% generated by mtxrun --script pattern --convert Spanish Hyphenation Patterns (more info about the licence to be added later) % DIVISI'ON DE PALABRAS % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ % hyph-es.tex 4.6 % This files corresponds to eshyph.tex 4.6. % % (c) Javier Bezos 1993 1997. % (c) Javier Bezos and CervanTeX 2001-2010 % Some parts, (c) by Francesc Carmona % Licence: LPPL % % For further info, bug reports and comments: % % http://www.tex-tipografia.com/spanish_hyphen.html % % I would like to thanks Francesc Carmona for his permission % to steal parts of his work without restrictions. % % 2010-05-18 % % _____________________________________________________________ % Javier Bezos | http://www.cervantex.es/ % ............................................................. % TeX y tipografia | http://www.tex-tipografia.com/