#!/usr/bin/env texlua --[===[-- whatsnew.lua -- Scan Context for changes in Lua libraries. Part of the Lualibs package. https://github.com/lualatex/lualibs Copyright 2013 Philipp Gesang License: GPL v2.0 --]===]-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------- local prefixsep = "-" local namespace = "lualibs" local luasuffix = ".lua" local basedir = "/home/phg/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base" local cmd_diff = [[diff "%s" "%s"]] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- locals ----------------------------------------------------------------------- local iopopen = io.popen local stringexplode = string.explode local stringformat = string.format local stringsub = string.sub local tableunpack = table.unpack ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- files ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- (prefix, keep) hash_t local namespaces = { { "l" , false }, { "util" , true }, { "trac" , true }, } --- (prefix, name list) hash_t local filenames = { ["l"] = { "boolean", "dir", "file", "function", "gzip", "io", "lpeg", "lua", "math", "md5", "number", "os", "package", "set", "string", "table", "unicode", "url", }, ["trac"] = { "inf" }, ["util"] = { "deb", "dim", "jsn", "lua", "prs", "sta", "sto", "str", "tab", "tpl", }, } ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- helpers ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- string -> string -> bool -> (string, string) local mknames = function (pfx, name, keeppfx) local libname = basedir .. "/" .. pfx .. prefixsep .. name .. luasuffix local ourname = prefixsep .. name .. luasuffix if keeppfx == true then ourname = prefixsep .. pfx .. ourname end ourname = namespace .. ourname ourname = "./" .. ourname return ourname, libname end --- string -> (int * int) local count_changes = function (str) local added, removed = 0, 0 for n, line in next, stringexplode(str, "\n") do local first = stringsub(line, 1, 1) if first == "<" then removed = removed + 1 elseif first == ">" then added = added + 1 end end return added, removed end --- string -> string -> (int * int) local run_diff = function (f1, f2) local cmd = stringformat(cmd_diff, f1, f2) local res = iopopen(cmd, "r") local dat = res:read"*all" res:close() return count_changes(dat) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --- main ----------------------------------------------------------------------- local libs_done = 0 local total_added = 0 local total_removed = 0 for n, namespace in next, namespaces do local pfx, keeppfx = tableunpack(namespace) local libs = filenames[pfx] for i=1, #libs do libs_done = libs_done + 1 local current = libs[i] local from, to = mknames(pfx, current, keeppfx) if lfs.isfile(from) and lfs.isfile(to) then local added, removed = run_diff (from, to) if added > 0 or removed > 0 then total_added = total_added + added total_removed = total_removed + removed print(stringformat( "(library %q (plus %d) (minus %d))", from, added, removed )) end else if not lfs.isfile(from) then print("cannot read file", from) elseif not lfs.isfile(to) then print("cannot read file", to) end goto fail end end end ::done:: if total_added == 0 and total_removed == 0 then print "stagnation" else print(stringformat( "(progress (n-files %d) (added %d) (removed %d))", libs_done, total_added, total_removed )) end os.exit(0) ::fail:: print "fatal error" os.exit(1)