luaotfload = luaotfload or { } luaotfload.fonts = { } luaotfload.fonts.module = { name = "luaotfload.fonts", version = 1.001, date = "2010/01/12", description = "luaotfload font database.", author = "Khaled Hosny", copyright = "Khaled Hosny", license = "CC0" } kpse.set_program_name("luatex") dofile(kpse.find_file("luaextra.lua")) local upper, splitpath, expandpath, glob, basename = string.upper, file.split_path, kpse.expand_path, dir.glob, file.basename luaotfload.fonts.basename = "otfl-names.lua" luaotfload.fonts.version = 2.001 luaotfload.fonts.log_level = 1 local function log(lvl, fmt, ...) if lvl <= luaotfload.fonts.log_level then texio.write_nl(string.format("luaotfload | %s", string.format(fmt,...))) end end function fontloader.fullinfo(...) local t = { } local f = local m = f and fontloader.to_table(f) fontloader.close(f) -- see if m.fontstyle_name then for _,v in pairs(m.fontstyle_name) do if v.lang == 1033 then t.fontstyle_name = end end end if m.names then for _,v in pairs(m.names) do if v.lang == "English (US)" then t.names = { -- see fullname = v.names.compatfull or v.names.fullname, -- 18, 4 family = v.names.preffamilyname or, -- 17, 1 subfamily = t.fontstyle_name or v.names.prefmodifiers or v.names.subfamily, -- opt. style, 16, 2 psname = v.names.postscriptname --or t.fontname } end end end if m.pfminfo then t.pfminfo = { weight = m.pfminfo.weight, width = m.pfminfo.width, } end t.fontname = m.fontname t.fullname = m.fullname t.familyname = m.familyname t.filename = m.origname t.weight = m.weight t.italicangle = m.italicangle -- don't waste the space with zero values t.design_size = m.design_size ~= 0 and m.design_size or nil t.design_range_bottom = m.design_range_bottom ~= 0 and m.design_range_bottom or nil t.design_range_top = m.design_range_top ~= 0 and m.design_range_top or nil return t end local function load_font(filename, names, texmf) log(3, "Loading font %s", filename) local mappings = names.mappings local families = names.families if filename then local info = if info then if type(info) == "table" and #info > 1 then for index,_ in ipairs(info) do local fullinfo = fontloader.fullinfo(filename, index-1) if texmf then fullinfo.filename = basename(filename) end mappings[#mappings+1] = fullinfo if not families[] then families[] = { } end table.insert(families[], #mappings) end else local fullinfo = fontloader.fullinfo(filename) if texmf then fullinfo.filename = basename(filename) end mappings[#mappings+1] = fullinfo if not families[] then families[] = { } end table.insert(families[], #mappings) end else log(1, "Failed to load %s", filename) end end end local function scan_dir(dirname, names, recursive, texmf) log(1, "Scanning directory %s", dirname) local list, found = { }, { } for _,ext in ipairs { "otf", "ttf", "ttc", "dfont" } do if recursive then pat = "/**." else pat = "/*." end log(2, "Scanning '%s' for '%s' fonts", dirname, ext) found = glob(dirname .. pat .. ext) log(2, "%s fonts found", #found) table.append(list, found) log(2, "Scanning '%s' for '%s' fonts", dirname, upper(ext)) found = glob(dirname .. pat .. upper(ext)) log(2, "%s fonts found", #found) table.append(list, found) end for _,fnt in ipairs(list) do load_font(fnt, names, texmf) end end local system = LUAROCKS_UNAME_S or io.popen("uname -s"):read("*l") if system then if system:match("^CYGWIN") then system = 'cygwin' elseif system:match("^Windows") then system = 'windows' else system = 'unix' end else system = 'unix' -- ? end log(1, "detecting system: %s", system) local texmfdist = kpse.expand_var("$TEXMFDIST") local texmfmain = kpse.expand_var("$TEXMFMAIN") local texmflocal = kpse.expand_var("$TEXMFLOCAL") -- We lowercase everything under Windows, in order to get a bit of consistency if system == 'windows' or system == 'cygwin' then texmfdist = string.lower(texmfdist) texmfmain = string.lower(texmfmain) texmflocal = string.lower(texmflocal) end local function is_texmf(dir) if dir:find(texmfdist) or dir:find(texmfmain) or dir:find(texmflocal) then return true end return false end local function read_fcdata(fontdirs, data, translate) local to_add = nil local done = nil for line in data:lines() do if not done then done = true end local match = line:match("^Directory: (.+)") if match then if match:find("ype1") then to_add = nil else to_add = translate(match) end elseif to_add then match = line:match('^"[^"]+%.[^"]+"') if match then if to_add then fontdirs[to_add] = true to_add = nil end end end end if not done then return nil else return fontdirs end end local function cygwin_translate(name) local res = string.lower(io.popen(string.format("cygpath.exe --mixed %s", name)):read("*all")) -- a very strange thing: spaces are replaced by \n and there is a trailing \n at the end res = res:gsub("\n$", '') res = res:gsub("\n", ' ') return res end local function windows_translate(name) return string.lower(name) end local function no_translate(name) return name end local function append_fccatdirs(fontdirs) -- under cygwin we have the choice between the -- fc-cat of cygwin and the fc-cat of TeXLive. -- we try the fc-cat from TeXLive. local translate = no_translate if system == 'cygwin' then local path = kpse.expand_var("$TEXMFMAIN")..'/../bin/win32/fc-cat.exe' if lfs.isfile(path) then log(1, "executing `%s' -v\n", path) -- dirty hack... path = io.popen(string.format('cygpath.exe -C ANSI -w -s "%s"', path)):read("*all") local data = io.popen('"'..path..' -v"', 'r') local result = read_fcdata(fontdirs, data, windows_translate) data:close() if result then return result else log(1, "fail") end else log(1, "unable to find TeXLive's fc-cat.exe") end translate = cygwin_translate elseif system == 'windows' then translate = windows_translate end log(1, "executing `fc-cat -v'\n") local data = io.popen("fc-cat -v", 'r') local result = read_fcdata(fontdirs, data, translate) data:close() -- this part may be removed (needs further tests though, under non-cygwin Windows systems) if not result then log(1, "fail, now trying `fc-cat.exe -v'\n") data = io.popen("fc-cat.exe -v", 'r') result = read_fcdata(fontdirs, data, translate) data:close() if not result then log(1, "Unable to execute fc-cat nor fc-cat.exe, system fonts will not be available") return fontdirs end end return result end local function scan_all(names) local fontdirs = string.gsub(expandpath("$OPENTYPEFONTS"), "^\.[;:]", "") fontdirs = fontdirs .. string.gsub(expandpath("$TTFONTS"), "^\.", "") if system == 'windows' or system == 'cygwin' then fontdirs = string.lower(fontdirs) end if not fontdirs:is_empty() then fontdirs = splitpath(fontdirs) fontdirs = table.tohash(fontdirs) fontdirs = append_fccatdirs(fontdirs) for d,_ in pairs(fontdirs) do scan_dir(d, names, false, is_texmf(d)) end end end local function generate() local fnames = { mappings = { }, families = { }, version = luaotfload.fonts.version, } local savepath scan_all(fnames) log(1, "%s fonts in %s families saved in the database", #fnames.mappings, #table.keys(fnames.families)) savepath = kpse.expand_var("$TEXMFVAR") .. "/tex/" if not file.isreadable(savepath) then log(1, "Creating directory %s", savepath) lfs.mkdir(savepath) end if not file.iswritable(savepath) then log(1, "Error: cannot write in directory %s\n", savepath) else savepath = savepath .. luaotfload.fonts.basename io.savedata(savepath, table.serialize(fnames, true)) log(1, "Saved font names database in %s\n", savepath) end end luaotfload.fonts.scan = scan_dir luaotfload.fonts.generate = generate if arg[0] == "luaotfload-fonts.lua" then generate() end