if not modules then modules = { } end modules ["luaotfload-log"] = { version = "2.5", comment = "companion to Luaotfload", author = "Khaled Hosny, Elie Roux, Philipp Gesang", copyright = "Luaotfload Development Team", license = "GNU GPL v2.0" } --[[doc-- The logging system is slow in general, as we always have the function call overhead even if we aren’t going to output anything. On the other hand, the more efficient approach followed by Context isn’t an option because we lack a user interface to toggle per-subsystem tracing. --doc]]-- local module_name = "luaotfload" --- prefix for messages local ioopen = io.open local iowrite = io.write local lfsisdir = lfs.isdir local lfsisfile = lfs.isfile local md5sumhexa = md5.sumhexa local osdate = os.date local ostime = os.time local select = select local stringformat = string.format local stringsub = string.sub local tableconcat = table.concat local texiowrite_nl = texio.write_nl local texiowrite = texio.write local type = type local dummyfunction = function () end local texjob = false if tex and (tex.jobname or tex.formatname) then --- TeX texjob = true end local loglevel = 0 --- default local logout = "log" --- int -> bool local set_loglevel = function (n) if type(n) == "number" then loglevel = n end return true end logs.setloglevel = set_loglevel logs.set_loglevel = set_loglevel logs.set_log_level = set_loglevel --- accomodating lazy typists --- unit -> int local get_loglevel = function ( ) return loglevel end logs.getloglevel = get_loglevel logs.get_loglevel = get_loglevel logs.get_log_level = get_loglevel local writeln --- pointer to terminal/log writer local statusln --- terminal writer that reuses the current line local first_status = true --- indicate the begin of a status region local log_msg = [[ logging output redirected to %s to monitor the progress run "tail -f %s" in another terminal ]] local tmppath = os.getenv "TMPDIR" or "/tmp" local choose_logfile = function ( ) if lfsisdir (tmppath) then local fname repeat --- ensure that file of that name doesn’t exist --- TODO this could use os.uuid() instead of md5 fname = tmppath .. "/luaotfload-log-" .. stringsub (md5sumhexa (ostime ()), 1, 8) until not lfsisfile (fname) iowrite (stringformat (log_msg, fname, fname)) return ioopen (fname, "w") end --- missing /tmp return false end local set_logout = function (s, finalizers) if s == "stdout" then logout = "redirect" elseif s == "file" then --- inject custom logger logout = "redirect" local chan = choose_logfile () chan:write (stringformat ("logging initiated at %s", osdate ("%F %T", ostime ()))) local writefile = function (...) if select ("#", ...) == 2 then chan:write (select (2, ...)) else chan:write (select (1, ...)) end end local writefile_nl= function (...) chan:write "\n" if select ("#", ...) == 2 then chan:write (select (2, ...)) else chan:write (select (1, ...)) end end local writeln_orig = writeln texiowrite = writefile texiowrite_nl = writefile_nl writeln = writefile_nl statusln = dummyfunction finalizers[#finalizers+1] = function () chan:write (stringformat ("\nlogging finished at %s\n", osdate ("%F %T", ostime ()))) chan:close () texiowrite = texio.write texiowrite_nl = texio.write_nl writeln = writeln_orig end --else --- remains “log” end return finalizers end logs.set_logout = set_logout local log = function (category, fmt, ...) local res = { module_name, "|", category, ":" } if fmt then res [#res + 1] = stringformat (fmt, ...) end texiowrite_nl (logout, tableconcat(res, " ")) end --- with faux db update with maximum verbosity: --- --- --------- -------- --- buffering time (s) --- --------- -------- --- full 4.12 --- line 4.20 --- none 4.39 --- --------- -------- --- io.stdout:setvbuf "no" io.stderr:setvbuf "no" local kill_line = "\r\x1b[K" if texjob == true then --- We imitate the texio.* functions so the output is consistent. writeln = function (str) iowrite "\n" iowrite(str) end statusln = function (str) if first_status == false then iowrite (kill_line) else iowrite "\n" end iowrite (str) end else writeln = function (str) iowrite(str) iowrite "\n" end statusln = function (str) if first_status == false then iowrite (kill_line) end iowrite (str) end end stdout = function (writer, category, ...) local res = { module_name, "|", category, ":" } local nargs = select("#", ...) if nargs == 0 then --writeln tableconcat(res, " ") --return elseif nargs == 1 then res[#res+1] = select(1, ...) -- around 30% faster than unpack() else res[#res+1] = stringformat(...) end writer (tableconcat(res, " ")) end --- at default (zero), we aim to be quiet local level_ids = { common = 1, loading = 2, search = 3 } --[[doc-- The names_report logger is used more or less all over luaotfload. Its requirements are twofold: 1) Provide two logging channels, the terminal and the log file; 2) Allow for control over verbosity levels. The first part is addressed by specifying the log *mode* as the first argument that can be either “log”, meaning the log file, or “both”: log file and stdout. Anything else is taken as referring to stdout only. Verbosity levels, though not as fine-grained as e.g. Context’s system of tracers, allow keeping the logging spam caused by different subsystems manageable. By default, luaotfload will not emit anything if things are running smoothly on level zero. Only warning messages are relayed, while the other messages are skipped over. (This is a little sub-optimal performance-wise since the function calls to the logger are executed regardless.) The log level during a Luatex run can be adjusted by setting the “loglevel” field in config.luaotfload, or by calling logs.set_loglevel() as defined above. --doc]]-- local names_report = function (mode, lvl, ...) if type(lvl) == "string" then lvl = level_ids[lvl] end if not lvl then lvl = 0 end if loglevel >= lvl then if mode == "log" then log (...) elseif mode == "both" and logout ~= "redirect" then log (...) stdout (writeln, ...) else stdout (writeln, ...) end end end logs.names_report = names_report --[[doc-- status_logger -- Overwrites the most recently printed line of the terminal. Its purpose is to provide feedback without spamming stdout with irrelevant messages, i.e. when building the database. Status logging must be initialized by calling status_start() and properly reset via status_stop(). The arguments low and high indicate the loglevel threshold at which linewise and full logging is triggered, respectively. E.g. names_status (1, 4, "term", "Hello, world!") will print nothing if the loglevel is less than one, reuse the current line if the loglevel ranges from one to three inclusively, and output the message on a separate line otherwise. --doc]]-- local status_logger = function (mode, ...) if mode == "log" then log (...) else if mode == "both" and logout ~= "redirect" then log (...) stdout (statusln, ...) else stdout (statusln, ...) end first_status = false end end --[[doc-- status_start -- Initialize status logging. This installs the status logger if the loglevel is in the specified range, and the normal logger otherwise. It also resets the first line state which causing the next line printed using the status logger to not kill the current line. --doc]]-- local status_writer local status_low = 99 local status_high = 99 local status_start = function (low, high) first_status = true status_low = low status_high = high if os.type == "windows" --- Assume broken terminal. or os.getenv "TERM" == "dumb" then status_writer = function (mode, ...) names_report (mode, high, ...) end return end if low <= loglevel and loglevel < high then status_writer = status_logger else status_writer = function (mode, ...) names_report (mode, high, ...) end end end --[[doc-- status_stop -- Finalize a status region by outputting a newline and printing a message. --doc]]-- local status_stop = function (...) if first_status == false then status_writer(...) if texjob == false then writeln "" end end end logs.names_status = function (...) status_writer (...) end logs.names_status_start = status_start logs.names_status_stop = status_stop --[[doc-- The fontloader comes with the Context logging mechanisms inaccessible. Instead, it provides dumb fallbacks based on the functions in texio.write*() that can be overridden by providing a function texio.reporter(). The fontloader output can be quite verbose, so we disable it entirely by default. --doc]]-- local texioreporter = function (message) names_report("log", 2, message) end texio.reporter = texioreporter --[[doc-- Adobe Glyph List. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Context provides a somewhat different font-age.lua from an unclear origin. Unfortunately, the file name it reads from is hard-coded in font-enc.lua, so we have to replace the entire table. This shouldn’t cause any complications. Due to its implementation the glyph list will be loaded upon loading a OTF or TTF for the first time during a TeX run. (If one sticks to TFM/OFM then it is never read at all.) For this reason we can install a metatable that looks up the file of our choosing and only falls back to the Context one in case it cannot be found. --doc]]-- if fonts then --- need to be running TeX if next(fonts.encodings.agl) then --- unnecessary because the file shouldn’t be loaded at this time --- but we’re just making sure fonts.encodings.agl = nil collectgarbage"collect" end fonts.encodings.agl = { } setmetatable(fonts.encodings.agl, { __index = function (t, k) if k == "unicodes" then local glyphlist = resolvers.findfile"luaotfload-glyphlist.lua" if glyphlist then names_report("log", 1, "load", "loading the Adobe glyph list") else glyphlist = resolvers.findfile"font-age.lua" names_report("both", 0, "load", "loading the extended glyph list from ConTeXt") end local unicodes = dofile(glyphlist) fonts.encodings.agl = { unicodes = unicodes } return unicodes else return nil end end }) end -- vim:tw=71:sw=4:ts=4:expandtab