\starttext The sample directory contains a few files with quotes that can be used while testing styles. I'll complete this file when I've reorganized my books and audio cd's. If someone makes a nice bibtex file of these, the quotes can also be used in testing bibliographic references and citations. \starttabulate[|l|l|p|] \NC \bf file \NC \bf author \NC \bf source \NC \NR \HL %NC stork.tex \NC David F. Stork \NC \NC \NR \NC knuth.tex \NC Donald E. Knuth \NC \NC \NR \NC tufte.tex \NC Edward R. Tufte \NC \NC \NR \NC reich.tex \NC Steve Reich \NC City Life (1995) \NC \NR \NC materie.tex \NC Louis Andriessen \NC De Materie \NC \NR \NC douglas.tex \NC Douglas R. Hofstadter \NC \NC \NR \NC dawkins.tex \NC Dawkins \NC \NC \NR \NC ward.tex \NC Peter D. Ward \NC The Life and Death of Planet Earth \NC \NR \NC zapf.tex \NC Hermann Zapf \NC About micro-typography and the hz-program, Electronic Publishing, vol. 6(3), 283-288 (September 1993) \NC \NR \NC bryson.tex \NC Bill Bryson \NC A Short History of Nearly Everything, Random House, 2003 \NC \NR \NC davis.tex \NC Kenneth C. Davis \NC Don't Know Much About History, Everything You Need to Know About American History but Never Learned, HarperCollins, 2003 \NC \NR \NC thuan.tex \NC Trinh Xuan Thuan \NC Chaos and Harmony, Perspectives on Scientific Revolutions of the Twentieth Century, Oxford University Press, 2001 \NC \NR \NC hawking.tex \NC Steve W. Hawking \NC The Universe in a Nutshell, Bantam Books Random House, 2001 \NC \NR \NC linden.tex \NC Eugene Linden \NC The Winds of Change, Climate, Weather, and the Destruction of Civilizations, Simon \& Schuster, 2006, p.106 \NC \NR \NC weisman.tex \NC Alan Weisman \NC The World Without Us, Thomas Dunne Books, 2007, p.160 \NC \NR \NC montgomery.tex \NC David R Montgomery \NC Dirt, The Erosion of Civilizations, University of California Press, 2007, p.199 \NC \NR \NC carrol.tex \NC Sean B. Carrol \NC The Making of the Fittest, Quercus, London, 2006 \NC \NR %NC schwarzenegger.tex \NC Arnold Schwarzenegger \NC Several places on the World Wide Web. \NC \NR \NC carey.tex \NC Nessa Carey \NC The Epigenetics Revolution, Columbia University Press, 2012, p. 195 \NC \NR \NC waltham.tex \NC David Waltham \NC Lucky Planet, why earth is exceptional and what that means for life in the universe, Icon Books Ltd, London, 2014, p. 168 \NC \NR \stoptabulate % Tufte: This quote will always produce hyphenated text, apart from the content, % it's a pretty good test case for protruding. % Reich: This is a list of the voice samples from Steve Reich's 1995 composition City Life. % Ward: I should find a quote in the extremely well written Rare Earth as well. All Wards % books excell. % A Short History of Nearly Everything: I wish that I had the memory to remember this book % verbatim. % Chaos and Harmony: very nice and well written book, but the typography is rather bad: % quite visible inter-character spacing in a text that can be typeset quite well by \TeX. % The Universe in a Nutshell: a beautiful designed book, (companion of A Short History % of Time). % The World Without Us: A properly typeset, very readable book. Read it and you'll look at % the world around you differently (and a bit more freightened). % Dirt, The Erosion of Civilizations: one of those books that you buy immediately after % reading a few sentences. Also one of those books that every politician should read. % The Making of the Fittest: nice sample for color and subsentence testing. A very % readable book but unfortunately it has inter-character spacing. % The Schwarzenegger letter was originally typeset at a width equivalent to 16.1cm in % a default ConTeXt setup. \stoptext