% generated by mtxrun --script pattern --convert Latvian Hyphenation Patterns (more info about the licence to be added later) % This file is part if hyph-utf8 package and resulted from semi-manual % conversions of hyphenation patterns into UTF-8 in November 2008 by Mojca & % Arthur. % % This file is available under the term of the GNU GPL, version 2. % % Source: Latvian Lingucomponents for OpenOffice % Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/openoffice-lv % File: hyph_lv_lv.dic (version 0.3, 2005-09-14) % Author: Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Janis Vilims, jvilims@apollo.lv % License: Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL) 2.1 %