--  This is file `lualibs-extended.lua',
module('lualibs-extended', package.seeall)

local lualibs_extended_module = {
  name          = "lualibs-extended",
  version       = 1.01,
  date          = "2013/04/10",
  description   = "Basic Lua extensions, meta package.",
  author        = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL & Elie Roux",
  copyright     = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
  license       = "See ConTeXt's mreadme.pdf for the license",

local find_file, error, warn, info
if luatexbase and luatexbase.provides_module then
  error, warn, info = luatexbase.provides_module(lualibs_extended_module)
  error, warn, info = texio.write_nl, texio.write_nl, texio.write_nl -- stub

local stringformat  = string.format
local loadmodule    = lualibs.loadmodule
local texiowrite    = texio.write
local texiowrite_nl = texio.write_nl

Here we define some functions that fake the elaborate logging/tracking
mechanism Context provides.
local error, logger, mklog
if luatexbase and luatexbase.provides_module then
  --- TODO test how those work out when running tex
  local __error,_,_,__logger =
  error  = __error
  logger = __logger
  mklog = function ( ) return logger end
  local stringformat  = string.format
  mklog = function (t)
    local prefix = stringformat("[%s] ", t)
    return function (...)
      texiowrite   (stringformat(...))
  error  = mklog"ERROR"
  logger = mklog"INFO"

We temporarily put our own global table in place and restore whatever
we overloaded afterwards.

\CONTEXT\ modules each have a custom logging mechanism that can be
enabled for debugging.
In order to fake the presence of this facility we need to define at
least the function \verb|logs.reporter|.
For now it’s sufficient to make it a reference to \verb|mklog| as
defined above.

local dummy_function = function ( ) end
local newline        = function ( ) texiowrite_nl"" end

local fake_logs = function (name)
  return {
    name     = name,
    enable   = dummy_function,
    disable  = dummy_function,
    reporter = mklog,
    newline  = newline

local fake_trackers = function (name)
  return {
    name     = name,
    enable   = dummy_function,
    disable  = dummy_function,
    register = mklog,
    newline  = newline,

Among the libraries loaded is \verb|util-env.lua|, which adds
\CONTEXT’s own, superior command line argument handler.
Packages that rely on their own handling of arguments might not be
aware of this, or the library might have been loaded by another package
For these cases we provide a copy of the original \verb|arg| list and
restore it after we are done loading.

local backup_store = { }

local fake_context = function ( )
  if _G.logs     then backup_store.logs     = _G.logs     end
  if _G.trackers then backup_store.trackers = _G.trackers end
  _G.logs     = fake_logs"logs"
  _G.trackers = fake_trackers"trackers"

  backup_store.argv = table.fastcopy(_G.arg)

Restore a backed up logger if appropriate.
local unfake_context = function ( )
  if backup_store then
    local bl, bt = backup_store.logs, backup_store.trackers
    local argv   = backup_store.argv
    if bl   then _G.logs     = bl   end
    if bt   then _G.trackers = bt   end
    if argv then _G.arg      = argv end


local res
if lualibs.prefer_merged then
  res = loadmodule('lualibs-extended-merged.lua')
  info"Ignoring merged packages."

if not res then
  info(stringformat("Falling back to “%s”.", basename))
  loadmodule("lualibs-util-str.lua")--- string formatters (fast)
  loadmodule("lualibs-util-tab.lua")--- extended table operations
  loadmodule("lualibs-util-sto.lua")--- storage (hash allocation)
  ----------("lualibs-util-pck.lua")---!packers; necessary?
  ----------("lualibs-util-seq.lua")---!sequencers (function chaining)
  ----------("lualibs-util-mrg.lua")---!only relevant in mtx-package
  loadmodule("lualibs-util-prs.lua")--- miscellaneous parsers; cool. cool cool cool
  ----------("lualibs-util-fmt.lua")---!column formatter (rarely used)
  loadmodule("lualibs-util-dim.lua")--- conversions between dimensions
  ----------("lualibs-util-jsn.lua")--- JSON parser

  ----------("lualibs-trac-set.lua")---!generalization of trackers
  loadmodule("lualibs-trac-inf.lua")--- timing/statistics
  loadmodule("lualibs-util-lua.lua")--- operations on lua bytecode
  loadmodule("lualibs-util-deb.lua")--- extra debugging
  loadmodule("lualibs-util-tpl.lua")--- templating
  loadmodule("lualibs-util-sta.lua")--- stacker (for writing pdf)
  -------------------------------------!data-* -- Context specific
  ----------("lualibs-util-lib.lua")---!swiglib; there is a luatex-swiglib
  loadmodule("lualibs-util-env.lua")--- environment arguments

loadmodule"lualibs-util-jsn.lua"--- cannot be merged because of return statement

unfake_context() --- TODO check if this works at runtime

-- vim:tw=71:sw=2:ts=2:expandtab
--  End of File `lualibs-extended.lua'.