path: root/src/fontloader/misc/fontloader-font-otr.lua
diff options
authorPhilipp Gesang <>2016-04-11 21:33:01 +0200
committerPhilipp Gesang <>2016-04-11 21:33:05 +0200
commit9f36b1ac422e48e70e11716f5550a833bc8be3f9 (patch)
tree82b202532ee5284c5bc7014811736b7ad30fdb0b /src/fontloader/misc/fontloader-font-otr.lua
parent783e94f44ea39df0ae877b289b999e8f13aaf3da (diff)
[fontloader] sync with Context as of 2016-04-11
After some discussion, Hans came up with these extensions to the new reader. We get access to more items from the hideous “name” table. On the one hand, this means more brokenness to endure and a less sane matter to work with. But since our tracker was devoid of font-matching related bug reports for some time, it’s the right move nonetheless. In addition to the name table junk, the font loader now also includes the “version” field in the output of “getinfo()”. It’s meaningless per se, but it sure helps to distinguish historical bugs from the ones that matter. **UNTESTED**
Diffstat (limited to 'src/fontloader/misc/fontloader-font-otr.lua')
1 files changed, 150 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/src/fontloader/misc/fontloader-font-otr.lua b/src/fontloader/misc/fontloader-font-otr.lua
index 1fc338b..0ad1e19 100644
--- a/src/fontloader/misc/fontloader-font-otr.lua
+++ b/src/fontloader/misc/fontloader-font-otr.lua
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ local function reportskippedtable(tag)
-- We have quite some data tables. We are somewhat ff compatible with names but as I used
--- the information form the microsoft site there can be differences. Eventually I might end
+-- the information from the microsoft site there can be differences. Eventually I might end
-- up with a different ordering and naming.
local reservednames = { [0] =
@@ -163,14 +163,14 @@ local reservednames = { [0] =
"description", -- descriptor in ff
- "venderurl",
+ "vendorurl",
"typographicfamily", -- preffamilyname
"typographicsubfamily", -- prefmodifiers
- "compatiblefullname", -- for mac
+ "compatiblefullname", -- for mac
@@ -244,7 +244,16 @@ local decoders = {
macintosh = { },
iso = { },
windows = {
- ["unicode bmp"] = utf16_to_utf8_be
+ -- maybe always utf16
+ ["unicode semantics"] = utf16_to_utf8_be,
+ ["unicode bmp"] = utf16_to_utf8_be,
+ ["unicode full"] = utf16_to_utf8_be,
+ ["unicode 1.0 semantics"] = utf16_to_utf8_be,
+ ["unicode 1.1 semantics"] = utf16_to_utf8_be,
+ ["unicode 2.0 bmp"] = utf16_to_utf8_be,
+ ["unicode 2.0 full"] = utf16_to_utf8_be,
+ ["unicode variation sequences"] = utf16_to_utf8_be,
+ ["unicode full repertoire"] = utf16_to_utf8_be,
custom = { },
@@ -702,7 +711,17 @@ local panosewidths = {
-- useful information about what we deal with. The complication is that we need
-- to filter the best one available.
+local platformnames = {
+ postscriptname = true,
+ fullname = true,
+ family = true,
+ subfamily = true,
+ typographicfamily = true,
+ typographicsubfamily = true,
+ compatiblefullname = true,
local datatable =
if datatable then
@@ -710,6 +729,7 @@ function,fontdata)
local nofnames = readushort(f)
local offset = readushort(f)
-- we can also provide a raw list as extra, todo as option
+ local start = datatable.offset + offset
local namelists = {
unicode = { },
windows = { },
@@ -738,7 +758,7 @@ function,fontdata)
language = language,
name = name,
length = readushort(f),
- offset = readushort(f),
+ offset = start + readushort(f),
@@ -766,7 +786,6 @@ function,fontdata)
-- we need to choose one we like, for instance an unicode one
- local start = datatable.offset + offset
local names = { }
local done = { }
@@ -783,7 +802,7 @@ function,fontdata)
local encoding = name.encoding
local language = name.language
if (not e or encoding == e) and (not l or language == l) then
- setposition(f,start+name.offset)
+ setposition(f,name.offset)
local content = readstring(f,name.length)
local decoder = decoders[platform]
if decoder then
@@ -812,11 +831,57 @@ function,fontdata)
fontdata.names = names
+ --
+ if specification.platformnames then
+ local collected = { }
+ for platform, namelist in next, namelists do
+ local filtered = false
+ for i=1,#namelist do
+ local entry = namelist[i]
+ local name =
+ if platformnames[name] then
+ setposition(f,entry.offset)
+ local content = readstring(f,entry.length)
+ local encoding = entry.encoding
+ local decoder = decoders[platform]
+ if decoder then
+ decoder = decoder[encoding]
+ end
+ if decoder then
+ content = decoder(content)
+ end
+ if filtered then
+ filtered[name] = content
+ else
+ filtered = { [name] = content }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if filtered then
+ collected[platform] = filtered
+ end
+ end
+ fontdata.platformnames = collected
+ end
fontdata.names = { }
+----- validutf = lpeg.patterns.utf8character^0 * P(-1)
+local validutf = lpeg.patterns.validutf8
+local function getname(fontdata,key)
+ local names = fontdata.names
+ if names then
+ local value = names[key]
+ if value then
+ local content = value.content
+ return lpegmatch(validutf,content) and content or nil
+ end
+ end
-- This table is an original windows (with its precursor os/2) table. In ff this one is
-- part of the pfminfo table but here we keep it separate (for now). We will create a
-- properties table afterwards.
@@ -1733,69 +1798,69 @@ otf.unpackoutlines = unpackoutlines
-- some properties in order to read following tables. When details is true we also
-- initialize the glyphs data.
------ validutf = lpeg.patterns.utf8character^0 * P(-1)
-local validutf = lpeg.patterns.validutf8
-local function getname(fontdata,key)
- local names = fontdata.names
- if names then
- local value = names[key]
- if value then
- local content = value.content
- return lpegmatch(validutf,content) and content or nil
- end
- end
-local function getinfo(maindata,sub)
+local function getinfo(maindata,sub,platformnames)
local fontdata = sub and maindata.subfonts and maindata.subfonts[sub] or maindata
- local names = fontdata.names
+ local names = fontdata.names
+ local info = nil
if names then
- local metrics = fontdata.windowsmetrics or { }
- local postscript = fontdata.postscript or { }
- local fontheader = fontdata.fontheader or { }
- local cffinfo = fontdata.cffinfo or { }
- local filename = fontdata.filename
- local weight = getname(fontdata,"weight") or cffinfo.weight or metrics.weight
- local width = getname(fontdata,"width") or cffinfo.width or metrics.width
- return { -- we inherit some inconsistencies/choices from ff
- subfontindex = fontdata.subfontindex or sub or 0,
- -- filename = filename,
- -- version = name("version"),
- -- format = fontdata.format,
- fontname = getname(fontdata,"postscriptname"),
- fullname = getname(fontdata,"fullname"), -- or file.nameonly(filename)
- familyname = getname(fontdata,"typographicfamily") or getname(fontdata,"family"),
- subfamily = getname(fontdata,"subfamily"),
- modifiers = getname(fontdata,"typographicsubfamily"),
- weight = weight and lower(weight),
- width = width and lower(width),
- pfmweight = metrics.weightclass or 400, -- will become weightclass
- pfmwidth = metrics.widthclass or 5, -- will become widthclass
- panosewidth = metrics.panosewidth,
- panoseweight = metrics.panoseweight,
- italicangle = postscript.italicangle or 0,
- units = fontheader.units or 0,
- designsize = fontdata.designsize,
- minsize = fontdata.minsize,
- maxsize = fontdata.maxsize,
- monospaced = (tonumber(postscript.monospaced or 0) > 0) or metrics.panosewidth == "monospaced",
- averagewidth = metrics.averagewidth,
- xheight = metrics.xheight,
- ascender = metrics.typoascender,
- descender = metrics.typodescender,
+ local metrics = fontdata.windowsmetrics or { }
+ local postscript = fontdata.postscript or { }
+ local fontheader = fontdata.fontheader or { }
+ local cffinfo = fontdata.cffinfo or { }
+ local filename = fontdata.filename
+ local weight = getname(fontdata,"weight") or cffinfo.weight or metrics.weight
+ local width = getname(fontdata,"width") or cffinfo.width or metrics.width
+ local fontname = getname(fontdata,"postscriptname")
+ local fullname = getname(fontdata,"fullname")
+ local family = getname(fontdata,"family")
+ local subfamily = getname(fontdata,"subfamily")
+ local familyname = getname(fontdata,"typographicfamily") or family
+ local subfamilyname = getname(fontdata,"typographicsubfamily") or subfamily
+ local compatiblename = getname(fontdata,"compatiblefullname")
+ info = { -- we inherit some inconsistencies/choices from ff
+ subfontindex = fontdata.subfontindex or sub or 0,
+ -- filename = filename,
+ version = getname(fontdata,"version"),
+ -- format = fontdata.format,
+ fontname = fontname,
+ fullname = fullname,
+ family = family,
+ subfamily = subfamily,
+ familyname = familyname,
+ subfamilyname = subfamilyname,
+ compatiblename = compatiblename,
+ weight = weight and lower(weight),
+ width = width and lower(width),
+ pfmweight = metrics.weightclass or 400, -- will become weightclass
+ pfmwidth = metrics.widthclass or 5, -- will become widthclass
+ panosewidth = metrics.panosewidth,
+ panoseweight = metrics.panoseweight,
+ italicangle = postscript.italicangle or 0,
+ units = fontheader.units or 0,
+ designsize = fontdata.designsize,
+ minsize = fontdata.minsize,
+ maxsize = fontdata.maxsize,
+ monospaced = (tonumber(postscript.monospaced or 0) > 0) or metrics.panosewidth == "monospaced",
+ averagewidth = metrics.averagewidth,
+ xheight = metrics.xheight,
+ capheight = metrics.capheight, -- not always present and probably crap
+ ascender = metrics.typoascender,
+ descender = metrics.typodescender,
+ platformnames = platformnames and fontdata.platformnames or nil,
elseif n then
- return {
+ info = {
filename = fontdata.filename,
comment = "there is no info for subfont " .. n,
- return {
+ info = {
filename = fontdata.filename,
comment = "there is no info",
+ -- inspect(info)
+ return info
local function loadtables(f,specification,offset)
@@ -1870,6 +1935,7 @@ local function readdata(f,offset,specification)
+ --
@@ -1989,7 +2055,10 @@ local function loadfont(specification,n)
specification.details = true
if specification.details then
- = true
+ = true -- not really used any more
+ end
+ if specification.platformnames then
+ specification.platformnames = true -- not really used any more
local function message(str)
report("fatal error in file %a: %s\n%s",specification.filename,str,debug.traceback())
@@ -2043,7 +2112,7 @@ function readers.loadfont(filename,n)
descriptions = fontdata.descriptions,
format = fontdata.format,
goodies = { },
- metadata = getinfo(fontdata,n),
+ metadata = getinfo(fontdata,n), -- no platformnames here !
properties = {
hasitalics = fontdata.hasitalics or false,
@@ -2067,27 +2136,38 @@ function readers.loadfont(filename,n)
-function readers.getinfo(filename,n,details)
+function readers.getinfo(filename,specification) -- string, nil|number|table
+ -- platformnames is optional and not used by context (a too unpredictable mess
+ -- that only add to the confusion) .. so it's only for checking things
+ local subfont = nil
+ local platformname = false
+ if type(specification) == "table" then
+ subfont = tonumber(specification.subfont)
+ platformnames = specification.platformnames
+ else
+ subfont = tonumber(specification)
+ end
local fontdata = loadfont {
- filename = filename,
- details = true,
+ filename = filename,
+ details = true,
+ platformnames = platformnames,
if fontdata then
local subfonts = fontdata.subfonts
if not subfonts then
- return getinfo(fontdata)
- elseif type(n) ~= "number" then
+ return getinfo(fontdata,nil,platformnames)
+ elseif not subfont then
local info = { }
for i=1,#subfonts do
- info[i] = getinfo(fontdata,i)
+ info[i] = getinfo(fontdata,i,platformnames)
return info
- elseif n > 1 and n <= subfonts then
- return getinfo(fontdata,n)
+ elseif subfont > 1 and subfont <= #subfonts then
+ return getinfo(fontdata,subfont,platformnames)
return {
filename = filename,
- comment = "there is no subfont " .. n .. " in this file"
+ comment = "there is no subfont " .. subfont .. " in this file"