From e064aa2dc70fb819cfdb6b3c0bdf1d081859584f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Khaled Hosny <>
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 14:26:34 +0200
Subject: Updating to latest ConTeXt beta (2010.02.23)

Now many of our fixes are incorporated upstream or fixed in a different
 luaotfload.dtx    |   2 +-
 otfl-font-dum.lua |   5 +-
 otfl-font-map.lua | 161 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 otfl-font-otf.lua | 164 +++++-------------------------------------------------
 otfl-font-tfm.lua |   5 +-
 otfl-font-xtx.lua |  16 ++----
 otfl-luat-dum.lua |   5 +-
 7 files changed, 184 insertions(+), 174 deletions(-)

diff --git a/luaotfload.dtx b/luaotfload.dtx
index d481938..f543fd0 100644
--- a/luaotfload.dtx
+++ b/luaotfload.dtx
@@ -477,6 +477,7 @@ luaotfload.loadmodule('node-dum.lua')
@@ -487,7 +488,6 @@ luaotfload.loadmodule('font-ota.lua')
diff --git a/otfl-font-dum.lua b/otfl-font-dum.lua
index 94dc676..5b83b3b 100644
--- a/otfl-font-dum.lua
+++ b/otfl-font-dum.lua
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@ fonts = fonts or { }
 -- general
-fonts.otf.pack       = false
-fonts.tfm.resolve_vf = false -- no sure about this
+fonts.otf.pack          = false
+fonts.tfm.resolve_vf    = false -- no sure about this
+fonts.tfm.fontname_mode = "specification" -- somehow latex needs this
 -- readers
diff --git a/otfl-font-map.lua b/otfl-font-map.lua
index 9e85516..9dd2bd0 100644
--- a/otfl-font-map.lua
+++ b/otfl-font-map.lua
@@ -6,10 +6,13 @@ if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-map'] = {
     license   = "see context related readme files"
-local match, format, find, concat, gsub = string.match, string.format, string.find, table.concat, string.gsub
+local utf = unicode.utf8
+local match, format, find, concat, gsub, lower = string.match, string.format, string.find, table.concat, string.gsub, string.lower
 local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
+local utfbyte = utf.byte
-local trace_loading = false  trackers.register("otf.loading", function(v) trace_loading = v end)
+local trace_loading    = false  trackers.register("otf.loading",    function(v) trace_loading    = v end)
+local trace_unimapping = false  trackers.register("otf.unimapping", function(v) trace_unimapping = v end)
 local ctxcatcodes = tex and tex.ctxcatcodes
@@ -128,7 +131,7 @@ function, entries, encodings)
     return entries, encodings
+local function load_lum_table(filename)
     local lumname = file.replacesuffix(file.basename(filename),"lum")
     local lumfile = resolvers.find_file(lumname,"map") or ""
     if lumfile ~= "" and lfs.isfile(lumfile) then
@@ -154,7 +157,7 @@ local parser  = unicode + ucode + index
 local parsers = { }
+local function make_name_parser(str)
     if not str or str == "" then
         return parser
@@ -181,7 +184,7 @@ end
 --~ test("index1234")
 --~ test("Japan1.123")
+local function tounicode16(unicode)
     if unicode < 0x10000 then
         return format("%04X",unicode)
@@ -189,7 +192,7 @@ function
+local function tounicode16sequence(unicodes)
     local t = { }
     for l=1,#unicodes do
         local unicode = unicodes[l]
@@ -222,3 +225,149 @@ end
 --~     return s
 --~ end      = load_lum_table    = make_name_parser         = tounicode16 = tounicode16sequence
+local separator   = lpeg.S("_.")
+local other       = lpeg.C((1 - separator)^1)
+local ligsplitter = lpeg.Ct(other * (separator * other)^0)
+--~ print(table.serialize(lpegmatch(ligsplitter,"this")))
+--~ print(table.serialize(lpegmatch(ligsplitter,"this.that")))
+--~ print(table.serialize(lpegmatch(ligsplitter,"japan1.123")))
+--~ print(table.serialize(lpegmatch(ligsplitter,"such_so_more")))
+--~ print(table.serialize(lpegmatch(ligsplitter,"such_so_more.that")))
+ = function(data,filename)
+    local unicodes = data.luatex and data.luatex.unicodes
+    if not unicodes then
+        return
+    end
+    -- we need to move this code
+    unicodes['space']  = unicodes['space']  or 32
+    unicodes['hyphen'] = unicodes['hyphen'] or 45
+    unicodes['zwj']    = unicodes['zwj']    or 0x200D
+    unicodes['zwnj']   = unicodes['zwnj']   or 0x200C
+    -- the tounicode mapping is sparse and only needed for alternatives
+    local tounicode, originals, ns, nl, private, unknown = { }, { }, 0, 0, fonts.private, format("%04X",utfbyte("?"))
+    data.luatex.tounicode, data.luatex.originals = tounicode, originals
+    local lumunic, uparser, oparser
+    if false then -- will become an option
+        lumunic = load_lum_table(filename)
+        lumunic = lumunic and lumunic.tounicode
+    end
+    local cidinfo, cidnames, cidcodes = data.cidinfo
+    local usedmap = cidinfo and cidinfo.usedname
+    usedmap = usedmap and lower(usedmap)
+    usedmap = usedmap and[usedmap]
+    if usedmap then
+        oparser = usedmap and make_name_parser(cidinfo.ordering)
+        cidnames = usedmap.names
+        cidcodes = usedmap.unicodes
+    end
+    uparser = make_name_parser()
+    local aglmap = and
+    for index, glyph in next, data.glyphs do
+        local name, unic =, glyph.unicode or -1 -- play safe
+        if unic == -1 or unic >= private or (unic >= 0xE000 and unic <= 0xF8FF) or unic == 0xFFFE or unic == 0xFFFF then
+            local unicode = (lumunic and lumunic[name]) or (aglmap and aglmap[name])
+            if unicode then
+                originals[index], tounicode[index], ns = unicode, tounicode16(unicode), ns + 1
+            end
+            -- cidmap heuristics, beware, there is no guarantee for a match unless
+            -- the chain resolves
+            if (not unicode) and usedmap then
+                local foundindex = lpegmatch(oparser,name)
+                if foundindex then
+                    unicode = cidcodes[foundindex] -- name to number
+                    if unicode then
+                        originals[index], tounicode[index], ns = unicode, tounicode16(unicode), ns + 1
+                    else
+                        local reference = cidnames[foundindex] -- number to name
+                        if reference then
+                            local foundindex = lpegmatch(oparser,reference)
+                            if foundindex then
+                                unicode = cidcodes[foundindex]
+                                if unicode then
+                                    originals[index], tounicode[index], ns = unicode, tounicode16(unicode), ns + 1
+                                end
+                            end
+                            if not unicode then
+                                local foundcodes, multiple = lpegmatch(uparser,reference)
+                                if foundcodes then
+                                    if multiple then
+                                        originals[index], tounicode[index], nl, unicode = foundcodes, tounicode16sequence(foundcodes), nl + 1, true
+                                    else
+                                        originals[index], tounicode[index], ns, unicode = foundcodes, tounicode16(foundcodes), ns + 1, foundcodes
+                                    end
+                                end
+                            end
+                        end
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+            -- a.whatever or a_b_c.whatever or a_b_c (no numbers)
+            if not unicode then
+                local split = lpegmatch(ligsplitter,name)
+                local nplit = (split and #split) or 0
+                if nplit == 0 then
+                    -- skip
+                elseif nplit == 1 then
+                    local base = split[1]
+                    unicode = unicodes[base] or (aglmap and aglmap[base])
+                    if unicode then
+                        if type(unicode) == "table" then
+                            unicode = unicode[1]
+                        end
+                        originals[index], tounicode[index], ns = unicode, tounicode16(unicode), ns + 1
+                    end
+                else
+                    local t = { }
+                    for l=1,nplit do
+                        local base = split[l]
+                        local u = unicodes[base] or (aglmap and aglmap[base])
+                        if not u then
+                            break
+                        elseif type(u) == "table" then
+                            t[#t+1] = u[1]
+                        else
+                            t[#t+1] = u
+                        end
+                    end
+                    if #t > 0 then -- done then
+                        originals[index], tounicode[index], nl, unicode = t, tounicode16sequence(t), nl + 1, true
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+            -- last resort
+            if not unicode then
+                local foundcodes, multiple = lpegmatch(uparser,name)
+                if foundcodes then
+                    if multiple then
+                        originals[index], tounicode[index], nl, unicode = foundcodes, tounicode16sequence(foundcodes), nl + 1, true
+                    else
+                        originals[index], tounicode[index], ns, unicode = foundcodes, tounicode16(foundcodes), ns + 1, foundcodes
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+            if not unicode then
+                originals[index], tounicode[index] = 0xFFFD, "FFFD"
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    if trace_unimapping then
+        for index, glyph in table.sortedpairs(data.glyphs) do
+            local toun, name, unic = tounicode[index],, glyph.unicode or -1 -- play safe
+            if toun then
+      "load otf","internal: 0x%05X, name: %s, unicode: 0x%05X, tounicode: %s",index,name,unic,toun)
+            else
+      "load otf","internal: 0x%05X, name: %s, unicode: 0x%05X",index,name,unic)
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    if trace_loading and (ns > 0 or nl > 0) then
+"load otf","enhance: %s tounicode entries added (%s ligatures)",nl+ns, ns)
+    end
diff --git a/otfl-font-otf.lua b/otfl-font-otf.lua
index efe1319..94f5dcf 100644
--- a/otfl-font-otf.lua
+++ b/otfl-font-otf.lua
@@ -19,14 +19,10 @@ local trace_features   = false  trackers.register("otf.features",     function(v
 local trace_dynamics   = false  trackers.register("otf.dynamics",     function(v) trace_dynamics     = v end)
 local trace_sequences  = false  trackers.register("otf.sequences",    function(v) trace_sequences    = v end)
 local trace_math       = false  trackers.register("otf.math",         function(v) trace_math         = v end)
-local trace_unimapping = false  trackers.register("otf.unimapping",   function(v) trace_unimapping   = v end)
 local trace_defining   = false  trackers.register("fonts.defining",   function(v) trace_defining     = v end)
 --~ trackers.enable("otf.loading")
-local zwnj = 0x200C
-local zwj  = 0x200D
 <p>The fontforge table has organized lookups in a certain way. A first implementation
 of this code was organized featurewise: information related to features was
@@ -84,7 +80,7 @@ otf.features.default = otf.features.default or { }
 otf.enhancers        = otf.enhancers        or { }
 otf.glists           = { "gsub", "gpos" }
-otf.version          = 2.643 -- beware: also sync font-mis.lua
+otf.version          = 2.645 -- beware: also sync font-mis.lua
 otf.pack             = true  -- beware: also sync font-mis.lua
 otf.syncspace        = true
 otf.notdef           = false
@@ -179,7 +175,7 @@ otf.tables.valid_fields = {
 local function load_featurefile(ff,featurefile)
     if featurefile then
-        featurefile = resolvers.find_file(file.addsuffix(featurefile,'fea')) -- "FONTFEATURES"
+        featurefile = resolvers.find_file(file.addsuffix(featurefile,'fea'),'fea')
         if featurefile and featurefile ~= "" then
             if trace_loading then
       "load otf", "featurefile: %s", featurefile)
@@ -502,145 +498,7 @@ otf.enhancers["analyse marks"] = function(data,filename)
-local separator   = lpeg.S("_.")
-local other       = lpeg.C((1 - separator)^1)
-local ligsplitter = lpeg.Ct(other * (separator * other)^0)
---~ print(table.serialize(lpegmatch(ligsplitter,"this")))
---~ print(table.serialize(lpegmatch(ligsplitter,"this.that")))
---~ print(table.serialize(lpegmatch(ligsplitter,"japan1.123")))
---~ print(table.serialize(lpegmatch(ligsplitter,"such_so_more")))
---~ print(table.serialize(lpegmatch(ligsplitter,"such_so_more.that")))
-otf.enhancers["analyse unicodes"] = function(data,filename)
-    local tounicode16, tounicode16sequence =,
-    local unicodes = data.luatex.unicodes
-    -- we need to move this code
-    unicodes['space']  = unicodes['space']  or 32   -- handly later on
-    unicodes['hyphen'] = unicodes['hyphen'] or 45   -- handly later on
-    unicodes['zwj']    = unicodes['zwj']    or zwj  -- handly later on
-    unicodes['zwnj']   = unicodes['zwnj']   or zwnj -- handly later on
-    -- the tounicode mapping is sparse and only needed for alternatives
-    local tounicode, originals, ns, nl, private, unknown = { }, { }, 0, 0, fonts.private, format("%04X",utfbyte("?"))
-    data.luatex.tounicode, data.luatex.originals = tounicode, originals
-    local lumunic, uparser, oparser
-    if false then -- will become an option
-        lumunic =
-        lumunic = lumunic and lumunic.tounicode
-    end
-    local cidinfo, cidnames, cidcodes = data.cidinfo
-    local usedmap = cidinfo and cidinfo.usedname
-    usedmap = usedmap and lower(usedmap)
-    usedmap = usedmap and[usedmap]
-    if usedmap then
-        oparser = usedmap and
-        cidnames = usedmap.names
-        cidcodes = usedmap.unicodes
-    end
-    uparser =
-    local aglmap = and
-    for index, glyph in next, data.glyphs do
-        local name, unic =, glyph.unicode or -1 -- play safe
-        if unic == -1 or unic >= private or (unic >= 0xE000 and unic <= 0xF8FF) or unic == 0xFFFE or unic == 0xFFFF then
-            local unicode = lumunic and lumunic[name]
-            if unicode then
-                originals[index], tounicode[index], ns = unicode, tounicode16(unicode), ns + 1
-            end
-            -- cidmap heuristics, beware, there is no guarantee for a match unless
-            -- the chain resolves
-            if (not unicode) and usedmap then
-                local foundindex = lpegmatch(oparser,name)
-                if foundindex then
-                    unicode = cidcodes[foundindex] -- name to number
-                    if unicode then
-                        originals[index], tounicode[index], ns = unicode, tounicode16(unicode), ns + 1
-                    else
-                        local reference = cidnames[foundindex] -- number to name
-                        if reference then
-                            local foundindex = lpegmatch(oparser,reference)
-                            if foundindex then
-                                unicode = cidcodes[foundindex]
-                                if unicode then
-                                    originals[index], tounicode[index], ns = unicode, tounicode16(unicode), ns + 1
-                                end
-                            end
-                            if not unicode then
-                                local foundcodes, multiple = lpegmatch(uparser,reference)
-                                if foundcodes then
-                                    if multiple then
-                                        originals[index], tounicode[index], nl, unicode = foundcodes, tounicode16sequence(foundcodes), nl + 1, true
-                                    else
-                                        originals[index], tounicode[index], ns, unicode = foundcodes, tounicode16(foundcodes), ns + 1, foundcodes
-                                    end
-                                end
-                            end
-                        end
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-            -- a.whatever or a_b_c.whatever or a_b_c (no numbers)
-            if not unicode then
-                local split = lpegmatch(ligsplitter,name)
-                local nplit = (split and #split) or 0
-                if nplit == 0 then
-                    -- skip
-                elseif nplit == 1 then
-                    local base = split[1]
-                    unicode = unicodes[base] or (agl and agl[base])
-                    if unicode then
-                        if type(unicode) == "table" then
-                            unicode = unicode[1]
-                        end
-                        originals[index], tounicode[index], ns = unicode, tounicode16(unicode), ns + 1
-                    end
-                else
-                    local t = { }
-                    for l=1,nplit do
-                        local base = split[l]
-                        local u = unicodes[base] or (agl and agl[base])
-                        if not u then
-                            break
-                        elseif type(u) == "table" then
-                            t[#t+1] = u[1]
-                        else
-                            t[#t+1] = u
-                        end
-                    end
-                    if #t > 0 then -- done then
-                        originals[index], tounicode[index], nl, unicode = t, tounicode16sequence(t), nl + 1, true
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-            -- last resort
-            if not unicode then
-                local foundcodes, multiple = lpegmatch(uparser,name)
-                if foundcodes then
-                    if multiple then
-                        originals[index], tounicode[index], nl, unicode = foundcodes, tounicode16sequence(foundcodes), nl + 1, true
-                    else
-                        originals[index], tounicode[index], ns, unicode = foundcodes, tounicode16(foundcodes), ns + 1, foundcodes
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-            if not unicode then
-                originals[index], tounicode[index] = 0xFFFD, "FFFD"
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    if trace_unimapping then
-        for index, glyph in table.sortedpairs(data.glyphs) do
-            local toun, name, unic = tounicode[index],, glyph.unicode or -1 -- play safe
-            if toun then
-      "load otf","internal: 0x%05X, name: %s, unicode: 0x%05X, tounicode: %s",index,name,unic,toun)
-            else
-      "load otf","internal: 0x%05X, name: %s, unicode: 0x%05X",index,name,unic)
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    if trace_loading and (ns > 0 or nl > 0) then
-"load otf","enhance: %s tounicode entries added (%s ligatures)",nl+ns, ns)
-    end
+otf.enhancers["analyse unicodes"] =
 otf.enhancers["analyse subtables"] = function(data,filename)
     data.luatex = data.luatex or { }
@@ -1785,8 +1643,7 @@ function tfm.read_from_open_type(specification)
     local tfmtable = otf.otf_to_tfm(specification)
     if tfmtable then
         local otfdata = tfmtable.shared.otfdata
---KH =
- = specification.specification -- see mpg/luaotfload#3
+ =
         tfmtable.sub = specification.sub
         local s = specification.size
         local m = otfdata.metadata.math
@@ -1837,8 +1694,17 @@ function tfm.read_from_open_type(specification)
                 tfmtable.format = specification.format
---KH = tfmtable.filename or tfmtable.fullname or tfmtable.fontname
-   = or tfmtable.filename or tfmtable.fullname or tfmtable.fontname -- see mpg/luaotfload#3
+   = tfmtable.filename or tfmtable.fullname or tfmtable.fontname
+            if tfm.fontname_mode == "specification" then
+                -- not to be used in context !
+                local specname = specification.specification
+                if specname then
+           = specname
+                    if trace_defining then
+              "define font","overloaded fontname: '%s'",specname)
+                    end
+                end
+            end
diff --git a/otfl-font-tfm.lua b/otfl-font-tfm.lua
index 2f96de4..fd3d8b4 100644
--- a/otfl-font-tfm.lua
+++ b/otfl-font-tfm.lua
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ supplied by <l n='luatex'/>.</p>
 tfm.resolve_vf       = true  -- false
 tfm.share_base_kerns = false -- true (.5 sec slower on mk but brings down mem from 410M to 310M, beware: then script/lang share too)
 tfm.mathactions      = { }
+tfm.fontname_mode    = "fullpath"
 function tfm.enhance(tfmdata,specification)
     local name, size =, specification.size
@@ -874,7 +875,5 @@ fonts.initializers.node.tfm.remap = tfm.remap
 -- status info
 statistics.register("fonts load time", function()
-    if statistics.elapsedindeed(fonts) then
-        return format("%s seconds",statistics.elapsedtime(fonts))
-    end
+    return statistics.elapsedseconds(fonts)
diff --git a/otfl-font-xtx.lua b/otfl-font-xtx.lua
index e7137c5..fd0a474 100644
--- a/otfl-font-xtx.lua
+++ b/otfl-font-xtx.lua
@@ -162,8 +162,6 @@ local function isfile ()    list.lookup = 'file' end
 local function isname ()    list.lookup = 'name' end
 local function thename(s)   = s end
 local function issub  (v)   list.sub    = v end
-local function istrue (s)   list[s]     = 'yes' end
-local function isfalse(s)   list[s]     = nil end -- was no, see mpg/luaotfload#4 --KH
 local function iskey  (k,v)
     if k == "script" then
@@ -171,6 +169,9 @@ local function iskey  (k,v)
     list[k] = v
+local function istrue (s)   list[s]     = true end
+local function isfalse(s)   list[s]     = false end
 local spaces     = lpeg.P(" ")^0
 -- ER: now accepting names like C:/program files/texlive/2009/...
 local namespec   = (lpeg.R("az", "AZ") * lpeg.P(":"))^-1 * (1-lpeg.S("/:("))^1 -- was: (1-lpeg.S("/: ("))^0
@@ -178,11 +179,10 @@ local crapspec   = spaces * lpeg.P("/") * (((1-lpeg.P(":"))^0)/isstyle) * spaces
 -- ER: can't understand why the 'file:' thing doesn't work with fontnames starting by c:...
 local filename   = (lpeg.P("file:")/isfile * (namespec/thename)) + (lpeg.P("[") * lpeg.P(true)/isname * (((1-lpeg.P("]"))^0)/thename) * lpeg.P("]"))
 local fontname   = (lpeg.P("name:")/isname * (namespec/thename)) + lpeg.P(true)/issome * (namespec/thename)
-local sometext   = (lpeg.R("az") + lpeg.R("AZ") + lpeg.R("09"))^1
+local sometext   = (lpeg.R("az","AZ","09") + lpeg.S("+-."))^1
 local truevalue  = lpeg.P("+") * spaces * (sometext/istrue)
 local falsevalue = lpeg.P("-") * spaces * (sometext/isfalse)
-local someval    = (lpeg.S("+-.") + sometext)^1
-local keyvalue   = (lpeg.C(sometext) * spaces * lpeg.P("=") * spaces * lpeg.C(someval))/iskey
+local keyvalue   = (lpeg.C(sometext) * spaces * lpeg.P("=") * spaces * lpeg.C(sometext))/iskey
 local somevalue  = sometext/istrue
 local subvalue   = lpeg.P("(") * (lpeg.C(lpeg.P(1-lpeg.S("()"))^1)/issub) * lpeg.P(")") -- for Kim
 local option     = spaces * (keyvalue + falsevalue + truevalue + somevalue) * spaces
@@ -192,12 +192,6 @@ local pattern    = (filename + fontname) * subvalue^0 * crapspec^0 * options^0
 function fonts.define.specify.colonized(specification) -- xetex mode
     list = { }
-    for k, v in next, list do
-        list[k] = v:is_boolean()
-        if type(list[a]) == "nil" then
-            list[k] = v
-        end
-    end
     if then = = nil
diff --git a/otfl-luat-dum.lua b/otfl-luat-dum.lua
index a81131d..34dd9ed 100644
--- a/otfl-luat-dum.lua
+++ b/otfl-luat-dum.lua
@@ -57,12 +57,13 @@ local remapper = {
     ttf   = "truetype fonts",
     ttc   = "truetype fonts",
     dfont = "truetype dictionary",
-    cid   = "other text files", -- will become "cid files"
+    cid   = "cid maps",
+    fea   = "font feature files",
 function resolvers.find_file(name,kind)
     name = string.gsub(name,"\\","\/")
-    kind = kind and string.lower(kind)
+    kind = string.lower(kind)
     return kpse.find_file(name,(kind and kind ~= "" and (remapper[kind] or kind)) or "tex")
cgit v1.2.3