return { ["comment"]="% generated by mtxrun --script pattern --convert", ["exceptions"]={ ["n"]=0, }, ["metadata"]={ ["mnemonic"]="ml", ["source"]="hyph-ml", ["texcomment"]="% Malayalam hyphenation patterns\ % \ % (more info about the licence to be added later)\ % \ % These patterns originate from\ %\ % and have been adapted for hyph-utf8 (for use in TeX).\ %\ % Hyphenation for Malayalam\ % Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Santhosh Thottingal \ %\ % This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\ % modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public\ % License as published by the Free Software Foundation;\ % version 3 or later version of the License.\ %\ % This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\ % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\ % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU\ % Lesser General Public License for more details.\ %\ % You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public\ % License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software\ % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\ %\ % ", }, ["patterns"]={ ["characters"]="ംഃഅആഇഈഉഊഋഌഎഏഐഒഓഔകഖഗഘങചഛജഝഞടഠഡഢണതഥദധനപഫബഭമയരറലളഴവശഷസഹാിീുൂൃെേൈൊോൌ്ൗൠൡൺൻർൽൾൿ‌‍", ["data"]="2‍2 1‌1 1അ1 1ആ1 1ഇ1 1ഈ1 1ഉ1 1ഊ1 1ഋ1 1ൠ1 1ഌ1 1ൡ1 1എ1 1ഏ1 1ഐ1 1ഒ1 1ഓ1 1ഔ1 ാ1 ി1 ീ1 ു1 ൂ1 ൃ1 െ1 േ1 ൈ1 ൊ1 ോ1 ൌ1 ൗ1 1ക 1ഖ 1ഗ 1ഘ 1ങ 1ച 1ഛ 1ജ 1ഝ 1ഞ 1ട 1ഠ 1ഡ 1ഢ 1ണ 1ത 1ഥ 1ദ 1ധ 1ന 1പ 1ഫ 1ബ 1ഭ 1മ 1യ 1ര 1റ 1ല 1ള 1ഴ 1വ 1ശ 1ഷ 1സ 1ഹ 2ഃ1 2ം1 2്2 ന്2 ര്2 ള്2 ല്2 ക്2 ണ്2 2ന്‍ 2ല്‍ 2ള്‍ 2ണ്‍ 2ര്‍ 2ക്‍ 2ൺ 2ൻ 2ർ 2ൽ 2ൾ 2ൿ", ["length"]=514, ["minhyphenmax"]=1, ["minhyphenmin"]=1, ["n"]=88, }, ["version"]="1.001", }