[the fontloader emitted %d warnings]], nws), 2) texiowrite_nl "" for i=1, nws do local w = ws[i] texiowrite_nl (stringformat("%d:", i)) local lines = lpegmatch(p_lines, w) for i=1, #lines do local line = lines[i] texiowrite_nl(" · " .. line) end texiowrite_nl "" end end local p_spacechar = S" \n\r\t\v" local p_wordchar = (1 - p_spacechar) local p_whitespace = p_spacechar^1 local p_word = C(p_wordchar^1) local p_words = Ct(p_word * (p_whitespace * p_word)^0) --- string -> int -> string list local reflow = function (text, width) local words if type(text) == "string" then words = lpegmatch(p_words, text) if #words < 2 then return { text } end else words = text if #words < 2 then return words end end local space = " " local utflen = utf.len local reflowed = { } local first = words[1] local linelen = #first local line = { first } for i=2, #words do local word = words[i] local lword = utflen(word) linelen = linelen + lword + 1 if linelen > width then reflowed[#reflowed+1] = tableconcat(line) linelen = #word line = { word } else line[#line+1] = space line[#line+1] = word end end reflowed[#reflowed+1] = tableconcat(line) return reflowed end --- string -> 'a -> string list local print_field = function (key, val) val = tostring(val) local lhs = stringformat(key_fmt, key) .. fieldseparator .. " " local wd_lhs = #lhs local lines = reflow(val, textwidth - wd_lhs) texiowrite_nl(lhs) texiowrite(lines[1]) if #lines > 1 then local indent = stringrep(" ", wd_lhs) for i=2, #lines do texiowrite_nl(indent) texiowrite (lines[i]) end end end local display_names = function (names) print_heading("Font Metadata", 2) for i=1, #names do local lang, namedata = names[i].lang, names[i].names print_heading(stringformat("Language: %s ", i, lang), 3) texiowrite_nl "" if namedata then for field, value in next, namedata do print_field(field, value) end end end end --- see luafflib.c local general_fields = { --- second: l -> literal | n -> length | d -> date { "fullname", "l", "font name" }, { "version", "l", "font version" }, { "creationtime", "d", "creation time" }, { "modificationtime", "d", "modification time" }, { "subfonts", "n", "number of subfonts" }, { "glyphcnt", "l", "number of glyphs" }, { "weight", "l", "weight indicator" }, { "design_size", "l", "design size" }, { "design_range_bottom", "l", "design size min" }, { "design_range_top", "l", "design size max" }, { "fontstyle_id", "l", "font style id" }, { "fontstyle_name", "S", "font style name" }, { "strokewidth", "l", "stroke width" }, { "units_per_em", "l", "units per em" }, { "ascent", "l", "ascender height" }, { "descent", "l", "descender height" }, { "comments", "l", "comments" }, { "os2_version", "l", "os2 version" }, { "sfd_version", "l", "sfd version" }, } local display_general = function (fullinfo) texiowrite_nl "" print_heading("General Information", 2) texiowrite_nl "" for i=1, #general_fields do local field = general_fields[i] local key, mode, desc = unpack(field) local val if mode == "l" then val = fullinfo[key] elseif mode == "S" then --- style names table local data = fullinfo[key] if type (data) == "table" then if #data > 0 then for n = 1, #data do local nth = data[n] if nth.lang == 1033 then val = nth.name goto found end end val = next (data).name else val = "" end ::found:: else val = data end elseif mode == "n" then local v = fullinfo[key] if v then val = #fullinfo[key] end elseif mode == "d" then if ostype == "unix" then val = osdate("%F %T", fullinfo[key]) else --- the MS compiler doesn’t support C99, so --- strftime is missing some functionality; --- see loslib.c for details. val = osdate("%Y-%m-d %H:%M:%S", fullinfo[key]) end end if not val then val = "<none>" end print_field(desc, val) end end local print_features = function (features) for tag, data in next, features do print_heading(tag, 4) for script, languages in next, data do local field = stringformat(key_fmt, script).. fieldseparator .. " " local wd_field = #field local lines = reflow(languages.list, textwidth - wd_field) local indent = stringrep(" ", wd_field) texiowrite_nl(field) texiowrite(lines[1]) if #lines > 1 then for i=1, #lines do texiowrite_nl(indent .. lines[i]) end end end end end local extract_feature_info = function (set) local collected = { } for i=1, #set do local features = set[i].features if features then for j=1, #features do local feature = features[j] local scripts = feature.scripts local tagname = stringlower(feature.tag) local entry = collected[tagname] or { } for k=1, #scripts do local script = scripts[k] local scriptname = stringlower(script.script) local c_script = entry[scriptname] or { list = { }, set = { }, } local list, set = c_script.list, c_script.set for l=1, #script.langs do local langname = stringlower(script.langs[l]) if not set[langname] then list[#list+1] = langname set[langname] = true end end entry[scriptname] = c_script end collected[tagname] = entry end end end return collected end local display_feature_set = function (set) local collected = extract_feature_info(set) print_features(collected) end local display_features = function (gsub, gpos) texiowrite_nl "" if gsub or gpos then print_heading("Features", 2) if gsub then print_heading("GSUB Features", 3) display_feature_set(gsub) end if gpos then print_heading("GPOS Features", 3) display_feature_set(gpos) end end end local show_full_info = function (path, subfont, warnings) local rawinfo, warn = fontloader.open(path, subfont) if warnings then show_fontloader_warnings(warn) end if not rawinfo then texiowrite_nl(stringformat([[cannot open font %s]], path)) return end local fontdata = { } local fullinfo = fontloader.to_table(rawinfo) local fields = fontloader.fields(rawinfo) fontloader.close(rawinfo) display_names(fullinfo.names) display_general(fullinfo) display_features(fullinfo.gsub, fullinfo.gpos) end --- Subfonts returned by fontloader.info() do not correspond --- to the actual indices required by fontloader.open(), so --- we try and locate the correct one by matching the request --- against the full name. local subfont_by_name subfont_by_name = function (lst, askedname, n) if not n then return subfont_by_name (lst, askedname, 1) end local font = lst[n] if font then if sanitize_fontname (font.fullname) == askedname then return font end return subfont_by_name (lst, askedname, n+1) end return false end --[[doc-- The font info knows two levels of detail: a) basic information returned by fontloader.info(); and b) detailed information that is a subset of the font table returned by fontloader.open(). --doc]]-- local show_font_info = function (basename, askedname, detail, warnings) local filenames = names.data().filenames local index = filenames.base[basename] local fullname = filenames.full[index] askedname = sanitize_fontname (askedname) if not fullname then -- texmf fullname = resolvers.findfile(basename) end if fullname then local shortinfo = fontloader.info(fullname) local nfonts = #shortinfo if nfonts > 0 then -- true type collection local subfont if askedname then logs.names_report(true, 1, "resolve", [[%s is part of the font collection %s]], askedname, basename) subfont = subfont_by_name(shortinfo, askedname) end if subfont then show_info_items(subfont) if detail == true then show_full_info(fullname, subfont, warnings) end else -- list all subfonts logs.names_report(true, 1, "resolve", [[%s is a font collection]], basename) for subfont = 1, nfonts do logs.names_report(true, 1, "resolve", [[Showing info for font no. %d]], n) show_info_items(shortinfo[subfont]) if detail == true then show_full_info(fullname, subfont, warnings) end end end else show_info_items(shortinfo) if detail == true then show_full_info(fullname, subfont, warnings) end end else logs.names_report(true, 1, "resolve", "Font %s not found", filename) end end --[[-- Running the scripts triggers one or more actions that have to be executed in the correct order. To avoid duplication we track them in a set. --]]-- local action_sequence = { "loglevel", "help", "version", "diagnose", "blacklist", "cache", "flush", "generate", "list", "query", } local action_pending = tabletohash(action_sequence, false) action_pending.loglevel = true --- always set the loglevel action_pending.generate = false --- this is the default action local actions = { } --- (jobspec -> (bool * bool)) list actions.loglevel = function (job) logs.set_loglevel(job.log_level) logs.names_report("info", 3, "util", "Setting log level", "%d", job.log_level) logs.names_report("log", 2, "util", "Lua=%s", _VERSION) return true, true end actions.version = function (job) version_msg() return true, false end actions.help = function (job) help_msg (job.help_version or "luaotfload-tool") return true, false end actions.blacklist = function (job) names.read_blacklist() local n = 0 for n, entry in next, table.sortedkeys(names.blacklist) do texiowrite_nl(stringformat("(%d %s)", n, entry)) end return true, false end actions.generate = function (job) local fontnames, savedname fontnames = names.update(fontnames, job.force_reload, job.dry_run) logs.names_report("info", 2, "db", "Fonts in the database: %i", #fontnames.mappings) if names.data() then return true, true end return false, false end actions.flush = function (job) local success, lookups = names.flush_lookup_cache() if success then local success = names.save_lookups() if success then logs.names_report("info", 2, "cache", "Lookup cache emptied") return true, true end end return false, false end local cache_directives = { ["purge"] = names.purge_cache, ["erase"] = names.erase_cache, ["show"] = names.show_cache, } actions.cache = function (job) local directive = cache_directives[job.cache] if not directive or type(directive) ~= "function" then logs.names_report("info", 2, "cache", "Invalid font cache directive %s.", job.cache) return false, false end if directive() then return true, true end return false, false end actions.query = function (job) require "luaotfload-features" local query = job.query local tmpspec = { name = query, lookup = "name", specification = query, optsize = 0, features = { }, } tmpspec = names.handle_request (tmpspec) if not tmpspec.size then tmpspec.size = 655360 --- assume 10pt end local foundname, subfont, success if tmpspec.lookup == "name" or tmpspec.lookup == "anon" --- not *exactly* as resolvers.anon then foundname, subfont = names.resolve_name (tmpspec) if foundname then foundname, _, success = names.crude_file_lookup (foundname) end elseif tmpspec.lookup == "file" then foundname, _, success = names.crude_file_lookup (tmpspec.name) end if success then logs.names_report(false, 0, "resolve", "Font %q found!", query) if subfont then logs.names_report(false, 0, "resolve", "Resolved file name %q, subfont nr. %q", foundname, subfont) else logs.names_report(false, 0, "resolve", "Resolved file name %q", foundname) end if job.show_info then show_font_info (foundname, query, job.full_info, job.warnings) texiowrite_nl "" end else logs.names_report(false, 0, "resolve", "Cannot find %q in index.", query) logs.names_report(false, 0, "resolve", "Hint: use the --fuzzy option to display suggestions.", query) if job.fuzzy == true then logs.names_report(false, 0, "resolve", "Looking for close matches, this may take a while ...") local _success = names.find_closest(query, job.fuzzy_limit) end end return true, true end --- --list=<criterion> --- --list=<criterion>:<value> --- --- --list=<criterion> --fields=<f1>,<f2>,<f3>,...<fn> local get_fields get_fields = function (entry, fields, acc, n) if not acc then return get_fields (entry, fields, { }, 1) end local field = fields [n] if field then local chain = stringsplit (field, "->") local tmp = entry for i = 1, #chain - 1 do tmp = tmp [chain [i]] if not tmp then --- invalid field break end end if tmp then local value = tmp [chain [#chain]] acc[#acc+1] = value or false else acc[#acc+1] = false end return get_fields (entry, fields, acc, n+1) end return acc end local separator = "\t" --- could be “,” for csv local format_fields format_fields = function (fields, acc, n) if not acc then return format_fields(fields, { }, 1) end local field = fields[n] if field ~= nil then if field == false then acc[#acc+1] = "<none>" else acc[#acc+1] = tostring(field) end return format_fields(fields, acc, n+1) end return tableconcat(acc, separator) end local set_primary_field set_primary_field = function (fields, addme, acc, n) if not acc then return set_primary_field(fields, addme, { addme }, 1) end local field = fields[n] if field then if field ~= addme then acc[#acc+1] = field end return set_primary_field(fields, addme, acc, n+1) end return acc end local splitcomma = names.patterns.splitcomma actions.list = function (job) local criterion = job.criterion local asked_fields = job.asked_fields local name_index = names.data () if asked_fields then asked_fields = lpegmatch(splitcomma, asked_fields) end if not asked_fields then --- some defaults asked_fields = { "plainname", "version", } end if not name_index then name_index = names.load() end local mappings = name_index.mappings local nmappings = #mappings if criterion == "*" then logs.names_report(false, 1, "list", "All %d entries", nmappings) for i=1, nmappings do local entry = mappings[i] local fields = get_fields(entry, asked_fields) --- we could collect these instead ... local formatted = format_fields(fields) texiowrite_nl(formatted) end else criterion = stringexplode(criterion, ":") --> { field, value } local asked_value = criterion[2] criterion = criterion[1] asked_fields = set_primary_field(asked_fields, criterion) logs.names_report(false, 1, "list", "By %s", criterion) --- firstly, build a list of fonts to operate on local targets = { } if asked_value then --- only those whose value matches logs.names_report(false, 2, "list", "Restricting to value %s", asked_value) for i=1, nmappings do local entry = mappings[i] if entry[criterion] and tostring(entry[criterion]) == asked_value then targets[#targets+1] = entry end end else --- whichever have the field, sorted local categories, by_category = { }, { } for i=1, nmappings do local entry = mappings[i] local tmp = entry local chain = stringsplit (criterion, "->") for i = 1, #chain - 1 do tmp = tmp [chain [i]] if not tmp then break end end local value = tmp and tmp [chain [#chain]] or "<none>" if value then --value = tostring(value) local entries = by_category[value] if not entries then entries = { entry } categories[#categories+1] = value else entries[#entries+1] = entry end by_category[value] = entries end end table.sort(categories) for i=1, #categories do local entries = by_category[categories[i]] for j=1, #entries do targets[#targets+1] = entries[j] end end end local ntargets = #targets logs.names_report(false, 2, "list", "%d entries", ntargets) --- now, output the collection for i=1, ntargets do local entry = targets[i] local fields = get_fields(entry, asked_fields) local formatted = format_fields(fields) texiowrite_nl(formatted) end end texiowrite_nl "" return true, true end actions.diagnose = function (job) --- diagnostics are loaded on demand local diagnose = require "luaotfload-diagnostics.lua" return diagnose (job) end --- stuff to be carried out prior to exit local finalizers = { } --- returns false if at least one of the actions failed, mainly --- for closing io channels local finalize = function () local success = true for _, fun in next, finalizers do if type (fun) == "function" then if fun () == false then success = false end end end return success end --[[-- Command-line processing. mkluatexfontdb.lua relies on the script alt_getopt to process argv and analyzes its output. TODO with extended lualibs we have the functionality from the environment.* namespace that could eliminate the dependency on alt_getopt. --]]-- local process_cmdline = function ( ) -- unit -> jobspec local result = { -- jobspec force_reload = nil, full_info = false, warnings = false, criterion = "", query = "", log_level = 0, --- 2 is approx. the old behavior } local long_options = { alias = 1, cache = 1, compress = "c", diagnose = 1, ["dry-run"] = "D", ["flush-lookups"] = "l", fields = 1, find = 1, force = "f", formats = 1, fuzzy = "F", help = "h", info = "i", inspect = "I", limit = 1, list = 1, log = 1, ["no-reload"] = "n", ["no-strip"] = 0, ["skip-read"] = "R", ["prefer-texmf"] = "p", quiet = "q", ["show-blacklist"] = "b", stats = "S", update = "u", verbose = 1, version = "V", warnings = "w", } local short_options = "bcDfFiIlnpqRSuvVhw" local options, _, optarg = alt_getopt.get_ordered_opts (arg, short_options, long_options) local nopts = #options for n=1, nopts do local v = options[n] if v == "q" then result.log_level = 0 elseif v == "u" then action_pending["generate"] = true elseif v == "v" then if result.log_level > 0 then result.log_level = result.log_level + 1 else result.log_level = 1 end elseif v == "V" then action_pending["version"] = true elseif v == "h" then action_pending["help"] = true elseif v == "f" then result.update = true result.force_reload = 1 elseif v == "verbose" then local lvl = optarg[n] if lvl then lvl = tonumber(lvl) result.log_level = lvl if lvl > 2 then result.warnings = true end end elseif v == "w" then result.warnings = true elseif v == "log" then local str = optarg[n] if str then finalizers = logs.set_logout(str, finalizers) end elseif v == "find" then action_pending["query"] = true result.query = optarg[n] elseif v == "F" then result.fuzzy = true elseif v == "limit" then local lim = optarg[n] if lim then result.fuzzy_limit = tonumber(lim) end elseif v == "i" then result.show_info = true elseif v == "I" then result.show_info = true result.full_info = true elseif v == "alias" then luaotfloadconfig.self = optarg[n] elseif v == "l" then action_pending["flush"] = true elseif v == "list" then action_pending["list"] = true result.criterion = optarg[n] elseif v == "fields" then result.asked_fields = optarg[n] elseif v == "cache" then action_pending["cache"] = true result.cache = optarg[n] elseif v == "D" then result.dry_run = true elseif v == "p" then names.set_location_precedence { "local", "texmf", "system" } elseif v == "b" then action_pending["blacklist"] = true elseif v == "diagnose" then action_pending["diagnose"] = true result.asked_diagnostics = optarg[n] elseif v == "formats" then names.set_font_filter (optarg[n]) elseif v == "n" then luaotfloadconfig.update_live = false elseif v == "S" then luaotfloadconfig.statistics = true elseif v == "R" then --- dev only, undocumented luaotfloadconfig.skip_read = true elseif v == "c" then luaotfloadconfig.compress = true elseif v == "no-strip" then luaotfloadconfig.strip = false end end if luaotfloadconfig.self == "mkluatexfontdb" then --- TODO drop legacy ballast after 2.4 result.help_version = "mkluatexfontdb" action_pending["generate"] = true result.log_level = math.max(1, result.log_level) logs.set_logout("stdout", finalizers) elseif nopts == 0 then action_pending["help"] = true result.help_version = "short" end return result end local main = function ( ) -- unit -> int local retval = 0 local job = process_cmdline() -- inspect(action_pending) -- inspect(job) for i=1, #action_sequence do local actionname = action_sequence[i] local exit = false if action_pending[actionname] then logs.names_report("log", 3, "util", "Preparing for task", "%s", actionname) local action = actions[actionname] local success, continue = action(job) if not success then logs.names_report(false, 0, "util", "Could not finish task", "%s", actionname) retval = -1 exit = true elseif not continue then logs.names_report(false, 3, "util", "Task completed, exiting", "%s", actionname) exit = true else logs.names_report(false, 3, "util", "Task completed successfully", "%s", actionname) end end if exit then break end end if finalize () == false then retval = -1 end --texiowrite_nl"" return retval end return main() -- vim:tw=71:sw=4:ts=4:expandtab