path: root/src/fontloader/misc/fontloader-font-con.lua
diff options
authorPhilipp Gesang <>2016-07-30 11:08:03 +0200
committerPhilipp Gesang <>2016-07-30 11:08:07 +0200
commit35b2a3dcf659cafd035db36393bd178bced1dabd (patch)
tree8defd408c4f9630be8503b14d5c3a364b08f23aa /src/fontloader/misc/fontloader-font-con.lua
parentd37cfaf8b6bd3e82c8220d385e5da53793f332e1 (diff)
[fontloader] sync with Context as of 2016-07-30
Hans appears to have heard our pleas =)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/fontloader/misc/fontloader-font-con.lua')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/src/fontloader/misc/fontloader-font-con.lua b/src/fontloader/misc/fontloader-font-con.lua
index 9a6f3f8..931e4e7 100644
--- a/src/fontloader/misc/fontloader-font-con.lua
+++ b/src/fontloader/misc/fontloader-font-con.lua
@@ -12,9 +12,10 @@ local next, tostring, rawget = next, tostring, rawget
local format, match, lower, gsub, find = string.format, string.match, string.lower, string.gsub, string.find
local sort, insert, concat, sortedkeys, serialize, fastcopy = table.sort, table.insert, table.concat, table.sortedkeys, table.serialize, table.fastcopy
local derivetable = table.derive
+local ioflush = io.flush
-local trace_defining = false trackers.register("fonts.defining", function(v) trace_defining = v end)
-local trace_scaling = false trackers.register("fonts.scaling" , function(v) trace_scaling = v end)
+local trace_defining = false trackers.register("fonts.defining", function(v) trace_defining = v end)
+local trace_scaling = false trackers.register("fonts.scaling", function(v) trace_scaling = v end)
local report_defining = logs.reporter("fonts","defining")
@@ -1086,146 +1087,269 @@ setmetatableindex(formats, function(t,k)
return rawget(t,file.suffix(l))
-local locations = { }
-local function setindeed(mode,target,group,name,action,position)
- local t = target[mode]
- if not t then
- report_defining("fatal error in setting feature %a, group %a, mode %a",name,group,mode)
- os.exit()
- elseif position then
- -- todo: remove existing
- insert(t, position, { name = name, action = action })
- else
- for i=1,#t do
- local ti = t[i]
- if == name then
- ti.action = action
- return
+ local function setindeed(mode,target,group,name,action,position)
+ local t = target[mode]
+ if not t then
+ report_defining("fatal error in setting feature %a, group %a, mode %a",name,group,mode)
+ os.exit()
+ elseif position then
+ -- todo: remove existing
+ insert(t, position, { name = name, action = action })
+ else
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local ti = t[i]
+ if == name then
+ ti.action = action
+ return
+ end
+ insert(t, { name = name, action = action })
- insert(t, { name = name, action = action })
- end
-local function set(group,name,target,source)
- target = target[group]
- if not target then
- report_defining("fatal target error in setting feature %a, group %a",name,group)
- os.exit()
- end
- local source = source[group]
- if not source then
- report_defining("fatal source error in setting feature %a, group %a",name,group)
- os.exit()
- end
- local node = source.node
- local base = source.base
- local position = source.position
- if node then
- setindeed("node",target,group,name,node,position)
- if base then
- setindeed("base",target,group,name,base,position)
- end
-local function register(where,specification)
- local name =
- if name and name ~= "" then
- local default = specification.default
- local description = specification.description
- local initializers = specification.initializers
- local processors = specification.processors
- local manipulators = specification.manipulators
- local modechecker = specification.modechecker
- if default then
- where.defaults[name] = default
+ local function set(group,name,target,source)
+ target = target[group]
+ if not target then
+ report_defining("fatal target error in setting feature %a, group %a",name,group)
+ os.exit()
- if description and description ~= "" then
- where.descriptions[name] = description
+ local source = source[group]
+ if not source then
+ report_defining("fatal source error in setting feature %a, group %a",name,group)
+ os.exit()
- if initializers then
- set('initializers',name,where,specification)
+ local node = source.node
+ local base = source.base
+ local position = source.position
+ if node then
+ setindeed("node",target,group,name,node,position)
- if processors then
- set('processors', name,where,specification)
- end
- if manipulators then
- set('manipulators',name,where,specification)
+ if base then
+ setindeed("base",target,group,name,base,position)
- if modechecker then
- where.modechecker = modechecker
+ end
+ local function register(where,specification)
+ local name =
+ if name and name ~= "" then
+ local default = specification.default
+ local description = specification.description
+ local initializers = specification.initializers
+ local processors = specification.processors
+ local manipulators = specification.manipulators
+ local modechecker = specification.modechecker
+ if default then
+ where.defaults[name] = default
+ end
+ if description and description ~= "" then
+ where.descriptions[name] = description
+ end
+ if initializers then
+ set('initializers',name,where,specification)
+ end
+ if processors then
+ set('processors', name,where,specification)
+ end
+ if manipulators then
+ set('manipulators',name,where,specification)
+ end
+ if modechecker then
+ where.modechecker = modechecker
+ end
-constructors.registerfeature = register
-function constructors.getfeatureaction(what,where,mode,name)
- what = handlers[what].features
- if what then
- where = what[where]
- if where then
- mode = where[mode]
- if mode then
- for i=1,#mode do
- local m = mode[i]
- if == name then
- return m.action
+ constructors.registerfeature = register
+ function constructors.getfeatureaction(what,where,mode,name)
+ what = handlers[what].features
+ if what then
+ where = what[where]
+ if where then
+ mode = where[mode]
+ if mode then
+ for i=1,#mode do
+ local m = mode[i]
+ if == name then
+ return m.action
+ end
+ local newfeatures = { }
+ constructors.newfeatures = newfeatures -- downward compatible
+ constructors.features = newfeatures
+ local function setnewfeatures(what)
+ local handler = handlers[what]
+ local features = handler.features
+ if not features then
+ local tables = handler.tables -- can be preloaded
+ local statistics = handler.statistics -- can be preloaded
+ features = allocate {
+ defaults = { },
+ descriptions = tables and tables.features or { },
+ used = statistics and statistics.usedfeatures or { },
+ initializers = { base = { }, node = { } },
+ processors = { base = { }, node = { } },
+ manipulators = { base = { }, node = { } },
+ }
+ features.register = function(specification) return register(features,specification) end
+ handler.features = features -- will also become hidden
+ end
+ return features
+ end
+ setmetatable(newfeatures, {
+ __call = function(t,k) local v = t[k] return v end,
+ __index = function(t,k) local v = setnewfeatures(k) t[k] = v return v end,
+ })
-local newhandler = { }
-constructors.handlers = newhandler -- downward compatible
-constructors.newhandler = newhandler
-local function setnewhandler(what) -- could be a metatable newindex
- local handler = handlers[what]
- if not handler then
- handler = { }
- handlers[what] = handler
+ local newhandler = { }
+ constructors.handlers = newhandler -- downward compatible
+ constructors.newhandler = newhandler
+ local function setnewhandler(what) -- could be a metatable newindex
+ local handler = handlers[what]
+ if not handler then
+ handler = { }
+ handlers[what] = handler
+ end
+ return handler
- return handler
+ setmetatable(newhandler, {
+ __call = function(t,k) local v = t[k] return v end,
+ __index = function(t,k) local v = setnewhandler(k) t[k] = v return v end,
+ })
-setmetatable(newhandler, {
- __call = function(t,k) local v = t[k] return v end,
- __index = function(t,k) local v = setnewhandler(k) t[k] = v return v end,
-local newfeatures = { }
-constructors.newfeatures = newfeatures -- downward compatible
-constructors.features = newfeatures
-local function setnewfeatures(what)
- local handler = handlers[what]
- local features = handler.features
- if not features then
- local tables = handler.tables -- can be preloaded
- local statistics = handler.statistics -- can be preloaded
- features = allocate {
- defaults = { },
- descriptions = tables and tables.features or { },
- used = statistics and statistics.usedfeatures or { },
- initializers = { base = { }, node = { } },
- processors = { base = { }, node = { } },
- manipulators = { base = { }, node = { } },
- }
- features.register = function(specification) return register(features,specification) end
- handler.features = features -- will also become hidden
+ -- a pitty that we need to be generic as we have nicer mechanisms for this ...
+ local newenhancer = { }
+ constructors.enhancers = newenhancer
+ constructors.newenhancer = newenhancer
+ local function setnewenhancer(format)
+ local handler = handlers[format]
+ local enhancers = handler.enhancers
+ if not enhancers then
+ local actions = allocate()
+ local before = allocate()
+ local after = allocate()
+ local order = allocate()
+ local patches = { before = before, after = after }
+ local trace = false
+ local report = logs.reporter("fonts",format .. " enhancing")
+ trackers.register(format .. ".loading", function(v) trace = v end)
+ local function enhance(name,data,filename,raw)
+ local enhancer = actions[name]
+ if enhancer then
+ if trace then
+ report("apply enhancement %a to file %a",name,filename)
+ ioflush()
+ end
+ enhancer(data,filename,raw)
+ else
+ -- no message as we can have private ones
+ end
+ end
+ local function apply(data,filename,raw)
+ local basename = file.basename(lower(filename))
+ if trace then
+ report("%s enhancing file %a","start",filename)
+ end
+ ioflush() -- we want instant messages
+ for e=1,#order do
+ local enhancer = order[e]
+ local b = before[enhancer]
+ if b then
+ for pattern, action in next, b do
+ if find(basename,pattern) then
+ action(data,filename,raw)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ enhance(enhancer,data,filename,raw)
+ local a = after[enhancer]
+ if a then
+ for pattern, action in next, a do
+ if find(basename,pattern) then
+ action(data,filename,raw)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ioflush() -- we want instant messages
+ end
+ if trace then
+ report("%s enhancing file %a","stop",filename)
+ end
+ ioflush() -- we want instant messages
+ end
+ local function register(what,action)
+ if action then
+ if actions[what] then
+ -- overloading, e.g."check extra features"
+ else
+ order[#order+1] = what
+ end
+ actions[what] = action
+ else
+ report("bad enhancer %a",what)
+ end
+ end
+ -- fonts.constructors.otf.enhancers.patch("before","migrate metadata","cambria",function() end)
+ local function patch(what,where,pattern,action)
+ local pw = patches[what]
+ if pw then
+ local ww = pw[where]
+ if ww then
+ ww[pattern] = action
+ else
+ pw[where] = { [pattern] = action}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ enhancers = {
+ register = register,
+ apply = apply,
+ patch = patch,
+ patches = { register = patch }, -- for old times sake
+ }
+ handler.enhancers = enhancers
+ end
+ return enhancers
- return features
-setmetatable(newfeatures, {
- __call = function(t,k) local v = t[k] return v end,
- __index = function(t,k) local v = setnewfeatures(k) t[k] = v return v end,
+ setmetatable(newenhancer, {
+ __call = function(t,k) local v = t[k] return v end,
+ __index = function(t,k) local v = setnewenhancer(k) t[k] = v return v end,
+ })
<p>We need to check for default features. For this we provide