\usemodule [enigma] \usetypescript [iwona] \setupbodyfont [iwona,20pt] \defineenigma [nilsettings] \setupenigma [nilsettings] [ %% a machine with vanilla settings other_chars = no, day_key = I II III 01 01 01, rotor_setting = aaa, spacing = yes, verbose = 3, ] \defineenigma [othernilsettings] [nilsettings] \defineenigma [secretmessage] \setupenigma [secretmessage] [ other_chars = yes, day_key = B V III II 12 03 01 GI JV KZ WM PU QY AD CN ET FL, rotor_setting = ben, ] \defineenigma [othersecretmessage] [secretmessage] \defineenigma [othermessage] [secretmessage] \setupenigma [othermessage] [other_chars=wrong] \starttext \placefigure{Enigma output and its reversal using nil settings}{ \framed [width=.7\hsize,frame=off,align=middle]{ \startnilsettings aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aa \stopnilsettings \startothernilsettings bdzgo wcxlt ksbtm cdlpb muqof xyhcx tgyjf linhn xs \stopothernilsettings } } \startsecretmessage føo bąr baž \stopsecretmessage \startothersecretmessage iøtyąwqiž \stopothersecretmessage \startothermessage føo bąr baž \stopothermessage \stoptext % vim:ft=context:tw=71:ts=2:sw=2:expandtab