if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luaotfload-colors'] = { version = 2.200, comment = "companion to luaotfload.lua (font color)", author = "Khaled Hosny, Elie Roux, Philipp Gesang", copyright = "Luaotfload Development Team", license = "GNU GPL v2" } --[[doc-- buggy coloring with the pre_output_filter when expansion is enabled · tfmdata for different expansion values is split over different objects · in ``initializeexpansion()``, chr.expansion_factor is set, and only those characters that have it are affected · in constructors.scale: chr.expansion_factor = ve*1000 if commented out makes the bug vanish explanation: http://tug.org/pipermail/luatex/2013-May/004305.html --doc]]-- local color_callback = config.luaotfload.color_callback if not color_callback then --- maybe this would be better as a method: "early" | "late" color_callback = "pre_linebreak_filter" -- color_callback = "pre_output_filter" --- old behavior, breaks expansion end local newnode = node.new local nodetype = node.id local traverse_nodes = node.traverse local insert_node_before = node.insert_before local insert_node_after = node.insert_after local stringformat = string.format local stringgsub = string.gsub local stringfind = string.find local stringsub = string.sub local otffeatures = fonts.constructors.newfeatures("otf") local identifiers = fonts.hashes.identifiers local registerotffeature = otffeatures.register local add_color_callback --[[ this used to be a global‽ ]] --[[doc-- This converts a single octet into a decimal with three digits of precision. The optional second argument limits precision to a single digit. --doc]]-- --- string -> bool? -> string local hex_to_dec = function (hex,one) --- one isn’t actually used anywhere ... if one then return stringformat("%.1g", tonumber(hex, 16)/255) else return stringformat("%.3g", tonumber(hex, 16)/255) end end --[[doc-- Color string validator / parser. --doc]]-- local lpeg = require"lpeg" local lpegmatch = lpeg.match local C, Cg, Ct, P, R, S = lpeg.C, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S local digit16 = R("09", "af", "AF") local octet = C(digit16 * digit16) local p_rgb = octet * octet * octet local p_rgba = p_rgb * octet local valid_digits = C(p_rgba + p_rgb) -- matches eight or six hex digits local p_Crgb = Cg(octet/hex_to_dec, "red") --- for captures * Cg(octet/hex_to_dec, "green") * Cg(octet/hex_to_dec, "blue") local p_Crgba = p_Crgb * Cg(octet/hex_to_dec, "alpha") local extract_color = Ct(p_Crgba + p_Crgb) --- string -> (string | nil) local sanitize_color_expression = function (digits) digits = tostring(digits) local sanitized = lpegmatch(valid_digits, digits) if not sanitized then luaotfload.warning( "“%s” is not a valid rgb[a] color expression", digits) return nil end return sanitized end --[[doc-- ``setcolor`` modifies tfmdata.properties.color in place --doc]]-- --- fontobj -> string -> unit --- --- (where “string” is a rgb value as three octet --- hexadecimal, with an optional fourth transparency --- value) --- local setcolor = function (tfmdata, value) local sanitized = sanitize_color_expression(value) local properties = tfmdata.properties if sanitized then properties.color = sanitized add_color_callback() end end registerotffeature { name = "color", description = "color", initializers = { base = setcolor, node = setcolor, } } --- something is carried around in ``res`` --- for later use by color_handler() --- but what? local res --- <- state of what? --- float -> unit local function pageresources(alpha) local res2 if not res then res = "/TransGs1<</ca 1/CA 1>>" end res2 = stringformat("/TransGs%s<</ca %s/CA %s>>", alpha, alpha, alpha) res = stringformat("%s%s", res, stringfind(res, res2) and "" or res2) end --- we store results of below color handler as tuples of --- push/pop strings local color_cache = { } --- (string, (string * string)) hash_t --- string -> (string * string) local hex_to_rgba = function (digits) if not digits then return end --- this is called like a thousand times, so some --- memoizing is in order. local cached = color_cache[digits] if not cached then local push, pop local rgb = lpegmatch(extract_color, digits) if rgb.alpha then pageresources(rgb.alpha) push = stringformat( "/TransGs%g gs %s %s %s rg", rgb.alpha, rgb.red, rgb.green, rgb.blue) pop = "0 g /TransGs1 gs" else push = stringformat( "%s %s %s rg", rgb.red, rgb.green, rgb.blue) pop = "0 g" end color_cache[digits] = { push, pop } return push, pop end return cached[1], cached[2] end --- Luatex internal types local glyph_t = nodetype("glyph") local hlist_t = nodetype("hlist") local vlist_t = nodetype("vlist") local whatsit_t = nodetype("whatsit") local page_insert_t = nodetype("page_insert") local sub_box_t = nodetype("sub_box") --- node -> nil | -1 | color‽ local lookup_next_color lookup_next_color = function (head) --- paragraph material for n in traverse_nodes(head) do local n_id = n.id if n_id == glyph_t then local n_font if identifiers[n_font] and identifiers[n_font].properties and identifiers[n_font].properties.color then return identifiers[n.font].properties.color else return -1 end elseif n_id == vlist_t or n_id == hlist_t or n_id == sub_box_t then local r = lookup_next_color(n.list) if r then return r end elseif n_id == whatsit_t or n_id == page_insert_t then return -1 end end return nil end --[[doc-- While the second argument and second returned value are apparently always nil when the function is called, they temporarily take string values during the node list traversal. --doc]]-- local cnt = 0 --- node -> string -> int -> (node * string) local node_colorize node_colorize = function (head, current_color, next_color) for n in traverse_nodes(head) do local n_id = n.id local nextnode = n.next if n_id == hlist_t or n_id == vlist_t or n_id == sub_box_t then local next_color_in = lookup_next_color(nextnode) or next_color n.list, current_color = node_colorize(n.list, current_color, next_color_in) elseif n_id == glyph_t then cnt = cnt + 1 local tfmdata = identifiers[n.font] --- colorization is restricted to those fonts --- that received the “color” property upon --- loading (see ``setcolor()`` above) if tfmdata and tfmdata.properties and tfmdata.properties.color then local font_color = tfmdata.properties.color -- luaotfload.info( -- "n: %d; %s; %d %s, %s", -- cnt, utf.char(n.char), n.font, "<TRUE>", font_color) if font_color ~= current_color then local pushcolor = hex_to_rgba(font_color) local push = newnode(whatsit_t, 8) push.mode = 1 push.data = pushcolor head = insert_node_before(head, n, push) current_color = font_color end local next_color_in = lookup_next_color (nextnode) or next_color if next_color_in ~= font_color then local _, popcolor = hex_to_rgba(font_color) local pop = newnode(whatsit_t, 8) pop.mode = 1 pop.data = popcolor head = insert_node_after(head, n, pop) current_color = nil end -- else -- luaotfload.info( -- "n: %d; %s; %d %s", -- cnt, utf.char(n.char), n.font, "<FALSE>") end end end return head, current_color end --- node -> node local color_handler = function (head) -- check if our page resources existed in the previous run -- and remove it to avoid duplicating it later if res then local r = "/ExtGState<<" .. res .. ">>" tex.pdfpageresources = stringgsub(tex.pdfpageresources, r, "") end local new_head = node_colorize(head, nil, nil) -- now append our page resources if res and stringfind(res, "%S") then -- test for non-empty string local r = "/ExtGState<<" .. res .. ">>" tex.pdfpageresources = tex.pdfpageresources..r end return new_head end local color_callback_activated = 0 --- unit -> unit add_color_callback = function ( ) if color_callback_activated == 0 then luatexbase.add_to_callback(color_callback, color_handler, "luaotfload.color_handler") color_callback_activated = 1 end end -- vim:tw=71:sw=4:ts=4:expandtab