path: root/mktests
diff options
authorPhilipp Gesang <>2013-08-28 10:25:45 +0200
committerPhilipp Gesang <>2013-08-28 10:25:45 +0200
commit4dd4ee4df065d2681486259bf59dbac8136ead53 (patch)
tree260d24223858b05b6a1d8eab52709f5f2bc3736c /mktests
parent9cdb67a33868357cdfbdf15220e864f4370f4a7c (diff)
[tests] check resolving of styles
Diffstat (limited to 'mktests')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/mktests b/mktests
index 50402cc..cf53626 100755
--- a/mktests
+++ b/mktests
@@ -78,30 +78,51 @@ local infer_regular_style = {
{ "DejaVu Sans", "DejaVuSans.ttf" },
{ "Adobe Garamond Pro", "agaramondpro_regular.otf" },
{ "Garamond Premier Pro", "GaramondPremrPro-Capt.otf" },
+ { "CMU Serif", "cmunrm.otf" },
+ { "CMU Sans Serif", "cmunss.otf" },
local choose_optical_size = {
- { { name = "Latin Modern Roman", optsize = 0 }, "lmroman5-regular.otf" },
- { { name = "Latin Modern Roman", optsize = 10 }, "lmroman10-regular.otf" },
- { { name = "Latin Modern Roman", optsize = 12 }, "lmroman12-regular.otf" },
- { { name = "Latin Modern Roman", optsize = 42 }, "lmroman17-regular.otf" },
- { { name = "EB Garamond", optsize = 0 }, "EBGaramond08-Regular.otf" },
- { { name = "EB Garamond", optsize = 8 }, "EBGaramond08-Regular.otf" },
- { { name = "EB Garamond", optsize = 12 }, "EBGaramond12-Regular.otf" },
- { { name = "EB Garamond", optsize = 42 }, "EBGaramond12-Regular.otf" },
+ { { name = "Latin Modern Roman", optsize = 0 }, "lmroman5-regular.otf" },
+ { { name = "Latin Modern Roman", optsize = 10 }, "lmroman10-regular.otf" },
+ { { name = "Latin Modern Roman", optsize = 12 }, "lmroman12-regular.otf" },
+ { { name = "Latin Modern Roman", optsize = 42 }, "lmroman17-regular.otf" },
+ { { name = "EB Garamond", optsize = 0 }, "EBGaramond08-Regular.otf" },
+ { { name = "EB Garamond", optsize = 8 }, "EBGaramond08-Regular.otf" },
+ { { name = "EB Garamond", optsize = 12 }, "EBGaramond12-Regular.otf" },
+ { { name = "EB Garamond", optsize = 42 }, "EBGaramond12-Regular.otf" },
{ { name = "Garamond Premier Pro", optsize = 0 }, "GaramondPremrPro-Capt.otf" },
- { { name = "Garamond Premier Pro", optsize = 10 }, "GaramondPremrPro.otf" },
+ { { name = "Garamond Premier Pro", optsize = 10 }, "GaramondPremrPro.otf" },
{ { name = "Garamond Premier Pro", optsize = 15 }, "GaramondPremrPro-Subh.otf" },
{ { name = "Garamond Premier Pro", optsize = 42 }, "GaramondPremrPro-Disp.otf" },
+local choose_style = {
+ { { name = "DejaVu Sans", style = "regular" }, "DejaVuSans.ttf" },
+ { { name = "DejaVu Sans", style = "italic" }, "DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf" },
+ { { name = "DejaVu Sans", style = "bold" }, "DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf" },
+ { { name = "DejaVu Sans", style = "bolditalic" }, "DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf" },
+ { { name = "Linux Libertine O", style = "regular" }, "LinLibertine_R.otf" },
+ { { name = "Linux Libertine O", style = "italic" }, "LinLibertine_RI.otf" },
+ { { name = "Linux Libertine O", style = "bold" }, "LinLibertine_RB.otf" },
+ { { name = "Linux Libertine O", style = "bolditalic" }, "LinLibertine_RBI.otf" },
+ { { name = "Liberation Serif", style = "regular" }, "LiberationSerif-Regular.ttf" },
+ { { name = "Liberation Serif", style = "italic" }, "LiberationSerif-Italic.ttf" },
+ { { name = "Liberation Serif", style = "bold" }, "LiberationSerif-Bold.ttf" },
+ { { name = "Liberation Serif", style = "bolditalic" }, "LiberationSerif-BoldItalic.ttf" },
+ { { name = "CMU Sans Serif", style = "regular" }, "cmunss.otf" }, -- no “regular” but “medium”
+ { { name = "CMU Sans Serif", style = "italic" }, "cmunsi.otf" }, -- no “italic” but “oblique”
+ { { name = "CMU Sans Serif", style = "bold" }, "cmunsx.otf" },
+ { { name = "CMU Sans Serif", style = "bolditalic" }, "cmunso.otf" },
--- this needs a database built with --formats=+pfa,pfb,afm
local resolve_t1_font = {
- { { name = "URW Gothic L", style = "regular" }, "uagk8a.pfb" },
- { { name = "URW Gothic L", style = "italic" }, "uagko8a.pfb" },
- { { name = "URW Gothic L", style = "bold" }, "uagd8a.pfb" },
- { { name = "URW Gothic L", style = "bolditalic" }, "uagdo8a.pfb" },
+ { { name = "URW Gothic L", style = "regular" }, "uagk8a.pfb" },
+ { { name = "URW Gothic L", style = "italic" }, "uagko8a.pfb" },
+ { { name = "URW Gothic L", style = "bold" }, "uagd8a.pfb" },
+ { { name = "URW Gothic L", style = "bolditalic" }, "uagdo8a.pfb" },
{ { name = "Century Schoolbook L", style = "regular" }, "uncr8a.pfb" },
{ { name = "Century Schoolbook L", style = "italic" }, "uncri8a.pfb" },
{ { name = "Century Schoolbook L", style = "bold" }, "uncb8a.pfb" },
@@ -115,6 +136,7 @@ local resolve_t1_font = {
local font_name_tests = {
+ choose_style,