#!/usr/bin/env texlua ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FILE: luaotfload-tool.lua -- DESCRIPTION: database functionality -- REQUIREMENTS: luaotfload 2.2 -- AUTHOR: Khaled Hosny, Élie Roux, Philipp Gesang -- VERSION: 2.2 -- LICENSE: GPL v2 -- CREATED: 2013-05-06 13:37:12+0200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[doc-- This file was originally written (as \fileent{mkluatexfontdb.lua}) by Elie Roux and Khaled Hosny and, as a derived work of ConTeXt, is provided under the terms of the GPL v2.0 license as printed in full text in the manual (luaotfload.pdf). \url{http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html}. This file is a wrapper for the luaotfload font names module (luaotfload-database.lua). It is part of the luaotfload bundle, please see the luaotfload documentation for more info. Report bugs to \url{https://github.com/lualatex/luaotfload/issues}. --doc]]-- kpse.set_program_name"luatex" local stringformat = string.format local texiowrite_nl = texio.write_nl local stringlower = string.lower local C, Ct, P = lpeg.C, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.P local lpegmatch = lpeg.match local loader_file = "luatexbase.loader.lua" local loader_path = assert(kpse.find_file(loader_file, "lua"), "File '"..loader_file.."' not found") string.quoted = string.quoted or function (str) return string.format("%q",str) end require(loader_path) --[[doc-- Depending on how the script is called we change its behavior. For backwards compatibility, moving or symlinking the script to a file name starting with \fileent{mkluatexfontdb} will cause it to trigger a database update on every run. Running as \fileent{luaotfload-tool} -- the new name -- will do this upon request only. There are two naming conventions followed here: firstly that of utilities such as \fileent{mktexpk}, \fileent{mktexlsr} and the likes, and secondly that of \fileent{fmtutil}. After support for querying the database was added, the latter appeared to be the more appropriate. --doc]]-- config = config or { } local config = config config.luaotfload = config.luaotfload or { } do -- we don’t have file.basename and the likes yet, so inline parser ftw local slash = P"/" local dot = P"." local noslash = 1 - slash local slashes = slash^1 local path = slashes^-1 * (noslash^1 * slashes)^1 local thename = (1 - slash - dot)^1 local extension = dot * (1 - slash - dot)^1 local p_basename = path^-1 * C(thename) * extension^-1 * P(-1) local self = lpegmatch(p_basename, stringlower(arg[0])) if self == "luaotfload-tool" then config.luaotfload.self = "luaotfload-tool" else config.luaotfload.self = "mkluatexfontdb" end end config.lualibs = config.lualibs or { } config.lualibs.verbose = false config.lualibs.prefer_merged = true config.lualibs.load_extended = false require"lualibs" --- prepare directories: the cache function in Luatex-Fonts --- checks for writable directory only on startup, so everything --- has to be laid out before we load basics-gen local cachepath = kpse.expand_var"$TEXMFVAR" if not lfs.isdir(cachepath) then dir.mkdirs(cachepath) if not lfs.isdir(cachepath) then texiowrite(stringformat( "ERROR could not create directory %s", cachepath)) end end --[[doc-- \fileent{luatex-basics-gen.lua} calls functions from the \luafunction{texio.*} library; too much for our taste. We intercept them with dummies. --doc]]-- local dummy_function = function ( ) end local backup_write, backup_write_nl = texio.write, texio.write_nl texio.write, texio.write_nl = dummy_function, dummy_function require"luaotfload-basics-gen.lua" texio.write, texio.write_nl = backup_write, backup_write_nl require"luaotfload-override.lua" --- this populates the logs.* namespace require"luaotfload-database" require"alt_getopt" local version = "2.2" -- same version number as luaotfload local names = fonts.names local db_src_out = names.path.dir.."/"..names.path.basename local db_bin_out = file.replacesuffix(db_src_out, "luc") local help_messages = { ["luaotfload-tool"] = [[ Usage: %s [OPTION]... Operations on the LuaTeX font database. This tool is part of the luaotfload package. Valid options are: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERBOSITY AND LOGGING -q --quiet don't output anything -v --verbose=LEVEL be more verbose (print the searched directories) -vv print the loaded fonts -vvv print all steps of directory searching --log=stdout redirect log output to stdout -V --version print version and exit -h --help print this message --alias=<name> force behavior of “luaotfload-tool” or legacy “mkluatexfontdb” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATABASE -u --update update the database -f --force force re-indexing all fonts -c --flush-cache empty cache of font requests --find="font name" query the database for a font name -F --fuzzy look for approximate matches if --find fails --limit=n limit display of fuzzy matches to <n> (default: n = 1) -i --info display font metadata --list=<criterion> output list of entries by field <criterion> --list=<criterion>:<value> restrict to entries with <criterion>=<value> --fields=<f1>,<f2>,…,<fn> which fields <f> to print with --list The font database will be saved to %s %s ]], mkluatexfontdb = [[ Usage: %s [OPTION]... Rebuild or update the LuaTeX font database. Valid options: -f --force force re-indexing all fonts -q --quiet don't output anything -v --verbose=LEVEL be more verbose (print the searched directories) -vv print the loaded fonts -vvv print all steps of directory searching -V --version print version and exit -h --help print this message --alias=<name> force behavior of “luaotfload-tool” or legacy “mkluatexfontdb” The font database will be saved to %s %s ]], } local help_msg = function ( ) local template = help_messages[config.luaotfload.self] or help_messages["luaotfload-tool"] texiowrite_nl(stringformat(template, config.luaotfload.self, db_src_out, db_bin_out)) end local version_msg = function ( ) texiowrite_nl(stringformat( "%s version %s, database version %s.\n", config.luaotfload.self, version, names.version)) end local show_info_items = function (fontinfo) local items = table.sortedkeys(fontinfo) for n = 1, #items do local item = items[n] texiowrite_nl(stringformat( [[ %11s: %s]], item, fontinfo[item])) end end local show_font_info = function (filename) local fullname = resolvers.findfile(filename) if fullname then local fontinfo = fontloader.info(fullname) local nfonts = #fontinfo if nfonts > 0 then -- true type collection logs.names_report(true, 1, "resolve", [[%s is a font collection]], filename) for n = 1, nfonts do logs.names_report(true, 1, "resolve", [[showing info for font no. %d]], n) show_info_items(fontinfo[n]) end else show_info_items(fontinfo) end else logs.names_report(true, 1, "resolve", "font %s not found", filename) end end --[[-- Running the scripts triggers one or more actions that have to be executed in the correct order. To avoid duplication we track them in a set. --]]-- local action_sequence = { "loglevel", "help", "version", "flush", "generate", "list", "query" } local action_pending = table.tohash(action_sequence, false) action_pending.loglevel = true --- always set the loglevel action_pending.generate = false --- this is the default action local actions = { } --- (jobspec -> (bool * bool)) list actions.loglevel = function (job) logs.set_loglevel(job.log_level) logs.names_report("info", 3, "util", "setting log level", "%d", job.log_level) return true, true end actions.version = function (job) version_msg() return true, false end actions.help = function (job) help_msg() return true, false end actions.generate = function (job) local fontnames, savedname fontnames = names.update(fontnames, job.force_reload) logs.names_report("info", 2, "db", "Fonts in the database: %i", #fontnames.mappings) savedname = names.save(fontnames) if savedname then --- FIXME have names.save return bool return true, true end return false, false end actions.flush = function (job) local success, lookups = names.flush_cache() if success then local savedname = names.save_lookups() logs.names_report("info", 2, "cache", "Cache emptied") if savedname then return true, true end end return false, false end actions.query = function (job) local query = job.query local tmpspec = { name = query, lookup = "name", specification = "name:" .. query, optsize = 0, } local foundname, subfont, success = fonts.names.resolve(nil, nil, tmpspec) if success then logs.names_report(false, 1, "resolve", "Font “%s” found!", query) if subfont then logs.names_report(false, 1, "resolve", "Resolved file name “%s”, subfont nr. “%s”", foundname, subfont) else logs.names_report(false, 1, "resolve", "Resolved file name “%s”", foundname) end if job.show_info then show_font_info(foundname) end else logs.names_report(false, 1, "resolve", "Cannot find “%s”.", query) if job.fuzzy == true then logs.names_report(false, 1, "resolve", "Looking for close matches, this may take a while ...") local success = fonts.names.find_closest(query, job.fuzzy_limit) end end return true, true end --- --list=<criterion> --- --list=<criterion>:<value> --- --- --list=<criterion> --fields=<f1>,<f2>,<f3>,...<fn> local get_fields get_fields = function (entry, fields, acc, n) if not acc then return get_fields(entry, fields, { }, 1) end local field = fields[n] if field then local value = entry[field] acc[#acc+1] = value or false return get_fields(entry, fields, acc, n+1) end return acc end local comma = P"," local noncomma = 1-comma local split_comma = Ct((C(noncomma^1) + comma)^1) local texiowrite_nl = texio.write_nl local tableconcat = table.concat local stringexplode = string.explode local separator = "\t" --- could be “,” for csv local format_fields format_fields = function (fields, acc, n) if not acc then return format_fields(fields, { }, 1) end local field = fields[n] if field ~= nil then if field == false then acc[#acc+1] = "<none>" else acc[#acc+1] = tostring(field) end return format_fields(fields, acc, n+1) end return tableconcat(acc, separator) end local set_primary_field set_primary_field = function (fields, addme, acc, n) if not acc then return set_primary_field(fields, addme, { addme }, 1) end local field = fields[n] if field then if field ~= addme then acc[#acc+1] = field end return set_primary_field(fields, addme, acc, n+1) end return acc end actions.list = function (job) local criterion = job.criterion local asked_fields = job.asked_fields if asked_fields then asked_fields = lpegmatch(split_comma, asked_fields) else --- some defaults asked_fields = { "fullname", "version", } end if not names.data then names.data = names.load() end local mappings = names.data.mappings local nmappings = #mappings if criterion == "*" then logs.names_report(false, 1, "list", "all %d entries", nmappings) for i=1, nmappings do local entry = mappings[i] local fields = get_fields(entry, asked_fields) --- we could collect these instead ... local formatted = format_fields(fields) texiowrite_nl(formatted) end else criterion = stringexplode(criterion, ":") --> { field, value } local asked_value = criterion[2] criterion = criterion[1] asked_fields = set_primary_field(asked_fields, criterion) logs.names_report(false, 1, "list", "by %s", criterion) --- firstly, build a list of fonts to operate on local targets = { } if asked_value then --- only those whose value matches logs.names_report(false, 2, "list", "restricting to value %s", asked_value) for i=1, nmappings do local entry = mappings[i] if entry[criterion] and tostring(entry[criterion]) == asked_value then targets[#targets+1] = entry end end else --- whichever have the field, sorted local categories, by_category = { }, { } for i=1, nmappings do local entry = mappings[i] local value = entry[criterion] if value then --value = tostring(value) local entries = by_category[value] if not entries then entries = { entry } categories[#categories+1] = value else entries[#entries+1] = entry end by_category[value] = entries end end table.sort(categories) for i=1, #categories do local entries = by_category[categories[i]] for j=1, #entries do targets[#targets+1] = entries[j] end end end local ntargets = #targets logs.names_report(false, 2, "list", "%d entries", ntargets) --- now, output the collection for i=1, ntargets do local entry = targets[i] local fields = get_fields(entry, asked_fields) local formatted = format_fields(fields) texiowrite_nl(formatted) end end return true, true end --[[-- Command-line processing. mkluatexfontdb.lua relies on the script alt_getopt to process argv and analyzes its output. TODO with extended lualibs we have the functionality from the environment.* namespace that could eliminate the dependency on alt_getopt. --]]-- local process_cmdline = function ( ) -- unit -> jobspec local result = { -- jobspec force_reload = nil, criterion = "", query = "", log_level = 1, --- 2 is approx. the old behavior } local long_options = { alias = 1, ["flush-cache"] = "c", fields = 1, find = 1, force = "f", fuzzy = "F", help = "h", info = "i", limit = 1, list = 1, log = 1, quiet = "q", update = "u", verbose = 1 , version = "V", } local short_options = "cfFiquvVh" local options, _, optarg = alt_getopt.get_ordered_opts (arg, short_options, long_options) local nopts = #options for n=1, nopts do local v = options[n] if v == "q" then result.log_level = 0 elseif v == "u" then action_pending["generate"] = true elseif v == "v" then if result.log_level > 0 then result.log_level = result.log_level + 1 else result.log_level = 2 end elseif v == "V" then action_pending["version"] = true elseif v == "h" then action_pending["help"] = true elseif v == "f" then result.update = true result.force_reload = 1 elseif v == "verbose" then local lvl = optarg[n] if lvl then result.log_level = tonumber(lvl) end elseif v == "log" then local str = optarg[n] if str then logs.set_logout(str) end elseif v == "find" then action_pending["query"] = true result.query = optarg[n] elseif v == "F" then result.fuzzy = true elseif v == "limit" then local lim = optarg[n] if lim then result.fuzzy_limit = tonumber(lim) end elseif v == "i" then result.show_info = true elseif v == "alias" then config.luaotfload.self = optarg[n] elseif v == "c" then action_pending["flush"] = true elseif v == "list" then action_pending["list"] = true result.criterion = optarg[n] elseif v == "fields" then result.asked_fields = optarg[n] end end if config.luaotfload.self == "mkluatexfontdb" then action_pending["generate"] = true result.log_level = math.max(2, result.log_level) logs.set_logout"stdout" end return result end local main = function ( ) -- unit -> int local retval = 0 local job = process_cmdline() -- inspect(action_pending) -- inspect(job) for i=1, #action_sequence do local actionname = action_sequence[i] local exit = false if action_pending[actionname] then logs.names_report("log", 3, "util", "preparing for task", "%s", actionname) local action = actions[actionname] local success, continue = action(job) if not success then logs.names_report(false, 0, "util", "could not finish task", "%s", actionname) retval = -1 exit = true elseif not continue then logs.names_report(false, 3, "util", "task completed, exiting", "%s", actionname) exit = true else logs.names_report(false, 3, "util", "task completed successfully", "%s", actionname) end end if exit then break end end texiowrite_nl"" return retval end return main() -- vim:tw=71:sw=4:ts=4:expandtab