path: root/luaextra.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'luaextra.lua')
1 files changed, 606 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/luaextra.lua b/luaextra.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e292d70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/luaextra.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+local module = {
+ name = "luaextra",
+ version = 0.9,
+ date = "2009/03/19",
+ description = "Additions to the default lua library.",
+ author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL & Elie Roux",
+ copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
+ license = "GPLv2",
+string.chr_to_esc = {
+ ["%"] = "%%",
+ ["."] = "%.", ["*"] = "%*",
+ ["+"] = "%+", ["-"] = "%-",
+ ["^"] = "%^", ["$"] = "%$",
+ ["["] = "%[", ["]"] = "%]",
+ ["("] = "%(", [")"] = "%)",
+ ["{"] = "%{", ["}"] = "%}"
+function string:esc() -- variant 2
+ return (self:gsub("(.)",string.chr_to_esc))
+function string:count(pattern)
+ local n = 0
+ for _ in self:gmatch(pattern) do
+ n = n + 1
+ end
+ return n
+function string:stripspaces()
+ return (self:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
+function string.is_boolean(str)
+ if type(str) == "string" then
+ if str == "true" or str == "yes" or str == "on" or str == "t" then
+ return true
+ elseif str == "false" or str == "no" or str == "off" or str == "f" then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+function string.is_number(str)
+ return str:find("^[%-%+]?[%d]-%.?[%d+]$") == 1
+ = lpeg.S(" \t\f\v")
+lpeg.newline = lpeg.P("\r\n") + lpeg.P("\r") +lpeg.P("\n")
+if not table.fastcopy then do
+ local type, pairs, getmetatable, setmetatable = type, pairs, getmetatable, setmetatable
+ local function fastcopy(old) -- fast one
+ if old then
+ local new = { }
+ for k,v in pairs(old) do
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ new[k] = fastcopy(v) -- was just table.copy
+ else
+ new[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ local mt = getmetatable(old)
+ if mt then
+ setmetatable(new,mt)
+ end
+ return new
+ else
+ return { }
+ end
+ end
+ table.fastcopy = fastcopy
+end end
+if not table.copy then do
+ local type, pairs, getmetatable, setmetatable = type, pairs, getmetatable, setmetatable
+ local function copy(t, tables) -- taken from lua wiki, slightly adapted
+ tables = tables or { }
+ local tcopy = {}
+ if not tables[t] then
+ tables[t] = tcopy
+ end
+ for i,v in pairs(t) do -- brrr, what happens with sparse indexed
+ if type(i) == "table" then
+ if tables[i] then
+ i = tables[i]
+ else
+ i = copy(i, tables)
+ end
+ end
+ if type(v) ~= "table" then
+ tcopy[i] = v
+ elseif tables[v] then
+ tcopy[i] = tables[v]
+ else
+ tcopy[i] = copy(v, tables)
+ end
+ end
+ local mt = getmetatable(t)
+ if mt then
+ setmetatable(tcopy,mt)
+ end
+ return tcopy
+ end
+ table.copy = copy
+end end
+function table.sortedkeys(tab)
+ local srt, kind = { }, 0 -- 0=unknown 1=string, 2=number 3=mixed
+ for key,_ in pairs(tab) do
+ srt[#srt+1] = key
+ if kind == 3 then
+ -- no further check
+ else
+ local tkey = type(key)
+ if tkey == "string" then
+ -- if kind == 2 then kind = 3 else kind = 1 end
+ kind = (kind == 2 and 3) or 1
+ elseif tkey == "number" then
+ -- if kind == 1 then kind = 3 else kind = 2 end
+ kind = (kind == 1 and 3) or 2
+ else
+ kind = 3
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if kind == 0 or kind == 3 then
+ table.sort(srt,function(a,b) return (tostring(a) < tostring(b)) end)
+ else
+ table.sort(srt)
+ end
+ return srt
+ table.serialize_functions = true
+ table.serialize_compact = true
+ table.serialize_inline = true
+ local function key(k)
+ if type(k) == "number" then -- or k:find("^%d+$") then
+ return "["..k.."]"
+ elseif noquotes and k:find("^%a[%a%d%_]*$") then
+ return k
+ else
+ return '["'..k..'"]'
+ end
+ end
+ local function simple_table(t)
+ if #t > 0 then
+ local n = 0
+ for _,v in pairs(t) do
+ n = n + 1
+ end
+ if n == #t then
+ local tt = { }
+ for i=1,#t do
+ local v = t[i]
+ local tv = type(v)
+ if tv == "number" or tv == "boolean" then
+ tt[#tt+1] = tostring(v)
+ elseif tv == "string" then
+ tt[#tt+1] = ("%q"):format(v)
+ else
+ tt = nil
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return tt
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ local function serialize(root,name,handle,depth,level,reduce,noquotes,indexed)
+ handle = handle or print
+ reduce = reduce or false
+ if depth then
+ depth = depth .. " "
+ if indexed then
+ handle(("%s{"):format(depth))
+ else
+ handle(("%s%s={"):format(depth,key(name)))
+ end
+ else
+ depth = ""
+ local tname = type(name)
+ if tname == "string" then
+ if name == "return" then
+ handle("return {")
+ else
+ handle(name .. "={")
+ end
+ elseif tname == "number" then
+ handle("[" .. name .. "]={")
+ elseif tname == "boolean" then
+ if name then
+ handle("return {")
+ else
+ handle("{")
+ end
+ else
+ handle("t={")
+ end
+ end
+ if root and next(root) then
+ local compact = table.serialize_compact
+ local inline = compact and table.serialize_inline
+ local first, last = nil, 0 -- #root cannot be trusted here
+ if compact then
+ for k,v in ipairs(root) do -- NOT: for k=1,#root do (why)
+ if not first then first = k end
+ last = last + 1
+ end
+ end
+ for _,k in pairs(table.sortedkeys(root)) do
+ local v = root[k]
+ local t = type(v)
+ if compact and first and type(k) == "number" and k >= first and k <= last then
+ if t == "number" then
+ handle(("%s %s,"):format(depth,v))
+ elseif t == "string" then
+ if reduce and (v:find("^[%-%+]?[%d]-%.?[%d+]$") == 1) then
+ handle(("%s %s,"):format(depth,v))
+ else
+ handle(("%s %q,"):format(depth,v))
+ end
+ elseif t == "table" then
+ if not next(v) then
+ handle(("%s {},"):format(depth))
+ elseif inline then
+ local st = simple_table(v)
+ if st then
+ handle(("%s { %s },"):format(depth,table.concat(st,", ")))
+ else
+ serialize(v,k,handle,depth,level+1,reduce,noquotes,true)
+ end
+ else
+ serialize(v,k,handle,depth,level+1,reduce,noquotes,true)
+ end
+ elseif t == "boolean" then
+ handle(("%s %s,"):format(depth,tostring(v)))
+ elseif t == "function" then
+ if table.serialize_functions then
+ handle(('%s loadstring(%q),'):format(depth,string.dump(v)))
+ else
+ handle(('%s "function",'):format(depth))
+ end
+ else
+ handle(("%s %q,"):format(depth,tostring(v)))
+ end
+ elseif k == "__p__" then -- parent
+ if false then
+ handle(("%s __p__=nil,"):format(depth))
+ end
+ elseif t == "number" then
+ handle(("%s %s=%s,"):format(depth,key(k),v))
+ elseif t == "string" then
+ if reduce and (v:find("^[%-%+]?[%d]-%.?[%d+]$") == 1) then
+ handle(("%s %s=%s,"):format(depth,key(k),v))
+ else
+ handle(("%s %s=%q,"):format(depth,key(k),v))
+ end
+ elseif t == "table" then
+ if not next(v) then
+ handle(("%s %s={},"):format(depth,key(k)))
+ elseif inline then
+ local st = simple_table(v)
+ if st then
+ handle(("%s %s={ %s },"):format(depth,key(k),table.concat(st,", ")))
+ else
+ serialize(v,k,handle,depth,level+1,reduce,noquotes)
+ end
+ else
+ serialize(v,k,handle,depth,level+1,reduce,noquotes)
+ end
+ elseif t == "boolean" then
+ handle(("%s %s=%s,"):format(depth,key(k),tostring(v)))
+ elseif t == "function" then
+ if table.serialize_functions then
+ handle(('%s %s=loadstring(%q),'):format(depth,key(k),string.dump(v)))
+ else
+ handle(('%s %s="function",'):format(depth,key(k)))
+ end
+ else
+ handle(("%s %s=%q,"):format(depth,key(k),tostring(v)))
+ -- handle(('%s %s=loadstring(%q),'):format(depth,key(k),string.dump(function() return v end)))
+ end
+ end
+ if level > 0 then
+ handle(("%s},"):format(depth))
+ else
+ handle(("%s}"):format(depth))
+ end
+ else
+ handle(("%s}"):format(depth))
+ end
+ end
+ function table.serialize(root,name,reduce,noquotes)
+ local t = { }
+ local function flush(s)
+ t[#t+1] = s
+ end
+ serialize(root, name, flush, nil, 0, reduce, noquotes)
+ return table.concat(t,"\n")
+ end
+ function table.tostring(t, name)
+ return table.serialize(t, name)
+ end
+ function table.tohandle(handle,root,name,reduce,noquotes)
+ serialize(root, name, handle, nil, 0, reduce, noquotes)
+ end
+ -- sometimes tables are real use (zapfino extra pro is some 85M) in which
+ -- case a stepwise serialization is nice; actually, we could consider:
+ --
+ -- for line in table.serializer(root,name,reduce,noquotes) do
+ -- ...(line)
+ -- end
+ --
+ -- so this is on the todo list
+ table.tofile_maxtab = 2*1024
+ function table.tofile(filename,root,name,reduce,noquotes)
+ local f =,'w')
+ if f then
+ local concat = table.concat
+ local maxtab = table.tofile_maxtab
+ if maxtab > 1 then
+ local t = { }
+ local function flush(s)
+ t[#t+1] = s
+ if #t > maxtab then
+ f:write(concat(t,"\n"),"\n") -- hm, write(sometable) should be nice
+ t = { }
+ end
+ end
+ serialize(root, name, flush, nil, 0, reduce, noquotes)
+ f:write(concat(t,"\n"),"\n")
+ else
+ local function flush(s)
+ f:write(s,"\n")
+ end
+ serialize(root, name, flush, nil, 0, reduce, noquotes)
+ end
+ f:close()
+ end
+ end
+function table.tohash(t)
+ local h = { }
+ for _, v in pairs(t) do -- no ipairs here
+ h[v] = true
+ end
+ return h
+function table.fromhash(t)
+ local h = { }
+ for k, v in pairs(t) do -- no ipairs here
+ if v then h[#h+1] = k end
+ end
+ return h
+function table.contains_value(t, val)
+ if t then
+ for k, v in pairs(t) do
+ if v==val then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function table.contains_key(t, key)
+ if t then
+ for k, v in pairs(t) do
+ if k==key then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function table.value_position(t, val)
+ if t then
+ local i=1
+ for k, v in pairs(t) do
+ if v==val then
+ return i
+ end
+ i=i+1
+ end
+ end
+ return 0
+function table.key_position(t, key)
+ if t then
+ local i=1
+ for k,v in pairs(t) do
+ if k==key then
+ return i
+ end
+ i = i+1
+ end
+ end
+ return 0
+function table.remove_value(t, v)
+ table.remove(t, table.value_position(t,v))
+function table.remove_key(t, k)
+ table.remove(t, table.key_position(t,k))
+function table.reverse_hash(h)
+ local r = { }
+ for k,v in next, h do
+ r[v] = string.lower(string.gsub(k," ",""))
+ end
+ return r
+function table.is_empty(t)
+ return not t or not next(t)
+function io.loaddata(filename)
+ local f =,'rb')
+ if f then
+ local data = f:read('*all')
+ f:close()
+ return data
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+function io.savedata(filename,data,joiner)
+ local f =, "wb")
+ if f then
+ if type(data) == "table" then
+ f:write(table.join(data,joiner or ""))
+ elseif type(data) == "function" then
+ data(f)
+ else
+ f:write(data)
+ end
+ f:close()
+ end
+fpath = { }
+function fpath.removesuffix(filename)
+ return filename:gsub("%.[%a%d]+$", "")
+function fpath.addsuffix(filename, suffix)
+ if not filename:find("%.[%a%d]+$") then
+ return filename .. "." .. suffix
+ else
+ return filename
+ end
+function fpath.replacesuffix(filename, suffix)
+ if not filename:find("%.[%a%d]+$") then
+ return filename .. "." .. suffix
+ else
+ return (filename:gsub("%.[%a%d]+$","."..suffix))
+ end
+function fpath.dirname(name)
+ return name:match("^(.+)[/\\].-$") or ""
+function fpath.basename(fname)
+ if not fname then
+ return nil
+ end
+ return fname:match("^.+[/\\](.-)$") or fname
+function fpath.nameonly(name)
+ return ((name:match("^.+[/\\](.-)$") or name):gsub("%..*$",""))
+function fpath.suffix(name)
+ return name:match("^.+%.([^/\\]-)$") or ""
+function fpath.stripsuffix(name)
+ return (name:gsub("%.[%a%d]+$",""))
+function fpath.join(...)
+ local pth = table.concat({...},"/")
+ pth = pth:gsub("\\","/")
+ local a, b = pth:match("^(.*://)(.*)$")
+ if a and b then
+ return a .. b:gsub("//+","/")
+ end
+ a, b = pth:match("^(//)(.*)$")
+ if a and b then
+ return a .. b:gsub("//+","/")
+ end
+ return (pth:gsub("//+","/"))
+function fpath.split(str)
+ local t = { }
+ str = str:gsub("\\", "/")
+ str = str:gsub("(%a):([;/])", "%1\001%2")
+ for name in str:gmatch("([^;:]+)") do
+ if name ~= "" then
+ name = name:gsub("\001",":")
+ t[#t+1] = name
+ end
+ end
+ return t
+function fpath.normalize_sep(str)
+ return str:gsub("\\", "/")
+function fpath.localize_sep(str)
+ if os.type == 'windows' or type == 'msdos' then
+ return str:gsub("/", "\\")
+ else
+ return str:gsub("\\", "/")
+ end
+function fpath.join(tab)
+ return table.concat(tab,io.pathseparator) -- can have trailing //
+-- should be made with lfs.attributes
+function lfs.is_writable(name)
+ local f =, 'w')
+ if f then
+ f:close()
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+function lfs.is_readable(name)
+ local f =,'r')
+ if f then
+ f:close()
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+if not math.round then
+ function math.round(x)
+ return math.floor(x + 0.5)
+ end
+if not math.div then
+ function math.div(n,m)
+ return floor(n/m)
+ end
+if not math.mod then
+ function math.mod(n,m)
+ return n % m
+ end