% generated by mtxrun --script pattern --convert % Adapted to the new pattern-loading scheme. % Original file name was nbhyph.tex % TeX hyphenation patterns for Norwegian Bokmal % % Version 2007-02-10 % % Copyright (C) 2007 Karl Ove Hufthammer. % Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, % are permitted in any medium without royalty, provided the copyright % notice and this notice are preserved. % % This file contains hyphenation patterns for Norwegian Bokmal. % It uses the Norwegian hyphenation patterns from nohyphbx.tex, % created by Rune Kleveland and Ole Michael Selberg. Please see % that file for copyright information on those patterns. % % The patterns in nohyphbx are based on both Norwegian Bokmal % and Norwegian Nynorsk, and works about equally well for both % languages. This file, nbhyph.tex, contains only a few hyphenation % exceptions, for words that needs to be hyphenated differently for % the two languages. % % Please send bugs or suggestions to karl@huftis.org. % % This file is part of hyph-utf8 package and resulted from % semi-manual conversions of hyphenation patterns into UTF-8 in June 2008. % % Source: nohyphbx.tex (2007-02-07) % Author: % % The above mentioned file should become obsolete, % and the author of the original file should preferaby modify this file instead. % % Modificatios were needed in order to support native UTF-8 engines, % but functionality (hopefully) didn't change in any way, at least not intentionally. % This file is no longer stand-alone; at least for 8-bit engines % you probably want to use loadhyph-foo.tex (which will load this file) instead. % % Modifications were done by Jonathan Kew, Mojca Miklavec & Arthur Reutenauer % with help & support from: % - Karl Berry, who gave us free hands and all resources % - Taco Hoekwater, with useful macros % - Hans Hagen, who did the unicodifisation of patterns already long before % and helped with testing, suggestions and bug reports % - Norbert Preining, who tested & integrated patterns into TeX Live % % However, the "copyright/copyleft" owner of patterns remains the original author. % % The copyright statement of this file is thus: % % Do with this file whatever needs to be done in future for the sake of % "a better world" as long as you respect the copyright of original file. % If you're the original author of patterns or taking over a new revolution, % plese remove all of the TUG comments & credits that we added here - % you are the Queen / the King, we are only the servants. % % If you want to change this file, rather than uploading directly to CTAN, % we would be grateful if you could send it to us (http://tug.org/tex-hyphen) % or ask for credentials for SVN repository and commit it yourself; % we will then upload the whole "package" to CTAN. % % Before a new "pattern-revolution" starts, % please try to follow some guidelines if possible: % % - \lccode is *forbidden*, and I really mean it % - all the patterns should be in UTF-8 % - the only "allowed" TeX commands in this file are: \patterns, \hyphenation, % and if you really cannot do without, also \input and \message % - in particular, please no \catcode or \lccode changes, % they belong to loadhyph-foo.tex, % and no \lefthyphenmin and \righthyphenmin, % they have no influence here and belong elsewhere % - \begingroup and/or \endinput is not needed % - feel free to do whatever you want inside comments % % We know that TeX is extremely powerful, but give a stupid parser % at least a chance to read your patterns. % % For more unformation see % % http://tug.org/tex-hyphen % %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % % TeX hyphenation patterns for Norwegian % % version of 2007-02-07. % Patterns of January 25, 2005, with later additions and changes % % Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Rune Kleveland, Ole Michael Selberg. % Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, % are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright % notice and this notice are preserved. % % Please send bugs or suggestions to tex-live (at) tug.org. % % Originally generated by a script written by Rune Kleveland % from dictionaries available from % http://folk.uio.no/runekl/dictionary.html. % % Adjusted manually by Ole Michael Selberg to prevent % numerous wrong hyphenations, especially in compounds. % % Changes from the former version of 2005-06-29: % 388 new patterns. Some old patterns have been deleted or changed. % % In Kleveland's nohyphb.tex there are 26017 patterns. % This version of the revised nohyphbx.tex contains 27149 patterns % --- plus 45 exceptions in the \hyphenation-list % (which you may change to suit your personal needs). % % To load these hyphenation patterns the parameters % of TeX must have the following minimum values: % trie_size = 33385 % trie_op_size = 815 % (The corresponding values for nohyphb.tex are % trie_size = 31900 trie_op_size = 636) % If you want to load more than one set of hyphenation % patterns the parameters have to be set to a value % larger than or equal to the sum of all required values % for each set. % % Notes on other Norwegian hyphenation pattern files, from Dag Langmyhr, % tex-live mail of 29 Jun 2005 11:26:21 +0200. % nohyph.tex -- manually created by Ivar Aavatsmark and others; % hyphenate according to pre-1973 rules; no longer recommended for use. % (Sometimes also known as nohyph1.tex.) % nohyph2.tex -- created by Dag and a student; the present file, % nohyphbx.tex, is more extensive and is recommended. %