diff options
authorPhilipp Gesang <>2014-12-09 00:33:39 +0100
committerPhilipp Gesang <>2014-12-09 00:33:39 +0100
commit56d99fef8a1ec03daa1921aab018ebf104c64c99 (patch)
parent3cf2dcca26bee734bc2ba867ff5709af712c8df0 (diff)
[scripts] add early draft of import helper
1 files changed, 321 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/mkimport b/scripts/mkimport
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0e7410
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/mkimport
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env texlua
+-- FILE: mkimport.lua
+-- USAGE: ./mkimport.lua
+-- DESCRIPTION: check luaotfload imports against Context
+-- REQUIREMENTS: luatex, the lualibs package, Context MkIV
+-- AUTHOR: Philipp Gesang (Phg), <>
+-- VERSION: 42
+-- CREATED: 2014-12-08 22:36:15+0100
+--- - Facilitate detecting changes in the fontloader source.
+--- - Assist in updating source code and (partially) automate importing.
+--- - Account for files in the plain fontloader distribution, alert in case of
+--- additions or deletions.
+kpse.set_program_name "luatex"
+local lfs = require "lfs"
+local md5 = require "md5"
+require "lualibs"
+local ioloaddata = io.loaddata
+local iowrite = io.write
+local md5sumhexa = md5.sumhexa
+local stringformat = string.format
+-- config
+local context_root = "/home/phg/context/tex/texmf-context"
+local our_prefix = "fontloader"
+local fontloader_subdir = "src/fontloader"
+local paths = {
+ context = "tex/context/base",
+ fontloader = "tex/generic/context/luatex",
+local prefixes = {
+ context = nil,
+ fontloader = "luatex",
+-- helpers
+local die = function (...)
+ io.stderr:write "[fatal error]: "
+ io.stderr:write (stringformat (...))
+ io.stderr:write "\naborting.\n"
+ os.exit (1)
+local emphasis = function (txt)
+ return stringformat("\x1b[1m%s\x1b[0m", txt)
+local msg = function (...)
+ iowrite (stringformat (...))
+ iowrite "\n"
+local good_tag = stringformat("[\x1b[1;30;%dmgood\x1b[0m] · ", 42)
+local bad_tag = stringformat("[\x1b[1;30;%dmBAD\x1b[0m] · ", 41)
+local alert_tag = stringformat("[\x1b[1;%dmalert\x1b[0m] · " , 36)
+local good = function (...)
+ local msg = (stringformat (...))
+ iowrite (good_tag)
+ iowrite (msg)
+ iowrite "\n"
+local bad = function (...)
+ local msg = (stringformat (...))
+ iowrite (bad_tag)
+ iowrite (msg)
+ iowrite "\n"
+local attention = function (...)
+ local msg = (stringformat (...))
+ iowrite (alert_tag)
+ iowrite (msg)
+ iowrite "\n"
+-- definitions
+--- Accounting of upstream files. There are different categories:
+--- · *essential*: Files required at runtime.
+--- · *merged*: Files merged into the fontloader package.
+--- · *ignored*: Lua files not merged, but part of the format.
+--- · *tex*: TeX code, i.e. format and examples.
+--- · *lualibs*: Files merged, but also provided by the Lualibs package.
+local imports = {
+ fontloader = {
+ { name = "basics-gen" , ours = nil , kind = "essential" },
+ { name = "basics-nod" , ours = nil , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "basics" , ours = nil , kind = "tex" },
+ { name = "fonts-cbk" , ours = nil , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "fonts-def" , ours = nil , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "fonts-demo-vf-1" , ours = nil , kind = "ignored" },
+ { name = "fonts-enc" , ours = nil , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "fonts-ext" , ours = nil , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "fonts-inj" , ours = nil , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "fonts-lua" , ours = nil , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "fonts-merged" , ours = "fontloader" , kind = "essential" },
+ { name = "fonts-ota" , ours = nil , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "fonts-otn" , ours = nil , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "fonts" , ours = nil , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "fonts" , ours = nil , kind = "tex" },
+ { name = "fonts-syn" , ours = nil , kind = "ignored" },
+ { name = "fonts-tfm" , ours = nil , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "languages" , ours = nil , kind = "ignored" },
+ { name = "languages" , ours = nil , kind = "tex" },
+ { name = "math" , ours = nil , kind = "ignored" },
+ { name = "math" , ours = nil , kind = "tex" },
+ { name = "mplib" , ours = nil , kind = "ignored" },
+ { name = "mplib" , ours = nil , kind = "tex" },
+ { name = "plain" , ours = nil , kind = "tex" },
+ { name = "preprocessor" , ours = nil , kind = "ignored" },
+ { name = "preprocessor" , ours = nil , kind = "tex" },
+ { name = "preprocessor-test" , ours = nil , kind = "tex" },
+ { name = "swiglib" , ours = nil , kind = "ignored" },
+ { name = "swiglib" , ours = nil , kind = "tex" },
+ { name = "swiglib-test" , ours = nil , kind = "ignored" },
+ { name = "swiglib-test" , ours = nil , kind = "tex" },
+ { name = "test" , ours = nil , kind = "tex" },
+ }, --[[ [fontloader] ]]
+ context = { --=> all merged
+ { name = "data-con" , ours = "data-con" , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "font-afk" , ours = "font-afk" , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "font-afm" , ours = "font-afm" , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "font-cid" , ours = "font-cid" , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "font-con" , ours = "font-con" , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "font-def" , ours = "font-def" , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "font-ini" , ours = "font-ini" , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "font-map" , ours = "font-map" , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "font-otb" , ours = "font-otb" , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "font-otf" , ours = "font-otf" , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "font-oti" , ours = "font-oti" , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "font-otp" , ours = "font-otp" , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "font-tfm" , ours = "font-tfm" , kind = "merged" },
+ { name = "l-boolean" , ours = "l-boolean" , kind = "lualibs" },
+ { name = "l-file" , ours = "l-file" , kind = "lualibs" },
+ { name = "l-function" , ours = "l-function" , kind = "lualibs" },
+ { name = "l-io" , ours = "l-io" , kind = "lualibs" },
+ { name = "l-lpeg" , ours = "l-lpeg" , kind = "lualibs" },
+ { name = "l-lua" , ours = "l-lua" , kind = "lualibs" },
+ { name = "l-math" , ours = "l-math" , kind = "lualibs" },
+ { name = "l-string" , ours = "l-string" , kind = "lualibs" },
+ { name = "l-table" , ours = "l-table" , kind = "lualibs" },
+ { name = "util-str" , ours = "util-str" , kind = "lualibs" },
+ }, --[[ [context] ]]
+} --[[ [imports] ]]
+local hash_file = function (fname)
+ if not lfs.isfile (fname) then
+ die ("cannot find %s.", fname)
+ end
+ local raw = ioloaddata (fname)
+ if not raw then
+ die ("cannot read from %s.", fname)
+ end
+ return md5sumhexa (raw)
+local derive_category_path = function (cat)
+ local subpath = paths[cat] or die ("category " .. cat .. " unknown")
+ local location = file.join (context_root, subpath)
+ if not lfs.isdir (location) then
+ die ("invalid base path defined for category "
+ .. cat .. " at " .. location)
+ end
+ return location
+local derive_fullname = function (cat, name, kind)
+ local tmp = prefixes[cat]
+ tmp = tmp and tmp .. "-" .. name or name
+ return tmp .. (kind == "tex" and ".tex" or ".lua")
+local derive_ourname = function (name)
+ return our_prefix .. "-" .. name .. ".lua"
+local is_readable = function (f)
+ local fh = (f, "r")
+ if fh then
+ fh:close()
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+local summarize_news = function (status)
+ local ni = #status.import
+ local nc = #status.create
+ local ng = #status.good
+ local nm = #status.missing
+ msg "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
+ msg ("Summary: Inspected %d files.", ni + nc + ng + nm)
+ msg "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
+ if ng > 0 then good ("%d are up to date", ng) end
+ if ni > 0 then attention ("%d changed" , ni) end
+ if nc > 0 then attention ("%d new" , nc) end
+ if nm > 0 then bad ("%d missing" , nm) end
+ msg "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
+ if nm == 0 and nc == 0 and ni == 0 then
+ return 0
+ end
+ return -1
+local news = function ()
+ local status = {
+ import = { },
+ good = { },
+ create = { },
+ missing = { },
+ }
+ for cat, entries in next, imports do
+ local location = derive_category_path (cat)
+ local nfiles = #entries
+ for i = 1, nfiles do
+ local def = entries[i]
+ local name =
+ local ours = def.ours
+ local kind = def.kind
+ local fullname = derive_fullname (cat, name, kind)
+ local fullpath = file.join (location, fullname)
+ local ourname = derive_ourname (ours or name)
+ local ourpath = file.join (fontloader_subdir, ourname) -- relative
+ local imported = false
+ if not is_readable (fullpath) then
+ bad ("source for file %s not found at %s",
+ emphasis (ourname),
+ emphasis (fullpath))
+ status.missing[#status.missing + 1] = ourname
+ else
+ --- Source file exists and is readable.
+ if not lfs.isdir (fontloader_subdir) then
+ die ("path for fontloader tree ("
+ .. fontloader_subdir .. ") is not a directory")
+ end
+ if is_readable (ourpath) then imported = true end
+ local src_hash = hash_file (fullpath)
+ local dst_hash = imported and hash_file (ourpath)
+ local same = src_hash == dst_hash -- same!
+ if same then
+ good ("file %s unchanged", emphasis (ourname))
+ status.good[#status.good + 1] = ourname
+ elseif not dst_hash then
+ attention ("new file %s requires import from %s",
+ emphasis (ourname),
+ emphasis (fullpath))
+ status.create[#status.create + 1] = ourname
+ else --- src and dst exist but differ
+ attention ("file %s requires import", emphasis (ourname))
+ status.import[#status.import + 1] = ourname
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return summarize_news (status)
+local job_kind = table.mirrored {
+ news = news,
+ import = function () end,
+ tell = function () end,
+-- functionality
+--- job_kind -> bool
+local check_job = function (j)
+ return job_kind[j]
+-- entry point
+local main = function ()
+ local job = arg[1] or "news"
+ local runner = check_job (job)
+ if not runner then die ("invalid job type “" .. job .. "”.") end
+ return runner(arg)
+os.exit (main ())
+--- vim:ft=lua:ts=2:et:sw=2