-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FILE: mtx-t-enigma.lua -- USAGE: mtxrun --script enigma --setup="s" --text="t" -- DESCRIPTION: context script interface for the Enigma module -- REQUIREMENTS: latest ConTeXt MkIV -- AUTHOR: Philipp Gesang (Phg), -- CREATED: 2012-02-25 10:45:39+0100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- environment.loadluafile("enigma") local helpinfo = [[ =============================================================== The Enigma module, command line interface. © 2012 Philipp Gesang. License: 2-clause BSD. Home: =============================================================== USAGE: mtxrun --script enigma --setup="settings" --text="text" --verbose=int where the settings are to be specified as a comma-delimited conjunction of “key=value” statements, and “text” refers to the text to be encoded. Note that due to the involutory design of the enigma cipher, the text can be both plaintext and ciphertext. =============================================================== ]] local application = logs.application { name = "mtx-t-enigma", banner = "The Enigma for ConTeXt, hg-rev 9+", helpinfo = helpinfo, } local ea = environment.argument local setup, text = ea"setup" or ea"s", ea"text" or ea"t" local verbose = ea"verbose" or ea"v" local out = function (str) io.write(str) end if setup and text then local machine = enigma.new_machine(enigma.parse_args(setup)) machine.name = "external" local result = machine:encode_string(text) if result then out(result) else application.help() end else application.help() end