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authorPhilipp Gesang <>2013-09-01 21:02:18 +0200
committerPhilipp Gesang <>2013-09-01 21:02:18 +0200
commit6ad39d6f1f45b088173312493f7b3b42eb71979a (patch)
parent1f8bcae1bfd697adf582d2a6c1add145eb304f9b (diff)
[db] add post-build statistics
2 files changed, 141 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/luaotfload-database.lua b/luaotfload-database.lua
index b331629..475d361 100644
--- a/luaotfload-database.lua
+++ b/luaotfload-database.lua
@@ -1304,7 +1304,8 @@ local organize_namedata = function (metadata,
english = {
--- where a “compatfull” field is given, the value of “fullname” is
--- either identical or differs by separating the style
- --- with a hyphen and omitting spaces.
+ --- with a hyphen and omitting spaces. (According to the
+ --- spec, “compatfull” is “Macintosh only”.)
--- Of the three “fullname” fields, this one appears to be the one
--- with the entire name given in a legible,
--- non-abbreviated fashion, for most fonts at any rate.
@@ -1547,7 +1548,7 @@ local compare_timestamps = function (fullname,
if targetentrystatus ~= nil
and targetentrystatus.timestamp == targettimestamp then
- report ("log", 3, "db", "Font %q already read.", basename)
+ report ("log", 3, "db", "Font %q already read.", fullname)
return false
@@ -1570,7 +1571,7 @@ local compare_timestamps = function (fullname,
targetentrystatus.index [targetindex + 1] = location
- report ("log", 3, "db", "Font %q already indexed.", basename)
+ report ("log", 3, "db", "Font %q already indexed.", fullname)
return false
@@ -2034,22 +2035,22 @@ end
local scan_dir = function (dirname, currentnames, targetnames,
dry_run, location)
if lpegmatch (p_blacklist, dirname) then
- report ("both", 3, "db",
+ report ("both", 4, "db",
"Skipping blacklisted directory %s", dirname)
--- ignore
return 0, 0
local found = find_font_files (dirname, location ~= "texmf")
if not found then
- report ("both", 3, "db",
+ report ("both", 4, "db",
"No such directory: %q; skipping.", dirname)
return 0, 0
- report ("both", 3, "db", "Scanning directory %s", dirname)
+ report ("both", 4, "db", "Scanning directory %s", dirname)
local n_new = 0 --- total of fonts collected
local n_found = #found
- report ("both", 4, "db", "%d font files detected", n_found)
+ report ("both", 5, "db", "%d font files detected", n_found)
for j=1, n_found do
local fullname = found[j]
fullname = path_normalize(fullname)
@@ -2059,7 +2060,7 @@ local scan_dir = function (dirname, currentnames, targetnames,
"Would have been extracting metadata from %q",
- report ("both", 4, "db",
+ report ("both", 5, "db",
"Extracting metadata from font %q", fullname)
local new = read_font_names (fullname, currentnames,
targetnames, location)
@@ -2069,7 +2070,7 @@ local scan_dir = function (dirname, currentnames, targetnames,
- report("both", 4, "db", "%d fonts found in '%s'", n_found, dirname)
+ report("both", 5, "db", "%d fonts found in '%s'", n_found, dirname)
return n_found, n_new
@@ -2488,7 +2489,7 @@ local generate_filedata = function (mappings)
if inbase then
local present = inbase [basename]
if present then
- report ("both", 3, "db",
+ report ("both", 4, "db",
"Conflicting basename: %q already indexed \z
in category %s, ignoring.",
barename, location)
@@ -2518,7 +2519,7 @@ local generate_filedata = function (mappings)
if inbare then
local present = inbare [barename]
if present then
- report ("both", 3, "db",
+ report ("both", 4, "db",
"Conflicting barename: %q already indexed \z
in category %s/%s, ignoring.",
barename, location, format)
@@ -2559,6 +2560,7 @@ local generate_filedata = function (mappings)
return filenames
local retrieve_namedata = function (currentnames,
@@ -2579,6 +2581,129 @@ local retrieve_namedata = function (currentnames,
return n_rawnames, n_newnames
+--- dbobj -> stats
+local collect_statistics = function (mappings)
+ local sum_dsnsize, n_dsnsize = 0, 0
+ local fullname, family = { }, { }
+ local subfamily, prefmodifiers, fontstyle_name = { }, { }, { }
+ local addtohash = function (hash, item)
+ if item then
+ local times = hash [item]
+ if times then
+ hash [item] = times + 1
+ else
+ hash [item] = 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local setsize = function (set)
+ local n = 0
+ for _, _ in next, set do
+ n = n + 1
+ end
+ return n
+ end
+ local hashsum = function (hash)
+ local n = 0
+ for _, m in next, hash do
+ n = n + m
+ end
+ return n
+ end
+ for _, entry in next, mappings do
+ local style =
+ local names = entry.names.sanitized
+ local englishnames = names.english
+ addtohash (fullname, englishnames.fullname)
+ addtohash (family,
+ addtohash (subfamily, englishnames.subfamily)
+ addtohash (prefmodifiers, englishnames.prefmodifiers)
+ addtohash (fontstyle_name, names.fontstyle_name)
+ local sizeinfo =
+ if sizeinfo then
+ sum_dsnsize = sum_dsnsize + sizeinfo [1]
+ n_dsnsize = n_dsnsize + 1
+ end
+ end
+ local n_fullname = setsize (fullname)
+ local n_family = setsize (family)
+ if logs.get_loglevel () > 1 then
+ report ("both", 0, "", "~~~~ font index statistics ~~~~")
+ report ("both", 0, "db",
+ " · Collected %d fonts (%d names) in %d families.",
+ #mappings, n_fullname, n_family)
+ local pprint_top = function (hash, n)
+ local freqs = { }
+ local items = { }
+ for item, freq in next, hash do
+ local ifreq = items [freq]
+ if ifreq then
+ ifreq [#ifreq + 1] = item
+ else
+ items [freq] = { item }
+ freqs [#freqs + 1] = freq
+ end
+ end
+ tablesort (freqs)
+ local from = #freqs
+ local to = from - (n - 1)
+ if to < 1 then
+ to = 1
+ end
+ for i = from, to, -1 do
+ local freq = freqs [i]
+ local itemlist = items [freq]
+ report ("both", 0, "db",
+ " · %4d × %s.",
+ freq, tableconcat (itemlist, ", "))
+ end
+ end
+ report ("both", 0, "db",
+ " · %d different “subfamily” kinds",
+ setsize (subfamily))
+ pprint_top (subfamily, 4)
+ report ("both", 0, "db",
+ " · %d different “prefmodifiers” kinds",
+ setsize (prefmodifiers))
+ pprint_top (prefmodifiers, 4)
+ report ("both", 0, "db",
+ " · %d different “fontstyle_name” kinds",
+ setsize (fontstyle_name))
+ pprint_top (fontstyle_name, 4)
+ end
+ return {
+ mean_dsnsize = sum_dsnsize / n_dsnsize,
+ names = {
+ fullname = n_fullname,
+ families = n_family,
+ },
+-- style = {
+-- subfamily = subfamily,
+-- prefmodifiers = prefmodifiers,
+-- fontstyle_name = fontstyle_name,
+-- },
+ }
--- force: dictate rebuild from scratch
--- dry_dun: don’t write to the db, just scan dirs
@@ -2625,6 +2750,7 @@ update_names = function (currentnames, force, dry_run)
+ targetnames.meta.statistics = collect_statistics (targetnames.mappings)
--- we always generate the file lookup tables because
--- non-texmf entries are redirected there and the mapping
diff --git a/luaotfload-override.lua b/luaotfload-override.lua
index 8e467d5..0609541 100644
--- a/luaotfload-override.lua
+++ b/luaotfload-override.lua
@@ -144,8 +144,10 @@ logs.set_logout = set_logout
local log = function (category, fmt, ...)
local res = { module_name, "|", category, ":" }
- if fmt then res[#res+1] = stringformat(fmt, ...) end
- texiowrite_nl(logout, tableconcat(res, " "))
+ if fmt then
+ res [#res + 1] = stringformat (fmt, ...)
+ end
+ texiowrite_nl (logout, tableconcat(res, " "))
--- with faux db update with maximum verbosity: