if not modules then modules = { } end modules ["features"] = { version = "2.5", comment = "companion to luaotfload-main.lua", author = "Hans Hagen, Khaled Hosny, Elie Roux, Philipp Gesang", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } local type, next = type, next local tonumber = tonumber local tostring = tostring local lpeg = require "lpeg" local lpegmatch = lpeg.match local P = lpeg.P local R = lpeg.R local C = lpeg.C ---[[ begin included font-ltx.lua ]] --- this appears to be based in part on luatex-fonts-def.lua local fonts = fonts local definers = fonts.definers local handlers = fonts.handlers local as_script, normalize if handlers then normalize = handlers.otf.features.normalize else normalize = function () end as_script = true end --HH A bit of tuning for definitions. if fonts.constructors then fonts.constructors.namemode = "specification" -- somehow latex needs this (changed name!) => will change into an overload end --[[HH-- tricky: we sort of bypass the parser and directly feed all into the sub parser --HH]]-- function fonts.definers.getspecification(str) return "", str, "", ":", str end local log = luaotfload.log local report = log.names_report local stringfind = string.find local stringlower = string.lower local stringgsub = string.gsub local stringsub = string.sub local stringformat = string.format local stringis_empty = string.is_empty local mathceil = math.ceil local defaults = { dflt = { "ccmp", "locl", "rlig", "liga", "clig", "kern", "mark", "mkmk", 'itlc', }, arab = { "ccmp", "locl", "isol", "fina", "fin2", "fin3", "medi", "med2", "init", "rlig", "calt", "liga", "cswh", "mset", "curs", "kern", "mark", "mkmk", }, deva = { "ccmp", "locl", "init", "nukt", "akhn", "rphf", "blwf", "half", "pstf", "vatu", "pres", "blws", "abvs", "psts", "haln", "calt", "blwm", "abvm", "dist", "kern", "mark", "mkmk", }, khmr = { "ccmp", "locl", "pref", "blwf", "abvf", "pstf", "pres", "blws", "abvs", "psts", "clig", "calt", "blwm", "abvm", "dist", "kern", "mark", "mkmk", }, thai = { "ccmp", "locl", "liga", "kern", "mark", "mkmk", }, hang = { "ccmp", "ljmo", "vjmo", "tjmo", }, } local global_defaults = { mode = "node" } defaults.beng = defaults.deva defaults.guru = defaults.deva defaults.gujr = defaults.deva defaults.orya = defaults.deva defaults.taml = defaults.deva defaults.telu = defaults.deva defaults.knda = defaults.deva defaults.mlym = defaults.deva defaults.sinh = defaults.deva defaults.syrc = defaults.arab defaults.mong = defaults.arab defaults.nko = defaults.arab defaults.tibt = defaults.khmr defaults.lao = defaults.thai ---[[ begin excerpt from font-ott.lua ]] local scripts = { ['arab'] = 'arabic', ['armn'] = 'armenian', ['bali'] = 'balinese', ['beng'] = 'bengali', ['bopo'] = 'bopomofo', ['brai'] = 'braille', ['bugi'] = 'buginese', ['buhd'] = 'buhid', ['byzm'] = 'byzantine music', ['cans'] = 'canadian syllabics', ['cher'] = 'cherokee', ['copt'] = 'coptic', ['cprt'] = 'cypriot syllabary', ['cyrl'] = 'cyrillic', ['deva'] = 'devanagari', ['dsrt'] = 'deseret', ['ethi'] = 'ethiopic', ['geor'] = 'georgian', ['glag'] = 'glagolitic', ['goth'] = 'gothic', ['grek'] = 'greek', ['gujr'] = 'gujarati', ['guru'] = 'gurmukhi', ['hang'] = 'hangul', ['hani'] = 'cjk ideographic', ['hano'] = 'hanunoo', ['hebr'] = 'hebrew', ['ital'] = 'old italic', ['jamo'] = 'hangul jamo', ['java'] = 'javanese', ['kana'] = 'hiragana and katakana', ['khar'] = 'kharosthi', ['khmr'] = 'khmer', ['knda'] = 'kannada', ['lao' ] = 'lao', ['latn'] = 'latin', ['limb'] = 'limbu', ['linb'] = 'linear b', ['math'] = 'mathematical alphanumeric symbols', ['mlym'] = 'malayalam', ['mong'] = 'mongolian', ['musc'] = 'musical symbols', ['mymr'] = 'myanmar', ['nko' ] = "n'ko", ['ogam'] = 'ogham', ['orya'] = 'oriya', ['osma'] = 'osmanya', ['phag'] = 'phags-pa', ['phnx'] = 'phoenician', ['runr'] = 'runic', ['shaw'] = 'shavian', ['sinh'] = 'sinhala', ['sylo'] = 'syloti nagri', ['syrc'] = 'syriac', ['tagb'] = 'tagbanwa', ['tale'] = 'tai le', ['talu'] = 'tai lu', ['taml'] = 'tamil', ['telu'] = 'telugu', ['tfng'] = 'tifinagh', ['tglg'] = 'tagalog', ['thaa'] = 'thaana', ['thai'] = 'thai', ['tibt'] = 'tibetan', ['ugar'] = 'ugaritic cuneiform', ['xpeo'] = 'old persian cuneiform', ['xsux'] = 'sumero-akkadian cuneiform', ['yi' ] = 'yi', } local languages = { ['aba'] = 'abaza', ['abk'] = 'abkhazian', ['ady'] = 'adyghe', ['afk'] = 'afrikaans', ['afr'] = 'afar', ['agw'] = 'agaw', ['als'] = 'alsatian', ['alt'] = 'altai', ['amh'] = 'amharic', ['ara'] = 'arabic', ['ari'] = 'aari', ['ark'] = 'arakanese', ['asm'] = 'assamese', ['ath'] = 'athapaskan', ['avr'] = 'avar', ['awa'] = 'awadhi', ['aym'] = 'aymara', ['aze'] = 'azeri', ['bad'] = 'badaga', ['bag'] = 'baghelkhandi', ['bal'] = 'balkar', ['bau'] = 'baule', ['bbr'] = 'berber', ['bch'] = 'bench', ['bcr'] = 'bible cree', ['bel'] = 'belarussian', ['bem'] = 'bemba', ['ben'] = 'bengali', ['bgr'] = 'bulgarian', ['bhi'] = 'bhili', ['bho'] = 'bhojpuri', ['bik'] = 'bikol', ['bil'] = 'bilen', ['bkf'] = 'blackfoot', ['bli'] = 'balochi', ['bln'] = 'balante', ['blt'] = 'balti', ['bmb'] = 'bambara', ['bml'] = 'bamileke', ['bos'] = 'bosnian', ['bre'] = 'breton', ['brh'] = 'brahui', ['bri'] = 'braj bhasha', ['brm'] = 'burmese', ['bsh'] = 'bashkir', ['bti'] = 'beti', ['cat'] = 'catalan', ['ceb'] = 'cebuano', ['che'] = 'chechen', ['chg'] = 'chaha gurage', ['chh'] = 'chattisgarhi', ['chi'] = 'chichewa', ['chk'] = 'chukchi', ['chp'] = 'chipewyan', ['chr'] = 'cherokee', ['chu'] = 'chuvash', ['cmr'] = 'comorian', ['cop'] = 'coptic', ['cos'] = 'corsican', ['cre'] = 'cree', ['crr'] = 'carrier', ['crt'] = 'crimean tatar', ['csl'] = 'church slavonic', ['csy'] = 'czech', ['dan'] = 'danish', ['dar'] = 'dargwa', ['dcr'] = 'woods cree', ['deu'] = 'german', ['dgr'] = 'dogri', ['div'] = 'divehi', ['djr'] = 'djerma', ['dng'] = 'dangme', ['dnk'] = 'dinka', ['dri'] = 'dari', ['dun'] = 'dungan', ['dzn'] = 'dzongkha', ['ebi'] = 'ebira', ['ecr'] = 'eastern cree', ['edo'] = 'edo', ['efi'] = 'efik', ['ell'] = 'greek', ['eng'] = 'english', ['erz'] = 'erzya', ['esp'] = 'spanish', ['eti'] = 'estonian', ['euq'] = 'basque', ['evk'] = 'evenki', ['evn'] = 'even', ['ewe'] = 'ewe', ['fan'] = 'french antillean', ['far'] = 'farsi', ['fin'] = 'finnish', ['fji'] = 'fijian', ['fle'] = 'flemish', ['fne'] = 'forest nenets', ['fon'] = 'fon', ['fos'] = 'faroese', ['fra'] = 'french', ['fri'] = 'frisian', ['frl'] = 'friulian', ['fta'] = 'futa', ['ful'] = 'fulani', ['gad'] = 'ga', ['gae'] = 'gaelic', ['gag'] = 'gagauz', ['gal'] = 'galician', ['gar'] = 'garshuni', ['gaw'] = 'garhwali', ['gez'] = "ge'ez", ['gil'] = 'gilyak', ['gmz'] = 'gumuz', ['gon'] = 'gondi', ['grn'] = 'greenlandic', ['gro'] = 'garo', ['gua'] = 'guarani', ['guj'] = 'gujarati', ['hai'] = 'haitian', ['hal'] = 'halam', ['har'] = 'harauti', ['hau'] = 'hausa', ['haw'] = 'hawaiin', ['hbn'] = 'hammer-banna', ['hil'] = 'hiligaynon', ['hin'] = 'hindi', ['hma'] = 'high mari', ['hnd'] = 'hindko', ['ho'] = 'ho', ['hri'] = 'harari', ['hrv'] = 'croatian', ['hun'] = 'hungarian', ['hye'] = 'armenian', ['ibo'] = 'igbo', ['ijo'] = 'ijo', ['ilo'] = 'ilokano', ['ind'] = 'indonesian', ['ing'] = 'ingush', ['inu'] = 'inuktitut', ['iri'] = 'irish', ['irt'] = 'irish traditional', ['isl'] = 'icelandic', ['ism'] = 'inari sami', ['ita'] = 'italian', ['iwr'] = 'hebrew', ['jan'] = 'japanese', ['jav'] = 'javanese', ['jii'] = 'yiddish', ['jud'] = 'judezmo', ['jul'] = 'jula', ['kab'] = 'kabardian', ['kac'] = 'kachchi', ['kal'] = 'kalenjin', ['kan'] = 'kannada', ['kar'] = 'karachay', ['kat'] = 'georgian', ['kaz'] = 'kazakh', ['keb'] = 'kebena', ['kge'] = 'khutsuri georgian', ['kha'] = 'khakass', ['khk'] = 'khanty-kazim', ['khm'] = 'khmer', ['khs'] = 'khanty-shurishkar', ['khv'] = 'khanty-vakhi', ['khw'] = 'khowar', ['kik'] = 'kikuyu', ['kir'] = 'kirghiz', ['kis'] = 'kisii', ['kkn'] = 'kokni', ['klm'] = 'kalmyk', ['kmb'] = 'kamba', ['kmn'] = 'kumaoni', ['kmo'] = 'komo', ['kms'] = 'komso', ['knr'] = 'kanuri', ['kod'] = 'kodagu', ['koh'] = 'korean old hangul', ['kok'] = 'konkani', ['kon'] = 'kikongo', ['kop'] = 'komi-permyak', ['kor'] = 'korean', ['koz'] = 'komi-zyrian', ['kpl'] = 'kpelle', ['kri'] = 'krio', ['krk'] = 'karakalpak', ['krl'] = 'karelian', ['krm'] = 'karaim', ['krn'] = 'karen', ['krt'] = 'koorete', ['ksh'] = 'kashmiri', ['ksi'] = 'khasi', ['ksm'] = 'kildin sami', ['kui'] = 'kui', ['kul'] = 'kulvi', ['kum'] = 'kumyk', ['kur'] = 'kurdish', ['kuu'] = 'kurukh', ['kuy'] = 'kuy', ['kyk'] = 'koryak', ['lad'] = 'ladin', ['lah'] = 'lahuli', ['lak'] = 'lak', ['lam'] = 'lambani', ['lao'] = 'lao', ['lat'] = 'latin', ['laz'] = 'laz', ['lcr'] = 'l-cree', ['ldk'] = 'ladakhi', ['lez'] = 'lezgi', ['lin'] = 'lingala', ['lma'] = 'low mari', ['lmb'] = 'limbu', ['lmw'] = 'lomwe', ['lsb'] = 'lower sorbian', ['lsm'] = 'lule sami', ['lth'] = 'lithuanian', ['ltz'] = 'luxembourgish', ['lub'] = 'luba', ['lug'] = 'luganda', ['luh'] = 'luhya', ['luo'] = 'luo', ['lvi'] = 'latvian', ['maj'] = 'majang', ['mak'] = 'makua', ['mal'] = 'malayalam traditional', ['man'] = 'mansi', ['map'] = 'mapudungun', ['mar'] = 'marathi', ['maw'] = 'marwari', ['mbn'] = 'mbundu', ['mch'] = 'manchu', ['mcr'] = 'moose cree', ['mde'] = 'mende', ['men'] = "me'en", ['miz'] = 'mizo', ['mkd'] = 'macedonian', ['mle'] = 'male', ['mlg'] = 'malagasy', ['mln'] = 'malinke', ['mlr'] = 'malayalam reformed', ['mly'] = 'malay', ['mnd'] = 'mandinka', ['mng'] = 'mongolian', ['mni'] = 'manipuri', ['mnk'] = 'maninka', ['mnx'] = 'manx gaelic', ['moh'] = 'mohawk', ['mok'] = 'moksha', ['mol'] = 'moldavian', ['mon'] = 'mon', ['mor'] = 'moroccan', ['mri'] = 'maori', ['mth'] = 'maithili', ['mts'] = 'maltese', ['mun'] = 'mundari', ['nag'] = 'naga-assamese', ['nan'] = 'nanai', ['nas'] = 'naskapi', ['ncr'] = 'n-cree', ['ndb'] = 'ndebele', ['ndg'] = 'ndonga', ['nep'] = 'nepali', ['new'] = 'newari', ['ngr'] = 'nagari', ['nhc'] = 'norway house cree', ['nis'] = 'nisi', ['niu'] = 'niuean', ['nkl'] = 'nkole', ['nko'] = "n'ko", ['nld'] = 'dutch', ['nog'] = 'nogai', ['nor'] = 'norwegian', ['nsm'] = 'northern sami', ['nta'] = 'northern tai', ['nto'] = 'esperanto', ['nyn'] = 'nynorsk', ['oci'] = 'occitan', ['ocr'] = 'oji-cree', ['ojb'] = 'ojibway', ['ori'] = 'oriya', ['oro'] = 'oromo', ['oss'] = 'ossetian', ['paa'] = 'palestinian aramaic', ['pal'] = 'pali', ['pan'] = 'punjabi', ['pap'] = 'palpa', ['pas'] = 'pashto', ['pgr'] = 'polytonic greek', ['pil'] = 'pilipino', ['plg'] = 'palaung', ['plk'] = 'polish', ['pro'] = 'provencal', ['ptg'] = 'portuguese', ['qin'] = 'chin', ['raj'] = 'rajasthani', ['rbu'] = 'russian buriat', ['rcr'] = 'r-cree', ['ria'] = 'riang', ['rms'] = 'rhaeto-romanic', ['rom'] = 'romanian', ['roy'] = 'romany', ['rsy'] = 'rusyn', ['rua'] = 'ruanda', ['rus'] = 'russian', ['sad'] = 'sadri', ['san'] = 'sanskrit', ['sat'] = 'santali', ['say'] = 'sayisi', ['sek'] = 'sekota', ['sel'] = 'selkup', ['sgo'] = 'sango', ['shn'] = 'shan', ['sib'] = 'sibe', ['sid'] = 'sidamo', ['sig'] = 'silte gurage', ['sks'] = 'skolt sami', ['sky'] = 'slovak', ['sla'] = 'slavey', ['slv'] = 'slovenian', ['sml'] = 'somali', ['smo'] = 'samoan', ['sna'] = 'sena', ['snd'] = 'sindhi', ['snh'] = 'sinhalese', ['snk'] = 'soninke', ['sog'] = 'sodo gurage', ['sot'] = 'sotho', ['sqi'] = 'albanian', ['srb'] = 'serbian', ['srk'] = 'saraiki', ['srr'] = 'serer', ['ssl'] = 'south slavey', ['ssm'] = 'southern sami', ['sur'] = 'suri', ['sva'] = 'svan', ['sve'] = 'swedish', ['swa'] = 'swadaya aramaic', ['swk'] = 'swahili', ['swz'] = 'swazi', ['sxt'] = 'sutu', ['syr'] = 'syriac', ['tab'] = 'tabasaran', ['taj'] = 'tajiki', ['tam'] = 'tamil', ['tat'] = 'tatar', ['tcr'] = 'th-cree', ['tel'] = 'telugu', ['tgn'] = 'tongan', ['tgr'] = 'tigre', ['tgy'] = 'tigrinya', ['tha'] = 'thai', ['tht'] = 'tahitian', ['tib'] = 'tibetan', ['tkm'] = 'turkmen', ['tmn'] = 'temne', ['tna'] = 'tswana', ['tne'] = 'tundra nenets', ['tng'] = 'tonga', ['tod'] = 'todo', ['trk'] = 'turkish', ['tsg'] = 'tsonga', ['tua'] = 'turoyo aramaic', ['tul'] = 'tulu', ['tuv'] = 'tuvin', ['twi'] = 'twi', ['udm'] = 'udmurt', ['ukr'] = 'ukrainian', ['urd'] = 'urdu', ['usb'] = 'upper sorbian', ['uyg'] = 'uyghur', ['uzb'] = 'uzbek', ['ven'] = 'venda', ['vit'] = 'vietnamese', ['wa' ] = 'wa', ['wag'] = 'wagdi', ['wcr'] = 'west-cree', ['wel'] = 'welsh', ['wlf'] = 'wolof', ['xbd'] = 'tai lue', ['xhs'] = 'xhosa', ['yak'] = 'yakut', ['yba'] = 'yoruba', ['ycr'] = 'y-cree', ['yic'] = 'yi classic', ['yim'] = 'yi modern', ['zhh'] = 'chinese hong kong', ['zhp'] = 'chinese phonetic', ['zhs'] = 'chinese simplified', ['zht'] = 'chinese traditional', ['znd'] = 'zande', ['zul'] = 'zulu' } local features = { ['aalt'] = 'access all alternates', ['abvf'] = 'above-base forms', ['abvm'] = 'above-base mark positioning', ['abvs'] = 'above-base substitutions', ['afrc'] = 'alternative fractions', ['akhn'] = 'akhands', ['blwf'] = 'below-base forms', ['blwm'] = 'below-base mark positioning', ['blws'] = 'below-base substitutions', ['c2pc'] = 'petite capitals from capitals', ['c2sc'] = 'small capitals from capitals', ['calt'] = 'contextual alternates', ['case'] = 'case-sensitive forms', ['ccmp'] = 'glyph composition/decomposition', ['cjct'] = 'conjunct forms', ['clig'] = 'contextual ligatures', ['cpsp'] = 'capital spacing', ['cswh'] = 'contextual swash', ['curs'] = 'cursive positioning', ['dflt'] = 'default processing', ['dist'] = 'distances', ['dlig'] = 'discretionary ligatures', ['dnom'] = 'denominators', ['dtls'] = 'dotless forms', -- math ['expt'] = 'expert forms', ['falt'] = 'final glyph alternates', ['fin2'] = 'terminal forms #2', ['fin3'] = 'terminal forms #3', ['fina'] = 'terminal forms', ['flac'] = 'flattened accents over capitals', -- math ['frac'] = 'fractions', ['fwid'] = 'full width', ['half'] = 'half forms', ['haln'] = 'halant forms', ['halt'] = 'alternate half width', ['hist'] = 'historical forms', ['hkna'] = 'horizontal kana alternates', ['hlig'] = 'historical ligatures', ['hngl'] = 'hangul', ['hojo'] = 'hojo kanji forms', ['hwid'] = 'half width', ['init'] = 'initial forms', ['isol'] = 'isolated forms', ['ital'] = 'italics', ['jalt'] = 'justification alternatives', ['jp04'] = 'jis2004 forms', ['jp78'] = 'jis78 forms', ['jp83'] = 'jis83 forms', ['jp90'] = 'jis90 forms', ['kern'] = 'kerning', ['lfbd'] = 'left bounds', ['liga'] = 'standard ligatures', ['ljmo'] = 'leading jamo forms', ['lnum'] = 'lining figures', ['locl'] = 'localized forms', ['mark'] = 'mark positioning', ['med2'] = 'medial forms #2', ['medi'] = 'medial forms', ['mgrk'] = 'mathematical greek', ['mkmk'] = 'mark to mark positioning', ['mset'] = 'mark positioning via substitution', ['nalt'] = 'alternate annotation forms', ['nlck'] = 'nlc kanji forms', ['nukt'] = 'nukta forms', ['numr'] = 'numerators', ['onum'] = 'old style figures', ['opbd'] = 'optical bounds', ['ordn'] = 'ordinals', ['ornm'] = 'ornaments', ['palt'] = 'proportional alternate width', ['pcap'] = 'petite capitals', ['pnum'] = 'proportional figures', ['pref'] = 'pre-base forms', ['pres'] = 'pre-base substitutions', ['pstf'] = 'post-base forms', ['psts'] = 'post-base substitutions', ['pwid'] = 'proportional widths', ['qwid'] = 'quarter widths', ['rand'] = 'randomize', ['rkrf'] = 'rakar forms', ['rlig'] = 'required ligatures', ['rphf'] = 'reph form', ['rtbd'] = 'right bounds', ['rtla'] = 'right-to-left alternates', ['rtlm'] = 'right to left math', -- math ['ruby'] = 'ruby notation forms', ['salt'] = 'stylistic alternates', ['sinf'] = 'scientific inferiors', ['size'] = 'optical size', ['smcp'] = 'small capitals', ['smpl'] = 'simplified forms', -- ['ss01'] = 'stylistic set 1', -- ['ss02'] = 'stylistic set 2', -- ['ss03'] = 'stylistic set 3', -- ['ss04'] = 'stylistic set 4', -- ['ss05'] = 'stylistic set 5', -- ['ss06'] = 'stylistic set 6', -- ['ss07'] = 'stylistic set 7', -- ['ss08'] = 'stylistic set 8', -- ['ss09'] = 'stylistic set 9', -- ['ss10'] = 'stylistic set 10', -- ['ss11'] = 'stylistic set 11', -- ['ss12'] = 'stylistic set 12', -- ['ss13'] = 'stylistic set 13', -- ['ss14'] = 'stylistic set 14', -- ['ss15'] = 'stylistic set 15', -- ['ss16'] = 'stylistic set 16', -- ['ss17'] = 'stylistic set 17', -- ['ss18'] = 'stylistic set 18', -- ['ss19'] = 'stylistic set 19', -- ['ss20'] = 'stylistic set 20', ['ssty'] = 'script style', -- math ['subs'] = 'subscript', ['sups'] = 'superscript', ['swsh'] = 'swash', ['titl'] = 'titling', ['tjmo'] = 'trailing jamo forms', ['tnam'] = 'traditional name forms', ['tnum'] = 'tabular figures', ['trad'] = 'traditional forms', ['twid'] = 'third widths', ['unic'] = 'unicase', ['valt'] = 'alternate vertical metrics', ['vatu'] = 'vattu variants', ['vert'] = 'vertical writing', ['vhal'] = 'alternate vertical half metrics', ['vjmo'] = 'vowel jamo forms', ['vkna'] = 'vertical kana alternates', ['vkrn'] = 'vertical kerning', ['vpal'] = 'proportional alternate vertical metrics', ['vrt2'] = 'vertical rotation', ['zero'] = 'slashed zero', ['trep'] = 'traditional tex replacements', ['tlig'] = 'traditional tex ligatures', ['ss..'] = 'stylistic set ..', ['cv..'] = 'character variant ..', ['js..'] = 'justification ..', ["dv.."] = "devanagari ..", } local baselines = { ['hang'] = 'hanging baseline', ['icfb'] = 'ideographic character face bottom edge baseline', ['icft'] = 'ideographic character face tope edige baseline', ['ideo'] = 'ideographic em-box bottom edge baseline', ['idtp'] = 'ideographic em-box top edge baseline', ['math'] = 'mathmatical centered baseline', ['romn'] = 'roman baseline' } local swapped = function (h) local r = { } for k, v in next, h do r[stringgsub(v,"[^a-z0-9]","")] = k -- is already lower end return r end local verbosescripts = swapped(scripts ) local verboselanguages = swapped(languages) local verbosefeatures = swapped(features ) local verbosebaselines = swapped(baselines) ---[[ end excerpt from font-ott.lua ]] --[[doc-- As discussed, we will issue a warning because of incomplete support when one of the scripts below is requested. Reference: https://github.com/lualatex/luaotfload/issues/31 --doc]]-- local support_incomplete = table.tohash({ "deva", "beng", "guru", "gujr", "orya", "taml", "telu", "knda", "mlym", "sinh", }, true) --[[doc-- Which features are active by default depends on the script requested. --doc]]-- --- (string, string) dict -> (string, string) dict local set_default_features = function (speclist) speclist = speclist or { } speclist[""] = nil --- invalid options stub --- handle language tag local language = speclist.language if language then --- already lowercase at this point language = stringgsub(language, "[^a-z0-9]", "") language = rawget(verboselanguages, language) -- srsly, rawget? or (languages[language] and language) or "dflt" else language = "dflt" end speclist.language = language --- handle script tag local script = speclist.script if script then script = stringgsub(script, "[^a-z0-9]","") script = rawget(verbosescripts, script) or (scripts[script] and script) or "dflt" if support_incomplete[script] then report("log", 0, "load", "support for the requested script: " .. "%q may be incomplete", script) end else script = "dflt" end speclist.script = script report("log", 0, "load", "auto-selecting default features for script: %s", script) local requested = defaults[script] if not requested then report("log", 0, "load", "no defaults for script %q, falling back to \"dflt\"", script) requested = defaults.dflt end for i=1, #requested do local feat = requested[i] if speclist[feat] ~= false then speclist[feat] = true end end for feat, state in next, global_defaults do --- This is primarily intended for setting node --- mode unless “base” is requested, as stated --- in the manual. if not speclist[feat] then speclist[feat] = state end end return speclist end local import_values = { --- That’s what the 1.x parser did, not quite as graciously, --- with an array of branch expressions. -- "style", "optsize",--> from slashed notation; handled otherwise { "lookup", false }, { "sub", false }, { "mode", true }, } local lookup_types = { "anon", "file", "kpse", "my", "name", "path" } local select_lookup = function (request) for i=1, #lookup_types do local lookup = lookup_types[i] local value = request[lookup] if value then return lookup, value end end end local supported = { b = "b", i = "i", bi = "bi", aat = false, icu = false, gr = false, } --- (string | (string * string) | bool) list -> (string * number) local handle_slashed = function (modifiers) local style, optsize for i=1, #modifiers do local mod = modifiers[i] if type(mod) == "table" and mod[1] == "optsize" then --> optical size optsize = tonumber(mod[2]) elseif mod == false then --- ignore report("log", 0, "load", "unsupported font option: %s", v) elseif supported[mod] then style = supported[mod] elseif not stringis_empty(mod) then style = stringgsub(mod, "[^%a%d]", "") end end return style, optsize end local extract_subfont do local eof = P(-1) local digit = R"09" --- Theoretically a valid subfont address can be up to ten --- digits long. local sub_expr = P"(" * C(digit^1) * P")" * eof local full_path = C(P(1 - sub_expr)^1) extract_subfont = full_path * sub_expr end --- spec -> spec local handle_request = function (specification) local request = lpegmatch(luaotfload.parsers.font_request, specification.specification) if not request then --- happens when called with an absolute path --- in an anonymous lookup; --- we try to behave as friendly as possible --- just go with it ... report("log", 1, "load", "invalid request %q of type anon", specification.specification) report("log", 1, "load", "use square bracket syntax or consult the documentation.") --- The result of \fontname must be re-feedable into \font --- which is expected by the Latex font mechanism. Now this --- is complicated with TTC fonts that need to pass the --- number of the requested subfont along with the file name. --- Thus we test whether the request is a bare path only or --- ends in a subfont expression (decimal digits inside --- parentheses). --- https://github.com/lualatex/luaotfload/issues/57 local fullpath, sub = lpegmatch(extract_subfont, specification.specification) if fullpath and sub then specification.sub = tonumber(sub) specification.name = fullpath else specification.name = specification.specification end specification.lookup = "path" return specification end local lookup, name = select_lookup(request) request.features = set_default_features(request.features) if name then specification.name = name specification.lookup = lookup or specification.lookup end if request.modifiers then local style, optsize = handle_slashed(request.modifiers) specification.style, specification.optsize = style, optsize end for n=1, #import_values do local feat = import_values[n][1] local keep = import_values[n][2] local newvalue = request.features[feat] if newvalue then specification[feat] = request.features[feat] if not keep then request.features[feat] = nil end end end --- The next line sets the “rand” feature to “random”; I haven’t --- investigated it any further (luatex-fonts-ext), so it will --- just stay here. specification.features.normal = normalize (request.features) return specification end if as_script == true then --- skip the remainder of the file fonts.names.handle_request = handle_request report ("log", 5, "load", "Exiting early from luaotfload-features.lua.") return else local registersplit = definers.registersplit registersplit (":", handle_request, "cryptic") registersplit ("", handle_request, "more cryptic") -- catches \font\text=[names] end ---[[ end included font-ltx.lua ]] --[[doc-- This uses the code from luatex-fonts-merged (<- font-otc.lua) instead of the removed luaotfload-font-otc.lua. TODO find out how far we get setting features without these lines, relying on luatex-fonts only (it *does* handle features somehow, after all). --doc]]-- -- we assume that the other otf stuff is loaded already ---[[ begin snippet from font-otc.lua ]] local trace_loading = false trackers.register("otf.loading", function(v) trace_loading = v end) local report_otf = logs.reporter("fonts","otf loading") local otf = fonts.handlers.otf local registerotffeature = otf.features.register local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex --[[HH-- In the userdata interface we can not longer tweak the loaded font as conveniently as before. For instance, instead of pushing extra data in in the table using the original structure, we now have to operate on the mkiv representation. And as the fontloader interface is modelled after fontforge we cannot change that one too much either. --HH]]-- local types = { substitution = "gsub_single", ligature = "gsub_ligature", alternate = "gsub_alternate", } setmetatableindex(types, function(t,k) t[k] = k return k end) -- "key" local everywhere = { ["*"] = { ["*"] = true } } -- or: { ["*"] = { "*" } } local noflags = { } local function addfeature(data,feature,specifications) local descriptions = data.descriptions local resources = data.resources local lookups = resources.lookups local gsubfeatures = resources.features.gsub if gsubfeatures and gsubfeatures[feature] then -- already present else local sequences = resources.sequences local fontfeatures = resources.features local unicodes = resources.unicodes local lookuptypes = resources.lookuptypes local splitter = lpeg.splitter(" ",unicodes) local done = 0 local skip = 0 if not specifications[1] then -- so we accept a one entry specification specifications = { specifications } end -- subtables are tables themselves but we also accept flattened singular subtables for s=1,#specifications do local specification = specifications[s] local valid = specification.valid if not valid or valid(data,specification,feature) then local initialize = specification.initialize if initialize then -- when false is returned we initialize only once specification.initialize = initialize(specification) and initialize or nil end local askedfeatures = specification.features or everywhere local subtables = specification.subtables or { specification.data } or { } local featuretype = types[specification.type or "substitution"] local featureflags = specification.flags or noflags local added = false local featurename = stringformat("ctx_%s_%s",feature,s) local st = { } for t=1,#subtables do local list = subtables[t] local full = stringformat("%s_%s",featurename,t) st[t] = full if featuretype == "gsub_ligature" then lookuptypes[full] = "ligature" for code, ligature in next, list do local unicode = tonumber(code) or unicodes[code] local description = descriptions[unicode] if description then local slookups = description.slookups if type(ligature) == "string" then ligature = { lpegmatch(splitter,ligature) } end local present = true for i=1,#ligature do if not descriptions[ligature[i]] then present = false break end end if present then if slookups then slookups[full] = ligature else description.slookups = { [full] = ligature } end done, added = done + 1, true else skip = skip + 1 end end end elseif featuretype == "gsub_single" then lookuptypes[full] = "substitution" for code, replacement in next, list do local unicode = tonumber(code) or unicodes[code] local description = descriptions[unicode] if description then local slookups = description.slookups replacement = tonumber(replacement) or unicodes[replacement] if descriptions[replacement] then if slookups then slookups[full] = replacement else description.slookups = { [full] = replacement } end done, added = done + 1, true end end end end end if added then -- script = { lang1, lang2, lang3 } or script = { lang1 = true, ... } for k, v in next, askedfeatures do if v[1] then askedfeatures[k] = table.tohash(v) end end sequences[#sequences+1] = { chain = 0, features = { [feature] = askedfeatures }, flags = featureflags, name = featurename, subtables = st, type = featuretype, } -- register in metadata (merge as there can be a few) if not gsubfeatures then gsubfeatures = { } fontfeatures.gsub = gsubfeatures end local k = gsubfeatures[feature] if not k then k = { } gsubfeatures[feature] = k end for script, languages in next, askedfeatures do local kk = k[script] if not kk then kk = { } k[script] = kk end for language, value in next, languages do kk[language] = value end end end end end if trace_loading then report_otf("registering feature %a, affected glyphs %a, skipped glyphs %a",feature,done,skip) end end end otf.enhancers.addfeature = addfeature local extrafeatures = { } function otf.addfeature(name,specification) extrafeatures[name] = specification end local function enhance(data,filename,raw) for feature, specification in next, extrafeatures do addfeature(data,feature,specification) end end otf.enhancers.register("check extra features",enhance) ---[[ end snippet from font-otc.lua ]] local tlig = { { type = "substitution", features = everywhere, data = { [0x0022] = 0x201D, -- quotedblright [0x0027] = 0x2019, -- quoteleft [0x0060] = 0x2018, -- quoteright }, flags = { }, }, { type = "ligature", features = everywhere, data = { [0x2013] = {0x002D, 0x002D}, -- endash [0x2014] = {0x002D, 0x002D, 0x002D}, -- emdash [0x201C] = {0x2018, 0x2018}, -- quotedblleft [0x201D] = {0x2019, 0x2019}, -- quotedblright [0x00A1] = {0x0021, 0x2018}, -- exclamdown [0x00BF] = {0x003F, 0x2018}, -- questiondown --- next three originate in T1 encoding; Xetex applies --- them too [0x201E] = {0x002C, 0x002C}, -- quotedblbase [0x00AB] = {0x003C, 0x003C}, -- LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK [0x00BB] = {0x003E, 0x003E}, -- RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK }, flags = { }, }, { type = "ligature", features = everywhere, data = { [0x201C] = {0x0060, 0x0060}, -- quotedblleft [0x201D] = {0x0027, 0x0027}, -- quotedblright [0x00A1] = {0x0021, 0x0060}, -- exclamdown [0x00BF] = {0x003F, 0x0060}, -- questiondown }, flags = { }, }, } otf.addfeature ("tlig", tlig) otf.addfeature ("trep", { }) local anum_arabic = { --- these are the same as in font-otc [0x0030] = 0x0660, [0x0031] = 0x0661, [0x0032] = 0x0662, [0x0033] = 0x0663, [0x0034] = 0x0664, [0x0035] = 0x0665, [0x0036] = 0x0666, [0x0037] = 0x0667, [0x0038] = 0x0668, [0x0039] = 0x0669, } local anum_persian = {--- these are the same as in font-otc [0x0030] = 0x06F0, [0x0031] = 0x06F1, [0x0032] = 0x06F2, [0x0033] = 0x06F3, [0x0034] = 0x06F4, [0x0035] = 0x06F5, [0x0036] = 0x06F6, [0x0037] = 0x06F7, [0x0038] = 0x06F8, [0x0039] = 0x06F9, } local function valid(data) local features = data.resources.features if features then for k, v in next, features do for k, v in next, v do if v.arab then return true end end end end end local anum_specification = { { type = "substitution", features = { arab = { far = true, urd = true, snd = true } }, data = anum_persian, flags = { }, valid = valid, }, { type = "substitution", features = { arab = { ["*"] = true } }, data = anum_arabic, flags = { }, valid = valid, }, } --[[doc-- Below the specifications as given in the removed font-otc.lua. The rest was identical to what this file had from the beginning. Both make the “anum.tex” test pass anyways. --doc]]-- otf.addfeature("anum",anum_specification) registerotffeature { name = 'anum', description = 'arabic digits', } -- vim:tw=71:sw=4:ts=4:expandtab